Hey there! Looking to Ask Questions to Toriel, Murder, Horror, Killer or Nightmare? Looking to Adopt? Looking to see horrible sketches and amazing commissions? You came to the right place! / 20+ Year Old Shop Runner
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I Think Everyone Would Freak Out If Killer Reformed.
I think everyone would freak out if Killer reformed.
Dotchi: Yes, they likely would, seeing as the Killer they know basically disappeared.
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So Toriels that are left alone turn into Mumchers, then what happens to classic Sans' to turn them into killers, murders, horrors, and nightmares? Or are they just born that way?
*Everyone looks to one another, as that is a pretty heavy topic*
Toriel: Not all Mumchers are once Toriels, most are born that way, as Adoption places try not to give bitties away to unfit owners.
Nightmare: nightmares and killers are born the way they are, there’s nothing special that happens to us, it’s just how we develop.
Horror: classics turning into horrors are very rare, usually because there has to be head trauma and prolonged starvation and it takes very specific circumstances to get both of those at the same time, but it could happen.
Toriel: Murders also come into the world as Murders, but a Classic born with a high amount of power right off the bat can become a Murder if isolated from others to the point they start to hallucinate and crack, along with a few other factors, but thank goodness everything we have been speaking of has not happened often.
In fact most things testing transformation for Sans Bitties and others has been in controlled environments and forced to happen by bad people, which have been shut down by Bitty laws and protests.
What are the courting rituals for Nightmare bitties?
Nightmare: you’re interested in that kind of thing? heh, well usually whenever nightmares like someone they usually eat their nightmares or visit the person in their dreams to spend time together, taking them to places that terrify others but may dazzle the dreamer like being on a ship in space or deep in the sea or maybe even places that are haunted.
it’s a silent kind of thing, others wouldn’t know that a nightmare was courting someone unless it was vocalized by one member of the party, at the end of courting if they are still accepted Nightmares will use their magic to bring something from the nightmares or dreams physically to life as a gift.
Dotchi: Depending on the size of it, it may take all of their magic or simply a lot, but either way try and make this relationship a two way street and give them a little pampering after they pull something to the real world, they will appreciate it.
What are the courting rituals for Killer bitties?
Dotchi: There are not really any courting rituals for Killer Bitties, all Killers are Aromantic because they either don’t have the emotional complexity for deep emotions such as love, or they just don’t want it.
Reformed Killers would be your best bet, and even then they usually don’t care for sexual and romantic things, preferring deep friendships and things of that nature, but of the very few documented cases of a reformed Killer courting, they usually bring the dust or organs of their desired one’s enemies, and if accepted they immediately soul bond with the person, if rejected then they merely move on with their lives, not that big of a deal to them.
Nightmare, how would you feel if Killer was reformed by a color bitty?
Nightmare: ………… Why… Why would you ask such a thing?
*The bitty is visibly upset, so upset he’s even capitalizing his words*
Lol that bara sans had me in tears! What would happen if there was a bara nightmare and bara killer? Would the other bar as protect the Toriel bitties?
Dotchi: Certainly Horror and Murder would protect the little bitties that they have found and befriended from them, however if both females met Bara Nightmare and Bara Killer without Bara Murder and Bara Horror…
They would immediately flee from Bara Killer because he would immediately try to dust them and there isn’t anything to persuade him to not kill them unless Murder and Horror were blocking the way.
As for Bara Nightmare- well he would never tell anyone this, but he would basically be a picture of a giant meeting a tiny human and thinking it was cute with a little cartoon heart at the cuteness and everything, and would likely toy around with them in his tentacles before letting them settle on his shoulders while they would tell him jokes, unless Murder and Horror would be involved, then he would be pretty standoffish, and kind of tsundere seeing as he would act like he wouldn’t want to play with the adorable tiny Toris and would give them only slight chuckles when they tell him jokes, but nothing major.