empress-simps - chase the Sea
chase the Sea

Hiatus | Just a writing blog Sea | Slytherin | FilipinaRequests : Open! | 18+

290 posts

Im Currently Brewing A Series HAHAHA Be Prepared

Im currently brewing a series HAHAHA be prepared

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4 years ago
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7
Jujutsu Kaisen Special Week: Day-7

Jujutsu Kaisen special week: day-7

冫like or reblog if you save

4 years ago


Okay! Ill add u in the taglist :D

4 years ago

Can I be added to the too late taglist?

Yep! Doing that rn

4 years ago

Oh Dear Diary

Oh Dear Diary

▪︎Featuring: Fushiguro Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen

▪︎Pronouns: they/them [Gn!reader]

▪︎Synopsis: While battling a special grade curse, you didn't expect for your plans with megumi to be put on hold— for the next life.

▪︎Genre: Angst

▪︎Warnings: Character death

note: I HAVE HAIKYUU FICS COMIN BUT I NEED TO WRITE THIS AAAA (THIS IS INSPIRED BY A SONG I HEARD ON TIKTOK and the edits of megumi and yuji tho I made it a x reader cuz I SIMP) this is also supposed to be short but i got carried away woop-

Oh Dear Diary

》 Main Masterlist

》 Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist

Oh Dear Diary
Oh Dear Diary

Oh dear diary, I met a boy.

Taking down this special grade curse is a pain in the ass, you were already injured and the hits you were able to land seems to have little to no effect at the creature.

You cursed as you looked around, the other first years are also occupied so you couldn't ask them to help you. And the fact that there's no back up.. This feels like a suicide mission.

The curse swung at you with full force making you fly against the walls. You gasped, trying to gulp in air as your insides sear with pain. The impact was strong and you can feel your wounds getting worse. At this point, you were out of commision and can't fight anymore.


You heard the distant shout of Yuji as he rushes to help you. He sceunched his brows as he inspects your severely injured state while Nobara tries to keep the curse busy. You feel a familiar gaze lingered at you with worry, of course you couldn't help but stare at him. He was your whole world after all.

He made my dull heart light up in joy.

Everytime you spent together felt like you were on cloud nine. Those blissful memories are forever engraved in your mind. From the way his touches lingered on your body that sends shivers down your spine, and to the way his shy smile would present itself when you both are the only ones around. Time seems to slow down when you're with him. He was your home.

"I love you."

"I love you more, Megumi." You mumbled, tracing his face as the both of you basked in the sunshine, as he was about to protest, you silenced him with a kiss.

"Stay with me Y/n!" Yuji yelled, trying to apply pressure to the deep wound on your side. You patted his cheek as you stared at him, "I'll be fine Yuji.." you meekly said and started to cough out blood, splattering it onto the concrete.

Megumi finally finished the other curses that he's been fighting and looked at you both as he assesed the situation. "I need you here!" He called out to Yuji as he started to advance to the curse that rendered you immobile.

Anger and anxiety was all he felt as he continued to fight the special grade curse with Yuji and Nobara beside him as you watched from the sidelines. This shouldn't be happening, they weren't supposed to be here, this all feels eerily familiar with what happened to Yuji when he died.

A sad smile went it's way on your face, you knew at this rate that it will be impossible to flee and get medical attention. You stared at him, trying to retain his features in your mind as your memories with him filled your head, all the good and bad ones.

Oh dear diary, we fell apart.

"We prohibit you from seeing Fushiguro Megumi again."

The sentence weighed heavily against your shoulders as you stared at the elders of your clan. You wanted to retaliate and defy them but you couldn't do much, you were just a kid in a tradionalist clan. Who would take you seriously? You need to prove yourself first.

"May I ask why?"

One of them scoffed, clearly displeased with your question as the other one cleared their throat "He had cut ties with the Zenin clan. We can no longer benefit from him." They announced, you felt anger slowly rising in you as your elder brother looked at you with worry. You can feel your parent's warning glares from the sidelines, silently telling you not to do anything rash and scandalous.

"Therefore we arranged a marriage with Kamo Noritoshi, the heir of Kamo Clan." Your father announced.

The sentence made you want to pass out. No, you didn't want this. You ony want to be with Megumi.

If only the both of you were normal kids. Not worrying of you're gonna live to see another day and to battle strong opponents.

You kept your head down, hair covering the emotions etched on your face, almost acting like a shield to hide your vulnerability to the nasty people around you.

"And if we ever get a word that the two of you are still acting foolishly, expect something to come in your way." The head of your clan announced, standing up and leaving along with the others. Your brother hesitating to leave you behind but being forced to do so.

Eversince that day, no matter how hard you try to approach your former lover he seem to avoid you. It turns out, they tormented him to leave you alone.

It made you furious and left the clan which caused a major uproar.

"You have contributed nothing but shame on this clan. Pathetic." one of the elders said with a menacing glint on their eyes.

You ignored them and proceeded to walk out of your old life and start anew.

With your love.

You were brought back to reality when you saw them exorcise the curse succesfully. You smiled as tears fell from your eyes.

"Y/n! Don't worry, we'll bring you to the nearest hospital and you'll be better!" Megumi yelled as he cradled your body in his lap. You smiled and shook your head. His eyes were filled with unshed tears, trying to deny what's going on as he shaked his head.

"I can't loose you. We promised that we'll live happily right?" He whispers, tucking the stray hairs that frame your face.

It seems that you'll just fulfill it in the next life.

You grabbed his hand along with your blood coated one, you gave him a squeeze. Sending a message through your eyes.

I'll wait. Don't worry.

Megumi's cries were the last thing you heard before closing your eyes. You hope that someday you were able to live a peaceful life alongside him.

Welcome to the life of, L/n Y/n.

Oh Dear Diary

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4 years ago

V-Day Special 💕

Heyooo it’s me again. So I’m opening a Valentine’s Day special and since I’m a little late it’ll even be open for a few days after Valentine’s Day!

💐 Flowers

You give me a character + your favorite color and why and I’ll give you a mood board with said character

🍫 Chocolate

Tell me your ideal date and a character of your choosing and I will write you a dating scenario

❤️ Heart

Confessions! Give me a character and I’ll write how they confessed to you!

💋 Kiss

Write a letter to your comfort character and they’ll write you back

V-Day Special

Thank you all who are requesting and if you want to go to my original cafe click here