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Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

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Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist


(Request) [Fluff] Purl-Hew X (Chatty) Reader - Headcanons [Fluff] Purlhews reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O


[Fluff] Purl-Hew X Female Reader - Rain [Fluff/Lime] Purl-Hew x Female Reader - Lazy Morning Pt 1 - [Smut] Pt 2

Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist

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Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader
Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

Requested by: Nobody Warnings: Slight Lime(?) Readers Gender: Female Fanfic Type: Fanfic Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1,552

Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

"Of course yet another day of disappointment." Purl-Hew complained, looking up at the ceiling. "I can't even take my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend to spoil her with gifts-"

"Purl would you relax?" You cut him off, pulling on his uniform.

"I wouldn't want you to malfunction from the heavy rain. I'm just happy spending time with you Purly." You teased, smiling at him.

You see him get a tad flustered from the nickname cause his blue cheeks started fluctuating, which made you giggle.

Purl-Hew and you were originally planning to go shopping for the first day of your guys week off, but the rain got in the way of that. Tatiana suggested that each of the NSR artist's should take this time off to unwind and relax. Of course it was only one at a time, so Eve was next on the list. You honestly found it shocking yet admirable that Tatiana was this willing to do this for the other NSR artists, including herself. It is well-known that if someone takes a break they feel refreshed and come up with new ideas.

You weren't an NSR artist, but you were a writer and understood this logic of how people work. Even if 1010 weren't human, they deserved a break too. With their newly installed personality upgrade after all, they all seemed to be happy and having a good time with the first day of their time off. But unfortunately for you and Purl-Hew, It started heavy pouring right as you two were about to head out the mansion gate, and you were getting sick of Purl-Hew complaining and being over dramatic.

You sighed, lifting yourself up to look at him. Purl-Hew's arm was originally around your shoulder until you sat up. His hand moved to your lower back, rubbing it up and down slowly. He looked up at you, feeling a smirk pull at his lips, wondering what you were planning to do. You gave him a blank stare, thinking of an idea on how to cheer up a robot like Purl-Hew. It was going to be hard considering he's mostly stoic and monotone.

After a moment, you lean down to kiss one of his blue cheeks. You feel Purl-Hew lean against your lips as you did so, making you smile against his cheek. You start feeling the heat of it rise the moment your lips landed on his cheek, so you knew this was working. As you pulled away, you only leaned down to kiss him again, and again. You move yourself onto of him now as you covered him in more affection, now kissing down his neck.

"Y-Y/N..." Purl-Hew stuttered out in a whisper, moving a hand into your hair and the other around your waist.

You hummed against his neck, surprised to hear him stutter. It was rare, but it must have been one of those days and you were going to take advantage of all of it. You giggled feeling Purl-Hew hide his face in your neck, god he was adorable when he can be. Your heart almost couldn't take all this cuteness so you stopped, hearing a sigh from Purl-Hew. He seemed to be a tad upset that you stopped cause his expression make you laugh as you got off him, sticking your tongue out at him playful.

"Feeling better now blueberry?" You asked, teasing him as you grabbed his his hand to pull him towards the very long window seat.

All Purl-Hew did was groan as he saw you sit down, patting the seat beside you for him to sit down. Before you even noticed, Purl-Hew basically grabbed you to hold you against his chest as he laid across the window seat. You could hear the fans in his body and heart kick up in speed out of no where, making you smirk. Oh boy was he flustered, quite flustered. You were surprised he even got this flustered from the little affection you gave him. How adorable.

You lift your head to look at him to see his glasses were almost falling off his face, but you held back from laughing out loud, and Purl-Hew could see that. Purl-Hew rolled his eyes as he grabbed his glasses and folded them before putting them aside on the window seal. His eyes seem to brighten as he stared you down, biting your lip from his now intense gaze. You always thought his eyes were so beautiful, like sapphires glistening against the light. Even in private view he didn't take his glasses off often, but now was one of those times he did. Purl-Hew seemed to notice you were admiring his eyes, making his chuckle from your stunned gaze. This moment was extremely wholesome, yet in a teasing way for the two of you, and Purl-Hew seemed to catch the message from earlier, now moving his lips or your neck.

He held you close as he left light kisses on your neck, making you giggle. Heading the soft sound of the rain with your lover holding you in his arms was a moment that felt extremely more special for you, especially now that you two were alone. Purl-Hew felt the same, now getting revenge from what you did to him earlier as he nibbled the sensitive part of your neck, making you gasp.


Purl hummed against your neck as his movements on your neck got slower as the time went on. You began to think his battery was running now, now pushing him off you lightly. His eyes, and all the lights on his body were now on low battery mode. His cheeks were still fluctuating from being flustered with a sly smile on his face too. God he was hot yet so damn cute in your eyes and you couldn't help but let your body guide you along.

It was too late to stop yourself before you got fully comfortable on Purl-Hew's lap, leaning down to kiss his neck again, this time leaving love bites behind each kiss. Purl-Hew's eyes fluttered closed, whining in pleasure as he held you close, smelling the perfume on you. You moved a hand on the side of his neck, rubbing his silicone skin softly with your thumb.

Your hand that was on the side of his neck moved to his cheek for a moment, then the back of his hair. His fluffy ass hair. You wondered how Neon J managed to make 1010's hair feel so velvety, but you were going to ponder on that thought after you embarrassed the ever living shit out of your adorable blueberry. You heard him gasp a little the moment your hand lingered into his hair, feeling him arch his back as his body rubbed against yours.

You held back a light moan, closing your eyes. You decided to stop your teasing after that, pulling your face away from his neck and your hand from his hair to get off his lap. Purl-Hew's expression was of course sheepish, but a tad lustful. He didn't seem to want to push this further, and neither did you, but the automated heavy breathing you heard from him said otherwise. With the left over battery Purl-Hew had left, he picked you up before setting you down on the bed, grabbing the cord to plug himself in, but you stop him before he could.

"What...?" Purl-Hew asked, already feeling his eyes getting droopy as he looked at you.

Your hand lingered along his to the cord as a way for asking for permission.

"May I?" You ask him, seeing if he trusted you enough to do as something as personal as this.

Purl-Hew's automated yawn came into play, then he nodded, leaning his neck to the side so you could open the hatch to the charging port as he let you have the cord.

"It's about time I let you do this." Purl-Hew explained, looking the other away.

His blush was coming back despite his low battery. He pointed towards his neck. "Go ahead, but be gentle please."

Your eyes sparkled at the request before you yawned yourself. You both chuckle before you tap the panel, seeing it slide to the side. You hesitate before going any further, looking up at Purl-Hew for permission one more time. You could already see him drifting off, but he showed no signs of stopping you or any aggression.

You put a hand on his chest before plugging him in, hearing a small giggle from Purl-Hew. You smirk, finding his giggle adorable as you laid down, getting comfortable. Purl-Hew got comfortable himself, snuggling himself against you with a cute smile on his face. Even though he was mostly known for being stoic, monotone, and an ass, he can't help but feel happy around you. He hated it, but at the same time he felt special that he had someone like you in his life that loved him just as much.


You hear Purl-Hew mumble under his breath before falling right asleep, the lights on his body now completely shutting off. You nuzzle your nose against his neck, smiling against it. You know he wouldn't hear what you were going to say, but you wanted to anyway.

"Goodnight berryboy. I love you."

Rain - Purl-Hew (Blue) X Female Reader

Tags :
Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)
Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)
Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

Requested by: Nobody Warnings: Sexual Tension(?) Readers Gender: Female Reader Fanfic Type: Fanfic Fanfic Genre: Fluff/Lime Word Count: 908

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

"Purl, dear, it's time for us to get up now."


You rolled your eyes at your blue-haired lovers response, smiling at him. "C'mon, don't be like that."

Purl-Hew groaned in reply, nuzzling his face more into your stomach with his arms around your waist. You had your hands in his hair, dragging your finger nails along his blue-coloured hair softly, earning a sweet hum from Purl-hew.

"I know it would be nice to stay in bed all day, but we got things to do with the gang remember?" You yawned, trying to move, but Purl-Hew kept you from moving anywhere. Purl-Hew auto-tuned whined.

"Just a little while longer babe, pretty please?" Purl-Hew gave you the puppy eyes, making you giggle.

He had his glasses off so you could see his pretty blue eyes of his.

You couldn't resist his beautiful charm, so you gave into him. He could be such a baby when you and Purl-Hew were alone away from the rest of the boys and Neon J.

"Fine you big baby, just a few more minutes. Then we're getting up." Purl-Hew sighed happily from your response. He then shifted himself close to your mouth with a smile.

Purl-Hew didn't say anything as he pushed his silicone lips onto your plump ones. You smirked, rolling your eyes at his playfulness. Your hand moved onto the back of Purl-Hew's neck to push him closer to your lips in the kiss. Both of you moved in sync as the kiss began to feel more exotic, and you could say, electrifying. You pulled away from the kiss after a few moments to catch your breathe. You still got overwhelmed from kissing him, despite how many times you two kissed, and Purl-Hew knew that. He wanted this to be an innocent kiss, but he had other plans in the back of his mind.

He pushed his lips onto yours again, this time he wasn't planning to pull away. He snaked a hand down to your thigh, making you gasp in the kiss. This gave Purl-Hew the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. You moaned out of shock. You couldn't take it anymore and pushed him away, feeling too embarrassed to continue (not now at least.) This left Purl stunned, stopping in his tracks. He grew worried he went too far, or he fucked up. Just as he was about to speak to apologize, you panted out;

"I-I'm sorry babe, but not n-now! We got things to do. We can save this for later you tease..." You muttered out with half lidded eyes, leaning forward to nibble his silicone ear. "Save that tongue action for later."

Purl-Hew felt like his ability to speak was taken away after what you said. His blue coloured cheeks and the lights on his boys grew brighter and fluctuated, making you laugh seeing your somewhat stoic boyfriend blush so hard from your words.

"You're not the only one that can be a tease babe, now let's get going before the others come for us." You say, making Purl-Hew groaned in annoyance.


"Purl stop being such a grump and cmon!" You got out of the bed and extended your hand to him. Purl stared at your hand, seeming unimpressed as he extended to grab his glasses instead, putting them on.

"Nah babe, after what you did, that's not how it's going to work this time." Purl-Hew said under his breathe, looking up at you.

Confused at what he just said, you waited for what he was going to do. Purl-Hew got up, looking down at you, and suddenly scooped you up in his arms.


"Be quite before I make you songbird... don't test me." Purl-Hew stared you down before heading out the door to downstairs where the others were.

You shut up after that, feeling your heart skip a beat. The tone in his voice explained how upset he was that you stopped your somewhat intense, make out session. Underneath it seemed like he was not just upset, but sexually frustrated? You hasn't seen him this upset over something like this before. You had a feeling he was planning something after you two hang out with the gang, and you couldn't help but smirk to yourself after making him like this. You lick your lips, snuggling up to Purl-Hew.

"I love you Purl, and I'm sorry." You apologize in a whisper, feeling Purl-Hew's eyes on you.

You closed your eyes as your man carried you along the long hallways of the mansion. Purl rolled his eyes, maneuvering his lips to your forehead.

"Even though I'm a tad annoyed by you right now, but I love you too babe. Remember that." Purl-Hew muttered, leaving a long but meaningful loving kiss on her forehead before shifting his head forward. "And I'll definitely make you sorry after we're done our tasks at hand."

Your lips closed shut, feeling yourself get flustered. Purl-Hew knew he hit something within you cause he felt you tense up in his arms. Under his now stoic exterior, he smirked to himself. He knew how to exactly embarrass you, and you knew how to exactly embarrass Purl-Hew. It was a fun game you two played. No wonder why the fans shipped you two so much. You seemed too perfect for each other, especially when it came to the teasing part of things anyway.

Lazy Morning Pt 1 - (Purlhew X Female Reader)

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