Nightmare Bitty - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Hi guys! *Gives the bitties a string of popcorn for the tree* What do you guys think of the other bitties? Tori, Horror, Killer, and Nightmare? (P.S. Void, you're my favorite character.)

*Toriel, Murder, Horror, Killer and Nightmare take the string of popcorn and march to the tree, Murder taking Toriel with his magic and lifting her up, carefully winding her around the tree as she holds the popcorn string to help her drape it as Horror noms on some of the popcorn as Void shyly hides his head in his hands, squeaking out a small thank you as he blushes, very flattered* 

Void: What do we think of them? Well Toriel is a very nice bitty… She makes very wonderful pies and she likes hearing me talk about my work… Murder, he really needs to say something to her, I keep trying to push them together but he is very stubborn, but he will wear down some day, I just have to keep pushing.

Horror…. I actually really like him, he treats Deme in a way I feel she deserves, unabashed and unreserved… Added with the fact he saved Flames during the Thanksgiving fiasco. Because of that thing Killer and Nightmare really… Scare me. 

Flames: …………………………… Toriel is fun to bake with, Murder and Nightmare are fun to play cards with………………….. Horror is like a brother to Void and I. As for Killer…………………. Unless things are cleared up between us I am not that fond of him…………………. But I guess with good reason I might trust him and Nightmare again…………………… they are surrounded by good bitties, maybe there is something I am missing there.

Deme: Toriel is the best female friend I have ever had, we tell jokes and we have fun times stitching and knitting things together for the boys, I make no regrets accepting her and her family into my garden, even if there are things that happened after that that I regret. 

Murder is a sweetheart to her and is quite gentlemanly to me despite his eyes… Those are the eyes of someone who rarely ever sleeps and has seen a lot, even if those things might just be things inside his mind. 

Nightmare and Killer… I am not on fond terms with. Attempts on someone’s life are not a good joke in general, but you put that in the context of someone like my brother Flames and you have certainly gone too far! 

*She seems to be getting quite riled up over it* 

They are surrounded by good bitties and Nightmare may even be one too, but Nightmare didn’t even try to stop Killer, and Killer attacking Flames with water of all things! He has never even apologized, but I know if he did it would never be sincere because he does not care, and-!

*Flames puts a hand on Deme’s shoulder and she stiffens before calming, taking a few deep breaths, thinking of the only other bitty that she did not talk about and absolutely melts, negativity fluttering out the window* 

Horror… Well we’re courting, so that must count for something, right? When I met him he was covered in blood, starving from his owner and having to kill things to sate his hunger… But I took that pain away for him. This place has become his sanctuary and my family has accepted him into our fold. Exchanging food puns with him, talking about the mindless things together, and important things… When it came to courting he dropped the customs he thought was acceptable before, and took my own to try and give me what he thought was right for me. 

But I didn’t want what was right for me. I wanted him. So I took his courting rituals and have been using them against him to get to his heart. 

*She then wraps her arm around Void* 

And you can thank him for that, he’s such a wonderful matchmaker and wingman!

*Void hides his face in his hands again, very flustered as the other bitties finish putting up the slight munched on popcorn string*

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6 years ago

wait have any of you been introduced to memes before or if so which meme is your favorite? :o *gives a heart ornament* I don't celebrate Christmas myself though did murder stop making tea kettle noises? ((pft kinda found that adorable, to be honest, and funny at the same time def didn't expect somebody to put a mistletoe over those two ))

*Killer reaches for the heart ornament with pretty obvious ill intent, but Horror snatches that up* 

Horror: no thank you!

Nightmare: you seriously overestimate our owner’s capacity for entertainment, the answer is no, we have not really seen them before even if we have heard of them, it’s pretty impossible to miss in today’s world. 

Void: And that’s not much a surprise. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, thank you for being here and sharing ornaments with us for Christmas. And no, he hasn’t yet, but I don’t think anyone expected that

*Void grins in delight while Murder shoots him an intense glare over his shoulder, keeping the hood pulled over him, absolutely no one having been expecting that as the heart ornament is hung up safely thanks to Horror*

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6 years ago

*Gives Killer party poppers and eggs full of confetti*

Killer: oh hell yeah. 

*He then takes the eggs and with a little help with his magic, throws one at everyone in the room, Murder shattering the egg with a bone before it touched him so confetti spilled over him, Horror screaming when Killer scored the egg right into the gash in his head, shattering it inside and causing confetti to spill out of his sockets and teeth. 

Nightmare and Deme caught theirs, Deme throwing it back at him and beaning Killer in the chest, covering him in the confetti while Nightmare surrounded his in magic and cracked it over the tree, decorating it more as Flames launched himself and snatched the eggs headed for him and Void out of the air, adding it with Nightmare’s as the last one smashed at Toriel’s front, but she merely smiled* 

Toriel: It’s nice to see Killer having fun. 

*Killer then took the poppers to use when everyone wasn’t on guard, he really likes the gifts*

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6 years ago

Are you guys gonna watch any horror movies? My family always watches scary movies on the holidays ^^

*Nightmare and Killer look to Deme and Flames with wide eyes in pleading* 

Deme: I don’t know…

Toriel: Please Deme? Murder and Horror can watch it with them. 

*The ethereal bitty sighs* 

Deme: Alright, just after bedtime, Void gets really scared by Horror movies and they are not to my taste either. 

Flames, would wish to join them? 

*Flames shrugs before giving a thumbs up and it seems to be in agreement that there will be horror movie watching after hours*

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6 years ago

*Gives the bitties some frosting, sprinkles, candy, and gingerbread* Who can make the best gingerbread house?

*All the bitties split into groups which were forced to be mixed so that Nightmare and Killer actually participated. 

The teams are: Nightmare and Toriel, Killer and Murder, Flames and Horror, and last but not least Deme and Void. 

The battle starts and the bitties start building and frosting. 

Nightmare and Toriel put forth a valiant effort, though instead of frosting Nightmare used his goop to make the gringerbread house stick together when the frosting got too frustrating, Toriel giving the house homey little touches to make it look like a cozy place, Nightmare carelessly tossing sprinkles on it to give it some color as in the end it looked like a witch’s house poorly disguised to look like a delicious gingerbread home because of the unsettling black tar holding it together. 

Killer did not want to do this, until Murder allowed Killer to have half of the house to frost whatever he wanted on it, to which he frosted on a huge bloody massacre on it, and by the end of it Deme’s owner had to get them more red food coloring from their own kitchen because the bitty kitchen was lacking now. Murder himself used a lot of red and green frosting a child with red eyes being dead and a floating Papyrus head with a scarf and gloves harmlessly waving to whoever looked into the gingerbread home.

Flames and Horror deck out everything with the candy, making the most appetizing-looking home as they shingle the roof with Hershey’s tiles, lining the home’s borders in kisses and the walk-way with gum drops, painting the walkway with frosting and tiling the pathway with sprinkles, Flames using his abilities to melt candy canes, taking two of them and creating a small Charlie Brown Christmas tree entirely out of peppermint with small pitiful branches and at the end is a red M&M substituting as the ornament that caused the little tree to bend, there being plenty more done to it, but that was just the start, by the end it was a candy wonderland that could give cavities to anyone. 

Deme and Void create a very cozy home with spun sugar windows lined with red licorice frosted to beauty with fragments of the insides of butterfingers making a sheer pathway. Not only was it cute and cozy with a lot of green in it, but Void actually went and wired the house to turn the lights on and off with the roof edges being lined in tiny little Christmas lights that blinked on and off after flicking it on. 

Everyone obviously put forth their best effort*

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6 years ago

All I Want For Christmas is You

Pairing:Bitty Murder!Sans/Bitty Classic!Toriel 

Rated: T

Warning: That it’s a songfic, and it’s a Crack version of Soriel.

Specifically with this song: 

(This oneshot is not part of the main fic they belong to, So if you’re still here, Enjoy!)

Murder found himself standing on a small stage, the stage that had been created for the wrecked Christmas Party, facing the microphone as it looked over an empty room. 

He was alone. 

Utterly Alone.

Murder looked around, feeling a sick feeling churning in his gut. 


He jolted and looked to see his brother Papyrus by the microphone, a specter of a skull clad in a scarf and gloves as his gloves touched the stand holding the microphone, the sick feeling of being alone vanishing even if he felt something in his skull fracturing, he ignored it, pulling his left hand out of his pocket, keeping the other one rooted as he grinned.

“ hey bro, i haven’t seen you around, you’ve been real... distal lately.” He teased as he wagged his distal phalange as if to scold his brother for not coming around, specter Papyrus merely rolling his glowing red eyes.


Murder nearly choked as he pulled his hood further over his head, “ that’s idiotic!” 


Murder groaned softly and shook his head, “ c’mon bro...” 


“ but she’s not here bro-” 


“ heh, you got me bro, i could never be as cool as you.” Murder chuckled before he found himself being shoved forward to the microphone, stumbling before he grabbed the stand, looking back at Papyrus with wide eyes before to the empty room. 

It was just the two of them. 

He would be fine. 

He faced the microphone before the empty room, starting to sing lowly, 

“ I don’t want a lot for Christmas, 

There is just one thing I need-” 

Murder froze when he heard the piano on stage being played, looking over his shoulder and seeing Nightmare was there, feeling his blue and red magic flare, but Papyrus merely gave him an annoyed look and motioned for him to continue singing as he watched Horror appear behind the drums and Killer appear with a wreath of bells to shake. 

He immediately turned from them, flushing a deep purple as he continued to sing as Papyrus urged him, 

“- I don’t care about the Presents, 

Underneath the Christmas Tree... 

I just want you for my Own, 

More than you could ever know... 

Make my wish Come True, 

All I want for Christmas...”

The piano seemed to stop for him, there being a small and tense silence as the players readied behind him, 

“ Is... You!”

He howled into the microphone as the music from the other three blasted with the release of the last word, absolutely filling the room with music as his eyelights lit like a fire under his hood, 

“ Oh Baby! 

I won’t ask for much this Christmas,

I won’t even wish for snow-!”

“ And I~” Nightmare and Horror sang along as Killer merely shook the bells to create continual noise, Murder noticing slakes starting to drift down on them as if for dramatic affect. 

“ I just wanna keep on waiting, 

Underneath the Mistletoe! 

I won’t make a list and send it- 

To the North Pole for the Saint Nick...” 

“ And I~” 

“ I won’t even stay awake to hear those magic reindeer click,

I just want you here tonight, 

Holding onto me so tight, 

What more can I do? 

All I want for Christmas is you...” He started booming on the last sentence before hushing on the last word, his eyelights disappearing as Horror stopped and Nightmare continued to play, but this time softly,

“ None of the lists are shining brightly anywhere... 

And the sound of Children’s crying fills the air... 

And no one is singing... 

I don’t hear sleigh bells ringing-” 

He gripped the stand tighter than ever and screamed into the mic as the music raised behind him, 

“ Santa won’t you bring me the one I really need?! 

Won’t you please bring my baby to me!”

The music then boomed as Murder noticed movement in the doorway, feeling another shift inside himself as he watched the movement with his returned and bright eyelights.

“ I don’t want a lot for Christmas! 

This is all I’m askin’ for! 

I just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door!” 

He saw it was Toriel and directed all of himself to her, 

“ I just want you for my own! 

More than you could ever know! 

All I want for Christmas...” 

He ceased for only a moment with the music as all three of his fellow adoptees in the background seemed to know exactly what to do for this song, somehow as Tori approached, her eyes fixed on him.

“ Is... You!!” 

“ All I want for Christmas is you baby!” Chanted Horror and Nightmare in the Background before he joined them for the last one, the music ceasing as Murder stood there, panting even though he had no lungs to be winded with, knowing it was because her eyes were on him rather than any real effort. 

He heard his brother give a small cackle and he was shoved off the stage, stumbling before falling into her arms and she held him bridal style to her, his whole skull turning purple. 

“ Murder... Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered with wide eyes. 

“ uh... too much work?” He offered up weakly, not knowing what to say before she pressed a warm kiss to his skull, him feeling his soul nearly screaming in his chest to kiss her back, her forehead pushing against his.

“ Merry Christmas Murder.” 

“ merry christmas tori.” he muttered. 

“ I’m glad you enjoyed the gift, I doubt you’ll ever get it again.” 

“ huh?” 


Murder sat up gasping for air as he panted in his bed of a sunflower, looking to the sunlight streaming through the window as he then let out a string of cuss words for a certain Nightmare Bitty on Christmas Morning.

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6 years ago

What's your owner's name?

Nightmare: hobo? 

Killer: needless waste of space? 

Murder: emotional abuser? 

Horror: f*er that needs to learn what starvation is like? 

Toriel: Owner? 

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6 years ago

So Toriels that are left alone turn into Mumchers, then what happens to classic Sans' to turn them into killers, murders, horrors, and nightmares? Or are they just born that way?

*Everyone looks to one another, as that is a pretty heavy topic* 

Toriel: Not all Mumchers are once Toriels, most are born that way, as Adoption places try not to give bitties away to unfit owners. 

Nightmare: nightmares and killers are born the way they are, there’s nothing special that happens to us, it’s just how we develop.

Horror: classics turning into horrors are very rare, usually because there has to be head trauma and prolonged starvation and it takes very specific circumstances to get both of those at the same time, but it could happen.

Toriel: Murders also come into the world as Murders, but a Classic born with a high amount of power right off the bat can become a Murder if isolated from others to the point they start to hallucinate and crack, along with a few other factors, but thank goodness everything we have been speaking of has not happened often. 

In fact most things testing transformation for Sans Bitties and others has been in controlled environments and forced to happen by bad people, which have been shut down by Bitty laws and protests. 

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6 years ago

Hi bitties! You guys are awesome!

*Almost all the bitties buzz at being addressed directly by someone they recognize as Murder starts with a grin*

Murder: heh, thanks kid. 

*Toriel giggles and waves*

Toriel: You are awesome too! 

Horror: nice to see ya around here.

*Killer and Nightmare merely lounge with grins*

Killer and Nightmare: yeah, we are pretty awesome

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6 years ago

Why don't you tell someone that the owner is horrible? Aren't there laws protecting bitties?

*The bitties enter their room after having bid goodbye to Deme, Flames and Void* 

Murder: this may surprise you, but bitties are a pretty new species, and it was only within the past decade we have been seeing any real regulations on us. 

Nightmare: before you were allowed to do anything but kill bitties, which allowed horrific experimentation on bitties, which is how it was found that Classic bitties could change into alternates. 

Killer: along with stuff like how long on average it takes for a bitty to drown, who is more mentally strong than others when it comes to manipulation, who is more dependent on others and what happens to them when they are taken out of the ring of social circles, what would happen if the bitties are forced in a cage with a bitty in heat and what children would be derived from it…

Horror: lots of stuff, and while the laws have risen as well as the human’s protectiveness on us, there is still plenty who would turn a blind eye on us because ‘they’re monsters, they can handle it’, so we would need proof. 

Toriel: We’re hopefully getting help for that soon with Stellini.

Stellini was once a bitty in a lab himself and he has been a strong advocator in bitty rights ever since, him and his group have been basically the mascots on the cruelty of labs since they escaped and told the public about it. 

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6 years ago

Nightmare, how would you feel if Killer was reformed by a color bitty?

Nightmare: ………… Why… Why would you ask such a thing?

*The bitty is visibly upset, so upset he’s even capitalizing his words*

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6 years ago

Will Killer and Nightmare find romances in your story?

Dotchi: While Nightmare is an iffy subject, Killer is straight up aromantic, is not interested in romance and never will be, which I think is pretty much a given seeing as how limited he is in caring about anything, not to say that aromantic people don’t care about things, he just isn’t interested. 

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6 years ago

What are the courting rituals for Nightmare bitties?

Nightmare: you’re interested in that kind of thing? heh, well usually whenever nightmares like someone they usually eat their nightmares or visit the person in their dreams to spend time together, taking them to places that terrify others but may dazzle the dreamer like being on a ship in space or deep in the sea or maybe even places that are haunted. 

it’s a silent kind of thing, others wouldn’t know that a nightmare was courting someone unless it was vocalized by one member of the party, at the end of courting if they are still accepted Nightmares will use their magic to bring something from the nightmares or dreams physically to life as a gift. 

Dotchi: Depending on the size of it, it may take all of their magic or simply a lot, but either way try and make this relationship a two way street and give them a little pampering after they pull something to the real world, they will appreciate it. 

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6 years ago

Hey Nightmare I was wondering, especially since you said that all Nightmares have a Dream they are born with of sorts (and I would never separate family) what would be good gifts for trying to interest one in adoption? I’d adopt the Dream as well, but honestly I want to look into getting a Nightmare

(The ask was worded a little confusingly so it will be answered as it is interpreted)

Nightmare: oh, well that makes sense, well an important thing for you to do would be to bring something valuable to yourself. both brothers should recognize the value you hold for the object you bring and will admire that you are willing to share that with them, and if you’re lookin’ to spoil one over the other when you get the both of them, make it clear to them. 

Dotchi: Nightmare bitties love being favored, but should they be favored over their brother they will give them attention in your stead to make sure the Dream does not feel left out, even if begrudgingly.

Nightmare: and if you somehow don’t have somethin’ special to you or it’s too heavy to bring, bring some nightmare fuel like a scary book or movie that terrified you to offer as a sacrifice and if you want tell them, tell them what scared you and how long you had nightmares over it. you will be respected for honesty and they will demand to watch it with you or read it with you to have a shared experience. 

Dotchi: And if you don’t want to get both bitties but want to keep family together, take a look around to see if anyone you care about is looking for a bitty and maybe you can persuade them to taking a Dream, keeping the brothers in contact while keeping the one you really wanted in the whole ordeal, it would probably make all parties happy.

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6 years ago

What's the bitties favorite memories?

Murder: the first time i made tori laugh.

Toriel: When I woke up one night from a horrid nightmare and Murder was there to comfort me while I was upset, and I have no specific favorite from my time in the adoption center, those are all warm memories.

Horror: meetin’ deme for the first time. it opened up everything for me, and other than that would probably be bedtime story memories i had with my bro Teeth.

Nightmare: a favorite memory? 

*Nightmare blinks, bewildered* 

i guess my first day alive being with my brother and learning about the world. 

Killer: my first kill, that was definitely a rush. 

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6 years ago

What's the bitties favorite foods?

Horror: well I already answered so you guys go ahead. 

Nightmare: my favorite food is noodles. 

Murder: chips and hot dogs. 

Toriel: Well usually people would think Snail Pie because I am a Toriel bitty, but I actually find myself more enamored with Stellini’s Starry Pasta, he was much better than any other Papyrus bitty I have encountered thus far! 

Killer: candy. i want lollipops.

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6 years ago

If the bitties were able to go anywhere, where would it be?

Murder: anywhere other than here. 

Toriel: That’s a really tough question… Hmm… 

*Toriel stared to the ground blankly while trying to think of one, finally looking up with a smile*

I think maybe Ebott City, that would be fun!

Horror: deme’s house permanently.

*Nightmare and Killer looked to him with a ‘Really?’ look* 

i regret nothing. 

Nightmare: killer and i agree with murder, almost anywhere could be better than here. 

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6 years ago

What presents would the bitties enjoy?

Killer: something sharp like a glass shard or a bitty dagger, some candy might be appreciated though.  

Toriel: Anything that you put your thought into is cherished by me, though maybe some bitty playing cards or yarn or fabric so I can keep contributing? 

Murder: more drawing materials, i’m runnin’ out of pencil and i’ve been outta red anything for a while, which makes it hard to draw blood and my brother. 

Nightmare: nightmare fuel, or… you know, tori’s right, anything that shows you care at all. 

Horror: food, food, some clothes and more food, no joke. 

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6 years ago

Hi! Oh my god I just read your new chapter and it made my day after going thru physical therapy. I actually felt bad for Killer and wonder what's going to happen with the Color bitty? I felt so terrible that the bitties had to leave the party when it wasn't their fault! You got me at the edge of my seat and I can't wait until the next update to see what will happen next! Thank you and good luck! Also !?HOLA BITTIES COMO ESTAS?!

*The heartsona happily glows as the bitties wave to you, allowing the heartsona to speak first*

Dotchi: You’ll see in the next chapter, and you’re right, it wasn’t their fault, not really (My editor was so happy to hear that from someone other than themselves felt that way)! Thank you and good luck in your own endeavors, I am happy to have made your day after physical therapy and hope everything has been going well on that front! 

*Then the heartsona is pushed aside in favor of the bitties*

Toriel: ¿Estamos bien, comos estas? 

Murder: you speak spanish toriel? 

Toriel: There’s a show that has bitties on it named Undernovela, I learned a bit from it.  

Nightmare: that show mostly errors watched that spoke entirely in Spanish and was basically too dramatic for it’s own good? 

Toriel: That’s the one. 

*She smiles warmly remembering nights watching that with others as Nightmare and Killer shake their heads* 

Horror: anyways kid, we’re good, glad you’re feelin’ better from alla this.

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6 years ago

Are you guys excited for the New Year!?

Toriel: Oh Certainly! There will be an event for afterwards where some of the newest bitties are visiting and you can ask them all kinds of questions! I think some may even accept New Years Kisses. 

*She giggles as Killer makes an ‘X’ over himself with his arms*

Nightmare: Who’s on the roster again? 

Toriel: Hmm, we have Stellini coming, as well as Lighter and *Spoilers*

Murder: so the Gaster Blaster Papyrus that gave you your scarf bow, the spoiler-filled character if asked about the future and the actual walking spoiler for the next chapter? well then, that chapter better come out soon, don’t you think Dotchi?

*Murder looks to the Heartsona with sparking eyes as the heart pulses nervously*

Dotchi: I got it! I got it!

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