Post Apocalyptic - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Im Both Happy And Nervous To Actually Post This. These Three Are A Group That I Thought Up When Boredom

I’m both happy and nervous to actually post this. These three are a group that I thought up when boredom hit, and they grew on me until it felt like they needed to be drawn. They’re fighting some inhuman threat.. that I might also draw.

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2 years ago

so my sister had a nightmare where it was an apocalypse and it had been overrun by barney the dinosuwar and she and our mom hid inside a pampers truck 🤣🤣🤣

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8 months ago

or someone who got isekai’d and is really into it because their past life had nothing really meaningful, but here they get to do stuff and make friends and make a difference

Zombie/other post-apocalyptic story character concept: The unsettling optimist.

The protagonists of this story encounter an oddly formal loner who seems creepily happy-go-lucky to be wandering alone out there all alone, and assume that this poor fellow is just flat-out insane. A lot of people lost their minds when the world collapsed. An argument is had about whether they can spare the resources to take in somebody who might be a liability, but eventually a consensus is reached that if this mf has been surviving just fine all by themselves so far, surely they're not completely off their roller.

Besides, they don't seem to be out of touch with reality, just... Weirdly cheerful about it. Like wandering around a zombie-infested wasteland is the best thing that ever happened to them. Like it's a privilege to get to eat questionable canned food, to wander from half-collapsed building to another, to argue about where the group is supposed to be going. Like it's a pleasure to be there, and they don't mean it with sarcasm.

And one time when they manage to kill an animal for food, the newcomer volunteers to butcher it like that's a totally normal task that they're used to doing. And working with sure hands and a casual smile, they offhandedly remark how interestingly different it feels to butcher an animal. Full record scratch when everyone within earshot pauses to process what the fuck they just said. How exactly is someone who's clearly that familiar with taking apart meat from bones unaccustomed to butchering animals?

Well, you know how every post-apocalyptic/zombie story seems to have that one place that seems like a clean and tidy wonderful utopia on the surface, but turns out that they're cannibals that eat people? Yeah, that guy is from there. Escaped from there, in fact, and not long before the protagonists found them. And the reason why they've been over the moon about getting to be a part of the whole post-apocalyptic roving band of survivors is the freedom. They get to choose what miserable cans to eat, what miserable ruins to sleep in for the night, what hopeless direction they will miserably trek. And the zombies? The zombies are the best part.

Imagine the joy and luxury of knowing for sure for the first time, that there is absolutely zero overlap between the people who form the community that you rely on to survive, and the people who will kill and eat you if you make one single mistake.

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8 years ago
Character From The Apocalypse World Game Im In! His Name In Dogfood And I Love Him

character from the apocalypse world game I’m in! his name in dogfood and I love him

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3 years ago
Tazz, Drummer For The 80s Synth Rock Band The Brandy Boys(and One Girl), In My Post-apocalyptic 80s Themed

Tazz, drummer for the 80′s synth rock band The Brandy Boys(and One Girl), in my post-apocalyptic 80′s themed D&D campaign! He’s a gnoll.

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3 years ago
Meet Amoranth Thomas, The Apocalyptic World Tours Number One Murder Mommy! She Is A Member Of The Wastelands

meet Amoranth Thomas, the Apocalyptic World Tour’s number one Murder Mommy! She is a member of the wasteland’s biggest monsterhunting faction, the Order of the Purifiers.

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4 years ago
A Design I Came Up For My OC Doc Glenrose, As Part Of The Set Of Pieces I Did Back In January For After

A design I came up for my OC Doc Glenrose, as part of the set of pieces I did back in January for After Destruction. I'll be honest; I'm not happy with the design itself, but I like how I rendered it. I tried to make him fit in too much with these concepts I did for Dire that he just looks kind of generic. I’m sure I’ll change parts of his design in the future.

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1 year ago
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)
Refuge (2022)

Refuge (2022)

A short comic I did last year. It's been up on my for a while but I thought I might as well post it here too. I'm still very proud of the art on this one.

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UnderwaterThe Catches Have Been Coming Up Stranger And Stranger These Days. Still Taste Fine, Though.

“Underwater” The catches have been coming up stranger and stranger these days. Still taste fine, though.

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4 years ago
Kent "Slim" Banesbridge

Kent "Slim" Banesbridge

*Post apocalypse mechanic

*Can drive anything real good

* Being a human guinea pig kinda worked out

Wilder "Bone Fender" Crux

*Used to be an evil apocalypse overlord and a cyborg, now a spooky jackass AI no one but Kent can see normally

*Can possess and warp technology, hope he doesn't find a nokia

*The horns come attached

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4 months ago

Short story time!

This was a short story I wrote for my language Arts class! I really liked how it turned out, so I wanted to share it you guys!

TW: Mention of death, su!c!de, depression, and Ai take over

Tittle: Blycyngo!

Journal entry #666

‘Welcome to the distopia that was once known as Earth! After Ai became Too inteligent and overthrew the goverment, most of the remaining population of earth flew off into space with the help of NASA and Elon Musk. And eventually they made it to Mars. Due to the cold climate and lack of oxygen, the former inhabitants of earth now had to live on ships until further notice. But that's where the Colonizing Your Boring Old Region Gaggle or “C.Y.B.O.R.G” for short, comes in! “C.Y.B.O.R.G” is an organisation created to send groups of people back to earth to try and restore it to its former glory. I, Captain Cy, was the commander of one of these groups. Unfortunately, our ship crash landed, and most of my grouping was taken (and asumably killed) by what I like to call the “Ai Overlords”. They’re the Mother-boards behind this whole ordeal! And Not to mention-’

“Hey Cynthia!” The young male spoke from behind as a jetpack wearing frog flew into the room flying circles around her head.

“AHGK!-” Cy fell out of her battered pilot seat while swatting her arms toward the frog. “WHAT THE HECK BINGO!?!?” The enraged female shouted at him, agitation plastered across her face. “And what did I say about calling me that?!” Cy dusted herself off pushing her body up and off the ground.

“Hey! Be careful!” He grabbed the frog out of the air. “You could’ve hit Blitz…” He pet the head of his little pet frog while pouting.

“Whatever…” She grumbled to herself, shutting the notebook she was writing in. “And for Pete's sake, keep that thing away from me…” She shuddered at the thought of the slimy little being.

Cy, placed her notebook down on the non-working cockpit. Bingo then picked it up and opened it to the newest entry.

His eyes glazed over the words. “You spelled ‘Dystopia’ wrong” he pointed to the word. “And  ‘intelligent’ and ‘government’ and-”

“Alright! Alright, I get it! I suck at spelling! So what of it?” Cy tried to get Bingo to be quiet, snatching the notebook from his hands. 

Frustrated, Cy walked out of the room. After she had exited, she put on her oxygen mask before stepping outside the aircraft. 

Once outside, Cy began walking around. No true objective aside from letting off some steam. 

She kicked a heavy piece of metal, which slowly floated into the air with a cloud of dust trailing behind.

She found a pile of debris and decided to take a seat. A cloud of dust and dry dirt flew into the air as she gazed out onto the horizon.

No sound.

No smell.

No life.

No Nothing.

Giant robotic arms were present in the sky, again, reminding her of all the awful crud humanity brought upon themselves.

She let out a heavy sigh, resting her elbows on her knees, and her head in her hands. 

Cy felt a tap on her shoulder which caused her to jump. She looked over her shoulder and was met with a kind soft face, Bingo’s face.

He sat beside her, his frog landing on his shoulder.

Cy cringed at the sight of the frog, but tried her hardest to brush off the feeling. 

The two of them sat in deafening silence before Bingo tried to break the ice.

“So, what’s been on your mind?” He looked over to Cy then back over the horizon. “I just  noticed, you've been a little tense, as of late..” He paused.

Cy rolled her eyes, and placed her head back in her hands with a loud groan. She paused for a moment before speaking, contemplating what she was going to say.

“Honestly..  Everything…” She felt a pang of guilt in her heart. “The reason we're stuck here is because of me… I was the one behind that control panel, I’m the reason we crashed, I’m the reason our crew is gone, I was the one that was  supposed to lead us to victory! I-” Cy felt small tears form in her eyes. What was she doing?! Leaders don’t cry, leaders can’t break, leaders always know what to do. But, right now, she didn’t, she didn’t know what to do, she was nearing a breaking point, and all she wanted to do right now was cry.

Cy let out a heavy sigh as she looked to the ground.

“I’m sorry…” She muttered, she said in a defeated, tired tone. “It’s just… hard for me right now…” She spoke, her tone more quiet than usual. “For me to talk about, all this”

Bingo scooted a little closer, placing his hand on Cy’s shoulder.

The two stayed in a sweet silence for presumably an hour or two before returning to the landing pod.

The two were sitting, near the cockpit, enjoying their packaged dinner to the best of their ability. That’s when they felt a rumble come from the ground.

Sure, they were used to feeling a shift in the ground ever so often, but this was different, way different…

Cy quickly put her oxygen mask back on and stepped outside. And to her horror, two giant machines stood above the chasm their landing pod had crashed in.

Cy ran back inside and ordered Bingo to grab his oxygen mask, food, and anything he could hold because they needed to get out NOW! 

The two fled the scene, taking refuge in a nearby cave.

“Those Mother-Boards!” Cy kicked the wall of the cave, “who on Earth do they think they are!?!” Cy paced around the room pulling at her hair and hyperventilating into her oxygen mask.

Bingo sat in the corner, petting the top of the mini helmet his pet frog wore. “Cy… are you oka-”

“OF COURSE I’M OKAY!” Cy shouted, starting Bingo. “I’m always okay! Why on Earth would I not be okay?!?” Cy looked over to bingo, and laughed hysterically, tears flowing down her eyes. “I’m okay!”

“I’m… I’m okay…” Cy quieted down with a sigh “I’m okay….” Cy fell to her knees and held herself as she cried. “I promise, I’m okay..” She continuously muttered, trying to reassure herself more than anyone else.

Seeing this, Bingo scooted towards Cy, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her in an embrace. 

Cy visibly flinched at this act, but allowed it. 

“I’m sorry…” Cy let out a heavy sigh, relaxing her face into a tired, almost dead expression.

“I’m just so tired…” Cy continued to speak, hardly above a whisper. “I’m so tired of being stuck here…” She placed her hands up to her face and ran them through her dust covered hair. 

“Bingo...” Bingo looked over to Cy as she looked out the opening of the cave. “Please don’t leave me…” a singular tear ran down Cy’s cheek as she spoke in a soft, tired tone. She then shut her eyes and rested.

“AAAAHHH-” Cy was awoken with a shrill shreek coming from the opening of the cave.

Her eyes hurried to focus on whatever had made the sound.

“No…” Cy’s eyes widened in horror when she saw the one person she hoped it wouldn’t be.

“Cy!” Bingo shouted, as he struggled to escape the grasp of the robot that currently held him hostage. “Run!!” Bingo shouted at her, panic present in his voice.

“No!” Cy retorted, “I can’t just leave you he-” The same robot carrying Bingo swung at Cy, barely missing her by a hair. “Please just RUN!” Bingo pleaded.

And with a convicted heart, she did.

She picked up Bingo’s bag of Items and ran as fast as she could.

As she ran, the robot reached for Bingo’s oxygen mask and ripped it off his face. He felt the oxygen leaving his lungs, as his body went limp…

Running, running, running. She ran and ran until she couldn’t run anymore.

She made it to an open field of dry dirt before collapsing to her knees.

She laid there on her back exhausted. 

The only other person on this forsaken planet, gone.

All will to live, gone.

Now nothing here was worth staying for. 

That’s when she reached for her oxygen mask…

The end.

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5 months ago

I should probably explain a lil bit about the world of my main OCs (Fox, Wolf, Fang, Bone) real quick.

So, Fox and Wolf are two scientists from a dimension that's very similar to ours. Has the internet, modern technology, etc.

This dimension is known as 5b.

Picture of New York City at night, source unknown currently.

(This picture is not mine, if someone finds the original photo taker that would be great)

On the other hand, Fang and Bone are from dimension 5a: A post-apocalyptic world that experienced a nuclear holocaust in 1983. Most world countries have collapsed, the environment is irradiated, and most of society in the United States live in underground bunkers.

A nuke has gone off near a major city, showing a massive explosion behind the buildings during a beautiful sunset.

(This pic is mine, AI generated by Imagine.)

So you might be wondering: Why did this event happen in 1983? This is based on a real-life event: Oko, a missile detection system in the Soviet Union, falsely detected missiles from the US heading to Russia. Stanislav Petrov, the man on duty at the time, ignored the warning from the system, potentially saving the world from WW3. Had he responded, the Soviet Union would have 'retaliated' by shooting missiles back in return.

That's the difference between 5a and 5b. 5a is the result of Stanislav Petrov believing the warning to be legit and convincing command to strike back immediately, causing a nuclear exchange that destroyed civilization. 5b is just like our real life world: he ignored the warning and the world exists like it does today.

I'll go into more detail in the future on the major differences between each world, Anarchy City, and how the countries of the world fare in 5a.

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