Dean X Reader X Sam - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

How In The World? - BSM Winchesters x Reader

Summary: When you and the brothers were younger, Dean managed to do push ups with both his siblings on his back (obviously. Where else would they sit? His head?). Now when they’re older, you and Dean gets surprised as Sam manages to do that to you two in return


Age: 8-9 Sam - 13 Dean- 16 3RD POV Sam walks out of the bathroom to see his little sister on the back of their older brother’s back as he’s doing push ups. “Hi, Sammy.” (Y/N) waves a hand towards his way. He returns the greeting. “Dean, why is (N/N) on your back?” He asks.

“Because she was bored and saw me doing some workouts.”

“Which he needs from eating all that pie.” (Y/N) adds. “Hey!” Dean exclaims. Sam walks over and sits on Dean’s lower back. (Y/N) shifts to lean in between Sam’s legs as they’re now hanging on both sides of Dean, who continues to do push ups.

“Baby sister, you’re getting a bit tubby from eating those chocolates.” Dean says. “Not my fault you buy them for me.” (Y/N) pats his back. “And you’re getting a bit tubby yourself from eating those pies.” Dean hushes her.

~10 years later~

(Y/N) walks into the library to expect Sam researching for another hunt, but only to see him doing push ups. She walks towards him and sits on his back, giving him a small fright. “Hey, Sammy.”

“Hey, baby sister.” Sam continues to do his push ups. Dean walks into the bunker with plastic bags in each hand. He sees his two siblings talking to each other as Sam does his push ups.

“Got food.” Dean announces as he sets the bags on one of the library tables. “Did you get my chocolate?” (Y/N) looks up at the eldest brother. Dean rummages through one of the bags and throws a block of chocolate towards her. She thanks him as she eats a row of the treat.

Dean walks over and sits behind (Y/N) on Sam’s back. Both the siblings are surprised as Sam continues to do push ups. “How are you even doing this?” Dean asks. “I’m Batman.” Sam replies. Dean grumbles as (Y/N) chuckles.

After a few seconds of silence, Sam breaks it. “You guys gotta stop eating pies and chocolate.” The two siblings tell him to shut up in unison.

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4 years ago

Aw, No - Sam x F!Reader x BestFriend!Dean

Summary: You and the boys have separate hunts and end up meeting at the cabin in the woods at the end of them. Once you’re through the door, you see Sam dead


Dean’s POV I dump Sam’s body on the dinner’s table in the kitchen of the cabin. I glance down to my crimson-coloured hands shaking. “Aw, no.” Tears sting my eyes from seeing blood stain his shirt from the area of his heart and some of his intestines hanging out a bit from his stomach.

I peel off my jacket to throw it onto the ground.

I take a chair to sit down in. I lean my right elbow against the armrest, covering my mouth to muffle my sobs. I cover my face with my elbows on my knees. “What am I going to tell her, Sammy?”

On cue, (Y/N)’s car pulls up to the cabin. The engine cuts off with a door closing. I run to the door once it opened to try and block her view.

“Hey. You okay?” She notices the tears down my cheeks with my eyes most likely red. “I-I tried to.” My voice cracks a bit, which makes her have a confused expression.

(Y/N) pushes me to the side a bit to see her boyfriend on the table motionless and breathless. “Sam?” Her eyebrows are furrowed. Her eyes shift to the wounds on him. “No!” She tries to run to him, but I wrap my arms around her from doing so.

“Sam!” She tries to wiggle out from my grip with tears flowing down her cheeks. “Sammy.” She gives up and squishes her cheek against my bicep, her arms around my middle, her hands clutching my flannel.

“I’ve tried to bring him back. They won’t let me. They said his time was up.” I rest my cheek on top of her head. “None of us can’t bring him back.” (Y/N) says nothing.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) had grown tired and fallen asleep in my arms. Picking her up with her legs around my hips and her arms slumped on my shoulders, I walk to one of the two rooms.

Placing her on the bed and putting the blankets over her body, I press a kiss to her temple before walking out of the room and closing the door.

My heart races as Cas is there once I turn around. “Cas. Warning would’ve been nice.”

“I’m sorry about Sam.” He gives me a soft look. I mumble a ‘Thanks’ before walking past him. I hear his footsteps behind me, so I know he’s still behind me. “(Y/N) is pregnant.” I stop to look at him. “Does she know?” A nod is given.

“She was going to tell Sam when she came back, but now she can’t.”

~Two Years Later~

Opening the door to the bunker, I immediately smell pie. Walking down the stairs and to the kitchen, I dump my duffel bag next to the door to see (Y/N) in a pair of shorts and in one of my flannels.

I give her a fright from wrapping my arms around her middle and my chin on her shoulder. “Hey, sweetheart.” She greets back. “You gotta wait for the pie to cool down, so we don’t want a repeat of last time.”

“Last time, that pie looked really good.”

“All the pies look really good.” She turns around to lean back onto the counter. “Where’s that little girl?” I glance around the kitchen. “Sammy, he’s home!”

Once those words are out, squeals come down from the hall. (Y/N) and I move out into it to see a little person run towards us. I crouch down with my arms extended out.

The little girl runs into my arms with a smile on her face. Standing back up, I have Sam’s little head on my shoulder. “Hi, baby.”

“Dada, Dada.” When Sam started to talk, she started calling me that. It was hard to tell her to not call me that, but she saw no one else as her father figure.

She moves her head off my shoulder to squish my cheeks together in her small, chubby hands. She puffs up her cheeks to blow out a raspberry. I lean forward to peck her lips, making her smile and giggle.

Sam takes notice of (Y/N) and extends her little arms to her mother. (Y/N) takes the little girl into her arms before walking back into the kitchen. (Y/N) bends down a bit to look in the fridge to bring out a pie after opening it.

Closing the door, the pie is placed next to the warmed one. “You made another one?” I question. “With Sam’s help.” Taking the small girl back, she starts to pat my cheeks.

Shifting her onto my hip, (Y/N) sets two bowls and a small one all filled with pie. “Cherry?”

“Pie.” Sam blurts out. (Y/N) and I laugh as her and I sit down at the table with the small bowl in front of me.

Sam ignores the small spoon of pie in my hand in front of her and puts both her hands into the pie. Taking her hands back out with her fists being filled with pie, she smashes her palms against my cheeks, making me close my eyes. “Pie.” (Y/N) laughs at what just happened.

With pieces of pie falling onto my lap, I open my eyes and licking my lips. “Aw, no. Not again.”

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4 years ago

Coming Home - Sam x M!Reader x Dean

Summary: The brothers sneak into their home after a hunt. They have a small argument, but it wakes you up


Dean’s POV Unlocking the door and opening it quietly, Sam and I walk through the house. Sam turns around to close the door quietly, but he slam it by accident. “Shit!”


“I know, I know.” He waves his arm up and down at me. He walks behind me as we both walking to the lounge. “Why is it so dark?” He asks. “Maybe because our boyfriend is asleep and we said we wouldn’t be home until tomorrow afternoon.” I stop to turn around and look at him.

He hits the corner of the coffee table. “Fuck!” We start to have a argument. Something comes flying in between us to clatter against the ground.

The lights turn on to show (Y/N) having his gun raised. “Idiots!” He turns around to walk into the kitchen. Sam and I follow him, seeing that he’s taking out one of the many first aid kits from around the house, one being underneath the sink.

“I’ve been up for the past few nights without you guys knowing and I was actually getting a decent night’s sleep until you fucking idiots decided to wake me up.” He continues to rant off as he cleans the scratches on Sam’s face.

When it’s my turn, (Y/N) dumps the used cotton balls away before getting a couple out of the packet and putting them on the table. “I can’t believe I actually agreed to be with two dumbasses.” I put my hands on his hips to have him settle on my lap.

Letting him carry on with his rant, he does the same thing he did with Sam. “(Y/N). (Y/N)!” Our boyfriend stops his rant to look at Sam “We’re fine.”

“Yeah, I know.” (Y/N) goes back to cleaning the small wounds. “I let this slide ‘cause if you two died, I would’ve brought both of you back to kill you again.” Getting off me, he puts the first aid kit away and the used cotton balls away.

Sam wraps his arms from behind of (Y/N) and resting his head on top of his. (Y/N) reaches his hand behind Sam’s head and rests it in his hair. Sam turns around to lean against the bench with our boyfriend turning in Sam’s arms and his hand still in his hair. Sam now has his head rested in the connected part of (Y/N)’s shoulder and neck. “At least we came back.”

“I wanna go back to sleep. Both of you woke me up.” Walking over and picking up him by his legs, themselves automatically wrapping around my middle and his arms around my shoulders. I rest my hands on his ass. “Dean.” He says tiredly. “It’s okay.” I reassure him.

Sam follows us as I walk upstairs to our shared room. I put (Y/N) in the middle of the bed. He goes under the blankets and waits for Sam and I to get into comfortable clothes. Once we’re done, Sam is on (Y/N)’s left side and myself on the right.

(Y/N) turns to his side, his back to me and front to Sam. I wrap my arms around his waist to bring him in until his back hit my chest. “Next time you two do this again, I won’t hesitate to shoot.” Sam and I chuckle nervously, knowing he will.

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4 years ago

Waken Up - Winchester Brothers x M!Reader

Summary: You research later than the two. Later in the evening, Dean wakes you and Sam up from a nap


Dean looks over to his brother sleeping with his back towards him as he comes into the motel room. He walks over to whack his feet. 

Sam removes his arm from over your waist to glare at his brother. “What?”

“What time did he go to bed last night?”

“He went to bed late." You mumble tiredly. Dean walks over to sit on your side of the bed. “Were you researching again?” He gets a hum in response.

He slithers his hand under the blanket to rest it on your lower back. The warmth of his hand feels nice against your skin.

Sam lays back on his side and buries his nose in your hair. You feel some of his breath going down your back, which sends shivers down your body. “We’re going back to the bunker today, sweetheart. I packed our bags earlier.” The eldest Winchester says softly.

Groaning tiredly and softly, you bury your face in your pillow. “Sam and I can get dressed as you can stay in your PJs. How does that sound?” You nod. “Is my blanket in Baby?”

“Yeah.” The youngest Winchester answers as he gets out of bed and to his bag to get clean clothes, Dean doing the same thing. 

Sam goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower and into the clean clothes.

The brothers zip up their bags after putting their dirty clothes in them. 

Sam takes all three bags out to Baby as Dean carries you, who’s in one of his shorts, one of Sam’s shirts, and a pair of fluff socks. 

Your legs are wrapped around Dean’s waist and your arms around his neck, hands clasped together. Dean’s hands are resting underneath your butt. His head is slightly leaned against your head that’s resting on his shoulder, your nose against his neck.

“What time is it?” You ask, your voice muffled a bit. Dean removes one of his hands to check his watch. Once he has his hand back under your butt, he says, “It’s 9pm. You slept through most of the day.”

“It’s because I’ve been having some shitty sleeps, the hunt yesterday worn me out, and I went to sleep at 6 in the morning from researching all night.”

Once at the car, your favourite blanket is folded neatly in the back seat. Dean settles you in next to it.

You start to unfold the blanket and pause for a short second as Dean pressed a kiss to your temple. He squats down and rests his hands next to your outer thigh to keep his balance. “Do you want one of us to stay in the back with you?” Shaking your head, you look at him after placing the blanket over your legs.

“Okay.” He pecks your lips whilst standing and walking to the front seat. Sam took his spot and does the same thing, making the kiss a bit longer. He closes the door and goes to his seat next to his brother.

With Baby back on the road and some minutes later of silence, you ask, “Can we do a lazy, movie, cuddle day tomorrow?”

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4 years ago

Hey! What about one where the reader is Sam and Deans little sister (13-14) and a hunt goes wrong and Sam and dean die and she breaks down in Cas’ arms telling him what happend ? Thanks!

Let’s do this! Thank you for the request :p

Cas Is Always There


You and your brothers stand outside the wrecked and abandoned warehouse from taking a pack of wolves. 

The three of you have some sort of wound on your face. Sam with claw marks, Dean have a small cut, and yourself having a cut on your eyebrow and a split lip.

“I think we got them.” You chuckle.

Sam and Dean give you their bitch faces. “You weren’t supposed to come!”

“Let alone hide in the backseat of Baby!” Dean finishes. 

“At least you two bloody idjits are alive! If I hadn’t been in Baby, then both of you would be dead.” Your eyebrows are furrowed softly.

Dean and Sam start to talk, but their voices begin to fade out.

“Behind-” Your voice breaks the fading noise.

Dean and Sam turn around to have two wolves have an arm in each of your brothers’ chests.

“No!” You scream, raising your gun to shoot both the wolves’ in their heads as soon as their hands get out and be covered in the thick, crimson liquid.

Your brothers’ bodies drop to the ground. 

You scream and cry whilst dropping to your knees. You start to hyperventilate. “Get up.” You manage to get out. They’re just playing some sick prank.

“No.” You look up to the voice. “What happened?” Cas asked. You say nothing, letting your struggled breathing take over.

He opens his arms for you, immediately running into them. One hand is on your lower back, the other cupping the back of your head.

He doesn’t care that your tears are wetting his trench coat. “(Y/N), you need to calm your breathing.” 

“I-I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” His vessel’s heartbeat is calming you down. “What happened?” He repeated the question.

“I hid in the backseat of Baby as I had a bad feeling about this hunt. I helped them kill the pack and we thought we got them all, we did. But the two that killed them must’ve been hiding.”

After a few seconds of silence, “I’m going to take you back to the bunker.”

You shake your head against his chest, “No. You’re going to take us back to the bunker.” You glance up at him with tears in your eyes, wanting to slip out. He nods.

You slowly walk to Baby and sit in the passenger seat, watching Cas put the dead bodies of your brothers in the back seat. After that’s done, he sits in the driver’s seat. 

“I don’t want to drive.” You say sadly. Cas nods as the engine starts and Baby is back onto the road.

On the way to the bunker, your head is resting in the angel’s lap, one of his hands lying on your side.

Once there, Cas carries you bridal style to your room. Your head rests against his neck, something you’d always do when Sam or Dean carried you.

Setting you on your bed, he leans you against the head rest and kisses your forehead, the kiss lingering for a moment, reminding you of the kisses good night.

“Can you stay?” Your voice is hoarse from the screams. “Yeah, I can.” Cas takes his shoes off to do your movement on the bed.

You move to lie your head on top of his chest. His arm wounds around your shoulder and draw lines and figure 8s on your back. You drape your leg in between his.

“I don’t want them gone, Cas. I want them back.”

“We’ll think of something.” He kisses the top of your head as you’re dozing off to sleep. “I’ll do something.”

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4 years ago

Hey could you write one where Dean and Sam are furious because of a bad Hunt, and when their boyfriend tried to calm they down, they yell at him and after sometime they find their bf cryng and get guilt? Love your writing♥️♥️

Of course I can write this! And thank you for loving my writing♥️

The Guilt Train


Dean and Sam throw their duffel bags onto one the table in front of them, their anger obviously showing.

“Dean, Sammy,” you take a couple steps closer to them, “we didn’t know what was going to hap-”

“Back off!”

“Shut up!” Dean says right after Sam, and pointing a finger at you. “Just shut up! Don’t fucking say anything.” 

“Leave us alone!” Sam adds.

Holding back tears, you grab your duffel off the ground and take it to your old room. “Fucking dumbasses!” You slam the door.

Sobs and tears escape from your body. This is stupid. You’re crying from your boyfriends yelling at you ‘cause of a bad hunt.

You try and calm your cries, but it seems kinda hard to do as you’re used to one or both of them comforting you.

Slipping underneath the covers, you curl yourself into a ball and cry into the pillow.


You wake up with a headache, red splotches on your face and red rimmed eyes.

You decide to take something to get the headache away.

Changing into one of Dean’s boxers and Sam’s flannels, you shuffle towards the kitchen to where your boyfriends are. 

You raid the pantries until you finally found the painkillers. Taking two, you swallow them in a mouthful of water.

Sam and Dean watch you with a look of worried and guilt. “Baby?” Sam says softly as he tries to get you to look at them.

“My head really hurts, so I’m gonna go back to sleep.”

“Why weren’t you in the room?” Dean asks.

“I am in the room, my room.” Your eyebrows are softly furrowed. Sam corrects on what Dean said by asking, “Why weren’t you in our room?”

“You said to leave you guys alone.”

“Aw, sweetheart.” Dean stands up to wrap his arms around you. "We didn't mean to yell at you. We're just being grumpy men."

Sobs escape from you again. Sam does the same thing Dean is doing, but his body is behind yours.

“What about we go back to our room and have some cuddles?” Sam asks. You nod against Dean’s neck.

“Okay,” Sam turns you around to pick you up. You wrap your limbs around him and tiredly watch Dean trail behind you. He quickly nudges his nose against yours.

You smile softly once the three of you are at the room.

The three of you are already in comfy clothes, so Sam places you in the middle of the bed as him and his brother are on each side of you.

Sam spoons you, his hand gently rubbing against your hip.

Dean nuzzles his face against yours, a hum escaping from you.

Your eyes close as the warmth of the two surrounds you. You enjoy the touch of them, even if it’s for a brief moment.

“Love you.”

"Love you, baby boy," they say in unison. They smile at each other as they don’t get a reply, knowing you’d fallen asleep.

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4 years ago

One where Winchester sister!Reader (any age) needs to under cover at a party to go kill vampires and in the middle of trying to kill them she does a something that blows up the vampires so she’s covered in blood like dripping and goes back to the bunker fully drenched in blood and she’s traumatised because she can’t figure out what made them explode?:)

Oo, this is kinda gory. I love gory things. I’m gonna write it like when the vamps explode if that’s okay with you

Bloody Hell - Winchester Brothers x Winchester!F!Reader Age: 30


Blood and guts explode everywhere from a small group of vamps. You were standing right in front of them, their blood and guts completely covering your body, making you kinda look like Carrie.

The people scream as they all push and shove each other out of the way to exit the house.

You’re the last person out with an emotionless expression.

Sitting down on the pavement, you take out your phone to find Dean’s contact. It picks up after the first few rings. “I’m ready to be picked up, Bean, and make sure you bring towels.” You say softly.

“Okay, baby sis, we’re a few minutes out.”

Ending the call, you dump your phone onto the grass next to you.

As said, a few minutes pass to have Baby pull over next to you and stop.

Immediately, both the driver’s and passenger’s door open to have your brothers’ drop to their knees next to you, asking if you’re okay.

Standing up and opening the back door, you cover your seat with the towels to sit on top of them.

Dean and Sam give each other worried looks before going back to their seats. “I’m fine,” you said softly.

Driving back on the road and to the bunker, they try to get you to talk, but fails.

“Dean, I think she’s in shock or she’s traumatized.” Sam states out.

Once at the bunker, you’re the first one out and walking quickly to your room, Sam and Dean hot on your tail.

You slam your door right in front of them, both trying to talk to you coming out, Dean’s hands on the locked door knobs and Sam banging his hands on the door.

They step back as they see your door opening slowly to take in the view of your bloodied body.

“I-I want help.” You say with a small, embarrassed voice. Your brothers nod, taking you back into your room and into the connected bathroom.

Sam starts to fill the tub with the right amount of warm-hot water as Dean gets out some comfy clothes for you.

Once the tub is filled, Dean peels the bloodied clothes off your sticking body, him and Sam not really caring to seeing you naked as I guess they had their fair share of sight-seeing.

Sitting yourself in the nice water, it starts to stain itself a pinky-red before it starts to get darker.

Dean sits against the small ledge behind you with his feet in the water, washing the blood that has poured itself down your back as Sam sits on the edge of the tub, his feet in the water too, himself washing your hair.

Once you’re all clean and the water is stained red, you get out of the tub and into a towel.

Dean tries you off, ruffling up your hair and leaving it all over the place after the towel is dumped onto the sink. Him and Sam help you into your clothes, yourself mumbling, “I don’t know what happened. I was about to attack them, but they just,” you paused, “exploded.”

“You’re fine, though. You’re safe.” Dean kisses your forehead. “And we’re happy that you are,” Sam adds, kissing the top of your head.

“Let’s get you to bed, trouble.”

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4 years ago

Could you please write one based on the episode " french mistake" where Dean and Sam come to the real life and end up Meeting Jensen and jered's boyfriend( who is really young, like 20/21) and they get nervous because in supernatural world he is a evil angel that tried to kill they a lot of times, but end up loving him cuz the human him is lovely and caring and they even use the situation to get some cuddles and kisses? Thank you very much♥️

Yeah, I can write this ♥️

French Mistake


The brothers come crashing through the window, the crew watch them. They stand up and look back at the crew in confusion. 

“Alright, everybody, that’s a wrap.” Robert yells out before turning to the brothers. “Go get cleaned up, then go home to your boy.”

Sam and Dean both become more confused. 

Two people come along, guiding Sam and Dean to some chairs in front of mirrors.

A woman comes at Dean with a makeup pad, trying to rub it against his face, but fails as he moves away. “Woah, what are you doing?”

Two fingers swipe across his cheek, making him look at his brother with some makeup on his fingers.

Dean looks at his reflection, bringing his hand up to his opposite cheek. “Oh my God. I’m a painted whore.”

The two get cleaned before they walk outside to see Misha.

“Hey, Cas, do you know what’s going on?” Dean asks.

Misha questions back of what Dean means as he goes through some pieces of paper.

Dean snatches the papers out of the man’s hands to go through it. “It’s words of a script.” He takes a closer look. “Misha?” 

The brothers walk off to a car as someone had called out their ‘names’. “Misha? Jensen? What kinda of names are those?”

After being dropped off at their ‘home’, Sam opens the door to hear the TV going in the lounge.

Following the sound, they see (h/c) hair from the back rest of the couch.

Your Saint Bernard perks his head up to see who came in. Your head does the same.

A smile forms on your face.

Getting up from the couch, Sam and Dean take a step back, seeing that you’re the angel that tried to kill them several times.

“What?” They let you walk towards them to give them a peck on their lips.

“Uh, nothing.” Sam manages to get out.

You start to talk about the little adventures you and the dog had during the day as you cook them some food.

The brothers try to keep up with what you’re saying, but Sam is playing with Tony’s fur, for Dean, he’s just watching you move around with the smell of the food you’re cooking is hitting him in the face.

After minutes pass, the three of you are seated in the lounge, and Tony seated in between your legs, sniffing at your food. 

“Tony, you had your food.” You move your upper body forward to nudge your nose against his.

“Dude, I think I’m in love.” Dean says quietly to Sam.

“Yeah, with the food.”

“Nah.” Dean speaks out with his mouth full. He swallows before saying, “Well, yeah. But, he’s not the evil angel he is. I mean, we don’t even own a dog. And what was up with the whole set up thing back there? Plus, I’m a painted whore.”

“In general, you are a whore.”

Sam whines as he gets a punch to the shoulder.

“Jens, why’d you hit him?”

“He’s being a pain.”

You chuckle as you stand up, grabbing their plates and going to the kitchen to put them on the counter. You dish up bowls of pie and ice cream.

Coming back with the bowls, Dean immediately has a smile on his face, taking the bowl happily as Sam thanks you. 

“Hmmm.” Dean moans, mumbling away of how good the pie is. “Always loving the homemade pie as usual.”

“You made this?” Crumbs fall out of his mouth as he points the spoon to the food.

“Never let you watch me make it ‘cause I know that you’d try and steal a piece before Jared and I get any.”

Finishing up with the dessert and the dishes next to the plates from dinner, you’re seated in between the brothers to give them cuddles.

Sam has one of his hands buried in Tony’s fur as his other is intertwined with yours.

Minutes pass of watching what was on the TV and your head on Dean’s shoulder, you had fallen asleep.

“Totally not a evil angel.”

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1 year ago

Enough Adventuring for One Day

Enough Adventuring For One Day

Pairing: Dean x Sister! reader x Sam

Description: The Winchester's sister gets lost in a store.

Warning: Separation, anxiety attack 


     (Y/n) follows her brothers into a local grocery store. It was a large building, with high concrete walls and a ceiling that towers over the sectioned shelving. Red, yellow, and blue stripes follow along the edge of the interior, like an Elementary school does to add 'excitement'. 

        "OK," Sam says as he takes out a folded list from his flannel pocket. "We just need the basics. We can start with- Dean! Where are you going?"

        "They have cakes over here," Dean says in an obvious tone, "They might be on sale."

        "That's not essential," Sam sighs as he watches his older brother walk towards the bakery with a childish desire. "I guess it's just me and you, bug."

        (Y/n) obediently waits behind Sam as he analyzes the prices of lunch meat. She holds in a bored sigh as she lazily looks around. The young Winchester's eyes seem to brighten as she notices a small aisle of room decorations. Even though she's not home a lot, doesn't mean she can't admire the aesthetic objects of the store.

        The girl scrolls down the different comforters and figurines until a painting on the top shelf catches her eye. The moon on the canvas cascades over a lake and a shadow of trees; its reflection ripples through the waters like a pale entity. Orbs of colorful light dance about the scene like frilly dresses at a lively ball.

        The inspired energy that the girl got from it didn't last, however. (Y/n) casually glances to where Sam was, only to find that he was gone. She quickly looks back and fourth from the walkway to see if she could spot him. With no luck, and panic starting to settle, she backtracks to the bakery to find Dean.

        Tears form in her eyes as she turns the corner to find that he disappeared as well. She begins to feel claustrophobic as she helplessly looks around for her brothers.

        The world begins to spin and it feels like she is slowly falling. Her cheeks become wet and she knows the dam in her eyes finally broke. (Y/n) is scared.

        A large hand grabs her shoulder and the Winchester jolts forward defensively. Her fist connects to the palm of Dean's hand. "Whoa there," Dean grins, "I know we told you to keep your guard up, but gee. That could've hurt someone." His eyes glance over her shoulder, " I found her, Sammy."

        Sam walks over and grabs (Y/n) by the arms. "Don't ever wander off without telling me again," he says sternly. "One minute I thought you were right behind me, then I look and your missing. What if something bad-"

        "Lay off her," Dean says, "(Y/n), you okay? you don't look so hot."

        Sam stops his ranting and notices his sister's pale expression. "You feeling well?" He questions as he feels her forehead with the back of his hand.

        "I- I couldn't find you. I'm sorry- I was looking at a painting and was going to go back to you, but when I did, you were gone. S-so, I went back to the bakery to find Dean, but he was gone too-"

        "Hey, hey." It's alright. You're okay," Sam coos, brushing away a few stray tears rolling down her face. "I'm sorry I blew up."

        "Yeah," Dean butts in, "Don't cry, cause I got you cake."

        "For her?" Sam spectates with a raised brow, "Really?"

        "Of course," Dean bickers back.

        "Can we just stick together while Sam finishes his shopping... Please?" (Y/n) interjects, "I think I've done enough adventuring for today."

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1 year ago

Not Your Fault

Not Your Fault

Parings: Dean x Sister! reader x Sam

Description: The Winchester's sister tries to save Lucas before he falls off the dock but ends up almost drowning herself.

~Inspired by episode 3~

⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *⋆·˚ ༘ *

        (Y/n) sits in the back of the Impala, a frown sketched across her face as the car stops at an intersection. A sign stands at the triangular median with a white arrow pointing towards Milwaukee. Dean's finger taps against the stirring wheel in a steady rhythm while everyone tries to keep their minds of the subtle threat the sheriff made earlier.

        "Green," Sam interrupts the silence after a minute past of waiting at the light.

        "What?" Dean asks from his thoughts.

        "Light's green," (Y/n) mutters.

        Baby begins to roll forward. (Y/n)'s face furrows in confusion as Dean turns to the right. She straightens herself to the edge of the seat to look at her brother. "Ah, the interstate's the other way."

        "I know," Dean says.

        "Dean, this job, I think it's over," Sam states.

        "I'm not so sure," Dean confesses.

        "If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest," Sam says.

        "What are you thinking?" (Y/n) asks Dean quietly.

        Dean glances at his siblings. "What if we take off and this thing isn't done? What if we missed something? What if more people get hurt?"

        "That's a lot of what if's."

        "But why would you think that?" Sam questions.

        "Because Lucas was scared," Dean replies.

        "That's what this is about?"

        "I just don't want to leave town til I know the kid's okay."

        "Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?"

        "Shut up."

        "For what it's worth, I agree with Dean on this one," (Y/n) adds in with her finger in the air.

        "Shut up," Sam jokingly repeats.


           "Are you sure about this? It's pretty late, man." Sam says as the three of them walk to the front of the house. Dean rolls his eyes, pressing the door bell, until Lucas opens the door in a panic. Immediately, Dean kneels down to calm the boy, but Lucas rushes off with a heavy breath.

        The siblings rush up the stairs after him. Water floods the floor, pouring down the steps like a waterfall. (Y/n) and Sam holds back the scared boy as their older brother pounds his weight against the locked bathroom door. It is forced open at last and Sam rushes in to pull Lucas's mother out of the overflowing bathtub. (Y/n)'s eyes water, her heart thumping against her chest, as she holds Lucas firmly to her form. A hiccupped sigh releases from her lips as Sam finally pulls Andrea out with all his might.


        (Y/n) listens to the soft murmurs of the conversation Sam and Andrea has as she watches over Lucas. Dean was somewhere in the house, investigating for any answers on why Peter Sweeney went after Andrea. The youngest Winchester heaves out a long exhale, twirling a (F/C) crayon between he fingers.

        Lucas gets up from his place on the floor and walks into the main area of the house. (Y/n) follows, asking where he was going, but he gave no answer. He walks up to a window and (Y/n) makes eye contact with Dean, who was hovering over the table with a book in his hand. he gives a curious glance towards Lucas, only to get a shrug from his sister in return.

        "Lucas? Lucas, what is it?" Dean asks.

        The boy doesn't say a thing and saunters out the front door with a rigid frown. (Y/n) goes after him, her brothers and Andrea quick behind her. Lucas stops at the top of a mossy hill and stares at it before looking up at Dean.

        "You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" Dean instructs. Andrea grabs her son and heads down to the house as ordered. "(Y/n), go with them."

        "But-" (Y/n) interjects.

        "I need you to make sure nothing bad happens. I can trust you, right?"

        "Yeah, okay- call me if things go south though."


        (Y/n) and Andrea watch through the window as Jake points a gun at Sam and Dean. (Y/n) was about to run to the door, but Andrea stops her by grabbing her arm. She shakes her head with a fearful look in her eyes and kneels down in front of the young duo.

        "Go to your room, sweetie. You, will you stay with him, please?Lock the door and don't come out," Andrea requires, before heading outside to stop her dad. (Y/n) was about to lead Lucas to his room, until he bolts to another entrance of the house. He waits for her at the end of the deck stairs as the confrontation with the sheriff heats up a few meters away. A voice rings in the girl's ears as she makes her way out onto the patio.

        Come play with me

        "Did you hear that?" She asks Lucas. He tilts his head before climbing up a mound on the side of the house. (Y/n) imitates his actions, like an apprentice learning from their mentor, and notices rather quickly that he was heading for the water. He reaches down to grab something and (Y/n) looks over him to see a green army man floating in the water tauntingly as Lucas struggles to grab it. She crouches down at the water, extending her arm to pluck the toy from the water too.

      "I can't reach it," (Y/n) huffs out as she leans her body across the watery depths. It ripples softly near their hands as a dark figure approaches. She narrows her eyes, lifting her hand out of the water, when a mop of hair drifts to the surface.



        "Stay where you are!"

        Suddenly, a discolored hand bolts out and grabs Lucas's wrist. (Y/n) wraps her arms around the boy's torso to keep him on the dock, but the powerful pull the vengeful spirit possessed causes the Winchester's muscles to strain. (Y/n) and Lucas fly into the water, their bodies consumed by the waves.

        (Y/n)'s arms slip away from the boy as her whole form becomes heavy. She gulps and chokes on the water filling her lungs and she struggles to reach the surface. The murky liquid makes her eyes sting and she can see nothing but her blurry physique sinking further down to the bottom.

        She abruptly wakes from unconsciousness as someone reaches around her waist and pulls up to the surface. Immediately, she coughs out her lungs as her discombobulated mind becomes alert of her surroundings once more. The person's large hand pushes her head against their neck as they both gasp for air.

        "You're okay, I got you," Sam whispers as he presses a kiss to her temple.  


        Dean blankets (Y/n)'s shoulders with his jacket as they walk to the Impala parked at the edge of the road. She gratefully pulls the material closer to her shivering body. Sam opens the back door for her and she climbs in, looking at Andrea's house as the sun's shadow casts over the roof.

        "That was a close one, huh sis?" Dean jokes, shifting into reverse and pulling out on to the road. The engine pants softly as its speed accelerates on the black pavement. (Y/n) gives a weak smile and nods to her brother in response before turning to the scenery passing by her window.

        "(Y/n)?" Sam says softly, giving her a gentle gander from the passenger's seat.

        "What?" She mumbles.

        "What's wrong with you?" Dean comments, looking through the rear view mirror. "By now you would be making up a stupid joke about trees or something."

        "I'm fine," (Y/n) sighs, "Just tired."

        "We're not going to stop bothering you until you tell us what's got you down," Sam prompts.

        "I couldn't save him..."

        "Huh?" Dean questions loudly.

        "I couldn't save Lucas. I wasn't strong enough to keep him on the dock. He almost drowned because of me."

        "That's what this is about? Lucas is alive, isn't he?"


        "(Y/n), we were dealing with a revengeful spirit. Your a kid- of course your not going to win a wrestling match against a ghost. You shouldn't beat yourself about it," Sam explains.

        "Sam's right. It wasn't you fault. You are strong, but you can't expect everything to go smoothly with a job like ours. We're a team, and you can sure as hell forget us getting off your back anytime soon," Dean states.

        "Thanks guys," (Y/n) says.

        "Yeah, no problem, bud." Sam remarks sweetly.

        "Hey Dean?"

        "Yeah kid?"

        "Why did the pine tree get in trouble?"

        "I don't know, why?"

        "Because it was being knotty."

        "Oh my god, that was bad." Sam snorts as Dean beats his hand on Sam's arm with a cackle.

        "It was being naughty, brutha." Dean laughs while wiggling his eyebrows.

        "Shut up."

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1 year ago

Why Can't I freakin' Have a Pair of $3 Headphones?

Why Can't I Freakin' Have A Pair Of $3 Headphones?

Pairing: Sam x Sister! reader

Warning(s): Reader being a slight brat, stern Dean (really just a lil crack post)

Description: Sam buys something that his sister wanted; However, Dean doesn't know.


        "Hey Dean, can I get these?" (Y/n) asks with a puppy-eyed smile as she walks over to her brother, who was currently deciding between two brands of booze from the alcohol walkway. Sam stands beside him, leaning on his left leg with his arms crossed, and a bored expression resting on his face. Dean barely looks up from the cooler before shaking his head adamantly. 

        "No." Dean grumbles.

        "What? Why not?" She protests.

        "Because we're only getting stuff that we need."

        "And beer is an necessity?" (Y/n) bites back.

        "Of course beer is an necessity. Now, put them back." Dean orders audaciously. His eyebrows curl over his stern gaze and his lips mold tightly into a pout.

        "Why can't I freakin' have a pair of $3 headphones?" She replies back just as childishly. 

        "Because I said so. Why do you want them so badly anyway?"

        "So I can listen to stuff without having to blare it out in the open." 

        "What do you have to hide?"

        "Ugh, just forget I said anything!" She breaths through her nose like an angry bull. She tosses the compact plastic seal onto a nearby shelf before peevishly marching to the end of the aisle.

        "I knew that would get her," Dean snorts dryly to Sam, only to realize he was not impressed with Dean's ethic. "Sheesh, sorry..." Dean blows out, then strolls across to the next lane while whistling a tune.

        As (Y/n) turns to follow behind Dean, out of the corner of her (E/c) eye, she could see Sam reaching in the half empty water section of the shelving to retrieve the headphones she threw. He nonchalantly places it in his coat pocket and she couldn't help but to smile slightly.

        When walking back to the Impala with the few groceries in hand, Sam casually bumps into his sister's shoulder. He grabs the neatly bagged device from his jacket and sneakily places it between (Y/n)'s fingers. "Don't tell Dean," He whispers, giving a warm smile.

        "You're the best," She laughs before giving him a hug from the side.

        "Very inconspicuousness, (Y/n)." Sam says with a proud grin as Dean gives them the stink eye from over his shoulder.

        "Right. Sorry," (Y/n) replies after letting him go, her cheerful mood not going unnoticed by Dean as she places the bags in the trunk and gets in the car without a complaint.

        "What did you do," Dean questions Sam as he slams the back hatch closed.

        "Just fixed what you caused," Sam shrugs with a small smirk.


        "Uh, (Y/n), what are these?" Dean calls from across the room. His sister looks up from the novel she's reading on the bed and the color drains from her face. Dean limply dangles the cord from his index finger, anger dancing in his hazel orbs flamboyantly. 

        "Headphones," (Y/n) mumbles loud enough for her older brother to hear.

        "Did you get these behind my back?" 

        "No!" I mean, kinda..."


        "Sammy got them for me."

        As if hearing his name, Sam enters through the main door with a couple of fast food bags soaked at the bottom with grease. He freezes on spot in the open doorway as the tense atmosphere radiates off his siblings. He slowly closes the door with the back of his heel, glancing between his brother and sister questioningly. "What's going on?"

        "What are these?" Dean instigates, showing the headphones to Sam with a slight swing. 


        "Sis said you got them for her."

        "Yeah, I did," Sam sighs as he sets the bags down on the small kitchen counter top. "What's the big deal?"

        "She's too young-"

        "Don't start that bull crap, Dean. If I didn't trust her, I wouldn't have bought them for her. Look man, I know the real reason why you don't want her to have them," Sam says with the roll of his eyes, "Your being a stuck up though. (Y/n) can handle her own, and if she encounters somethings that makes her uncomfortable, she knows what to do. Right, (Y/n)?"

        "Dude, all I want is to listen to music privately on my way back from school. You're acting like I'm going to do something horrible," (Y/n) responds.

        Dean releases a long breath before placing the wire in his sister's lap. "Your right, I overreacted. You can listen to music as much as you like," He remarks while taking out a wrapped burger from the bag and handing it to her.

        "Thanks Dean."

        "But (Y/n)," He comments as he takes a bite out of his own burger and tosses Sam his salad carrier. He groans in delight, juice dripping off his stubbled chin before wiping it with the back of his hand. "If I find anything in your search history... your grounded for life."

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1 year ago

Late Night

Late Night

 Dean X Sister! reader X Sam

Description: The youngest Winchester takes care of her brothers after a hunt gone wrong.

Warning: Drinking, mentions of blood

.•° ✿ °•.°•. ✿ .•°.•° ✿ °•.°•. ✿ .•°.•° ✿ °•.°•. ✿ .•°

          Dry mud cakes off Dean's boots as he stumbles inside the motel with his siblings. The atmosphere was tense and none of them could even smile to make things better. Sam slouches over himself as he examines the wound in his leg. A hiss comes from his throat as his fingers graze over the tender flesh. 

        (Y/n) gently places her hand on his arm for comfort. "Let me get you a wet rag and a first aid kit," she coos softly. She walks over to the end of the bed to grab a fresh cloth from her duffle bag. She carries on to the bathroom and finds Dean sitting on top of the marble counter. 

        He moves his feet slightly so she can access the sink. As she runs the water over the small towel, she notices a beer bottle in between Dean's thighs. "Don't you think it's too late to be drinking," she asks cooly before ringing out the rag. Dean huffs in response and takes a swig of it. 

        (Y/n) lowers to her knees to reach inside the cabinet. She takes out a decent sized medical box and sets it on the bathroom surface. Taking out a bandage and ointment, she casually lifts her hand to Dean. "I'm not going to pretend that I didn't see your arm bleeding. Give it here."

        "I'm fine, go help Sammy," Dean slurs.


        Eventually, Dean gives in to his sister's soft nature. He rolls up his flannel sleeve to reveal a large cut oozing down his arm. It didn't look deep, but it looked like it hurt like hell.

        "I'm going to have to get another rag- do you know what caused this?" (Y/n) questions. 

        "I ran into a saw blade when we were in the barn," Dean replies.

        "Did you check to see if it was rusty?"

        "It wasn't."

        "Good. No tetanus shot for you today." A ghost of a smile etches on her lips. She places the rag on the wound, making sure to cover the whole infected area. "Clean that up for me, I'm going to get another rag."

        Sam managed to get himself out of his dirty blue jeans and into some boxer shorts. His back presses against the headboard of the bed with his legs relaxed out in front of him. "Sorry Sam, I was just making sure Dean took care of his wound. Are you alright?" (Y/n) asks sweetly. 

        "Yeah. I feel better now that something isn't rubbing against it," Sam sighs out. 

        "Good. I'll be with you in a moment."

        Dean was in the process of trying to wrap the gauze around his arm when (Y/n) made it back to the bathroom. His hands were shaky as he did so and he had to place his feet on the cool tile floor. " Did you put the ointment on?" (Y/n) asks.

        "What do you take me for," Dean replies.

        "Here. Let me help you," (Y/n) instructs as she takes the bandaging. "Hold out your arm." Soon enough, Dean's arm was securely wrapped. "Is that too tight?"

        "Nah, it's fine."

        "Great, now clean yourself up. You smell like cow manure. I'm going to help Sammy."


        "That burns," Sam cries out, biting his lip harshly. 

        "I'm sorry, but it's the only thing that we have right now- stop that!" (Y/n) barks. Sam quickly lets go of his lip with a scowl. "I'm almost done, just a few more layers." 

        "I don't know how when we just went out for a supply run a few weeks ago- Charlotte's town sound familiar to you?" Sam retorts with a snap. 

        "Does watching out for Vermin teeth sound familiar to you?" They glare harshly at each other before smiles crack through their faces. "I'm just going to move your leg a little bit to wrap it, okay? Try not to tense too much," (Y/n) says with a giggle. 

        Carefully, Sam is allowed to rest his newly swaddled leg. A relieved sigh carries out of Sam's mouth before he glimpses over to his sister. He notices the way her frazzled hair carries across her shoulders messily. A few bruises and scrapes are scattered across her delicate skin. "What you did was very dangerous," He announces after a while. 

        "I know," (Y/n) acknowledges quietly. "If I didn't do what I did though, we might have had to amputate your leg- I don't think you want that."

        "I don't know what we'd do without you," Sam chuckles.

        "We would bleed out," Dean's voice conveys from the bathroom doorway.

        "What happened to your bottle?" (Y/n) queres. 

        "It's too late to drink, especially with a kid around."

        "Yeah, Sam doesn't really need that right now."

        "Are you calling me a child?" Sam interrogates. 

        "Can I call you both children?" (Y/n) says playfully. 

        "I'm not a child," Dean retorts in offense. 

        "I had to help two grown men clean and wrap their wounds because they didn't want to do it themselves," (Y/n) explains with a proud smirk. Both went silent with their argument.

        "Toshee," Dean remarks.

        "You guys want to watch a movie?" (Y/n) asks, changing the subject. "I like to think we have the right to mellow out for a while."

        "I'm down, as long as it isn't thriller. I think we've had enough action for tonight," Sam replies, eyeing his leg. 


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1 year ago

since you write for spn, what about something where the reader is Sam and Dean's little sister and yk when in season 2 they go to the Roadhouse- well, maybe She meets Ash and she gets a crush on him and when they go to the Roadhouse She always stay with him? And maybe they also notice that she has Ash's ring (yeah in my mind he wears a ring with the scrabble's A) and they're like, teasing her, expecially Dean, saying things like 'oh, why don't you come ti the Roadhouse with us? We're pretty sure there's someone waiting for you' and it's just fluff with Ash? Thank you so much, even if you don't write it :3

"Your Frog Prince is Waiting~"

Since You Write For Spn, What About Something Where The Reader Is Sam And Dean's Little Sister And Yk

A/n: Thank you so much for the request; it's my very first one! I hope you enjoy! I'm not used to writing Ash, so I apologize if he seems a bit out of character; I tried my best.

Dean x Sister! reader x Sam, Ash x reader

Warnings: Cursing, potential cringe pet names, teenage crush

Description: As the Winchesters spend more time at the Roadhouse, the youngest gains a little crush on one of the residents. 😊

Latin Translation: mnemosynum (Keepsake)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

The inside of the saloon was quiet as Dean shuts the creaking front door. All of the lights were off besides a sparking LED light hanging behind the bar. The place was grim, the sun casting through the ragged curtains seeming to be the only bright thing in the place.

(Y/n) stays close to her brothers as they venture deeper inside, only to bump into Sam as he stops suddenly. Her older brother barely spares her a glance, his attention caught on the boy laying across a pool table a few feet away.

"Oh god... is he dead?" She murmurs, eying him with slight trepidation. Sam shrugs in response.

"Hey, Buddy?" Sam calls out, taking a step forward. No response. "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen."

"You think?" (Y/n) snaps, observing the backside of the stranger. Sam snorts in response, before heading towards the back. "Sammy? Sammy, where are you going?"

"Stick beside me, squirt." Dean's voice says lowly, "We don't really know what's going on here."

(Y/n) turns to him to make a sarcastic response, but pales as she sees a woman press a gun to his back. "Dean..."

"Oh god, please let that be a rifle..."

"No, I'm just real happy to see you," the woman responds, cocking the gun.

(Y/n) took a step forward, only for the woman to dig the head of the gun deeper into Dean's back. "Don't move, or I'll shoot his spine out."

"Don't move -- copy that," (Y/n) repeats, making eye contact with her brother with a dry swallow.

"You should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back, 'cause it makes it real easy to do..." Dean rambles before turning around swiftly and stealing the rifle away from the woman's grip.

Before Dean can stand his ground fully, the woman throws a full punch at his face, causing him to stagger as she pulls the gun back to her.

"Sammy-" (Y/n) calls in alarm.

"Sorry..." Sam states as he comes back out with his hands over his head, "Can't help right now, I'm a little tied up."

The older woman who has Sam hostage eyes the two men for a moment before glancing at the young girl standing with a distressed look on her face. "Winchesters?"

"Yeah," both (Y/n)'s brothers say in unison.

"Son of a bitch," she laughs, putting her revolver in her back pocket. "Hey, I'm Ellen. That's my daughter, Jo."


"He didn't send you..." Ellen pauses, a look of sadness washing over her expression. Neither (Y/n) or her brothers responded as each of them look away from her. The pain of losing their father is still fresh in their heart. "He's alright, isn't he?"

No," Sam finally states with a sigh, "he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um... it just got him before he got it, I guess."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. We're all right," Dean says.

"Really, I know how close you and your Dad-"

"Really, Lady, I'm fine," Dean interjects with a stern look. (Y/n) gently places her hand on his thigh before looking at Ellen with the shake of her head.

"So, look, if you can help..." Sam announces, trying to change the subject, "We could use all the help we can get."

"Well, We can't," Ellen replies, "but Ash will."

"Who's Ash?" (Y/n) questions.

Ellen snorts before yelling out the name. As a response, the guy from before swiftly gets up with a groan. Balls fly from the table as he looks around to where his name was being called, his long hair flipping back and forth erratically.

"What?" Ash's voice booms, looking over at the group huddled by the bar, "closing time?"


"You got to be kidding me. This guy's no genius," Dean grumbles, "He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd Roadie!"

"Dean, give him a chance." (Y/n) grumbles out, kicking him slightly in the leg. Ash cheekily smiles and Dean rolls his eyes.

"Alright. Well, this stuff's about a year's worth of out dad's work," Dean shares as he sits down, "Let's see what you make of it."

Ash looks over the papers that Dean slid over, and scowls. "Come on, this crap ain't real. Ain't nobody can track a demon like this."

"How do you know?" (Y/n) questions, "Our dad was really good at it."

"Well, sweet cheeks. These are nonparametric statistical overviews, cross-spectrum correlations. I mean... damn. They're signs, omens. If you can track them, you can track this demon- You know, like crop failures, electrical storms. You ever been struck by lightning?" (Y/n) shakes her head in response as he looks at her, "It ain't fun."

"Can you track it or not?" Sam asks, giving Ash the stink eye.

"Yeah, with this, I think so."

"Really? How long?" (Y/n) questions with the quirk of her brow.

"It's gonna take time. Give me, 51 hours."

"You can really track down a demon in the span of over two days? I gotta say, that's impressive."

"Oh, you'll be impressed." Ash says with a smirk, "It'll be just like fine wine."

(Y/n) didn't say anything as her face flushes.


"That kid's hair was something else," Dean chuckles out as they go back to Bobby's car. "Looked more like a rat's nest to me."

"I don't know, I kinda liked it," (Y/n) responds with a small smile.

"Liked it?" Dean speaks, whipping his head around, "You mean to tell me you'd get your hair cut that way too?"

"No! What I meant is, it suited him. Not everyone could pull it off," (Y/n) speaks, climbing into the back of the van.

"Yeah, if you call that a suited haircut..."

"Do you really think he'll be able to track Dad's demon in 51 hours?" Sam asks, looking out the passenger side window.

"Psh, my bet is no. Dad spent his entire hunting career looking for that thing. There is no way a kid who sleeps on a pool table can top that!"

"I say he will," (Y/n) replies matter-of-factly.

"What makes you say that?"

"I just got a good feeling about him, is all."


"Did you find the demon?" Sam's breath tickles the back of (Y/n)'s head as he leans over her. Ash sets his computer down, casually placing his arm beside hers as he types away.

"It's nowhere around, at least nowhere I can find. If this fugly bastard raises its head, I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like divine on dog dookie."

"You can really be alerted right away?" (Y/n) asks with awe.

"Any of those signs or omens appear anywhere in the world, my rig will go off like a fire alarm."

"That's amazing..."

"Where did you learn to do all this?" Sam gasps in amazement.

"M.I.T., before I got bounced for fighting." Ash explains with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

"What was the fighting about?" (Y/n) responds, amusement crossing over her face.

Ash looks over at her with amusement of his own, "Wouldn't you like to know, sugar cube."

"Okay!" Dean says as he gets up from the table, "Give us a call as soon as you know something?"

"Si, si, compadre."

(Y/n) gets up from her seat, going to head after her brothers who already made their way back to the front, before being stopped by Ash.

"Hey, sugar cube. I wanna give ya somethin' before you hit the road," Ash says, as he leans against one of the chairs.

"Oh? And what's that?" (Y/n) replies with a flirtatious simper.

"Give me your hand," Ash says simply, "and you'll get your big surprise."

"Okay..." (Y/n) chuckles, reaching her arm out. Ash grabs at her wrist softly, eyeing each one of her fingers before placing something cool to the touch over her middle finger.

"mnemosynum," Ash announces with a bow, granting her access to what he put on her. A bulk piece of metal clung to her slim finger; the initial A engraved in it. "Until we meet again."

"Why?" (Y/n) asks. It's not that she didn't like it; it was quite charming. She was just slightly confused on why she got the gift in the first place.

"I have a good feeling about you, sweet cheeks. I think we are going to be tight these next couple months," Ash announces, "You can keep that, by the way."

"Thanks... You know, I can say the same thing for you."

"Is that so?"

"It's so."


"Come on, kiddo. We gotta get going," Dean says as he grabs his keys from the top of the motel's mini fridge.

"Why's that?" (Y/n) responds, not looking up from her book. "I thought you and Sammy were just going to the town over."

"We need some info," Dean pauses as he checks out the ring on his sister's finger, "and I'm sure your roadkill boyfriend would love to see you."

"He's not roadkill, Dean!" (Y/n) shouts, slamming her book shut. "And he's not my boyfriend!"

"Sure, and you aren't red as a tomato right now," Dean smirks. "Seriously though, we gotta go, so... get to moving, princess. Your frog prince is waiting~"

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