Headcanon| Keep Your Sins; No Need To Confess - Tumblr Posts


Do you know who Karma resembles way too much?

@phoenixduelist , Pirate Captain Rozália Klára Véghváry, aka The Hungarian Devil.
Actually, my faceclaim choice for Karma (Miss Fortune) was entirely based on the vibes of how she's animated & only saw the striking resemblance later: face structure, eyes of course and part of how Karma styles her hair. The Captain's is chopped short, hers is messy but actually in a long braid.
They also rely the most on their weapons, the Captain is the grand duelist, Karma is an extraordinary marksman. Both of them have long, wiry fingers which help them in speed & injuring their hands is one of their worst fears. With Karma along with her vision.
And my faceclaim for Karma was purely accidental, without any intention to make her similar to Captain Rozy.

Now with the curse finally written in the Google doc:
How true the prophecy rang.
Lost her parents at 10
Lost her uncle at 20
Never missed a shot even though if it was a gang fight.
She would've lived if she didn't decide to save Villám instead.
And in Hell, the gift curse reached its full potential.
The history of the Véghváry bloodline

1. @phoenixduelist . Countess/Captain/Queen Rozália Klára Véghváry. Thought to be the last, she lived a quite stormy life: From Countess to pirate Captain to rebellion leader and finally: Queen of Hungary at the age of 36. Died at the age of 66, later canonized as Patron Saint of Hungarian Independence. Afterlife: @lightningdamned lightning-eel demon, after a deal with Leviathan (@winters-club) ending up in Envy & triple crossing the sin throughout her stay, double crossing heaven only to arrive to her final destination: Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Providence
Queen Rozália wasn't the last Véghváry because she had a twin brother no one knew about except her father and Marcell who hid the infant. Said brother lived an average, happy life, married & had 5 kids without anyone telling him his identity until near the end of his life. So the legacy was quietly carried over.
It became prominent with Attila Véghváry who desperately wanted a boy but when it turned out to be a girl, he gave her the name of the lost queen from their house, therefore sharing Rozália as first name.
2. @infernal-general . Countess/General Rozália Bianka Véghváry. Hunter, then hussar general and wielder of the Hellfire after death. Her story should've ended in the battlefield but the clash of divine and damned diverted the course of fate as she became the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse: War.
Attila had a brother, Hunor who fled to America before the revolutionary war got more serious. Had one child Karma, General Rozy's cousin. He was killed when she was 10, the child was taken in by his sibling Gábor already living there before his arrival.
3. @deathshadowed . Karma. Lone marksman who never missed a shot and everyone died around her. Death always followed her like a shadow, after death it wasn't a surprise how it manifested in her powers, nor her rise to be the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse: Death.
Somehow the bloodline survived into the 20th century, Szintia was born then brutally murdered at the age of 23. With her killing her father after returning from the grave, the Véghváry bloodline is officially dead only the four supernatural beings remained.
4. @phoenixborn Cindy Flame. Born Szintia Véghváry to an abusive household, after death threw away the name which only brought suffering. Former spirit, now the personification of the Fire itself, a cosmic entity.
Three dominant traits that keep resurfacing in the women of the bloodline:
emerald green eye color
infertility (although in the General's case it was due to the curse)
Cindy is a great example of how these slowly disappeared over time: she is strongly right handed and her eyes are jade green with a golden ring instead of the pure emerald.
The deterioration of the bloodline's importance and glory:
Countess Rozália was born at the end of the ‘golden age’, after the Ottomans were ultimately driven out of Hungary's territory. She is well versed in her history and became one of the most important figures in history as well.
General Rozália has had a very faint idea about her origins. The Countess title losing much from its importance as she was pushed towards the Vatican and military matters instead. She still left her mark in history as well.
Karma only knew she was half nobleborn. She held no political power, commanded no one, she was always alone as a daredevil gunslinger. Desperate to build a legend but failing to do so unlike the previous two members.
At Cindy's time, only the name stayed. She was brought up according to the ideals of what should've been even though she wanted none of it. Death reached her before she could make an impact as one of the greatest rock singers ever lived. However by merging together with the cosmic force of the Fire, ironically she has achieved the most her bloodline ever could.

Karma is both talented, practiced a lot but also anatomically gifted. Her fingers are long, dexterous and thin with wiry strength. She has her own warmup routine every morning, one of the first things after waking up to ensure her hands function perfectly. She has designed her revolvers herself -not that she's not able to shoot with other firearms, only the most confident using her twin revolvers Salvation & Damnation-, the barrel is longer than most for a more precise aim and carrying further. She actually took the trigger guards off to maximize her already impossible speed. Doesn't wear gloves, rings or anything that could possibly get into the way. Personalized revolvers, talent and a little anatomy to achieve this:
Okay so about ring traveling

Rozália is able to do so without difficulty or special permission, a subtle sign that she never was a simple Sinner. She was the current host of the Hellfire, now Wielder of the Hellfire (dangerously leaning close to her Horseman era), Hell's very essence in her veins and under her control, that's why the fluid travel both for her and her legion.
Cindy is a cosmic horror, most of Hell's rules don't apply to her. Furthermore she hasn't even died properly, therefore never landed in Hell for that rule to ever be implemented. Spirit at first, now the Fire itself, despite being unable to control Hellfire, barriers are not a problem.
Now Karma and Raia are different cases. Both of them can be regarded as Sinners, especially Raia. Yet they both able to momentarily destroy the barrier between rings to pass through. Just like with Rozy, it is also a sign with them and that this isn't the end of their journey. Raia struggles more with this trick, needing to harness enough electricity to blast the barrier open with a giant lightning bolt. Karma only waits as it slowly decays in her presence and repairs itself after she is gone.

💀 Long before the whistling death became canon, I already wrote Karma whistling this , more upbeat yet not less sinister when she purposely draws out a kill by avoiding vital organs and slowly stalking after the terrified criminal. Proof:

💀 Karma is actually very talented in drawing, it's a small hobby, ranging from extreme precise sketches of revolver parts and anatomy to actual portraits. It calms her and allows her to get lost in a non dangerous activity.
💀 Her revolvers are called Salvation and Damnation because she's dramatic.
💀 Her special move is called Dance of Death. This is used as last resort when she's facing more opponents up to 12, as with her dual revolvers she has 12 bullets without reloading. She mentally marks the stances of all opponents, predicts their movement, firing order and possible way of their bullets before whirling out of her hiding place. Each pose minimizes the chance of getting shot, and with each change of movement two bullets are fired, two men drop dead. This is where her saying that she has 13 lives originates, 12 bullets to protect the final one residing in her.
💀 Karma is afraid, no terrified of fire. She is more tied to lightning, the scent of smoke is enough to send her into a silent panic attack and despite loathing the cold she will never sit too close to a fireplace. Her other deep fears include injuring her hands & sight and losing Vihar. Her horse is the only remaining family member of hers, she can't fail her as well.
💀 Most of Karma's scars, injuries are a result of her standing between Vihar and a knife/bullet/ even a bullwhip when a criminal was smart enough to catch on their deep emotional bond. The freshest one is a snakelike scar from a bullwhip.
💀 Due to her dad, Karma is actually half aristocrat. Not like she cares about it the slightest; the only indication of noble blood is her idle stance. It is an unconscious mirror of how her father used to hold himself: back straightened to almost impossible point, left arm behind it, right hand resting on the grip of in her case, revolver instead of hilt of a sword. Because of this, she also received quality education from him and later her uncle.
💀 Her curse/gift to escape death at the age of 6 left her hollow, aching inside as if she indeed had died. She tries to do everything possible to chase that feeling away and she's hopelessly addicted to adrenaline, the tightrope between life and death just to feel she's still alive.

As a result of being almost constantly exposed to gunfire, Karma suffers from hyperacusis which is a reduced tolerance for sounds. She has difficulty holding conversations, staying in loud places for too long because every sound merges into one distorted noise, causing her headache and messing up her otherwise sharp senses. On top of that, her hearing has always been great as she was/is a bounty hunter and wasn't looking for finding herself on the wrong end of a barrel.
She almost always speaks softly, calm; cold even when angry. Rarely raises her voice, let alone shouts; mostly hisses loudly in irritation if her horse isn't near. When she does shout/yell, it is probably due to being overwhelmed by noise she can't stand anymore. Or someone managed to piss her off to a level of no coming back

Cursed headcanon time!

Karma can't use anything to masturbate with because everything she inserts erodes before she's finished and she's stuck waiting for plastic and battery acid to break down completely.
It happens with both organic (aka, dicks, fingers, tongues) and artificial materials. She cannot control her passive decay, especially after she's fully back in the bounty hunter business. Objects erode, beings age if she's in their presence for long enough.
If something goes INSIDE the vicious power that already cannot be contained, the process is sped up significantly despite she does not want that.
Some beings are immune either by sheer fucking luck or that high level in power, or their power counter her passive. Otherwise...don't stick anything into her and expect to keep it.
🦒 ---- How does your muse feel about height? Do they like their height or are they ashamed of it?
🦘 ---- If they have kids, what type of parent is your muse? If not, what type of parent would your muse be?
🐙 ---- Is your muse a hugger? Do they enjoy physical affection whether it's platonic or romantic?
Headcanon prompts I like

She's fine with her 5'9 not to mention she's almost always on her horse or on a train/rooftop.
💀: Sometimes it gets really frustrating but then she can always shadow morph her body to towering heights so there's that.
🐍: Again, fine with her height, both tall & short enough to execute her forged fighting style.
Never really had time to even think about the concept of having children and probably would choose not to given by her lifestyle. It's the best for both her and the hypothetical child.
💀: With Death curse Gift full out and I think I've written that cursed headcanon, motherhood is entirely off the table. She's not capable of giving life only eroding or taking it. And she has tons of internalized trauma due to that.
🐍: Aside from that she literally adopted your Gwen, Hobie, Pavtir and Peni? Karma doesn't know whenever her reproductive organs are affected and if so, how much by the venom and she doesn't want to risk an unsafe pregnancy. What type of parent would she be? The 'if you ever GLANCE at my kids again I will murder you in your sleep.' type. The 'world is evil and sometimes to keep yourself safe you have to get your hands dirty' honest, no nonsense mindset. Always there, always helping however she can.
Both base & 💀: She, given by her life and later her uncontrollable abilities is ridiculously touch starved and probably would crumble at the faintest positive touch. Yet she fears them, to not accidentally harm those who manage to get close.
🐍: Not used to it & always expecting harm to follow the contact. Craves genuine affection be it platonic or romantic and once someone is comfortable around her and vica versa, she's definitely a hugger. Plus often initiates contact because someone hug the traumatized snake damnit.
Karma in the multiverse

In every other universe/Earth-whatevernumber, Karma is either:
Mutated beyond recognition
Mutated AND cunningly evil
First option, where she would have a chance to be decent, her father isn't able to finish the antivenom in time, or if he does it's already too late and she will succumb despite it.
The second and third versions almost go hand in hand, versions include a vengeful naga, a predator luring her prey close with a normal appearance and when she quite literally sheds her skin it's already too late. An another one has fully embraced her abilities and crafts, sells biological weapons infused with her venom. One has killed her own mother, using her as a test subject. The one resembling her the most does almost everything the same, except she is secretly experimenting on humans without regret.
A mentally damaged but sane Karma with the right morals shouldn't be alive.
We don't mention the version where she's literally a talking snake.

As a result of being almost constantly exposed to gunfire, Karma suffers from hyperacusis which is a reduced tolerance for sounds. She has difficulty holding conversations, staying in loud places for too long because every sound merges into one distorted noise, causing her headache and messing up her otherwise sharp senses. On top of that, her hearing has always been great as she was/is a bounty hunter and wasn't looking for finding herself on the wrong end of a barrel.
She almost always speaks softly, calm; cold even when angry. Rarely raises her voice, let alone shouts; mostly hisses loudly in irritation if her horse isn't near. When she does shout/yell, it is probably due to being overwhelmed by noise she can't stand anymore. Or someone managed to piss her off to a level of no coming back
About Karma's wardrobe, behavior & the reasons behind them turned into a half character study thesis.

One word: outrageous.
From her weapons, wardrobe, horse and behavior; Karma is absolutely outrageous. She is more than aware she's very attractive, beyond talented both as a marksman and as a rider. She is a mystery, but not many people stop to think about exactly who is she, where did she came from, why, what's her true name because Karma stifles those questions with blinding flair before they are formed. She doesn't hide what defines her: she kills people for a living, she's fast with perfect aim, great with horses, she swings both ways, doesn't mind more than one person with her in bed.
So many scandalous facts that nobody has any of those crucial questions, only wondering how the hell is she still alive. She's wondering that too. She doesn't speak too much, actions are much louder, flashier: be it a trick on a horse or hitting a seemingly impossible target or seducing a married woman.
Her clothing, all custom made and it shows; not only she wears pants in that period of time, somehow she managed to have that fact the least extreme as her wardrobe consists of:

As expensive as it looks and it never fails to have its effect, the initial shock, the double, triple takes usually earning a smug smirk from the decorated woman.
However, Karma isn't the only showstopper, her horse, Villám is a star on her own:

A half Lipizzan, most importantly half Akhal Teke pure black mare with a coat that seems to glisten like oil. Agile, slim with defined muscles, elegant and intelligent; the unique racehorse is a fitting companion for a woman so...bold. Villám is a beauty, a definite rarity probably only seen on the ranches, estates of the richest. Their bond is outstanding, shining the best when Karma decides to entertain curious children (and adults peeking from curtains) with her esquetarian skills and she isn't the only showoff in this duo. Just like owner or more akin to friend, Villám is proud, mischievous, playful and loves the attention.
The less trained eyes notice her dual revolvers last. 10" Colt Buntline, with decorated grips and the trigger guards missing from the frames (although that little detail goes undetected); basically rifles in quickdraw holsters.
The reactions are mixed depending on the people: fear, outrage, intrigue. Whenever she only wants to die dressed like that, the experienced ones recognize the challenge she radiates with each thundering step of steel heeled boots, others want her story, some wants to see if she's up for sex. Karma aims for intrigue and she never misses her target. She doesn't tell anything that isn't directly asked, her voice is soft, melodic, pleasant to listen to, with a musical lilt when speaking Spanish. Her smile is bright and sparkling but her eyes are sharp, barely hiding the black mamba she actually is.
She came to turn the town upside down, be the gossip of the month, be remembered for years, the reason old ladies clutch their rosaries tighter when she saunters by. Her walk is confident, proud with a sharp sway of narrow hips; head turning for many reasons.
Local races? Shooting competitions? By all means count her in! What do you mean by women can't enter? Now there's a previously hidden rattlesnake shot dead in the grass a few yards distance. Was the demonstration enough? If not, at least the very manly men will have fun watching a girl struggle with those activities. And despite fitting the rich poser category so perfectly, the men doesn't get their amusement because all flair she carries is backed up by tremendous amount of talent. Best, fastest shot, deadly accuracy even from horseback, winning every race riding without spurs, riding crop and sometimes even without a saddle; the crosshair eyed woman keeps upping the stakes so effortlessly.
Karma is only in for the thrill and the applause. She is magnetic, a siren, challenging, tempting anyone to chase after her achievements, take bigger and bigger risks, try to follow her blazing lead. And when they thought they gave it all, is when she uncovers she is perfectly ambidextrous, exactly how long range can that modified Colt cover, how fast Villám truly is; leaving everyone lured into the death of their ego while she victoriously gallops away into the desert where she emerged from. After all, she's in for a good not a long time.
Why. Why would an unmarried lone woman live in a way that would still earn many eyebrow raises even nowadays? Why would she take on the most dangerous bounties, kill in cold blood and then give the orphaned kid $100 from the bounty she collected? As mentioned previously: thrill. Adrenaline at all cost. To live, to feel alive. Karma feels extremely hollow, as if she had died already (she, in fact did.), only the fiercest desert heat can warm her up, the split second of tranquility before pulling the trigger and adrenaline strike after like lightning. Risky sexual encounters that make her blood sing, an other person's strong, quickening heartbeat against her usual lazy, steady rhythm. Feverish pulse points, roaring life, the standing ovation and screams of amazement after an especially risky trick; she lives for it. Exists to live, chasing life in the rarest form while corpses line her path.
After all, she isn't a savior no matter her good and selfless deeds. Taking a life comes just as naturally. She is a killer, not lurking in the darkness (...not while having a vacation after a job), not even hidden in plain sight, but blinding most with her looks, mannerisms, skills, sexual liberty. She makes it seem you know her. But exactly what do you know? That she fucked the handsome ranch hand? And the sheriff's mistress? That she paid the old man's tab at the saloon who got injured in the war? That she seems to spit on everything the Bible and the preacher say? But have you noticed how her eyes linger so sharply; looking for her next target, her next pay? Where is she from? Do you even believe she was telling the truth when she said she's a bounty hunter? What kind of name is ‘Karma’ anyways? Have you asked about the scar forming a crosshair around her eye, how she's gotten it? Of course not. Have you seen her shoot a man faster than eye could follow and walk away completely unfazed, as if it's an everyday occurrence? Did you think that was normal?
Her radiance obscures her shadow of death, almost too long, spidery fingers compensating for the length of the ten inch barrels when it comes to draw. Her kindness towards the less fortunate hides her searching cold gaze for the ones responsible. Her encouraging dazzling smile eager for drunkenly spilled stories, secrets given so freely in hope to impress.
At the end of the day, she is just a strange attractive woman with pricey custom tailored clothing and an even more expensive horse. You have nothing to worry about! You aren't the one responsible why was Mrs Jackson widowed and violated at such young age, are you?
𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒's soundtrack.

Starting off bold, catchy, belonging to someone truly headturning when she walks into the room or rides through town. Then after the first minute the music opens a glimpse behind the adrenaline fueled mask, the first crack. Sharply dropping, mellowing out to a sensitive and soft sensual tone before turning seductive, burningly so, than back to the gentle lull. This time it sounds more...lonely, detached from everything, vulnerable. Aching, as if an outsider was watching the lively saloon from the pouring rain and deciding to ride past. The guitar accenting her never ending drifter lifestyle and exactly how hollow she feels along with adding a touch of danger. And the touch of something not quite right, high, sharp, a little unnerving & full of mystique right before the sorrowful longing. Lingering loss of a wounded soul.

Regarding Pride & sexualities as it reads from the snippet of an ask: Karma is quite clueless about the thing. I mean she is aware of being attracted to the same sex or both is a thing, along with trans people. Asexual, demisexual (which she actually IS in the Hazbin & modern cryptid verse) etc is lost on her along with every one of it having a specific color theme

Basically it goes with Karma picking a color combination that matches with her outfit & somebody with the same identity as the pin goes “Oh so you're aromantic too! Don't worry you're totally valid.” while she's internally like ‘I'm a w hat. ’
Actually it's a recurring Véghváry thing™

Rozy has no idea about modern slang and their meaning, will misuse/mix them in the worst ways possible. She's slowly losing a grip on newer/evolving Hungarian ones, you can imagine how she is with English.
Karma is extremely confused about most Pride stuff & doesn't understand what 'straight' means in that context. For her it means a respectable, honest person, she knows the 'norm' as heterosexual.
Cindy has absolutely no grip on what considered normal due to her insane level of power. That creating a dress out of stars is an everyday trick for her instead of a whatthefuck how is that even possible?? thing
Raia has no shortcomings. She did, does and will do her research to keep herself ahead of the game, as she always had done so.