The Rose Of Jericho, Desert Bloom Of Abundance
The Rose Of Jericho, Desert Bloom Of Abundance

The Rose Of Jericho is a tumbleweed species that has the ability to help attract abundance & prosperity. This plant also soaks up negative energy in the immediate area so it can be a lovely addition to an altar or placed by the front door as a friendly green greeter.
When you first receive your Rose Of Jericho it will be very dry and shriveled up. Put a tiny amount of water on a plate, just enough that you can place the roots on the bottom of the plant in the water, leave it alone for 24 hours. When you come back your Rose Of Jericho will have brightened and opened up. Take whatever water is left in the bowl after the Rose Of Jericho has had a drink and use that to bless yourself, your family members or as a wash on your altar. Give the Rose Of Jericho a little bit of fresh, clean water to replace what you take.
Make sure that every couple weeks you give the plant about a week without exposure to any water so it can dry out. This species doesn't handle constant moisture very well and the last thing you want is to have to throw this precious plant away because it's covered in mold.-Zwahk (Image from
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On Shadow Work and the Spiritual Emanations and Thoughtforms of Emotions and the Subconscious self
Aspects of the psyche
Shadow work
Subconsciously created thoughtforms
The human mind is a complex organism made of hundreds of intricate components. These components can be thought of as cores of memory and archetypes. We are going to be discussing these archetypes as if they were unique and independent beings or features within one’s psyche; but, it should be noted that this is not intended to be interpreted as literal. This being said, humans as a species tend to place information into a hierarchy, memories included. The subconscious mechanisms that fetch structured information from and write information into memories are these archetypes. If you have not read the work of Carl Jung ( , I advise doing so either before or shortly after reading this article. When it comes to witchcraft, there are only 3 of the Jungian archetypes that are predominant: The Shadow, Persona, and Anima/Animus.
This post is in no way an implication that shadow work is necessary to practice witchcraft.
The shadow
This archetype is the subconscious function for dealing with trauma and/or over/under stimulating experiences. The shadow is your mind’s best attempt at managing critical experiential information that the conscious mind would rather not process directly because of its complexity or emotional effects.
The Persona
This archetype is the aspect of the self that is a projection of what we think others would want to perceive us as. The persona is the mind’s best tool for social adaptation. It regularly stores and recalls the behaviors, body and facial languages of those around you and then projects them on to yourself in moments when you desire a sense of community.
The Anima & Animgus
The current structure and interpretation of this archetype is a little outdated in my opinion. However, it does have some validity for psychological applications. This archetype, at least where the current depiction is useful, is the mind’s process of gathering and projecting information about gender, sex, identity, and reproduction. It manages this subconscious information to find a mate, sexual partner, life partner, and self identity.
Shadow Work
It is important to note that Carl Jung is not the inventor of shadow work, and nor did he contribute anything significant; however, he did give us some english terminology to use when discussing it. Shadow work as a concept originated in several indigineous cultures in the Americas, as well as several Indian and African traditions. It is important that we do not allow mysticism and psychology to be white washed, so I recommend trying to do further research into the cultures that Jung borrowed ideas from (South America, North/Central Africa, India).
When it comes to shadow work, we don’t solely deal with the Shadow archetype, we deal with the persona and the anime*1 as well. Shadow work isn’t a solely magical practice, and includes going to therapy, self care, and psychiatry. Magical shadow work is based around the idea that our psyche can be and is affected by magic. There are a plethora of approaches to magical shadow work, while there are definitely some things you should avoid.
When performing shadow work magically, do not treat the shadow as if it were a separate entity from you. It may appear to be evil to you at times, it may house some of your worst traits, but all attempts to remove it will:
a)not work.
b)be temporary fixes at most.
c)likely result in the creation of a thoughtform.
This also applies to aspects of the Persona. Trying to magically will away behavioral traits will most likely result in the creation of a thoughtform. There are workarounds, but most of them revolve around actually going to therapy and speaking to a licenced professional. There are also bindings, which do not remove behavioral traits, but rather prevent them from happening while accepting that they do exist as part of you. If you are unfamiliar with bindings and how they operate I recommend checking out this article. (
When working within the psyche magically, it is important that your aim is resolute. The scope of the work is only limited by your understanding of your own psyche and your self awareness. This is why so many guides and articles about shadow work are mostly depictions of mediations.
To begin performing magical shadow work, one must first gain awareness of themself. This is best done through meditations and thought experiments. Start off by entering a calm state and rotate your focus inwards, without focusing on anything at all. Then, once a comfortable level of presence in the self is reached, begin cycling through memories starting with the oldest one you can manage. Pay attention to how you processed the information and experiences you were presented with. How did you compartmentalize those experiences and how did it impact your future behavior? Doing this repeatedly will slowly build an image of your shadow and persona to work with when you are ready to do an actual casting. When it comes to casting shadow work spells, there are a few options: bindings, reinforcements, glamours, cleansing, and warding.
Thoughtforms are entities that are created through artifice, though they can be created accidentally or unintentionally. Thoughtforms are sometimes confused with the Buddhist term, “Tulpa” which, by definition and application is barely even comparable. Thoughtforms are entities that are programmed to perform a specific function or a small set of functions. It is possible for one to create a sentient thoughtform, however the amount of experience, time, focus, and effort required is vastly greater. Building a simple thoughtform requires only an anchor of some kind as well as a dedicated space and time. If the thoughtform is to have a body or form, it is highly recommended to possess at least a basic understanding of energy work- specifically about creating energetic constructs.
To begin creating a thoughtform, it is best to start by sitting down and planning on paper its function(s), appearance, limitations, restrictions, a name, and an anchor sigil. Once you’ve thoroughly planned out the thoughtform, energetically create it’s form. This can be done through visualization, however using actual astral senses for the energetic process would be more effective. Once you have created its form, it must be maintained while you imprint its programming into it. A method I like to use for this step is to stream energy into my head through the right temple, while meditating on the thoughtform’s functions, then pulling it out of the left temple before installing it into the form. This may take up to a couple hours to complete and may require starting over if focus is broken. It is important that you have the anchor sigil dedicated to memory, so that the image of it can be implanted as well. It is recommended that the sigil only be physically created a singular time, that way it is easier to destroy the thought form later on. It may also be beneficial to anchor the energetic form of the entity into a physical object made of glass or metal.
If you ever decide to destroy your thoughtform, you must destroy the anchor sigil and then work towards forgetting its name as well as its entire existence. Thoughtforms are primarily fed by the creator’s attention and interaction to it, but this isnt always the case. If the thoughtform is anchored into a piezoelectric crystal, then that anchor can be placed under pressure to keep the thoughtform alive. If the thoughtform you wish to destroy is anchored energetically to an object, then the object must be put through a banishing before cleansing it completely.
Thoughtforms are useful for applications in warding, divination, and spiritwork. They can also be used to deliver information, spells and protections to others. All that is required is a specific functionality.
Subconsciously created thoughtforms (AKA Tulpa* in closed Buddhist and Taoist traditions.)
In instances of trauma or emotional hypertension, it is possible for the mind to create a thoughtform as a way to expel an emotion, experience, or memory from the mind. These thoughtforms typically are bound to whatever object the creator is latching onto for comfort. What differentiates these entities from intentionally created ones is that they don't have an initial form, rather they develop one as time passes. A lot of the time, these entities can manifest as emotional echoes (what most ghost encounters actually are) and will live on well past it’s progenitor.
When performing shadow work, it is important not to try to eject or remove aspects of the self, as doing so may generate a thoughtform; it also wouldn’t achieve an actual removal of that aspect. Thoughtforms created subconsciously or as a result of internal rejection of aspects of the self typically take on the traits and behaviors associated with the experience tied to that aspect. They also tend to have limitations that are also tied to these experiences. As an example, if a child were to be terrified of the dark, and consistently left alone in the dark, that child could create a thoughtform whose purpose is to instill fear. However its limitation would be tied to the child’s subconscious desire to be safe and would very likely not be able to do any harm to the child; and may even try to protect them in moments of strife. If this child were to have a stuffed animal, then this thoughtform would bind itself to this object, as it would be the closest thing to the child that regularly receives attention.
When dealing with banishing a subconsciously created thoughtform, the same steps must be taken; however, this can be extremely difficult, especially if the creator has been dead for a while, due to the anchor being unknown. If the anchor is unknown then a standard area banishing is recommended, followed by cleansing. Afterwards, if the entity is still present do not pay it any attention. Actively ignore it and never speak of it again. If after a few weeks it is still present, a spacial exorcism is definitely recommended.
If you have any further questions, click here.

Milky Way and Mount Shasta, United States
How heart attacks are caused.
Heart attacks are serious emergencies when the blood supply leading to the heart is blocked. IF this problem ever occurs it must be treated straight away with no hesitation. This is usually caused by a blood clot in the artery, blocking all of the blood and oxygen from getting to the heart. To prevent the blood and oxygen from arriving at the heart, 1 of the plaques bursts open, causing a blood clot to happen in the same site where the plaque had ruptured. The clot could force the blood to stop flowing through the veins and make it unable to go through and get oxygenated, meaning if the blood cannot reach the heart it will not be oxygenated, and a heart attack will occur. Symptoms of a heart attack Chest pains are a very common symptom of this disease, a feeling of tightness and heaviness upon your chest is a common sign, especially if it is reaching from the middle of your chest to under each arm. If there is a pain in the arms this may be another sign, it is usually the left arm that has the pain, as it is closer to the heart than the right arm. The reason there could be a pain in the left arm is if the plaques have popped in the veins that are starting from the left arm, leading towards the heart. If you have also been feeling lightheaded and dizzy this may also be a sign, it may feel as if the whole room around you is constantly spinning and giving you dizziness. The dizziness may be very major, major enough to make you fall to the ground and give you a feeling of unconsciousness as if you are drunk. Another sign is if you have been sweating more than usual if you are sweating more than usual and also getting sweatier by using less effort with what you are doing this can be another signal that you are reaching this disease. Shortness of breath will be a symptom; every person with any type of symptoms will have this symptom without any doubt.
They will realize they will lose their stamina quickly and they will lose their breath control after less effort being put into the activity they are doing, if they were doing this without symptoms of a heart attack they would have more control. Naseousness is another sign, you can feel this at any time, and it can strike you at random times. It can also be common that you feel this while eating, brushing your teeth, or just having anything in your mouth. This will mean you will also vomit a lot. Anxiety. Anxiety is a very important symptom, if you are always feeling stressed, this can be a very big sign. Anxiousness is always a big signal that ahead of you there is a heart attack waiting for you. If you are panicking over small events that you usually would be able to handle easily, there could be unfortunate events waiting for you. If you have any of these symptoms and you are worried that you may be having a heart attack, speak to a doctor as soon as possible. How to prevent a heart attack One way to prevent yourself from receiving a heart attack is to quit smoking. If you smoke there is a high chance that you could have a heart attack or any other disease. If someone in your household smokes, encourage them to quit immediately to save them from the risks as well as you. A healthy diet is a great weapon to use while fighting against this disease, if you keep a balanced food plan, there is a high chance you can save yourself from this disease. Choose nutritious food over unhealthy food, it is important to eat food that keeps your vitamins up. Emphasize fruits and vegetables, they are the healthiest choices. They can keep you away from having a heart attack and improve your lifestyle, away from obesity. Lower high blood pressure. Take your medicines prescribed by your doctor every day and make sure your blood pressure is as low as possible. Another important way to prevent, this is by being physically active every day. Keep a plan to try and fit in 150 minutes of exercise, anything that is good for you, as long as you don’t overdo it and pull a muscle or leave with an injury. One thing you should aim for is weight loss, this does not mean eating less, but it does not mean overeating either, it means that you should keep everything high in nutrition and vitamins, and then you will watch your weight slowly go down to where it needs to be. Managing diabetes, the insulin in your body could affect your heart, 68% of people with diabetes died of a heart attack over the age of 60, this doesn’t mean that you have to be over 60 to have this problem but at any age, you must be very careful and try to avoid as much as you can. Reduce stress, you may have a very healthy lifestyle but if you have a lot of stress you can easily have a heart attack. You need to stay away from stress as much as you can, it is more harmful than you may think. Limit alcohol, drinking alcohol increases blood pressure and is even more dangerous for people who have cancer. If you drink alcohol, limit your daily dose to 2 glasses a day, this is enough to keep you away from a heart attack and many other diseases. It is better that you completely quit drinking as it is very dangerous and could not only give you a heart attack but many other diseases that may be even more deadly than a heart attack. If you are looking for a medicine that you can use to prevent a heart attack, Antiplatelet (Aspirin) is the best option. They help to stop dangerous blood clots from forming. This can stop heart attacks from happening. After you have a heart attack, you will likely be in hospital for 3-5 days more, so that the doctors can make sure that your blood pressure is at the correct level and that you are fine to be discharged. Some people can also develop other conditions, their blood levels could rise again; however, they can be treated with insulin.
Here’s your cuteness of the day.
My Migration Part 1
I have been silent for the last few months because so much has been happening to me. Have So much to share, so many variations of my truths. Many that I like to share and so many that show how ugly I am too.
First I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU! Thank you for still being here! reading my life's journey and stories that I express with you.

Secondly, I would also like to state that more stories are here to come.
For the last two or so months. I have been in the mode of should I stay or should I go. I Currently reside in a shore lined Studio apartment here in Yonkers. With very nice amenities. In my unit I have a washer and dryer as well, a garbage disposal. One I use very often and a Dish washer that I have yet to touch. I pay for water and I never wanted to be tempted and or pay a very high water bill. I spike it often by washing loads and loads of laundry and lengthy showers.
When I returned home from my deployment, I had a need, a wanting a hunger to be with nature and to be a lone. I was always surrounded by people. But! mostly people who didn't get me or that were not my type of people. Add on to that, a base where I'm in the middle of no where. Just sand and the hot sun. Along a sea of people who burn when the planet faces the sun. it's always something that was bothering me. Always something that effected me. If it wasn't a micro aggression, It was a macro one.
For the sake of not repeating myself. I choose to live here in Yonkers because I felt that It was time to leave. Time to be free and branch out from the city and see what else my state had to offer. Even though It's just over a bridge or two. Now a year and a few months have gone and I have to leave. I have a hand of good times and a lot of rough ones. No bad, after all, all things are bout perspective. Right!?
I'm in a bit of a bind and this is the real reason as to why I am moving. I am short on funds and have to figure out how to manage my life. However the conclusion that I have come to is to just leave! Move with a bow of grace and probably rent a room . Not only am I having financial issues. I can't afford the new rates that have been set for where I live. Do I feel safe here!? That would be a relatively yes. Am I at peace when I come home to rest me head, no! And that has much to do with my surrounding environment. Commonly called, my neighbors. The building is made of wood and not concrete. Which I have to tell you is absolutely madding. I hate that I can hear them breath through their feet. The sound quality of the building is terrible. I never thought that in my many years of living. Sound would be the one thing to annoy me the most as an adult.
The sound quality is so bad that when I see people in the building looking to rent I tell them the absolute truth. Without omissions, Unlike what happened to me when I signed my lease. Other than the sound quality. I have to say I like that it's not 10,000 people or so who live here. Just a few hundred. There are two gyms and not everyone uses them. But! The pool, the pool it’s always full. There I stay away, besides the pool is shallow. If you were to look at me you can tell I need something big and something deep. Shallow was never my for take.
With all this said and done. I just need to figure out what my next move is going to be. I greatly dislike they they hav e placed me in this position. I mean aren’t they getting enough money with me being in the unit. I have to say this greed is so annoying. Like I’m already paying this money. I strive to not be a petty practitioner. But! I feel I need to cast against them. His response when I told him what I’m now sharing with you guys was that, “ He needed to put the unit for market value” I just gave home the saltiest look. Like you’re already getting paid!!!! His other response was “If I were to bring in someone new, I would market the unit at $2.200” that’s a big difference. Not to mention living here feels as if I’m paying a mortgage. This is super inconvenience.
To be continued……….