○ Nathaniel ○ He/Him ○ 90s kid ○Author of A Long Weekend (pub. 2022),After Dark (WIP), The In-Between (WIP),and Hope Abides (WIP Patreon Exclusive).You can support my interactive fictions on Patreon. Thanks!
92 posts
Hey! Im Just Wondering When You Were Creating The Wonderful Characters Of The In Between, Did You Completely
Hey! I’m just wondering when you were creating the wonderful characters of the in between, did you completely invent them from your imagination or did you base them off actors you liked? If so, who inspired you? Thank you 😁😁
You're very kind! ♥ All my characters are always original, and I usually don't focus much on their physical appearance—that’s because I have congenital prosopagnosia, so faces are really complicated for me. For the same reason, I couldn't say which real actors my characters look like. But if you have suggestions, feel free to share them—I think it's a funny idea! ☺
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Hi! Love your games, your writing style is really unique <3
I have to ask, will you continue your guide on the "a long weekend" endings? No matter what I do, I can't reach a good ending :(
Hi! Thank you, I really appreciate it ♥
I didn't think there was still demand on the guide, actually! Sure, I will work on it in the next few days.
In the meantime, maybe this could be helpful. Please, let me know if you manage to get the ending you want to achieve! ☺
On a scale of 1 to 10 how realistic is After Dark going to be? Like personal hygiene, their smell (☠️), monthly cycles, other illnesses/sickness that characters could get?
This is a very specific question, and I've been thinking about it too without a clear answer. When does one go too far?
There are the issue of sunburn, the starting malus, and problems from not having enough pills or cigarettes. At one point, they even joke about their smell, and Abby mentions the diaper situation (if the baby is alive).
I can't really go further than that, though. Still, we can assume they take care of their needs wherever they are (preferably without others watching), and the pills they find include things that can help when they’re not feeling well.
Part 3.5.1 is now free to read for everyone!
Remember that you can read the devlog here ☺

Hey friends, I've finally updated After Dark!
It's currently available in early access on Patreon. If you're a patron, you can play it immediately!
I know it’s been a while since the last update, and I want to thank each one of you for your patience and support. This update is a big one, and I’m so excited for you all to experience it!
Here's what awaits you:
A ton of new content — this update brings more than 50,000 words!
New features and enhancements to make the game more dynamic and inclusive.
Improvements and bug fixes to make your experience smoother and more enjoyable.
I'll post a devlog in half an hour, so you can read everything in more detail on there! ♥
About the future: As previously said, moving forward you can expect more frequent updates, with fresh content and improvements rolling out monthly. I'm committed to making this game the best it can be!
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Chapter 10 in Early Access is heeere! ♥
Along with the new chapter (+3.2k words), there are a couple of new things:
I've added a character list accessible from the Stats menu. Characters will appear as they become relevant, so if someone hasn't shown up yet, just wait until they're mentioned!
There are also a couple of new variables that, if the game doesn't read them correctly, could cause some issues down the line. To be safe, it's best to start a fresh playthrough.
That's all—enjoy! ♥
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This sent me flying
The latest chapter was wild! Without context, you won't understand, so 10/10 would recommend you to play AD
My normally nice MC was so annoyed at Mick and Rain, justified though, these two dumbasses