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So is Frisk a pacifist in your story?
Dotchi: Yep, Frisky is a pacifist whom is determined on getting all the Classic bitties, a real kind owner with love to spend, we won’t be meeting them for a while but know that they are still waiting for Toriel.
The apology from the Adoption Center Owner and the Promise of getting Toriel after the Holidays has filled them With Determination.
I don't think Frisk would mind getting some extra sans bitties with Toriel when she arrives... hint hint nudge nudge...
Dotchi: Hopefully not, though if the bitties just up and left as it is now, there would be quite a bit of legal trouble, seeing as like every other adoptee, Owner has the legal documents for the Sans’ stating that they own them, but we’ll see how this goes.
Is Chara in your story? If so I bet they would have a bitty Azzy to cuddle with!
Dotchi: Oh they totally would, and you bet that with Frisky Bits being a part in the story Chara is there too, though how good they would be as an owner… something I conflict myself with should I ever show them.
Will there be more pairing in your story?
Dotchi: Definitely thinking about it and have been toying with it, after all, if you look closely at the interactions between Flames and Void, you may notice they never mentioned they saw one another like brothers, only that they saw Deme as a sister to them, and when it comes to one another being harmed or threatened they are the first one on the scene for one another but I have been only playing with that thought.
And when I thought about giving the Asgore bitty from Chapter 11 a possible mate, my editor (also known as my sister), told me to cut it from the story, mostly because it was branching off from the main focus and she put her foot down on that, especially since she carries no love for the Muffgore I was thinking about.
Are there any other ships you like besides soriel? It can still be undertale or other fandoms.
Dotchi: Oh Heck Yeah! I don’t call myself the Crack Shipper for Life for absolutely nothing! I love all kinds of pairings from all kinds of places, most of which are never cannon, I could make a whole list to those pairings I absolutely adore, in fact, here’s a tiny taste from Undertale:
Small List of my Undertale Ships (Mostly Crack):
Soriel (OTP)
Grillby x Toriel (You can find a Comic I commissioned with my Headcanon for them somewhere on my blog, and if you go on my A03 I made headcanon fics for their various forms)
Alphyne (Classically Canon!)
Undyrus (I don’t think I’ll ever write it because I am afraid of the Backlash, like damn there is a lot of backlash from this)
Papyrus x Shyren (Specifically in the Context of Littletale and Humantale, maaaybe Undersea, I love the thought of Paps encouraging Shyren to find her voice and then being her most vocal number one fan as she finds herself singing exceptionally well when he is there to cheer her on, the loudest one in the crowd)
Muffgore (Tea Lovers that Bond together, it being a slow burn but good relationship with healing to help him get over Toriel and for her to see past needing someone for their money because Asgore deserves better than a leech and everyone knows it)
Friskriel (Alright I’m not hardcore on this one, I just think it’s cute and heartfelt, won’t turn it down)
Pre-Declaration of war Torigore (Everything after that made everything go down hill, but you just can’t forget the nose-nuzzling champs of ‘98!)
There’s more, but I am stopping there.
(Different anon) I thought Chara was the Hobo, rip headcanon.
Dotchi: Definitely played with that thought, definitely, but I think that this Owner is too passive and lazy to be Chara.
Chara would probably be out there trying to conquer the known world with their cut-throat ways unless Frisk has cleaned them up.
Will Killer and Nightmare find romances in your story?
Dotchi: While Nightmare is an iffy subject, Killer is straight up aromantic, is not interested in romance and never will be, which I think is pretty much a given seeing as how limited he is in caring about anything, not to say that aromantic people don’t care about things, he just isn’t interested.
!Senorita Toriel yo soy a ci a ci! LOL I thought I was the only one to think of that especially with all the drama that had happen to the bitties. Too many things just keep happening to them. Oh and before I forget I LOVE the fanart of your story they are so beautiful! Oh I do have a question for you: what made you want to write this soriel story? What inspired you? Oh one more thing: *brings out cookies for every one* !bone appetite amigos y amiga! *terrible cliche pun I know...*
*All the bitties laugh at your pun with the cookies, Killer being the first one to chomp down as Toriel gives you a warm smile and a nod*
Dotchi: Things are a bit dramatic aren’t they? Well that’s a story, good drama, and not only that but the next chapter is planned to be a settled one as everyone copes with the loss of one of the group while Killer tries to gain emotional footing.
And I think so too! The fanart is all so beautiful and cute, but the one I have to say gives me the most warmth is from @wingdingsbeyondthefourthwall, I didn’t commission them like the others, never talked to them before, and yet they surprised me with a gorgeous piece of artwork for Killer, and I cried and smiled almost for a full hour, squealing to my sister about how I had actual fanart from someone and couldn’t help but admire at how absolutely on point and amazing it was.
If anyone has any fanart for this story I plead for you to step forward, I will love ever single thing you all come up with, my heart and it’s heartsona nearly bursts with love every time I see people admiring my work or drawing inspiration from it, gives me that lovely chemical called serotonin every time.
And What inspired me to make this fic? What made me want to write it?
Well first off, I love Soriel, and I really wanted to continue writing stories about the pairing, but because I am a crack shipper I wanted to shake it up a bit, so I thought why not make a reverse harem story with Toriel and all the Bad Sans’? But I quickly scrapped that Idea after the Second Chapter, because I had a feeling Horror should fall in love with someone else, then I realized that I couldn’t see Killer in a romantic relationship with anyone and made him canonically aromantic, nothing in particular inspired me to write the story other than the Bittybones AU and the questions of How Toriel could become part of such a group and what things she should have on her when she meets them.
In the end, I did it because I wanted to, because I see people going crazy on the AUs, but I want to see someone go crazy on the pairings, so I decided to take that step myself with this story.
If anyone else does so, I would love to see your stories as well! :D
I just finished reading your OT7 soulmate fic. Love the angst even if it is painful.
So, is it cruel of me to wish her to say she does not want them? I know Reader said that she loves them but I just can't see how you can forgive your soulmates after they rejected you. Myself, I don't think I would be able to.
Please don't think you are a bad writer. You are so good! I can't wait to read more If you continue it
OMG I'm so sorry I think I blipped out of this dimension for a while and I wasn't able to see this my bad T_T Thank you so much for liking my babie! And no, it is not cruel. It is human. Altho, while irl, it is easier sometimes to have the boys forgiven (or so they say because i'm a 'fuck forgiveness, i'll burn in hell' kinda pal), i also like to look at my works from all perspectives—or how it would be in the fictional and real world. Yes, it might seem realistic to have them unforgiven, we also have to consider human nature. Soulmates or not, many people tend to forgive no matter how painful the circumstances are. However, I would like to go on record to say that this is not me saying that that is the route my story, nor will it not be. Do I make sense? I'm sorry it's 8 AM where I am and I'm at my WFH job T_T
Anyway thank you so much for appreciating my works, and I'm just gathering up some braincells to write some more for this series
thank you, thank you thank you soooo much! 🥺🥺🥺