diaday333 - Diadia

Hi I'm Dia! I use they/them pronouns :) Ares Devotee My carrd to know more about yours truly <3 Also plz read my DNI in my carrd before you follow! Thank you http://Diaday333.carrd.co

305 posts

I Worship 3

I worship 3

Uh about 7-8 months

Uh idk there’s a lot I like 😅

Yes, I’ve like Greek mythology since a kid …

I have 3 technically

Since I did like Greek mythology since forever when I found out about Hellenism, you can’t imagine how excited I was.

I do :3

Uh I kinda believe in the underworld, but I really have my own vision of the afterlife

I do

Dionysus technically 😃 I mean he’s one I complain to the most

I try, my devotional necklace I had for Dio broke so I’m going to get a new one… plus I wanna get some for Lord Ares and Lady Aphrodite

Not really, though I do enjoy baking cookies for my deities




Hmm I don’t know. Maybe Apollo

No ones ever asked me, but if they did, I would just lie because I live in a conservative Christian state and it’s not worth it

Hmm kinda. I guess the thing it has affected the most is how I prayed at the beginning of my practice

Hellenism Asks ☀️🕯

Which deities do you worship?

How long have you been practising Hellenism?

What's your favourite myth?

Have you had a liking in Greek mythology since you were a kid? If so, does it influence your practice?

Do you have an altar?

What drew you to Hellenism? What made you choose it over anything else?

Do you believe in past lives?

Do you believe in the Underworld? If so, do you think about it literally or as a concept?

Do you listen to devotional music?

Which deity do you turn to most in times of trouble?

Do you wear any devotional jewellery?

Do you have any food or drink recipe that is spirituality important?

Who was the first deity you started worshipping?

Who is the most recent deity you started worshipping?

Is there a deity you tried worshipping and working with, but it didn't work out?

Is there another deity you are considering worshipping?

When people ask you what religion you belong to, what do you say?

Has Christianity/Catholicism affected your practice or your views about your practice at all?

Feel free to ask me these or repost this yourself. Remember that you don't have to answer any questions you're uncomfortable with ☀️

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More Posts from Diaday333

3 years ago
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This

Hello! Today’s topic is…(drumroll please) messages from Aphrodite! Ok, so I worship Aphrodite and this technically a devotional post. I will be doing two others for the other two deities I worship. Who is it? I guess we'll find out soon teehee. Ok, so, Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, etc, but that's not all she is! Aphrodite sometimes gets a bad rep, but she really shouldn't. She's a very loving and kind god. So this post is all about what message she has for you, yes you! What does she have to say to a lovely person like you? Find out! Now, if you don't believe in Hellenic deities or deities/ gods in general, if you would like to, just skip this post! I won't take it to heart I promise! Now, after those long blocks of text, let's get into the piles!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the picture you're most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello, hello, pile ones! Let's see what your message is !

You need to speak up and stop caring about others opinions about you! Some of you may have a hard time accepting compliments, but it's ok, take your compliment! You deserve it! If someone says they like your shoes, don't question it! Y'all are blind to your own greatness. You are extremely unique and you need to take pride in that! You all very worthy and deserving of love. Some advice lady Aphrodite would like to give you is that you need to work through your fears and insecurities! Remember, you are loved!

Words of empowerment: throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack.

Pile two

Hello pile twos! Let's see what messages are here for you.

Let go of your fears and anxieties. They don't serve you. And I know that can be hard especially if you have an anxiety disorder (I definitely understand there), but try your best to get outside of your comfort zone,, and also try to get professional help if you need it! There's something that you really want to do, but you're letting your fears hold you back,, let it go. It is time for a change. You need to clean your space! This could be spiritually or physically. Try to make where your space doesn't stress you out! Some advice from Lady Aphrodite, whatever you want to do, just do it! Everything will be fine in end! You'll be ok!

Words of empowerment: old ways won't open new doors.

Pile three

Hello, hello! Let's see what messages are here for you!

This too will pass. Whatever you're going through will pass and you'll be alright. You're working on breaking bad habits! I'm extremely proud of you for that! Trust your path and know that this is happening for you, not to you. Nurture your inner child. The advice Lady Aphrodite has for you, trust the universe and take a breather! You deserve rest!

Words of empowerment: know your worth.

Pile four

Hello lovely pile fours! Let's see what messages are here for you!

Take a break and stop working so hard! Hardwork is important, but not when you're neglecting your needs! Some of y'all might be becoming bored with your work. Speak up about that and hold your ground ! I know it's hard, but you have to let go of your old ways that aren't benefiting you! You need to ask for help more, you shouldn't carry everything by yourself. If you continue down this path, you will end up breaking down due to stress. Detach yourself from this mindset! It's time to start taking care of yourself and know your worth. The advice that Lady Aphrodite has for you, honour your feelings and see the bigger picture!

Words of empowerment: throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the back.

Ok thank you to everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed this PAC ! Sorry for any mistakes and remember I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,

Hello! Today's topic is...(drum roll please) messages from the one, the only Ares! Yes that's right, we're back with another devotional post !! Now, now, Ares is definitely a deity who gets a VERY bad rep and like the good worshipper I am, I shall defend him to the ends of the Earth! Remember, deities are not exactly like their myths! Ares is very kind and fatherly (honestly better than both my parents /lh) and wholesome!!! 🥺 Stan Ares 2022. If you want, think of this as messages from your dad

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick which ever uh weapon you’re drawn to, teehee.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello, hello! Let’s get into your messages!

You all have been going through a lot of anxiety and stressful situations. For some it's about family situations. For the people who have kids, it might be a custody battle. For others, you might be struggling with friends or family. Maybe some bad habits (either yours or theirs) are popping back up and you're really struggling with that. For some it might be substance abuse (it doesn't have to be that serious for everyone). You might struggle with taking control in your life.

For some advice, try your best to take control because once you do it, you will be majorly successful. Try to be real with yourself and look at what's important in your life. Treat your self and go out with friends! Remember you are in charge of your own life!

Song for you:

Pile two

Hello, dear pile 2s... Let's get into your readings !!

First,, I'm seeing that y'all might be getting bored with your field of work/ school or that you feel like that your not getting what you deserve there. Because of this situation, you want to do something new. And you need to act! Of course think hard about this and make sure that your still be able to support yourself and stuff, but you cannot stay in this situation and be happy/ content. You need to have courage and take action with this situation!

For advice, think deeper about what you want for your life. Where do you want to be in 10-20 years ? Same thing for pile 1, but you need to treat your self! Also ground yourself!!!

Song for you:

Pile three

Hello, pile threes! Let's hear your messages!

Sweetie... You need to speak up! You probably feel out of control with your life because you can't say what you need to say! Speak up and set some boundaries! Some of y'all struggle with self esteem issues and see yourself in a negative light! You struggle with asking for help and support! And when you do, you feel guilty about receiving help,,,

For advice, ask for help! Please! Find balance in your life and trust the universe. Take a break dearie. Treat yourself, now!/ Lh. But seriously, you need to treat yourself right! Clean your space also! Whether spiritually or physically (even both). Drink some tea!

Song for you:

Ok so this is crazy but Every. Single. Pile got sweat treat and look into the stars from the self care cards! I guess papa Ares is big on that (yes I just typed out papa Ares). Anyways, thank you so much for reading and sorry for any mistakes!

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of

Today's topic is... (Drumroll please) self care from spirit! Everyone deserves a little (or a lot) of self care. Today's reading is going to tell you some ways you can practice self care this could help if you are struggling with self care (like me *eyebrow wiggle*) There are 3 piles and the numbers are on the bottom of the pictures. <3 enjoy the reading!

To pick a pile, take and deep breath in and relax. Then pick which relaxing bath you're drawn to!

Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all, if you hear something you don't like or if something doesn't resonate then don't take it! Also, tarot readings are not a replacement for professional advice. Finally, I'm dyslexic ☹️ so if you see some kind of mistake, don't hate me (please)! Just call it out or move on with your life- respectfully.

Lastly, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long <3 Just Dm me!

Pile 1

Hello, lovely pile ones! This reading is going to be split into two parts! Things you have been doing well so far and then things you can do for self care!

The things you have been doing well are taking things slow! You have been doing things with intention and you have been healing past wounds.

What you should do for self care are not taking the lead on everything, let go of things that need to be let go of, take care of your needs, and prioritizing the things that need to be done or that you want to be done!

Words of empowerment: today's the opportunity to build the tommorow you want.

Song for you:

Pile 2

Hello, pile 2s! This reading is going to split into two parts, things you're doing well and the self care! Enjoy!

Things you are doing well are not being attached to what happened in the past. You are growing and moving on. You're looking for the positive in everything and making your inner child proud!

What you should do for self care is resting a bit more! You're so focused on doing things like healing that you're forgetting to rest. You should make sure to ask for more help with things, don't try to shoulder it alone! Treat your self like royalty because you are!

Words of empowerment: go for everything they said you couldn't have.

Song for you:

Pile 3

Last but definitely not least! Hello pile 3s, how are y'all? This reading will be split into two parts, things you are doing well currently and the self care!

Things that you are doing well are taking better care of your mental health. I can tell you folks are opening up to people about how you feel! I'm extremely proud of you for that!

Things to do for self care are if you can, maybe get a plant! It would be extremely healing for you! Take things slow and don't rush the process. Dont worry about things, everything will end up alright. Honor your feelings!

Words of empowerment: never apologize for being a powerful person.

Song for you:

Thanks everyone for reading! Sorry for any mistakes 🥺 and remember I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,

Today's topic is.... (Drumroll please...) How do other people see you? But! Before we get into the intro, I just wanted to thank everyone for the support! I'm at thirty (almost 40) followers, which may not seem like a lot, but think about it! Thirty (almost 40) whole people really said, "you know what? I'm going to follow this person." Even to the people who aren't following me and just leave likes or to the people who are just reading, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ! I promise to keep up the hard work ! I love you all/ P

Now for today's topic. A very famous topic, but still fun to do! Now, remember how are others see you, shouldn't define how you see yourself! And, how are others see you may be different from how you see yourself so keep that in mind. And lastly, there will be no insults here! We don't pay attention to the haters! Let's get into it!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the pile you're most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello pile ones! Let's get into it!

Ok so for how people see you: people see you as very hard-working and independent. They see you as the type of person who knows what they want and speaks their truth. People also see you as a natural born leader.

Zodiac signs: you could be a fire sign (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) or have major fire placements or air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius).

Pile two

Hello hello! Let's get into it!

Ok, other people see you as a very laid back person! They see you as calm and very connected to your emotions! People find you easy to talk to and you give good advice! People think you take your time with things and are very optimistic.

Zodiac signs: you could be air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) or fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

Pile three

Last but definitely not least, pile three!

For how people see you, they see you as type of person to take your time on things and that you know when to stop. People see you as very emotionally strong and that you know what's best for you. People see you as very patient and again you know how to take care of yourself.

Zodiac signs: you folks could be air signs (Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius).

Alrighty, that's all! Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed the piles! Also, there was a lot of air sign energy here,,, sorry for any mistakes and remember, I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would

Today's topic is... (Drum roll please) how will 2022 be? The new year is fast approaching and it would be nice to get some insight! I know for me personally, these past two years have been interesting 😅 But I will not submit to 2022! No matter how these readings turn out, I hope everyone has a wonderful 2022! There are 4 piles here and the numbers are on the bottom of the pictures. Enjoy the reading <3

To pick a pile, take a deep breath and relax, then pick the pile you're most drawn to

Warning: tarot readings are not the end all be all, so if there is something that you don't like or if something doesn't resonate, then don't take it! Also, never take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is spelled wrong or something, don't hate me 😅 Either tell me or move on with your life- respectfully

And lastly, I am offering free readings! Just Dm me!

Pile one

Ok hello, my pile ones. Oh, also, I will be breaking this into parts. Career/school, love/relationships, and personal growth. With advice and the end of each section :)

For career/ school, I'm seeing that you will get better at at prioritizing what you need to do. I'm also seeing that you will start feeling more fulfilled with your work. Make sure that you're not doing anything that doesn't align with what you want. There could be someone trying to get you to cave and do something for them, for example taking on a project, that you don't want to do, make sure that you set proper boundaries and not give in. For advice, don't set unrealistic goals and make sure that you're not dimming your light to fit in. Shine bright!

For love and relationships, I'm seeing that some of you are either going through a break up or you're just feeling heart broken in general. There has been a lot of conflict in your relationships in the past and you're really reeling from that. I'm feeling that in 2022, you're really going to learn to love yourself. You really shouldn't worry that much about it and that you should trust your path. Your advice is to think relationship through and know you are loved.

For personal growth, I'm seeing that in 2022, you will probably be put through a lot of trials, but know that they are for your own good. You'll be more grounded in 2022 and you'll start seeing in the good in things. For advice, I'm seeing that you should trust your path and that you should get more in control of your emotions. Also, don't hold yourself back and do all the fun things you want to. Take good care of yourself this year.

Pile two

Hello, my sweet pile 2s. I will splitting this reading into three parts, carer/school, love and relationships, and personal growth! Let's get into it~

For career/school, ok so right now, you might be having trouble with someone at your job/school. Maybe a coworker/classmate or a boss/ teacher. I can't say it will come to a definite end in 2022, but I do feel like someone is going to end communicating with this person either you or someone else. With this person, try not to get too riled up when talking to them. It will only make the situation worse. I also feel like you have been trying to tackle too much work at a time. For advice, I would try to take a break from your work/school if you can. Even if you cannot, try to cleanse or detoxify your energy. Maybe take a cleansing bath/shower.

For love and relationships,I'm seeing that y'all will get closer to you guy's friends. For some of you, you bad your friends will collaborate on something. I'm getting that for some of you, your family life isn't all that stable. I'm getting more a masculine energy that might be causing the unstablity. Do some of you fear that you'll end up like this person? In 2022, I'm seeing that this relationship will still cause you pain, but you will get better at protecting your energy around this person. For advice, and I know that this might be hard to hear, but you should try to forgive this family member. And no, forgive does not mean forget everything they've done to you, but forgiveness means not letting the past hurt you anymore. Forgiving someone does not mean giving over your power to them. Also, you don't have to tell this person that you forgive them. Trust me, I know forgiving the people that hurt you is heard (personal experience), so take good care of yourself in 2022 and know that people love you.

For personal growth, I'm seeing that in 2022 you folks will stop dwelling in the past. You will start healing. You will grow stronger in yourself. I'm proud of you for that. For advice, know that people love you and try to breath through the tension in your home. Be kind to yourself this 2022 and the following years.

Pile three

Hello, dear pile threes. I will split this reading into three parts. Career/school, love and relationships, and personal growth. Let's get into it!

For career/school, ok so what I'm getting is that some of y'all are refusing help or not getting the help you need. Like if you're struggling with school work, you're not reaching out to anyone. In 2022, youll probably get better at asking for help, though I can tell you'll be very hesitant about it. For advice, ok so yeah you're advice is to push through any fear you might have about speaking up. I know it's hard, but you gotta try! I believe in you!

For love and relationships, ok, in 2022, y'all will be very successful in love! Yall got the ten of cups! Wether it is romantic love or platonic love is up to y'all! You'll definitely be more social which will cause people to be more attracted you. For advice, work through old feelings and let go of them.

For personal growth, I feel like this 2022, youll be spending a lot of time healing. Youve probably been through a lot this 2021 and maybe in 2020 too. You're going to be letting go of a lot of old fears and making positive change in your life! For advice, you need to look at things differently. It's happening for you, not to you. Get rid of talking negatively about yourself!

Pile four

Hello, sweet pile fours! I'll be splitting this reading into 3 parts, career/school, love and relationships, and personal growth. Let's get into it!

For career/school, ok I feel like y'all have trouble accepting help from people. You have this energy of you want to do everything by yourself and you don't need any help. Which isn't true! It's ok to accept help and not do everything by yourself! In 2022, either someone is going to call you out on your BS or you're going to do it yourself. This 2022, you need to challenge yourself more (and no, that doesn't mean taking more things on by yourself) it might be challenging yourself to ask for help. Once you do this, you will be very successful! For advice, you definitely need to more receptive to help! Expand your mindset. You also need to practice more self care and self love! You deserve it!

For love and relationships, in 2022, you will have a very happy and successful love life. For some of you, you'll enter a new relationship that will very good for you! You're going to have lots of options, so a lot of people might be interested in you! For people who are not into that, this could be talking about friendships. For advice, you got a lot of the same cards you did for career and school 😅 asking for help in this area too is great! If you are spiritual, asking for help from the universe or your guides is in your best interest. If not and even if your are, asking for help from family, friends, and partners is also in y'all's best interest. Also self love! Love yourself! <3

For personal growth, you all will probably be leaving behind or trying to leave behind a negative mindset. For advice, meditating and practicing gratitude is in y'all's best interest. Also, maybe take a cleansing bath or shower. Try to focus on the positive and that doesn't mean ignore the negative, but try not to only think of the negatives in your life. It's ok to cry, it's really healing for you, and try to get outside, even if it's only for 5 minutes.

Thank you all for reading! Remember I'm offering free readings! Sorry for any mistakes 🥺

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