dreamerfms - head in the clouds
head in the clouds

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Dreamerfms - Head In The Clouds - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
" Okay, And What's Your Point ? Surely You Can Pick Up On Peoples Auras, You Know, Their Vibe ? I Know

" okay, and what's your point ? surely you can pick up on peoples auras, you know, their vibe ? i know i don't radiate any kind if ill intent. i'm as positive as they come. " if there's one thing about noa, it's that she'll somehow manage to find an argument to everything. a talent, some might say. " you chakra could use some clearing, honestly. maybe you should look into that. it could give you a clearer perspective. " her eyes roll, and it's not subtle. " don't get all scientific on me, i'm fully aware that your heart is the organ that keeps you alive, but come on, do you really think that's the only reason we're given one ? people literally die of heartbreak. that's the power of the human heart and how deeply it can feel for another person. " she smiles again, like she knows something no one else does. and she doesn't, either, not really. " so your missing a few talents, big deal. i'll tell you one major thing you both have in common, and that's how utterly uncompromising you are. "

"just A Reminder-- I Don't Really Know You, So How Am I Meant To Know What Your Intentions Are?" He's

"just a reminder-- i don't really know you, so how am i meant to know what your intentions are?" he's deflecting, trying to make it a noa problem instead of an apollo problem. he's been paired off numerous times since he was eleven, whether it be with dance partners or girlfriends, but they all had a ninety-nine percent fail rate. besides, he's not really interested in sharing his life story with NOA BRAUNSTEIN of all people. the girl who couldn't seem to leave things alone. let her catch wind of his history and he fears he'd never hear the end of it. "and you know what? my heart does just what i need it to do. pump blood around my body and keep me alive." he couldn't ask for much more than that. "i believe my mother was going for the whole MUSIC AND DANCE aspect of him more than anything else." perhaps love could be his weakness, if he believed he'd ever felt it. "not really good at archery or poetry, so, him and i don't really have that much in common."

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5 months ago
She Knows It's True, Almost Feels Bad Questioning It At All. He Has No Reason To Lie To Her, Isn't The

she knows it's true, almost feels bad questioning it at all. he has no reason to lie to her, isn't the type to make empty reassurances. but sometimes she needs it. not often, not always with words, but sometimes. over the years there'd been a lot of growth within her, a lot of hiding behind a perfectly curated confident disguise. but beneath the surface was still a girl who'd spent so many years of her life being told that if she didn't almost destroy herself trying to be the best, she could easily be replaced. it's why she doesn't know half efforts, doesn't know how to partake in something without leaving a tiny little piece of her soul in it. and maybe that's the reason she feels so vastly incomplete. but he looks at her and it's like he sees her, really truly sees her. nova thinks he might just be the only person who ever has. how do you not cling to that ? " they won't get the chance to, " she insists, as if it's known fact. if he's forced to retire first she isn't sure what it'll mean for her, but it certainly won't be paired dancing. " i don't trust anyone else, " and she doesn't just mean in the world of ballet, but that she keeps to herself, " i only trust you. " he full names her and her smile grows, soft laughter sounded. but it threatens to catch in her throat when he leans in close, and she couldn't tare her gaze away even if she wanted to. " oh, you're full naming me now ? it must be serious, " she teases, and she dares for a moment to leans in further, let her forehead press against his for a few fleeting moments. it's supposed to be a playful move, but she feels betrayed by the way her heart rattles in her chest like a bird trapped in a cage, desperate to be set free. but again, it's pushed down. forces herself to keep her eyes on his despite the split second temptation to glance down to his lips. " i believe you, and i promise i'll never doubt you again. " with the words out, she pulls back. not too much but enough to ease some of the tension that she's convinced is only felt by her. " and what version of you do i get then if not the beast ? " there's a brief pause. " because you're stuck with me long past then. "

Apollo Rolls His Eyes As Nova Seems To Dismiss His Comment. He Knows Her Well Enough To Know She Struggles

apollo rolls his eyes as nova seems to dismiss his comment. he knows her well enough to know she struggles with her confidence and the relationships she builds, but he'd hope that by now, she'd know him well enough to know he doesn't say things he doesn't mean. one thing apollo was really good at was KEEPING HIS MOUTH SHUT, so the idea that he'd lie, even to make her feel better, was almost insulting. he waves it off with his hand. "don't start that-- when have i ever told you something i didn't fully believe? in fact, some have called me too honest." perhaps he had enough arrogance for the two of them, because the next words to leave his lips are: "oh, i know. god bless the man who tries to take my spot next to you on stage." it's not even his fault. this many years in, he's seen nova attempt to dance with different partners, and it's never worked out. whether she'd like to admit it or not, she clearly found it EASIER to be with him as well.

"novella campbell," he starts, leaning in so their foreheads are mere inches apart. he makes sure he's looking into her eyes before speaking. "my life is EASIER because you are in it, and you'd really be pulling the rug out from under me if you left it." at the end of the day, nova was the only person outside of his family who really knew what was going on within his family. apollo didn't even want it that way, but when his mother came to surprise him at a performance, there was no avoiding the subject. nova had recognized her immediately for who she was-- song na-ri, esteemed dancer of her time and not the mother of apollo fairbanks. just the look on nova's face when she'd connected the dots was etched into apollo's memory. he felt he had no choice but to come clean. now, he can't imagine nova leaving his life. he had been open with her, and she had made it easy. she listened, she seemed to understand, and she didn't judge. why test the universe by admitting it again when he'd already hit the jackpot of responses? "you hear me? this beast is yours until his retirement."

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5 months ago

" we should go thrifting one day, " noa chimes, bright smile. because of course she planned another shopping trip whilst already on one. " you don't feel as guilty if you buy a lot because it always costs way less, and honestly i've found some amazing pieces. i've narrowed down all the best spots. the earlier the better too, first come first find and all. " she wasn't above reused fashion, often that's where she found the best vintage pieces. talk of sweatpants has her nodding. it's rare of her to be seen in them, but that doesn't mean she doesn't own any. she does. too many, if anything. naturally. " can i make a confession ? " tone lowers and she leans in, as if it's some big secret. " one of my favourite things to wear are my juicy couture tracksuits. if i'm lounging at home not in my pj's ? that's what i'm wearing. and i know some people find them tacky now, but i love them. they make me feel like i'm transported back to the early 2000's watching the simple life on my couch. " iconic if you ask her. smile grows, always happy to hear that life is going well for someone. of course, she loves to hear about peoples romantic lives, but if she's aware of one thing it's that a career and good friends are just as important, and alyssa sound blessed in both aspects. " trust me, the right one will come along. i know it. the worlds just waiting for the right time to send them in. or who knows, maybe they're already here and you just haven't realized it yet. " the brunette ponders the returned question for a moment before shrugging, slight shake of her head. " nope. i mean, i've had some date offers, but you know when you just . . . know it's not it ? " eyes light up when she spots a pair of winter boots, excited gasp as she reaches out to inspect them. " oh my god, are those the knitted atomic boots ? i need. do you have them in any other colours ? "

" We Should Go Thrifting One Day, " Noa Chimes, Bright Smile. Because Of Course She Planned Another Shopping

alyssa could take it too far sometimes when she went shopping. there were plenty of times when she left stores with bags upon bags of clothes and accessories that was barely needed. but did she go ahead and do it anyway? of course. it was alyssa they were talking about here. and it was easy enough to get what it was that she needed; especially now that she worked in fashion. " yeah... not the greatest of ideas i've had. it's just needed. especially when you know you need something and you can't exactly put it back on the rack. i've learned not to do as much impulse shopping as i used to. " it used to be bad but overtime she felt as though she had gotten just a tad bit better with it.

" my favorite thing is expressing myself through fashion. do i want to just wear my sweats most of the time and nothing else? i think everyone does. but that's mostly when i don't have to go to work and can just spend the day asleep in my apartment. " the blonde smiles as the brunette links her arms with her own. " oh yes! well, life is pretty good. i have a job that i love and friends that keep me busy. but as for anyone special in it right now? no, i can't really say that there is but i'm holding out hope that maybe there will be someone one of these days. and you? anyone you've got your eyes set on these days? "

Alyssa Could Take It Too Far Sometimes When She Went Shopping. There Were Plenty Of Times When She Left

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5 months ago

there’s something endearing about how serious she takes cleaning — like it’s an art form. to him it's just another thing that needs to be done. he almost wishes it was a fun task for him, but it's simply not. " you're telling me all this time i've been using fancy products and all i really needed was some vinegar and citrus fruit ? " he sinks back, impressed look upon his face. " usually i would say there's no need, but i'm sensing this is fun for you. so if you want to, i could absolutely pay you to clean my countertops. " it somehow sounds like some weird inuendo, but he means it quite literally.

Theres Something Endearing About How Serious She Takes Cleaning Like Its An Art Form. To Him It's Just

cleaning and being tidy certainly was time consuimg. and laila took it very seriously. especially because of the fact that she liked for her apartment and things to be done a certain way. taking the time to do things correctly was something she took great pride in. " are you saying that you need help cleaning your countertops? because i could do it. " she leans in close to be able to share the secret with him. " this isn't top secret at all. all it is, is vinegar and lemon juice. and let me tell you! it works absolute wonders!"

Cleaning And Being Tidy Certainly Was Time Consuimg. And Laila Took It Very Seriously. Especially Because

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5 months ago

he's quick to feign insult, hand coming up to his chest as though wounded. but the smile on his face that refuses to shift betrays the act. " low-grade, huh ? and here i was thinking i had a fallback career once i get too old to compete. guess i'd better find a new hobby fast. do my vocals fair any better than my comedy ? " no, the answer is most definitely not. but it had never stopped him from belting out songs in the car with her beside him, or getting up on stage at karaoke night to preform what likely to everyone else, was a cheesy duet. to them, it was fun. sometimes he thinks the most fun he's ever had was the time he spent with celeste. truly the most relaxed version of himself, the result of growing so comfortable with someone you didn't see the need to be anything other than yourself. when the food is passed to him, he looks down and smiles. comfort felt instantly. " i didn't clear my schedule for the food, " he states, glancing up, " this is just a bonus. " he begins to eat, enjoying every mouthful. " i'll take you out, " nods, tries to conceal the way he wants to beam. though he still fully plans to cook for her another time too. effort made should be reciprocated. he lifts his plate and without much thought, makes his way to her. and again, he doesn't think as he leans down to press a kiss to her cheek, an act he'd done a hundred times before, though granted then she was his girlfriend. " thank you, " he reiterates, wants her to know he's grateful she took the time. when he pulls back, he clears his throat. sudden realization that perhaps he shouldn't have done that. but friends could kiss their friends on the cheek, right ? he moves past her, cleans off his plate. isn't long before he's coming back behind her, careful now to leave a small distance as he attempts to read her. " movie ? we both know we'll talk through it anyway. may as well be comfy doing it. "

He's Quick To Feign Insult, Hand Coming Up To His Chest As Though Wounded. But The Smile On His Face

celeste lingers in the moment between her question and his answer, heat beat hitching in anticipation. it was normal to want your friends to miss you, wasn't it ? she assured herself that it was, smile growing at his 'always,' chest warming as she chose to ignore all of their previous implications of the word. "exactly," she hums in agreeance, "if it weren't for me you'd never have a chance at being a low grade comedian !" laughter had always been the basis of their friendship, something letty cherished deeply. if there was ever a time she needed to unwind, forget herself, and have a laugh, she knew she could always turn to kyro ( even if most of his offerings were corny dad jokes ). there wasn't a world where celeste could imagine herself giving that aspect up, her comfort personified. "no need to thank me," she waves him off, "i have to cook a feast, otherwise what would you be clearing your busy, busy schedule for ?" the meal she's made is simple enough, beef bulgogi with brown rice, and cabbage leaves on the side. she takes her time divvying up the portions, being sure to give kyro less rice and more beef. her brow arches, pushing his plate across the counter to him. "in the spirit of being fair," she's smirking, not backing away from his presence and noting the ways he's finding time to spend with her. "i guess you could cook me dinner. unless you were offering to take me out ?" she hears how it sounds right away, diverting herself by picking at her food. "you know i'll never say no to a free meal," cleaning it up, she nods beyond the kitchen. "couch, or table ? we feeling movie or chatty tonight ?"

Celeste Lingers In The Moment Between Her Question And His Answer, Heat Beat Hitching In Anticipation.

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5 months ago

she nods, leaves the conversation there. other topics now in discussion are much more interesting. sometimes she simply can’t help herself in a back and forth to argue a point, but never truly means to come off the wrong way. “ ooh, sushi. nice. i haven’t had good sushi in such a long time. you suddenly have me craving a spicy tuna roll. i might have to order some. what’s your favourite ? ”

She Nods, Leaves The Conversation There. Other Topics Now In Discussion Are Much More Interesting. Sometimes

"Really? I thought they were just beefy guys the owners hired randomly," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders. She hadn't really put too much deeper thought into that whole process, but she supposed it made sense. Still, she wasn't thinking too deeply about the bouncer or his job or any of it really. "I haven't really decided yet. Maybe I'll go bother my best friend and get some sushi or something."

"Really? I Thought They Were Just Beefy Guys The Owners Hired Randomly," She Admitted, Shrugging Her

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5 months ago

kyro snorts, holds back his laughter. " pulp, huh ? " a brow shoots up, and he can't help the urge to be exactly what he's supposed to be, and that's an annoying older brother. he'll support his siblings all day long, believe in them fully, but that in no way means he's above teasing them. " that's big talk for someone who's punch feels like air. are you actually planning on using your muscles anytime soon ? " with those words he moves his hands in a extra slow-motion swing, no intention of any real impact. instead he grins as he presses his fingertip to her forehead, give a slight nudge. " come on, get mad. and rotate your hips, " he insists, slight demonstrates before putting his palms back up, ready for her next punch, " then maybe you'll hit with some real power. "

Kyro Snorts, Holds Back His Laughter. " Pulp, Huh ? " A Brow Shoots Up, And He Can't Help The Urge To

she can't help but hum the tune as she repositions herself, shaking off the laughter and putting on her game face. she's determined to throw a better one this time, bouncing on her feet and putting in a little more umph into her next swing. "you're the one that needs a prayer, big brother," she follows it up with another hit, stopping to shake her hand out. even she doesn't believe it as the next words fall from her lips, "your hands are gonna be pulp when i'm finished with you !"

She Can't Help But Hum The Tune As She Repositions Herself, Shaking Off The Laughter And Putting On Her

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5 months ago

he's pleased with the choice, smile evidence of such. belly practically rumbling at the thought. " wings are in my top three foods, ronnie. pizza, wings, and hoagies. and buffalo wings dipped into ranch ? no way i'm swapping that for some measly extra fries. " though he does also love fries. food in general, really. “ i’ve been here for hours and i don’t think we’ve actually caught up with one another yet. what’s new ? ”

He's Pleased With The Choice, Smile Evidence Of Such. Belly Practically Rumbling At The Thought. " Wings

very little greens was an easy enough request, ronnie scrolling through the app as she threw herself into one of the lounge chairs in the center of the room. wings had no greens, so, she decided that would do as she ordered two combos and tossed her phone onto the center table. her feet are being brought up to rest on it as he walks in, head nodding in greeting. "wings and fries," she has a triumphant smile, "i hope you like buffalo. if not, i'll gladly take them off of your hands. maybe you can have some of my fries as collateral."

Very Little Greens Was An Easy Enough Request, Ronnie Scrolling Through The App As She Threw Herself

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5 months ago

her smile is bright as celeste's words sink in, subtle squeeze of her hand making her heart overly happy. in life, girlfriends were everything. and as much as she craved a love to rival all the greats, having a solid group of friends was equally as important to her. platonic love something to be equally as celebrated. " you're not, that's the point. when it's the right one will never feel like you're settling. they'll be like — like your best friend, with extra benefits. " noa sinks back as letty does, drinking up all the information she's been given. " endearing awkward can be cute, i agree. and time usually helps shift that. and suggesting a picnic date ? i like it. shows imitative. " she's about to continue when something is uttered into the universe that has her letting out an excited gasp, eyes alight. in a blink, she's imagining all of the outfit potentials vividly, like her mind stores them away for the right occasion. " you really know how to speak my love language,” she jokes, nodding eagerly. “ first dates with potential deserve a new outfit. and imagine, if it really goes somewhere you have that memory forever. you’ll have the best outfit sunset beach has ever seen. ” a happy sigh is followed by another sip of wine. “ am i fully up-to-date in the world of celeste james, or do you have more to tell me ? i know you must have more than one guy knocking on your door begging for a chance. ”

Her Smile Is Bright As Celeste's Words Sink In, Subtle Squeeze Of Her Hand Making Her Heart Overly Happy.

"honestly, noa, i don't know what i would do without you," her smile softens, hand reaching out to hold the other's for a second. she gives noa's hand a small squeeze, bringing her own back to wipe away an imaginary tear. "when i have girls that talk me up like you, how am i ever supposed to settle ?" celeste was more than thankful for the group of friends she'd found in recent years. they had been largely responsible for the shift in her priorities, reminding her of her worth and giving her a new zest for life. she can't help the grin that spreads across her features at noa's excitement, practically bouncing in her seat. she's leaning back into the sofa, hands covering her face as the wine buzz enhances her coyness. it all felt too good to be true, and she couldn't help but cling on to a bit of reservation. "that's exactly what i was thinking. and who am i to fault a guy for being a little awkward at first ? it was cute, endearing even." she's smiling at the memory, stifling a giggle as she pours herself another glass. "yeah, we're going to the beach for a picnic. his idea, by the way." a devious smile appears on her, an idea brewing that she knew noa couldn't deny. "that means you have to help me shop for a new outfit. i've already worn everything i have, and i will not be outfit repeating for this !"

"honestly, Noa, I Don't Know What I Would Do Without You," Her Smile Softens, Hand Reaching Out To Hold

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5 months ago
 Spirits. Now That Has His Attention. Ace Shakes His Head, Leans Forward To Rest His Chin In The Palm

                spirits. now that has his attention. ace shakes his head, leans forward to rest his chin in the palm of his hand. " nope. never had it. the soaked in spirits part almost makes it sound appealing, but it's cake, so i'm i'm gonna assume it's in no way gonna get me buzzed. therefore, it's kinda pointless. " he keeps listening, look of pure disgust crossing his features when elena reminds him of morning runners. ace is active, fit in his own right, mostly due to the fact that he takes his dog on long walks multiple times a day. but running ? before the crack of dawn ? well, that sounds like pure hell. " someone should really look into these people. i can't be sure, but there's at least a solid 88.8% chance that they may be alien lifeform. " he's deadass serious too, blinks as he tries to imagine getting out of bed before the sun had even decided to wake up. " oh yeah, of course. the question is, are you ? " his hopeful gaze meets theirs, slight hold of his breath in anticipation.

 Theres A Pause In Their Chewing, Looking Towards Ace With A Slightly Narrowed And Confused Gaze. Youve

                there’s  a  pause  in  their  chewing,  looking  towards  ace  with  a  slightly  narrowed  and  confused  gaze.  “  —  you’ve  never  had  fruit  cake  ?  ”  the  question  lingers  momentarily.  “  the  cake  …  with  candied  fruits  and  nuts  …  soaked  in  spirits  ?  ”  a  de  luca  staple  after  their  father  became  obsessed  with  it  during  a  high  profile  case  that  took  place  in  the  united  kingdom.  “  you  don’t  have  to  have  raisins  in  it  …  i  don’t  think.  i’ve  never  had  raisins  in  mine  but  my  siblings  also  hate  the  dried  taste  of  them.  ”  shoulders  shrug  before  taking  a  sip  of  the  warm  coffee  still  sitting  in  her  mug.  “  i’m  sure  some  people  do,  i  mean  those  that  have  adult  jobs  or  those  that  go  running  before  the  sun  comes  up  …  apparently  they  exist.  ”  another  shrug  of  the  shoulders.  “  so  you’re  a  cold  pizza  fan  ?  ”  a  beat,  gaze  staring  at  him  intensely  as  they  wait  for  the  answer.

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5 months ago
Nova Watches Him For A Moment, Eyes Narrowed Ever So Slightly As She Considers His Words. Letting Go

nova watches him for a moment, eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she considers his words. letting go isn't exactly in her wheelhouse. the idea of messing up for fun ? that's about as foreign to her as swimming itself. but dax has a way of talking that makes it all sound so simple, so easy, like none of it could possibly go wrong. besides, she supposed the act of trying alone would be a subtle f-you to her mother, something she finds rather exhilarating at this point in her life. soft smirk soon edges into the corner of her mouth. " do you always talk so poetically ? i'm starting to think you should reconsider your career path, you know. life-coaching may be your real calling, " she teases, tries to distract from the hint of tenseness that lingers in her shoulders. " but okay, i'll bite. but you won't see my laughing off any mistakes because i don't plan on making any. " nova steps closer to the water’s edge, her posture straight and sure, perfected act of confidence so strong even she barely notices the nervousness that lingers beneath. but it's there, like a small wave in her tummy. " so, what's the first step ? " she questions, toe dipping into the water. it feels nice. not too warm, not too cold. just right. with a quiet sigh, she moves further, stops and turns to face him when the water reaches her knees. " is this the part where i flop back, learn how to float ? "

He Leaned Back Against The Weathered Wooden Railing , The Late Afternoon Sun Casting A Warm Glow Over

he  leaned  back  against  the  weathered  wooden  railing ,    the  late  afternoon  sun  casting  a  warm  glow  over  the  water .     his  drawl  rolled  easily  off  his  tongue  as  he  replied ,     “     well ,     sugar ,     it  ain't  just  about  breathin'  and  strength .     it’s  about  lettin’  go  a  little ,     too .     i  promise ,     messin’  up  is  part  of  the  fun     —     like  findin’  a  hidden  treasure  in  a  pile  of  old  junk .    ”     he  could  see  the  playful  smirk  tugging  at  her  lips ,     that  competitive  spark  flickering  in  her  eyes  like  a  flame  eager  to  ignite .     “     and  who  said  i  didn’t  think  you  could  do  it ?     ”     he  continued ,     tilting  his  head  with  a  teasing  grin .    “     i’m  just  tryin’  to  keep  you  from  overthinkin’  every  little  splash  you  make .     the  water’s  meant  to  be  playful ,     not  a  battlefield .     ”     he  stepped  closer ,     his  voice  lowering  to  a  more  earnest  tone ,    “     how  ‘bout  this ?    you  humor  me ,     and  i’ll  make  sure  we  keep  it  fun .     i’ll  guide  you  through  it ,     and  you  can  show  me  how  fiercely  you  can  kick  and  glide .     if  you  mess  up ?     well ,     we’ll  just  laugh  it  off .     life’s  too  short  to  drown  in  perfection .     ”    his  eyes  sparkled  with  mischief  and  warmth ,     inviting  her  to  dive  into  a  new  experience .    “    so ,     whaddaya  say ?     let’s  see  what  kinda  magic  happens  when  you  let  loose  a  little .    ”

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5 months ago
" The One And Only, " He Mockingly Chimes, As If He's Talking About Some Old Friend. And In A Way, It

" the one and only, " he mockingly chimes, as if he's talking about some old friend. and in a way, it feels like he is. insomnia has been a looming shadow for so long it feels like his longest companion. one he never really invites in, yet it always shows up. like some kind of clingy ex who can't take a hint. kai watches her work, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, slouched posture, tired eyes trailing the movements of her hands as she gathers the herbs. it’s kind of impressive, the way she seems to know exactly what he needs with little explanation. " sooner ? ah, come on, where's the fun in that ? relief doesn't feel as good if you don't suffer first, " he responds, typical sardonic humour paired with a half-smile. he notes the soft expression, and it almost threatens to lower his defences, but he isn't so sure how to fully do that anymore. then she mentions talking and he almost laughs. kai isn't known for talking, not about the deep shit anyway. that comes out in his music, in lyrics often so easy to dissect no one ever really does. a talent of his, apparently. to be so obvious it's not obvious at all. " yeah, talking . . . not exactly something i'm known for, is it ? " chuckle is low, huffed out as he reaches to take hold of her concoction. doesn't voice how much he's going to be relying on it. if it brings him even one night of decent sleep, it'll be worth this small moment of vulnerability. " thanks, " adds, genuine curve of his lips as he slips the item into his pocket. " how much ? " card is already being pulled out, gaze diverting slightly. he takes not of how dark it seems to be outside now. " you heading home now ? i can walk you, if you want. 'm already heading that way. " he can mask with sarcasm, a cool exterior. but behind it all there is still some semblance of a good guy. just a lost one.

She Pauses Once She Reaches The Cash Register , A Knowing Look Crossing Her Face As She Listens To Him

she  pauses  once  she  reaches  the  cash  register ,      a  knowing  look  crossing  her  face  as  she  listens  to  him .     the  shop  smells  of  lavender  and  sage ,     the  air  calm  in  contrast  to  the  tension  she  senses  radiating  off  him .     she  straightens ,     giving  him  a  warm  but  slightly  concerned  smile  as  he  admits  his  struggle .     "     insomnia ,     huh ?     "     she  echoes  softly,     wiping  her  hands  on  a  cloth  before  walking  the  isles  quickly  and  grabbing  just  what  she  needed  to  help  him  and  putting  them  in  the  basket  she  picked  up  along  the  way .     “     you  know ,     you  really  should've  come  to  me  sooner ,     ”     she  teases  lightly ,     but  there’s  no  real  reproach  behind  her  words .     she  studies  him ,     her  eyes  sharper  than  her  usual  playful  self ,     catching  the  fatigue  etched  into  his  features .

with  a  hum ,     she  heads  behind  the  counter ,     starting  to  pull  out  jars  of  dried  herbs  and  tinctures  from  the  basket .     "     lucky  for  you ,     i  do  have  something  for  that .     no  smoking  required .     "     her  hands  move  swiftly,     mixing  a  blend  of  valerian  root ,     passionflower ,     and  chamomile ,     setting  it  down  on  the  counter  in  front  of  him .     “     this  should  help  you  get  some  decent  sleep  without  knocking  you  out  too  hard .     ”     she  glances  back  up  at  him,     her  expression  softening  as  she  adds ,     "     but  maybe...     you  should  talk  to  someone  about  whatever’s  keeping  you  up .     "     her  tone  is  gentle,     giving  him  the  space  to  deflect  if  he  needs  to .     "     but  for  now,     this  will  help .     take  it  with  some  tea  before  bed ,     and  if  it  doesn’t  work ,     i’ll  come  up  with  something  else .     i  promise  you’re  not  fucked  ,     not  with  me  around .     "     she  offers  a  small ,     reassuring  smile .

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5 months ago
" I'm Always In A Good Mood, " Noa Insists, But Deep Down She Knows It's Not True. She Likes Things To

" i'm always in a good mood, " noa insists, but deep down she knows it's not true. she likes things to go a certain way, to flow. when they don't ? it throws her off. and yes, she can be difficult to be around when that happens. and sometimes, admittedly, she holds people to a high standard, more specifically the ones she's closest too. " don't be so dramatic, " it's waved off, as if she hasn't in fact just been overly dramatic, " i don't need a security guard, just a twin brother with a little more concern. i mean, we're connected, ro. don't you sometimes spontaneously sense when i'm in mild distress ? " she feels frustration bubbling beneath the surface, takes a deep breath in order to push it back down. it bothers her sometimes when their parents are brought up in such a way. it's not like it hadn't caused them problems in the past. ones that had caused distance, and she doesn't want to go down that route again. ever. her brother is the single most important person in her life. " you realize i'm not a teenager anymore and have actua, l real-life experience, right ? i own a business, a demanding one that that. i'm well aware of the fact that people aren't going to make life easy for me. " there's a small scoff, a glare that implies he's so wrong. " fashion emergencies always count. besides, i don't throw anything away. i donate it. so if you think about it, multiple people are benefiting from a new wardrobe. " nothing to complain about in her eyes. a win all round. " it's a time where community comes together, so you never know. maybe this will be the year you meet the one. it would help if you were a little more optimistic. "

"hey, Whatever Brings You Joy... Happy To Be Here While You're In A Good Mood." Lord Knows How Terrifying

"hey, whatever brings you joy... happy to be here while you're in a good mood." lord knows how terrifying it could be when noa was in a bad mood. he doesn't think anyone has seen it as many times as he has-- noa can try to deny it all she wants, but ronen knows the truth. which is why he makes no comment about the difference between performing on stage and shopping at whatever boutique she enjoyed most. she had a point-- both were boundary breaking and annoying ( potentially even scary ), but the circumstances were definitely different. "sorry, that was unkind of me. would you like me to look into getting you a security guard? just so we can guarantee your safety?" he rolls his eyes as his sister brings up his tastes-- or lack thereof. it wasn't like he couldn't dress. he was very capable of dressing himself and looking like a grown man. ronen honestly couldn't tell the difference between what his sister dressed him in and what he dressed himself in. "i'm not saying you live in a simulation because YOU DRESS NICE. i'm saying not everyone is going to be as nice and easy on you as dad." a fact in ronen's eyes.

"i'm really starting to regret giving you that key. i'm pretty sure i told you it was FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY, didn't i? and no, fashion emergencies do not count." he rubs the back of his neck as his sister conveniently changes the subject. "nothing really to tell." and that was the truth. which, for a hopeless romantic like ronen, was quite upsetting. still, he wasn't actively searching. "oh yeah, you know how those hanukkah dates just hit different... i'm sure eight days of me is a really good selling point."

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5 months ago
Her Hip Subtly Juts Out, Perfectly Manicured Hand Coming Down To Rest On It. " I Can Be Spontaneous,

her hip subtly juts out, perfectly manicured hand coming down to rest on it. " i can be spontaneous, " she declares, her voice carrying a note of conviction that almost sounds fully believable — like she wants it to be true. maybe once, it had been. but somewhere along the way she got so wrapped up in the idea of things, planning more than she simply just . . . let happen. noa exhales a soft huff of air, as if to dismiss her own internal conflict. " i mean, hello, i'm a fashion girl. i make impulsive outfit decisions daily — and they always pay off. " she prides herself on a lot of things, and having her own style is one of them. god forbid she be in a room with anyone dressed exactly the same as her. blending in her idea of hell. " do you know how many people would be too afraid to pair this skirt with this jacket ? most of them. but not me, " she states, gesturing towards her ensemble. looks at him somewhat expectedly as she asks, " it looks cute, right ? ” her brow arches, amusement flickering in her eyes. " oh, i’m sure you’re a real modern day fred astarie, " the brunette teases, her lips curving into a playful grin. " but unfortunately, my scores are based off more than just that. " though she could definitely foresee others at the gathering being eager for his attention. he was charming, she could admit that — to herself, at least. perhaps not him just yet. there's a low hum as she considers his words, tries to keep it cool. because truthfully, he's made her smile more times than she was prepared for. " well, then i hope you like a challenge, because my favour is notoriously difficult to gain, let alone keep. "

He Leaned Back Slightly, The Teasing Grin Still Playing On His Lips As He Watched Noa Wrestle With Her

he  leaned  back  slightly,    the  teasing  grin  still  playing  on  his  lips  as  he  watched  noa  wrestle  with  her  own  thoughts.     her  initial  confusion  only  fueled  his  amusement,     and  he  couldn’t  help  but  admire  how  she  was  normally  so  unflappable     —     yet  here  she  was,     just  a  little  off  balance.    “    perfect?     nah,     i  just  think  your  plans  could  use  a  little...     spontaneity,    ”    he  shot  back,     his  tone  playful  but  laced  with  genuine  curiosity.     the  way  she  corrected  her  posture  and  flicked  her  curls  over  her  shoulder  was  an  invitation  he  couldn’t  ignore.     the  flustered  edge  in  her  voice  was  like  a  chink  in  her  armor,     and  he  found  it  oddly  charming.

“    okay,     one  dance  it  is,   ”    he  conceded,     leaning  forward,     a  mock-seriousness  in  his  eyes.    “    but  trust  me,     these  feet  are  anything  but  clumsy.     i’ve  got  moves  that’ll  make  you  reconsider  your  whole  ‘desirability  score’  theory.    ”    her  warm  smile  tugged  at  something  in  him,     and  he  felt  a  rush  of  warmth  that  he  didn’t  want  to  overthink.    “     just  so  you  know,     i’d  never  let  a  scuff  on  those  jimmy  choos  ruin  your  night,     ”    he  added,     a  wink  punctuating  his  words.    “    but  if  you  do  miss  something  important...     well,     i  guess  i’ll  have  to  work  extra  hard  to  earn  back  your  favor.   ”

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5 months ago
There's Something About The Beach That's Always Called To Kai. For As Long As He Can Remember, It's Been

there's something about the beach that's always called to kai. for as long as he can remember, it's been the one place he always finds himself returning to. spends most nights out of his week here, mostly when it's dark and all the other noise has faded away, leaving only the sound of gentle waves crashing. a sense of comfort found in the way all looks calm, but beneath the surface chaos could brew at any given moment. it was unpredictable, much like life he supposed. " that's me, " he shrugs, slight hint of sarcasm that always seems to be present, as a hint of a smile tugs at his lips " a regular mood setter. " kai rests his chin on his shoulder, lets his gaze drift towards the familiar face. " what are you doing down here so late ? "

She Brushes A Few Loose Strands Of Hair Away From Her Face As She Watches Him , The Faint Scent Of The

she  brushes  a  few  loose  strands  of  hair  away  from  her  face  as  she  watches  him ,     the  faint  scent  of  the  sea  mingling  with  the  smoke .     she  lets  a  small  smile  tug  at  the  corner  of  her  lips ,     accepting  the  joint  with  a  quiet  nod .     "     don’t  mind  if  i  do ,     "     she  says  softly ,     sinking  down  beside  him  in  the  sand ,     her  gaze  flickering  between  the  fading  horizon  and  kai's  calm  demeanor .     she  takes  a  slow  drag ,     letting  the  smoke  swirl  in  her  lungs  before  exhaling  into  the  salty  air .     "     you  always  know  how  to  set  the  mood ,     huh ?     "     her  voice  carries  a  playful  edge,      though  there's  a  quiet  appreciation  beneath  it .

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5 months ago
 It Probably Is Bullshit. Sometimes He Thinks He Was Made To Be Forever Self-sabotaging. A Fatal-flaw

               it probably is bullshit. sometimes he thinks he was made to be forever self-sabotaging. a fatal-flaw inside of him. " i was minding my business, some people just don't know how to grow the fuck up, " he states, no attempt to be quiet about it. it seemed even after almost a decade, there were still people from high school who thought the past was a joke. kai holds back a wince as they place the ice-pack to his lip, shrugs. " yeah, " kai let's out a chuckle, " if my sisters taught me anything in life, it's how to hit people where it really hurts. " when he glances at elena, his expression barely changes, but there's a spark of thanks behind his gaze. " you don't have to do that, you know . . . it's just a busted lip, no real harm. i'm good. "

 Do You ? Because I Think Thats Bullshit With The Amount Of Times Im Finding You In A Predicament Like

               “  do  you  ?  because  i  think  that’s  bullshit  with  the  amount  of  times  i’m  finding  you  in  a  predicament  like  this.  ”  they  state,  swatting  the  hand  away  before  putting  ice  back  on  the  busted  lip.  “  did  you  at  least  get  one  good  hit  in  ?  ”

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5 months ago
 " Climbing Out The Window Would Be Obvious, And I Fear Would Only Make Matters Worse In This Case. I

                " climbing out the window would be obvious, and i fear would only make matters worse in this case. i do that, she shows up at my door. i've done a good job of keeping her out of my space, i want to keep it that way. " because it finally feels like she can breathe, think for herself, figure out her own life plan. " she gets something spilled on her and has to sit there looking anything less than perfect ? she's out of my hair until the next time she passes through town. " there's a relief in being told she doesn't sound crazy, a sigh quietly escaping. already she can feel a familiar tenseness wash over her. can't wait to get the entire thing over and done with.

 Climbing Out The Window Wouldnt Help But Spilling Some Wine On Someone Would Do The Trick ? Growing

                “  climbing  out  the  window  wouldn’t  help  but  spilling  some  wine  on  someone  would  do  the  trick  ?  ”  growing  up  in  a  well  known  family,  elena  knew  enough  about  appearances,  however  the  de  lucas  were  vastly  different  than  most  families  —  supporting  their  children  no  matter  what.  allowing  elena  to  wear  a  crop  top  and  ripped  jeans  to  a  nice  establishment  because  they  were  feeling  confident,  or  going  to  a  family  reunion  in  a  stained  t-shirt  and  shorts  for  comfort;  never  having  to  worry  entirely  about  the  opinions  of  others.  “  no,  you  don’t  sound  crazy,  it’s  just  a  different  hierarchy  of  avoidance  that  we  have.  ”  they  state  with  a  chuckle.

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5 months ago

noa: there's nothing wrong with a little help every now and then my dear lottie noa: besides, i'm a professional ! it's a gift ❤️ noa: i can give you a list if you'd prefer, but it's best to just trust the process.

lottie: well i thought i could do it myself but here we are lottie: thank you ! lottie: do i get to like pick through a list or is this like i have to go in blind ??

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5 months ago
Ace Chuckles, Shaking His Head As He Leans Back, Running A Hand Through His Hair. " Self-duplication

ace chuckles, shaking his head as he leans back, running a hand through his hair. " self-duplication ? now that one is dangerous, " he responds, squinting playfully at her. " what if you end up losing track of which one of you is the real one ? next thing you know, you've got a room full of super villains all fighting to be the main super villain ? totally gives the hero of the story an advantage. self-duplication ? may as well call it self-sabotage if you ask me. fun though. "

"damn, Remind Me Not To Go After The Last Pack Of Sour Gummies." She Teased, Shaking Her Head And Pulling

"damn, remind me not to go after the last pack of sour gummies." she teased, shaking her head and pulling her legs up into her chair. "holy fuck, reality manipulation is brutal." the redhead grinned. "you've really thought about all of this. i think it would be so cool to be able to self duplicate.. like picture this... you're a hero and suddenly you're up against the super villain and now its like you're in a fun maze and you dont know who the actual villain is."

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5 months ago
Kai Smirks, Leaning Back In His Chair As He Lazily Swirls The Piping Coffee In His Cup. " Yeah, Well,

kai smirks, leaning back in his chair as he lazily swirls the piping coffee in his cup. " yeah, well, maybe i like boring. you ever think of that ? " his tone drips with sarcasm, but his eyes had that glint his eye that suggests otherwise. " a four day hangover for one night of fun ? says it all, really. " he takes another sip, taste somehow much worse now, but he swallows it down. hopes it'll make him feel a little more alive but it's doubtful.

"oh My Bad, How Was I Supposed To Know You Were Going To Be Hungover On This Lovely Wednesday Morning."

"oh my bad, how was i supposed to know you were going to be hungover on this lovely wednesday morning." daphne teased, shaking her head. "i think you're forgetting the whole town was literally hungover for days after the beach party." pouring herself a cup of coffee and loading it with cream and sugar packets, the girl glanced at the other. "plus, i guess you wouldn't have that mug in front of you if i was fun. instead, you'd be all by your lonesome. how boring is that."

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5 months ago
She's Dreamed About It Since She Was A Young Girl, A Love So Meant To Be No One Could Possibly Deny It.

she's dreamed about it since she was a young girl, a love so meant to be no one could possibly deny it. knows it's rare for people to find it, but she's witnessed it first-hand in the form of her parents, and so it's no wonder she's embarked on a career path that helps push people together. " maybe, " she shrugs, an air of elegance in everything she does, wonder reflected in her eyes. " but at least for the time being i'm helping others on their own path to happily ever after. speaking of, wedding season is coming to an end and do you know what that means ? more clients for me. no one desires love more than when they've just been to a wedding. " noa nods, making a mental note of which shade to order the other pj's in. " pink is a great colour on you. it really compliments your complexion. but i need you to only be semi-exclusive with it, because green, especially of the emerald variety, is so your colour. the contrast of your hair, your eyes ? glowing. " as soon as her best friends pinky is externed, her grin grows. maybe she was almost thirty, but pinky promises were sacred regardless of age. " i promise. we're like the infinity symbol, you know ? no matter what we always meet in the middle. "

Poppy Grins Brightly At Noa. Their Friendship Is Something She Would Never Be Able To Duplicate Or Replace.

poppy grins brightly at noa. their friendship is something she would never be able to duplicate or replace. they really took the term platonic soulmates and ran with it. "noa, i feel like he's closer than you think, but i will happily spend my lifetime with you." the redhead, closes her eyes, letting the other work her skincare magic. "i think i want oyster.. i love a good pink. which reminds me that i need to get a new set of pink scrubs. i had a kiddo the other day compliment my only pair and decided i need to exclusively wear the pink ones." she hummed, biting down on her lip. "i pinky promise not to let anything come between us and our friendship.. no boys, no job, no nothin.. we wont break this, yeah?" she hummed, opening her eyes to look at the other and stick out her pinky. "no matter how mad we get about anythin... no matter if we get in an argument.. we'll always come back to each other."

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5 months ago

ace snorts, follows leon out the door. " look, man, i'll give it to you, okay ? salt makes a lot of food better. add some pepper in there too. but you could make me avocado a hundred different ways and i guarantee you i still wouldn't like it. it's like mushrooms, devil food, keep them far away from me, " there's a moment of pause, quiet contemplation before he adds, " unless they're the kind that could get me high, then i'd make an exception. i beg to differ on the instant food thing, though. leftovers in the morning brings me i special kind of joy i couldn't put into words if i tried. "

Ace Snorts, Follows Leon Out The Door. " Look, Man, I'll Give It To You, Okay ? Salt Makes A Lot Of Food

leon laughs at ace's response. "some people don't like the texture. but you gotta put salt on it though. otherwise it's kind of shit." he will always defend avocado. it's one of life's simple pleasures. avocado toast and coffee, that's his idea of a perfect breakfast. "not to sound whiny, but food is never as good as when it's instantly served. kitchen to plates, no extra transportation in between." is this how leon acts when he's high with other people? pushy and stubborn? he shakes that thought off and goes out the door.

Leon Laughs At Ace's Response. "some People Don't Like The Texture. But You Gotta Put Salt On It Though.

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5 months ago

nova’s gaze softens at his sheepish smile, a hint of empathy flickering in her eyes. often times things come out of her mouth in ways she doesn’t intend, years spent not quite knowing how to navigate connections with people, especially not friendships. until a certain age, all she knew was competition, comparison. this all still feels new to her. “ the auditions are closed, but you can definitely come to opening night, if you want, ” she responds, her voice gentle, quick to offer an encouraging smile in attempt to lighten things. when he shows her the email, her heart sinks for him. nova is never quite sure if ballet is what she would have chosen to do if things had been different, but it was her thing and without it ? well, she dreads to think. can't fathom how it must feel for him to essentially be told he can't compete until further notice. " wow, that . . . i'm sorry, miles. that must be a lot to come to terms with. " nova pauses briefly, another spoonful of soup. " have you been yet— to a therapy session ? "

Novas Gaze Softens At His Sheepish Smile, A Hint Of Empathy Flickering In Her Eyes. Often Times Things

mostly herself is good enough. miles can sense that there's an unspoken comfort. it's a feeling they share. most times, around nova, it feels like all of his edges are softened. but that's mostly because she shows up with a sense of grit that is beyond his own. “ dope. can i come to the audition or is it more private?  ”  while her words initially make him feel like he striked a nerve, she's quick to reassure him.  “ of course, never meant to overstep.  i guess for me, luck hasn't really been on my side. but it's also my own fault...  ”  a sheepish smile appears. his right hand reaches for his phone. there's an official email from his coach. “ i'll be around for another minute. a good while.  ”  miles doesn't mean to sound disappointed but the way his brows furrow fail to support his forced smile. nova understands him in the sense that they're both competitive. they have things they're great at and things they do to support their livelihood. miles however, always finds that his temper is his greatest flaw.  “ no games for me until i do like... 'x' amount of therapy. they're put me on a hiatus but the internal paperwork called it a suspension. so... i'll be here and i'll be able to show up for anything.  ” 

Mostly Herself Is Good Enough. Miles Can Sense That There's An Unspoken Comfort. It's A Feeling They

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5 months ago

* . #306 gifs of maude apatow in various interviews can be found by joining my discord server, or sending me a message off anon. maude is white (irish, finnish, scottish german, & ashkenazi jewish) and was born in 1997, so cast accordingly. please like and reblog if you found these useful.

tw:  flashing lights, shaky camera

please read my rules before using. all gifs were made by me, so do not redistribute or claim as your own.

* . #306 Gifsof Maude Apatow In Various Interviews Can Be Found By Joining My Discord Server, Or Sending
* . #306 Gifsof Maude Apatow In Various Interviews Can Be Found By Joining My Discord Server, Or Sending

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