Organization Number: XVPower: ImaginationWork Ethic: Better than Number IX’sWarning: Try and take her phone, you will lose your hand. You will also need to sleep with one eye open for the next two weeks afterwards. If she doesn’t kill you first.
59 posts
I Was Looking Over Some Things I Had Asked Others And My ADHD Got To Thinking Without My Consent But
I was looking over some things I had asked others and my ADHD got to thinking without my consent but made me laugh.
Ok so @maesonc-artistic-adventures made art of what Warriors’ dragon armor would look like and I commented about Wild stealing that outfit. Fast forward, I saw my ask for @ask-the-nine-links for Halloween that involves art from @dfanart and my mind went spinning.
I just realized I mentioned 3 people. Oh well.
Anyways I headcanon that Cia (no she’s not dead, yet) is punished for her actions (like she should) and she can’t teleport directly into the castle. In fact, there’s only one place where she is able to teleport to by the castle before she can go in if she has business. That place? The stables.
Since I also headcanon Epona being severely protective of Warriors and prefers crushing things with her hooves, Cia is in for a world of pain every time she visits. Now you’re probably wondering ‘well couldn’t Epona accidentally kill her?’ No, because I headcanon (i’m using that word a lot in this post) that Cia and Lana can’t be killed normally. Also one can’t not be killed without killing the other. That’s why she hasn’t been executed yet. 
Anyways my mind went to Wild coming upon her after she got trampled again and thinking she was dead, steals her clothes right off her body. Because you cannot tell me he would not do that. Wild goes “She’s dead, she doesn’t need these anymore.”
Wild would totally do that and probably change into her clothes right there before going back his brothers. Only to be told she’s not dead, just severely unconscious. He still would not be giving back her clothes though.
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More Posts from Draxeanlxia

Wars when he sees what his model gets used for:
Having ADHD is both a blessing and a curse, currently right now it’s a bit of a blessing.
I remembered this art that showed a fake fairy or maybe a mimic fairy? They were called something but I can’t remember. Maybe bibbles?
You know how fairies are little ladies with wings until you’re far away and then they’re balls of light with wings? These fake fairies looked like balls with wings and sharp teeth. The art also showed Legend being chased and bitten by them. If anyone knows what I am talking about, please tell me so I can credit this person.
Anyways, I was thinking about this art, and it got me thinking. I’m pretty sure a lot of us headcanon that Warriors is such a dad to both Mask, Tune, maybe Skull Kid and Tetra, and most definitely to his fairies.
I also headcanon that Warriors is mostly okay with Legend calling him ‘pretty boy’. As long as the boy is joking, the moment he has a serious or hurtful tone then everything changes. Everyone else that knows Warriors on the other hand does not like that nickname.
Warriors’ Epona has kicked him multiple times for saying that nickname within her hearing range. Wind and Time have pranked him so many times that he’s gotten slightly paranoid. Or rather, he’s gotten more paranoid than usual. Ravio tried to lectured him on calling Warriors that name but a portal took him before he could start. Fi has been playing noises that for some reason, only Legend can hear. She doesn’t do it often, just enough that he think he’s going slightly mad.
And to top it all off there are times were, even though they are not in Wild’s or Wind’s time, a heavy durian or a large coconut would land directly on his head.
Now what would happen if he called Warriors ‘pretty boy’ in front of his fairies? 
“Release the bibbles!” A chorus of fairies screamed.
I was thinking of a story idea that involves Warriors and his twin sister Linkle being turned into infants during the war and I ended up creating headcanon lore about Hylian biology. I had to share it.
You know how newborn kittens and puppies are born blind and deaf and stay that way for a while? I kind of basically did the same things with Hylians but only the deaf part. Newborn Hylians are born deaf with their ears curled in on themselves. As the baby grows up, they slowly get their hearing until they’re about six months old, although sometimes it can take up to a year, when they can fully hear. Their ears uncurl at roughly the same rate as their hearing but not always.
If only I was an artist then I would sketch this. It would be so cute!
Albino!Warriors Headcanons: Part 1 of Many
Since many people are posting their LU Warriors headcanons today, I decided to post this thing today. Headcanons of LU Warriors/Hyrule Warriors Link being born an albino and about his life. I will try to be as medically accurate as possible but since I’m not an albino or know anyone who is, I will probably be at times wrong. You can thank @sirassban for the idea of Wars being an albino. For my sanity, he is called Link for the most part. When I get the LU parts, he will be called Warriors.
There will be a lot of info because I like to info dump. I never seem to be able to write a story though.
Link has OCA1 which means he has reduced production of melanin in his skin, hair, and eyes. And by reduced, I mean barely any
Despite the common belief that albinos have red eyes, he actually has purple eyes. This is due to the fact that the only pigment he has is a tiny bit of blue in his eyes which due to lighting, causes his eyes to appear as purple
Mostly due to his white hair, people assume he has Sheikah ancestry. He and Linkle aren't completely sure on that to due to the fact their biological father was abandoned as a baby in an orphanage before being adopted by a noble family
The only reason he was able to get into the army was because he lied, saying his hair and skin was due to Sheikah ancestry. He would have been disqualified from joining immediately if they had known he was an albino (Having albinism disqualifies you from joining the US military, so I am basing Hylian/Hyrulean army on that)
He only got found out when after a battle early in the war, Skeik came to check up on him due to previous incident involving Link hiding a serious stab wound. She found him with second degree sunburns across his shoulders and back. He had ended up losing his shirt earlier due to the fact it caught on fire and never got a replacement until after the battle
Sheik immediately dragged him to the medics where her and Impa (who followed after seeing Link being dragged) learn about his condition from an experienced medic who could tell the difference from Sheikah ancestry and albinism
Impa really chewed out Link. For hiding and lying about his condition, lying to join the army, and of course for not taking care of himself. If he wasn't the Hero and needing him to fight in the war, she would have send him home immediately. She did tell his dad though.
Link's adoptive father is a lieutenant general under Impa's command. He officially adopted Link when he was 16 but fostered him when he was about 14 (the war began a few weeks before his 18 birthday). He didn't know Link was albino bc Link hid that fact, knowing his father would enforced the rules about Albinism in the army. Needless to say, he was not happy to find out about Link's condition.
Link was grounded for a long time. When the Chain meet up, Time and Wind (aka Mask and Tune) asked him if he was still grounded. He refused to answer.
(He is still grounded)
While Toon and Mask are Link's charges, the moment Link's condition was known those two was charged of watching Link to make sure he doesn't hurt himself by forgetting about that fact his skin and eyes are far more sensitive than a normal hylian's.
His fairies, especially Proxi, learn the small signs that Link was overexerting himself. His water fairies help cool him down while his dark fairies create shadows to keep him out of the sun. The others lecture him on not taking care of himself.
Most of his fairies went with him on his adventure with the Chain. Lana created special bottles for them that are basically fairy apartments. Warriors lets them out when they make camp, are at an inn, or a Link's home.
And I'm ending it here. Enjoy these headcanons. I'm making another heacanon post that focuses on Warriors' backstory.
I was not expecting you to draw this. Thank you for your wonderful art!
🤣 Time’s jolt! Fear the leash!
I headcanon that Warriors totally has a magical indestructible child’s leash (via Lana) for Mask and Tune. Twilight couldn’t understood why during LU (he thought Warriors was exasperating about their gremliness) but during HW, he definitely understands.

Oh, Twilight definitely understands, alright (he looked away for FIVE SECONDS-)