Hey there! Looking to Ask Questions to Toriel, Murder, Horror, Killer or Nightmare? Looking to Adopt? Looking to see horrible sketches and amazing commissions? You came to the right place! / 20+ Year Old Shop Runner
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There Is A Pineapple On The Ceiling!
There is a pineapple on the ceiling!
Nightmare: Mhmm, Yeah, like we're gonna fall for that one.
*Camera pans over his shoulder to Horror, Deme and Killer looking up at the ceiling for any pineapples*
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comic sans comic
Thank you for reading!
EDIT because people keep missing my footnote in the page itself: the top two panels in the "unfortunately [...] a haiku" page are a reference to THIS comic!
How would the bitties handle an owner that had to get teeth pulled? Would they be proud because it’s scary and painful? Would they want to snuggle and comfort?
*Cracks knuckles* Alright, it's been a long time since I made a long post with all of them, so here we go!
All of the Bitties would be proud of you and supportive of you for taking care of yourself, though definitely in different ways!
Nightmares: Definitely very proud of you for handling what you needed to handle. May make a few odd jokes about dentists now that the scary part is over.
Dreams: Time for snuggles and comfort! You took care of business for yourself, also supremely proud of you, and not afraid to praise how brave you were!
Murders: Did you get to keep the tooth? If so, he wants it. He's very proud of you, and would add the tooth to their collection of stuff. Would comfort you in whatever way you seem inclined to do, snuggling, watching movies or anything.
Horrors: The loss of teeth would have them on higher alert for a while. Horrors consider the loss of teeth as less of something to help you eat, if they lost one of their own they would panic, so in a way your behavior afterwards would help their judgement. If you're feeling down afterwards they would consider their fears to be justified and would spend time scrounging up soft foods for you, while if you were feeling comfortable with your necessary decision, they would draw upon your confidence and reflect it back to you.
Teeth: Ice Cream and Snuggle time!! Teeth bitties naturally have teeth that are unlike any other bitties, making regular maintenance necessary. While like their brother counterparts they consider the loss of a tooth a terrible thing, ultimately they handle it better. They know just what kind of foods to make it easy on you, and are more than happy to share affection with you all day every day!
Killers: Like Murders, they want your teeth.
(Base Killer) Unlike with a Murder, do not give him the tooth. They will find a way to weaponize it.
(Reformed Killer) You may give them the tooth if you feel comfortable with it, but they will be tinkering with it to make it something they can keep around, like making a necklace out of the pieces or making a chair, as examples.
Toriels: Oh, Child! You did something necessary and brave, and for that she is proud of you! Depending on what happened to cause the loss, she may cut back on the sweets and focus more on savory if it was cavity related.
Raggedy: So proud of you she will request the tooth to hang up on her wall. You did great kiddo, hope you don't mind the dark jokes she'll be making for a while afterwards, and whenever anyone asks her about it.
Queenie: Would throw a tea party over your bravery.
After all, she loves to celebrate the accomplishments of those around her, and it takes a lot of courage and planning to get to this point! Her and the others will be cuddling you and spoiling you with sweets for the day!
Empress: It's only natural her Owner would be on top of stuff like this, unlike the others she doesn't make a big deal out of it, though you might find a present of something you wanted on your pillow before bed.
Mumcher: Please please please please please let her have the tooth.
Unlike the others, she is absolutely not taking no for an answer, and will even find a way to acquire it if you didn't actually bring it home with you.
After all, it was a part of her precious owner, so she finds comfort in the discarded piece of you, and will keep it in her home, however unlike the Raggedy, she hides it with all other little things she decided to keep. Would be rather upset if you tried to take it back.
1/2 Ok, so I'm running a rescue center. And I have two Sans types. One I would have to keep an eye on so he doesn't hurt Brown and any other bitty I get because he's a manipulative little shit. ANYWAY, I was wondering if there were any bitties you reccomend for a rescue center, be it healing them, caring for the babybones in the nursery, getting injured bitties out of hard-to-reach places, or getting scared bitties to calm down.
2/2 I'll have to adopt one at a time though because a buch of bitties at once is asking for someone to die. Thorn's not exactly... friendly.
I apologize for the absolutely atrociously late response, I hope you and your bitties find yourselves in good health <3
Alright, I looked over your rescue center and it looks like you already know how Nightmares and Dreams would integrate into your shop.
A Nightmare would be perfect to hang around your System Sanses, and would be a good example to your Scyryl's as well that not all Nightmare bitties are bad.
Adopting one at a time is no problem, but make sure to talk with the Nightmare about who you are bringing before adopting them out first. They are unable to be physically harmed, so they could be a barrier for any bitties that are oncoming.
A Dream would likewise be great to have around your Scyryl's, and typically get along with everyone if they can manage it, with their bright personalities and abilities to bring in positive feelings, they would be great to have around, and they can for sure be an ego booster for any bitty who needs it, they love complimenting friends!
They may be a little more on the gullible side though, so adopting them after their more skeptical nightmare counterpart is recommended!
And Thirdly I would recommend a Queenie for your third Bitty.
They are typically known for their gentle and guiding behaviors, and unlike the Toriels which can be overwhelmed at times to the point of needing to flee the scene (Though it doesn't happen often), Queenies will always be there until the very end, no matter how intense a fight or situation gets.
Queenies are like a rock, and they are good at managing whatever sections they are assigned to, which could be considered a balm for your bitties, most of which have abandonment issues and dislike being yelled at, their voices stay at an even tempo even in dire situations, as they instinctively know that if they do not keep a level head then no one will.
They like busywork, nature, and taking care of things, which I think is a good mirror to your rescue.
But then again, these are just suggestions, you don't have to take them!

Decided to draw a team of bad guys(?)
*The kitsune just speaks in to shower Dotchi and the bitties in hugs and support, after all Dotchi's shop is still her favorite.* (Heya hun! Good to see you back! Hope you've been well ❤️)
*The Heartsona immediately rushes over to give the Kitsune a squeeze, after all, the feelings are mutual, and the day she doesn't support Sai is a day she is dead and buried in the ground.*
(I've been well Sai, just completely punctured of motivation for a long time there, but I saw all the asks and I just had to take a crack at it! I'll be getting to your stuff soon Sweetness <3 )