Interactions \ Ace. - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

he's shaking his head before he even reaches the other, before he even sees the attempt fail. " you forgot to tap it, " ace utters, gaze cast towards the heap of sand by his feet. " you know, one, two, three on top before you lift it, " as he continues, he does the motions almost as if he can picture it before him. isn't sure if it's just a him thing, or if it's universal. but he can't remember the last time he had a sand castle not come out almost, but never quite fully, perfect. " pretty much set yourself up for failure there, my friend. but, hey, fallen kingdoms tend to make the history books. "

He's Shaking His Head Before He Even Reaches The Other, Before He Even Sees The Attempt Fail. " You Forgot

not knowing what else to do, nolan sat in the sand. they scooped some into the bucket, methodically making sure it was wet enough that it would stand tall once he flipped it over. the cigarette he had lit rested between his lips as he worked. the movements were so easy, something he'd done a thousand times as a child, that he needn't think at all about it and yet, it still kept his mind from all that had been troubling him. once he turned it over and pulled the bucket off, however, the sand slipped down, so what was left was just a simple mound of wet sand rather than a castle. "fuck." he took a deep drag from the cigarette and blew it out as he allowed himself to fall back to lay flat on the beach. when he opened his eyes, he noticed a figure in his peripheral. he turned his head to look at them. "welcome to my kingdom," he said flatly as he sat up. // OPEN

Not Knowing What Else To Do, Nolan Sat In The Sand. They Scooped Some Into The Bucket, Methodically Making

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6 months ago
" Okay, " Ace Drags Out The Word, Rocking Back On His Heels As Lips Purse Slightly. Isn't One To Peer

" okay, " ace drags out the word, rocking back on his heels as lips purse slightly. isn't one to peer pressure anyone. if anything, he's often on the other end of things. easily persuaded. but he's someone who likes for people to have fun. " well, what if i can guarantee you that i'll be an even sloppier drunk ? in a way that will make your sloppy will look like the opposite of sloppy. "

starter type: open to everyone location: sunset villa beach party featuring: logan hill

Starter Type: Open To Everyonelocation: Sunset Villa Beach Partyfeaturing: Logan Hill

"oh, no. i will not be doing... any of that." one of her hands lifts in a frivolous wave, motioning toward the open bar. her temples pound in reminiscence, just the thought prompting a headache. "and besides, i am a very, very sloppy drunk. i'd rather roll back here."

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6 months ago
It's Dramatic, The Way He Looks Around As If There Must Be Someone Else In The Vicinity. An Exaggerated

it's dramatic, the way he looks around as if there must be someone else in the vicinity. an exaggerated look of shock when he points towards himself. " wait, me — you're talking to me ? has hell frozen over or did i miss the part where we became friendly ? "

" I Could So Use A Drink Right Now. " She Mumbled To The Other That Happened To Be Right Next To Her.

" i could so use a drink right now. " she mumbled to the other that happened to be right next to her. " i'm also thinking of taking a little dip in the ocean, but leave it to me to leave a towel at home. just my luck, huh? " she shrugged as she sat in her spot.

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6 months ago
He Blinks. Once, Twice. Wide Smile Fixing Itself In Place When He Registers Teddy Before Him. Confusion

he blinks. once, twice. wide smile fixing itself in place when he registers teddy before him. confusion crinkling features. “ i wouldn’t know how to flirt, ” he retorts instantly, and it may be the truest thing he’s ever said. “ i got distracted by the jello shots and i may have accidentally ended up having ten. . . more than ten. eleven and half because i spit one out when i realized it was watermelon flavoured. ” he’s taking, fast, as he usually tends to do. too focused to realize his hand is yet to let go of hers. “ well that depends on how socially acceptable it is for me to walk around looking like spider-man at a beach party. ”

LOCATION: the sunset villa beach party STATUS: closed / ace auelua @dreamerfms

LOCATION: The Sunset Villa Beach PartySTATUS: Closed / Ace Auelua @dreamerfms

"oh my goodness, i've been looking for you EVERYWHERE!" teddy practically shouts as she grabs ace's hands. "you've been flirting around this party leaving me high and dry, or what? starting to think i'm not so important to you..." teddy lets out a small huff before taking a deep breath. "whatever. i saw a face painter somewhere-- what do you say?"

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6 months ago
 Its Not The Conversation A Tipsy Ace Is Expecting As He Makes His Way Over To To Them, Fully About To

it’s not the conversation a tipsy ace is expecting as he makes his way over to to them, fully about to ask for his towel back when they begin to speak. a nervous laughter flows, because to some degree they have a point. “ uh, yeah, we’re the worst. even when we don’t intend to be. ” the idea of love is something that quite frankly terrifies him, which for a guy who forms a lot of crushes, isn’t ideal. but sadly events from his childhood have made him wary. with a slow sigh, ace moves to occupy the spot beside elena. “ everyone’s got their issues, i guess. ”

 The Sound Of The Waves Was Calming, Body Leaned Back On A Towel That Definitely Wasnt Theirs But Who
 The Sound Of The Waves Was Calming, Body Leaned Back On A Towel That Definitely Wasnt Theirs But Who

               the  sound  of  the  waves  was  calming,  body  leaned  back  on  a  towel  that  definitely  wasn’t  theirs  but  who  were  they  to  just  leave  a  lonely  towel  be  ?  besides,  it  was  whoevers  fault  for  leaving  it  unattended  for  as  long  as  they  have;  elena  practically  making  it  their  own  by  waving  company  over  and  beginning  a  conversation  with  barely  any  sustenance.  “  you  know  —  tell  a  man  i  hate  you,  you  have  the  best  sex  of  your  life.  tell  a  man  i  love  you  …  you’ll  probably  never  see  him  again.  ”     +     @dreamerfms

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6 months ago
 I Was About To Bring You One, He Insists, And Its Partially True. Had Been His Intention Before Hed

“ i was about to bring you one, ” he insists, and it’s partially true. had been his intention before he’d gotten easily distracted. “ i was just testing them out first, you know, so i could bring you the best one. which is the cherry cola, by the way. naturally. ” coincidentally also his slushie flavour of choice. head shakes, wide grin in place as he glances across at her. “ you’re never too old to be a unicorn. besides, you’d make the prettiest unicorn in all of palmview. ” compliment rolls off his tongue with ease, and he thinks earlier words over, lips slightly pursed. “ now what small, non-harmful crime could one spider and a unicorn who is very important to him possibly commit together ? ”

"so Many Lies, Such Little Time," Teddy Says With A Shake Of Her Head. A Sigh Escapes Her Lips As He

"so many lies, such little time," teddy says with a shake of her head. a sigh escapes her lips as he goes on and on about jello. "and you didn't think to bring me one? extra hurtful, considering you also haven't said i am indeed important to you..." she drops their hands and goes to link their arms instead so they can start moving forward. "i'd say pretty acceptable... even more acceptable if you plan on committing a small crime and not getting caught. what do you think i should get? does a unicorn sound fun or too kiddy?"

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6 months ago

he isn't often a rude person, but her words provoke an audible groan that could come across as such. " so you're essentially forcing me to spend time with you ? i don't think that's all that legal. besides, i— " there's a pause, a long one, too long really as he tries to think of a suitable excuse, but his mind comes up with nothing, " actually have nothing else to do apparently, so . . . yeah. i'm gonna need a lot of shots. "

He Isn't Often A Rude Person, But Her Words Provoke An Audible Groan That Could Come Across As Such.

hadley’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she took in his dramatic reaction. she placed a hand on her hip, grinning widely. “ oh, absolutely, i’m talking to you.” she said with a playful tone. “ and as for hell freezing over, well, i guess you could say we’re just making our own little heat wave here. sometimes even the most unlikely alliances happen at beach parties. who knows? we might end up having a great time. so, buckle up—friendly or not, you’re stuck with me for the evening.”

Hadleys Eyes Sparkled With Mischief As She Took In His Dramatic Reaction. She Placed A Hand On Her Hip,

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6 months ago

body jerks slightly at the subtle bump, a few drops of his current drink spilling over the edge of a red solo cup. frankly, it's probably for the best. he's tipsy enough as is and has yet to reach the point of embarrassing drunk, should quite while he's ahead but that's not often something he knows how to do. he's quick to turn, smile stretching into place. " oh hey, listen . . . from one clumsy person to another, don't worry about it. you, uh, probably did me a favour. one more drink and i might be tempted to jump on the karaoke, and trust me no one needs to hear that. "

Body Jerks Slightly At The Subtle Bump, A Few Drops Of His Current Drink Spilling Over The Edge Of A

𓍼⋆⊹ 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 : @dreamerfms

alyssa was currently trying to make her way through the large crowds to get to someone that she had been meaning to speak to. but it was hard since there was so many people in the way. but she was making it through everyone. one by one. until she realized that she had bumped into somebody along the way. " oh, i'm sorry! i didn't see you there, clearly. " she took a step back for a moment. " i guess you could say that i really do have my clumsy moments. "


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6 months ago
" Oh, I, Uh Nope, No, Not The Person To Ask, " There's A Nervous Laughter, A Shake Of His Head. Sure,

" oh, i, uh— nope, no, not the person to ask, " there's a nervous laughter, a shake of his head. sure, he was a guy. a hopeless, awkward, wouldn't know flirting if it hit i'm in the face kinda guy. " i'm chronically single and alone, my advice here is useless. just be yourself, isn't that the point ? "

 This Is Why Kaia Didn't Go On Dating Apps When She Was Drunk. She Had Some Guy In Her Phone And Not

─ this is why kaia didn't go on dating apps when she was drunk. she had some guy in her phone and not even sure how to respond to them anymore. when she's drunk, she's confident and flirty but when she's sober, she doesn't know how to act. "you're a guy. tell me how you would want someone to respond to you," she muttered, handing over her phone. @dreamerfms

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6 months ago
Convincing Someone To Get Wasted Should Not Be Something He Takes Pride In, Yet When She Agrees He Feels

convincing someone to get wasted should not be something he takes pride in, yet when she agrees he feels a deep sense of accomplishment, reflected in the way his grin spreads. it’s with no ill intentions, simply in the name of having a good time. and maybe, somewhat, in not being the only one to take his drinking a little too far. “ you wanna shake on it, or do we cheers to it with some delightfully fruity jello shots ? ”

"when You Put It Like That... " She Gives A Thoughtful Hum Of Consideration. Drinking Alone Was Never

"when you put it like that... " she gives a thoughtful hum of consideration. drinking alone was never fun. she didn't come to the villa by herself, and she wouldn't leave that way either. but all the possibilities of what could happen in the middle were tempting. a few never hurt, not until the morning after. and she was about living in the moment... "you've got yourself a deal."

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6 months ago

gaze softens before he even notices, slowly coming around to the idea that maybe spending a small amount of time together wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. ace holds no real malice towards her, they’d simply always . . . well clashed. “ okay, fine, ” retorts dramatically, throwing his head back but already there’s a small curve to his lips. “ but just know you’re probably gonna love me by the end of it, that’s just what happens, you know . . . i’m just so fun to be around it’s almost impossible not to like me. ” he’s joking of course, because really he isn’t that convinced that anyone really likes him. struggles almost daily to accept that he is someone people might actually want to be around. an inner demon that had stuck around since childhood, still the little devil on his shoulder even if speaks at a lower volume now.

Gaze Softens Before He Even Notices, Slowly Coming Around To The Idea That Maybe Spending A Small Amount

hadley’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she heard his groan and his half-hearted protest. she tilted her head to one side, a smirk playing at her lips. “ oh, come on now, ” she said, her voice teasing. “ you’re not being forced, you’re being convinced. and honestly, if your biggest problem is having nothing else to do, then it sounds like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. ” she gave a light laugh, patting him on the shoulder. “ i'm sure a few shots will help ease the so-called ‘legal issues’ and turn this into a night you’ll actually enjoy. let’s make it happen! ” hadley was quite optimistic. with a playful wink, she started leading him toward the bar, ready to kick off the fun and make the most of their evening.

Hadleys Eyes Sparkled With Amusement As She Heard His Groan And His Half-hearted Protest. She Tilted

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6 months ago
It Takes Him By Surprise, Eyes Momentarily Wide As She Wraps Him Up In Her Embrace. It Stills Him, Acts

it takes him by surprise, eyes momentarily wide as she wraps him up in her embrace. it stills him, acts of a affection something he’s not quite used to unless they come from his dog, and that’s usually because he wants fed. but he eases into it, a slight flutter in his chest. oh. that’s new. “ i already have a web shooter, ” he responds quickly, and it takes him far too long to realize how it might sound when he is in fact talking about a toy. “ oh god, wait, not that ! i mean, i-i do have that but i meant like, you know . . . oh my god i’m never opening my mouth again. ” cheeks are now vibrant with a rosy tint, embarrassment abundantly clear.

Teddy Is Ready To Keep Her Pout Act Up Until He Utters The Words Prettiest Unicorn And Very Important

teddy is ready to keep her pout act up until he utters the words prettiest unicorn and very important to him. she abruptly stops to wrap her arms around him, almost knocking the both of them over. "well, ace of my heart, knowing you and me... we could definitely get into some trouble. theft from one of these stalls maybe? but something harmless, like a treat maybe. do you think the face paint comes with a web shooter?"

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6 months ago

he shouldn't be getting stoned. really, he shouldn't. but here he is, lazily turning towards his friend with a half-lidded gaze, and he's grinning, holding back laughter. " dude, i get you. like, really . . . i get you man. it's like if spider-man was swinging through new york, you know, but like . . . he's running low on web juice but he can't stop because he's gotta save the girl, right . . . but like, at any moment he might run outta fumes and face plant right into a hotdog cart. which, you know, hey, not the worst place to land. but i hear new york street food is like a hotspot for food poisoning. " he's talking nonsense at this point, yet it all makes perfect sense in his mind. until the only thing he can actually think about is food. " fuck, i could really go a hotdog right now. ketchup, mustard. maybe even a little sprinkle of cheese. and pickles. god, i love pickles. "

He Shouldn't Be Getting Stoned. Really, He Shouldn't. But Here He Is, Lazily Turning Towards His Friend

they're both laying on leon's living room floor, high out of their mind. the place reeks of weed, but they're hotboxing so it's okay. "i need to get laid, man," leon chuckles. "i feel like i'm losing my mind." he and ace are good friends and they share similar characteristics, so the blond is sure the other will understand what he means.

They're Both Laying On Leon's Living Room Floor, High Out Of Their Mind. The Place Reeks Of Weed, But


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6 months ago
He Shifts Uneasily On His Feet, Isnt Quite Sure What Hes In Store For Here Though He Is Happy To Be Spending

he shifts uneasily on his feet, isn’t quite sure what he’s in store for here though he is happy to be spending time with her despite appearances. but that little voice in the back of his mind is causing havoc, whispers fears and what-ifs that make him squirm. in his more rational moments, he laughs off the worry, convinces himself there’s no way someone as amazing as teddy could actually have any romantic interest in him of all people. it's a relief, or so he tells himself. though he can't seem to shake off the sinking feeling it creates in the pit of his stomach. “ yeah, ” ace nods, subtly clearing his throat. there's a weak attempt at being enthusiastic, but his heart is pounding in his chest and despite the way he wills it to slow down, it does not. " totally ready. it's just, uh, surprises tend to make me a little on edge. one time in high school i fell victim to a ' surprise ' and it actually ended with me being stuffed into a locker, which, you know . . . not fun, and kinda of a long story and nothing to do with this, or us, so . . . i'll save that for another time, i guess. " he's rambling so much, it takes him a moment to notice that something has been placed on his head. stops for a second, brows crinkled, smile growing. there's no need for worry, is there ? it's her. theodora. theo. teddy. she's a comfort, not a fear. " i'm ready, " he assures now, calmer tone.

LOCATION: sunshine bakery ( after hours ) STATUS: closed / ace auelua @dreamerfms

LOCATION: Sunshine Bakery ( After Hours )STATUS: Closed / Ace Auelua @dreamerfms

in all their years of friendship, teddy had never let ace go past the front counter at sunshine. she'd baked plenty of time in her own kitchen and even in his, but something about the ovens here just... felt different. however, when rhodes asked her to make an i'm sorry cake for his friend, it felt like the perfect opportunity to introduce ace to the sunshine workstation. so, she's hoping when she sent the I THINK WE SHOULD TAKE OUR FRIENDSHIP TO THE NEXT LEVEL text, it's met with excitement and eagerness. yet, he seems to feel tense. the fact that he's blindfolded doesn't seem to add to his excitement. teddy ties her hair back in a low bun and places a hairnet on her head before grabbing one and placing it on ace's. she smiles to herself at just how silly he looks, but it feels unfair to keep all that joy to herself. "okay, are you ready for the big reveal?"

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6 months ago
" No, Come On, Just Indulge Me For Half A Second, " There's An Edge Of Excitement, Pencils Coming To

" no, come on, just indulge me for half a second, " there's an edge of excitement, pencils coming to a halt as he glances across at them. " if you were a superhero, or even an anti-hero, what's the one superpower you'd choose ? " closed ft. @delightfms

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6 months ago
" I Bought A Plant, " Ace States, Regret Evident In His Tone Alone. Sure, He'd Kept His Dog Alive, Somehow,

" i bought a plant, " ace states, regret evident in his tone alone. sure, he'd kept his dog alive, somehow, for the last five years, but other than that he was pretty disastrous. often times wonders how he's kept himself functioning for this long. " someone said they reduce stress, improve your mood. but i have no idea how to look after a plant, and now the thing i bought to help reduce my stress has inadvertently caused me more stress. " there's a pause, only long enough for him to take a breath. " do you know anything about plants ? anything at all, because if this thing dies on me i'm gonna feel like an absolute failure. and my ego's low enough, it can't take that kinda blow. " closed ft. @sunshinesfm

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6 months ago

his grin falters, look of pure horror ushered the other's way. " hold up, did you just say avocado ? on a hotdog ? what kind of crime against humanity is that ? that's like when people get a veggie pizza— or worse, serve salad at a barbeque ! " despite his protest, he's lazily getting to his feet, feels like he's swaying back and forth and he just might be. " i don't put anything that healthy into my body. all of this ? " he pauses, motions towards his body with a faux sense of pride, " pure junk. " follows, hesitantly, nodding his head but not much is really going in. if he's being honest, he wants to sink into the sofa and stay there for as long as possible. " every summer, huh ? neat. "

His Grin Falters, Look Of Pure Horror Ushered The Other's Way. " Hold Up, Did You Just Say Avocado ?

leon looks over at his friend and grins widely. it amuses him when ace gets like this. it's fascinating to see how his brain works. "have you ever been to nyc?" the blond asks as he bends his legs, preparing to stand up. "they know nothing 'bout hotdogs. they don't even put avocado in it. total bullshit," he says. "let's go to the store." usually, leon hates cooking. but when he's as high as now, it's actually pretty fun. they only need the buns and the store is around the corner. "come on, we're having italian hotdogs for dinner," he says as he stands up. "i learned to eat proper hotdogs back in chile. did i ever tell you my godmother lives there? i spent every teenage summer in valparaíso. now, come on. we got a mission."

Leon Looks Over At His Friend And Grins Widely. It Amuses Him When Ace Gets Like This. It's Fascinating

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6 months ago

it should be a relief, really. it's a simple enough answer, should be an easy task. yet his eyes are widening, and suddenly he's even less sure of his ability to properly adult. " oh, this is terrible. i'm doomed. how am i supposed to remember to water a plant when i can't even remember to water myself ? " quickly realizes how that might sound, and he's stumbling over his words as always, correcting it. " not that i don't wash, i do— like regularly. i meant, you know . . . consuming it. my body liquid is made up of pure caffeine. " he takes a moment, tries to rack his brain. " i guess i could set some phone reminders. maybe pick up a one of those ' how to for dummies ' books. do they have one for plants ? "

It Should Be A Relief, Really. It's A Simple Enough Answer, Should Be An Easy Task. Yet His Eyes Are

alyssa couldn’t help but smile at ace’s confession, his frustration both endearing and relatable. she knew how overwhelming even the smallest tasks could feel when someone was already stretched thin. ace’s self-deprecating humor about his lack of plant care experience made her chuckle softly. “ you’re not alone in feeling that way,” she reassured him. “plants can be tricky, especially when you’re not sure what they need. but don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world if things don’t go perfectly.” she shrugged her shoulders at his question. “ yeah, i actually do know a thing or two about plants,” she continued, her tone taking on a more instructional edge. “ let’s start with the basics—light, water, and a bit of love. the biggest thing is ... well, you know, don't forget that it needs water. "

Alyssa Couldnt Help But Smile At Aces Confession, His Frustration Both Endearing And Relatable. She Knew

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6 months ago
He Nods Almost Instantly, Mutual Agreement. " Good Choice. It's Definitely In My Top Five, And I Agree

he nods almost instantly, mutual agreement. " good choice. it's definitely in my top five, and i agree with invisibility. i don't trust anyone who says that. i mean, it's kind of invasive, right ? " though, of course, if it was the only one on offer he'd take it. he leans back, playful glint in his eyes as he takes a sip of his energy drink, gets ready to dive into it. " i've thought about it a lot. more than a person should, really. but all outcomes lead back to one obvious choice. the power to pause time. i mean, just think about all the things you could do. i could pause time and take a three hour nap. if i got bored of work ? pause. i could even binge watch a show in it's entirety before getting back to it if i really wanted to. not to mention the cool ways i could fuck with peoples heads. not in a evil way, obviously. more so just harmless pranks for my own amusement. but do you want to know what really sells it for me ? " with the question he's leaning in, voice lowered like he's revealing some master plan, " picture this : you’re at the grocery store and someone reaches for your favourite snack only for you to realize it’s the last one on the shelf. pause ! it’s mine now, biatch. " with that, he sinks back into his seat, proud smile adorning features. " tell me that's not the ultimate power move. "

Poppy Laughed Softly, Picking Up Her Mug. "please. Teleportation.. There's No Fuckin Way I'd Want To

poppy laughed softly, picking up her mug. "please. teleportation.. there's no fuckin way i'd want to know what people's thoughts were.. don't wanna fly.. literally don't even get me started on what it would be like to be invisible." the redhead made a face before taking a sip of her drink. "alright, give me your well thought out answer."

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6 months ago

ACE: you know i was thinking i felt too light for a guy who just ate his body weight in carbs ACE: but yeah, i'm probably gonna need that back ACE: i guess i can pick it up, don't let me buy any more goods though. not even a single cookie ACE: wait, who is this ? hadley ? i know it's not teddy

where: text message.

for: ace auelua.

dynamic: ace and hadley.

𓍼⋆⊹ 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 : @dreamerfms

HADLEY: i'm not really sure who gave me your number, but HADLEY: i think you left your wallet at the bakery when you stopped by to pick up your order earlier today? HADLEY: do you want me to come drop it off or?

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