Okay So About Ring Traveling
Okay so about ring traveling

Rozália is able to do so without difficulty or special permission, a subtle sign that she never was a simple Sinner. She was the current host of the Hellfire, now Wielder of the Hellfire (dangerously leaning close to her Horseman era), Hell's very essence in her veins and under her control, that's why the fluid travel both for her and her legion.
Cindy is a cosmic horror, most of Hell's rules don't apply to her. Furthermore she hasn't even died properly, therefore never landed in Hell for that rule to ever be implemented. Spirit at first, now the Fire itself, despite being unable to control Hellfire, barriers are not a problem.
Now Karma and Raia are different cases. Both of them can be regarded as Sinners, especially Raia. Yet they both able to momentarily destroy the barrier between rings to pass through. Just like with Rozy, it is also a sign with them and that this isn't the end of their journey. Raia struggles more with this trick, needing to harness enough electricity to blast the barrier open with a giant lightning bolt. Karma only waits as it slowly decays in her presence and repairs itself after she is gone.
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The history of the Véghváry bloodline

1. @phoenixduelist . Countess/Captain/Queen Rozália Klára Véghváry. Thought to be the last, she lived a quite stormy life: From Countess to pirate Captain to rebellion leader and finally: Queen of Hungary at the age of 36. Died at the age of 66, later canonized as Patron Saint of Hungarian Independence. Afterlife: @lightningdamned lightning-eel demon, after a deal with Leviathan (@winters-club) ending up in Envy & triple crossing the sin throughout her stay, double crossing heaven only to arrive to her final destination: Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Providence
Queen Rozália wasn't the last Véghváry because she had a twin brother no one knew about except her father and Marcell who hid the infant. Said brother lived an average, happy life, married & had 5 kids without anyone telling him his identity until near the end of his life. So the legacy was quietly carried over.
It became prominent with Attila Véghváry who desperately wanted a boy but when it turned out to be a girl, he gave her the name of the lost queen from their house, therefore sharing Rozália as first name.
2. @infernal-general . Countess/General Rozália Bianka Véghváry. Hunter, then hussar general and wielder of the Hellfire after death. Her story should've ended in the battlefield but the clash of divine and damned diverted the course of fate as she became the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse: War.
Attila had a brother, Hunor who fled to America before the revolutionary war got more serious. Had one child Karma, General Rozy's cousin. He was killed when she was 10, the child was taken in by his sibling Gábor already living there before his arrival.
3. @deathshadowed . Karma. Lone marksman who never missed a shot and everyone died around her. Death always followed her like a shadow, after death it wasn't a surprise how it manifested in her powers, nor her rise to be the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse: Death.
Somehow the bloodline survived into the 20th century, Szintia was born then brutally murdered at the age of 23. With her killing her father after returning from the grave, the Véghváry bloodline is officially dead only the four supernatural beings remained.
4. @phoenixborn Cindy Flame. Born Szintia Véghváry to an abusive household, after death threw away the name which only brought suffering. Former spirit, now the personification of the Fire itself, a cosmic entity.
Three dominant traits that keep resurfacing in the women of the bloodline:
emerald green eye color
infertility (although in the General's case it was due to the curse)
Cindy is a great example of how these slowly disappeared over time: she is strongly right handed and her eyes are jade green with a golden ring instead of the pure emerald.
The deterioration of the bloodline's importance and glory:
Countess Rozália was born at the end of the ‘golden age’, after the Ottomans were ultimately driven out of Hungary's territory. She is well versed in her history and became one of the most important figures in history as well.
General Rozália has had a very faint idea about her origins. The Countess title losing much from its importance as she was pushed towards the Vatican and military matters instead. She still left her mark in history as well.
Karma only knew she was half nobleborn. She held no political power, commanded no one, she was always alone as a daredevil gunslinger. Desperate to build a legend but failing to do so unlike the previous two members.
At Cindy's time, only the name stayed. She was brought up according to the ideals of what should've been even though she wanted none of it. Death reached her before she could make an impact as one of the greatest rock singers ever lived. However by merging together with the cosmic force of the Fire, ironically she has achieved the most her bloodline ever could.
What character archetype are you?
The Innocent
You are...the victim of this tale. Did the villain use you? Did the hero fail to protect you? Were you dead before the story even began? How many scares do you have waiting for someone, anyone to come save you? All that is known is that you didn't deserve what happened to you, the heros will remember you and ensure it never happens to anyone else. Will you stay innocent waiting for your happy ending, will you become the villain realizing you'll never be saved, or is death the only thing that awaits you?