Greek Pantheon - Tumblr Posts
Man, that reminds me of how even when it comes to cartoon animals all the female ones have the exact same sexy alluring hourglass figure. I even saw a fish with big tits in a movie. Yes, you read that correctly. A fish. With tits!
Medusa in Greek Mythology
Medusa in the Media:
Asterion in Greek Mythology:
Asterion in the Media:
They two receive opposite treatments.
Reminds me of a conversation I had a long time ago with someone on this topic. For more context, I said that I do not personally consider Medusa a victim and showed to him a list with all the characters who were raped in Greek Mythology (some of them going through worse than her) who deserve to be made symbols of SA/Rape Survivors as well.
I’m kinda tired of Medusa fans defending how Ovid depicts her and saying it’s just as valid as Ancient Greek sources that say she was born a monster, it’s one thing to say that you like an idea or story beat from a Roman or even medieval source and even use it in your interpretation (I do that with Kronos and Hera), it’s another thing entirely to say it’s equally valid as Ancient Greek sources, when all these stories come from different cultures and time periods. I’d probably be more forgiving of this kind of thing if “Medusa was pretty then turned into a monster” was at least implied in ancient sources but it’s not.
More like Daffy Duck coded:
The version of the Icarius myth where Dionysus punishes his killers by seducing them and giving them permanent painful erections is incredibly Bugs Bunny coded lmfao
Okay, that is actually cute. 😭
I know that babies are supposed to be small, but why does Erochthonius have the size of a smurf here though?
No but literally:
Noooo, not that Monster meme too!
Also, Athena and Hermes showing their hybrid babies (Pan and Erichthonius) to each other:
I know that babies are supposed to be small, but why does Erochthonius have the size of a smurf here though?
No but literally:
The ass in question:
Andromeda and one of her handmaidens checking out Perseus:
In love with Leo and Diane Dillon’s Greek mythology art, from the 60s Classical Greece book by Time-Life
Lady Aphrodite/Venus deep dive
Lady Aphrodite/Venus is Amazing and beautiful in soul and looks, graceful as a swan and as kind as a mother, I adore Lady Aphrodite/Venus as a worshiper and as a researcher, she is far beyond interesting, so please know that she is not any insults you may know, she is a powerful and wonderful goddess and a mother, and know she is not just her looks.
Herbs • anemone, daffodil, myrtle, lettuce , pomegranate, apple, rosemary fresh roses, vanilla, cinnamon, cypress, jasmine, the olive tree, narcissus, honeysuckle, the apple tree, the lime tree, Strawberries, Oranges, Pears, lotus
Animals• hare, turtle-dove, sparrow, goose, swan, horses, hummingbirds, cats, butterflies, bees, fish, hare.
Symbols• Hearts, Seashells, Mirror, Girdles, Dolphins, Doves, Swans, Sparrows, Bees, Sea Foam, Pomegranates, Apples, Strawberries, Oranges, Pears
Colors • pink & red, rose gold , blue, green, white, gold, baby blue, pastel colors, Seafoam green, Aqua
Appearance in astral or general • many ancient artworks of her, depicted her with traditionally male features, like beards, along with traditionally female features, she can change looks many times, but no matter her looks she is the most beautiful alive.
Crystal• rose quarts, garnet, pearls, diamond, sapphire, aquamarine, opal, sea glass, silver, emerald, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ocean jasper, morganite
Jewelry • pearls, rose gold, promise rings, diamonds
epithets of Aphrodite• Psytiros - whispering Aphrodite, epithet also is attributed to Eros, Euploia - a marine epithet to Aphrodite of easy sailing, fair voyage, Leaina -the Lioness, an epithet given to the Goddess by Athenian orator Democha, Praxis - Aphrodite of action, a statue to whom stood in the city of Megara, Peitho - as an epithet to Aphrodite, it describes Her a persuasive, Epiodoros - Aphrodite of bountiful gifts as She was titled by Greek poet Stesichoru, Argounis - shining Aphrodite, worshiped in Boeotia and likely associated with Dawn, Philomedes - Aphrodite of a lovely smile or smiling Aphrodite, Helikoblepharos - quick-glancing, or Aphrodite with an ever-moving eye, Polychrisou - rich in gold, rich in many golden gifts, Chrisopeplos - gold-clad, Aphrodite dressed in gold, Chrisostephanos - Aphrodite wearing a golden wreath, Chrisanios - Aphrodite holding golden rein as Her chariot was often said to be fully made of gold, Nikêphoros- She is the Warlike, Areia- She is the averter of unlawful desires and actions, Apostrophia- She is one who blessed marriage and unions, Migôntis- She is the one who turns to love, Ourania- Heavenly, Divine Love, Pandêmos- Common To All, Epistrophia - She who Turns to Love, Nympthia Hêrê - Of Hera of Marriage, Symmakhia- Ally in Love, Pontia - Of the Sea, Kypria - Of Cyprus, Pothon Mater - Mother of Desire, Chrysea- Golden, Aphrodite Urania (also spelt Ourania), Aphrodite Pandemos, Venus Genatrix, Peitho, - meaning persuasion, Philommeidḗs - "smile-loving", Cypris and Cythereia - for her association of Cyprus and Cythera, Eleemon, In Athens, she was known as Aphrodite in kopois ("Aphrodite of the Gardens”, At Cape Clias, a town along the Attic coast, she was venerated as Genetyllis "Mother", Aphrodite Euploia - of the fair voyage, Anaduomenê - The Goddess Who Arose From The Sea, Ambologêra - The Ons Who Delays Old Age, Antheia - The Blooming One / Friend Of Flowers , Apotrophia - The Expeller ( Of Shameful and Sinful Desire), Areia - The Warlike, Kupria/Kuprigeneia - The One Born in The Island Of Cyprus, Despoina - The Rulling Goddess/ The Mistress , Genetullis - The Protectress Of Births , Nikêphoros - Bringer Of Victory
Cult epithets • Ourania (heavenly) , Pandémos (common to all) , areia (of ares, warlike) , hòplismené (armed) , Symmakhia (ally in love)
Poetic epithets • Kypris ( of Cyprus) , philomeidês (laughter loving) , aphrogenia (foam born) khryseé (golden) Pothón Mêtêr (mother of desire)
Names• Venus, Aphrodite, Harthor, Astare, Priyah, inanna, isis, Freaya,
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Zodiac • Libra, taruas
How to get closer • sign her hymms or dance in her honor
Number• 5
Courting• Ares, she is no longer married.
Past lovers and flings • Anchises (a mortal in the past she dated), Adonis ( handsome young man killed by a boar (Ares in disguise), Dionysus, Zues (maybe), Hermes, Phaethon, Posideon, Butes, Apollon
Devine children • Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Eros, Anteros, pothos, hermaphrodios, (From the mortal Anchuses), Aeneas a mythical hero of Troy and Rome, and Lyrus/Lyrnus (From Butes), eryxs, Meligounis and several more unnamed daughters, Hymenajks, lacchus, priapus, the Charites, (graces: Aglaea, Euphrosyne, Thalia) (From Dionysus) Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, The Erotes (Eros) , Anteros, Himeros , Pothos, from Ares, Hermaphroditos, Priapus, from Hermes, Rhodos from Posideon, Beroe, Golgos, Priapus (rarely) (from Adonis), Astynous from Phaethon, Priapus (from Zeus)
Attendees • The erotes, Harmonia, Hebe, peithos, the kharites , Naiades
Regions• Cyprus; Kytherea, Corinth, Eryx in Sicly
Holiest shrine• Paphos, island of Cyprus, (her birth place & seat of her mysteria)
Other shrines • Temples throughout Greece and Asia Minor and ur moms house. Some places, most notably Sparta, Thebes, and Cyprus honored her as a goddess of war.
Parents • Ouranos Sometimes it’s said that she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. And born from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos.
Siblings • Aeacus, Angelos, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses and the Moirai.
personality• she isn’t intimidating at first, she likes not having already used products on her alter if possible, a clean, nice smelling alter.
dislikes• She does not like Medusa, she wants nothing to do with her for some reason, just what I’ve heard from people who worshiped Aphrodite and Medusa in close timelines
Diety of • Sex, libido, self-image, self-love, relationships, friendships, parent love and pet love, crushes, lust, procreation, seduction, pleasure, happiness, sadness, passion, stalking, ports, port homes
Home• Olympus and was living in the sea before Olympus
Hate• Boars, pigs.
Likes• Faries, unicorns, butterflies, lacy & frilly things, music boxes, ballet, cars.
Roots• Greek, born near Paphos, on the island of Cyprus
Offerings • pastries, cakes, , olive branches, dark chocolate, wine, apples, perfume, makeup, Pomegranate: said to be first planted by Aphrodite herself, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Figs, Watermelon, Sea shells, handheld mirrors/ beautifully ornate mirrors, makeup products, perfumes (sweet/sensual/seductive ones), skin/body care products, fruits, apples, lettuce, pomegranates, chocolates, sugar and cream, honey, wine (rosé or sweet-scented), sweetened rose tea, rose quartz, pearls, jewelry, roses, flower bouquets, statues of her sacred animals (ex- swans) , myrtle or myrrh incense, pink/gold/white candles, seawater, the artwork of her, devotional poems, self-care routines, ritual baths, have a rose garden that you can take care of in her name if possible, be supportive of women and the LGBTQ+ community. • olive oil, fruit, honey, chocolate, dark chocolate (she loves it) , Apples/golden apples, Mermaids, Jewelry, Cherries, Dolphins imagery, Perfumes, Cologne, Makeup, Combs, Affirmations/Affirmation Cards, Beach Sand, Sea imagery, Water, Love poems, Oyster shells, Pink Salt, Driftwood, Sea glass, Amenome/Roses/Carnations, Other flowers, Valentine's Day gifts, Teddy bears, Rose water, Eros/Cupid imagery, Cakes, (Dress up) Dolls, Chapstick/lipstick, Fishnets, Honey cakes, Undergarments, Hearts, Handheld fans, Pictures of loved ones, Condoms/lube(18+), Lingerie(18+), Undergarments(18+), Sex toys(18+), NSFW magazines/books/movie(18+) (AND I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY 18+, OR ASK HER!!), roses, Myrtles, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Chocolates, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of Her symbols (ex- hearts), Strawberries, Oranges, Pears, Bath Salts, Bath oils, Bubble bath soap, Scented lotions or fancy soaps
Devotional• light your favorite candle, put on your favorite lotion or perfume, put on your favorite piece of jewelry, put on your favorite article of clothing, enjoy a sweet treat, Sex magic, Glamour spells, Dressing up, acts of self care and acts of self- love, Caring for mental & physical health, Take a bubble bath,Spend time at the sea, Collect sea shells, Read Sappho poetry, Donate to LBGTQ+, Support sex workers, Have safe sex and learn about it, Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, Donate to woman programs and shelters, Do stuff to make ur self feel empowered and beautiful, Honor her kids and ares, watch a romcom, watch a regular romantic movie or show or read your favorite romantic story, Make plans with loved ones and friends or your lover in her honor, Treat yourself to something you enjoy, if you have a pet and they like to snuggle, snuggle or lay with them. Talk to them and tell them how much you love them (If able take them for a walk or a ride), listen to ocean/sea soundscapes, read up on all the many kinds of love, engage in an act of self-care, listen to love songs, listen to a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or playlist, or journal all of your favorite things and things that you love, learn about the different kinds of love, do things that boost your self esteem, be gentle with yourself, take it easy, etc, watch a ballet, read love poems, Dress up and selfies, Keep menstrual products on you (even if you don't bleed), Advocate for pro-choice, Give/accept compliments, Advocate for SA victims, Go on a date, Take yourself on a date, Do something nice for your partner, get a Manicure/pedicure, Flirt, Affirmations in the mirror, Drink wine, Advocate for proper sex ed (Including queer sex ed), Experiment with your style, Mirror scrying, Listen to sleep affirmations, Love letter to self/her/partner, Take a bath/shower,Go to the ocean/water, Finally give into that one kink (You know the one, 18+), do Masturbation in her honor (only 18+, I heard she’s not comfortable with minors doing it, but that’s between y’all, just ask her beforehand.), Practice safe sex (18+), Educate yourself on the porn industry, Support sex workers (TIP THEM, 18+), Have sex (18+), Get educated on consent/safe sex, Take nude/lewds (18+)
Holiday • on March 18, goddess of fertility day
Season• spring
Status• Olympian, major goddess
Music • Harry styles, Classical music, old love songs (50s & 60s)
Day• Friday
Planet• Venus
Tarot• High priestess, the lovers, the empress, the star
Rituals • honored and invoked for love and fertility and beauty
Festivals • Aphrodisa, kinyrades ( summer festival) adonia ( mourning for Adonis, woman only)
Fact• She was most worshiped during times of politics, Many people offered her Opiates, or did Opiates in her honor. opium-burners were often found at her shrines in ancient times, please do not do opium.
1• sing, sing, oh i sing to aphrodite who is most beautiful! she who stirs the passionof men & god alike! o, to she — i sing! golden goddess with soft lashes, golden goddess withsoft arms, i spin and sing and delight in the bright rose that is you. may i dance with your grace, lifted up as the foam from the sea as you were — may my smile be blessed with delight. golden-haired goddess, bless my tongue to be sweet as honey, bless my fingers to be delicate and swift, bless my steps so they may bound forth in soft beauty. glory to she — praise to she! goddess of ever golden smiles, of fierce beauty, of spilling laughter and delight. o! may i love as you love — may i delight as you delight! goddess, fill me with your beauty — may i shine & rise above the wrathful waters of those around me and delight, delight, delight in the glory that you have given to me!
2•Golden Aphrodite
Lady of beauty and grace, Please give me the power to appreciate my body, Grant me confidence in my masculinity, Help me to feel your love within myself, and to express it outwardly as well, Lady Aphrodite, please hear my prayer, I sing your praises and offer you this incense
3•Aphrodite, guide me towards love. Help me discover it, receive it, embrace it, give it, celebrate it, honor it, teach it, and live it. Let love be the mark I leave, as your devotee, as a human being.
4• Antheia
Hear to me my call for spring to have sprung,Oh, sweet one scented of honey and nectar. Hear my call Aphrodite Antheia,As I harken a need for the sweet bloom. I crave the beauty of the opening flower, The sweet taste of its nectar upon my lips. Ah Aphrodite Antheia, Bring to me the joy of the fresh blooms. Let the petals cascade upon my body, Allow me the joy of the sunshine. Oh sweet one, Oh Aphrodite Antheia. Bestow upon me and mine, The gifts of the flowers fair.
5•daughter of seafoam, goddess of beauty, aphrodite please hear my cries. please listen as i describe all the parts of me that are shattered & torn, please understand as i tell my stories of pain. aphrodite accept me please. aphrodite pick me up & help me mend myself for i am yours, thank you so much & so mote it be
6• Aphrodite rivals the beauty of the sun setting over an ocean's horizon as you stand on the shore, the water tickling your feet as it pulled in and pushed back out repeatedly by the waves.
Scents/Inscene • Rose, wine, fresh roses, Frankincesne, Myrrth, vanilla, cinnamon, cypress, jasmine, cherry blossom, lavender.
Other• images of things she’s associated with, jewelry, perfume, bath salts , scented lotion, seawater, seashells, sand, makeup, feathers, self care essentials.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
Lady Nyx/Nox deep dive, straight to the point info
Lady Nyx is wonderful, her beauty even ascends the stars, May we respect and adore Lady Nyx as a goddess and as a wonderful mother.
Herbs • Dahlias, Cannas, Some lobelia, Night-blooming jasmine, Moonflowers, Datura, Tuberose, Evening primrose, Queen of the Night epiphyllum, Herbs that only grow at night, black leaves, black flowers, Blackthorn, Cypress, Holly, Juniper, Locust, Pomegranate, Witch Hazel, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lavender, Mugwort, Patchouli, Primrose, Vervain, Nectarines, Dragon Fruit, Morning Glory, Nightshade, Roses, Lilies, Poppies
Animals• Horses, Owl, dogs, bats, black bulls, Blue Jay, Crow, Sparrow, Snake, Turtle, cat
Zodiac • your moon sign.
Colors • Black, Dark blue, Dark green, Dark Purple
Crystal• Obisidian, Morion, Jet, Hematite, Onyx, Black tourmaline, Black Sapphire, Black moonstone, Black agate, Shungite, Black calcite, Eye Agate, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apophyllite, Cat's Eye, Hematite, Moss Agate, Moonstone, Petrified Wood, Smokey Quartz
Symbols• Black wings, Dark clouds, Black fog, Egg, New Moon, Stars, key, veil, poppy, serpents, owls.
you can wear in their honor• you can veil in their honor, PJs
Deity of• Night, she is the personification of it
Patron of• Night, Sleep, Death, the Fates, Nemesis, Old Age, Darkness, Light, Motherhood, Magic, Mystery, and the unknown;
Offerings• Black candles, Poetry or songs related to the night, Images of the night sky, Beef, Milk, Black flowers, Black fruits, Dark red wine, Black animal votives, Dew (the one that gathers after sunset), Dark feathers, Dark liquors/beers. Black Tea/Coffee, Symbols of Her children (ex-torch, skull, scissors), Black fabric/veil/cloak, Dark chocolate, Honey/molasses, Viniq (shimmery liqueur that looks like a galaxy in a bottle)
Devotional• Go star gazing, donate to owl shelters, go to the zoo to see her animals, draw her, listen to a playlist for her, go camping under the stars, go glamping to look at the stars, Take a night time walk, Get a good night’s rest, Learn a new star or constellation each week, Stay up late, do something you enjoy without fearing the dark, Sleep with your windows open, Burn a candle that represents the stars, Sleep in every once and a while, Watch an astronomy documentary, Be extra polite to those who have to work the night shift, Wear dark colors, Learn about which animals are active at night in your area, Go for a night drive, Do divination at night, Listen to music with your headphones in, Use silver, black, and gold glitter, Plant some flowers that only bloom at night, Use a star/constellation app, Read the House of Night series, Watch the evening light fade away into darkness (you can do this in your window, or watch a lapse on YouTube of it), Wear more things with the stars or planets on them, Defend someone who is vulnerableble, Turn your electronics off a couple hours before bed each night, Drink an herbal tea with cinnamon before bed, If you’re staying up late already, make your night productive. (Ex- Complete some homework, tidy up your room), Keep a dream journal, Learn how to identify owls by their calls, Make the night sky your screensaver/home screen, Wear scents that remind you of the night, watch a video of the stars, and sleep with stars in the background.
Ephithets• Bringer of Night, Mother of Daimones, Mother of the Cosmos, Subduer of Gods and Men, Mother of Mysteries, The Dark and Shining, The Winged, of the Great Shadows, Dressed in Stars, Dew Bringer, of the Witching Hour,
of the Deep and Silent Dark.
Equivalents (alike but not the same)• Nótt (Norse), Selene (Greek), Hecate (Greek), Nox (Roman), Nyx (Greek), Al-Qaum (Arabian), Nabatean (Arabain), Itzpapalotl (Aztec), Metztli (Aztec), Tezcatlipoca (Aztec), Khonsu (Egyptian), Nut (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• Sudden fascination with stars, seeing her Symbols and attributes all of the sudden, a pull to her and the night.
Vows/omans• None, maybe wedding vows, but many say she just has Erebus as a boyfriend, not a husband.
Morals• Unkown, but most suspect Morally grey.
Courting• Erebus (darkness)
Personality• She is motherly and protective of her children,
Home• Tartruas
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Fact• The first Deity to exist,
Roots• Gaia, Birthed at the beginning of time, lived in Tartarus.
Parentage• Chaos
Siblings• Gaia (goddess of the Earth/mother nature), Erebus (god of darkness), Uranus/Ouranos (god of the heavens), and Tartarus (god of the underworld).
Pet• The two/four horses pulling her chariot
Children • Aether and Hemera (Day) by Erebus (Darkness), Thanatos (gentle death), Hypnos (sleep), she also made the spirits - the Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. Aether, Moros, Apate, Dolos, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, Oizys, Momus, Philotes, Geras, Eris
Appearance in astral or gen• In ancient art Nyx was depicted as either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with dark mists.
Festivals • Wiccan Yule, Wiccan Samhain, Winter solstice, you can do a ritual for her on the full and dark moon, but there is a feast you can hold in her honor, which is called Lemuralia.
Day • her time is Twilight, Dusk, and Midnight, and her day is Monday
Season• winter
Direction• north
Status• Primordial Goddess of night, even Zeus fears her, one of the first primordial beings alive, she was there for the creation of the universe.
Planet• Moon
Her Tarot cards• Death, Temperance
Scents/Inscene • Myrtle, Camphor, Patchouli, Lavender, watery, musky, earthy
My opinion • She is a very hard divine being to find information on, I hope this helps, but I've never met her before, I assume she's great, my friend says she is kind and calls her ‘Mother’
In general
Beautiful, black-eyed Nyx, cloaked in darkness, older than old, daughter of misty Chaos, mother of great and mighty spirits, I call to you. Ever-present one, you live in the shadows; we know you in the dusk, in the comfort of the night. Broad-winged Nyx, you clasp the hand of bright Hemera, each eve and morn, you greet her with love and sorrow for only in those moments may you embrace your child. Goddess, awesome one, in your realm are we all unblemished, in your realm do lovers’ promises ring true, in your realm are all things possible, if only until daybreak. Nyx, I honor you.
Small prayer
“Nyx, mother of the night, mother of sleep, mother of death: Might your darkness embrace me Might your energy caress me Might you be mine and Might I be yours Blessed be.“
In general
O ancient Goddess, born of Chaos and steeped in shadow, I honor you now and always. With eyes which have watched the beginnings of all that is, see us now embracing your sleep and mystery. With power that strikes fear into the hearts of the most revered of Gods,
I remember your strength when I am searching for my own. In the starless night where light shines not i will give my thanks to your Greatness, And surrender to the dark.
Links/websites/sources • Nyx - Greek-Goddesses Wiki - Fandom mystical-sleepy-musings <a href="">Nyx – Greek Goddess of The Night:</a> - Greek Gods & Goddesses, June 10, 2018,the%20comfort%20of%20the%20night.Magickal Spot › nyxGoddess Nyx: Prayers, Symbols, Books & More [Guide]
This post is payment to my friend @briislame
May Nyx cover you with the calmness of night.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
Lord Hades deep dive
Herbs • cypress, mint, myrrh, patchouli, bay, pumpkin, yew, wormwood, cinnamon, lavender, willow, oak, marigold, dandelion, rose, lily, daisies, rowan, poppy, daffodils, calendulas, salt and spices, Cypress, white asphodel, mint, narcissus
Animals• Dogs (Cerberus, specifically), black lambs, serpents, screech owls, black sheep, black bulls, moths (reincarnation, cycle of life),
Zodiac • Autumn (dry becoming cold) – Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Winter (cold becoming wet) – Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Colors • Black, grey, silver, gold
Crystal• hematite, onyx, obsidian, onyx, black tourmaline, jet
Symbols• precious jewels and money, drinking horn, Sceptre, Keys, Helm of darkness, night-time, autumn and winter, caves, mines, forests, crossroads, cemeteries, cornucopia, shovels (digging of graves, digging into dirt)
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• gold, silver, rubies, emeralds, anything metal and expensive due to his wealth and stone aspects. Any stones or metals. you can veil in muted colors in his honor.
Diety of• stones, metals, wealth, the underworld, 'winter; funeral rites.
Patron of• the underworld, stones, gems, crystals.
Offerings• honey, milk, shells or bones of animals, oolong and black tea, bread, and cake, apples, pomegranates, meat, especially lamb meat, he likes oils, like olive oil and such, a drinking horn, Black mirrors, Black cloth, dirt, dirt from commentaries, garlic, baked goods, sharp cheeses, money, family heirlooms, pomegranate mead/rum, black coffee, Statues or art of Cerberus, small fossils, art is drawn or for him, Shredded snakeskin, owl/vulture feathers., sheded dog fur (good origin hair, no stealing/shaving ur dog simply to give it to him), scales (balance scales), cornucopia, coins,
Devotional• saving money, spending responsibly, donating to charities for the dead, cleaning graveyards and gravestones (properly, respectfully, with permission for both the dead and the owners of the property), Offerings to the dead, as well as money to the spirits of the dead to let them pass on, collecting expensive jewels and crystals/stones, making an altar to tend dead spirits, Studying other cultures’ burial methods and cemetery rites, do a job for cementary, do mortuary or funeral services as a job (for the summer, or for how long u want in his honor), treat spirits kindly and help them move on, do ancestral worship, worship your land spirits in his honor, growing deathly plants (safely), writing poetry/stories for him, donate to those who can't afford a funeral, help with funerals, donate to suicide prevention organizations (that are trustworthy), donate to dog shelters, walk dogs in his honor, work at a dog shelter or babysitting dogs in his honor, visit caves that let you mine for stones/gems, make a playlist for him and hum/sing it in his honor, start a coin collection,
Ephithets• ‘Renowned’, ‘Good Counsellor’, ‘the Beautiful‐haired One’, ‘Of Good Repute’, ‘Leader of the People’, ‘Lord over All’, ‘Receiver of Many’, ‘Host to Many’ and Pluton (‘Wealth’).
Equivalents (alike but not the same)• Pluto, Dis Pater, Orcus
They are reaching out• seeing dead animals or funeral symbols, seeing his symbols everywhere, smelling pomegranates, getting more job opportunities. He and his wife are usually a package deal.
Vows/omans• taking care of the underworld, marriage vows
Number• 6 (not seeing his wife for 6 months, then seeing her for 6 months), and commonly associated with death
Morals• lawfully neutral
Courting• Lady Persephone
Past lovers/crushes• Leuce, Minthe, Theophile
Personality• Like a working dad hanging up your macaroni on his desk, he is very formal and has a sweet spot.
Home• hades/hadestown (he lives in the underworld but is allowed up to Mount Olympus
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Fact• Due to being a Cathonic god you cannot eat after them, you dispose of offerings into water into the ground, and him and his wife Persephone are usually together.
Curses• being broke, losing money, being unable to pass on, losing your job.
Blessings• more money, getting more job opportunities, getting more money.
Roots• "the unseen" which An extensive section of Plato's dialogue 'Cratylus' is devoted to the etymology of the god's name, the 'unseen one', in which Socrates is arguing for a folk etymology not from "unseen" but from "his knowledge (eidenai) of all noble things", you can see he originated from the greek region.
Friends• Persephone, Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia, hermes, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, all the Olympians
Parentage• Cronos, Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia.
Pet• Cerberus, in his chariot four black steeds Orphnaeus (savage and fleet), Aethon (swifter than an arrow), great Nyctaeus (proud glory of Hell's steeds), and Alastor (branded with the mark of Dis).
Children • Macaria, and in some cases Zagreus, Dionysus, and the Erinyes
Appearance in astral or gen• black hair, crown, kings coat, with a beard and with his scepter
Festivals • Halloween, The Chthonia Fertility Rites
Season • fall, winter
Day • Saturday, Tuesday, or Monday would be good, but he doesn't have an official day.
Status• King of the underworld, an olympion.
What angers them• disrespect to their family (wife, kids, etc), insulting the dead, messing with graveyards
The music they like• he likes old-timey, death music, I was listening to a playlist and there was a lot of goth music!
Planet• pluto
Tarot cards• death, the devil (and personally the chariot and the emperor)
Reminds me of• hot coca, death, dirt, bones, dead animals on the road, and goths.
Scents/Inscene • Cypress, amber, pomegranate, and winter scents
Great Hades, master of the dark afterworld, honored host of our beloved dead, husband of fair-haired Persephone, holder of the riches of the deep earth, eldest son of full-hearted Rhea and Cronus of the shining sickle, I praise you. Hades, kind one, unyielding one, gracious granter of respite to the suffering, of welcome to those who have passed from our world, I thank you for your gift of shelter and hospitality.
Noble Hades, lord of the afterworld, upon your head the shining helm that veils the one it crowns in darkness, within your grasp the fearful staff with which you split the world asunder. Hades, I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Hades, holder of all the wealth within the world, yours are all the priceless treasures buried in the earth’s deep bones, the silver and the gold, the copper and the iron, the many-colored gems. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Within your realm, O Hades, are treasures too of life and abundance. The precious seeds of fruit and grain, the soft black soil that clings to root and leaf, without these gifts would mankind fail to flourish. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Kindly host of the dead, receiver of all who pass from the earth into your deep, abyssal realm, granter of rest for the weary, sweet reunion for those too long parted by your well-wrought gates. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Fair-minded Hades, even-handed one who holds in hand the lot of all whose earthly lives have ended. The greatest of kings, the lowest of beggars, all receive reward or sanction by your will. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings.
Great Hades, master of the darkened deep, master of the realm beneath our feet who hears the echoes of our steps, who takes the echoes of our lives. Hades, you know the need for an end to life, you know the worth of a well-deserved rest, you know the thanks of men and women weary from long lives of worry and toil, you know the joy of sweet reunion as friends long parted join together once again within your storied land. The dim and misty underworld is yours, O Hades; yours are the Fields of Asphodel, yours the endless pits of Tartarus in which are cast the wicked and the vile. Yours too are the Fortunate Isles, the land of fair Elysium where dwell the righteous and the good. Hades, the receiver of burnt offerings, receiver of the blood of beasts, well-honored god: in the end, all come to you. Hades, I praise you.
Great-hearted Hades, lord of the afterworld, noble husband of gracious Persephone, daughter of the earth who shares your golden throne; advocate of the dead whose wrath falls on those who deny them due burial, or whose dishonor endures beyond the grave. Relentless Hades, agent of vengeance, friend of the Furies, long is your arm, long your memory. Lord of riches, lord of wealth, yours is the abundance of the depths, the cold, unyielding treasure of metal and stone; yours is the black dirt turned by the plow each spring, the sun-warmed soil that hides the seed. Hades, dark-haired son of Kronos, ruler of the world beyond us, inevitable host of men and women and all, I thank you for your care of those who have passed; I praise you, I honor you, I revere your name.
Due to him being a Chthonic deity here are tips for worship• You can do water in the ground, I'd personally light incense in his honor, over dirt, and let the ashes fall into the water in his honor. You can throw offerings into water into a pit in the dirt for him, in front of statues offerings were left at his feet. if you have no backyard, or any place to dispose of dirt, I'd get a bag of dirt and place offerings in it then throw it out (make him aware of it, with respect.), Offerings are often buried, poured down the drain, or into the trash (This is done to ‘complete’ the offering.), please NEVER eat after him or anything associated with him other than Kore (Persephone's overworld name, ONLY her overworld aspect),
I know he was offered blood, but please don't unless you're a devotee of Mimmum of 5 years!! that is offering your source of life and it has to be sterile and everything and is VERY VERY sacred, you're offering your life to him, so please make sure to do research and have someone help you if you do decide to.
Links/websites/sources •,Water%20%E2%80%93%20Cancer%2C%20Scorpio%2C%20Pisces,Pluton%20('Wealth').
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
Why does practically every piece of media about the Greek gods portray Hades as ugly and evil?? He was the least problematic of the gods. I mean come on in most versions of the myth he even loved his wife! Honestly the bar is so low it’s in Tartarus.
Also, the only ugly god was Hephaestus. His mum chucked him off a mountain because he was too ugly. I relate.
The Life and Death of Oedipus.
Oedipus...what a prick.
So anyway, Oedipus (pronounced Ee-dip-us btw) was abandoned by his irl mummy and daddy, the king and queen of Thebes, bc there was this mad curse on him where the Oracle of Delphi said ‘you’re gonna mash up your dad and pound your mum xoxoxo’ and the parents were like ‘ew wtf’ so they left him with a shepherd to put him on a mountain when Oedipus was just a wee little baby. (Fun fact Oedipus got his name because his feet were pinned together when he was abandoned and forever walked with a limp, his name in Ancient Greek literally means ‘Swollen-Foot’).
Turns out this shepherd had a huge hero complex and was all like ‘nah this baby cute af let’s give it to someone else to save it’ and gave it to the king and queen of another city state. The ‘distant city of Corinth’ to be exact. Oedipus grew up in Corinth with his adopted parents fully believing they were his real mummy and dada and they didn’t have the heart to tell the poor lad, he was already battling his foot fungus or whatever was going on with his feet since they unpinned them.
So Chinese whispers comes round, y’know the good ol gossip train, and Oedipus is like ‘what do you mean there’s a curse on me?’ And he runs to his parents like ‘wtf, a curse???’
Parents are all like: ‘yes, totally legit son of our, basically you’re supposedly gonna fuck your mother and kill your father’ and Oedipus is like ‘who tf are you to tell me what to do? I’m Oedipus Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, and I do whatever tf I want’ and struts off. He’s kinda gone mad about it and before his adopted parents can actually tell him he’s adopted he runs off to avoid fulfilling the curse. Oopsidaisy.
Oedipus, while on his travels round the block, sees some absolute Chad in a chariot run past him and get mud on his clothes. Oedipus is all like ‘uh wtf who the hell are you?’ and is like, omg what if I kill this guy for shits and giggles?? Stop I’m such a crackhead. In his crackhead energy he kills the mega Chad and carries on with his life— now remember this the mega Chad comes up later.
So, on mandem's travels he comes across Thebes and he's all like 'wow this place is so cool', but the people that actually live in Thebes are like 'no it's not lmao'.
Turns out some milf Sphinx with mad mummy milkers is sucking Thebes dry because no one can solve her riddle. If you can solve her riddle she would let you go, but since no one can think over the sound of her cacophonous cheek claps no one can come up with the answer. Instead if you can't answer it she literally eats you. Gobbles you up. So far no one had cracked the case, or were too pussy to try.
Oedipus is like I'm super smart and funny and clever I could work out her riddle. He goes up to her and is all acting hard but she isn't having it and is like are you gonna solve the riddle or what? I'm trying to girlboss rn and you're kind of in the way.' He's kind of miffed and he's like 'well your pussy stink anyways soooo', and starts to try to think of an answer to her riddle. She constantly makes fun of Oedipus the clown by repeating her riddle, 'What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?' Eventually our egghead Oedipus comes up with the answer: A human being. A person as a baby in the morning of their life crawls on 'four feet' (hands and knees), then as an adult in the noon of their life, they walk on two feet, but when they are old, in the evening of their life, they walk with a cane, on 'three feet'.
When Oedipus answered the riddle correctly, the Sphinx was so upset that she fainted, like that Karen that had a meltdown in the Victoria Secret.
So, crisis averted, Oedipus went back into Thebes. And he was so annoying. Like all the parties people were throwing because the Sphinx is dead, people were whispering like 'bro don't invite Oedipus, nah man because he won't stfu about the fact he solved the riddle when no one else could. Dick.' After an absolute mashup, everyone was steaming and they made Oedipus their new king.
How could they do this if they already had a king and queen? King Laius and queen Jocasta, to be precise. Well, King Laius was killed recently so Jocasta was a 'hot widowed milf (literally but that comes later) in your area' kinda deal and she got married to Oedipus. They also banged, and you're sat there thinking 'wtf why would you add that', but it's important just wait.
Everyone started to love Oedipus and he was like 'life doesn't get much sweeter fam, kill your dad and fuck your mum my arse. I'm living my best life while my parents are still in Corinth.' Little did the poor bastard know...
So y'know that mega Chad I was telling you to remember. Yeah, that was King Laius. And to make matters worse a fucking plague came over Thebes and the Oracle of Delphi said it would only stop when king Laius' killer was found. Oedipus, unaware it was literally him, puts all his best men and loads of money into finding the killer. This is where Oedipus' arrogance comes into play. He is so metaphorically blind to his own prophecy (that he will shag his mum and kill his dad) that he brings about his own downfall and literal blindness.
Eventually dummy Oedipus, our own hubristic boi, realises that man he killed was Laius, Jocasta's ex-husband. Coincidentally, Jocasta tells Oedipus about her baby son that same night. She tells him 'how weird it is you have pin shaped marks on your feet because my baby's feet were pinned together. And the exact same birthday as my dead baby! Plus your name is Oedipus, and that's what me and Laius called our kid too! Actually you have the same eye colour as my baby too... small world isn't it ahaha! You can't be him though because we abandoned him to a shepherd since there was a prophecy he would kill Laius and fuck me.'
Oedipus, trembling and shitting himself, 'ahaha yeah that's so weird. Imagine if you were my mum lol uhm, would you excuse me?'
Finally our arsehole Oedipussy realises that even though after all this time he was running from his prophecy, he was really fulfilling it. So not only has he pumped his mum (see why I included the fact they banged? yeah) but also killed his dad, and not even just his dad, but the previous king. Who's killer has a bounty on their head. This is a classic case of peripeteia, the Ancient Greek word for “reversal”, it simply means the reversal of the protagonist's fortunes from good to bad, often because of his own arrogance (hubris: the pride that goes before the fall).
((tw mentions of Jocasta's offing herself and Oedipus' specsavers incident. Just gross stuff lol, but it's Ancient Greece what do you expect?))
Obviously Oedipus gives himself up and the people are like 'ew mandem, we thought you were cool. Kind of a stuck up arsehole, but a fair king nonetheless. That's super gross man.' Jocasta, so distraught that she has had sex with her own son and that he killed her husband, actually kills herself rather than deal with the shame. Oedipus, though, the self interested bastard is like 'omg guys I just lost my mum and my wife and lover in the same day, you can't kill me'.
Fr though, he's actually really distressed by the news, but the people need him to answer for his crimes (killing Laius) so they can end the plague (by bringing him to justice as the Oracle predicted they should do). So, Oedipus bargains that living a life suffering in exile is ten times worse than just a simple death. So, being subtle, he fucking physically blinded himself by poking out his eyes with the long gold pins from his dead wife's brooches.
(Fun fact time, it's said he did this because of his shame of seeing Jocasta naked and the brooches were used to keep the gown on the woman's body.) (Also, coming back to that point of symbolism, especially in Sophocles' retelling of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus blinds himself as a symbol of self-realisation and insight. It is an irony because he chooses to be physically blind after seeing everything he has done. He realises that he was figuratively blind throughout the play, therefore he punishes himself by literally blinding himself.)
Now there's no happy ending for our boy Oedipus. He went from zero to hero to mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? literally in about three minutes. What a whiplash. In the end he does fulfil his exile, leaving his brother-in-law Creon as king of Thebes. Bare in mind in Ancient Greece if you have been exiled then you have all your human rights stripped from you-- not even being dramatic, they're literally taken away and you have less rights then a slave or a prisoner.
So he dies, like all must. His final resting place is Colonus near Athens, where he was swallowed into the earth and became a guardian hero of the land.
'Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud chose the term Oedipus complex to designate a son’s feeling of love toward his mother and of jealousy and hate toward his father, although those were not emotions that motivated Oedipus’s actions or determined his character in any ancient version of the story.' -- Britannica. So you have Oedipus to thank when your therapists suggests you secretly want to fuck your mum.
And there you have it. The life, exile, and death of Oedipus. The king.
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I feel the need to defend Aphrodite. She gets a lot of shit and I find it to be massively unfair. She is consistently characterized as an irredeemable bitchy mean girl, when in reality she isn’t any worse than ANY of the other gods. Many of the male gods have done worse than her and they are less slandered and ridiculed than her. Keep in mind every single god was designed to have flaws to them, so that they would better reflect humanity, plus many things that are significant wrongdoings in our eyes now we’re normalized at the time. About the Hephaestus thing, I’m going to be honest… I don’t care. Gods in all mythologies have affairs all the time, Greek gods especially. Her extramarital escapades are nothing special. Plus, her marriage to Hephaestus was an arranged one that she had no choice in. It was just to get the other gods to not go after her because she was taken. I’m gonna say it… I think a lot of the Aphrodite hate is residual misogyny/internalized misogyny and everyone else just goes along with it because it’s the popular opinion.