writes fanfiction, posts artwork, likes pop-punk/rock music ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: GORE AND NSFW don't click if sensitive; (Fandoms that I write for: (mostly Lookism), HxH, Creepypasta, Deathnote) Daniel Park simp :)I do music, art, and writing
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More Posts from Emojellyace08
"Lookism Men x Reader (When you're sick/not feeling well PART 2)"
A/N: I'm back from the dead after days of not posting :) :/. Warnings: getting sick, over fatigue, colds/fever, passing out, overall not feeling well Genre: fluff ☁️Reader is gender neutral (and in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Hudson Ahn (Ahn Hyun-Seong)

He won't be so fazed with you being sick but he's still worried deep inside. Taesoo might even whoop his ass out if he didn't attend his training because of him taking care of you. Now now, don't feel guilty about it. Hudson looks like he's hating every inch of him babying you but he actually finds it relaxing to do something else other than punching rocks on the woods (but he still hoped that you don't get sick he hates it seeing you very unwell).
He knows that you'll get dizzy and limping or you'll catch a cold especially if you have a weak immune system but Hudson will still scold you like calling you an "idiot" for being careless if you're being to stubborn to get help lmao.
Hudson will be the type of "Don't ask for my help if you're going to act like this for being stupid." but then he'll 100% look out and take care for you when you're not feeling well lol. He'll buy facemasks and your medicine for you to get better soon and he probably knows how to cook so you can rely on him when your sick and pretty much screwed up. And he will clean up the place once you're feeling better since he doesn't want to fell ill either, he has other businesses to do.
"You have a fever". "Wha-" "You have a fever". Hudson bitterly answered as you are tucked on the bed like a little toddler, pouting at your boyfriend's disappointed reaction as he sighs at you trying to pull out the puppy-eye card. Though you indeed look very cute, he still can't help but to cringe at you trying to calm down his nerves right now. "Don't act like this or I'll literally going to leave you here." he tries to tease threaten you while you pleaded him with that sparkly eyes and holding his hand with all of your strength despite feeling physically numb. "Wait! I'm just kidding!" you protested as you coughed because of your sore throat killing you right now. "Then why didn't you listened when I told you to get some rest. You could have passed out or something might happened even worse to you." he flicked your forehead gently making sure it won't hurt you, but you still reacted too much pretending it hurts just makes him laugh. You really are an idiot at times.
Hudson's probably a kuudere? It's no surprise if he's celebrating his victory inside when you hold his hand on your dates lmao. Now he'll get a bit overprotective of you even at the least problematic of things. It might not be obvious but he cares about you so much.
Eli Jang (Jang Hyun)

Overprotective dad = Overprotective boyfriend/husband. Now he has to multi-task to take care of you and Yenna (but Sally and Warren will help him out so it will make him more relieved).
This man would be worried af. I wouldn't be surprised if he scolded your ass once again. Since he's already stressed out with the crews, you getting sick just makes him anxious more. But don't worry too much Eli would not point the blame on you, but please you just got to be careful at times since he's mostly not available :(.
But Eli has more experience in taking care of his someone than the rest of the men in this list. He knows what medicine and food you should take/consume, he would keep an eye on you almost 24/7 and he would NOT let leave you on his bed unless if you need to use the rest room (you got to recharge your energy y'know). And it's no surprise that despite getting worried at times, he's always ready with situations like this. He already has the alcohol/hand sanitizers, cough syrups and face masks in his bag. This man is your personal nurse lmao.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?" he glared at you as you made eye contact with his heavy and tired ones while you get yourself a fresh cup of water. And him carrying Yenna while he cooks breakfast and him boiling water to get your tea ready. "Uh I was just-" "You could have called me when you need something. You're just exhausting yourself go back to bed." he scolded you as you sighed and went back to your bedroom with Sally checking your temperature with a thermometer. "Sooo, am I feeling better now?" you asked in a cheeky matter as Sally sighed and showed you the results. "Not really. You still need to rest a lot. Eli's been stressed lately so you got to feel better and do your best." she stated as the blonde strawberry-haired lady ruffled your hair to make you feel better before leaving. After minutes, heck even hours of being alone on the bed getting consumed by your own thoughts Eli is back with your food, tea and medications ready. "Food is here" "Oh um yeah. Let me just-" you were about to get up when Eli placed the food tray on the small table in your bedroom and helped you get up by placing your pillow properly to support your head and back. "Am I a burden?" you asked him with a hint of worrying in your voice. "What do you mean by that? Of course not." he stated as he sat down on the chair beside as you avoid eye contact. "You've been doing a lot for Hostel. You take care of me and Yenna, you study and fight your ass off, even getting hurt because of the Workers. You've been doing so much for us." you answered honestly making your boyfriend sigh. "I know. But I chose to and I'm doing this to protect our family, especially you and Yenna. It may be exhausting but you're not a burden to me. So don't overthink too much love."
10/10 Boyfriend (still mentally unstable, but he's still nice if it's not on the Hostel arc lol).
Warren Chae (Chae Won Seok)

Not the best caregiver but also not the worse?
But don't get me wrong Warren will still do his best when you got sick. Though he may or may not scold you a lot or he'll just sigh, witnessing your terrible state.
He'll be the type to forget that you're sick and order a box of your favorite fast-food even when you have stomach cramps/diarrhea because he cares about your cravings so much 😭. "Y/N! (I bought some) fried chicken!" you heard your boyfriend call out for you in a cheerful tone as he carries a box of freshly cooked chicken of your favorite brand along with other sweets and placing it on the wooden table. Sally can't help but to pout at him for being a bit forgetful at times. "Warren, didn't the doctor told you that she/he is not allowed to eat too much calories today?" "Yeah, didn't you remember that silly head?" you teased your boyfriend as he stands there dumb founded as his mind travels into different dimensions, he's just really stupid at times. "Wait wha- 👁️👄👁️. Oh shit, sorry I forgot to buy your medicine! Don't worry I'll come back here!" Trust me he'll look goofy af when he tries to run away bc he'll probably forget to bring his wallet with Sally screeching at the top of her lungs to get back since he doesn't have any money with him.
But the dedication in this man when he likes someone is actually really impressive. If he really cares, he'll make sure to give justice to his affection towards you. He'll stay up all night taking care of you even if it takes his own health at risk, he just wants to see you better.
I'm going to say that Warren is an overall a green flag most of the times. He may be somehow a bit dumb but he (along with Hudson ; I guess) are more emotionally well than the rest of the dudes in this list I guess (I'm literally roasting Eli and Johan at this point).
Johan Seong (Seong Yohan)

Also a kuudere like Hudson. Johan will call you a dumbass for getting sick in different languages at this point.
It might not be obvious, but he'll also be worried if his someone is not feeling well. It may look like that it's just a common cold but it reminds him of his mom. Now she's struggling with her eyesight and him seeing you trying your best to get better just makes him a bit sad at this point.
It can be a bit surprising, but Johan knows about this stuff. His mom used to work at her salon a lot, causing her to have back pains at times and he likes to help her out while he listens to her rambles about her day (this is kind of a bit too cute and sad for a headcannon). He may not initiate it often since he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but the moment that it looks like you really need it he won't hesitate to help you out. "Does your shoulders hurt?" you heard your boyfriend ask you as you tried to rotate your shoulders to ease the pain. But considering how observative the brunette male is, he decided to ask you about it since it can be a bother when you're trying to study/work. "Yeah, would you mind?" "Oh, sure come here." >333 L:JD:LKJ:LAJKD. He'll also give advices to fix your posture so you wouldn't have to ask him for another remedial session especially when he's busy lmao. "Y/N I told you to not crouch when you're sitting. You're literally going to kill your spine at this point". he scolded you once again as he gently approached your shoulders and massage you. "Sorry love, I was just too focused on work/doing my homework I guess." "You just probably love my hands a bit too much..." "JOHAN!" (Johan on the outside: -_- Johan on the inside: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He also knows about your medications and what you should eat. He would scold you like Eli if you move too much when you're dizzy while looking you with that dead ass eyes. "Dummyhead, go back to bed you're still sick -_-".
It may looks like that he's hating every inch of these moments with you together, but it can be a bit fun and stressful memory for him. Making him chuckle and tease you with those pretty eyes when he recalls about it.
Lookism Men x Reader (When their partner is insecure PART 1)
Genre: angst🥀 and fluff☁️ (comfort post) Warnings: mentions of insecurities/body image, poverty, social anxiety, panic attacks, overall a bit triggering reader is gender neutral (and is in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Daniel Park (Park Hyung Seok)

If you're insecure about your body image (feeling too fat or too thin or overall feeling not looking "attractive"), he'll be able to empathize with you a lot since he has troubles with his appearance too.
Daniel will be super supportive of you. He knows how it feels to be thrown to the side all the time and be alone with the mix of loneliness also drives him crazy.
He's really good with comforting you. I think it depends on how you want it to be more okay. If you want space and time for yourself, he won't hesitate to give you some alone time. Though he'll make sure that you're eating and sleeping well. But if you want to be cuddled he has no problem with it either. He just wants to see you happy and he'll do anything to make you feel better.
Daniel would worry a lot if you start having a panic attack. He'll get you a glass of water and he'll rub your back and will tell you to take deep breaths so you'll calm down. Daniel will also ask why you're feeling down today and the moment you break down he'll be hugging you and listen to you when you started opening up to him.
He'll also shower you with lots of genuine compliments. If you think that your body looks ugly, he'll hug you from behind and whisper to your ear how beautiful/handsome you are (with your consent of course). "Y/N please don't hate on yourself, you're the most pretty girl/boy I've met. You're also very kind, talented, and helpful. Cheer up." He'll also help you have a healthy lifestyle if you asked him to (like the way Vasco trained him). Exercising and helping you out on your diet will help you boost your confidence like he did so trust him when it comes to things like this (he won't be too rushed and hard on you though unlike Gun).
And if you're feeling unsocial type and drained from socializing because of fearing rejection and you have trust issues (y'know Asa Mitaka vibes), he would also encourage you to meet other people as long as you're okay with it. He also wants to see you form other platonic relationships other than him as your boyfriend and build more beautiful connections with other people. He has been through this before and he overcame it, so will you because he believes in you.
And if you're feeling insecure about your social status he can highly relate to you too. But he'll make you remember that he's always there for you despite him being financially broke too. But if its the Workers timeline, he'll be willing to lend you some money for your own expenses since Steve Hong also spoils him a lot (just don't use for money he'll get turned off by it).
Daniel is overall one of the most empathetic Lookism characters, so as your boyfriend he's making sure that your insecurities and problems will be heard out and he's willing to listen to your side and give you the best advices he can give as possible.
Zack Lee (Lee Jin Sung)

Zack will be the panicked and worried boyfriend type.
If you're feeling worthless and a loser, he'll also shower you lots and lots and lots of compliments and reassurance that you're not what you think you are. He also knows how it feels. He'll also hug you and kiss your head when you're breaking down as he will try to stop the tears threatening to fall down on his face. He hates it seeing you like this. "Y/N, you're not a loser. Even if you think you are, you'll always be my number 1". Trust me he's your number one fan. Everything you do is so fascinating to him (as long as it's not scandalous and too embarrassing).
Like I know, his compliments may sound cheesy and pitiful but trust me, he means it from the bottom of his heart. He's honest most of the times and no way he's lying to you especially when you're the type to have trust issues.
If you're feeling insecure about your body, Zack will also reassure you that you're beautiful. He'll help you out when you have trouble with your eating lifestyle (I tend to overeat a lot). If you're the type to binge eat when you're stressed, he'll take away all the junk food from the cabinet and fridge. This may cause an argument between the two of you but trust me, he's just helping you out so hear him out with his point (it's not like he hates your chubby body but he doesn't want to be super over weight since it can cause lots of health problems).
And if you're scared of eating, he'll encourage you to because starving yourself won't help and it can make your condition worst. Zack will encourage you to eat healthy foods since he's worried about you getting underweight since it can be really unhealthy too. He may not experience having trouble with his eating lifestyle, but he's willing to help you out as possible since he wants to see you having a long and happy life :).
If you started having a panic attack Zack will panic too. He doesn't know what to do when you started having an episode but he'll try his best to comfort you. He'll grab your favorite snack and he'll help you ease your breathing. He'll also listen to your thoughts that has been bothering you for a while. It will actually surprise you when he started giving you advices but trust me, he's good with it (he's also highly empathetic).
Zack will also wonder why you're insecure about you not having any money. Like he's not judging you he also gets frustrated when he can't buy the things he want to buy. But he'll make you feel emotionally satisfied with his love so won't feel insecure about yourself anymore. He'll also treat you a lot on dates to make you feel special, but don't use him for money though it will backfire at you when he finds out that you're just using him for cash.
And if you're scared of socializing, he'll stay by your side all the time. He hates you feeling vulnerable and insecure about yourself. So he'll shower you lots of compliments about how pretty and nice you are. He'll also tell anyone to be kind and gentle with you. And he'll beat the shit out of everyone whoever tries to mess with you. (He's one of the best boyfriends to have in the Lookism Verse).
Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)

Another one who will be super concerned about your mental and physical being all the time (in a good way of course).
Vasco has always believed that everybody is born equally beautiful/handsome. And if you're feeling left out because of your looks he will not hesitate to comfort you since he's also highly empathetic. He'll also talk about a plan with Jace and other Burn Knuckles members on how to make you happy like surprising you with random parties just to make you feel better (he's so innocent lmao).
When it comes to comfort, Vasco would hug and compliment you all the time even when you're not feeling down. Though he'll be more clingy when you started showing signs of exhaustion (mentally). It may surprise you but he'll hug you and touch you with gentleness and care like you're a fragile glass that needs to be properly taken care of. He'll also whisper words of encouragement while kissing your head and ruffling your hair. "Y/N why are you upset? Do you wanna cuddle?"
If you're insecure about your body, he'll help you out find the reason why to. Because in his eyes you're perfect. But if you feel like you're fat or too slim he'll help you out to change your lifestyle. You and Vasco will have morning exercises (though he'll make sure that he won't push you too much) and he'll make sure that you're eating well all the time until you're confident about yourself.
He's also a pretty good listener despite him being a bit clueless sometimes. He would listen to your rambles about what's making you upset and he would unexpectedly cry out when you started opening up since he's also highly empathetic. He may not be the best advice giver on the bunch but he'll try his best to help you out.
Vasco will also panic and he'll get scared when you have a panic attack. He would call Jace for help even when you're against it since he wants to help you out as possible. They will help you ease your breathing and they will listen to your problems (and they won't spill the tea because they respect you. A promise is a promise.)
He'll also spoil you a lot with lots of choco-banana milk when you're feeling down because you get teased about being broke. He would listen to your rambles about not having any money and he'll even lend you some which can make you feel guilty since he made the money for himself and his hard work. But trust me Vasco will give it to you out of pure affection (just don't abuse it too much though he'll feel used when you asked ridiculous high amount of money).
Vasco will also be curious about the way you think when you don't want to socialize. He personally finds it enjoyable because he's able to meet different kinds of people. Though he will respect your wishes if you don't want to. But he's still willing to listen to you when you tell the reasons why you don't want to make friends if it's because of you being scared about what others think of you. Though he'll make sure you'll attend his birthday parties!
Jay Hong (Hong Jae Yol)

I don't know how many times I'll say this but he's also highly empathetic despite him not saying a word. He's also a pretty good listener (Istg they're the most emotionally well in the Lookism Verse despite them having their own issues).
Jay would spoil the hell out of you like buying your favorite things and comfort stuff so just you would feel better. He'll also cuddle with you and he'll place his head on your shoulder while hugging you from behind when you're emotionally not feeling well.
His comfort will make your mind at ease. If you're feeling self conscious about your body you can see him frowning when you don't want to look yourself on the mirror. He views you as beautiful/handsome. Like why the hell are you insecure about?
But if it's because you're feeling too fat/too skinny, he'll also help you out on your diet. He'll help you on your exercise, balance out your food intake and he'll make sure you'll sleep well. He wants to see your progress as a physically and mentally healthy individual and he won't hesitate to help you out especially when you need it.
Jay will be in a state of shock when you started having an anxiety attack. You're both in panic but Jay will try his best to ease you and help you get back on your normal state. He'll also get a glass of water if you need it and he'll also help you get back your normal breathing. He'll also ask for his assistant's help.
He's willing to listen to your problems because he knows that bottling them deep inside can make your mental state worst. So please don't be shy to open up to him because he'll shower you with lots of genuine affection. He may not be the best in verbal expression, but he'll make up with physical affection like kissing your cheek and stroking your hair while you try to sleep. He'll also leave short letter of encouragement so you'll be back in your goofball and happy energy again :).
He'll also spoil you a lot with fancy gifts like expensive clothing and dinner dates. Though he'll feel used and pissed off if you're just using him for money. He knows you're troubling with your finance he wants to be there for you a lot. But he can't help but to be upset when you're just cash grabbing him.
And if you're troubling with your social life, don't worry Jay can relate to. He's willing to listen to your rambles with your reasons why you can't seem to have the confidence to talk to anybody he's willing to be your friend (and as the relationship progresses he might even catch feelings for you and he'll be happy if you don't mind being a couple). Jay would always be available to be on your side and he'll be listening to you a lot.
Ahh! I love your writing and I'm curious about how Samuel would take witnessing the person he is in love with confessing to Jake. Just fun lil angst I thought about 💜
Samuel Seo x Reader feat. Jake Kim "I shouldn't have cared in the first place" Angst oneshot

Damn this is actually a good idea @vibinbugg. (I like Jake Kim more in terms of character but I tend to relate with Samuel sometimes...). And sorry if this is late and rushed but I tried my best lol so I hope you like it. Genre: angst 🥀 Slight warnings: insecurities, third wheels, inferiority complex (not recommended in real life go talk to your buddies when you have problems like this), arguing/shouting, always being the second choice (Samuel's POV) Reader is gender neutral
He's like a raging storm that comes in everybody's way. When he gets ticked off, you're facing off a dangerous monster. He's destructive, fearless, and most especially not the best person to cross with. He'll get what he wants, no matter who or what fuckers comes in his way. He just doesn't care.
When it comes to love, Samuel is having a bit of mental crisis on it. Romance, caring, social and emotional connection? He doesn't need any of those. He looks down to love as a big sign of weakness. His mom never cared about him in the first place, his so called "friends" in Big Deal couldn't stand him, and most especially,
he couldn't even care for himself.
Samuel's ego gets in the way sometimes no matter how hard he tries to ease himself down. And no matter how he doesn't want to admit it, he's somehow insecure. He wants to be the best, the strongest of them all even he does cruel and unforgivable things just to be satisfied. But no matter how many money he is payed, how many enemies he took down with his brutal strength, he couldn't find the satisfaction that he's looking for. Something is, what's the word? Missing?
Then you came into his life.
Your fragile, naïve, and most especially weak. You are the thing Samuel hated the most. He sees you as someone who couldn't even protect themselves and is always looking for love. Ready to please everybody even though you're already being abused. It kind of reminded him of himself when he's younger. He can see his own reflection on your eyes as you pleaded for help. He wants nothing to do with you. And he couldn't even empathize anymore. He will always try to stop the tears that threatened to fall from his always gloomy and dark eyes, letting himself to feel numb. He just felt tired and exhausted to even cry, let alone live. But something about you caught his attention. You may not be the best in looks, but you got that thing called "charm". Is it because the way you smiled? The way you're always genuinely complimenting him? Your innocence? Your body? Your positive and optimistic thinking? He couldn't even find the answers for himself.
Samuel wants to avoid you. Samuel wants to be away from you. But you're like the flaming light on the dark and he's the moth who's attracted to you. You're the light that he's been looking for all of his life. You feel so warm in the cold and dark nights. You're like the burning fire that makes him comfortable on his own skin. You thought him to be not so hard on himself. You thought him that opening up to someone isn't a sign of weakness. It's in fact a sign of strength, that building memorable and fun memories isn't something to be ashamed of. It may be a slow and steady process, but Samuel was thankful for it.
You thought him to be more human.
He can't help but to admire you more and more as he stays on your side which gladly you didn't mind. You protected him when everybody is going up against him even though he knows he's on the wrong. He really appreciates you a lot even when it's not so obvious. He does try to be caring and open. It's not only because of you who taught him to love himself even more, but you also thought him to love others. And that person that he only cared about is you.
But no matter how many times he wants to be more honest and open about his feelings, Samuel couldn't seem to do it. He felt like someone is stopping and threatening him.
He could have confessed to you on the first place.
Samuel is standing there, watching you and Jake hug as you sobbed on his arms as he smiles and patting your back. Not going to lie, he does find this suspicious at first. You promised him that when you're having issues with your personal life you will open to him. Why is Jake touching you? Hugging you? He knows he has no right to be jealous about. You and him are probably just friends and you even said to himself that it's okay to talk to others and still be loyal to one another. But he soon did change his mind when you announced that you find yourself a loving boyfriend.
"Guys, I want you to take a seat and listen to Jake right now". You asked as Sinu, Jerry, Lineman, Jason, Brad and other Big Deal members sat down, including no other than Samuel Seo himself just standing and leaning on the door. He notices the change of atmosphere on the place as you and Jake held hands together. This can't be happening.
"I just found myself a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend!" Jake shouted as the crowd cheered and congratulated for the both of you. You're smiling and happy. But of course Samuel isn't pleased with this as it let a bitter taste on his mood. It's like his life just shattered into pieces. He couldn't have you, the only person he cared and he would die for. He felt like his life is back from square one. He's the monster he is again. The hateful and prideful monster.
He's agitated, stressed, and most especially he wants to let out his rage. From all the other people you can pick besides him, you chose Jake? His enemy? His rival?
The celebration continued as you noticed your best friend missing. He wasn't in the party as Sinu poured more Soju on Lineman's shot glass as everybody cheered and half of them drunk, knocked down on the floor.
"Looking for someone?" Jake embraced your body as he leans on your shoulder making you chuckle. "I was just looking for Sammy, did you spot him around?" you questioned in an octave whisper as he answers that he didn't even have a chat with him on the first place. You managed to convince your boyfriend to look for him alone as he does seemed to be a bit curious. But he still let you go on your own.
After looking around the street and other places, you managed to find Samuel on one of the terrace buildings. He stood there watching the view as you can smell the hint of cigarettes.
"Smoking again?" you teased him as he doesn't respond to you. He just stood there minding his own business. You decided to go stay beside him. But the moment you looked on your side he was now walking away from you.
"Hey what's wrong? Are you alri-" he slapped your hand away as you tried reaching out to him. You were completely confused on why he's acting like this again. Did you do something bad?
"Hey, why are you acting like this? I didn't get into trouble again!" you shouted as he sighs. He is now walking towards you, but something felt different. Something odd and disturbing as you felt like a lamb on the wolf's trap.
"Fuck off."
"Didn't you hear me? Fuck off."
You stood there frozen on your place as you felt offended by Samuel's words. He's not like this, well of course with you. 'He-hey what do you mean by that?" you confronted him as you felt desperate for answers. "Did I do something wrong to offend you this badly?" "Shut up." "Why?! You promised me that if you have a proble-" "I said shut the fuck up!" he shouted as he kicks the wooden table filled with ash treys and the pack of cigarettes he has bought for himself. You're now crying as warm tears fall down on your doe-like eyes. You're scared of Samuel, you're scared of something that he hates. This side of himself that he couldn't even control.
"What did I do wrong huh?" "Wha-what do you mea-" "Am I not good enough? Am I still acting like an asshole to you that you made yourself pick that retard!". It then clicked on you. Does he likes you in that way? "I fucking sacrificed myself, my own well being and pride just so I can be a good influence on you, but YOU DON'T FUCKING APPECIATE IT! YOU DON"T FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME!" "I DO CARE ABOUT YOU!" "THEN WHY HIM!" he shouted as you can see for the first time Samuel crying. It's mixed with anger, fear, desperation, and betrayal.
"I-I..." You tried to to find your words but your sobbing makes it everything worst as Samuel chuckles. It's not because of mockery. But he's desperate for words, for answers. But it looks like you couldn't even talk straight.
He walks away with him picking his coat and his fresh pack of cigarettes while you limp down on the floor crying out. He doesn't mean to hurt you, but he doesn't know how to apologize now that he had made you cry, the thing that he promised to himself that he wouldn't do so that you can trust him more.
"I'm leaving".
"I'm not coming back to this place. Jake better treats you right because I'm not going to be here to save you". he huffed as he exhales the smoke coming from his mouth. You don't want him to leave. You want him to be on your side, but it looks like you couldn't even convince him to stay for a little longer as he walks away from the scene leaving you emotionally wounded that the scars will probably not fade for a very long time.
Samuel walks down the stairs as he sees no other than Jake himself. Panting as he ran as he noticed the muscular male smoking, but this times his eyes looks so sore and red.
"Where's Y/N?" He raised his eyebrow in question as he hears your cries of agony echoes the staircase. He stood there in shock as he tries to reach to you but Samuel is blocking the way.
"Get out of the way." "I said, MOVE YOU FUCKING BASTA-"
Jake couldn't even complete his sentence as Samuel punched him on the face. This continued for a while as they fought on the building throwing kicks and punches on each other until they are both bleeding and limping.
"Listen to me you little bitch, you better take care of Y/N or I'm taking her away from you myself". Samuel whispered onto Jake's ears as he pulls his ear then smashing his face on the concrete floor then walking away on the scene, bloodied and bruised. Good thing Jake was able to walk up and check on you. You told him the whole thing that happened of course. He was worried that something else might have occurred. But you reassured him that Samuel didn't inappropriately touched you, but he did sure hurt your feelings a lot making you feel guilty and shameful about your choice.
He could have been more honest with you. Now he realizes that it's not Jake who is the threat that is trying to take away you from him. It's himself. The devil inside him who's been feeding on his insecurities and feeling like you're too far from his league. The way he shouted and screamed at you, the way he handled the situation poorly and immaturely makes him hate himself more. He will never ever forgive himself.
Now Samuel is back on the streets, hungry for blood and power. You are indeed a burning flame. You're warm and you are his comfort. But the moment he has tried to get closer to you, your passion and caring side slowly burned him like his moth wings. Leaving him hurt and blinded by the illusion that he'll be ever be good enough to be with you.
I need more Daniel fics or headcanons😿 Can you make more of them? I'm in love with your writings btw 😻😻😻
Daniel Park ; Park Hyung Seok x Reader (Headcannons)
Sure xD! I also simp for Daniel so no problem! (And thx for the support!) I'll be including some parts on my other post: "Lookism Men x Female Reader (Their types on a woman PART 1) J-High Main Boys. But I'll put a different spin on this one so I hope you enjoy! Genre: fluff☁️ and slight angst🥀 Warnings: mentions of bullying, insecurities (reader is gender neutral)

Trust me when I say this. Daniel will be one of the most loving and caring boyfriends in the world.
Like I said, Daniel's type doesn't rely on how good looking a person is. It's how good the person is. He pretty much avoids red flags since the incident with his first crush. But his standards are not too high though since he knows that nobody's perfect.
He pretty much likes someone who can be dependable and trust-worthy. Even when he still doesn't have his second body, he's often being pushed on the side and treated like trash. So befriending him is the first step to gain his trust. He'll have a crush on you if you treat his original body kindly. But no matter what size or shape he's in, if you always treat him with respect then expect him to fell harder. After a very long time to getting to know you better he'll probably tell you about his second body.
If you're the introverted type, he'll be a bit hesitant to talk to you since he's afraid that he's bothering you. But after getting to know that you're just really quiet and closeted sometimes, he'll be staying on your side most of the times (though he's willing to give you space if you asked him to. Respect).
If he confessed to you on his original body and you gladly accepted to be his partner, he'll probably burst into tears. Since he's been longing for acceptance by other people for his real self and not just that side that most people fawn for. Or, since he's much better at expressing his thoughts and feelings through letters he'll write one for you. He'll also react in an emotional way on his second body since he feels like many people only like him for his looks :/.
But I think it just depends on the time I guess. If he's still being bullied, he won't have the guts to tell you about his crush since he's afraid of rejection and getting hurt. But after getting his second body he'll be more confident to ask you out but he's still hesitant to take the next step since he wants to take things slowly. But if it's in the Workers timeline he'll put his feelings aside since he doesn't want you to be put on potential danger.
And Zack will be on his side like the best wingman he is and he'll give the letter to you while Danny is hiding on the corner since he's too embarrassed to face you. "Hey dummy, Daniel wants to give this to you." the boxer gave you a pink envelope with a heart sticker to seal it while you looked at him confused as you can see the smirk forming on his lips. You can hear Zoe and Mira squealing in excitement. "Y/N LET ME SEE THE NOTE!" "C'mon Zoe let her/him read the letter for herself/himself!"
"To dear Y/N,"
Before I start, I always want you to know that you're one of the most special people in my life. You're a really nice person and a trust worthy friend. You always help me out when I'm down even you yourself have your own troubles in your personal life. Yet you always choose to stay beside me. You're also a very helpful person, not only me but to everybody. That's why I think I started liking you even more. What I mean is, in that way. Though I don't expect you to reciprocate my feelings back. I just want to let out these feelings that has been on my thoughts for a while and just be really honest with you. I'm looking forward for your response though! :)
-Sincerely Daniel
And the moment you read the note, you can't help but to tell your feelings for him too. I swear, you and him will be the perfect couple.
Daniel's go to dates are something simple but special. Since he doesn't have lots of money, he'll just take you to random dates on food stalls (trust me he's good at picking food), picnics on parks, or just staying at home cuddling or playing games. But after gaining a job and Steve Hong paying him lots of money, he'll take you to more fancy places like hanging out on expensive land parks (Disney Land, Universal Studio, etc.). But he'll be careful and protective of you though since his feud with the Workers can hurt you and ruin your special date.
He'll also be the type to say cheesy pick up lines on your very first date xD. It maybe awkward but seeing you laugh (not because your making fun of him but thinking he's cute for making an effort to make you smile) just makes him happy.
He's pretty shy at the beginning to be honest. Daniel will try to kiss you bunch of times when you get into dates but when you turn to look at him he'll pull away fast. But if you initiate the kiss like pecking his cheeks or lips, he'll hide and curl into a ball lmao (but he'll reciprocate the kiss though!). But if you're like him, he'll be the first one to make a move like holding your pinky finger with his. And if he really wants to kiss you, he'll never forget to ask permission though! (he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable). "Y-Y/N, can I kiss you?" you can definitely hear the shy and nervous tone on his voice. "Of course, come here." you smiled at him as you leaned to leave a smooch on him as you can feel the smile forming on his soft and pinkish lips.
Daniel will melt into your touch. Simply just pet his hair or hold his hand while complimenting him makes his heart flutter. He really is a puppy coded man!
His love language is through words and act of service. If you're feeling down or insecure, he'll comfort you a lot since he hates you seeing upset. He'll remind you of how you're one of the most special people in his life (along with his mom) and how you make him happy. And he'll often give you lots of little gifts like letters about how much he loves you with cute decorations that you really like (for example: stickers of your favorite flowers or characters) and buying your favorite snacks. He also can't maintain long eye-contact with you since he's still getting shy despite you being his partner (and you're really pretty/handsome too but he's afraid that he'll creep you out for staring at you for too long).
And he'll be so protective of you. If it's his pre-training, he'll be more hesitant to help you not because he doesn't want to but because he's afraid that he'll screw up and he'll unconsciously hurt you even more. Though after gathering his courage and with the help of his second body, he'll be willing to shield you against his enemies with no hesitation. He'll kick everybody's ass on whoever tries to lay their finger on you.
Daniel also likes spending his time with you on the kitchen especially when you don't know how to cook. Since he's used to living alone he knows the basics and he's willing to teach you! (it can be a bit messy in the end lmao). But he'll be leaning on your shoulder while you're just standing there blushing xD.
And he'll 100% support you on your hobbies! (As long it's not too weird). Whether it's music, art, or even gaming he can't help but to be impressed at your skills. It can be also a great bonding time for the both of you if you taught him about it.
He can also make you laugh without even trying. He's not a professional comedian but his innocence just makes you laugh often (especially if you're the dirty minded type lmao). "Huh? What's deez nuts?" "Bruh you don't know?" you smiled at his dumbfounded look as he looked at you with that cute and confused expression. "Why did you called me bruh? Did you just friend zoned me?" he teased with that puppy eyes again as you slightly elbowed him making him chuckle. "Stop acting cute dummy." "I'm your dummy I know."
After for a long time he'll definitely do PDA in public like holding your hands, hugging you from behind, and giving you lots of pecks. He'll also whine and pull out that puppy eyes all the time when he's upset or when you're teasing him lmao.
If you're getting into arguments, Daniel be on the calmer side since he really hates it when he looses his temper and he doesn't want the flame to spread and cause more chaos. He knows that having misunderstandings can be healthy for you to challenge your communication skills but he'll be the type to just brush off the topic. It can be frustrating for you if you're the confrontable type. But since Daniel has lots of good empathy he'll be willing to listen to your points as long as you listen to him too.
And you often forget that you're dating the other version of him so it will slip of your mind if you're with his other body (he also tends to forgot). So many people will think that you're cheating on the other Daniel which can cause misunderstandings. Good thing you and Danny can make up a white lie on it.
And of course, Daniel is aware of the potential dangers in the future that's why he's making an effort to be stronger so that he can protect you. Though your comforts always makes him calm and composed and he really loves you for the way you are as much as you love him. Not only because of his looks but also because his personality and his effort to be a healthier version of him, physically and mentally :).
A/N: Sheesh. That's my take on Daniel with Y/N. I think I'll make NSFW headcannons for him and the others (along with other fanfictions. I still hoped you liked it!).