83 posts

Other People: This Student Is My Favorite One. Over The Course Of The Game I Bonded With Them And They

Other People: This Student Is My Favorite One. Over The Course Of The Game I Bonded With Them And They

Other people: This student is my favorite one. Over the course of the game I bonded with them and they became my best unit. It would be so amazing if they could win CYL 4!

Me, a filthy lover of minor characters: I just think she is neat.

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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel

5 years ago
I Won't Lie, Things Are Getting Difficult. So Many Favorites, So Few Votes. But I Just Had To Spare One

I won't lie, things are getting difficult. So many favorites, so few votes. But I just had to spare one for Heather. Neph needs her girlfriend in the game yesterday.

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6 years ago

Feed her to Henry for maximus revenge

Good news! Halloween Henry's on the Legendary banner! Bad news! He shares a spot with Legendary Lyn and Inigo.

I swear to God if I get Lyn, I’m murdering her

6 years ago

Okay, I just had a sudden idea. Or a revelation. And now I can’t stop thinking about it. They NEED to put Hayato in the game asap. I was thinking about some nice supports and headcanons for the new units and who to pair them with (Marth gets with BrideCaeda and Ninian gets Eliwood, because I’m boring like that) and I got kinda stuck with Sanaki. I was thinking she would be cute with Delthea, since Delthea was a goddess of total destruction in SoV, so might as well marry the avatar of another goddess (now that I think about it by similar logic YoungTiki is another good candidate to be with Sanaki), and I also briefly considered Donnel and Morgan but none of the options felt right. Then I thought about people that are still not in the game, but could be added easily and I had the revelation that Sanaki and Hayato NEED to marry each other. Why is that? Because that would create a very specific AU that I’m growing fonder and fonder of by the minute. Hear me out: Hayato and Sanaki meet in the order of heroes. Initially they get into a lot of fights because Sanaki calls Hayato out for acting like he is tough and mature, but only coming off as childish, and Hayato gets pissed and calls her out for being even younger than he is and yet acting like an adult all the time. Evetually they get to know each other better, and find out things they like about each other and get closer and closer until they fall in love with each other. While still in the world of Zenith they promise to get married once the war is over. Years later, the war is over, Sanaki brings Hayato with her in Begnion and they get married. Rhajat is born with beautiful purple hair. Since her parents are always busy with important political matters, and even her aunt Micaiah doesn’t spend a lot of time with her, she gets lonely easily, with only her guardians Tanith and Sigrun as company, and no friends her age. Her personality becomes similar to regular Rhajat but the reason she became interested in hexes and dark magic was to draw attention. Years later she meets a young prince named Kanna, in a diplomatic mission from the kingdom of Valla, and they fall in love.

Sooo basically… I need Hayato in Heroes just to realize this silly AU in which Rhajat becomes Empress of Begnion AND Queen of Valla. I know it’s silly, waaay too specific (after the war you can travel with the portals to all the FE worlds you want with no trouble at all? How would the people of Begnion react to having their Empress marry a guy from another world? They are a very xenophobic kingdom after all) and I spent way too much time thinking about it but I can’t help it, now the idea is in my brain and it won’t leave. I’m even thinking about writing a small fanfiction about this crack-ship and AU now. Imagine Sigrun having to deal with little princess Rhajat and her mischiefs LMAO. And she thought she had it bad with Sanaki xD

Anyway thanks for hearing my ramblings, writing them down helped a lot. Now I better go before I find a way to involve my girl Lute in this AU somehow… …too late, I found one. She is Kamui’s wife and mother of the Kannas. This way Kanna and Rhajat can both have purple ha-OH MY NAGA, why does this fit so perfectly??? Glhgmsmafngnh*passes out*

Wow, you really outdid yourself with all this XD That a nice AU!

6 years ago
Hi, Im The Anonymous Who Really Loves Lute, Dunno If You Remember Me. I Decided To Start Posting And
Hi, Im The Anonymous Who Really Loves Lute, Dunno If You Remember Me. I Decided To Start Posting And
Hi, Im The Anonymous Who Really Loves Lute, Dunno If You Remember Me. I Decided To Start Posting And

Hi, I’m the anonymous who really loves Lute, dunno if you remember me. I decided to start posting and using tumblr a little, instead of just lurking in the shadows, but I’m still a n00b with tumblr so I hope I don’t make silly mistakes. I wanted to show you who just decided to come home. I guess reworking the 5* pool did wonders because I wasn’t expecting to ever see Ryoma randomly show up. Weren’t you supposed to be SuperRare, Lobster Boy? Well it’s good you showed up, because your family, retainers and even a certain Nohrian prince wanted you here xD Ryoma isn’t exactly my favorite, not even in Birthright, so this isn’t as significant for me as it was for you, but aren’t you glad that he’s showing up more recently? Maybe he will come visit you again soon ;)

P.S. pretend that Mamui is lv 40, I’m working on him u.u

asdfghjklm I love how the names of the teams progressively become more silly, at first it’s just “Hoshido” and then it’s “Plzdon’tfight”

Wow, congrats on getting Ryouma!! Even if the 5* pool was reworked, it’s still a great catch! :>

5 years ago
And My Second Vote Goes To My Favorite Secondary Character Of FE6. She Turned Out To Be An Even Better

And my second vote goes to my favorite secondary character of FE6. She turned out to be an even better sniper than Klein for me. Also, I really love freckles. If you ever enjoyed her in FE6, can you please consider saving a vote for her? Or Saul? They were a pretty great duo and I can only see the developers putting them on the same banner. Thanks

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