Diamond Is Unbreakable - Tumblr Posts
Thanks for the tag @sunlightfeeling !!!
You get to rank 5 randomly shuffled spotify songs off my playlist (do not get ur hopes up, most will be random and wild)

made this edit because this little goofball would absolutely wear this unironically

One of my favorite characters in part 4

♡☆!!!JOSUKE!!!☆♡ (I love this t-shirt xd)

I think Josuke might be my favorite Jojo so far.

Yukako, based on one of Araki’s sketches. Original under the cut.

Another redraw of an Araki sketch. Ref under the cut.

The last drawings of 2022! Hoping to draw more of these guys this year.

The first Jotaro I’ve drawn that actually came out (somewhat) right! His hat-hair is hard to draw 😖
Detail of a WIP.

Still behind on Jojotober, but I’m posting this to show that I am working on something. This is Day 8: Volume Cover Redraw.

I managed to finish at least one other Jojotober prompt before the month ended! This is Day 8: Volume Cover Redraw.
Original under the cut ⬇️

Redraws are all I seem to do anymore 😅
A new friend for the Morioh gang—Himari!

I’ll put together a bio for her (and Sheena) as soon as I’m able, but for now here’s a little bit of info about her under the cut.
Age: 15-16
Personality: Comes across as emotionless, but is just abnormally calm. Quiet and awkward, but friendly. Goes with the flow. Has a whimsical sense of humor. Intelligent; absorbs information like a sponge. More sensitive than she appears. Becomes more expressive over time.
Interests: nonfiction books, manga, plants, insects, video games, puzzles

Colored my girls while working on more requests.