Jjk Angst - Tumblr Posts
i had this idea on my spam account but it got deleted </3:
I wanna write something for yuji where he’s crushing on a second year and she has a pretty big scar on her face that’s sorta hard to miss. and sukuna HATES HER GUTS because he’s drawn to her and doesn’t like that he is. and it’s because he couldn’t recognize that she’s his lover reincarnated bc of the scar. and it irritates him so much when he realizes it because he knows he can’t do anything about it, and he’s just on the inside, suffering, having to look at her face everyday and watch her fall in love with someone else.
just wondering if you’d think yuuta would be jealous of the first years getting too comfy with s/o like maybe one time s/o called out “yuu” both yuuji & yuuta respond & they’re like 👁👄👁

you’re sweet, it’s yuuta’s favorite thing about you—a little too sweet at times, but it’s lovable all the same. and yuuta has grown some, he’s not as much of the timid young boy as he used to be. fighting curses and seeing the things he has and training as vigorously as he does is enough to toughen anyone up, and he’s no exception. but still, he’s always remained your kind, sweet, sensitive little yuuta deep down.
and then there’s yuji. yuji is too perfect for his own good. he’s too easy to befriend, too easy to trust, too easy to grow fond of, and too easy to love.
he’s kind, sweet, sensitive, and magnetic. now that’s a deadly combination if he’s ever seen one, and if the way your eyes brighten when you see yuji is anything to base it off of, yuuta would say you think so too.
“yuu,” you call out, a small grin on your face as you approach yuuta and the pink-haired boy beside him, and when both of their heads snap to your direction, yuuta can’t help but feel his stomach churn. “oh,” you pause, blinking for a moment before giggling, “i meant him,” you point to yuuta.
he’s a tad bit relieved that it’s him you’re looking for, or he thinks the churning in his stomach would be infinitely worse. but then yuji smiles bashfully, looks down and lets out a nervous chuckle as he blushes, and then yuuta’s fists clench just a little.
yuji seems rather fond of you, fond enough that it makes yuuta’s heart plummet—and truth be told, it also makes his blood boil just a little.
“oops,” his younger classmate huffs out a soft laugh, “guess i got ahead of myself there,” he murmurs.
“aww, yuji,” you tease, and much to yuuta’s horror, you’re reaching over to pinch itadori’s cheek, and he’s left to wonder—when had you gotten so comfortable that causal touches were a part of the norm? “if you want a nickname you can just say so.”
“that’s not what i meant,” itadori mumbles shyly. “i just…you know…yuji? yuu? i thought it was for me for a second there.”
“it was for yuuta. for me,” yuuta cuts in, and he has to dig his nails into his palm as he clenches his fists, watching you smile gently to itadori. it’s okay, your expression reads, almost like you’re reassuring the boy—but it’s not okay.
your yuu is him—yuuta. not yuji. you’re here for him, to see him, to smile at him and grab his hand and tug him along as he follows. but you’re staring at itadori fondly, and it’s starting to hurt just a little.
“well we can’t both be yuu,” itadori laughs good-naturedly, and if he wasn’t such a gentle soul, yuuta wonders if he’d hate the boy. but there’s no hating itadori yuji—he’s much too good deep in his soul to be hated. “i’ll leave you two alone then,” he hums, patting your head with a happy smile before he’s off.
the touch isn’t even to him, but yuuta feels his skin burn, prickling at every inch as his heart drops.
you turn to him, beaming as your arms nestle their way around his neck, and even if not enough, there’s still some comfort in the action.
“hi baby,” you murmur, pressing a soft peck to his jaw, “i was looking for you.”
and this is silly—this is small, and not that big of a deal, and not even your fault, but yuuta can’t help the doubts that slowly plague his mind. he can’t fight the voices that hunch over his back and whisper into his ear, drowning out the sound of your voice before you can make it all better.
“me?” he asks, and there’s an edge to his voice that almost says he doesn’t believe you. your brows furrow just a little, your hand sliding to cup his cheek and tilt his face to look at you better.
“yes you, silly,” you huff out a small laugh, “who else?”
yuuta wants to mutter that evidently, it could seem like a certain someone, but he doesn’t have the heart to ever be grouchy with you. so he swallows his insecurities, tries to bury them in the deepest of crevices in his mind so they won’t be dug up again—but it’s like he’s digging into concrete, and the ground is too tough, just won’t break to let him shove his feelings down.
“no one,” he mumbles, not meeting your eyes.
and if you decided one day that itadori yuji was the boy of your dreams, that he was the one who could paint your skies and hang the stars just how you’d like them, yuuta doesn’t think he’d be surprised. if itadori is a swirl of vivid shades, colors that could brighten your world and bring you to life—yuuta thinks he pales in comparison, dim hues muddled together that could never show you the world through scenery as breathtaking.
but then your thumb trails over his cheek, tracing the soft curve of his face before hooking under his chin and pulling his face a little closer. he settles for looking at your lips, not yet ready to meet your gaze.
“what’s wrong, baby? what’s got you so down, hmm?” your voice is concerned, a soft breath that rolls off your tongue and soothes over the aches, placating them so easily—but he’s left to wonder: how long?
how long can you keep up the facade that he’s enough for you to happily crave more and more of? how long can you keep looking him in the eyes and getting lost in their depths? how long before enough is simply not enough any longer?
he doesn’t voice his concerns. “nothing,” he shrugs instead. “what are you—”
“don’t say nothing,” you sigh quietly, and by now, your hand has wandered past his shoulder to bury into his hair, scratching at his scalp gently as you twirl the strands of dark locks around your fingers. “it can’t be nothing, you know. no one knows you better than me,” you say with a sense of pride in your voice.
there’s a small bit of hope in that—a small part of him that revels in the victory of knowing you’re prideful that you see past him and catch glimpses no one else can. so he lets himself be vulnerable with you—because even with his doubts, he’s still you’re kind, sweet, sensitive little yuuta.
“just…didn’t know you and itadori knew each other so well,” he finally mumbles. it’s silent for a moment, and yuuta starts to accept that maybe you’re going to say what he knows is inevitably coming after all.
anyone would love to know itadori yuji like that—why should you be an exception?
yuuta wishes it was before he fell so hopelessly for you, wishes it was before the sound of your laugh was a melody he knew by heart—it’d hurt less, it wouldn’t make his lip wobble the way it’s wobbling right now.
“oh, baby,” you chuckle, cupping his face with both your hands, squeezing them together as you pull his forehead to yours, “you don’t have to be jealous. he’s just yuji.”
you offer him a sweet smile and eyes full of light, and he offers you a teary-eyed tilt of his head in confusion.
“but you’re yuuta. you’re my yuu,” you whisper against his mouth, breath fanning over his skin before you press a delicate peck onto his lips. it’s short, a little too quick for his liking, but it makes him shiver nonetheless. “and i love you, my pretty boy.”
one more peck to his lip, then two, and then you’re kissing him deeply, grabbing his hands and guiding them to your hips before your arms wrap around his neck once more. he pulls you closer on instinct, and even if yuuta sees himself a muddle of colors, he feels bright hues seep through your lips and color him new—and it’s enough.
he thinks it’s enough, even if just for now.
“you were looking for me?” he asks breathlessly one more time as he pulls away, just to be sure. you watch as his eyes lighten a shade as you nod, smiling when his arms wrap impossibly tighter around you.
“of course, i was,” you press a kiss to his jaw, “who else?”

your honor he is my sugarplum baby boy
( geto × reader 18+)

"What would it even mean if I agreed to fuck you tonight?" Geto raised his eyebrows.
"I'm not sure, that gojo is jealous?" I replied with a devious smile.
"Fine". He mumbled something that sounded like You've got no fkn idea I want this, do you? but I doubt it was.
Denying me to grasp the details, he pushed on to me, holding me by my waist. I could feel his cold fingers on my skin when he pulled up the white shirt I was wearing. That was his first touch on me and for some reason he is trying to take it in, closing his eyes, struggling about something. Is he trying to hold back something?
His face is now buried on my neck slowly raising his head to my neck close to my ear, and I can feel his breathing turn intense. Or was he sniffing me? The moment I felt him resigned, I held his face in my palm. Geto refused to make eye contact. But I wasn't going to let go of this opportunity to ignite something in my casual 'situationship' who also turns out to be a fuckboy and geto's best friend.
I want this geto, fuck me, please.
His eyebrows heavily struggled to what I said and whatever he was holding back has now arrived from his insides to his teeth because he was grinding them so hard before he crashed his lips on mine with outrageous hunger. His lips felt cold and soft at first but I have no clue when it turned to be this hot, all I can feel is the heat in our mouths, in the moving of his hands, to my upper body. Wait, he stops.
He is now looking at me, waiting for a sign. Oh geto, I couldn't be more clearer, I smile and nod. A flash of desire and happiness twinkled in his eyes, like a kid promised his favourite candy. Well, candy.
He pulls up my shirt, surprised, with a swift movement in his throat, wait did he gulp?
He then grabbed me into him, gazed at me, savoured everything with his mere stare. Parted his lips, left a heavy breathe free, and almost whispered a fuck yearningly.
My shirt is now not even near the perimeter I'm in, I'm wearing my black bra, oh wait I'm not because it's now on the floor with a swift motion of Geto's hands. He can't take his eyes away from my breasts, my body, the way it's rising and falling under his surveillance. He furiously falls on my neck making his way to my breast, sucking them like it meant more than anything in this world, like he was starving before devouring me like this. He entrailed his lips all over my upper body by now. I could only surprisingly whimper at his immediate passion while I grabbed his hair in my hands, the falling strands of his hair only made his desperate and animal like stare make me wet down there crazily.
His eyes darted down to my panties and in the daze I was in I started mumbling the unspeakable. I might have started begging him to fill me up because he couldn't stop grunting fuck at the way I behaved.
He practically ripped the panties I was wearing and opened his mouth wide at it. He was anything but gentle when he crashed into my insides with his mouth. His duality was confusing because one moment he was kissing my folds and the next eating me like he hadn't encountered the concept of food, because I seemed like the only delicious thing he got to eat. My insides shrunk and churned making me lose it when his mouth grabbed my clit and never let it go, he took his time sucking on my clit and fingering my squelching pussy.
The surroundings melted down into something amorphous or my eyes lost its vision, because the pleasure in all of this wouldn't let me stay sane. I had to beg him to fuck me because this was it, any longer and i would die consuming this indescribable emotion. He smirked with the mouth that erupted a volcano in my body, and I let him tease me. Within a second the smirk turned into something unreadable, to do something irredeemable. He opened the buckle of his pants, pushed them down which immediately send a shiver in my body.
He bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief staring at me. His hair strands now sticks to the sweaty temple of his and he never looked more amusing to me than now I think. Something has ignited, which for a moment made me forget why I did this in the first place. And all I could think was him fucking me senseless.


Last night was...
I have officially backspaced this sentence more than 50 times. Iam not this person, I wouldn't fall for someone after sleeping with them, I knew I left that phase in school. I think. But how could he, Geto, someone I only considered as a mere friend make me feel these things?
The way he had sex, the passion and legitimacy of it, it all bounced through my head so that when Mr. Casual called, I didn't pay attention.
I didn't pay attention when Gojo, the busy six eyes who never calls, called me five times by noon, which was so not him.
My mind constantly hurried to the sweaty crooks of Geto's shoulders, the chest that was glued to mine, the daze I was in when he moaned my name and I his. The way he cursed and cursed when I couldn't stop whimpering. And when it was all over the way he brought my sweaty and frail body close to his, held me in his arms and let his fingers travel through my hair, with a blurry face that looked like it adored me, pined for me?
I'm not sure, but it all seemed so surreal and movie like. The montages they show when people are in love, the things we did yesterday felt remotely similar to those.

But i had to get my act together, and act like nothing happened. I had to maintain my reputation of someone who didnt care. And when I packed my bags and went to school the next day i couldn't believe the way things had turned out.

"Where were you, I've been trying to reach you, all day long you know!!?."
Desperate. Something that never allied with THE easy going Gojo. Why does it sound desperate? Satoru has always been kind with me whenever he had to be, and being fun, whether he had to or not, was a part of him. When he and I started doing the casual thing, I never thought it would end up in a day like this. To a day where he nudges away all his goofiness and general apathy about things to have a serious conversation with me. About us.
" Why do you care? I thought you were sleeping around with people Gojo, and that I shouldn't really put much thought to it, and..right, take things easy, like you said. " The words stormed away from the threshold of my mouth as it echoed something gojo so carelessly said last day.
''Listen, I know I've been awful, I realise that. I mean, I haven't really felt this.., I don't know how to say this. I just- ...you're important. I realised it late, only when I thought I'd lose you" he placed his firm hands softly on mine. His eyes glowed in a way it never did before, it yearned.

There was a movement in the back and it was Geto, my heart started beating crazily the moment I spotted him, what the heck?
The long hair that he let loose yesterday is tied up today lousily, the strands still dangling, his face is struggling to hide something, if I was any better at reading it, I would say it looked like something like pain.
My eyes should have wandered along with Geto's image which left the room abruptly with his bag because Gojo gently pressed my hand to bring me back to the 'desperate' conversation we were having.
" I slept with Geto"
"What?" I saw disbelief, a scoff, tinge of anger, confusion, defeat, and some realisation pass through gojo's face after the what.
"You shouldn't have"
"Why the hell not Satoru? Didn't you sleep around with Shoko? With anyone and everyone here? I thought this was the arrangement, why would this bother you now? "
"You know why."
"No, I don't. Please, humour me."
"It's different. You sleeping with him, it's different."
"How so?"
"Because.Because...Because he likes you okay? Im not sure it's even like, it's much more than that. I know him better than anyone and i see the way he looks at you, the way his face changes when you're the topic, I've seen how he stared a minute longer at the picture I had of you in my phone gallery while scrolling, annd that one minute was enough, I knew it. I knew him. If you had slept with anyone else it wouldn't have mattered, but Geto. He's genuine, you know. He, he I think, loves you. He's my bestfriend, and I would never want to see him hurt, but I also, I want you. I need you, I may have denied to see Geto's feelings all this while because of that. But he's my bestfriend, and if- fuck, it hurts to even say this. Hmmm.. sigh.. phew. Okay. If you genuinely like him back..if that's what you want..I get it, I do."

I grabbed Gojo's soft and beautiful, face in my hands, and held him close. My head touched his forehead and I slowly let my memories with him encircle us. I slowly kissed his lips, most ardently and tenderly, because this, this Gojo was new to me, and if it was yesterday I would have wanted this more than anything, but so many things have changed with one night. I wasn't ready to give this instability bw us another chance.

"I have to go to him."
Gojo nodded his head with tears flowing incessantly, stretching his hand out to lead me.
" Your Prince awaits, milady".
Cheeky, but I hope he does.
Part 4

Love, a concept so complicated to even grasp and yet, every single soul in the universe end up craving it. I have had my share of the cravings, but, news flash, it all resulted in me being left alone stranded. So the concept is now hid safe inside a box. buried deep down somewhere inside, and at times like these I hear the faint screaming it does from the suffocation, all for some acknowledgement. And now, Geto, Love? The one minute he stared longer? Gojo's words kept replaying in my head on my way to find Suguru.

I wouldnt run my thoughts any deeper into this, i mean why should i? what did he do about this? how long has this been going on, and ,oh fuck , thats a pillar and my head is gonna raamm into-, wait no its soft, wait its a hand, a familiar one, shit-
I slowly raised my head to see geto by the vending machine with one can of his favourite drink and the other hand as a barrier to my head and the wall. and yet he doesnt frickin spare me a look, why te hell is his head stooped so low.

Walls are everywhere these days huh?,the audacity to joke around right now without even meeting my eye.
"So youre not even gonna look at me?" I blurt out, unexpectedly helpless in my delivery.
As I see him lift his head up very reluctantly and struggle, i find myself doubting everything gojo previously said, miutes ago.
"Whats up y/n". THE NERVE.
"Didnt take you to be a fuckboi Suguru Senpai, following your best friend's steps is it?"
With a confounded expression I saw him squint his eyes and , well that should be a question then.
"You never called, Geto".
His eyes bulged a bit like he wasnt expecting me to care about the things that we did yesterday. I saw him mumble something under his breath while maintaining the good old strained eyebrows.
"What, you dont care about how i feel now that you slept w me?"
I see his expression waver into immediate shock that desperately needed to set some things straight.
"Y/n..you don't know what you're talking about.. please".
No amount of strained expression from him is helping this mixed signal facade that's happening to me. He takes a deep breathe noticing my baffled expression.

"I do. i do care, more than I've done for anyone else. its just.. by the time you were asleep in my...in my arms, gojo had texted. Soo..it worked. Everything worked out. As intended. Or it didnt, and he came to his senses maybe,finally,else, it doesnt make sense. it makes zero sense. i mean why the fuck would someone not know how to treat you? to treat you shouldnt come as a chore or a result of some challenge, its as natural as breathing air, and idk what was with him all this while, but im sure he realises now, so give him a chance, he'll treat you better I'm sure."
"Is that what you want?"
"What..why..why would it matter, what I think" he visibly gulps, confused.
"It matters to me geto, if you care about me, to know that you like me, I don't know geto you messed with my head, I can't get you out of it...i broke up with gojo."
"What..wait. what?" His face couldn't contain the emotions that rollercoastered through his mind.
"Just say it geto, fucking say it. Do you or do you not like me. Shit, why am I even doing this? " I steer away on my heel as an attempt to hide the tears that are about ruin my mascara, until I feel an immediate grab on my wrist, the same soft hands.
"y/nnn, y/nn....how do i tell you this...you have no idea. not a thing. the way i have craved for you, to be with you, the way i have literally felt my blood boil seeing the way my bestfreind treated you. you have no ideaaa. please dont torment me any more than this, shit im sorry, i know, its not your fault. hell you had no idea how i felt. its just. all you had to do was exist ynnn. the way you aree, the way you smile, hold the hemm of gojos shirt when he failed to pay you the attention you more than deserve, the way you gently hit shoko on her shoulders when you laugh, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the way and fuck the way, the way i saw you yesterday, every inch of you, its etched in my memory, by choice. Fuck, I need some water"
I couldn't contain the happiness that bloomed inside me and I had to do something crazy because he looked just too cute.
" for now i can help you moisten your lips I think", I stand on my toes to reach his open mouth, so confused and wary and place the timid but hungry kiss on it, but within seconds he makes sense of things and grabs me by my waist only to land a kiss that lasted longer than the hourly bell that rang twice or thrice after that.
"Aaargh, this...you're tempting me to do something irredeemable again" he breathes with a glistening red lips messy with the stray tints of my lipstick.
"Let's redeem through it this time then."
The smirk on his lips right then looked more promising than ever.

me when I reach the angst part of the angsty fic that I specifically chose for the angst

Ovulating right now🫂🌚 feel you🍌
Spicy stuff on X!
Check out down here✨💖:
Hiiii i love your basketball au w/ sukuna sm!
Would you be ok with writting about reader and sukuna with him regretting letting you walk away after the last fight? With them actually getting together?
Ty for your time friend! 💖🌸

Not the time to think about it pt.II

( ♡ ) pairing : Basketball player!Sukuna Ryomen x fem!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe, kinda sad, age gap , idk bro , angst to fluff (??)
( ♡ ) a/n : hi my love 💞 Thank you for your request 🤗 I love the idea of them actually getting together but of course I’ll make it a bit of angst 😋

You threw yourself into your studies, trying to drown in your textbooks, hoping that if you just worked hard enough, if you buried yourself deep enough in the endless pages of research and lectures, you could forget him.
But it never worked.
No matter how many nights you stayed up until dawn, staring blankly at words that blurred together on the the pages of your books, Sukuna was always there — lingering in the back of your mind like a ghost.
The pain clung to you like a shadow. It wasn’t the sharp, immediate sting you felt when you had first confronted him, when his silence had confirmed your worst fear. No, this pain was quieter, more insidious. It seeped into every part of you, weighing down your chest until it was hard to breathe, until even the simplest things — like hearing his name on TV or passing by the court where he practiced — felt like a knife slowly twisting in your heart.
Every time you saw him, even from afar, it was like tearing open a wound that refused to heal. You would catch glimpses of him on campus, surrounded by his usual crowd, his laughter echoing through the air. And every time, you had to fight the urge to cry. Because to the world, he was still the same Sukuna —charming, carefree, untouchable. But to you? To you, he was the man who had made you believe in something more, only to shatter it.
It felt cruel, how life continued as if nothing had changed, as if your world hadn’t crumbled the night you walked away. You tried to hate him, tried to convince yourself that he wasn’t worth this heartache. But no matter how much you tried to forget him, to erase the memory of his touch, his smile, his whispered promises, you couldn’t.
Nights were the hardest. Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, the silence pressing down on you — it was in those quiet moments that the loneliness hit the hardest. You found yourself remembering the way his arms had felt around you, how you had felt safe, warm, loved, even if only for a fleeting moment. And now, all of that was gone, like smoke slipping through your fingers.
You would dream about him sometimes. In your dreams, things were different. He hadn’t hurt you, hadn’t broken your heart. In your dreams, he still loved you, and everything was as it should have been. But then you would wake up, and the cold reality would settle over you like a weight you couldn’t shake. The man you had loved — the man you still loved —wasn’t coming back.
It was a cruel irony, really. The more you tried to move on, the more you felt trapped in the memory of what you had lost. You wanted to be angry, to scream, to let it all out. But instead, you simply existed, numb to everything except the quiet ache in your chest that reminded you, day after day, that he was gone, and you were left alone to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.
And the worst part ? The worst part was knowing that you had loved him so deeply, with everything you had, only to realize it hadn’t been enough. That no matter how hard you tried to be what he needed, in the end, you couldn’t save him from himself.
For Sukuna, life continued as it always had. He went through the motions — attending practices, playing games, flashing that same arrogant smile for the cameras, surrounded by the fans and women who once made him feel untouchable. But now, none of it mattered. It all felt hollow, meaningless without you. The noise of the crowds became a distant hum, the adrenaline of winning a game nothing but a fleeting distraction from the aching void that had taken root in his chest.
At first, he had tried to shake it off, convincing himself that he didn’t need you — that he could keep living the way he always had, unattached and carefree. But it didn’t take long for the weight of his guilt and regret to settle in, pressing down on him like an unrelenting force. Everywhere he turned, he saw you. In the empty spot on the couch where you used to sit during his late-night practices, in the way the sunlight streamed into his apartment in the mornings, reminding him of the quiet moments you’d shared, tangled up in each other.
Every day, he replayed that night in his mind, the night you had looked at him with such raw vulnerability and asked the question that tore everything apart. "Did you cheat on me?" The silence that had followed felt like a lifetime, and now, every time he thought back to it, he wished more than anything that he had said something — anything. That he had fought for you, begged for your forgiveness, told you he was sorry.
But he hadn’t. He had just stood there, frozen, letting the best thing that had ever happened to him slip through his fingers.
In the days that followed, Sukuna tried to fill the void with the same distractions he always had. He surrounded himself with people, went out to parties, flirted with women who threw themselves at him. But nothing felt the same. The momentary highs only left him feeling more empty, more alone. He found himself searching for you in every crowd, his eyes scanning for that familiar warmth, that quiet presence that had once brought him a sense of peace he didn’t even know he was missing.
The nights were the worst. When the world quieted down, and there was no game, no crowd to drown out the silence, Sukuna would lie awake, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts would spiral, the regret clawing at him with every passing minute. He would think about all the moments he had taken for granted — the way you’d laugh softly when he teased you, the way you’d always ask him about his day, genuinely caring about the answers. He remembered how your fingers had felt in his hair, how you’d look at him with such tenderness, a tenderness he had never deserved.
He missed you more than he thought possible. It was an ache that wouldn’t go away, a constant reminder that he had ruined the one thing that had ever felt real in his life. And the worst part? He knew it was his fault. He had pushed you away, hurt you in ways he could never take back. He had let his pride, his reckless need for control, blind him to what really mattered. And now, you were gone, living your life without him.
Sukuna had always prided himself on being strong, untouchable. But without you, he felt weak, fragile in a way he had never known. He tried to tell himself that he could move on, that this was just another fleeting chapter in his life. But no matter how much he tried, the truth was undeniable.
He had loved you.
He had loved you deeply, more than he had ever been able to admit, even to himself. And now, it was too late.
In the quiet of his apartment, when the world had long since fallen asleep, Sukuna would sit in the dark, his hands trembling as he thought of you. He wondered if you were happier without him, if you had moved on. The thought tore at him, a bitter mix of jealousy and sorrow. He wondered if you ever thought of him, if you missed him the way he missed you. But he knew, deep down, that you deserved better —someone who could give you the love and respect he had failed to provide.
And that realization was the most painful of all. Because Sukuna Ryomen, the man who had always been in control, who had always lived life on his terms, had lost the one person who had ever truly mattered. And now, no matter how much he regretted it, there was nothing he could do to change that.
The guilt, the regret — it consumed him. It followed him every second of every day, a constant reminder of what he had lost. And no matter how many games he won, how many women threw themselves at him, it was never enough to fill the void you had left behind.
He had always loved you — deep down, in ways he could never put into words. But Sukuna had been too blind to see it, too arrogant to admit it, and far too terrified to confront the feelings that stirred in the depths of his heart. Love had always been something distant, fleeting, a game he thought he could play and leave behind. Until you came along.
But now… now it was too late. Or was it?
The ache of your absence gnawed at him constantly, a slow, suffocating weight that only grew heavier with time. Days turned into weeks, then months, and still, you haunted his every thought. The memory of your smile — soft and real in a way nothing else in his world was — burned behind his eyes when he tried to sleep. The warmth of your voice, the way you’d say his name with that tenderness he didn’t deserve, echoed in the quiet corners of his mind, filling every silence with your absence.
For the first time in his life, Sukuna felt utterly lost. It wasn’t the fame or the women or the adrenaline of the game that he craved anymore. It was you. Just you.
He remembered the night you left—the look on your face, the pain in your eyes, how you had tried so hard to hold back the tears as you walked away from him. And he had let you. He had stood there, watching you leave, unable to say the one thing that might have kept you with him.
“I love you.”
Those words had been trapped inside him, buried beneath his pride, beneath the layers of fear and self-doubt. And by the time he realized the truth, you were already gone.
Now, every moment without you was an unbearable reminder of what he had lost. He’d see you in the smallest of things — the scent of your perfume lingering in the jacket you once borrowed, a song on the radio that had played during one of your late-night drives. And each time, the regret hit him like a punch to the gut, leaving him breathless, wishing he could turn back time, undo the hurt he caused.
But the most painful realization of all? He knew you had loved him too. You had given him your heart on a silver plate, placed your trust in him, and he had shattered it. He had taken you for granted, thinking you’d always be there, always waiting. But you weren’t. You couldn’t.
Sukuna thought about calling you every day. His finger would hover over your name in his phone, his heart pounding in his chest as he wrestled with the fear that maybe it was too late — that maybe you had moved on, that you were happier without him. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness, didn’t deserve another chance. But he also couldn’t live with the idea of never trying.

The Last Chance
One night, after yet another game that left him feeling emptier than ever, Sukuna found himself standing outside your apartment building. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his breath clouding in the cold night air as he stared up at the window where he knew your light used to shine. Everything in him screamed to turn around, to leave before he made things worse. But he couldn’t. Not this time.
He knocked on your door, his heart hammering so loud he could hear it in his ears. When you opened it, he was struck by how much he had missed you — how seeing your face, even for a moment, sent a shock of warmth through the ice that had settled over his heart.
You stood there, staring at him in disbelief, your expression guarded, but there was a flicker of something in your eyes. Hurt, yes. But also the smallest glimmer of hope.
“I know I don’t deserve to be here,” Sukuna said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, raw. “I know I hurt you, and I can’t take that back. But there’s something I need to tell you, and if you still never want to see me again after this, I’ll walk away for good.”
You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t close the door either. So he continued, the words he should have spoken months ago tumbling out all at once.
“I was a coward,” he admitted, his gaze dropping to the floor. “I thought I could run from what I felt, that I could keep pretending I didn’t need anyone. But I was wrong. I need you. I love you. I’ve always loved you, but I was too scared to admit it, even to myself. And now, I’m standing here, asking — no, begging— for one more chance. Because losing you… it’s the only thing that’s ever made me realize what love really is.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and for a moment, Sukuna thought he had broken you all over again. His chest tightened with fear, and he was ready to turn away, to walk out of your life for good. But then, you spoke, your voice trembling but soft.
“Why now, Sukuna ? Why did it take losing me for you to see ?”
He swallowed hard, his throat burning as he fought to keep his composure. “Because I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. I was selfish, and I’m sorry. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking you for another chance. Let me prove that I can be the man you deserve.”
You stood there for what felt like an eternity, the weight of his words hanging in the air between you. And then, slowly, you stepped aside, letting the door open just a little wider. Your eyes met his, filled with pain but also a spark of something that hadn’t completely faded.
“Don’t make me regret this,” you whispered.
And in that moment, Sukuna knew he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t let you slip away again. He’d hold onto you with everything he had because now he understood — losing you had been the beginning of the end. But maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something new. Something real. Something that could last.
It wasn’t too late after all.

TW: angst, mental health issues
I know this isn’t the latest story you guys thought I would be posting but I know a lot of people are going through a hard time right now and so am I, I thought why not make something out of this feeling yk?
not proofread, I did all of this in about 30 minutes or so

Sleep. Why do we need it? Is it the constant state of tiredness? An escape from reality? Who knows, all I know is I can’t seem to fall asleep
Throughout the days I get more exhausted, my smile starts to wear thin, and my eyes feel like they’re ablaze. I just want to stay coupled up in my room
But I can’t. Every day it’s another curse and everyday we kill it, it’s like a cycle on repeat day in and day out
“You look tired,” Gojo spoke as we were walking in silence beforehand. I just look to him, my eye bags giving it away, “have you been getting enough sleep?”
“I’m fine, I just didn’t get much sleep last night. I’ll go to bed early tonight” I lied through my teeth. I’m helpless, nothing feels how it should, nothing is how it should be. We continue to walk in silence back to jujustu high
Once I get back to my room I change and just lay on my bed. Why am I like this? I was just fine a couple days ago, so why now? I had so many unanswered questions
I kept up on my training as to not alert anyone of any implications that I’m not doing alright. I remember when Suguru Geto was still here, we used to be close. I remember what it was like to fight beside him, how we used to have fun along with Gojo but it’s in the past now. Now my future is full with cursed spirits
I dream of a place in my mind where I could go. I could just go and never have to worry about anything. I would have my best friends beside me and there would be no cursed spirits, everything would be perfect. It was a dream for a reason
I haven’t been able to bring myself to eat much, only what I need to stay alive. I’m in darkness and I don’t think anyone could pull me out, it’s too late. I curled in on myself under my blanket, sniffling for reasons unknown to me. Sometimes everything we do as sorcerers gets too much, it’s starting to get too much for me and it was too much for Suguru Geto. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I started to sob loudly under my covers
I heard the door open but I didn’t care, I had finally broke the tall standing wall I had put up. The person rushed to my side and lifted the blanket. Gojo stood there with a worried face
“Y/n! Are you ok?” His question just made me sob more. I couldn’t control myself at this point
“Is there something you need?! Something I can do?! Please! Tell me!” He doesn’t know what to do, I myself don’t know what to do. I just lay there a sobbing mess as one of my best friends stares at me with worry etched across his face
Suddenly another pair of footsteps sounds in the room. I can’t move, I can’t see who it is
‘Just leave! Please! I don’t want you to see me like this!’ I shouted in my head only for it not to reach my lips
“Y/n are you alright?” I recognized the voice as shoko. She tried to touch my shoulder but I shook it off. I wanted to scream, scream until my lungs give out, scream until I can’t breathe, scream until my best friend is back. My pillow was soaked with tears
Gojo hesitated as he moved closer to the bed. He lifted the covers and climbed in the bed with me while Shoko gave him a confused look. He moved closer to me until we were only a couple inches apart. He listened to me sob into my pillow, quieting my screams. If I could only see the hurt look on his face, I would’ve been broken for good. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me to his chest. One of his arms stays on my back as the other strokes my hair softly
“Let it all out.” Was all he said. I sobbed into his chest, my screams breaking both of their hearts as it is mine. Gojo let silent tears fall down his cheeks as he couldn’t help it, he already lost one best friend and he wasn’t ready to lose another
Shoko stared in concern at the scene in front of her not knowing what to do so she did what she could and sat on the bed next to us. She gently laid her hand on my back and rubbed soothing circles. Both of the physical sentiments seem to help calm me down, soon I was reduced to silent tears and hiccup breaths as I felt my exhaustion consume me
Gojo was panicking on the inside as he held his sleeping tear-stained best friend in his arms. He didn’t want to lose another friend, he’d already lost one and he wasn’t ready to let go of another. He held onto me as tightly as he could without hurting me. His tears still stream down his face quietly as he worries what my future could look like, a sorcerer? A curse user? ….Geto? He quickly ran the idea out of his mind
I fell asleep in the embrace of two of my best friends and I realized something. I may miss old memories, old friends but my most loved ones are right here with me. I can’t have time pass me by while I’m still stuck in the past, yes it takes time to heal and it can’t be done overnight but it has to be done or it’ll consume me
I avoided sleep for the longest time hoping I wouldn’t see his face. I always wondered how he felt in his final weeks before he turned to the other side until I realized, this is how he felt. He felt alone, he felt hatred, he felt sorrow. I don’t think there’s even a word for everything he felt. I felt horrible knowing one of the people I cared about most was suffering in silence for so long and we couldn’t notice
I felt grateful, grateful that I have friends who see me hurting and what I’m going through. Who don’t know how to help but they help anyways, that’s the kind of friends I don’t want to push away. I’m happy to know that I’m not alone through all of this and that if I need someone they’re always there
Teachers pet
reader is over 18

Satoru Gojo. He was the strongest jujustu sorcerer, most intricate, most diligent, and most childish. Satoru Gojo is my teacher.
“Gojo sensei!” Yuji came running towards the teacher, Nobara Kugisaki hot on his trail
“Hide me sensei!” Yuji quickly hid behind Gojo while the teacher laughed
“I’m gonna kill you Itadori!!” She came running towards him quickly with anger. Megumi sighed following after the two while I chuckled at their interactions. I nudged Megumi playfully
“C’mon ‘gumi, it’s funny” he cracked a small smile. We walked back to the group and while I was amused with the interaction, I couldn’t help but be distracted by a certain white haired man. I forced my head to turn to my classmates instead before I lost myself
“Y/n please get her!!” Yuji shouted towards me. I laughed at him
“Sorry no can do, we have training soon. Gotta go buddy” I made an excuse to get out of there, leaving Yuji with Nobara. I chuckled at the thought while walking to my dorm to change for our training exercises. I hurried and changed into a pair of shorts and cropped tee before I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Nobara
“We’re about to start training” she looked at my outfit, “woah, love your outfit!” I thanked her and complimented her outfit. Today was a hot day so it wasn’t surprising seeing her in shorts and a tee either. We walked together to the field laughing and talking
Once we showed up we saw Yuji training with panda and Megumi training with Maki. I smiled at the way panda was throwing Yuji
“What the hell are they doing?” My voice sounding amused until we heard a voice behind us
“I could ask you the same thing” I jumped at the voice so close to my ear and turned to see Gojo. Nobara also being scared started to yell at Gojo until Maki called her over. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Gojo
“You scared me” I chuckled looking at the man wishing I could stare into his eyes and not a blindfold. He had his infamous smirk plastered on his face
“You ready for training?” He moved his face closer to mine. My cheeks tented a light pink as I started getting flustered. I moved my face to the side hoping he wouldn’t notice
“Yeah a-always” I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. His smirk grew into a cheeky smile
“Good because you’ll be training with me” I turned to him quickly with my eyes wide
“W-what?” I asked in disbelief, “but I’m nowhere near as experienced as you” I tried to reason with him. He had the cockiest smirk on his face
“That’s why I’m going to teach you” he moved in close and whispered right by my ear. My face turned red all the way to the tips of my ears. He leaned back and even though I can’t see his eyes a chill went down my spine as his eyes raked over my body
“Cute outfit sweetheart” with a last compliment he was on his merry way down to the other students. I couldn’t believe what just happened. Surely I was imagining it, I mean he is THE Satoru Gojo. He wouldn’t be flirting with a student like me when he could have anyone he wanted
“Y/n!” I was broken out of my thoughts when my name was called over by none other than the man who has me so flustered, “we’re deciding partners, come join” his smirk was teasing at this point. I nodded my head and silently walked over to the group
Yuji was paired with panda, Maki was paired with Nobara, and Megumi was paired with Toge. Of course I already knew my partner. I don’t understand why he chose me but he’s Satoru Gojo, I can’t really question him
Everyone started in hand to hand combat. I looked to Gojo with determination and slight confusion. I got in stance and my nervousness must’ve shown because he lightly chuckled
“Ok sweetheart, let’s see what you’ve got” with two fingers he motioned me forward in a ‘come higher’ movement. With a determined look I started a run towards him and tried to blow a hit onto his face but he dodged and grabbed my hand, forcing it behind my back and him right along with it. He leaned in close to me
“Got to be quicker than that” His voice seductive giving chills down my spine. With my head unfocused he sweeped my legs from under me and forced me onto my stomach. I moaned out in pain while Gojo internally enjoyed every bit of this predicament
After he let me go we went a couple more rounds that all ended with me in sultry positions. Everyone stopped training when the sun began to set, that was our cue to stop as well. I started packing everything I brought with me and my mind was going a million miles a minute with suggestive thoughts. I shook my head to clear them and began to walk back until I hear my voice called again by the same man. I turned and walked back trying not to think of every way this man could have me bent over and mushy brained
“I just wanted to tell you, you did an amazing job today!” He said energetically. I scoffed
“I didn’t land a single hit on you though” I looked around and almost everyone was gone, those who weren’t were on their way. I turned back to him and he had his head tilted, almost as if he was studying me
“If you landed a hit, it would be because I let you.” Once he stated that my cheeks grew flushed once again and I avoided looking at the man once again. I hate how stupid it is but I grew wet just from that sentence
“Anyways I wanted to give you a little reward for holding your own” he spoke back to his normal voice. I looked up at him confused which just drove him to go on
“C’mon, follow me” he spoke in a chipper voice with me following after him quietly. He led us to his classroom
“What are we doing in here Gojo sensei?” I asked confused. He smiled at me and for some reason it sent major chills down my spine
“Could you sit up here for a moment while I grab something?” He patted the desk and I slowly nodded not getting how he didn’t ask me to sit at a desk instead but following anyways. I sat on the desk patiently while he riffled through his drawers
“Sensei Gojo?” I asked out. He looked up at me with a smile that made my heart stop and my legs subtly rub together
“Call me Satoru sweetheart” I flushed a deep red. I nodded my head
“Satoru… what is my reward?” I asked with my interest piqued. He smiled brightly when he found what he was looking for and quickly grabbed it. Before I could see what it was he hid it behind his back and walked in front of me
“It’s a surprise. Close your eyes” I listened almost instantly. He hummed in satisfaction. Satoru leaned both of his arms on each side of me, caging me into him as he leaned in close. My breath was caught in my throat as I felt his presence so close. Suddenly I felt our lips connect in surprise causing my lips to part in surprise
Satoru took this as an opportunity for entrance with his tongue. I leaned into the kiss as our tongues fought for dominance, obviously he won. I was so caught up in the kiss I didn’t notice his hand slip into my shorts and suddenly there was buzzing. I broke the kiss as I moaned feeling the buzzing on my clit. Gojo leaned back to watch my face with a grin
“Oh good, you like your surprise” he boasted and reveled in the way I twitched and bucked my hips. I looked to his face while moaning just wishing I could see his eyes
“Satoru” was all I could get out. My hands looked for some place to hold as I raised my hands and gripped the edge of the desk. His grin grew as did the tent of his pants. Satoru turned the vibrator frequency up and my head flew back
“Please” Was all I could say. What I was begging for? I don’t know. He pressed the vibrator impossibly closer and my legs started to shake as my eyes rolled back
“Aww are you about to cum?” He mocked me. Just as I was on the edge of my orgasm he turned the vibrator off. I whined in disappointment
“Don’t worry sweetheart, the real surprise is right here” he started to unbuckle his pants. I sat back up and looked where his hands were. I’ve been dreaming of him since I met him, I was practically drooling already. He paused his movements
“Do you want this?” He asked suddenly in a serious tone. I nodded my head frantically
“Please, want it so bad” I practically pleaded. His smile came back and he hurried to get his pants off. Once he unbuckles his pants he takes them off and throws them somewhere in the room. He quickly got rid of his shirt along with it. I couldn’t help but stare at his physique, entranced by a body that looks like it was sculpted by the gods
I reached out and trailed my nails along his abdomen softly. His breath hitches at the contact of my skin and he chuckles
“Like what you see?” He teased with a smirk. I merely nodded then looked up into his blindfold
“Yes, very much”
I figured this was long enough so part 2 coming soon bby’s
BARRACUDA . toji fushiguro

in which a hopelessly broke college student finds herself searching for a job in the most desolate of places, only to end up as a ring girl for the notorious underground fight club, jujutsu headquarters.
series warnings: underground fighter!toji fushiguro, female reader, slight age gap relationship, swearing, angst, violence, gore, mentions of drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs, eventual smut
total wc: 3.0k of estimated 20k

— CHAPTER ONE . desperate measures 3.0k
when your search for a job falls short for what feels like the millionth time in a row, you’re just about ready to give up until an odd proposition makes itself known to you.
— CHAPTER TWO . crowd pleaser
the time has come for you to have finally landed a job, though you don’t particularly want to think about how you acquired said job. now that your first day has arrived, you realise that your in for a lot more than you expected.
more coming soon…

© 2023, reniberries. please do not copy any of my writing or repost to other websites.

Nightmare frights
You had a dream where they died foreshadowing.. !manga spoilers!!
Including- Gojo, geto, megumi
Pt 1



Nightmare fright
Pt 2
Including- choso, kento, Ryomen



-you breaking their stuff (accidentally)
Including- satoru, kento, megumi


Kento nanami

Megumi fushiguro

CW: angst, no comfort
“Divorce”. It was said funny. Your husband knew you were French and had a little accent with certain words, you had warned him, but he only rarely heard that little accent but it just made it even more special. He cherished the few words you would say with your adorable accent. Squirrel was one of them. No effort on that one. You’d just say “skwi-rel” and call it a day. He laughed so hard the first time he cried. Then there was “hierarchy”. And after that “throughout”. The little accent mishaps were so precious to your husband. It was like he was the only one who truly knew you. He was the sole guardian of your secrets. Of course those had to stay secret because you get embarrassed easily. Today, as you utter for the first time in 10 years of being happily married the word divorce. Your husband can’t help the bittersweet taste forming in his mouth and feel the loathe in his heart. He loathes that you said the word, but he loathes himself even more for breaking your heart to the point of making you drop to your knees with tears filled eyes. You were never one to show negative emotions. You kept those to yourself. You thought that showing your tears to anyone was an admission of weakness and you were nothing short of mighty. He had traded an amazing partner for a few minutes of fun. He felt flattered a younger woman . And here he was, as you went back to the impassible facade you once had when you first met with your husband. A facade he took so long to break in. A facade that had kept you safe from people like him.
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl.
CW: Angst, no comfort
In hindsight, you should’ve seen it coming. You HAD to have seen it coming. It was all your fault. You never treated any relationship like a relationship but more like a mentorship where you always putting yourself in the mentor place. It was the only way you knew how to show care and love, by giving advices and scoldings. It reminded of 9th grade when your best friend decided to end the friendship because you advised her to stay away from a certain group of boys who were straight up delinquents. “You SUFFOCATE me.”She had shouted on the top of her lungs in the school cafeteria. Now it was different yet so similar. You had helped your new boyfriend with his emotions issues. He had difficulties managing them. He would take criticism as small as it was so bad it could sour his mood for the rest of the week. On the other hand a sliver of praise could make him lift mountains. “Your smile is enough to keep me going.” He had shared with you once in the privacy of your shared bed, with heavy eyes and a lovesick grin. You had decided to take matters into your own hands. You took the initiative of finding him a therapist that would help pin point why he reacted like that. “Your emotions are eating you away my love. I hate to see you unhappy because of a few words.” You whispered to him” You have to change for you. If you ever have to deal with some insensitive jerk or even… your next girlfriend .” You hesitated. That was the conversation you had 3 months ago and sure you were seeing results. But you weren’t sure if does were results or your boyfriend just loosing interest. If you were being honest you were starting to miss his emotions. Rather that than the silence that found you as you came back home every night for the last few weeks. And as you took it upon you to surprise your boyfriend with a treat delivered straight to his job, you were greeted with a gut wrenching scene and a familiar feeling in your stomach. “Your smile is enough to keep me going”. Here was your boyfriend saying that to another woman. She retorted with a “your girl doesn’t know how good she head it having an expressive man like you”. With that you left the building. No tears. Just ugly thoughts of eternal loneliness. You arrived at your house pretty fast and decided to leave without a warning. It was a cowards move but to hell bravery. You just left a note: “your smile is going to keep me going. take care baby. PS: i hope you guys are truly happy”.
it’s not very good but it’s something I had to get out of me. Was thinking of Bokuto while writing this but it can be anyone that fits the description . Very inspired by Lynette Scavo. Thanks for the likes on the last one 💕

summary. Gojo crawls back to you for comfort after having a near-death experience .ೃ࿐
cw/ tw. mild angst, hurt/comfort, hint of being touch-starved, feelings, non-sorcerer reader, bath washing, kind of a fix-it-fic, implied friends to lovers
an. I don't think I ever posted this on my @/satorini account, but this is my first dip into canon and I was too nervous to upload it here...heh reblogs are appreciated!

Being with Satoru is sometimes a bit overwhelming, like when he talks about things you don’t understand and disappears for days, weeks—and sometimes months—without offering so much as a be back soon.
Some days, he comes back a little different, more changed. It’s the times he looks at you from across the table of a quaint cafe, and it feels like you’re staring back at a stranger—similar to that first date when neither of you knew what to say—something close to bare indifference until it shifts into interest.
It’s why you don’t know what to say when he shows up on your doorstep after weeks of silence. Of no messages, no calls. Of worrying. Out of the jumbled mess of conflicting feelings, anger is the one that comes the easiest. “What are you doing here?”
He ducks his head, and his fingers tug at his ear. The flowers in his hand are slightly crushed, several of them wilted, with petals falling at your feet when he holds them out to you. “You still like tulips, right?”
"Allergic, actually."
You sigh. “It’s been weeks. You haven’t talked to me in weeks.
His lips quirked into an almost smile. “Are you saying you missed me?”
“Why are you here?”
The expression on his face shifts, turning the polished edges into something more ragged, more open. And honestly, he looks more human for it. Touchable in a sense when he often felt out of reach.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” he whispers, his voice hitching.
You've never heard him sound like that before. Vulnerable. Somehow smaller than life.
It’s then that you notice him lilting to the side, probably to take the weight off where he’s injured, and you find it hard to hold onto the hurt and anger you’ve been stewing over the past couple of weeks.
The hinges on your door groan a little as you open it wider. “Come on. I’ll run a bath.”

You run your fingers through his hair, washing away the dirt and congealed blood.
"What happened to your shirt?" you ask to break the silence, secretly wanting to hear his voice and know he’s okay after seeing the bath water turn pink from two passes of your washcloth across his back.
"Ruined it."
"So some poor shopkeeper let you into their store to buy flowers shirtless and covered in blood?"
"No," he sheepishly looks down at his knees, barely peeking through the bubbles. "I stole them from your neighbor's garden."
You roll your eyes. "You're lucky I like having you around."
"It didn't seem that way earlier."
"You know why I was upset.” You wash away the soap and add, “Still am."
"Would you let me make it up to you?"
"Maybe on a day when you show up on my doorstep with clothes on and flowers that aren't stolen, then yes."
"I thought you like it when I'm naked."
You huff, "I'll leave and make you wash yourself—"
He grabs your wrist so fast over his shoulder that you have to save yourself by gripping the side of the tub from almost slipping into it with him.
"Don't go. I'm sorry."
You hear the threads of panic in his voice and calmly try to reassure him. "It's okay. It’s okay. I won't."
The rest of his bath is quiet, and he lets you wash him until his hair is white again and his fingers turn pruney. You don’t leave when he steps out of the tub and slips on one of his spare boxers that have slowly taken over one side of your sock drawer. Nor do you make him wait long when you slide into bed beside him after changing out of your wet clothes and turning off the light.
It’s when he wraps himself around you that you allow yourself to admit that you were never really upset with him; rather, whether or not that ‘be back soon’ would really happen that’s been eating at you, and wondering if that's why he never actually says it. You’re not so clueless that you don’t understand the risks at stake with his job, but sometimes it’s easier to pretend you grew up in the same world so you’d worry less about the real dangers he faces.
Plus, you missed this, just being near each other and feeling his chest rise and fall under your hands.
"Tell me you love me," the words are so soft against your neck that you're unsure if he meant for you to hear them, but then you notice the stiffness in his shoulders after a second too long of you saying nothing, and your stomach does this funny little flip as you comb your fingers through his hair.
"Stay until the morning, and I'll say it."
He's quiet, but you think he understands what you're not saying. It's all there in the way he holds you a little tighter, how you feel the tension melt from his body, and you have a feeling you'll wake up tomorrow morning and still find him lying next to you, snoring and softly mumbling in his sleep like he sometimes does.
You trace the shell of his ear, counting his every inhale and exhale—coveting them in the very corners of your chest because it feels important that you do. "Always come back to me. I'll say anything you want."
thinking about…
satoru as a husband ᡣ𐭩
words: 1.3k
lazily, he slots himself on the couch, laying across the long piece of furniture, his feet dangling off the edge. he thought about how you would get upset that he dirtied the couch, but he would brush it off by telling you he’d buy you a whole new set.
just a minute.
he swore he closed his eyes for one second, only for 45 minutes to have passed by. when he had finally opened his eyes he remained on the couch, except you had weaseled your way to move his heavy head onto your lap, running your fingers through his snow-like hair.
“hi handsome” you smile down at him. he blinks and yawns. “i thought i heard the door open and when i finally came down to investigate here you are asleep” you giggle and slightly pinch his nose.
he crinkles it slightly and sends you a small smile. “ ‘m sorry baby, i could’ve sworn i closed my eyes for one second. but there’s nothing better than to wake up and see your pretty face” he reaches for the hand that's in his hair and lays gentle kisses from your wrist to your palm. internally you frowned, he looked exhausted and your heart ached a little when he winced from adjustung his head so he could look at you better. he worked so hard to provide, he worked so hard for you.
you smile brightly and place a kiss on his forehead, “you’re so sappy” and he chuckles, bringing your hand to cup his cheek.
“why don't we get you cleaned up, yeah?” he stares into your eyes, tender and warm but fatigue laced in his icy blue orbs, your gaze lingering on each other for just a second too long. he sighs and reluctantly gets up, leaving you and your warmth to make his way to the bathroom.
the tension in his muscles melts away when he feels the pelt of hot water grace his supple skin. he sighs, his head turned down with eyes close. he feels the ache in his body fade away until it resides as a slight ebb. it made him even more sleepy. after shampooing and lathering his body in soap, he turns the shower off, and steps in front of the steamy mirror.
he notices the growing dark under eye circles and slight stubble he's been neglecting recently. he notices the slight wrinkles that are growing prominent from the frequency of his frowning lately. he grimaces, turning around to flip off the light and closes the door.
his eyes are met with dim candle lights and incense burning, you're sitting prettily on your knees with a silky pink gown. “what's all this for pretty?” he feels his heart tightening, making his way towards you, his knees touching the edge of your bed.
“i wanted to do some skin care on you, you never take care of yourself toru” you look into his azure eyes as you pout.
how did he ever end up finding you.
he brings his hand to your face, gently thumbing your cheek, “i don’t focus on such frivolous things, i have to keep my girl safe and happy. you didn’t have to do all this for me baby.”
you stand up from the bed, grabbing both of satoru’s hands and speak to him, “i want to take care of you toru, you’re so good to me i need to return the gesture, it’s what my husband deserves.” he chuckles and brings his forehead to yours, “you don’t need to do anything for me. you don’t owe me anything either, everything i do for you is purely because i want to do it. all i do for you is the bare minimum, i should be doing more in fact!”
you pout again upset at how he discredits his actions. as if making you quit your job so you can stay at home stress free and spoiling you with love and thousand dollar shopping sprees is bare minimum. not to mention all the traveling you guys do when he spontaneously mentions that he’s taking you on vacation. “you do so much more than that and you know it. all i’m asking you for is to lay in bed and relax!” you shove his shoulder.
he finally flops on the bed with his hands behind his head, waiting for you to move. he wiggles his eyebrows at you which makes your eyes roll but makes you smile nonetheless.
“i like where this is going” he whistles at you as you straddle his lap, you lightly slap his arm. “get your mind out of the gutter. nothing is happening tonight just so we’re clear” he rolls his eyes and mumbles a ‘yeah yeah’.
you place a headband to hold his hair back and softly say, “okay close your eyes.” he complies, his white eyelashes fluttering shut. you carefully place 2 cool cucumbers on his eyes and he sighs. he feels like a puddle, your soft touch and home-like scent invading his senses sending him into a plane of euphoria. next you grab a clay mask and a brush, gently painting his face with the gray liquid.
“how’s it feel lovey?” he hums and sighs, leaning further into the fluffy feather filled pillows beneath his head. “feels wonderful baby” you giggle and continue putting on the mask. “okay toru, gonna leave that on for 15 minutes kay?” he nods but then his eyebrows furrow.
“what am i supposed to do?” he had never been able to take a moment and put everything on pause before, the thought of having to lay still and do nothing made him a bit antsy. after placing the container that held the liquid mask in, you turn to him, “just relax baby, would you like some water kind sir?” he hears the clink of glassware and the swish of water grow closer and he smiles.
gojo satoru had never ever been pampered. spoiled rotten maybe, but no one had ever taken care of him the way you are now. sure he was praised in the highest degree in the clan, and sure he was fawned over by a broad sea of girls, both young and old. but no one had ever cared about him so deeply that his well being was always a priority. he was amazed by the thought of you caring about him so much that you would go out of your way to take care of him in a way no one else had ever done. all he could think of at the moment was how incredibly kind your heart is and how he was so fortunate enough to have ever stumbled upon your life. he was so grateful that you let him into your life. he was so grateful for you.
“i would love some m’lady” you bring the straw to his puckered lips and he smiles.
after doing 2 face masks, eye patches, your own night time routine and plucking his eyebrows, satoru finally snuggled up to you, his face buried in your chest with his arms wrapped around your torso.
“thank you for taking care of me baby, you’re the best wife a man could have ever asked for” you giggle as he peppers kisses on your chest. “of course, i love loving you. it's so easy, like breathing.”
“i love being your husband. i love loving you.” you can hear the tiredness in his voice grow with each word he says. a couple seconds later his soft snores could be heard throughout the silence of your home.
i love you ...
☆ satoru gojo x reader . ☆ you've been killed on a mission .

— "c'mon, satoru, let's go have fun. watch a movie. the new one in your favorite series is out in the cinema," suguru offered, gently shaking satoru's shoulder as the other zoned out.
he'd been like this for a while now, with suguru struggling to break him out of his shell— ever since you'd been killed by a special-grade after an ambush. you'd been wounded fatally, having fallen into his arms, and you'd told him you loved him.
'i love you,'
such a small sentence held so much meaning to satoru. he never thought it would, but.. it meant more than anything anyone had said to him.
it repeated in his head every second of every day since you'd died. all he could hear was your voice, weak and strained, as you bled out in his arms. no matter what he tried, every attempt at focusing on something else just made his ears ring.
"satoru, come on.." suguru prompted. "you've got to let them go at some point. you can't keep yourself stuck forever."
that seemingly meaningless phrase, 'you've got to let them go', broke satoru's heart a little. he'd never thought about what it'd be like to let you go and forget about the incident— even though he knew he never would.
he'd never be able to let go of you— not now that he's questioning his own feelings towards you. you'd said you loved him, but.. did you really mean it? or did you just say it because you couldn't think properly?
he'd always crushed on you since he'd first laid eyes on you— almost a year ago. and yet, now that you'd said you loved him, he couldn't tell if those feelings were real.
did you even mean to say 'i love you'? did you want to say something else, but you were too weakened to think properly? what if you didn't mean to say anything at all, and it just slipped from your mouth?
satoru's mind was shrouded in thought, dark thought— nothing he would let anyone hear. he'd just be told to move on, to forget about you and let you go. he didn't understand it himself, how he was still holding on to someone who had nothing left on earth?
suguru had long since gone silent, understanding his friend wasn't in the mood to do anything besides think. it was surreal, seeing the well-known eccentric and excitable sorcerer be reduced to a silent, overthinking teenager.
seeing his closest friend like this, the polar opposite of what he was known for, sparked some feelings in suguru as well. he had been good friends with you— obviously not as close as you and satoru had been, but still close. and satoru had always acted like this unstoppable eccentric force, who never had a bad day and was always grinning mischievously. seeing satoru like this proved that, despite his image, he was the same as everyone else— a normal teenager, with emotions and thoughts. nothing like the most powerful sorcerer other people saw him as. he was vulnerable, the most vulnerable he'd ever been, and it was terrifying.
satoru was questioning whether what you had said was even true, and whether he reciprocated or not. of course, as suguru had always told him, it wouldn't matter. you were dead, you wouldn't ever know if he felt the same way. but it mattered to him. he wanted to figure it out for himself, so he wouldn't be stuck in the void of his thoughts. so he questioned, and questioned, and questioned. he lost sleep and state, losing himself in his own tainted thoughts. yet he made it his own mission to find the answer.
until he did.
he counted each time you and him had exchanged smiles when crossing paths in the halls, each time he saw your silhouette against the lights in your dorm against your door and watched as you'd danced to your favorite song. the song he always listened to now.
he did love you. he does love you.
if only you could know how much.

copyright tazumii 2024. do not repost!