Hello and come in. If you dare! My drawings and drawings of my AUs and OCS will be here. If you have questions about one of them, let me know or if you want to chat or show me some fanart, that's ok to.AO3 account- DisasterDuo
840 posts
So Im Having The Moon With No Sun, The Pirates Fairytale, And Happy Apocalypse Be AUs Where You Can Ask
So I’m having The Moon with No Sun, The Pirate’s Fairytale, and Happy Apocalypse be AUs where you can ask questions on, (ask aus). They will still have a story, but you guys can help form that story!
-Be nice
-I might not get to everyone or post everyone’s asks, pls don’t get upset about that
-When you send an ask, pls also say which au your trying to talk to, same as when your talking to me, (you can when you want to ask me questions or something about the other aus, but you don’t have to)
-Pls understand I’m the only person running this blog, so things might be slow, pls don’t get mad or upset
-If to many asks are in my inbox, I’ll probably turn it off so I can answer some of the asks, I’ll turn it back on when I answer a decent amount
-Characters might be alittle ooc, remember, these are aus, (I’ll try to make them some as canon as I can)
-You can swear, just pls don’t overuse the curse words (the characters will probably also curse too)
-I’ll add more as we go
Characters you can talk to:
Crossed out means you can’t talk to them
Happy Apocalypse- Sun, Moon, Glamrocks, Bloodtwins, Ruin, Eclipse, Solar, Earth, Lunar
The Moon with No Sun- Sunny, Moonrise, Lunar, Scythe, Solar, Jack, Flare, Computer, Eclipse, Glamrocks, Earth, Vanny
The Pirate’s Fairytale will be alittle different, you can still ask questions, but instead of questioning the character(s), it will continue with the plot/story. The characters with still answer, there will just be more going on it that makes sense. If you have a question about this or are confused about it pls let me know.
More Posts from Disasterousduo
Dead Sun Au
Ch.1 Leaving
Sunny’s view
“If you need me, I’ll be at Golden Freddy’s.”
“Whatever…” answers Moon as I leave the unground bunker.
As I walk into the forest, I ask myself, “W-why are they so sniff mean?”
As it continues to rain, I feel rain hit my forehead. “Oh great, it’s starting to rain.”
I then see an abandoned cabin. “That could work as some sort of shelter for a little.”
As I walked into the cabin, I could tell that it had been abandoned for a long time. Most of the wood was rotted or gone, vines and flowers overgrew the place, and the pathway was mostly faded.
Inside the cabin, it was pitch black. “I knew it was going to be dark in here, but not this dark.”
I use my glow feature; it lights up a little of the place. I can see pictures of the family that lived here before. A man, a teen boy, a young girl, and a younger boy.
“The Afton family…” I read on one of the frames, “They look like a nice family.” I think out loud.
I then continued to look around; it looked like a nice house.
I suddenly think, “I wonder if they miss-“
Moon’s voice suddenly fills my head, 'If you don’t get HIM under control, then I’ll unwire you myself.’ ‘OH NO! Your robotic emotions! Just clean up my mess like you always do.’
Then it stops, and as soon as it stops, Eclipse's voice fills my head, ‘I don’t think they do.’
‘Wait… You were listening??’
‘It was kinda hard NOT to.” He laughs.
I don’t respond; I only look over the cabin, as I think.
Eclipse sighs as he sees I’m blocking him out of what I’m thinking, ‘Just… get some sleep.’
I again say nothing as I walk over to the couch, and as I feel Eclipse sleep, I begin my plan.
BloodSun au
Ch.1 Blood
Sunny’s view
Moon had made Lunar a new body, we had just gotten rid of Eclipse, and everything was great!
I was in my room resting, when I got this… craving.
It just came out of nowhere, a craving for blood… oil. I get out of bed, and I feel like I can hear a distant voice in my head.. maybe it’s side effects from getting rid of Eclipse? I’ll have to ask Moon.
I snap out of my thoughts when I hear meowing. Looking down, I can see my cats, Midnight and Comet, rubbing against me.
“Are you hungry?” I ask the cats as I pick them up, “I’ll get you some cat food while I’m in the kitchen.” I place them on my bed as I leave my room.
Heading to the kitchen, I continue to hear the voices in my head, I mumble to myself, “Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore-“
“You ok Sun?”
I immediately snap out of it as I stare at Moon, who was looking back at me, slightly concerned and confused, with a bowl of nuts and bolts in his hand.
“Uhh… ya! I’m completely fine!” I lie as I look anywhere but him.
He could tell something was wrong, but said nothing. I walk over to a cabinet with the oil, grabbing some as I walk to a different cabinet with the cat food inside.
“Cat food?” Moon asks.
Shit, I forgot Moon has never met my cats.
“Uh.. Lunar wanted… cat food… to try?” I poorly lie, again.
Moon sighs, then chuckles, “If you have a cat, that’s fine with me.”
“I have two!” I blurt out, then when I realize what I did, I rush out of the kitchen.
Moon just chuckles again, as he continues to eat.
Back in my room, I feed my cats, then chug down the oil. The craving was still there…
I suddenly feel tired, I look at my battery, full charge… well, maybe I could rest for a little bit…
Getting onto the bed, I feel my cats jump onto me and curl up, and like that, I fall asleep.
Waking up, I feel worse than before, but the voices were gone. My cats were in the corner, staring at me.
I look down at myself, and I see I’m covered in oil… is that red I see? Probably from my outfit. The oil… I probably spilled some while I was asleep. I look to my table and see the can was spilled.
Grabbing the can I throw it into the trashcan in my room. Then, I take my sheets and blanket, into the laundry room, as I grab a clean towel from a laundry basket. Cleaning myself from the oil, I get all the oil off. Putting the towel in with the sheets and blankets, I let the washing machine do its magic. After awhile, I take the sheets, blanket, and towel out and take a laundry basket.
I go into the castle above the ball pit in the daycare, sit on the couch and fold the laundry.
Moon comes in, gives me a weird look, then walks into his room.
I know when I started my TSAMS stuff, and got my first like on one of my posts, that day was the best day, I was SO happy.
Liking or rebloging, anybody’s art really, could make their day! (But also make sure you do support beginner artists and maybe help them out on their journey, with helpful tips and tricks)
Hey, just a reminder for everyone
To support beginner artists.
seriously, even if it’s just liking their posts, please go support them!
A feel like one of the reasons that some people quit art is 1. Because it’s hard/tiring and/or 2. Because they feel under appreciated
A big part of the reason I left Deviantart is because I felt like no one wanted to see my art, and I felt overwhelmed by how good other user’s art was.
But when I started on Tumblr everyone was just so NICE, which shocked me. A lot. And when I started out I got one like. One like on my first ever post. And I kid you not, just that one like made my WHOLE FREAKING DAY.
That one like was what inspired me to work harder and improve my art. It was one of the things that made me want to make MORE art, and add a little improvement to each piece. And it worked.
And every little like, reblog, comment, fanart, ask that I’ve gotten, and ever friend I’ve made, have just made me feel SO much better about my art, and made me feel like improving, and I hope I continue to improve and make more friends.
So, please, if you see a beginner artist, like their post. Reblog it. Comment something you like about it, even if it’s only one thing. It could make their day. Or their week, or their month! Maybe their whole life even! I know that I still have a few likes, comments and reboots that I still hold dear to me.
And if you’re a beginner artist, someone who thinks their art is crappy, or even just someone who’s feeling a little down:
You’re doing great. Your art is amazing, YOU are amazing, and there ARE people who care about you even if you can’t see them. Trust me.
Keep going, and you’ll be fine.
Which one of you was gonna tell me tea tastes different when you put it in hot water?!!!