Live Action - Tumblr Posts
you guys are actually fucking unbearable. avantika is not getting cast as rapunzel. there is not even a live action being made. i need yall to be so fucking for real.
Crazy date idea: we watch The Scooby Doo live action films and list all the signs that Velma and Daphne should have ended up together.
We can also do the same with Mystery Inc. if you’re feeling really flirty.

I'm back in Soul Society to redeem my sins, but I don't regret what I did. I made a human friend. But… everyone's memory of me… has been wiped clean. Yours, too.
BLEACH ブリーチ (2018) dir. Sato Shinsuke

Last night, an idea just popped into my head that if I were to make my story live action, I'd have to know just how my poster child, Naku, would look, if cast done perfectly (I.E. No White Washing)
P.S. I'm not the best with Photoshop. Yet I'm constantly told that I should know Photoshop before I know clip Studio yet I know clip Studio much better. Not to mention my time was preoccupied for nearly a year and this is the first time in a year that I've opened Photoshop, So please forgive me if the work looks a little off.
(Disclaimer) all the reference pictures were from Pinterest...

I never understood why they couldn't just refilm the group shots for the Season 3 intro with Marcus and Gilda being new, and Lisa going off to do her science program.

In spite of this, I really appreciate the fact that they were able to keep the shots and animation for the new kids consistent with the original cast. They truly deserve all of the Emmys ever.
heres a random fact 4 a random show, theres a behind the scenes vid 4 the 2009 reboot/re-imagining of the electric company, and do u know the show won a emmy in 2010 for outstanding achivement in main title design? thats how good the intro was!
the greatest key change in the history of all music is before the last chorus in can you feel the love tonight. anyone who disagrees can fight me

Well my friends it that time of the week new Episode is out go give us a download on your favorite platform go to Facebook and give us a like and follow so we can grow our audience and do more fun things for yall
Man, this really makes me wish I had a Netflix subscription! The ZoLu love is so strong in these gifs! This also drives me to watch the anime version, which can be found on Crunchyroll (and I have a subscription to that site!)

I need you, Zoro. You're my captain, Luffy. And I'm your first mate.
Meh, Bleach and Naruto are already shit, doubt they can do much with it. Akira already failed as OVA, also the whole “Americinaze” stuff, yeah Japan has been doing that when they get American movies, so you can stuff it guys.

I really refuse to accept the bs excuses people give for the ATLA live action. We have seen that a live action adaptation of an anime can have amazingly accurate casting (from Netflix themselves!!!!) with OPLA.
There is no excuse to not check into the backgrounds of the people you are casting when we have had pretendian actors like Taylor Lautner as the most popular actors playing indigenous characters. Not necessarily for tribal membership but literally just give me something! Something that connects you to the culture!
Even when I thought Ian Ousley was native, I wasn’t on the bs train of “he looks so much like Sokka.” Where? He looks like a white man! And while indigenous white passing ppl are still valid, that 100% plays into the intense colorism in the entertainment industry! Creating a diverse water tribe with real native actors (and especially Inuk actors!) would have been awesome! But as main characters Katara and Sokka were literally dark enough that many ppl thought they were black or identified with them as black people. So how did we even end up casting him??? Refer back to colorism.
The fact of the matter is they had an opportunity to uplift indigenous actors on a scale never before seen in something that wasn’t about indigenous trauma. But people don’t care about indigenous individuals. You don’t care about our voices.
This community which has claimed to love these characters and their culture, their home, their story, has disappointed me beyond measure. You care so little about others that you couldn’t simply take the time to boycott or even bootleg?! Or to uplift our voices enough to FORCE them to change these things. It’s shameful.
Shou Tucker: Anime vs. Live Action

So I'm sure you've all heard of Shou Tucker before right? Evil bastard who turned his own daughter into a chimera? Yeah, that's the one.
So I bet you're thinking; there's absolutely no way you'd ever, EVER, be attracted to this walking red flag...
...And that's where you might possibly be wrong!
Because allow me to introduce to you...the DILF that is Shou Tucker from the Live Action movie no one cared about!

Yeah, pretty fine ain't he? A true, true DILF. And somehow the best character from that mess of a movie.
(Yes, Shou Tucker is in fact the most well-written and charismatic character from that movie. They messed it up THAT badly!)
"Be delinquents with pride and dignity."
Gokusen 1 Episode 1
Studying is not for getting good grades, but for training yourselves for hardships.
Gokusen 1 Episode 12
My Favorite PattyCake Productions song

Around two weeks arrived final part of second season of Villains Lair.I loved full series but this one is my personal favorite.So I just wanna say that I love this song,costumes and everything around that.They brought Disney villains back to live.Captain and Tremaine are besties in this series (it's my opinion) and Hook respects her.But Hands,pardon,Hans is the opposite.Lady Tremaine was right when she said,being prince is not everything and you need to gain respect.
I decided to make some fanart because I had motivation and I loved it.It's not done yet but I thing you would like this.
One piece ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I like to watch bad low-budget movies, and I found the film monsters (1993) (Russian). They use live action footage of small animals as the "monsters". As a rat owner, I find it hilarious how they try to make the rats look threatening. (No animals were actually harmed in filming)
They and I have very different definitions of moderate success

ahoy, Buggy The Clown

LA!!Buggy the clown x fem!!assassin!!reader summary: y/n works for a very underground league of pirate assassins. They aren't too known and that was exactly how they liked to keep it. y/n had been with them as long as she could remember- killing whoever she was told to for money. But her next target was going to change her life. tw!! violence, sexism
The air was still as y/n walked through the destroyed village. A younger version of herself might have found this entire picture hard to look at- but being in this business has left her numb to it all.
Her target is a man called Orson. Known for the large scar going through his right eye and stretching down to his neck- Orson is a well-known and incredibly violent pirate. The person who hired her was a victim of his violence and was going to pay her handsomely for Orson's head on a stick.
The only issue was that Orson was a part of a crew named The Buggy Pirates, captained by someone who went by Buggy The Clown. Of course, y/n knew who he was, she wasn't completely ignorant. The clown has a 15,000,000 berry bounty hanging over his head.
But y/n hadn't been hired to go after the pirate captain- so she wouldn't be going after him.
She paused in her step when spotting a large circus tent ahead of her, it was the only thing in the entire village that wasn't levelled to pieces. Figuring that, that was where she was probably best heading to, she begin walking in its direction.
She's not an idiot so she had already unsheathed her sword from the sheath strapped to her back. Holding it out in front of her, she inched closer to the tent, listening closely for any footsteps that may be inside or behind her.
Lifting her hand, she lifted her mask up so it was covering the lower half of her face, her dark eyes were the only thing visible. Her mask and suit were dark so she could easily slip into the shadows if she needed to.
With one last inhale through the nose, she raised her sword and pushed the curtain to the side with the blade. It wasn't incredibly dark inside the tent but it also wasn't filled with light. In fact, the only source of light in the tent was the large spotlight down the centre of the wide room.
Her eyes scanned the room as she headed further and further in. But she wasn't seeing anyone. The tent was empty. Or it appeared to be empty.
But she knew there was no way that Orson wasn't in this tent. The tent was the only shelter for miles that wasn't destroyed- if Orson wasn't here then he was stupid. She had been tracking him for days, there was no way he wasn't here somewhere.
As she advanced further into the tent- she finally took notice that she was standing in a circus tent. She knew that the captain, Buggy, was rather fond of circus acts- he even dressed as a clown to complete the aesthetic. Or she assumed he did based on the picture on his wanted poster.
She paused in her step. Normal people don't tend to hear things that normal people don't usually hear, they don't need to. But an assassin? they have to be ready for anything and so they heighten their senses to the best of their abilities. One of these senses being their hearing.
Her pupils went small as she spun around, her sword pointed in the direction of the sound. However, she will admit, she wasn't expecting to see the captain, himself, standing there.
He looked just like his wanted poster. The same crazed grin, same big red nose, same circus clown makeup, same over-the-top pirate hat. He was taller than she expected him to be.
"Show's not on for another 5 hours, sweetheart."He mocked, taking a step forward- not caring about the sword pointed at him. But y/n, yet again, wasn't here for the clown.
And so she dropped her sword, clearly taking Buggy by surprise. --"Nice nose."She simply said from behind her mask. Irritation sparked behind the clown's eyes as he squinted at her.
"What?"He spat, thinking that she was making fun of him. But she wasn't. She only hummed and gestured to his face. --"Your nose. It's real, right?"She paused for a few seconds before shrugging her shoulders. --"It's cool."
This made the pirate captain pause for a second. He wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. y/n, though wasn't threatened by the man standing before her, never slid her sword back into its sheath.
"Orson."She said the target's name lazily, --"Where is he?" Buggy lifted a gloved finger to his chin, tapping it mockingly. --"Now that-"He paused, grinning menacingly, --"would be telling."He finished.
It's a good thing that y/n is a highly trained assassin, right?
The second Buggy had stopped his sentence she was spinning around with her sword raised at the defence just as another sword clashed against it.
And there stood the man she was here to kill, Orson. He was significantly taller than her, wore a red and white jester hat and his arms were bigger than her head. His scar was also a lot more intimidating than she had been told- it looked incredibly painful and led her to wonder what could have possibly given it to him.
But despite all of that- she still wasn't scared of him. In fact, if anything, that made her much more cocky. y/n was the very best at overcoming the odds.
I mean, why do you think she was given this target by her boss specifically? she's the only one suited for this type of hit.
She sprang back, using her athleticism to her advantage. Orson was attacking her top half- roughly might I add. Since that was the place he was striking- she decided to go low.
Whilst the jester and the assassin fought, the clown captain walked around to lean against a barrel. He was rather interested in the masked woman currently getting the better of his freak.
Springing back on her hands, she rolled to her knees where she swung her sword at the front of his feet, slicing the skin on impact instantly. Orson yelled out in pain and stumbled forward.
Annoyed, he rammed forward and wrapped his arms around the smaller woman- squeezing her as tightly as he could manage- lifting her off of her feet. Her spine started to creak causing her to let out a grunt of pain and swing her legs forward.
Pressing her feet to his chest she flipped backwards out of his grasp, but not before he grabbed ahold of her mask and clutched it in his fist with hatred.
Now she had no face protection and Orson was able to get a good look at what she looked like. But so did Buggy.
She wasn't what Buggy was expecting. y/n was a tanned woman with a small face and a mess of thick plum-purple hair. Her tanned skin was smooth despite the many small scars that littered her cheeks as well as one going through her right eyebrow. Fitting that her eyes were the darkest eyes Buggy had ever seen, given her profession.
Orson let out a pained laugh as he gestured to her. --"You are but a little girl and you expect to kill me? I could squish you like a bug, "He laughed and slapped a hand against his chest. --"Do you know who I am?!"He snapped as she fixed her footing.
He continued to stare at her- expecting a response but he didn't get one. Instead, she chuckled and gestured for him to come at her with a 'come here' hand gesture, a wide smirk on her lips.
Another annoyed look appeared on his face as he rushed towards her. With a grin of adrenaline, y/n ducked out of the way of his rapidly approaching forearm. When he spun around to strike her she swung her sword- successfully slashing his throat.
Orson completely went numb, his eyes going wide as his hands reached up towards his gushing throat. His half-dead eyes flickered over to his pirate captain who watched carelessly, his arms folded.
"C-Captain....-"He mumbled pathetically through gurgles as he collapsed to his knees. y/n completely ignored Buggy's existence as she kneeled down in front of Orson, lifting her hand so she was gripping the back of his head- tilting it back so he was forced to look at her.
"I'm actually 30..."She hummed in a bored tone- as if she didn't just slash his throat. --"Not a little girl."She clarified with a tight grin as she reached into her thigh holster, pulling out a dagger.
"Sarah sends her regards."She told him, speaking the name of the person who had hired her. And then, without a second thought, she slashed his throat again- this time much deeper. Blood splashed onto her face and she smirked and shoved Orson's dead body forward so he crashed to the ground.
Tilting her head to the ground, she reached for her mask only for something or rather, someone to beat her to it. Suddenly, a hand, and only a hand, flew from out of nowhere and grabbed ahold of her mask.
With furrowed eyebrows, she watched the hand fly right over her head and over to Buggy who now didn't have a right hand. She figured that he must have eaten a devil fruit at some point in his life- that would be why he could detach himself.
But she didn't care about that. She cared that he now had her mask in his returning hand. He grinned at her. --"Forget about me?"He questioned sarcastically as she stood her full height and walked towards him.
She really didn't want to kill this clown, not if she didn't have to. She wasn't tasked to kill Buggy so she wouldn't.
"I like you."He told her, pointing a finger at her. He held her mask over his head so she couldn't grab at it. --"I think..."He paused to lean forward a little so his nose was practically touching hers. --"I'll keep you."He declared.
She squinted at him. Her eyes flickered all over his face for a moment, never moving away from his uncomfortably close face. "I just killed one of your crewmates."She reminded him with raised eyebrows. --"What makes you think I won't kill you?"She hummed, folding her arms and taking another step closer to him if that was even possibly.
They were practically all up in each other's space, but neither of them seemed to care.
He laughed in response and leaned closer to boop her nose with his free finger. --"Because you couldn't kill me even if you tried."He grinned cockily. He then smacked his hands together and took a massive step back away from her.
"Now!"He exclaimed excitedly. --"How about we add some excitement to your life."He giggled, grinning widely. He then lifted his left arm, revealing that he no longer had his left hand.
And just as y/n was about to question him, there was a tap on her shoulder. This was completely out of the ordinary for her- she could hear people sneaking up on her- but how exactly was she supposed to hear floating body parts?!
There was Buggy's left hand, and it was clutching something. With a squeeze- a red cloud of smoke surrounded her head. She didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening before her eyes were rolling to the back of her head and she was beginning to lose consciousness.
The last thing she heard was Buggy laugh and say, --"We're going to have so much fun together!"