My Adventures With Superman - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

finally caught up and just gotta say this is probably some of my favorite writing for Clark! especially him as a young adult- he's a nice guy to a fault, but not a pushover. he's powerful! unfortunately a bit naive! awkward as hell! also Lois has my whole heart and then some and I have GOTTA see how Jimmy and Clark met

Everyones New Friends :)

everyone’s new friends :)

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1 year ago

the best genre, actually

I'm glad that My Adventures with Superman is having fun and gave us a magical girl-esk transformation sequence.

I'm Glad That My Adventures With Superman Is Having Fun And Gave Us A Magical Girl-esk Transformation

But it does make me think of the nearly 30 second transformation sequence we got with Green lantern in Green Lantern: First Flight (2009) That was just was just not magical girl-esk, but full magical girl transformation.

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1 year ago
A scene from My Adventures with Superman. Superman steps close to Lois while holding onto her waist.
Continuation from previous. Superman speaks to Lois. Caption reads, "I'd say... hold on."
Continuation from previous. Superman takes off flying with Lois in his arms.
Continuation from previous. Lois holds onto Superman with her eyes closed.
Continuation from previous. Superman carries Lois high into the clouds.
Continuation from previous. Lois opens her eyes and looks around.
Continuation from previous. Superman holds Lois above a beautiful view of the city.
Continuation from previous. Lois looks at the city. Caption reads, "Is this how you see the world? It's beautiful."
Continuation from previous. Superman looks directly at Lois. Captions reads, "Yeah. Beautiful."

What do you say we take this interview elsewhere?

My Adventures with Superman — "My Interview with Superman"

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1 year ago
A scene from My Adventures with Superman. Clark and Lois are talking while lasers and explosions happen behind them. Lois says, "I saw the files. I'm literally the worst Lois in the multiverse."
Continuation from previous. Lois continues, "You'd be better off with literally anyone else."
Continuation from previous. Superman replies, "Lois... you're the only Lois for me."
Continuation from previous. Lois replies, "I'm annoying."
Continuation from previous. Superman replies, "You're dedicated. I'm weird." Lois takes his face in her hands.
Continuation from previous. Lois replies, "You're amazing. I love going on adventures with you, Clark."
Continuation from previous. Clark replies, "I love your brilliance."
Continuation from previous. Lois replies, "I love your kindness."
Continuation from previous. Clark replies, "I love... I love..." while leaning in closer to Lois' face.
Continuation from previous. Clark and Lois kiss. The background turns to fireworks.

Hey! Not to be a bummer, but could you stop making out before the chaos god blows us up!?

My Adventures with Superman — "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"

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1 year ago
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"
My Adventures With Superman "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"

My adventures with Superman "Kiss kiss fall in portal"

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1 year ago
A scene from My Adventures with Superman. Clark turns around and says, "Okay, look, I'm not Superman, I'm just—"
Continuation from previous. Mxyzptlk is floating opposite him. He replies, "Mild-mannered Clark Kent. Wannabe reporter with super powers."
Continuation from previous. Mxyzptlk continues, "Nice try, sport."
Continuation from previous. Mxyzptlk continues, "But Clark is Superman in almost every reality." He snaps his fingers and Clark transforms from Clark to Superman in a flash of purple smoke.
Continuation from previous. Mxyzptlk continues, "This Earth, Earth-12, Earth-50..." Which each earth listed, he snaps his fingers, transforming Clark into a different version of Superman from a different animated series. The first is from the Fleischer Bros cartoons, the second is from the Super Friends animated series.
Continuation from previous. Mxyzptlk continues, "Earth-508, Weird-Earth, the works!" He keeps snapping his fingers and Clark keeps transforming. The first is Superman from the 1990s animated series, and the second is a floating crab wearing a Superman cape. On the final snap Clark turns back into himself.
Continuation from previous. Clark looks alarmed and feels his body, saying, "How did you... how did you... was I a crab?"

My Adventures with Superman — "Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal"

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1 year ago
Rizz Level: Kryptonian Farmboy.

Rizz Level: Kryptonian Farmboy.

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1 year ago
A scene from My Adventures with Superman. Clark and Lois sit on a curb. Clark is speaking. Caption reads, "Lois, I have to figure this out."
Continuation from previous. Clark keeps speaking, but stops abruptly as Lois leans in to kiss his cheek. Caption reads, "Too many people are getting hurt--"
Continuation from previous. Lois speaks and Clark smiles shyly. Caption reads, "It's cute seeing you obsess over a story."

I just can't believe it all disappeared. Someone must have taken it during the fight.

My Adventures with Superman — "Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say"

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1 year ago
A scene from My Adventures with Superman. Clark is wearing a nice suit with a bowtie. He lifts his arm as he speaks to show that there is a tear in the sleeve. Caption reads, "I don't even meet the dress code anymore."
Continuation from previous. Lois steps closer as she replies. Caption reads, "That we can fix. Take it off."
Continuation from previous. Clark blushes as Lois grabs him by the collar. Caption reads, "What, uh... wh-what?"
Continuation from previous. Lois is smirking. Caption reads, "The jacket, bad boy."
Continuation from previous. Clark continues blushing as Lois drags him out of frame. Caption reads, "Wha... what?"

Oh, I don't know if I should let you back in. I mean, you don't follow the cards, you don't stick to the assignment...

My Adventures with Superman — "Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say"

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1 year ago
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
My Adventures With Superman Lets Go To Ivo Tower, You Say

My adventures with Superman “Let’s go to Ivo tower, you say”

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1 year ago

How is there not a fanfiction of a Danny Phantom and My adventures with superman crossover fic!! Somebody anybody pleeeeeaaasssseee!!! They're just two nerdy dudes trying to protect people with the powers they didn't ask for!! 😭🙏

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Ive Had Sailor Moon On In The Background All Week While I Work, So When I Saw Clarks Magical Girl Transformation

I’ve had Sailor Moon on in the background all week while I work, so when I saw Clark’s magical girl transformation on My Adventures With Superman I was like, ‘yep, time for a quick style mashup.’ XD

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His Cheeks Are Just So Squishable

His cheeks are just so squishable

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1 year ago

"That's not my Superman 😡 where are the Jesus allegories?!"

Snyder fans saw a Superman who is kind, compassionate, and selfless and they absolutely couldn't handle it.

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1 year ago
Ive Been In A MAWS Server And Ive Had Conversations About The Shows Suit Designs, Mainly For The Villains.

I’ve been in a MAWS server and I’ve had conversations about the show’s suit designs, mainly for the villains. One of the aspects I’m far more mixed on so I figured I’d give Silver Banshee a shot after looking through some of Kris Anka’s concept art. Also happy new years!

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