he/him insta : damtwice (most active platform) |asks are open!
105 posts
Damtwice - .GBS. - Tumblr Blog

Stuff I forgot to post here

Redraw of that one little panel from Ryoko Kui’s blog
people who hate trans men seem to overwhelmingly be of the opinion we can control how big our breasts are/were. 'me when the he/they with the biggest fattest womanest boobiest tits you've ever seen-' shut the fuck up
if you all could see all the fanart i imagine in my head and never draw it’d blow your tits clean off

a “tutorial” i did… at the end of last year i think? anyway, originally, i was considering just leaving it on patreon only, but i think it would be more easily accessible for patrons and other people if i uploaded it here. i might make another collection of quick tips sometime.
Wallace wells or gay rights?
Lucas lee
Hard to walk normally

Redraw of that panel because it’s dope
I just realized how little I actually post and I apologize. This goes for both Instagram and here I just can't seem to post anything even though I draw a lot