Pre Baizhu Release - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Baizhus special dish

Baizhus Special Dish

-I think Baizhus special dish would be some kind of gentle flavoured curry with bite sized morsels of meat. Maybe a green curry with herbs... (the meat pieces are probably made of chicken or mice)

-He also likes to share his food with Changsheng.

- He propably can't handle spicy food but is good with bitter taste

- Otherwise: he can handle spice better than xiangling and Barbara together despite his physical condition

- most of the time he can handle only broth

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3 years ago

Baizhu Headcanon #1:


Baizhu starts to a snake, if he gets flustered or ashamed... or to angry.

Normally he takes great care not to lisp, thats why he speaks some words with a lot of care and slowly like 'Herbs' or 'chance'

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3 years ago

Baizhu being a Naga (part 1?)

I know, we don't have much information about the green snake man yet but I put things a bit together ^^"

- Nagas are amazing shapeshifters, and sometimes are even depicted as humans with snakes around their neck: Baizhu looks human but has snake eyes with a white snake around his neck and we never see them apart from each other...yet

- Nagas love to hoard treasures and gems: Baizhu being someone who strip people of all their cash if he sees the possibility

- Nagas have a short temper and fickle nature (especialy when ignored or insultet): not seen on Baizhu yet but Changsheng seems to fit in this picture perfectly on nearly every occassion

- Nagas are supposed to have great healing skills but can also make humans extremly ill: Baizhu is a great doctor

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3 years ago

Baizhu headcanon #2:


(Snakes are reptiles, and do not have the ability to digest dairy products like milk. Milk is designed for warm-blooded mammals.)

I imagine him as highly lactose intolerant . He can't even stand the smell of milk because he knows what it would do to him and his diggestive system. He probably tried it once for the sake of knowledge but he regreted it extremly.

He was probably the one who introduced Coconut milk to little Qiqi.

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2 years ago

Baizhu Kamasutra-headcanon thingy (reupload)

So first thing: I'm a fan of the Baizhu theory that he's the former Dendro Archon (God of knowledge) that survived somehow and I will let this theory live in my head rent free until the day it's busted by hoyoverse...

Second thing: I was looking for some information about the Kamasutra because headcanons about the snake doctor running wild in my head lateley. A few days ago I stumbled over this cool article on huffpost and a perticular line:

...that will provide the most pleasure, given the body type and size of sex organs of each lover (which was investigated ahead of time)...

And my imagination was just losing control after reading this. I mean Baizhu, the former God of knowledge, researching information about some unsuspescting victims genital parts to get the most out of a night with them.

Thats the level of "cerebral" behavior I trust him to have...

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2 years ago

Snake pit (baizhu/reader)

It's my first time writing a fanfiction in a language I understand perfectly but am not used to using myself that much so please be gentle (*/▽\*)

I picked a few prompts from the lists I posted earlier together and mashed them into this ( but asks are still open don't worry)


What the fu... happened?

Oh yes, little Qiqi had gotten stuck in a command, or rather the plant she was supposed to fetch was out of reach for her short arm. You were on the way to find shade somewhere, because you had become dizzy after the training. You had drunk enough, so you just wanted to get out of the burning sun of Liyue, when you saw the little girl. Her tiny hand was trying so hard to reach the violetgrass. Clearing your throat, you made yourself known, reached into the crack of the rock next to her, and pulled out the herb for her. She looked up at you shyly and mumbled something...then nothing.

The next thing you could remember was the dark wood paneled ceiling and the intoxicating smell of incense and herbs. Your sorrowful moans were of two origins. On the one hand, the dull pain in your head, exactly the place that had first hit the floor. On the other hand, the fact that you suspected with whom you had landed.

You knew who the little girl was working for and you knew you hated that scoundrel's guts. Baizhu was known for his outstanding medical skills, but also for the prices he charged for the treatments and remedies.

"Hey, the little one's awake!" hissed a bright voice from across the room.

Perched on a beautifully preseverd and curved branch was the white snake usually found around the doctor's neck. Her red eyes fixed on you briefly, then she laid her head back in a fork of the branch and flicked her tongue with boredom.

You didn't notice Baizhu's presence until he was already in the room and made you flinch. Another thing you couldn't stand about him. The few times you couldn't avoid going to see him (thanks to a certain foreign adventurer), your encounter was characterized by the fact that the green-haired one seemed to have a serious "aura problem". You didn't know how else to describe it. Once he came into the Bubu-Pharmacy after you and you had the feeling a damn Ruin Grader was walking behind you. Another time it was like now, you noticed him only when it was actually already too late, if you would assume it was not the doctor but an enemy. There was more wrong with this man than the DNA obviously shared with a snake.

His ember eyes investigated you with interest and on his lips was a modest smile, "Long time no see, Y/n. How are you?"

His voice always sounded a little too smooth, but a slight provocative note resonated with it if he spoke to you directly.

You had never made a secret of how little you thought of him. You had never said it directly, but showed it through your body language. Like now, when you turned your head away, glaring at him from the side dissaprovingly, "How much is this fun going to cost? Say it."

"Don't you think your health is above these minor things?"

"If I risk starving to death instead of something as ridiculous as sunstroke and a small head wound... no."

Your financial situation wasn't that bad for sure, but you certainly didn't want him to know that, not that he considered you a new target to be fleeced. His eyelids half-closed, which always made his irises look huge and hypnotizing. Then he slowly raised an eyebrow and focused on the F/c crystal on your collar, "Huh?"

"That's gla..."

"It's not," he shook his head slowly and teasingly at that.

A sigh escaped you as you remembered back. Every time the squad asked him for help since the rite of parting was for minerals and gems (and Zhongli wasn't around). When you looked up again, his glowing eyes were looking right through you. You knew from Gui that he himself was not in the best condition, so you carefully reached out to him without touching him.

A devilish giggle escaped from his rather thin lips as he held your own wrist before your eyes. Three fingers grasped it as if he were taking your pulse. When had he taken hold of it? Now you felt his cold skin on yours very clearly, but you couldn't remember when he might have grabbed your arm. Piqued, you withdrew from his practiced grip. A judegmental stare from him followed.

You looked at him skeptically and continued to think about how you could pay him differently to keep your exact assets a secret. Wasn't information considered a form of payment in Sumeru? It was worth a try, even if the chance was small.

But before you could open your mouth, the green-haired man grabbed your jaw tightly and turned your head so he could look at the aching part of your head. You could have sworn you heard a hiss from him before he turned your head back to its original position.

"You can work it off. The temperatures in the near future will fluctuate and that means more rushes of minor ailments to the Pharmacy. Besides, it doesn't hurt to have someone to gather herbs at hand who can think more than two steps ahead, as much as I love little Qiqi."

The expression of affection towards the little zombie girl sounded as serious as it did fake.

You swallowed hard, calculating about either revealing to him that even his prices didn't concern you much and making yourself the potential next prey, or agreeing to work for the "wrong snake" and not only endure but also play along with his games day in and day out for who knows how long.

"How long?"

Baizhu had turned away by now and was sorting something on the table opposite the stretcher you were sitting on. He didn't quite turn to you and seemed to be thinking. Now it was him who was eyeing you with a checking sideways glance. You could have sworn that the white snake in the corner of the room looked a bit disbelieving for a moment, before she took up her disinterested position again and continued to flick her tounge.

"Four months,"

There it was, Baizhu's famous "first and last offer" face. Eyelids closed, so that one could not see that his disarming, sugar-coated smile did not reach his eyes at all. The head innocently bent to the side, but not submissively at all. The expression that told every poor patient that there will be no discussion about the price.

"Or 3 Million Mora...", he said casually opening is amber colored eyes, showing you that indeed his smile did'nt reach them. The white snake shoot up from her spot and fixated Baizhu with wide eyes: "Do you like her or something?"

Stunned by this call out you turned your head to the serpent and then back to Baizhu, looking at him like he was some kind of even more exotic creature.

The tall man raised to his full height and snorted in a huff, before he fixated his pet ( or companion?) with his eyes: "Wouldn't be the first time I hold somebody close because they look nice next to me... maybe this one knows when her comments are appropiate" now it feld again like he was much more then just the man standing there.

"Tsss... I got the hint", she didn't really seem intimidated. Instead she tapped her tail on the branch once and turned her head away from the room.

"Sorry, dear Changsheng can be quite cheeky. But I think you will get used to it while you work here.", it was like he knew that you struggeld with the idea to just give him the money and leave this situation as fast as possible.

Slowly he raises your chin and starres right in you eyes. His glare has something hypnotizing again and you want to wind youself out of his influence but instead you hear youself say: " Sure thing. This might get interesting enough to keep me on my toes."

Your damn curiosity had got you into trouble again.


With this word he turned around and left you alone. Leaving you just the tingly feeling of his touch and the slight smell of Mist Flower and herbs.

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2 years ago

Does Baizhu own the Pearl Galley?

It's just a little theory someone dropped somwhere and I swam by and got hooked on it. Here are my clues that speak for it. Take it with a grain of salt, alright?

The boss of the pearl Galley is called 'Rouran' wich in old mongolian language ( and the only translation I found for this word) means "slithering worm" -> he isn't a worm but everything about him screams a slithering reptile.

extra: the snake looking closest to his character design is a tree python wich are known to have a tail that looks like a worm to trick their prey into coming closer.

The lady on the pearlboat tells us that the boss is frail as a flower and talks about. Not beautiful or good smelling like one but frail. The only person in Liyue we know so far who is known for their contituition is Baizhu. She also talks about a him instead of them.

He's has something shady about him and something in me just wants to believe that he's that kind, gentle doctor at day and a pimp at night. It just sounds too scandalous!

Extra: Changsheng owns the Bubu Pharmacy (diurnal eyes) and Baizhu owns the Pearl Galley (nocturnal eyes) wich drains even more energy from him.

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2 years ago

Baizhu headcanon #3:


Baizhu swings his hips quite a bit when he walks. He gets therefore (and because of his long, sleek hair) often catcalled by foreign sailors who only see his backside. It depends on his mood that day if he turns around to shock them or just lets it slide and takes it as a compliment.

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2 years ago

A little something I'm working on latley...

...."Oh please, don't tell me you don't have a nickname you only call me by when I'm out of earshot", Baizhu remarked teasingly. You answered, mocking his teasing tone of voice"Yes, I do. But as you mentioned, you won't get to hear it." Venomous Boss Bitch Gui slapped a hand over his mouth to keep from groaning in horror. You had just talked back to his master without even batting an eye. He didn't even want to imagine what kind of punishment Baizhu would impose. The doctor, however, even smiled in amusement. You leaned on the counter opposite him and flirtatiously stuck your butt out in the direction of the entrance: "I also know that you only call me 'lotus' because blue lotus is a strong aphrodisiac and my butt brings you the customers where your silver tongue and pretty looks aren't enough. Because let's face it, what you have in brains, you just lack in other areas." You nodded your chin in the direction of his rather flat buttocks. Changsheng's mouth was now open in shock as well, and she looked alternately at Baizhu and then at you. The doctor folded his fan with a quick movement and placed it under your chin tilting it up. "You're absolutely right. Your ass is far more profitable than your loose tongue. Who knows maybe I'll ask at the Pearl Galley if they have any use for you." That was the moment Gui silently took off to...well, clear the field before something blew up. When the all-around eloquent and patient apothecary became blunt, it was best to avoid the situation before getting dragged in. "I doubt that's part of our contract. Actually I think that might be illegal."...

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2 years ago

Relationship headcannons for Baizhu plz? Fluff

Relationship headcanons for Baizhu, yes? Ok, I'll try my best with the bit information we have about him ^.^. I hope you like it! I try to keep it fluffy.

Note: I tried to keep it fluffy, but I'm not used to it I hope it's wholesome enough >.<


Being in a Relationship with Dr. Baizhu means:

also being in a realtionship with Bubu Pharmacy. As soon as you set a foot into the building you will be handled like your part of it. This includes:

Getting cocomilk from Qiqi as soon as she sees you or get the task to hunt the Cocogoat for her!

Gui, who draws you into a little conversation about this and that and informs you about the current state of the doctor.

Baizhu, who teases you about hopefully coming by for him and not because there is something wrong with your health.

Changsheng will be just as snarky to you as she is to the green-haired one. She won't go easy on you just because your Baizhus darling ( she mightbe even meaner because of it but in a loveable way)

In the beginning, it's really hard to distinguish between his fake emotions, his artificial and perfectly parcticed smile and the real Dr. Baizhu. It can be really hard to get under his scales.

Face the fact that he can't get red (mentally nor physically) but he adores it to make you blush at the most unpredicted moments. He just loves to see your emotions so honest in your face without you having the possibility to hide them.

He will act all professional in public but get too close and he will serenade you with sweet nothings and seducing chants right into your ear when only you can hear them.

his health isn't the best, but he will drag you out into nature as often as he can. Or he will command you to take Qiqi out for a stroll if he feels too weak. Spontaneous picnics and walks, as soon as his physical condition allows it, become normality.

he will make sure you don't get sick so quickly and if you do, he will take the best care of you. If you are chronically ill, he already has a plan to make your everyday life as easy as possible. After all, he has practice…

No one knows the secret language of flowers as well as he does (except perhaps the Dendro Archon). Expect secret messages and invitations through bouquets of flowers suddenly lying on your desk or bed. Wonder how he got in?

He is strictly against PDA but he will flirt you into the ground with words. As soon as you are for yourselves, however, he will immediately emphasize his words with deft touches and teasing strokes.

If he has overworked himself again, he will fall exhausted into your arms as soon as the doors of the Pharmacy are closed.

Expect to take his glasses off regularly should he fall asleep while studying again. Or wake him up when he nods off again in an unhealthy position.

His words can become severe, but in his eyes, at least for you, you can read quite well how great his concern for you is.

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2 years ago

Baizhu Headcanon #4:


Baizhu can't blush, because he's cold blooded (at least a part of him is snake... I mean look into his eyes!) He isn't the type to blush anyway ( he's seen a lot as a doctor), it takes much to flatter or embarrass him but it can become chilling that there is no body reaction from his side if he doesn't artificially shows his mood.

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2 years ago

Brain-cramps #1:

Baizhu without his eyeliner looks still stunning, but also like a snake-eyed Tarsier monkey. He even wears his glasses because they take the attention from his gorgeouse but huge eyes...

Take it and do with it what you want...

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2 years ago

Brain-cramps #2

The simple reason why Dr Baizhu is so popular with Liyue's sick children, despite his unbearably bitter medicine, is generally attributed to his kindness, patience, intelligence and the occasional bribe of sweets.

What no one seems to notice is that the good doctor also practices his hypnosis skills on the little brats. Never heard of the hypnotic stare of a snake? No wonder Baizhu's methods don't work nearly as well when the parents try it themselves....

As a result, overwhelmed parents follow their children up the stairs to Bubu-Pharmacy to ask the highly respected pharmacist to personally administer the medicine to the plagues for a "small" fee.

Hopefully this 'hypnotic treatment' isn't addicting...




(I know that children are usually not as rebellious towards strangers as they are towards their own family members. But let me just keep this idea >.<)

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2 years ago

Brain-Cramps #3:

Baizhu's "fruity" behavior comes from him handling/inhaling various aphrodisiaca everyday while he's assembling them for his patients. He is the only Doctor in Liyue and his medicine and remedys are known everywhere in Teyvat.

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2 years ago

Lucky you! This one got out off hand turning out much longer than usual! I hope you like it it ^_^ just a few little things to be mentioned:

english isn't my first language so I'm very sorry for the mistakes that might occure (Unfortunately, I understand the language much better than I am able to use it myself.)

Baizhu and Pantalone are called twins here: because they look similar or if they are actually twins is up to your personal preference

songs I can recommend for this fanfiction: Devils Plans - Dominic Lewis, Charles Jones

Reader is gender neutral ( unless I read over something ^^")

Quarterly accounting was due. And with Baizhu's secret love affair called "occasional tax neglicence," the whole matter could get relatively complicated.

So you found yourself sitting on a stool next to the pharmacist, bent over reams of invoices, delivery bills and other paperwork. The statement that numbers made you dizzy, skillfully ignored by the green haired man. You were visibly nervous, but less because of the person next to you and more because of the wide open doors of the Pharmacy. Normally a welcome situation given the warm summer months, but the thought that someone could come up at any time and catch you, committing a not-so-small crime, made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

"Calm down, little Lotus. I will know when somone comes up these stairs."

"This is reckless..."

"Nonsenssse!", Changsheng, sitting in her favourite bamboo basket, called the doctor out before her gaze fixated the entry. Baizhu started to sweep everything into the drawer under the counter and let his expression slip to that of his customerfriendly facade before chimming a half-hearted excuse :" I'm very sorry, but we're already closed for today, if it isn't a emergency..."

"I surley can make one out of it..."

Looking at his twin, the pharmacists mask slipped off as fast as he had put it on. You knew his antics when it came to the Regrator. All his composure flew out the window and only the true Baizhu was left: not evil nor bad, just a bit... coldblooded. Although it was always a bit irritating, hearing him say the same sentences without a accommodating filter made you not as nervous as in the past.

"How can I help you?"

Pantalone moved his head in the direction from which the question came without opening his eyes: "Would you lend me your lovely assistant by any chance? The piles of paper at my place are getting confusing since the incident at the harbor."

As he said this, he turned his head in your direction and opened his eyes minimally, just a crack. But enough to show everyone that he was after you, like a precious piece of jewlrey at an auction.

"Hahaha... No", Baizhu leaned back and laid an arm around you pulling you closer then you've already been. His orange eyes focussing the other like a bloodstain he can't get rid of.

For a second you really felt like a trinket...

"As chef of the Northland bank you should know how hard it is to get an assistant that's easygoing and trustworthy. Besides, accounting isn't Their specialty at all, so what can they offer you?"

Your (f/c) eyes wandered to the drawer and although he said the truth, it felt like an absolut lie at the moment. But you disliked the Fatui harbinger as much as he did so you did something you probably would regret, should word spread about it.

Carefully, so you wouldn't hurt the beautiful but frail man next to you, you leaned on his shoulder, moving you nose to the crook of his neck inhaling his flowery scent, all while giving the blackhaired man the most savage side eye you had to offer.

Now it was Baizhus turn to act upon it or to choose another route to piss the other off.

But when you saw his jaw tighten something in you began to doubt your spontaneous action.

On the other side of the counter Pantalones smile widened remarkebly: "Nice try, and with every normal person this would work but not with him. Let's just say his eyes are not the only odd thing about him..."

Your gaze fell on Baizhu. You studied his pale face and tried to figure out what the other meant. His jaw had tightened when you hinted at flirting with him.

Like a clam trying to protect something inside.

You focused on his mouth, running the sentence through your head again.

Let's just say his eyes are not the only odd thing about him.

When you heared Changsheng hiss in the backround the mora dropped in your mind!

His tongue!

You didn't let on and decided to apologize profusely afterwards for pushing his boundaries just for this act.

"Ah, that. I already got so used to it that I didn't see it as odd anymore... to be honest, it has its benefits", you looked right back at the Regrator while you said that, lowering you eyelids in a sultry manner, before turning to your startled Chef and placing dominant peck on his shapley lips (all while sending a quick prayer that he would get the hint).

When you both saw how the banker opened his eyes barely noticeable further, that seemed to be enough motivation for the pharmacist to enter the game despite his insecurity.

A low hiss was your only warning before you felt yourself being pulled further in by your partner in crime. His lips crashed on yours with just enough force to make it look powerful, but not bruising either of you. You were now focussing on his hypnotizing amber eyes while feeling a jealously burning glare being shot at you from the side.

Just when you were about to take the lead, he beat you to it. His tongue forced your lips apart entering you mouth effortlessly, bringing the taste of honey and herbal tea with it. Hooked on by it you started to move too but found yourself in a losing battle quite fast. It was overhelming in the best way possible and it took you longer to get yourself together than you anticipated.

His tongue actually was odd, that was for sure. Smoother and slightly slimmer than that of a human, longer too and with a significant split in the end. But all this features were far more enticing than you expected. Or he just knew how to use it in just the right way.

You didn't even noticed how a sinnful moan made its way up your throat, until you heared it yourself, answered by the doctors eyebrow being raised in mock and him putting even more effort into the kiss. Embarassment and the lack off air finally got the better off you and let you break the kiss by pushing your hand lightly against his chest, feeling his slightly faster heartbeat in return.

When you two turned your gaze back to the unwanted guest, you noticed that he was gone. Leaving nothing but a gust of cool air behind.

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2 years ago

Baizhus reaction to a new perfume...

Doctor Baizhu is known for many things: his bitter but effective remedies, steep prices for incence and good temper with children (oh, and the rumors no one seems to go more into detail about...). What he is also known for is the delicate and enticing scent that surounds him from time to time.

A scent perfectly tuned to the doctors environment and body (as well as the smell of fabrics he's wearing).

It made you actually quite jealous. Up to the point where you found yourself in front of Ying'ers little shop one evening, pondering if you should enter it or not... hopefully her prices weren't as dizzying...

The next day

'What if two perfumed people are to much for the customers?', you thought before entering the Pharmacy anyway. You made sure to just apply as little as possible to try it out. And after all your boss was able to send you home if he didn't liked the idea. Maybe you should have asked him beforhand.

You didn't even noticed, deep in you worries, how you walked behind the counter into the little storage room, getting rid of you bag and walked out to the front again greeting you Chef, his partner and his apprentice like every day.

Changsheng was the first to comment the difference: " Y/n, you sssmell..." flicking her tongue at you.

Your cheeks started to turn a deep shade of red, but Baizhu already scolded the snake on his shoulder: "Changsheng how rude! Do you want me to put you in the study again?"

"Would you have let me finish my sssentence you would have heared my full ssstatement... what I was about to sssay was 'Y/n you sssmell different than usual, iss that (F/Flower)?'"

Now the green haired man turned to you and looked at you like he sometimes glanced at the little birds on the front porch. But his eyes were different than usual, his normally clear slit pupils were blown wider: "The perfume suits you perfectly. Ying'ers work, yes?" after saying that in his usual airy way he laid his fingers before his mouth. A gesture he often used to hide his mouth and ... keep himself from flicking his snake-like tongue.

You caught him one evening doing it while writing something important, his right hand busy scribbling and not able to block his instinct. He didn't noticed you then (he obviously did, you two just acted like he didn't) but you knew since that moment why he did this move though it seemed always a bit 'suspicious'.

For now it was enough to give your fragile ego a little boost.

When the good Doctor passed behind you, you where able to hear a very silent, deep hiss, definetly not like the ones from little Changsheng, and a flick of air in the back of your neck.


Got a new perfume and I'm actually really proud of my choice. Inspiration is hidden everywhere ^^!

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2 years ago

My Baizhu headcanons so far (1-6 +1):

Just thought about putting my personal, little headcanons (6 so far + 1 from my side block) about Baizhu together since they' re scattered pretty far over my whole dashboard ^^"


Fell free to ignore them, use them as inspiration or just laugh about them (in a respectful way):

Baizhu starts to a snake, if he gets flustered or ashamed... or to angry. Normally he takes great care not to lisp, thats why he speaks some words with a lot of care ( or with a weird pronunciation) and slowly like 'Herbs' or 'chance'

(Snakes are reptiles, and do not have the ability to digest dairy products like milk. Milk is designed for warm-blooded mammals. But sometimes doesn't stop them from drinking it when offered...) I imagine him as highly lactose intolerant. He can't even stand the smell of milk because he knows what it would do to him and his diggestive system. He probably tried it once for the sake of knowledge but he regreted it extremly. He was probably the one who introduced Coconut milk to little Qiqi.

No one is allowed to be present when he does his accounting (not even Gui or Qiqi). Calculating with his abacus is like meditating for him... and his snake-tongue flicks on his own every few clicks...he just can't do anything against it. It's too emberassing for him...

Baizhu swings his hips quite a bit when he walks. He gets therefore (and because of his long, sleek hair) often catcalled by foreign sailors who only see his backside. It depends on his mood that day if he turns around to shock them or just lets it slide and takes it as a compliment.

Baizhu can't blush, because he's cold blooded (at least a part of him is snake... I mean look into his eyes!) He isn't the type to blush anyway (he's seen a lot as a doctor), it takes much to flatter or embarrass him but it can become chilling that there is no body reaction from his side if he doesn't artificially shows his mood.

Our snek doctor doesn't care about gender typical behaviour. He actually likes to wear lipstick now and then (blood red is his favourite). He doesn't wear it often in puplic (just because he doesn't care, unfortunately, doesn't mean the rest of Liyue doesn't care -> it could lower his reputation) but now and then he puts it on when he's alone in his private quarters or on the Pearl Galley. Or when he sees the possibility for a nice deal trough crossdressing... "In the animal kingdom, it's also the male who accessorizes with colors, what does that have to do with my gender or sexuality? Humans are so small-minded…"

Technology hates Baizhu and he hates it back! It never seems to work when he tries it or when he's even near it. But some of the technic advances from Fontaine would make things so much easier for him. Alas there is not a Chance it would work for him anyway. He just got used to it by now and keeps his hands off of it for the safety of his fragile self and others. He acts like that typical technology hating grandma because he doesn't believe he can survive another electric shock...

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2 years ago

Just another Baizhu Theory:

I know this is a bit far fetched (and probably proven wrong soon) but I can't stop thinking about it:

What if Baizhu doesn't do so much research on immortality and how to gain it because he wants to become immortal himself (like the people around him assert) but in fact is immortal, pays the price with his bad physical constitution and is just done with it?

Like he IS immortal, but can't live his life to the fullest because he's so fragile and ill because of it?

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2 years ago

Baizhu headcanon #7:

Baizhu always has a hard time keeping his body temperature up and is forced to rely on warm things (sun, fire places, warm foods and drinks etc.) to help him out.

Being able to enjoy sorbet (or dairy free ice cream) for example, is a extremly rare luxury for him. Most of the time he is forced to let it melt before eating it cause it make him feel awfully cold. Albeit it tasting wastley different from it's frozen form he still grew fond of it.

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2 years ago

Thirst trap (BaizhuxReader)

A little something so I stay in practice


The questions and remarks got riskier and riskier each time and while the green-haired man always gave you time and possibilities to withdraw or put a halt to this situation you simply couldn't. Each look into his mischievous glowing, amber eyes made you feel like you were the one dragging on the expensive pipe and not him. Sure you got your fair share of the stuff by inhaling it passively (something he pointed out to you while he asked if it was ok for you) but was it enough to make you that dizzy? And why made it you lascivious rather than anything else? They were just painkillers.

You simply put another stone somewhere on the board not even bothering to check if this snake already caught you in its coils again. The game became secondary a while ago. You were far more interested in the questions he had up his sleeve and in letting yourself drown in this ethereal sight he gave you. He came out of a lavish bath when he had the idea of playing Go with you and put his freshly washed, enormous mass of emerald green hair into a messy bun with individual strands falling down his shoulder onto a lavender robe that was rather carelessly thrown around his slim figure. Although anyone would just see a man that was beautiful by nature and didn't care too much about aesthetics for a simple board game between friends, your mind wandered to places that made your cheeks burn up like mad. For you, he looked like one of the ludicrous expensive ladies from the pearl galley who just bid farewell to a customer between rice paper walls before preparing for the next.

The longer you lingered on the thought, the more details you took in about the "disheveled" pharmacist. While everything about his look seemed nonchalant, his makeup was on fleek. His lips even were a few shades darker than usual and the wing of his eyeliner a little more daring. Every move of his was precisely timed and choreographed to show you "accidentally" certain body parts considered erotic by people with a refined taste.

You are in the middle of getting thirst trapped by the owner of the Bubu Pharmacy!

And you felt caught in more forms than one. Baizhus sinful charade began way earlier than you noticed and normally you were the person pulling off stunts like that. He gave you your own medicine to taste and you didn't even notice until it was way too late. Now this divine being had you far enough to ask anything from you and you would give it to him gratefully. Be it your soul, your body, or simply your money!

You shook your head and tried to catch up to what was happening around you at this moment looking your opponent straight into his eyes, who held a stone in his own color up between his long and slender fingers to show you that you gained a question for him. His fiery gaze flared up as he noticed that you finally caught up to his little game. He even scared you with a bold grin before he brought his facial features under control and put his angelic mask back on.

This was maybe your only chance to shake up his self-confidence a little and get at least a bit of the same fun he had on your costs. You opened your (f/c) lips and rephrased the question in your mind before letting it roll off your tongue while taking the stone out of his hand

“Admit it. Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”

You caught him swallowing hard and drinking in how his vertical pupils retracted ever so slightly just before they dilated again, wider than before.

"You would like to know that, yes? Hmmm…", he playfully acted like he thought about his answer before he gave you a playful side glance then grabbed you by your collar and pulled you to him rather forcefully just stopping when his alluring lips were right next to your ear nearly brushing it: "Every single time since I got to know you, my Lotus."

With this he let his tongue flick along the shell of your ear slowly before he moved back to his previous position like nothing happened.

to be contiued....

--------------------------------- I just like the idea that Baizhu, since he's not able to have raw and rough nasty stuff or make-out sessions because of his frail body, tends to play all sorts of (consensual-ish) mind games with his "prey" for the thrill.

Also the reader can be seen as gender neutral but the continuation of this piece will be with a female Reader since that's what I'm most used to ^^"

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