denveroddd - Denver ODDD
Denver ODDD

A Colorado based company that specializes in men's intimate apparel, fetish harnesses and much more. Over 90% of the pieces made are custom. There are limited edition pieces that can be found on our etsy site under ODDD. IF YOU LIKE THAT YOU SEE PLZ TELL US!

353 posts

New Masks Coming Soon!!! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink

New Masks Coming Soon!!! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink

New masks coming soon!!! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky #facecovering (at Denver ODDD)

More Posts from Denveroddd

5 years ago
We Are Proud To Welcome Our Newest Model To Denver ODDD Is @jedi_wavez999. He's Wearing A Custom Pair

We are proud to welcome our newest model to Denver ODDD is @jedi_wavez999. He's wearing a custom pair of rockets featuring a stunning Menagerie of exotic prints & colors accented by a shimmering black leg, crotch, side piping. *** Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #rockets #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #animalprint #riotofcolours (at Denver ODDD)

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4 years ago
A Few Custom Masks Made For A Client. These Fabrics Are Limited So DM Me If You Want One! *** #denveroddd

A few custom masks made for a client. These fabrics are limited so DM me if you want one! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky #facecovering (at Denver ODDD)

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4 years ago
Mask 4 Mask Any One? *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #masks #staysafe #stayhealthy (at Denver ODDD)

Mask 4 Mask any one? *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #masks #staysafe #stayhealthy (at Denver ODDD)

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4 years ago
When Spring Flowers Make U Feel Sexy. This Pare Of Curiosity's Make The Cut! *** Photography By @robertarice

When spring flowers make u feel sexy. This pare of Curiosity's make the cut! *** Photography by @robertarice Model @xhriss121 *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #curiosity #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #spring #floral #flowers (at Denver ODDD)

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4 years ago
Been Working On Masks Here Are A Few Production Pics! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay

Been working on masks here are a few production pics! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky #facecovering (at Denver ODDD)

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