He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ || Early 20s || Credit to the people of the artwork/gifs || Requests and tags are open

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Hey! What About One Where The Reader Is Sam And Deans Little Sister (13-14) And A Hunt Goes Wrong And

Hey! What about one where the reader is Sam and Deans little sister (13-14) and a hunt goes wrong and Sam and dean die and she breaks down in Cas’ arms telling him what happend ? Thanks!

Let’s do this! Thank you for the request :p

Cas Is Always There


You and your brothers stand outside the wrecked and abandoned warehouse from taking a pack of wolves. 

The three of you have some sort of wound on your face. Sam with claw marks, Dean have a small cut, and yourself having a cut on your eyebrow and a split lip.

“I think we got them.” You chuckle.

Sam and Dean give you their bitch faces. “You weren’t supposed to come!”

“Let alone hide in the backseat of Baby!” Dean finishes. 

“At least you two bloody idjits are alive! If I hadn’t been in Baby, then both of you would be dead.” Your eyebrows are furrowed softly.

Dean and Sam start to talk, but their voices begin to fade out.

“Behind-” Your voice breaks the fading noise.

Dean and Sam turn around to have two wolves have an arm in each of your brothers’ chests.

“No!” You scream, raising your gun to shoot both the wolves’ in their heads as soon as their hands get out and be covered in the thick, crimson liquid.

Your brothers’ bodies drop to the ground. 

You scream and cry whilst dropping to your knees. You start to hyperventilate. “Get up.” You manage to get out. They’re just playing some sick prank.

“No.” You look up to the voice. “What happened?” Cas asked. You say nothing, letting your struggled breathing take over.

He opens his arms for you, immediately running into them. One hand is on your lower back, the other cupping the back of your head.

He doesn’t care that your tears are wetting his trench coat. “(Y/N), you need to calm your breathing.” 

“I-I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” His vessel’s heartbeat is calming you down. “What happened?” He repeated the question.

“I hid in the backseat of Baby as I had a bad feeling about this hunt. I helped them kill the pack and we thought we got them all, we did. But the two that killed them must’ve been hiding.”

After a few seconds of silence, “I’m going to take you back to the bunker.”

You shake your head against his chest, “No. You’re going to take us back to the bunker.” You glance up at him with tears in your eyes, wanting to slip out. He nods.

You slowly walk to Baby and sit in the passenger seat, watching Cas put the dead bodies of your brothers in the back seat. After that’s done, he sits in the driver’s seat. 

“I don’t want to drive.” You say sadly. Cas nods as the engine starts and Baby is back onto the road.

On the way to the bunker, your head is resting in the angel’s lap, one of his hands lying on your side.

Once there, Cas carries you bridal style to your room. Your head rests against his neck, something you’d always do when Sam or Dean carried you.

Setting you on your bed, he leans you against the head rest and kisses your forehead, the kiss lingering for a moment, reminding you of the kisses good night.

“Can you stay?” Your voice is hoarse from the screams. “Yeah, I can.” Cas takes his shoes off to do your movement on the bed.

You move to lie your head on top of his chest. His arm wounds around your shoulder and draw lines and figure 8s on your back. You drape your leg in between his.

“I don’t want them gone, Cas. I want them back.”

“We’ll think of something.” He kisses the top of your head as you’re dozing off to sleep. “I’ll do something.”

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More Posts from Cuddly-dean-baby

4 years ago

I just hurt my own feelings 😂 imagine taking shower with dean after hunt, he’s exhausted and you decide to wash his hair just to help him relax

I manage to hurt my feelings when I think of angst shit or something 😂. I did do one with Jensen (Taken Care Of - Jensen x M!Reader), and I have a feeling if I do one with Dean, it’s going to be similar. I apologize if it’s something you didn’t want

4 years ago

Hi! What about one where Sam, Dean and cas are "fighting" each other to have their boyfriend attention?

I love this idea ❤️️ and idk why, but I kinda find polyamory relationship fluffs adorable 

Give Us Attention


Your three boyfriends’ voices echo throughout the bunker as they have been ‘fighting’ for the past hour or so about who gets your attention.

“I haven’t seen him in days!” Cas.

“That’s because you’ve been gone doing your angel shit!” Dean.

“You’ve had more attention the time we’ve been here since the hunt days ago!” Sam.

You slam your head against the table, making the brothers and angel shut up. 

They then surround you, seeing if you’re okay, if there’s something wrong, if they can get you anything.

Perching your head up and leaning back in your seat, “I’m good, you three are fighting for my attention, and I’d love some greasy food and a beer.”

Their voices go over each other as they confirm what you want.

“Race ya!” Dean yells, fishing his keys out of his pocket and running out of the library and to the garage, Sam right behind him.

Cas disappears and reappears with your food and drink. “Cas won!” You stand up to have Cas’ hands rest on your hips and yours playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck

Groans in the distance come clearer as the brothers drag themselves back into the room.

“Cas hasn’t had my attention for a little while as the two of you had plenty has we’ve been researching and shit.” 

Cas smiles proudly at them. “But,” his proud smile slowly turns into a frown, “the three of you have been kinda annoying with of who gets my attention.”

Dean throws a tiny tantrum and whines on the spot like a kid not getting something he wants. Sam has his head tilted back, a groan escaping from him. And Cas, his head is dropped to your shoulder.

“Sort this shit out nicely or I’m not giving any of you attention for two months.”

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4 years ago

It's not a ask or anything but I Just wanna say that i really enjoy your work and even thoug u say that your write is cringe , i Love It (Sorry for any mistake, english is not my First lenguage, Hope u understand what i wrote )

I am fine if it isn't an ask. Thank you for enjoying my work and think that it isn't cringe. And I completely understood what you wrote ♥️

4 years ago

One where Winchester sister!Reader (any age) needs to under cover at a party to go kill vampires and in the middle of trying to kill them she does a something that blows up the vampires so she’s covered in blood like dripping and goes back to the bunker fully drenched in blood and she’s traumatised because she can’t figure out what made them explode?:)

Oo, this is kinda gory. I love gory things. I’m gonna write it like when the vamps explode if that’s okay with you

Bloody Hell - Winchester Brothers x Winchester!F!Reader Age: 30


Blood and guts explode everywhere from a small group of vamps. You were standing right in front of them, their blood and guts completely covering your body, making you kinda look like Carrie.

The people scream as they all push and shove each other out of the way to exit the house.

You’re the last person out with an emotionless expression.

Sitting down on the pavement, you take out your phone to find Dean’s contact. It picks up after the first few rings. “I’m ready to be picked up, Bean, and make sure you bring towels.” You say softly.

“Okay, baby sis, we’re a few minutes out.”

Ending the call, you dump your phone onto the grass next to you.

As said, a few minutes pass to have Baby pull over next to you and stop.

Immediately, both the driver’s and passenger’s door open to have your brothers’ drop to their knees next to you, asking if you’re okay.

Standing up and opening the back door, you cover your seat with the towels to sit on top of them.

Dean and Sam give each other worried looks before going back to their seats. “I’m fine,” you said softly.

Driving back on the road and to the bunker, they try to get you to talk, but fails.

“Dean, I think she’s in shock or she’s traumatized.” Sam states out.

Once at the bunker, you’re the first one out and walking quickly to your room, Sam and Dean hot on your tail.

You slam your door right in front of them, both trying to talk to you coming out, Dean’s hands on the locked door knobs and Sam banging his hands on the door.

They step back as they see your door opening slowly to take in the view of your bloodied body.

“I-I want help.” You say with a small, embarrassed voice. Your brothers nod, taking you back into your room and into the connected bathroom.

Sam starts to fill the tub with the right amount of warm-hot water as Dean gets out some comfy clothes for you.

Once the tub is filled, Dean peels the bloodied clothes off your sticking body, him and Sam not really caring to seeing you naked as I guess they had their fair share of sight-seeing.

Sitting yourself in the nice water, it starts to stain itself a pinky-red before it starts to get darker.

Dean sits against the small ledge behind you with his feet in the water, washing the blood that has poured itself down your back as Sam sits on the edge of the tub, his feet in the water too, himself washing your hair.

Once you’re all clean and the water is stained red, you get out of the tub and into a towel.

Dean tries you off, ruffling up your hair and leaving it all over the place after the towel is dumped onto the sink. Him and Sam help you into your clothes, yourself mumbling, “I don’t know what happened. I was about to attack them, but they just,” you paused, “exploded.”

“You’re fine, though. You’re safe.” Dean kisses your forehead. “And we’re happy that you are,” Sam adds, kissing the top of your head.

“Let’s get you to bed, trouble.”

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4 years ago

I don't know If you write to him but could you write one where jensen's son and Alexander are crushing each other and in some moment Alex asks jensen If he would could date his son and jensen get in overprotective dad mode but end up accepting ? Tnks and i love you ♥️♥️

Yes, I do write for him as I’d write for the cast, too :p. And thank you for the love ♥️♥️

Liking The Ackles’ Oldest


You and Alex have been dancing around each other for the past year or so because of your feelings for each other.

The whole cast and crew knows, except for you, Alex, and your father, Jensen Ackles.

Even your younger siblings and mother knows about it.

Lying on the couch and looking after JJ and the twins, you’re face-timing Alex. “How are the kids?” He asks.

You chuckle, flipping the camera and aiming your phone at the kids leaning against the stomach of your greyhound, watching a cartoon.

Alex chuckles at the sight.

You flip the camera back onto you. “There’s that pretty face!” A big smile is on his face.

The look and the comment makes you pull the collar of your hoodie to hide your smile and some of your blush.

“You still with Dad at the Con?” He nods.

The front door opens and closes, Danneel walking into the lounge to see the four of you.

She goes to the youngest rested on top of your dog, giving them a kiss on the head. “Who is he talking to?”

“Bubba is talking to his boyfriend.” JJ says loud enough for you to hear. “JJ!” She giggles at you.

“Did Danneel just get home?”

“Yeah, and you just heard JJ.”

“You’re not denying it.”

“Denying what?”

“Denying on what JJ said about Bubba talking to his boyfriend.”

“Shut up.”

Danneel kisses the top of your head and wraps her arms around your shoulders. “Hey, Alex.”

“Hey, D. How are you?”

“I’m good, thank you. What about you?”

“I’m good, too.”

“I’m good!”

“Me too!”


Jensen, Jared and Misha all squish up against Alex, trying to be in the frame.

“Daddy!” JJ and the twins yell in unison and all climb on top of you. They all try to push against each other to be in the frame.

“Alex, push them away!”

“Aw, don’t you want to see your dad?” Jensen pouts.

“I literally talked to you not so long ago!”

“Ba!” Danneel holds Arrow as she’s sitting on top of your head as JJ and Zeppelin are on each side of you.

“Okay, okay, okay. I’m gonna go and take Pup out for a walk.” You get off the couch and leave your phone with your mother and siblings, letting them talk to their dad and uncles.

You go to your room to put on your trainers and to grab Pup’s leash. Patting your pants, you nod at your keys, wallet, and phone in your pockets.

Jogging downstairs, you lean against the door frame to the lounge. “I’m gonna shout us dinner. What do we want?”

“McDonald's!” The twins yell with JJ yelling, “Pizza!”

The three start argue over McDonald’s and pizza. 

“I’ll get both.” That makes them be quiet, then be excited.

As they were about to say what they want, “I know. Twins want Happy Meals and JJ wants stuff-crust, doesn’t care about the toppings.” They nod.

“What about you, Ma?”

“I’ll get whatever JJ’s getting.” Nodding and grabbing your phone, Pup follows you out the house and down the street to the fast food places.

“We’re done at the Con, so get our food, too.” Jared says as him, Jensen, Misha and Alex get into the car.

“Get them yourselves. You’re in the car already and it’ll be easier for me not to carry all your damn food.”

“Fine, but you’re getting us pudding!”

“Dad! Y’know what, fine, I’ll get your damn pudding. I’ll see you guys soon.”

Ending the call and putting your phone in your pocket, you have a small conversation with your Greyhound, him barking in response sometimes.

You finally arrive at the fast food places and put on Pup’s leash.

You order the pizza first, then go to McDonald’s and go off to get some dessert, along with some dog treats.

After some time, the food is ready, and Pup is holding on the bag of treats in his mouth as the both of you walk back home.

Going up the driveway, you see Cliff’s car parked in it.

“Food’s here!”

Jensen runs with the twins holding onto his arms and JJ trailing behind him.

They take the takeaways and the dessert to run back to the lounge.

You follow them into the room and help your siblings with their food as Alex asks Jensen if they can have a small chat.

Going out of the lounge and into the kitchen, Alex’s hands are shaking slightly. “I’ve, uh, liked (Y/N) for some time now and I’m wondering if I could ask him out? I’ve asked Danneel before and she said that she is completely cool with it and that (Y/N) likes me back.”

“You two can be together, but if anything happens to my boy, then that happens to you, got it?”

Alex nods. Jensen pats his back and sends him back to the lounge.

Jensen catches Danneel watching him, mouthing, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He whispers to himself.

As soon as Alex sat next to you on the ground, your siblings started to whisper to him to kiss you.

He looks around the room, the people in there nodding at him.

“(Y/N).” You look away from your dog to have Alex’s lips crashed onto yours.

“Umph.” You’re puzzled for a moment before you cup his cheek and return the kiss. The room is filled with cheers.

“Finally!” Jared and Misha say in unison. Jensen has a glare towards their way.

The two start to run around the house and pass the opening door, startling Gen and her kids. “What the hell is happening?”

“They’re together.” Jared stops in front of her to give her a kiss before running off again.

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