desired-fantasy-writings - I Consume All That Is Fictional (Requests Open!)
I Consume All That Is Fictional (Requests Open!)

Full-Time Procrastinator - Fictional Multifandom Blog • I post whenever I don't have a schedule. • SFW and NSFW blog. No kiddos allowed 18+ only. This is stricly an adult only fictional multifandom writing blog. Minors who follow or reblog any of my work will be blocked.

84 posts

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)
Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)
Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Requested by: Nobody Warnings: Sexual Tension(?) Readers Gender: Female Reader Fanfic Type: Fanfic Fanfic Genre: Fluff/Lime Word Count: 908

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

"Purl, dear, it's time for us to get up now."


You rolled your eyes at your blue-haired lovers response, smiling at him. "C'mon, don't be like that."

Purl-Hew groaned in reply, nuzzling his face more into your stomach with his arms around your waist. You had your hands in his hair, dragging your finger nails along his blue-coloured hair softly, earning a sweet hum from Purl-hew.

"I know it would be nice to stay in bed all day, but we got things to do with the gang remember?" You yawned, trying to move, but Purl-Hew kept you from moving anywhere. Purl-Hew auto-tuned whined.

"Just a little while longer babe, pretty please?" Purl-Hew gave you the puppy eyes, making you giggle.

He had his glasses off so you could see his pretty blue eyes of his.

You couldn't resist his beautiful charm, so you gave into him. He could be such a baby when you and Purl-Hew were alone away from the rest of the boys and Neon J.

"Fine you big baby, just a few more minutes. Then we're getting up." Purl-Hew sighed happily from your response. He then shifted himself close to your mouth with a smile.

Purl-Hew didn't say anything as he pushed his silicone lips onto your plump ones. You smirked, rolling your eyes at his playfulness. Your hand moved onto the back of Purl-Hew's neck to push him closer to your lips in the kiss. Both of you moved in sync as the kiss began to feel more exotic, and you could say, electrifying. You pulled away from the kiss after a few moments to catch your breathe. You still got overwhelmed from kissing him, despite how many times you two kissed, and Purl-Hew knew that. He wanted this to be an innocent kiss, but he had other plans in the back of his mind.

He pushed his lips onto yours again, this time he wasn't planning to pull away. He snaked a hand down to your thigh, making you gasp in the kiss. This gave Purl-Hew the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. You moaned out of shock. You couldn't take it anymore and pushed him away, feeling too embarrassed to continue (not now at least.) This left Purl stunned, stopping in his tracks. He grew worried he went too far, or he fucked up. Just as he was about to speak to apologize, you panted out;

"I-I'm sorry babe, but not n-now! We got things to do. We can save this for later you tease..." You muttered out with half lidded eyes, leaning forward to nibble his silicone ear. "Save that tongue action for later."

Purl-Hew felt like his ability to speak was taken away after what you said. His blue coloured cheeks and the lights on his boys grew brighter and fluctuated, making you laugh seeing your somewhat stoic boyfriend blush so hard from your words.

"You're not the only one that can be a tease babe, now let's get going before the others come for us." You say, making Purl-Hew groaned in annoyance.


"Purl stop being such a grump and cmon!" You got out of the bed and extended your hand to him. Purl stared at your hand, seeming unimpressed as he extended to grab his glasses instead, putting them on.

"Nah babe, after what you did, that's not how it's going to work this time." Purl-Hew said under his breathe, looking up at you.

Confused at what he just said, you waited for what he was going to do. Purl-Hew got up, looking down at you, and suddenly scooped you up in his arms.


"Be quite before I make you songbird... don't test me." Purl-Hew stared you down before heading out the door to downstairs where the others were.

You shut up after that, feeling your heart skip a beat. The tone in his voice explained how upset he was that you stopped your somewhat intense, make out session. Underneath it seemed like he was not just upset, but sexually frustrated? You hasn't seen him this upset over something like this before. You had a feeling he was planning something after you two hang out with the gang, and you couldn't help but smirk to yourself after making him like this. You lick your lips, snuggling up to Purl-Hew.

"I love you Purl, and I'm sorry." You apologize in a whisper, feeling Purl-Hew's eyes on you.

You closed your eyes as your man carried you along the long hallways of the mansion. Purl rolled his eyes, maneuvering his lips to your forehead.

"Even though I'm a tad annoyed by you right now, but I love you too babe. Remember that." Purl-Hew muttered, leaving a long but meaningful loving kiss on her forehead before shifting his head forward. "And I'll definitely make you sorry after we're done our tasks at hand."

Your lips closed shut, feeling yourself get flustered. Purl-Hew knew he hit something within you cause he felt you tense up in his arms. Under his now stoic exterior, he smirked to himself. He knew how to exactly embarrass you, and you knew how to exactly embarrass Purl-Hew. It was a fun game you two played. No wonder why the fans shipped you two so much. You seemed too perfect for each other, especially when it came to the teasing part of things anyway.

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)
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Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist


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Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

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Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety

Bald Bull with an S/O who has social anxiety

Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety
Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety
Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety

Requested by: I forgor Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: SFW Word Count: 467

Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety

• You gotta give credit to Bald Bull for at least trying comfort his S/O despite his rough nature.

• Bull's never been the comforting type, but since he's met his S/O, he's grown soft and more patient.

• Bull's still surprised yet grateful his S/O is still with him even after blowing up many times at people (including his S/O. Bull always regretted it of course and apologizes profusely with affection and gifts anytime it happened.) 

• Bull knew the moment he met his S/O, they were just a good kind of different. At first when his S/O gave him advice on how to handle anger, he got upset over it being of how he was at the time, but then he thought about it more later. No one just goes out of their way to give advice like that straight up to a guy like himself. People feared him, yet his S/O was brave enough to speak to him. 

• The paparazzi defiantly doesn't help his S/O at all. It makes them feel way worse and puts them on verges of panic attacks. 

• If that ever did happen Bull absolutely would coddled them till they're stable again. 

• Bull's S/O overthinks about everything about themselves, and of course this irritates Bull to no end. Bull doesn't understand why they can't see how wonderful they are like he does, they're perfect. 

• He does whatever he can to help them. To get away from the press and all the stress Bull takes his  S/O to places where the press can't find them. It's just him and his S/O. 

• Bull's never met someone with what his S/O has, and respects them highly for being so strong in their own right. He himself couldn't see what I'd be like since he's never had problem socializing.

• If his S/O is able to calm Bull down and be there for whenever he needed, he feels obligated to do the same for them since they're dealing with a struggle of their own which is way different from Bull's 

• Very gentle with his S/O, makes sure to speak lower to not scare them.

• If things get too much for his S/O, he'll respect if they need their alone time to recharge. Bull definitely knows that feeling of wanting to be alone from literally everyone. He knows in his heart they'll come around eventually.  

• To get his S/O more comfortable with talking to people he introduces them to a few of the boxers. Out of all the boxers they seem to feel comfortable around Glass Joe, Disco Kid, and Mr. Sandman. 

• And yes they've helped Bull's S/O a lot.

Bald Bull With An S/O Who Has Social Anxiety

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Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons
Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons
Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

Requested by: Nobody Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 869

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

A/N: I know Dru is a old man but gosh he's such a cutie I cant help but love this character- hear me out-

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

• Due to how Dru grew up with his father always reminding him of being a failure for every second of his life, he grew overly clingy to people who ever remotely liked him platonically or romantically. Was often left alone having no friends and all. He was homeschooled, so he did his own thing by himself as a kid since his father didn't allow anyone into the mansion without his say so. Let's just say his father was very distrusting with people, only person he could trust was Fritz.

• Dru is not really experienced in romance, but he does his best to learn how to be a perfect partner! Romantic encounters were always very rare for Dru, if you could even call them that… The so called few who were interested were only interested in money, you know, those type of toxic people. Those encounters still stick with Dru… often making him feel insecure and paranoid, since he gave his heart, mind, and soul to the people “interested” in him, seeing their interest in him as genuine.. He didn't read the room in time and got hurt in the end emotionally. Falls for people too quickly, an absolute hopeless romantic.

• Speaking of emotional, he's very emotional, more so then Gru who isn't really. Being emotional doesn't mean it's always a negative of course, but it definitely makes certain situations a bit more challenging for Dru.

• Persuading Dru romantically would be a challenge, since he's quite dense when it comes to love, and due to his past experiences with it as I explained - as friendly and sweet as he may seem, he keeps a lot of his true self tucked away, afraid of being hurt again, so I’ll be definitely a slow process before anything romantic would come about.

• Dru’s always down to be anyone's friend, but being romantically pursued or romantically seeking someone? Help the poor lad he doesn't know what to do or how to respond.

• Like he does with people he cares about, he also rubs his face against his lover…. way more often, and afterwards kisses. Continuous hugs, he’s needy and lonely. If his S/O isn't the physically affectionate type, well they better adapt. Dru’s a total cuddle bug. 100% his love language.

• Also gift giving too. He would go way overboard often. If he sees something his S/O likes he’ll look for anything else like it and buy it for them as a surprise. Always has treats he gives his S/O too making sure they're properly fed and loved. Being a gift giver Christmas and birthdays is his favourite times of the year.

• Dru started a tradition of dressing up as “evil” Santa and cause mischief around the neighbourhood for fun a week before Christmas. His nieces, mostly Edith, drag Dru’s S/O into their “festivities” causing mayham. Pretty innocent pranks and mischief.

• Dru may be considered a villan despite his villainous nature, but gosh he's so loving and protective. Pure and true and would never truly hurt anyone unless provoked to do so. Dru is just a thief with only some morals, well, close to morally grey but not really. If anyone hurt Dru’s family or S/O, though usually a coward, turns into a knight of shining armour. That's were his skills really come into play, usually holding himself back due to low confidence outside of that, he doesn't when it comes to protecting his loved ones.

• Still learning boundaries. If he has a not so physically affectionate partner, he can completely miss the boundaries quite a lot in the moment, oblivious to his partner's discomfort. Always profusely apologises after and making up for it by giving them space. He just can't help himself to be close to his S/O… he loves their touch.

• Same thing if his partner doesn't want to talk about something that's bothering them. Sometimes he can read the room of the tense vibes, so he often accidentally pressures his partner to share what's going on, not out of anything malicious he has good intentions even if it's not the best decision to choose at the moment, so communication is key for being in a relationship with Dru as he often misses social cues. Doesn't do it on purpose that's just how he is.

• If his S/O is sad, bothered, any uncomfy feeling, as Dru has done many times before, wallow in silence while eating ice cream in bed with them, or whatever his partner may like that's a comfort food for them.

• Supppperrr affectionate and sweet, very wholesome, obviously, also obnoxiously affectionate, but he always means well. Wants a family of his own one day. If his S/O doesn't he's fine with accepting that fact… yet it doesn't take away the fact that he’s a family man at heart, but would rather make his S/O happy if it meant not having one.

• Loves loves LOVES taking his S/O on dates. His favourites are when they're at the beach… or when they're doing a heist together as they're running for their lives with loads of loot with the help of minions. He sees it as a "romantic date” what a goober.

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

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