Afternoon, I'm Fragzle, Dandy And Trash-cat Extraordinaire. 'Least I Keep Getting Told I'm Extraordinary.

Afternoon, I'm Fragzle, Dandy and trash-cat extraordinaire. 'Least I keep getting told I'm extraordinary. I, uh, woke up one morning in pretty rough shape in some alley, and patched myself together with whatever I had. Since then I've been subsisting and thriving on trash. Kinda wish I knew what I was doing before...
sammycatnipnik liked this · 10 years ago
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more old photos, of an outfit/costume in a constant state of work in progress. An as yet unnamed post-apoc character as part of some world building

Arthur Daniyarov by Aline & Jacqueline Tappia in editorial “Welcome to My Mind"

What I Wore Today, with papercraft lion mask to mock weird internet obsession with hiding one's face.

Just opened this book for the first time during my lunch hour. Definitely worth the $.50
I'll admit to being rather gunshy to using character patterns like this in menswear. This is a reminder to myself and others that they can be pulled off fantastically.

Wool waistcoat made from cloth sold to commemorate the Eglinton Tournament, Britain, about 1839.
In 1839 aristocratic young men inspired by too much Walter Scott decided to dress themselves in medieval-style costumes and take part in processions and joust.
The tournament was open to the public and attracted tens of thousands of spectators. A variety of commemorative souvenirs was produced, such as jugs or textiles.
Victoria and Albert Museum