He Is Just A Girl In The World
He is just a girl in the world 🎵🎶
bumblebee is just a girl
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😒>😏 Slade's smirk when he gets to do stuff Just to annoy Lex.
I relate alot to shocker he so real

So I’m pretty sure this is the most important page that has ever been written for Shocker, because it perfectly sums up how he sees the world. See, Shocker is a genius, a guy who built his own gauntlets and developed a suit that allowed him to use those gauntlets, but he lacks the flaw that many geniuses have.
He’s not too smart for his own good.
See, I think it comes down to Shocker being blue collar; in his original origin he was just a safe cracker who didn’t go to college after all. Basically, he’s smart enough to know that there are always bigger fish. That the guys that try to have it all end up with nothing. That criminals always lose because they get greedy, that is to say their reach is greater than their grasp.
Shocker will always take a smaller amount of certain money over a larger amount of uncertain money.
This pretty much explains why he sticks with bank robbery and other small jobs. Other guys get too in their own heads, go crazy, get locked up for life or end up dead. Given he doesn’t want either of those outcomes, he sticks with what he knows and what he’s good at.
He’s also got realistic expectations; his end goal is to live in new jersey of all places, and his ideal retirement is a place with a yard. Basically, he wants to be middle class, because he realizes he’ll never be rich.
Crime for Shocker isn’t some great calling, it’s a job, one he does until he doesn’t have to anymore because he understands that getting greedy just gets you killed or worse.
The tragedy of it all is that it also means he’s never had a friend that didn’t betray him, and that all the criminals he associates with essentially use him as a fall guy when possible.
Okay I know this is not in character for them at all but it’s still really funny for me to imagine:
*Dr Doom and the Fantastic Four fighting at a science convention*
Dr Doom: We can team up! Let us join forces!
Peter Parker, 1st time at the convention:
Peter Parker: Is-
Peter Parker: Is he looking at me?
Peter Parker: I’m not a villain???
The smart evil twink with glasses (Aka Lex Luthor) having beef with the hot Slade guy with two cyber katanas now is such a funny thing for maws to do