darkjazzpunk - creative fandom
creative fandom

24, she/her, living in germany. Otome-Fan and simp for fictional characters...asks and inspiratons are always welcome

430 posts

Overworking (BaizhuxReader)

Overworking (BaizhuxReader)

Prompt: 'Muse lands in your lap'


It was a rough day for Bubu Pharmacy. The cold-season had started with three days of harsh weather changes. So there were even more patients in the Pharmacy than expected.

Gui did his best, taking care of every order and handling the smaller cases of barometric headaches and people who were known for 'overreacting'. Qiqi gathered herbs as fast as her little body could and was paid every time with a fresh bottle of coconut milk when you met her and took the ingredients from her before rushing back to the imposing building.

Baizhu did his best to diagnose everyone as fast as he could while also being thoroughly, asking patients to come back later if there's no improvement and bribing children way more generously with candy to get them to take their medicine without throwing a fit.

You worked yourself up the many stairs and stopped abruptly when you saw that there was no waiting line. Did something happen, or was this just the golden moment for a break before the next wave of customers boarded the Pharmacy? With fast steps, you walked inside and looked around before Baizhu noticed you with a gentle but forced smile:" Y/n! There you are. Just lay the herbs down over there and take a seat. I have a bad feeling that this wasn't all, but we should take a break together as long as we can." His hands still busy writing prescriptions while also sorting the herbs you just delivered.

"As long as you take a break too. I know you…" you said as you set down on one of the stools behind the counter, breathing heavily. The green haired Pharmacist waved his hand in a soothing motion at you and darts into the storeroom, out again into the entrance room checking some drawers before he walked back into his office. You just shook your head at him. Everyone in the Pharmacy knew about his weak constitution, and yet he seemed the only one acting absolutely oblivious to it. Especially now, with Changsheng being busy shedding her skin. Otherwise, she would give him a piece of her mind and be it in front of patients!

Gui came back with a tea-set in his hands and eyed carefully into the direction of the office, then at you. He put the tray down and armed himself for scolding his Boss, but before he could head into his direction the Doctor came out of his office already, paler than usual and walked past you before muttering:" I…I'm…alright…, just a sec…" before falling backwards.



You could just pull his body to you, so he landed in your lap instead of the hard floor. His head landed in the crook of your neck and you felt his slow breath.

Gui was about to help you to take his weight off you, but you shushed him kindly. Baizhu was alarmingly light, you thought, before putting your arm over his thighs to secure him further. Him fainting wasn't something too uncommon to the four of you, so you knew there was no need to panic as long as his breathing was normal, and he didn't hit something hard on his way down. You took a deep breath and checked his pulse. Everything 'normal'.

A few minutes past in silence. His assistant watched you shyly: "Say when he gets too heavy for you, I go get his medicine." And with that he walked into his Chef's office. As he was gone, the other man moved in your lap, lifted his head a bit before letting it fall back down. He had already woken up a few seconds after he had fainted.

"How embarassing..."

"That's the punishment for you not taking a break when needed, Doctor. It seems what they say is true: Doctors are the worst patients imaginable."

You pushed him closer to you. You didn't want him to see how red your cheeks were from him breathing into your neck constantly. And you didn't want him to run around again without taking a break! And maybe, just maybe, you liked the feeling of holding him in your lap like this…

"Make sure to slow down next time or I'll make sure you land face first in my lap! Did you hear me?!" your voice was a silent yell.

"Loud and clear, little Lotus." was his answer while he pushed his mouth close enough to your neck that his lips were brushing your skin with every word, making you blush even deeper than before. You wanted to scold him for it, but a high-pitched snarling intervened you two:

"Tell me your two are jussst making out!

Did he faint again?! Boneheaded fool!

Not one week you can handle yourssself alone!

How did you ssurvive this long without me?

And you two! I told you to put him in his place if he actsss up!

Where is this submisssive asssistant anyway?!


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More Posts from Darkjazzpunk

1 year ago

My messages and comments are broken so using this as a way to DM you instead. :) Just wanted to say that I am SCREAMING (in a good way) about your Baizhu chapter. Absolutely LOVED elegantly slutty Baizhu!

AHHH! Thank you >.< I am happy you like it! By the way did you contact the support? Maybe they can help you out with this problem. I heard of asks going missing but never of that particular problem ^^"

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1 year ago

You all know the serenitea pot, where everything is at your decision (including weather, winddirection,daytime at least in lore) ?

I just imagine Baizhu getting a serenitea pot from madam ping as his own pocket-realm-terrarium where he can decide on everything according to his physical state and it just stays like that *.*

No scorching heatwave that makes him faint, no rainshower that terrorizes his weak immune system, no sudden pressure changes that split his brain in half (through migrane)

Can't wait to invite hime into my teapot! I would just imagine that I regulate everything to his needs so he has a saveheaven to rest >_<

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1 year ago

Cold-blooded (BaizhuxReader)

Prompt: 'cuddle me already, damit'


Any other man you would not have believed a single word if he had come with this excuse. But the doctor was different. Yes, he also played his games, but such a thing was far below his dignity. Before you could answer, Baizhu took off his glove and put your hand on his arm. His skin was really freezing! If his body temperature was already so low, how was he able to move at all?

"I understand your reluctance and believe me when I tell you that I am anything but comfortable asking you to do this," his flame-colored eyes looked to the side in embarrassment. He seemed really uncomfortable.

Slowly you let your fingers slide down his arm, "Don't worry, I don't have a problem with it if it helps to keep you warm. But I am curious…"

His green eyebrow went up questioningly.

"Does your cold-bloodedness come from your illness, or?" you looked him straight in the eye and nodded slightly. Your counterpart understood immediately and covered his pretty mouth with his fingers before chuckling.

"My illness is actually making it worse, but no, my cold-bloodedness is part of my 'nature'. I usually combat it with a hot water bottle or a cherry stone pillow. However, I didn't expect it to start raining like this. That was careless of me. I must have been distracted."

You stopped his babbling with a hand gesture and smiled at him encouragingly, "Let's try it, but I warn you, I'm not good at keeping my body temperature myself, so I can't promise it will work."

"Don't worry! I didn't even expected you to comply with my brazen request," Baizhu waved his hands.

Chansheng had already nestled herself on one of the roof beams and watched the spectacle as each thunderclap elicited a small hiss from her. Her partner looked up at her with concern, "Are you sure you want to stay up there? I can make room for you in my first aid bag if you want."

The white snake didn't even have eyelids, but still seemed capable of a provocative facial expression. something that has always fascinated you.

"No thanksss. I'd like to be able to warp, after all, sshould you two have other plansss for keeping warm…"

"Changsheng!" now it was Baizhu who let out a low hiss and shook his head, " Y/N is the whole situation certainly awkward enough, it doesn't need your rash comments."

Your cheeks began to glow and you looked to the side, embarrassed. Actually, a comment of that kind was quite to be expected from this firecracker. Nevertheless, it caught you off guard.

Even more unprepared, however, was the thought that you wouldn't mind too much if there was 'more' that night. You quickly discarded the dirty idea before it could take a more precise form.

Even if such a thing were within the realm of possibility, Baizhu would never abuse your trust in such a way. He was not exactly known for his high caliber, but he was far from being that corrupt. Despite all the rumors, he still had his principles, especially in this area.

In general, he was extremely careful when it came to lust and love. He knew about his attraction and his good looks that made many people of all sexes fall into pining behind his back.

You were just one of many who had fallen for his charm and the mysterious aura around him.

With a shake of your head, you dispelled the thoughts and turned to your backpack. You didn't have anything to sleep in, but you had gotten used to bringing at least one set of change clothes with you when you worked with the pharmacist. It was very important to make a well-groomed impression during house calls and you never knew what the treatment would entail.

As you tried to shoo away the painful memory of your favorite blouse full of blood, you felt a light tap on your shoulder.

Turning around you looked directly into the two amber eyes, with the vertical pupils and the coquettish eye shadow. Your pulse inevitably quickened a bit.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom first?"

"You just go first… I'll ask when dinner is served." was your short-tempered answer, before you quickly walked out the door.

~A short while and a relativley quiet dinner later~

"Is there a side you prefer?", Baizhus eyed you closely, his senses attuned to regsitrating any hint of unwillingness on your part.

You're pretty nervous, but not so much that your boss is going to stop the whole thing.

"F/s," you say after thinking about it for the first time in your life. He seemed to want to make you as comfortable as possible. The pharmacist even emphasized that no physical contact was necessary, your body temperature would be evenly distributed under the blanket and that was enough for him not to cool down too much, which should speed up your departure the next day.

Changsheng on the beam had already left for the land of dreams a long time ago, which was only demostrated by the absence of her occasional tongue flick.

The two of you also lay down, careful to keep a respectable distance. Lying in a bed as boss and employee was wicked enough.

After a few hours, however, there was nothing left of the gap between you. The storm outside had brought with it a considerable chill. Instead of giving Baizhu some warmth, you both froze, which made you sleep closer to each other.

As Baizhu's body moved on its own in search of warmth, his hand on your hip woke you both up. The doctor was about to rattle off a series of apologies when you abruptly interrupted him.

"Cuddle me already, damn it," your demand was underlined by the chattering of your teeth. As much as some depraved part of you wanted those words to have an ambiguous meaning, it was the coldness that made you call out to him.

The green-haired one hesitated, but gave in after another blast of ice-cold wind and snuggled up to you, burying his face in your neck. You were freezing yourself, but compared to him, your body was lukewarm.

And he became steadily warmer. Now it was the bashfulness that made your body run hot. His figure was so close that you felt every single fiber that touched your body. His silky soft skin, which laid like cool satin on you. His long fingers wrapped securely around your side. His concise hip bone that pressed right into your back dimple. One of your most erogenous spots… In addition, his breath brushed in even strokes over your neck.

Behind you, Baizhu had already noticed how his presence made your body warm up. He had to pull himself together not to provoke you even more to be able to tap more heat from you in return. Restrained by the cold like that he wouldn't be able to do anything anyways. Not that he would...

He was not a saint, but he was not that vicious either.

The only thing he let himself do was to let his hand slide up and down your side once.

Even though everything in him screamed to constrict you and devour you in the most sinful ways...

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1 year ago

Manifesting too, I don't want to be forced to pull for this beautiful snek doctor on my crappy phone in a ten minute break on the wing >_<

3.6 livestream this week... manifesting baizhu kaveh first half 🙏

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1 year ago

This moment you try to write at your fanfiction and your F** Roomate starts to scream like a howler monkey (he's singing with headphones on) each time you start your thinking process!!! I'm so happy once I got rid off him (my room get's renovated at the moment and I think about moving out anyway but I don't have the money for that and probably won't have in the future).

If you not interested in little bits like that in the future just block the hashtag: #dajazzrambles

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