Matching with @anothermrcreator !☆ Minor | Virgo | Any Pronouns ☆https://eclipsejoku.carrd.co/pfp by McNotOk on Tumblr and YT!^^
559 posts
Hey Guys-
hey guys-
just here to tell you about a deadly disease that's known for causing huge problems since the very beginning
trying to spread awareness
pasterypaws liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Eclipsejynx
a letter for my 29 followers (and counting).
to the 29 followers that probably forgot about my existence,
I hope this post finds you well. i was you'd give your input on an idea I have; moving my writing to a separate blog, and keep this one just for reblogs. this idea came to me because I haven't written in a long time, and reblogs are taking over. my brain doesn't like it, cause it's messy.
i'll appreciate your ideas on the concept.
a dumbass.
my writing notebook (don't question what's written in it)
@pasterypaws @aflyingsheepnamedrose @anothermrcreator @miura-jenory @miracle-negative @greenstar01 @ririrules60
my lovely mutuals <3
And anyone else who wants to join!^^
make a salad but your contribution is the object nearest to you
tag people if u want idk
i'll start:
@post-unuwuifer @yes-im-youtube-kids @microsoft-edge-real @the-red-planet-mars @bingle-official
@wordswordsorswordswords @india-reblogs
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!

i'm not even lying this saved me multiple times.
like, you people are BEAUTIFUL!
Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it