daftdweeb - lost

gio | 27 | compulsive late-night brooder | below average This place is filled with my vague ramblings. Hi, I bite.

1976 posts

Today Was A Good Day.

Today Was A Good Day.
Today Was A Good Day.
Today Was A Good Day.
Today Was A Good Day.

Today was a good day. 

(P.S. Yung Hello Kitty pillow cover talaga highlight ng photoset na 'to.)

More Posts from Daftdweeb

10 years ago


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10 years ago

It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else. And it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.

Grey's Anatomy

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10 years ago

It's a little bit horrifying just how quickly everything can fall to crap. Sometimes, it takes a huge loss to remind you of what you care about the most. Sometimes, you find yourself becoming stronger as a result. Wiser, better equipped to deal with the next big disaster that comes along. Sometimes, but not always.

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10 years ago

Saving lives, One at a time

Cristina: Don't give up on yourself. Let us help you.

Patient: Will you be there?

Cristina: Every step of the way.

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10 years ago

May 17, MMXIV

4:00 A.M. I keep on running away from everything and pretend like I'm not hurt. Well, you know what? Screw this. I'm tired. I'm not okay. I never was.

I give up.

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