Hellenic Religion - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I worship 3

Uh about 7-8 months

Uh idk there’s a lot I like 😅

Yes, I’ve like Greek mythology since a kid …

I have 3 technically

Since I did like Greek mythology since forever when I found out about Hellenism, you can’t imagine how excited I was.

I do :3

Uh I kinda believe in the underworld, but I really have my own vision of the afterlife

I do

Dionysus technically 😃 I mean he’s one I complain to the most

I try, my devotional necklace I had for Dio broke so I’m going to get a new one… plus I wanna get some for Lord Ares and Lady Aphrodite

Not really, though I do enjoy baking cookies for my deities




Hmm I don’t know. Maybe Apollo

No ones ever asked me, but if they did, I would just lie because I live in a conservative Christian state and it’s not worth it

Hmm kinda. I guess the thing it has affected the most is how I prayed at the beginning of my practice

Hellenism Asks ☀️🕯

Which deities do you worship?

How long have you been practising Hellenism?

What's your favourite myth?

Have you had a liking in Greek mythology since you were a kid? If so, does it influence your practice?

Do you have an altar?

What drew you to Hellenism? What made you choose it over anything else?

Do you believe in past lives?

Do you believe in the Underworld? If so, do you think about it literally or as a concept?

Do you listen to devotional music?

Which deity do you turn to most in times of trouble?

Do you wear any devotional jewellery?

Do you have any food or drink recipe that is spirituality important?

Who was the first deity you started worshipping?

Who is the most recent deity you started worshipping?

Is there a deity you tried worshipping and working with, but it didn't work out?

Is there another deity you are considering worshipping?

When people ask you what religion you belong to, what do you say?

Has Christianity/Catholicism affected your practice or your views about your practice at all?

Feel free to ask me these or repost this yourself. Remember that you don't have to answer any questions you're uncomfortable with ☀️

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