Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Soft Asks 2, 23 And 29?
Soft asks 2, 23 and 29?
Thank you so much for the ask!! 💙
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
I had feel-good movies when I was younger (for example, I watched Miss Congeniality probably 10 times when I was home with a concussion), but nowadays it’s mostly fics. Still, Legally Blonde and Disney movies are easy contenders, but so are some oddball disaster movies, because apparently I like seeing the world destroyed when I’m not feeling well xD I’ll also watch some Try Guys videos because they make me laugh.
23. favorite piece of clothing?
There’s plenty of clothing that I like a lot, especially since I recently Marie Kondo’d myself through my closet last month. A lot of those are for occasions, though. In the end, it’s probably the super soft, fluffy, dark purple housecoat I found some years ago that is lovely and warm and super comfy.
29. morning, afternoon or night?
I’m pretty much a night owl. Afternoon is doable. Mornings, I usually spend sleeping again after I’ve walked the dog in order to get through the day xD
Thank you again! 💙
newtypeshadow liked this · 5 years ago
journeythroughtherain liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Eirlyssa

Tony wasn't supposed to be involved.
As much as it had started out as trying to help out, and as much as Bucky still believed he was doing the right thing, he knew he'd made enemies. People that wanted him hurt, wanted him out.
People that would go through others to get what they wanted.
He couldn't believe he'd thought they wouldn't find out. Of course they would. He should've just ignored his stupid attraction, should've walked away from Tony. Should have kept him safe.
Now he was missing, and Bucky had no clue where he was. And as he searched for Tony, he worried. If he was hurt, if he was even still alive.
Bucky would find him, though. He would find Tony, and he'd make whoever had taken him regret it.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
A fill for SFW Wednesday: Trope/AU - Mafia/Mob AU for the @winterironmonth. Hope you enjoy!!
SFW Rec Sunday: Meet Cute/Ugly for @winterironmonth
Subway Leg-Ass-See by Misty and Kit They are utterly adorable and the instant attraction is a gift to read.
Before He Cheats by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) It's a good thing Tony has a sense of humor. [Note - requires being logged into an Ao3 account]
Blood In The Water (Love On The Tide) by RayShippouUchiha Trying to drown your intended mate might not be the best idea, Bucky. [Note - story is in progress]
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This entire story is just so incredibly adorable!! The other parts are linked in there, and I would seriously encourage you to read them because they are so cute I just squeed.
Things You Take a Chance On
WinterIron, T, 1k, just neighbor boys finally getting it together
For the @buckybarnesbingo fluffathon event! Day 7 Prompts: Escape, Europe, Eternity
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6)
They end up sitting on the floor, pressed flush against each other and leaning back against the couch, eating spaghetti straight out of the container perched carefully between their laps. Tony is warm and comfortable against Bucky’s side, smudge of sauce at the corner of his mouth. Bucky can’t stop staring.
“I think you made this dialogue up,” Bucky says suspiciously, dragging his eyes back to the TV to squint at the subtitles. “There’s no way this movie is actually about time traveling earrings. That’s why it looks like a bootleg. You took some other poor kung-fu movie and made it this.“
“How dare you, sir?” Tony demands, looking not at all actually offended as he shoves more pasta into his mouth, “this is a very serious movie, about very serious magical accessories. How could you not be appreciating this right now?!”
“I’m just sayin’, if someone offered me earrings they described as ‘deeply and horrifically cursed’, I would just not take them,” Bucky says with a shrug, and uses Tony’s moment of sputtering distraction to twirl himself up a huge bite of noodles without Tony trying to knock it off his fork, as has become their game.
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Fanfic Tropes Meme
Tagged for this by the lovely @wecollectnightmares :D thank you! 💙
Rules: Copy and paste and bold your fic preferences.
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight
2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating
3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed,” or Long Distance Correspondence
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
8. Smut or Fluff
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic
11. One Shot or Multichapter
12. Kid Fic or Roadtrip Fic
13. Reincarnation or Character Death
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage
15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance
16. Time Travel or Isolated Together
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU
19. Bodyswap or Genderbend
20. Angst or Crack
21. Apocalyptic or Mundane
Well that was very interesting :P Some of them are both bolded cause I couldn’t choose, but that’s just how it goes... :P
Tagging (though feel free to ignore if you prefer to): @weethreequarter @rebelmeg @letsallsleepoverwork @trashcanakin @journeythroughtherain @menatiera @the-kitteh