daenerysstormreborn - Daenerys Storm(re)born
Daenerys Storm(re)born

This is a sideblog for talking about ASOIAF/Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. You can call me Em. 26, female. Avatar by u/wellfalcon on Reddit. Read my pinned, please!

696 posts

I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few

I actually think Dove Cameron would be a great Dany. Visually, at least. And not within the past few years. She’s had a lot of work done. Which isn’t a judgement here I’m just saying she could be Dany to me

I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few
I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few
I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few

(She has had some work done in these pics but it’s more subtle)

But I can’t imagine her here as anyone in asoiaf

I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few

And YOUNG young Dove could do Myrcella

I Actually Think Dove Cameron Would Be A Great Dany. Visually, At Least. And Not Within The Past Few

More Posts from Daenerysstormreborn

10 months ago

also after walking into a pyre to die at the lowest moment of her 14 year old life and instead of burning to death enacting the miracle from her prophetic dreams that everyone in her family died and failed trying to do that brings magic back into the world for the first time in 300 years and three dragons who are loyal only to her and the next day there’s a giant red comet in the sky. what is this tenth grader supposed to do NOT suspect a little bit that she’s the messiah.

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10 months ago

What’s y’all’s fav minor house in asoiaf, mine is House Pryor

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10 months ago

The fury I felt when I found out how cool Baela is in the books is so real like where is her pet monkey!?!!! She’s supposed to be fiery and full of personality and the showrunners mostly had her and Rhaena just stand there while giving the green kids so much characterization. I just hope they do Morning justice because she’s my favorite dragon

Maybe it’s my bad memory but I honestly can’t remember them doing anything in the show. Jace and Luc either aside from the conflicts with Aemond. Most people claim the show runners favor TB but the amount of characterization they give to TG makes me skeptical of that because I don’t feel like anyone on TB aside from Rhaenyra and Daemon got any real characterization. Rhaenys and Laenor got maybe 2 solid character scenes each but that’s it 😐

so speaking of hotd dragon twins mistreatment why the hellllll are they all the way at the back of the crowd at visenyas funeral. did whoever was like choreographing(?) that just not remember that they are actually not just related to this family through rhaenys? it's their literal sister and they're down behind all the extras. (also if they'd added in a literal like three minute scene where they and jace etc react to this presumably very upsetting news it could've given the audience just a tinyy bit of characterisation)

no because sometimes i do genuinely think they completely forget that Baela and Rhaena are both cousins like four times over AND stepsiblings to Jacaerys and Lucerys. Like, baby Visenya is their sister through their father - their sister!!!! - and also their cousin through the Laena-Laenor relationship AND going back through Rhaenys and Viserys as well!!!

i think adding in some sort of scene where Jacaerys informs the girls about it - since we don't even see them until the funeral so I'm assuming they're just, idk, studying or flying somewhere?? - or even just them sitting next to Jace and Luke would have gone a long way for characterizing not just all four characters but also the relationships between them as well.

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10 months ago

Personally if we’re talking about a big dragon (i.e., Drogon when he dracarys-ed the Tarlys or bigger) I’d rather be killed by dragon flame than being eating by the dragon but I personally just think that being eaten is specifically horrifying in a way I can’t fully articulate

Maybe it’s just cope but I’d like to think death by dragon flame is pretty damn fast. Most of the time when people burn to death it is not but most of time people aren’t get blasted full force by a giant flamethrower. But idk I’m just trying to make myself feel better about Laena’s death in the show, amongst others, imagining that it was at least quick. Someone else timed the deaths of the Tarlys and said it was about 4 seconds between the flames hitting them and their bodies disintegrating so that’s pretty fast at least