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DK West Relationship Headcanons

DK West Relationship Headcanons

DK West Relationship Headcanons
DK West Relationship Headcanons
DK West Relationship Headcanons

Requested by: I forgot Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 345

DK West Relationship Headcanons

• When I say this man loves his S/O, he REALLY loves them.

• He's just a total simp for his S/O, and would do (mostly) anything for them.

• Is a legit softie towards them. He just loves them that much.

• Barley yells or argues with his S/O, but sometimes he can't help it and it slips through.

• He immediately apologies if anything like that happens. He hates yelling at his S/O or making them upset in any way; especially when he’s well aware how he may be intimidating to some cause of his big tall statue. It doesn't make the situation any better in that case.

• Even then sometimes he lets his ego get out of hand, but his S/O puts him in line which he appreciates in a way. They keep him grounded from straying too far.

• If they’re willing to, West would be thrilled to teach his S/O Malaysian. He loved his culture and loved sharing it with others, after all.

• If DK West’s S/O know any languages besides English, he'd be ready and willing to learn their language(s) as well. 

• Cause he wants to learn more about his S/O, their life, and culture, just as much as he wants his S/O to learn more about his. Sharing is caring!

• Every once in a while, he'll buy his S/O gifts out of no where.

• He's not a big fan of gifts himself though as he finds quality time to be more meaningful, but he sees how much his S/O loves them and buys you things anyway. West just can’t get over how much he loves the new sudden glow on their face whenever he does.

• He does however appreciate his S/O taking the time out of their schedule to give him things too.

• West is the kind of man that prefers getting to know his S/O more and more as the days go on, and spending time with them is what he loves more then anything else in the world.

DK West Relationship Headcanons

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No Straight Roads Masterlist

No Straight Roads Masterlist

No Straight Roads Masterlist
No Straight Roads Masterlist
No Straight Roads Masterlist

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(If you want to check out a characters specific masterlist its linked on the name of the character.)

No Straight Roads Masterlist


DK West



Neon J





(White) Rin

(Blue) Purlhew

(Green) Eloni

(Yellow) Haym

(Red) Zimelu

No Straight Roads Masterlist

Tags :
DK West Masterlist

DK West Masterlist

DK West Masterlist
DK West Masterlist
DK West Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) DK West Headcanons (Request) (Fluff) DK West's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O

DK West Masterlist

Tags :

(White) Rin Masterlist

(White) Rin Masterlist
(White) Rin Masterlist
(White) Rin Masterlist

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(White) Rin Masterlist


[Fluff] Rin's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O


[Extra Fluffy] Rin x Female Reader - Cuddly Baby [Fluff] Rin x Female Reader - Combat Training [Fluff, also a lot of teasing] Rin x Female Reader - Tease (Request) [Angst/Fluff] Rin x Reader - The Truth [Some sexual tension, some fluff] Rin x Female Reader - Tired? (Working on it!) [Slow burn, Loving Smut] - Rin X (Gender Neutral) (AFAB) Reader - Anniversary (Working on it!) [Smut] Rin X Reader - Beach Day  (Working on it!) [Smut] Rin x Female Reader - Attitude (Working on it!) [Smut] Rin x Female Reader - Secrets Pt 1 - Pt 2

(White) Rin Masterlist

Tags :

Haym (Yellow) Masterlist

Haym (Yellow) Masterlist
Haym (Yellow) Masterlist
Haym (Yellow) Masterlist

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Haym (Yellow) Masterlist


[Fluff] Haym's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O


(Working on it!) [Fluff] Pranks (Working on it!) [Fluff] Getting Competitive (Working on it!) [Comfort Fluff] Here For You (Working on it!) [Fluff/Angst] Distractions Pt 1 - Pt 2 (Request from A03) [Angst/Fluff] Haym X Female Reader - Just An Act

Haym (Yellow) Masterlist

Tags :
Eve Masterlist

Eve Masterlist

Eve Masterlist
Eve Masterlist
Eve Masterlist

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Eve Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) Eve's reaction to receiving flowers from her S/O (Request) (Fluff) Eve with a super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things (Request) (Fluff) Eve with a silly outgoing S/O

Eve Masterlist

Tags :
DJSS Masterlist

DJSS Masterlist

DJSS Masterlist
DJSS Masterlist
DJSS Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

DJSS Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) DJSS with shy S/O (Request) (Fluffy) DJSS with a mostly tired s/o (Request) (Fluff) DJSS's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O (Request) (Working on it!) (Fluff) DJSS with a super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things (Request) (Fluff) DJSS with a silly outgoing S/O


(Request) (Angst) DJSS x Reader - Please, Please Don’t Leave…

DJSS Masterlist

Tags :
Tatiana Masterlist

Tatiana Masterlist

Tatiana Masterlist
Tatiana Masterlist
Tatiana Masterlist

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Tatiana Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) Tatiana's reaction to receiving flowers from her S/O (Request) (Fluff) Tatiana with a super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things (Request) (Fluff) Tatiana with a silly outgoing S/O

Tatiana Masterlist

Tags :
DJSS With Shy S/O

DJSS with shy S/O

DJSS With Shy S/O
DJSS With Shy S/O
DJSS With Shy S/O

Requested by: I forgor Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanon Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 254

DJSS With Shy S/O

• This man was born for HUGGING, CUDDLING, and HANDHOLDING. 

• Your gentle touches make him melt 

Ever since you guys got together, his ego died down a bit, but it's still there somewhat.

• Still being a NSR artist, of course his ego is still gonna be way up there. 

• He's not that selfish as he used to be though. 

• You've helped him change in ways you don't even know. 

• Even though it's hard for you to open up most of the time due to your shyness, you open up more eventually to Nova.

• Nova takes you out stargazing whenever you start feeling anxious or anything like that.

• He knows it calms you down, and you both enjoy it a lot , so why not?

•Calls you star, my starlight, anything that relates to space.

• Shows you music that he's working on.

• Carries you like a baby when he's in his other form.

• Is quite protective of you because it's hard for you to stand up for yourself.

• Will do his best to be by your side. Either through texts or calls when he's away somewhere.

• Will take you will him most of the time, but sometimes it's private NSR business.

• You understand wholeheartedly, even though he feels bad leaving you by yourself. 

• You reassure him by kissing his orb head, or holding him close to you. 

• Despite your guy's different personalities, ya'll make it work and balance each other out.

DJSS With Shy S/O

Tags :
Zimelu (Red) Masterlist

Zimelu (Red) Masterlist

Zimelu (Red) Masterlist
Zimelu (Red) Masterlist
Zimelu (Red) Masterlist

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Zimelu (Red) Masterlist


[Fluff] Zimelu's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O


(Working on it!) [Fluff] Zimelu x Female Reader - Rock Star (Working on it!) [Fluff] Human! Zimelu X Female Reader - Getting Into It (Working on it!) [Fluff] Zimelu x Reader - Nerves Pt 1 - Pt 2  [Fluff/Lime/Smut] Zimelu x Female Reader - Just Vibing Pt 1 - Pt 2

Zimelu (Red) Masterlist

Tags :
Mayday Masterlist

Mayday Masterlist

Mayday Masterlist
Mayday Masterlist
Mayday Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Mayday Masterlist


(Request) [Fluff] Mayday's reaction to receiving flowers from her S/O

Mayday Masterlist

Tags :
DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O

DJSS with a mostly tired S/O

DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O
DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O
DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O

Requested by: I forgor Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanon Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 315

DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O

DJSS is so used to Vinyl City’s energetic population/fans it felt odd being around someone so… mellow, quiet, and more distracted at first. 

DJSS thought at first his S/O didn’t want to listen/was a bad listener in general whenever he or others talked/explained something, but really they were just tired as they tried their best to pay attention with what was being said. With this in mind the lack of sleep means worsened attention span (and other things as well), after all. 

Pushing his ego away and opening up to actually show his S/O he’s concerned for their health because of their lack of sleep, he does a bit of research and even reached out to other NSR artists for any advice since he didn’t know too much about sleep in general. 

If his S/O tries to brush it off that just makes DJSS more more determined to help with their  sleep.

Aside from that he’d also try suggesting his S/O some ways that’s helped him whenever he’s struggling with sleep like stargazing, listening to instrumental music, a nice warm bath too. 

You’d think one of those few examples would work and sound all nice sure, but the only thing that’s ever worked for his S/O was cuddling surprisingly enough. 

Short or tall, DJSS’s S/O falls right asleep whenever they lay ontop of him. Literally is the best alternative pillow ever fr. 

Of course trying to fix something such as this doesn’t just fix itself in one day unfortunately, but dating someone like DJSS he’s very set on fixing things and follows through with whatever he’s doing. 

Even if DJSS can be stubborn and sometimes rude, he wants his S/O to be happy and healthy as possible (even if he’s annoying about it), he’s just showing he cares… even if it’s a bit too much. 

DJSS With A Mostly Tired S/O

Tags :
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist


(Request) [Fluff] Purl-Hew X (Chatty) Reader - Headcanons [Fluff] Purlhews reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O


[Fluff] Purl-Hew X Female Reader - Rain [Fluff/Lime] Purl-Hew x Female Reader - Lazy Morning Pt 1 - [Smut] Pt 2

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Tags :
Kliff Masterlist

Kliff Masterlist

Kliff Masterlist
Kliff Masterlist
Kliff Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Kliff Masterlist


(Request) [Fluff] Kliff Relationship Headcanons [Fluff] Kliff's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O

Kliff Masterlist

Tags :
Zuke Masterlist

Zuke Masterlist

Zuke Masterlist
Zuke Masterlist
Zuke Masterlist

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Zuke Masterlist
Zuke Masterlist


 (Fluff) Zuke's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O

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