dream-wrecker-blog - Words Are But A Dream
Words Are But A Dream

Relatable realities

136 posts

Dream-wrecker-blog - Words Are But A Dream - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago
11 months ago
Inner, Acrylic Painting By Nickbleb

Inner, acrylic painting by nickbleb

11 months ago
dream-wrecker-blog - Words Are But A Dream
1 year ago
I Love It When Spider People..

i love it when spider people…..

prints + merch + commission info

1 year ago
Theestallion: Bucciarati HOTTIE
Theestallion: Bucciarati HOTTIE
Theestallion: Bucciarati HOTTIE
Theestallion: Bucciarati HOTTIE

theestallion: Bucciarati HOTTIE 🔥🔥🔥

1 year ago

Daniel channeling Mystique! 💙💙💙💙

1 year ago

The Woman Behind The World’s Most Famous Tarot Deck Was Nearly Lost In History

The Woman Behind The Worlds Most Famous Tarot Deck Was Nearly Lost In History

For centuries, people of all walks of life have turned to tarot to divine what may lay ahead and reach a higher level of self-understanding.

The cards’ enigmatic symbols have become culturally ingrained in music, art and film, but the woman who inked and painted the illustrations of the most widely used set of cards today – the Rider-Waite deck from 1909, originally published by Rider & Co. – fell into obscurity, overshadowed by the man who commissioned her, Arthur Edward Waite.

The Woman Behind The Worlds Most Famous Tarot Deck Was Nearly Lost In History

Now, over 70 years after her death, the creator Pamela Colman Smith has been included in a new exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York highlighting many underappreciated artists of early 20th-century American modernism in addition to famous names like Georgia O’Keeffe and Louise Nevelson.


1 year ago
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care
Handle With Care

Handle with care

1 year ago

Storm in 2023

Storm In 2023

• Still the Main in Lead in X-men Red, the best written X-book. Storm ended Brand's attempts to colonize Planet Arrakko, successfully whooped Charles ass after he invaded her mind and banned him from Arakko, became the leader of Genesis opposition in the Civil War for Arrakko's future.

• Led a mini series where she's the Commander of the resistance against Sinisters Empire that lasts centuries. Storm, lives to over a 100 and swallows a solar system sized fortress to weaken Sinister's influence and power in combination of magic and elemental powers. She is then ressurected in further in the future and battles one last time before the future is averted.

• in Immortal X-men where she confronted the Quiet Council with their corruption at Sinister's to encourage a change and later resigns.

• Got a prequel solo

• In a Scarlet Witch back up story, Storm has her magical lineage discussed with the Scarlet Witch herself who notes Storm's magical power and abilities, and Storm consciously casts a spell for the first time.

• Fights Iron Man in a Contest of Chaos and reads him lol She obviously won.

• Features in Immortal Thor, Thor Odinson enlists the "Goddess of Thunder" to help him fight a primordial thunder god. They have a short fight where they both show their power before Storm throws Mjolnir and deems her worthy. The Asgardian power boosts her physical powers and makes her aware of the primordial threat, so she fights alongside his Thor Corps.

A very successful year. I only hope she gets a great writer and artist next year.

1 year ago
dream-wrecker-blog - Words Are But A Dream
1 year ago


1 year ago
Okay, But It Has A Lot Of Pockets! Its So Cool, Right?- Yelena Belova (Black Widow 2021). Who Doesnt

“Okay, but it has a lot of pockets! It’s so cool, right?”- Yelena Belova (Black Widow 2021). Who doesn’t get excited about pockets? Happy Birthday Florence Pugh!

1 year ago
Marvel's Tribute To Keith Giffen
Marvel's Tribute To Keith Giffen

Marvel's tribute to Keith Giffen

1 year ago
This Is The Only Day You Can Reblog This

This is the only day you can reblog this

1 year ago
Your Daily Dose Of Cat Memes

Your daily dose of cat memes

1 year ago

Artificial kidneys for people with kidney failure may be closer than we think

Artificial Kidney Bioreactor Keeps Human Renal Cells Alive in Pigs
GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
Researchers say bioartificial kidney will make treatment for renal disease more effective and more tolerable.

More than 500k people in the US require dialysis every week due to kidney failure. Some of those people are able to receive organ transplants, but the waiting list is incredibly long and only about 20k people receive transplants every year. On top of that, a person's body can reject the transplanted organ, and even if it is successful the patient will have to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their life.

However, scientists at the University of California San Francisco hope that can be changed. They have created a bioreactor, a sort of artificial organ that can safely perform the functions of a kidney. It is connected directly to the blood vessels and veins, allowing passage of nutrients and oxygen like the actual kidney would. This bioreactor was tested using a type of kidney cell called a proximal tubule cell, which regulates water. These cells are encased in a silicon membrane with nanopores, which allows the cells to do their job while preventing the body's immune system from identifying and attacking them. These bioreactors were tested in pigs, and after a week the animals experienced no ill effects or rejection.

The next steps will be expanding to month long trials, and including more different kinds of cells in the reactor to perform more of the kidney's functions. Though this technology is still far from being perfected, this is a huge step in the direction of treating kidney disease far more easily and effectively!

1 year ago
It's My 8 Year Anniversary On Tumblr

It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳

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1 year ago
Willy Pogany (American, 18821955) - Hand To The Stars

Willy Pogany (American, 1882–1955) - Hand to the Stars

1 year ago


Absolutely........ Nothing, nothing is the matter. For the first time in decades I have felt normal!!!! Ok, OK, Ok, I have to admit, with some help of a quarter of a 100 MG eatable. I feel great!!

Today I was not feeling my best. I had been on a CARNIVORE DIET for about a week now.

But!!! I just ended it today. I just dontbhtink that it is for me. I had notice that my poop was very tiny and I looked extra bulky. My breath started stink. And when I sweat, from like walking for a long distance. I smelled like deli meat. "JUST TOO FUCKING GROSE." If I were around the gays, I'm sure some one would have been very turned on.

I say this because when I would take off my clothes at the end of the night to take my nightly shower. I smelled so much like a masculine man. And yes I was turned on my own smell. But! walking around the city and doing my job. I hated how my inwardly smell, smelled. If that makes any sense. Like as if I could smell inside out of myself.

Any who that was not what I went on that diet for. I tried the diet just to see if there were any differences in my social behavior and physical feeling when working out. And yes! There was! I did not feel hungry for most of the day. I did have more energy. However, I have noticed that I have been being more aggressive to people. In stature, conversation and in social cues. Almost as if I'm initiating aggression. I think that eating a high protein diet, did dramatically increased my testosterone levels.

After all, this is how the early man did eat. Wit all that being said I stopped today because I listened to my body and it was craving greens and I just had to listen. I notice that my stomach has gone down and I'm farting a lot more, I'm sorry, I know too much info. However, all of this is a good thing. I think.

Albiet, I have been focused on what It is that I feel that I have been lacking. But! tonight! I feel like I have found a new sight. A new way of looking at the world. And yes! There's some non conventional thing thats helping me view the world in this capacity.

For the last seven years, I have had some what of a sense of normalcy. But I work too much to feel it. But before my current "securing" career, I had been struggling like a ugly bitch tryin to look in the mirror without breaking it. Almost impossible, right? But now a days, they have the confidence of a rhino in a tutu, how? I have no Idea.

Just as crazy as my analogy is, is how I managed to pull some things together. For the longest time, I had struggled with the wave. The wave of couch surfing. Surfing in friends and families houses. Until I Finally listened to what people had to say to me. My Egun!

When I was surfing, I did not have structure. I had no real sleeping schedule. I had no real security in my life. I had to eat until I felt full. I was rocking 3 different pairs of shoes. And these shoes were three different styles. One pair was an everyday wear that no matter what style I Rocked I pulled together. The 2nd pair was an athletic look. A pair I could do some running with but also, had a sporty feel to it. And last but not least was the 3rd pair, which was more of a shoe than a sneaker.

Today, I had pulled together a look that was so simple yet so cute. I wished I had pulled a picture together and snapped a photo of it.



(LEVI'S 36/34)




For me this is all important because I used to be some form of a sex worker. I noticed that most young gays tend to lean in to that life for a little bit because it's a sure way to get your basic needs met! For me, I Had no clue what to do. But I knew that that was one way of getting hat I needed. I did not intend to do it. I literally just happen to do it. I fell in to it.

SO! Me wearing these clothes, help me see, my self progress. When I see these clothes here. I don't see a struggling hungry person. Who’s willing to do some things just so he's not cold or hungry. The world is not nice to young men. It's definitely a dog eat dog world out here. I now wear a 36 waist instead of a 32. I wear a large to an Xtra Large shirt.


I have never been so proud of myself. For those of you who don't understand men sizes. I use to be a size 12 in women jeans and I dropped down to a size 2 going into a zero. Thats how skinny I used to be. People often confused me for a bald headed tranny. Tall skinny and fem. With some meaty parts but mostly bones.

Tonight I felt like a main character. Which fo rme is such a big deal. bevause I had been living my lid=fe like a side character. I should et an award for best supporting role. bevause honey. When I tell you!!!! The way I have been there for so many any bitches.


I have not been this so unbothered since High school. I have money. A bed to rest my head in. Work thats a different kind of danger. And I am well fed. I nothing to bitch or complain about. If I were to take pictures and show you how many clothes I have. How many shoes, bags and regular accessories. You'd think you were in some form of Boutique.

I just wanted to share some things with all of you and get all of this off my chest. It had been so long for me to say, I feel safe now!

I also think that one of the reasons as to why I feel so good is because I am being crowned YEMAYA.

Mother, Ocean Orisha. Even though she is a river deity. We happen to work with her at the oceans here. So if any Nigerians are reading this. lol First off. Hiii, and 2ndly Welcome. 3rdly I'm sorry, I know over here in the States we do things differently than what you guys do over there.

On Nov 15, I am going in. Getting the deed finally started after 15 years of being an apprentice. learning and growing. I too, will now be a full priest OF the religion. And for those of you who don't know. It's Santeria!! "Mafede-Foon Yemaya!!!"

There's just so many good things happening to me in my life. I have to say thank you. Thank you to my spirits. Thank you to the Orisha and thank you to GOD. Thank you ALL. Well. I'ma go tot bed. Good night to all.

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1 year ago

WERKKKKKK the runway...

1 year ago


I say knowing to say when in the tittle because. I'm still learning this. Hopefully you all can get some help from this or even advise me on this too.

When I was a Gaybe = Gay baby. I would use humor to have people over look my homosexuality. It was my way of feeling safe in other peoples presence. Little did I know there was no such thing. I have learn that they just tolerated me. A feeling I wish on no one. A feeling of, I'm only here because you feel like dealing with me at this moment. I bring this up because of the first valuable life lesson that I learned was. To not allow my loyalty to enslave me.


What I have noticed about myself is that. I like to stick with what I know and with what I am comfortable with. And part of that for me is loyalty. It's a quality I truly value in people. Something I was shown very little of as a child and in my early 20's.

I noticed that I was a giver. I would give my time. My energy, my love. My. Almost everything. To me, this was being loyal. What I had not known was that I lacked boundaries. I lacked self awareness and self love. You see my mother since the age of 8 has been telling me that she could not wait until I was 18, so she could kick me out. That I was a problem child and what not. I use to feel bad about being male. She would get mad at me for not doing traditional male things but she pushed men out of my life. So how was I supposed to do. How was I supposed to KNOW!!!

Little did she know, I knew. That she was not really mad at me. But mad at my father. I looked just like him! I looked like a spitting image of that man. For that I believe she did not want me or love me the way I needed to be. Because of what ever issues those two had with one another.

I also know that my father was a whore. I mean, I cant blame him. He was handsome as fuck. Still kind of is. My father is a quarter french a quarter Puerto Rican and fifty percent Blacktino. My father is a sexy pasty man. lol When people look at me they think I'ma mulato. Part Black and part White. No latino, but there are those of us who can Identify me. Which always made me feel good about myself.

So going back into this " SAY WHEN!" Business. These experiences that I had. With my mother and the guest appearances from my father. Has let me know how much value I had to them. This is how, in my opinion, children start to form their Identities. Thus, where Loyalty has become a pillar I look for in other people.

However, what I lacked and were cracks, created in this pillar was "CONSISTENCY." Can you continue to be a loyal person to me. On this journey, I looked for love of a mother and love from friends. And I had found it. Or so I thought........ to be continued!!!

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1 year ago
Heat Wave Special

Heat Wave Special

1 year ago

Who KNEW!?

So I just had found out that Bumble bee have five eyes. Thats fucking crazy!

So like I start most of my mornings. I wake up to the the blaring sound of my phone alarm. Which I do believe adds to my stress of not being my full self. Oh how I miss not having any responsibilities. I wish I could share the boat load of things with a person who loves me.

I phrase my statement this way because there are so many people who fake being in love. i just rather have people love me way more than I love them.

I'm a good guy, but not a nice person. And no! I will not elaborate nore explain. It takes so much from me being responsible. I fucking hate it. But! When I'm not in a leadership position or have anything to do. I feel as if I'm supposed to be doing something. I feel so weird about it.

Who KNEW!?

Any who, I happen to wake up because of my alarm and wanted to paint something. I have a tattoo that I'm getting on the 6th of this month. it's gonna be pretty. I'm having flowers and all sorts of pretty things. I'm getting a garden on my arm. So one of the things a garden has are insects. Wiyh all of thi being said. I was watching garden videos so I could get a better idea of what should be in my tattoo.

and boom! I see this awesome garden video and the gardener, zoom into a close up of the bee. and I was like ughhhh!!! What the fuck! Is tat a mutant bee? and nope! Its a normal bee. They do not just have two really big eyes, they also have 3 tiny ones.

This is how surprised I was about there eyes.

This makes me sad because, now, when I look at them. They look like spiders. And in my head spiders look FUCKIN ugly. and now I have these crazy ass looking creatures on my arm. It's a fucking lie, A lie I tell you. A lie, I just wanted to vent about how all my life, I have loved these creatures... and they, they..... they look nothing like how I thought them to be. I mourn fo my memories.

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1 year ago
Todays Sentiment Brought To You By Our Residency Psychiatrist.

Today’s sentiment brought to you by our residency psychiatrist.