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A look back to the construction of the custom set made for @xhriss121. *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #curiosity #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

We couldn't post pics of this till last weekend was over. This is the male version of Harly Quinn @xhriss121 had custom made for Katsucon! These are the pics of the shorts the top pics will fallow! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cosplay #katsucon2020 #harlyquinn #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

Here are the progress pics for the top. For the male version of Harly Quinn @xhriss121 had custom made for Katsucon! *** The collar was especially tricky, we interfaced it with a special jersey knit fusable interfacing so it would not warp when sewn. *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cosplay #katsucon2020 #harlyquinn #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

Here is the completed look For the male version of Harly Quinn @xhriss121 had custom made for Katsucon! *** The collar was especially tricky, we interfaced it with a special jersey knit fusable interfacing so it would not warp when sewn. *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cosplay #katsucon2020 #harlyquinn #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

This cherry blossom oriental print is stunning with a blue backdrop. The leg and accents frame it perfectly, don't you think? *** Model @nicscooby Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #curiosity #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #cherryblossom #orientalprint (at Denver ODDD)

We are proud to welcome our newest model to Denver ODDD is @jedi_wavez999. He's wearing a custom pair of rockets featuring a stunning Menagerie of exotic prints & colors accented by a shimmering black leg, crotch, side piping. *** Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #rockets #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #animalprint #riotofcolours (at Denver ODDD)

Last night's @circuitsaturday was LIT featuring this incredible Heaven sent ensemble custom made for @gato.roboto. *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #circutsaturday #tracksdenver (at Denver ODDD)

Here is a custom made pair of Cheekys featuring a unique explosion of colors accented by a subtle glissining leg band. Please welcome @stoned_otterboy our newest model here at Denver ODDD! *** Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #allmenaresexy #twunk (at Denver ODDD)

Progress pics of the making of @gato.roboto 's @circuitsaturday outfit! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #circutsaturday #tracksdenver (at Denver ODDD)

What do you think of @stoned_otterboy in this custom made sexy pair of Curiosity's. *** Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #curiosity #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #allmenaresexy (at Denver ODDD)

What do you think of this amazing subtle burnout Stars on BLACK, featuring a knock out almost dayglo orange accent. *** Model @xhriss121 Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

A look back at @gato.roboto @circuitsaturday look from last month. Here are the progress pics of the outfit, from harness to cape, undies and over skirt! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #circutsaturday #tracksdenvernightclub (at Denver ODDD)

Happy Easter! Sorry it's later than planned. Wouldn't you look at these super cute cheekys featuring a pastel color pallet! *** Model @nicscooby Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

The darker side of Harly Quinn. Here is a different perspective of the iconic character. What do you think? *** Model @xhriss121 Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cosplay #harlyquinn #sexyundies #gaytwink #instagay #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow (at Denver ODDD)

With great pleasure we are proud to announce a limited edition of "Stranger things" Scoops Ahoy inspired cup style face mask for sale after so many requests to make them we've decided to start making limited edition collections. DM US IF YOUR INTERESTED! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #StrangerThings #scoopsahoy #cosplay (at Denver ODDD)

After sew many requests we have decided to start making limited edition collections of face masks! Just like us these are indeed ODDD. Some fabrics are vintage others are quarky, set your self apart from the masses. $10 each 2 layers with nose piece for better fit! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky (at Denver ODDD)

Happy Hump day!!! This pair of Rockets made from that super sexy almost sheer chainmail like fabric with a metallic legband accent. *** Model @nicscooby Photography by @robertarice *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #cheeky #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #chainmail #sheer (at Denver, Colorado)

New masks coming soon!!! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky #facecovering (at Denver ODDD)

A few custom masks made for a client. These fabrics are limited so DM me if you want one! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #quirky #facecovering (at Denver ODDD)

Happy Memorial day weekend! We have a limited amount of flagged themed fabrics for those interested in masks. DM us if interested! *** #denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #sexy #instagay #instagays #instatwink #fagtagulous #sexyboys #unique #bespoke #custom #wow #facemask #StrangerThings #scoopsahoy #cosplay #flags #memorialday (at Denver ODDD)