And Crying - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

yeah we’re completely normal what are you talking about

(yesterday had me in absolute tears and my heart has not recovered we are not okay)

wishing the best for the two ppl who just witnessed witchlight 46

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11 months ago

Spoilers for “They Both Die At The End”

Spoilers For They Both Die At The End

Who gave Adam Silvera permission to end the book this way and break my heart??? How dare he show us Rufus after Mateo’s death and then end it like this????

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2 years ago

Alright as I'm writing this it's not long till new year and I haven't planned any of this out because I never thought I would have to but here we are with a small but chill follower count. Doubt any of them will see this since they're probably busy, asleep or whatever else.

This year, to be blunt, has been a shit storm generally and personally too. It's been a roller coaster and there were moments where I considered just packing up and just leaving.

Uni wasn't going well and I considered dropping out multiple times

My anxiety and depression was at an all time high

And life just wasn't kind this year

And of course there was the passing of Technoblade. That was rough, the worst I felt in months.

I know, I know "but you didn't even know him personally" and ya I get that. I found myself saying that to myself a lot. But he was a constant in my life, probably one of my biggest role models too, since I'm a massive introvert and his whole idea of faking confidence until you make it, really resonated with me, so here I am pretending to be confident and I'm not sure if I'm good at it. But I digress the news that he was gone felt like a part of myself was dying, that I lost a life line.

But of course, I'm sat here typing this. Even though this year was hell, there was always something there to keep me afloat.

Whether it be my two closest friends, who were always there to cheer me up or just put up with my anxious and clingy ass. We could go a solid week without talking yet, if something happened if someone was hurting, we would all be there for eachother. And I will always be thankful for them and everything they have done for me.

But there was also you guys:

When I brought up that my following was small, I don't say it to have a pity party. I say if because even if my posy only got 1 or 2 likes or reblogs, that still made my day because it was like "hey I found this kinda funny" or "hey I found this kinda interesting". I'm thankful for everyone, even if they only liked one of my posts and none of the others. You kept me going on some of my worst days where I felt like giving up.

I still have uni work to get done and I'm trying to better my mental health. Even if no one see's this, I just want to say thank you, thank you everyone. I love you all

So to everyone, whether they are still with us or have passed on.

Happy New Year

I love you all and I will forever be thankful for everything you've done for me this year ❤️

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8 months ago

this is so beautiful yet horrible I'm laughing while crying

Every single odd number has an “e” in it.

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He came to my house and shot me several times while playing the kiss scene + "I forgive you" + "don't bother" on a loop on my tv

the show good omens doesn't queerbait!! it queermurders. the queer murdered in question is me

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3 years ago

your love casts it's shadow on all i do

pairing: yelena belova x civilian!reader

summary: the one where you learn a new love language of hers (or civilian!reader isn’t one to be walked over and that’s new territory for yelena)

genre: fluff

Your Love Casts It's Shadow On All I Do

how to know if yelena belova loves you? she’s straight to the point about it. it will start with wanting to be near you constantly, securing the seat besides yours as hers and hers only, then it’s the touching, even though all she’d been taught is to be ruthless, causing her hands to be callused, she will seek your warmth and grace when it’s time, a formerly rigid hand will slip behind your waist and keep you from dangers only yelena can imagine. also, praise is something she will never doubt to voice to you, even over the slightest things, “you are doing a great job детка.” “you are absolutely breathtaking” “you would make a great assassin love,,, what do you mean that is not a compliment?”

yet you quickly realized (and understood) that your girlfriend wasn’t one to communicate after need-for-communication occurrences happened; not after a fight, some romantic moment, not even after some slight miscommunication. her ability to process,connect and respond had been misused since she was six, what does this mean? she can process at incredible speeds codes and battle routines, connect the dots in any scenario given and respond with ease, but that’s all she’s known, read a file and finish the mission.

here’s the thing, bad times do come and yelena found herself not prepared for this, since sadly you can’t stab an argument and run like in a mission; she decided at the last minute to pursue a lead about some bow and arrow guy and ditched you on a date, which understandable, pissed you off. this was the first instance you learned about this ridiculously cute love language of hers.

you were woken up to a plate of syrnikit, a side of black bread, and a cup of coffee, oh, and a guilt-stricken pouting assassin looking straight at you. it wasn’t until you stated “lena, i forgive you, it’s okay.” that she left the room and continued her day with a spring in her step, no words spoken.

next time something like this happened, it was after you guys had an argument over some person checking you out and yelena thinking that punching him was the solution. “yelena you can’t just punch every person that looks at me.” you argued, to which she countered with “i can punch anyone, you are пупсик мой, sad for them!” with the stupidest smug grin to match her bravado, and since being a piece of meat to fight over in the deli aisle wasn’t your plan, you walked up and left her with her ‘70s ideology.

it took a day for yelena to get over her pissy fit and realized she fucked up, knowing full well herself how important individualism is, so now, she’s freaking out with a mind full of “черт возьми!” and many more self directed profanities. finally out of her funk, she got on her truck and headed straight to an unlikely place, ikea. she had seen you browsing their site whenever she slept over, something about needing a desk but not having the time to go. yelena belova knows many things; one, she’s your self-acclaimed superhero, and two, self-acclaimed superheroes get pretty girlfriends, almost as pretty desks!

here you are again being woken up by the gorgeous blonde, not with breakfast but better, a giant smile and pulling you to your spare “office”, which really was an almost empty room with a wobbly desk holding onto life itself. but not today, today the room had a stunning wooden desk with a new set of upgraded work supplies, dumb-founded you look at her “baby i- you know you can just say sorry right?” this caught her off guard but you continued “when we fight or you say something stupid or ANYTHING lena, it doesnt mean i will automatically resent you and leave my love, so as much as i deeply appreciate everything you give me, i cherish you the most.”

you can say that finally put her senses in check, she still continued to give you material things whenever she felt rightfully so, but the stubborn assassin got a better handle on the relationship. if all she had to do to put a smile on your face was be by your side, listen and understand, she'd become a statue for all she cared.

детка - baby

syrniki - russian-styled pancakes

пупсик мой - my baby

черт возьми - dammit

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7 months ago

I am still waiting for something..?

For him to text me and tell me something. For him to tell me anything. For him to just say random incoherent words.

I just wish I wouldn't still state at our chat waiting for him to massage me. My beautiful boyfriend, to say anything at all to me.

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9 months ago

Getting a crumb of serotonin from the teaser trailer 🥺

If season 4 of Umbrella Academy doesn't have more sibling bonding moments I will riot

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2 years ago
For @midamweek 2022 Day 7: YES

For @midamweek 2022 day 7: “YES”

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