Hi, Dulfin here! I post pictures of The Sims 3, scenery, and screenshots of any other random games that I happen to be playing. Clumsy | Computer Whiz | Neat | Perfectionist | Shy
385 posts
I Had No Idea You Could Tilt The Camera! I Thought Everyone's Fancy Tilted Pictures Were The Work Of
I had no idea you could tilt the camera! I thought everyone's fancy tilted pictures were the work of Photoshop wizards! :O
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Rule 1: Post Rules
Rule 2 Answer Eleven Questions, then make Eleven new ones.
Rule 3: Tag Eleven People
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
Gelinabuilds tagged me! I normally don't do these, but sure, why not. :D
1. You’re a sim. What are your traits?
I usually give my simself Clumsy, Genius, Perfectionist, Shy, and Neat. I had to look them up, heh.
2. …and your Lifetime Wish?
The last time I played my simself I had the Home Design Hotshot LTW, which is really ridiculous and impossible to finish. I was almost an elder near the top of the career with zero out of 100 Great reviews, and I do everything to get a good score. Ugh.
3. …and your favorite sim food and color?
Blue, Pancakes, and Classical music. :D
4. What world would you want to live in? It can be EA or Custom.
There are so many lovely worlds out there... If I had to pick just one, I'd probably say Bridgeport. Even though it lags a bit. But hopefully I'll be getting a new graphics card soon to fix that problem!
5. What CC can’t you live without?
Probably my default replacement skins and eyes. I cannot stand EA's. *Shudder* I'm totally okay with most EA hairs though. On another note, I could not play this game without my Nraas mods.
Okay quick fire answers:
6. The last thing you said out loud, and to whom:
I'm pretty sure it was, "I can feel the cold breeze through the window!" to my mother, haha.
7. The last thing you ate:
A peanut butter sandwich. Love those so much.
8. What are you wearing right now?
Shorts, and a lime green t-shirt with 'Hoopla!' on it from the local froyo place that just opened a few days ago. Got it for free!
9. The last post you “Liked”:
This one.
10. The most recent Tumblr you followed:
Pixelatedwonderland. : )
11. Coke or Pepsi?
I was a die-hard coke fan as a kid, but as an almost-16-year-old (8 days!), I choose Pepsi whenever I get the choice between the two.
I think most of the people I follow have already done one of these, so I won't send it on and bury them with more, but thank you for tagging me! : )
I let them throw a Costume Party for Spooky Day, even though no one could come to the party, Isle of the Midnight Sun and all. Eleanor was in the Military, Delta was some kind of samurai ninja, Judas was a hotdog, Layla was an astronaut, Sander was a burglar, and his IF Lucy was a cowgirl.
Eleanor became an adult!
That hair needs to go, and she needs a more adult look.
Progress! I built a huge library/art gallery combined because I had no idea how to fill up the last remaining lot of the town center. I have one lot left next to the school to fill up, and then all the lots of the main town area are filled!
Nearly all of the houses have been stolen from other worlds and redecorated, haha.
Well, that post just made me hit 100 followers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I swear that wasn't just a terrible and obvious ploy to get more followers; I really did just want Rob and Berry in the spotlight as my latest followers. :P