Dean Winchester X Reader X Sam Winchester - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Waken Up - Winchester Brothers x M!Reader

Summary: You research later than the two. Later in the evening, Dean wakes you and Sam up from a nap


Dean looks over to his brother sleeping with his back towards him as he comes into the motel room. He walks over to whack his feet. 

Sam removes his arm from over your waist to glare at his brother. “What?”

“What time did he go to bed last night?”

“He went to bed late." You mumble tiredly. Dean walks over to sit on your side of the bed. “Were you researching again?” He gets a hum in response.

He slithers his hand under the blanket to rest it on your lower back. The warmth of his hand feels nice against your skin.

Sam lays back on his side and buries his nose in your hair. You feel some of his breath going down your back, which sends shivers down your body. “We’re going back to the bunker today, sweetheart. I packed our bags earlier.” The eldest Winchester says softly.

Groaning tiredly and softly, you bury your face in your pillow. “Sam and I can get dressed as you can stay in your PJs. How does that sound?” You nod. “Is my blanket in Baby?”

“Yeah.” The youngest Winchester answers as he gets out of bed and to his bag to get clean clothes, Dean doing the same thing. 

Sam goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower and into the clean clothes.

The brothers zip up their bags after putting their dirty clothes in them. 

Sam takes all three bags out to Baby as Dean carries you, who’s in one of his shorts, one of Sam’s shirts, and a pair of fluff socks. 

Your legs are wrapped around Dean’s waist and your arms around his neck, hands clasped together. Dean’s hands are resting underneath your butt. His head is slightly leaned against your head that’s resting on his shoulder, your nose against his neck.

“What time is it?” You ask, your voice muffled a bit. Dean removes one of his hands to check his watch. Once he has his hand back under your butt, he says, “It’s 9pm. You slept through most of the day.”

“It’s because I’ve been having some shitty sleeps, the hunt yesterday worn me out, and I went to sleep at 6 in the morning from researching all night.”

Once at the car, your favourite blanket is folded neatly in the back seat. Dean settles you in next to it.

You start to unfold the blanket and pause for a short second as Dean pressed a kiss to your temple. He squats down and rests his hands next to your outer thigh to keep his balance. “Do you want one of us to stay in the back with you?” Shaking your head, you look at him after placing the blanket over your legs.

“Okay.” He pecks your lips whilst standing and walking to the front seat. Sam took his spot and does the same thing, making the kiss a bit longer. He closes the door and goes to his seat next to his brother.

With Baby back on the road and some minutes later of silence, you ask, “Can we do a lazy, movie, cuddle day tomorrow?”

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4 years ago

Hey! What about one where the reader is Sam and Deans little sister (13-14) and a hunt goes wrong and Sam and dean die and she breaks down in Cas’ arms telling him what happend ? Thanks!

Let’s do this! Thank you for the request :p

Cas Is Always There


You and your brothers stand outside the wrecked and abandoned warehouse from taking a pack of wolves. 

The three of you have some sort of wound on your face. Sam with claw marks, Dean have a small cut, and yourself having a cut on your eyebrow and a split lip.

“I think we got them.” You chuckle.

Sam and Dean give you their bitch faces. “You weren’t supposed to come!”

“Let alone hide in the backseat of Baby!” Dean finishes. 

“At least you two bloody idjits are alive! If I hadn’t been in Baby, then both of you would be dead.” Your eyebrows are furrowed softly.

Dean and Sam start to talk, but their voices begin to fade out.

“Behind-” Your voice breaks the fading noise.

Dean and Sam turn around to have two wolves have an arm in each of your brothers’ chests.

“No!” You scream, raising your gun to shoot both the wolves’ in their heads as soon as their hands get out and be covered in the thick, crimson liquid.

Your brothers’ bodies drop to the ground. 

You scream and cry whilst dropping to your knees. You start to hyperventilate. “Get up.” You manage to get out. They’re just playing some sick prank.

“No.” You look up to the voice. “What happened?” Cas asked. You say nothing, letting your struggled breathing take over.

He opens his arms for you, immediately running into them. One hand is on your lower back, the other cupping the back of your head.

He doesn’t care that your tears are wetting his trench coat. “(Y/N), you need to calm your breathing.” 

“I-I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” His vessel’s heartbeat is calming you down. “What happened?” He repeated the question.

“I hid in the backseat of Baby as I had a bad feeling about this hunt. I helped them kill the pack and we thought we got them all, we did. But the two that killed them must’ve been hiding.”

After a few seconds of silence, “I’m going to take you back to the bunker.”

You shake your head against his chest, “No. You’re going to take us back to the bunker.” You glance up at him with tears in your eyes, wanting to slip out. He nods.

You slowly walk to Baby and sit in the passenger seat, watching Cas put the dead bodies of your brothers in the back seat. After that’s done, he sits in the driver’s seat. 

“I don’t want to drive.” You say sadly. Cas nods as the engine starts and Baby is back onto the road.

On the way to the bunker, your head is resting in the angel’s lap, one of his hands lying on your side.

Once there, Cas carries you bridal style to your room. Your head rests against his neck, something you’d always do when Sam or Dean carried you.

Setting you on your bed, he leans you against the head rest and kisses your forehead, the kiss lingering for a moment, reminding you of the kisses good night.

“Can you stay?” Your voice is hoarse from the screams. “Yeah, I can.” Cas takes his shoes off to do your movement on the bed.

You move to lie your head on top of his chest. His arm wounds around your shoulder and draw lines and figure 8s on your back. You drape your leg in between his.

“I don’t want them gone, Cas. I want them back.”

“We’ll think of something.” He kisses the top of your head as you’re dozing off to sleep. “I’ll do something.”

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4 years ago

Hey could you write one where Dean and Sam are furious because of a bad Hunt, and when their boyfriend tried to calm they down, they yell at him and after sometime they find their bf cryng and get guilt? Love your writing♥️♥️

Of course I can write this! And thank you for loving my writing♥️

The Guilt Train


Dean and Sam throw their duffel bags onto one the table in front of them, their anger obviously showing.

“Dean, Sammy,” you take a couple steps closer to them, “we didn’t know what was going to hap-”

“Back off!”

“Shut up!” Dean says right after Sam, and pointing a finger at you. “Just shut up! Don’t fucking say anything.” 

“Leave us alone!” Sam adds.

Holding back tears, you grab your duffel off the ground and take it to your old room. “Fucking dumbasses!” You slam the door.

Sobs and tears escape from your body. This is stupid. You’re crying from your boyfriends yelling at you ‘cause of a bad hunt.

You try and calm your cries, but it seems kinda hard to do as you’re used to one or both of them comforting you.

Slipping underneath the covers, you curl yourself into a ball and cry into the pillow.


You wake up with a headache, red splotches on your face and red rimmed eyes.

You decide to take something to get the headache away.

Changing into one of Dean’s boxers and Sam’s flannels, you shuffle towards the kitchen to where your boyfriends are. 

You raid the pantries until you finally found the painkillers. Taking two, you swallow them in a mouthful of water.

Sam and Dean watch you with a look of worried and guilt. “Baby?” Sam says softly as he tries to get you to look at them.

“My head really hurts, so I’m gonna go back to sleep.”

“Why weren’t you in the room?” Dean asks.

“I am in the room, my room.” Your eyebrows are softly furrowed. Sam corrects on what Dean said by asking, “Why weren’t you in our room?”

“You said to leave you guys alone.”

“Aw, sweetheart.” Dean stands up to wrap his arms around you. "We didn't mean to yell at you. We're just being grumpy men."

Sobs escape from you again. Sam does the same thing Dean is doing, but his body is behind yours.

“What about we go back to our room and have some cuddles?” Sam asks. You nod against Dean’s neck.

“Okay,” Sam turns you around to pick you up. You wrap your limbs around him and tiredly watch Dean trail behind you. He quickly nudges his nose against yours.

You smile softly once the three of you are at the room.

The three of you are already in comfy clothes, so Sam places you in the middle of the bed as him and his brother are on each side of you.

Sam spoons you, his hand gently rubbing against your hip.

Dean nuzzles his face against yours, a hum escaping from you.

Your eyes close as the warmth of the two surrounds you. You enjoy the touch of them, even if it’s for a brief moment.

“Love you.”

"Love you, baby boy," they say in unison. They smile at each other as they don’t get a reply, knowing you’d fallen asleep.

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4 years ago

One where Winchester sister!Reader (any age) needs to under cover at a party to go kill vampires and in the middle of trying to kill them she does a something that blows up the vampires so she’s covered in blood like dripping and goes back to the bunker fully drenched in blood and she’s traumatised because she can’t figure out what made them explode?:)

Oo, this is kinda gory. I love gory things. I’m gonna write it like when the vamps explode if that’s okay with you

Bloody Hell - Winchester Brothers x Winchester!F!Reader Age: 30


Blood and guts explode everywhere from a small group of vamps. You were standing right in front of them, their blood and guts completely covering your body, making you kinda look like Carrie.

The people scream as they all push and shove each other out of the way to exit the house.

You’re the last person out with an emotionless expression.

Sitting down on the pavement, you take out your phone to find Dean’s contact. It picks up after the first few rings. “I’m ready to be picked up, Bean, and make sure you bring towels.” You say softly.

“Okay, baby sis, we’re a few minutes out.”

Ending the call, you dump your phone onto the grass next to you.

As said, a few minutes pass to have Baby pull over next to you and stop.

Immediately, both the driver’s and passenger’s door open to have your brothers’ drop to their knees next to you, asking if you’re okay.

Standing up and opening the back door, you cover your seat with the towels to sit on top of them.

Dean and Sam give each other worried looks before going back to their seats. “I’m fine,” you said softly.

Driving back on the road and to the bunker, they try to get you to talk, but fails.

“Dean, I think she’s in shock or she’s traumatized.” Sam states out.

Once at the bunker, you’re the first one out and walking quickly to your room, Sam and Dean hot on your tail.

You slam your door right in front of them, both trying to talk to you coming out, Dean’s hands on the locked door knobs and Sam banging his hands on the door.

They step back as they see your door opening slowly to take in the view of your bloodied body.

“I-I want help.” You say with a small, embarrassed voice. Your brothers nod, taking you back into your room and into the connected bathroom.

Sam starts to fill the tub with the right amount of warm-hot water as Dean gets out some comfy clothes for you.

Once the tub is filled, Dean peels the bloodied clothes off your sticking body, him and Sam not really caring to seeing you naked as I guess they had their fair share of sight-seeing.

Sitting yourself in the nice water, it starts to stain itself a pinky-red before it starts to get darker.

Dean sits against the small ledge behind you with his feet in the water, washing the blood that has poured itself down your back as Sam sits on the edge of the tub, his feet in the water too, himself washing your hair.

Once you’re all clean and the water is stained red, you get out of the tub and into a towel.

Dean tries you off, ruffling up your hair and leaving it all over the place after the towel is dumped onto the sink. Him and Sam help you into your clothes, yourself mumbling, “I don’t know what happened. I was about to attack them, but they just,” you paused, “exploded.”

“You’re fine, though. You’re safe.” Dean kisses your forehead. “And we’re happy that you are,” Sam adds, kissing the top of your head.

“Let’s get you to bed, trouble.”

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4 years ago

The Winchesters’ Zombie Apocalypse

With a scavenge gone wrong, Dean has to do something he never thought he’d have to do.

Pairings: Dean x F!Reader x Sam Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader (you), Bobby Winchester (child), Garth, Dixon (dog - German Shepherd), Ellen (mentioned), Jo (mentioned), Jack (mentioned) Genre (smut, fluff, angst): Fluff, angst AU: Zombie Apocalypse Words: 2,050

This awesome idea was made by @negans-lucille-tblr  This is my entry for @spnsecretsantaficexchange​ ​  For my Secret Santa person, I have gotten @snapplejaxs​​ I hope you like it


Storming into the cabin, you angrily peel off your bloodied flannel to throw it against the backrest of a seat at the dining table. “Fucking idiots! I told you not to follow me into the store! I fucking had it.”


“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, Dean. I’m gonna go take a shower, then I’m gonna go out for a walk.” 

Doing as you said, you walk past your husbands and into your shared bedroom to grab a pair of clean clothes and into the bathroom. Your German Shepherd, Dixon, had followed you into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

“I feel like one of us should go with her on her walk, just to keep an eye on her.”

“She has Dixon, Sam.”

Nothing is said, silence filling the air except for the faint noise of the shower.

Footsteps are then made on the porch. Small, fast ones coming towards the door before it swings open to show a little boy. “Hey, Bobby,” greeted Sam as he bent down and picked up the four year old. “Papa.”

“Where’s Daddy?” Bobby points at Dean next to them, making the eldest Winchester smile and bump his nose against their son’s. One of his small, chubby hands rests against Dean’s stubbly cheek.

With the three not noticing, you’re leaning against the door frame and smiling at the scenery, wishing that you could snap a picture of them. “Hey, Garth,” your voice had given the Winchester brothers a fright, their eyes on you before looking at your best friend.

“Hey, guys. Thought I’d drop off a little someone.” He points at your son, who’s reaching out to you. “Thank you, Garth.” You take Bobby into your arms from Sam’s.

“Better get back to Bess and the kids, see you later.”

Saying goodbye to him, you turn back ‘round to your husbands. “I’m gonna go take a walk, wanna come? Obviously we’ll leave Bobby here, see if Ellen and Jo can look after him.” You nuzzle your nose against your son’s cheek before blowing a raspberry against it, making him squeal and flail his arms around, his hands now cupping your face.

“Hi, baby.” He starts to rub his nose against yours before stuffing his face against your neck. 

Both my babies, Dean had thought to himself, smiling at his wife and son.


Walking through an abandoned town, Dixon by your side, the brothers are trailing behind you. Dean has been kicking a can since you have entered the town. Then Dixon gets into an attack position, having you three raise your guns.

“Split up.”

“What?” Sam and Dean ask in unison.

“Do it.”

Groans and moans fill the air, rotted bodies shuffled into view. “(Y/N)!” Dean tries to go after you, but Sam grabs his arm to pull him back. They watch you run in front of the herd. It got closer with gunshots going off, the idea of the herd getting you makes Sam scared.

“Come on.” Dean pulls at his arm to have them walk into a store to hide.

Feeling his chest tighten and his breathing quicken, Sam tries to calm himself down. Sometimes Dean was able to help him through his panic attacks, taking longer than you, but you were the one that was able to stop them and comfort and calm the youngest Winchester.

“D-Dean,” he managed to breathe out. Dean is immediately in front of him, reassuring him that you’re gonna be fine. “I-I can’t b-breathe.”

Dean instructs him to try and slow his breathing. “She’s out there on her own and for all we know she could be dead as it seems like she used all her bullets,” Sam started to ramble and continued to do it before he got cut off by his older brother’s arms wrapping around him and bringing him in for a hug.

“She’ll be okay.”

Hours have passed to have the sky darkened and the brothers had gone to the spot where you had fired your gun. Small dots of blood trailed off in front of them with a piece of your shirt ripped on the ground.

“We gotta go back home.”


Bobby is seated in Sam’s lap, head on his chest and Sam’s arms wrapped around the small body of his son. “Where’s Mama and Dixon?” He looks up at Sam, one eye green and the other hazel.

“Mama and Dixon are still out, they’ll be here soon.” Sam answers, hoping that it’s true and that soon enough, you’ll be home.


Barking towards the cabin, Bobby is the first to swing the door open and run across the porch, down the steps and towards where he heard the barks. His fathers are right behind him.

Bobby starts to pet Dixon, Sam standing with them. Dean had stopped in front of them, trying to find you.

Luckily, no one really had thought much of the barking as they were kinda used to it. But if it was constant and no one was able to stop them, then that’s a sign for something dangerous.

Dean had finally spotted you limping towards the four, himself running to you and bringing your blood-stained body against his, himself not caring about the crimson liquid staining his clothes.

“Mama!” Bobby runs towards you, Sam fast-walking to you to do the same thing Dean had done.

“We were so fucking worried, we were about to have a search party for you, sweetie,” Sam leans his forehead against yours.

“You had a panic attack,” is the first thing you said, despite what Sam just said. “Dean calmed me down.”

Once back inside the cabin, you’re in the bathroom. You’re now staring at your naked form in the mirror, your eyes looking back and forth at the bite on shoulder and one on your hip.

Whines and scratches fill the air. You open the door a bit to let the dog in and shut the door behind him before you settle yourself on the toilet lid. “How am I going to tell them, boy?” You chuckle out sadly, trying to lighten up the moment. Dixon rests his chin on your leg, his brown eyes giving you a soft look. “You look after that little boy, you hear me?” You rub one of his ears between your fingers.

“Time for bed, Mama,” Bobby knocks at the door. “Let’s go, Mama.” Dean’s voice repeats.

Getting changed after covering the wounds, you run your hand through your semi-dried hair and out of the bathroom you are.

Standing in the doorway of the lounge and hallway, your heart is beating faster a bit more and your hands are softly shaking.

“Are you okay, honey?” asks Dean, seeing that you’re nervous about something. “I got bit,” you blurted out. “Let me put Monkey to bed.” Sam picked Bobby up and down the hallway to his room.

“Please say something, baby,” you walk towards Dean. Tears started to prick his eyes, some slipping and dropping onto the floor.

“You’re looking so pale,” he chuckles out with a sob. Smiling and sighing out, your arms slither around his waist, his arms wrapped over your shoulders. Your head rests against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. “I want you to do it. I can’t do it myself, I’ll hesitate. Sam will have a panic attack if he does it, so please,” you look at him with tears brimmed in your eyes, “kill me.”

He presses his lips against your forehead, his eyes closed and tears gently flowing down his cheeks. “Go say goodbye to our baby,” he mumbled against your skin.

Doing so, you gently knock against Bobby’s door before opening it, seeing your other husband and your son sitting on his bed. You kneel in front of him, hands on each side of his legs. Sam intertwines his with your closest hand. 

“Mama is really sick. Daddy is going to take care of me.”

“Are you going to get better?”

Sniffing and wiping your nose with your free hand, you answer, “He’s going to have to kill me, baby. If he doesn’t, then I’m gonna get turned into one of those monsters.”

Bobby jumps into your arms, your body thumping against your butt. “Mama loves you, always.” You lean your cheek against the top of his head, tears flowing down your cheeks.

Small knocks grab your attention, making the three of you look at Dean. You stand up with Bobby clinging to your body.

“I’ve told Ellen, Jo and Jack. They’re gonna tell the people.”

Going out to the lounge, Bobby is still clinging to your body. Sam is trailing behind, tears welled up in his eyes.

Setting Bobby on the ground, his hands are gripped into your shirt. “Bobby,” your voice cracks. His hands loosened and letting go of the fabric, his arms now wrapped around your legs.

“You’re gonna be okay.” You cupped Sam’s face, his tears wetting your hands. He brings your body against his, his head resting against your non-injured shoulder. “Sam.” Feeling something wet against his skin and shirt, he looks to see blood dribbling down the side of your mouth and down your chin.

Pulling his sleeve down, he wipes it away, not caring about the crimson liquid staining it. He then tugs your shirt collar back to see the covered bite mark. Your veins have darkened within under the bandage, the ends of the darkened veins stopping underneath your jawline.

“I’m gonna do this now,” you say softly, Sam pressing a kiss to your forehead. You bend down to peel your son away from your leg to hand him over to Sam, but he quickly wrapped his arms around your neck. “Bobby,” your cracked voice comes out as a soft stern. Sam’s hands grab a hold of Bobby’s waist to have you unclasped his hands.

“Mama!” His small hands reach out to you. His head gets tucked away into Sam’s neck, his big hand covering the child’s head. With a last kiss on the lips of your tall husband and a kiss to your son’s head, you shuffle towards Dean.

“I hope you’re ready, pretty girl, ‘cause I’m not,” Dean chuckles out dryly. Cupping his stubbly cheeks, you give him a kiss on his lips. One of your hands then go down to his gun holster to pull the weapon out and make his fingers curl around the handle.

All four of you have tears flowing down your cheeks. Dixon whines and rubs his head against your leg.

Dean wraps his weapon-free arm around your middle, your head now resting against his shoulder. “I have letters for each of you in my backpack. Read them when I’m buried,” you mumble.

“O-Okay.” Dean manages to get out with a shaky voice. You bring his hand up to your head, the barrel of his gun pressed against your temple. “I’m ready now.”

With his hand now shaking and his finger on the trigger, he presses it harder to release a bullet into your head and body going limp against his body. Blood has scattered across the floor and some on his shoulder.

He falls to the ground to wrap both arms around your body to sob against your shoulder.

Bobby had been struggling against Sam’s hold and been scream-crying since the gunshot went off. “Bobby.” Sam shifts the small boy in his arms to hold him as if he’s holding a rugby ball, tucked in his arm. “No! I want Mama!” Bobby screams into Sam’s chest whilst pushing against it.


Sam sits at the bottom of your grave, playing with some of the dirt as Dean, Bobby and Dixon are running around, Dean chasing his baby boy. 

“Dean and I read your letters a few days after you died. We’re gonna have Bobby read his when he’s a little bit older. Can’t believe it’s already been two months without you.”

“Papa! Come play with us.” Bobby yells at him whilst running and bumping against Sam’s back. He starts to climb Sam like a jungle gym. “I gotta go. Say goodbye to Mama.” Sam stands up, taking one of Bobby’s small hands into his.

“Bye, Mama. I love you.” Bobby waves at your grave before him and Sam walk towards Dean, who has a gentle smile on his face.

“I love you, too, (Y/N).” He mumbles to himself.

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