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Raleigh Exterior Fiberboard

San Francisco Master Bedroom Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary master bedroom remodel featuring beige walls, a beige floor, and no fireplace

Inspiration for a large modern detached two-car garage remodel

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Afternoon, I'm Fragzle, Dandy and trash-cat extraordinaire. 'Least I keep getting told I'm extraordinary. I, uh, woke up one morning in pretty rough shape in some alley, and patched myself together with whatever I had. Since then I've been subsisting and thriving on trash. Kinda wish I knew what I was doing before...

Hey! It's Fragzle! I wanted to show off the house I built all by my lonesome a while back. Was a swell place to live while I had it, course the city did make me tear it down.

Deck Uncovered Small minimalist deck photo with no cover

Loft-Style - Living Room Living room: idea for a rustic loft-style living room

Roofing - Traditional Exterior Inspiration for a small timeless white one-story concrete fiberboard exterior home remodel with a metal roof
I love this design, but mostly the colors. they compliment each other well and the blue pops.

#Repost @livingbigintinyhouses ・・・ GREAT kitchen, lovely color combination! 😍💛

The Movie Star by Incredible Tiny Homes