empressofthesunwriter - Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.
Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.

SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!

266 posts

Sehrazat Faizan Clothes

Sehrazat Faizan Clothes

Sehrazat Faizan Clothes

Base: https://www.deviantart.com/rainfall-bases/art/BASE-337-shy-boobies-563214730

So here we have the first set of clothes for my OCs.

We start of course with one of the main characters Sehrazat.

Duelist Kingdom: My personal last favorite outfit for Sehrazat, but when you are on a freaking Island for who knows how long comfortable and robust is the best. It’s not a fashion show. How Mai and Anzu/Tea could walk around in heels and Mai even in a tight corsage I will never understand.

Battle City: My second favorite. It’s cool and nice and reflects how already Sehrazat and Afya have grown after the Duelist Kingdom.

Doma Arc: A little guilty pleasure of mine putting Sehrazat in a sailor-like outfit. My fav manga/anime of all time is Sailor Moon I just couldn’t resist making an outfit in homage to my OC for it.

KC Grand Prix: This outfit came to me pretty random, but I wanted at least one outfit with a cute skirt for Sehrazat.

Millennium World: My personal fav. She looks like an Egyptian princess. This outfit should represent how Sehrazat now has become the queen after all her adventure and doesn’t need Afya anymore. Afya’s soul can rest in peace, knowing Sehrazat will make now her own legacy.

Have a nice day/night!

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2 years ago

The Queens Gambit: The Story

The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.

When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.

With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.

As it should have been.

The Queens Gambit: The Story

8th Millenniums Items







Atem/Yami YuugiXOC

Yuugi MutoXOC

Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara

The Queens Gambit: The Story

Author Note: Hey and welcome to now the final and real Queens Gambit Story! :D The snippet collection is over and we dive right in into the Plot of YGO! I have to thank my dear friend Light guardine35 from Qoutev and AO3 for it. She offered to help me with the duels and now, the fanfic who is with me since I was a little girl and changed and transformed over the years can go online! I hope you follow along this ride and don’t forget about The Queen’s Gambit: Prequel, I will still write for it too since it’s Afya’s/Yanara’s backstory, but this FanFic takes priority. Again a huge thanks to Light guardine35 for your help and go and check out her own works! I think I can talk for both of us to say, to enjoy this story! And now on to it!

Chapter 1: Happy 15th Birthday!

On the day of her 15th birthday, Sehrazat Faizan woke up like any other school day.

More asleep than awake and with a groan.

She didn’t care that today was also her birthday, it was too earlier!

Why does school start this earlier? That was inhuman!

The dark blue-haired girl put her pillow over her head.

Any minute now Kihana would storm her room and drag her out of bed. She loved her best friend, but these were times when she wished Kihana and her family would live in their own house.

…Yeah, Sehrazat didn’t think that would stop Kihana either.


She heard the familiar boom of her door opening and wanted to cry.

Today was her birthday, even a special one in her family, so why couldn’t she stay at home and sleep?

Fuck, school!

“Rise and shine, your highness!”, sing-songend Kihana. She couldn’t be normal. Who was that happy, at this time?! “Today is your birthday, happy birthday my dear Sehra!”

Aww, at least this was cute.

It stopped being cute when Kihana gripped her blanket and left her in the cold morning air.

Sehrazat hissed like an angry cat and rolled herself into a ball.

Cold, way too cold!

Why were mornings so cold in Domino? How she missed the warm mornings in Lisabon!

Kihanan just tutted at her. The white-haired girl with the bluest eyes Sehrazat had ever seen was merciless. She gripped one of her arms and just let her fall to the floor!

“Hey, what was that for!”, Sehrazat shrieked offended.

The floor was even colder!

Kihana put her hands on her waist.

She was already wearing the Domino High School Uniform, her long white hair perfectly groomed into a ponytail, decent make-up which made her blue eye even more pop and her white porcelain skin glowing healthily.

“That’s the only way to wake you up, Sehrazat and you know it. We do this five times a week.”, reminds her Kihana.

Making a face Sehrazat stood up and has to control herself to make a worse face. She still reached only under Kihana’s breast.

Why was her best friend tall like a supermodel and she was small like a child?

They were now the same age, so unfair!

Only Sadiye, Kihana’s younger sister, was smaller than her! And that was because she really was a ten-year-old child.

Again, so unfair.

Pouting she followed Kihana to the dining room, where both their mom’s already were with little Sadiye eating breakfast.

Even if they all lived in Japan now, they still had a more wester-styled breakfast. With pancakes, cornflakes, bacon, and eggs, you name it.

That didn’t mean none of them had tasted the local cuisine.

For example, Sehrazat loved Ramen like she was Naruto from the same named Manga, but sometimes you needed a bit home.

They were all original from Egpyt, but Rahila, Kihana, and Sadiye’s mom, and her own mother Amira grow up in London, England.

Sehrazat’s Grandmother still lives there, like Kihana and Sadiye’s Grandparents.

Besides Rahila and Kihana, who were white-passing, all of them were black.

Sadiye was the first to note them.

“Happy Birthday, Sehra!”, shouted the ten-year-old, which gripped the attention of the two older women.

Her mother smiled and stood up from her sit. She opened her arms for her.

“Good morning, my little princess, and happy, happy birthday!”

Still tired Sehrazat let herself fall into her mother’s embrace. Ah, nothing to rise her spirits like her mama’s hugs! She was warm and smelled, like always after jasmine and sandalwood. Comforting and homey.

“Happy Birthday, your highness. Now you are finally 15.”, said Rahila to her and Sehrazat felt how her head was patted.

“Thanks aunty Rahila.”

They all sit down at the table and Amira signs wistfully.

“15 years already…I can’t believe time flew so fast. It was like yesterday you wear this tiny and I could pick up you whenever I wanted.”

“She still IS tiny!”, joked Sadiye and grinned at her.

Sehrazat looked at her angrily and bit into her pancake.

Kihana tutted her little sister, who shrugged her shoulders.

Sadly it was true.

Didn’t mean like Sehrazat liked to hear that.

“And you can still pick her up Amira.”, reminded Rahila.

Thanks, aunty!

Sehrazat bit harder into her pancake.

“You know what I mean.”, said Amira and then turned to her daughter. “Don’t forget, today IS a special birthday. Now you will be the Keeper.”

It took Sehrazat any amount of strength to not roll her eyes.

Ah, yes, she became now the Keeper of the mysterious Millennium Fragment which was in possession of her family since the times of the great pharaohs.

She never even saw that thing, because her mother keep it in a little golden box with Hieroglyphs written on it.

But nearly anyone treated it like it was something sacred.


The dark blue-haired girl thought personally that it was too much. It was just some jewelry.

Yes, really old jewelry, but jewelry.

There was nothing special about it.

Or let’s say better she didn’t want to believe the stories her mother and grandmother told her.

They were just too crazy!


Sehrazat and Kihana flinched at the loud shout and the birthday girl couldn’t even look as fast, as Maja, the third in their friend group, launched herself at her and hugged her tight.

The blue-haired girl couldn’t even respond, since Maja’s hug was so strong that it squeezed the air out of her lungs.

“Maja-Chan, let Sehra breath, she is turning blue!”, came Kihana to her rescue.

The brown-haired girl let her go with an ups, but Sehrazat would have nearly fallen on the ground if Kihana and Maja didn’t catch her.

“I’m so sorry, Sehra-Chan!”, whined Maja, while Kihana checked on her.

Sehrazat just made a thumbs-up.

She could feel how nearly everyone in the schoolyard was looking at them.

Like always.

Maja was consistently over the top with her affection, but that’s why she and Kihana loved the other black girl.

The three were a bit infamous in Domino High, the only black girls, even if Kihana was white-passing and Maja half-Japanese, and their morning routine got them even more attention.

After Sehrazat could breathe again, Maja handed her a little gift box.

“Here is your birthday present, my dear Sehra-Chan. I hope you like it!”

“Thanks, Maja, that’s so nice of you.”, told her Sehrazat smiling.

Maja grinnend and rubbed her nose.

Kihana looked at her as she unwrapped her gift. A small gasp left her lips.

“Dark Magician Girl and Magical Hats! I searched for them everywhere, where did you find them?!”, shouted the birthday girl happily.

How long she had wanted these two cards for her deck of Duel Monster? She couldn’t remember and Maja found them and gifted them to her.

“Aww, makes me happy you are so happy! I found them in a cute little card shop named Kame Shop. The old grandpa who owns it was nice and he has a lot of good cards.”, explained Maja, rocking back and forth with her hands behind her back.

“We need to totally visit it!”, decides Sehrazat.

Maja raised a fist in the air and shouted a loud yeah!

“But not today.”, came Kihana, the voice of reason in their group. “You know how important your 15th birthday is Sehra. Our moms expect us back after school, no improvised trips.”

Both Sehrazat and Maja let out a gloomy sound and slouched over. Sadly Kihana was right.

The brunette was the first to gather herself.

“Is this again some of your guys’ weird family tradition? Reminds me of my Obaa-Chan and her demand that we always have Mochi after dinner.”, said Maja.

“Eh, you could say.”, answered Sehrazat.

It was forbidden to tell outsiders about their family affairs, even if Sehrazat didn’t believe one bit and would like to tell Maja, she respected this rule. Also, Kihana was there and would give her a headbutt if she told a thing.

Other than her Kihana believes this shit.

Sehrazat wonders sometimes if she was the weird one in her family or if the others were all the weird ones.

Stupid ancient jewelry and its stupid ancient legend around it.

It was then that the school clock sounded, meaning it was time to get to their classroom.

The three girl pals hocked their arms with each other and followed the long line of their school- and classmates into the building.

The school day was too fast over in Sehrazat eyes. Normally she would be happy, but she threaded what would her await home.

She so doesn’t want to participate in that superstition of her family, yet she didn’t have a choice.

So she had to say goodbye to Maja and follow Kihana home.

Arrived there her mother reminded her that they would go out for dinner today and then the ceremony would take place.

So she had to dress nicely.

Her mother had bought her extra a pretty white dress, with it she should wear her best golden jewelry.

After a shower and dressing up Sehrazat had to let out a sign.

She looked like a modern version of an ancient Egyptian princess…she really hoped no one she knew saw her like this.

Well, at least she wasn’t the only one. Her mother looked like a modern Egyptian queen, while aunty Rahila, Kihana, and Sadiye looked like priestesses.

Besides her little Sadiye whined to her mother that she wanted to wear her favorite red dress, she know the stories too, but she seemed only to half believe them.

Yet Rahila didn’t give her a choice and so not only Sadiye pouted, Sehrazat did it too.

Her mother tutted her and so she tried to smile.

At least they would eat well before the whole weird shit happened.

Since Sehrazat’s favorite food was Pasta, they would eat out in the best Italian restaurant in Domino.

The food, of course, was delicious and as her birthday cake came out, made out of chocolate and vanilla and everyone in the restaurant sang happy birthday to her, the birthday girl forgot for a second what would await her home.

Then it was time for her presents.

From Rahila she got the new CD from her favorite J-Pop Idol Mimi Kawaii! It was even a special edition, with an autograph and an exclusive poster.

From Sadiye she got a self-drawn book, with drawings of her and Sadiye having adventures together. Also, she gifted her a Kuriboh card, which was adorable since Sadiye used her own money to buy it. Everyone cooed at her.

From Kihana, who had a passion for sewing, she got a self-made bag with a large D and M on it for Duel Monster and a new card holder.

From her mama, she got a new dress in her favorite color gold which sparkled like the sun, with fitting shoes and new earrings, and a necklace.

Her granny had sent her money, which her mother gave her.

Sehrazat already know she would buy some new Duel Monsters cards from it.

All in all an awesome birthday.

If it wasn’t for one thing remaining.

“Long ago when the pyramids were still young, the great pharaoh played a game filled with obscure magic. These were the shadow games. But these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world. Until a brave and powerful pharaoh locked the magic away, imprisoning it within the mystical Millennium Items. His name we don’t know, he is only now as the Nameless Pharaoh.”, told Amira the story Sehrazat had heard 100 times or so.

She had to keep herself from yawing.

This was important.

Oh well, for her mama.

She just wanted to get over it.

They were back home. Currently in their dining room where now the table and chairs were missing and a little altar was placed. On it was a statue of the goddess Isis, lotus blossoms and the famous golden box of her mother.

Rahila with her daughter stood at the side, and beside Sadiye who seemed to wish to be somewhere else, listen to attentive Amira's words.

Amira stood beside the altar and Sehrazat was standing before her.

God, it sounds like they had a cult meeting or something similar. People would call them crazy if they saw them. Thankful the curtains on the window were closed and the room was illuminated by a lot of candles.

“The Nameless Pharaoh had a wife. This wife born our ancestor, the founder of the Faizan family.”, continue Amira. “The great queen gave her daughter a duty that till this day we handle. She gave us the 8th Millenium Item, the Fragment, which belonged only to the queens of Egypt. Sehrazat.”

Oh, dear.

She looked at her mother, who had raised her hands like a prayer, which made this even more sound like a cult meeting, and tried to stay impassive.

Even if she just wanted to go to bed.

“Sehrazat, my dear daughter. For thousands of years, we protect the Millenium Fragment from outer forces who want to use its power for evil. From mother to daughter, when reached the age of 15 the keepsake gets passed down. Now it’s your turn.”

Amira took the golden box in her hands and Sehrazat nearly forgot to hold her hands open, so her mother could place the box in them.

“You will keep it safe till it’s your turn to pass it down to your daughter or when the time will come that its power it’s needed again, then the great queen, our ancestor, told us one day the world would need it again the power of the Millenium Fragment. Fulfill your duty to our family, our bloodline, as all the other daughters before you.”

“I will, mother.”, she responded and stared at the box which was now hers.

So that was it?

Yeah, of course, nothing strange happened.

It was just a box with jewelry.

Nothing more.

At least this ceremony was over now.

Sehrazat was freshly showered and wearing her PJs as she retired to her room for the night. Yawning she closed the door after her.

Well, this birthday was over, she got cool gifts, had an awesome time with her family, eat well and now was the Keeper of a shiny little box.

The Box with the Millenium Item was sitting on her Vanity Mirror where she had it placed before taking her shower.

She frowned at the thing.

Till she had a daughter and she was 15, she had to keep an eye on it. Yeah, she could imagine more fun activities.

Stupid family tradition.

The blue-haired girl bet some of her ancestors got conned with this thing and the story and made anybody believe it to this day.

Well, she surely wouldn’t.

Mumbling to herself about stupid shiny boxes, she sat down on her bed and reached for her deck. She wanted to put the new cards in it and then in the cardholder, Kihana had made for her.

Just…something was bugging her.

She couldn’t explain it. It was something in the deeps of her mind. Something like a whisper.

Something said deep in herself to look at what was in the box.

Frowning she placed her deck on her bedside table and took the shiny box from the Vanity Mirror to her bed. She crossed her arms and sat before it.

“So, now what? Stupid shiny old box, what is so special about you?”, she said to herself.

Meanwhile, a storm was forming with lightning and thunder, and howling wind.

The blue-haired girl took the box in her hand and opened it. There laid this Millennium Fragment.

It was golden, tear-dropped formed with a big eye of Horus staring right into her soul.

She admitted it looked really…ancient.

And the eye was creeping her out.

“So you are the Millenium Fragment, heh?”, was she really talking to jewelry? What had gotten into her? “What is so special about you?”

To demonstrate, herself and anybody else Sehrazat decide to break the rule about not wearing the jewelry.

It was just a story.

She took it out of the box.

It was just a story.

The box was placed on her bed.

It was just a story.

Lighting illuminated its surface and reflected on it ominously.

It was just a story!

Sehrazat took all her courage and put it on.

Her heart beat so fast, that she could feel and hear it. Sweat has broken out on her body, but it was done.

The Millenium Fragment hung now from her throat.

The storm outside got more intensive.

“Heh, that’s it?”, she said with a wobbly voice. “It’s really just-“

The teenager couldn’t even end her sentence as some kind of energy flowed through her being. A golden eye appeared on her forehead and she throws her head back in a silent scream.

If someone saw this he wouldn’t believe his eyes, but the girl seemed to grow taller, her body taking more womanly curves, her hair reaching her bottom and her eyes becoming shaper.

Her mouth closed and she slowly put her head again forward.

She blinked her eyes a few times and raised an elegant eyebrow as she looked around the room.

“Well, this…this is surprising.”, Sehrazat or not said in a melodious sinful voice who belonged to a woman and not a young girl.

She raised her hand to look at it, studying it.

“Really surprising.”


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2 years ago
Check Out My Profile On Wattpad, I'm SUNSHINE Https://www.wattpad.com/Empress_Of_The_Sun?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile

Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm SUNSHINE https://www.wattpad.com/Empress_Of_The_Sun?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Hi, I'm new here and English isn't my first language. So please excuse the errors in my writing. I like to write and read fanfiction. Maybe one day I will put an original story here, we will see. I hope we can have fun together. :) I'm also on fanfiction.net with the same username and on Tumblr wit...

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2 years ago

About my stories

Hello, my dear readers.

I’m sad to make this announcement but I have noted that writing for Kick the cat out of the bag put me under a lot of stress. Or more the rule of update once per week.

Sometimes I lack the motive to write and then when it’s time to update a write just something so I could update.

Sometimes also I wish I could work on my other works because I got suddenly inspiration for them or I want to write something new, but because I made Kick the cat out of the bag my priority I can’t.

You can imagine how my creativity suffers under it.

So I have decided I will put all my stories in sporadic updates and write what I want when I want.

Like this, I hope I don’t fall into writer’s block as I do for every update for one story.

And I really want to write for other fandoms too when I have an idea.

So I hope you can accept my decision.

I think this is the best for anyone.

I can write when I’m most creative and what I want and you get awesome chapters, even if you have to wait for them for a bit.

Please accept my decision and don’t leave my stories and me behind.

Writing should first and foremost be a pleasure for me and not a worksheet I have to do to or the teacher gets angry at me.

I hope you understand what I mean.

On my Tumblr, I will post news and similar things so you should check it out to see where I’m with my stories.

Again I hope you can understand me and I wish you all a nice day/night

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2 years ago

The Queens Gambit: The Story

The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.

When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.

With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.

As it should have been.

8th Millenniums Items







Atem/Yami YuugiXOC

Yuugi MutoXOC

Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara

Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

The Queens Gambit: The Story

Here we have the second chapter, I want to thank my friend Light guardine35 from Quotev and AO3 for their help when I got stuck on a scene. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. :D

The Queens Gambit: The Story

Chapter 2: The Spirit of the Millenium Fragment

Redone: 29/08/24

When Sehrazat “woke up” again she had to look twice and pinch herself that she wasn’t dreaming.

No, she wasn’t.

How could this be possible?

She wasn’t anymore in her bedroom but in a room filled with toys from her childhood, a comfy-looking couch, a filled bookshelf and painted in soft golden colours.

What the heck was going on?

Was she kidnapped?

She felt how she started to sweat and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. Sehrazat was more than afraid, she was terrified.

How could this happen?

The last she remembered was putting on the Millennium Fragment and then…nothing for a while.

“Wait a minute.”, she mumbled to herself. “Has this something to do with the Fragment?”

Oh, dear Isis, she hoped not, that would mean all the crazy stories they told in her family were true, yet it would be better than being really kidnapped.

“I need to get out of her.”, she told herself and looked for a way out.

Luck was on her side, there was a door which opened!

If she really was kidnapped then her Kidnappers weren’t that good.

Careful she looked around.

She was now in a corridor and before her was…a really, really creepy door.

There was again an eye of Horus who seemed to look into her soul.

Where by Osiris did she end up?

Suddenly the door before her opened slowly and Sehrazat wished she could run away.

Yet something kept her there.

Maybe it was a morbid curiosity then it was not normal not to react to a creepy door slowly opening alone.

“So you have awakened?”, said a melodious woman’s voice from the room behind the creepy door.

Okay, now would be good to run away, but Sehrazat seemed to have turned into ice.

The woman, the voice belonged to, stepped out of her room and…no that couldn’t be possible!

It was like Sehrazat looked into a mirror.

A mirror that made her look, older, taller, and hotter, with longer hair and sharper eyes even in her cutesy Dark Magician Girl PJs!

That was one sexy as-hell woman, Sehrazat bet any man or woman would get a heart attack at this beauty, it was just so weird and impossible that they both could be twins.

She didn’t have a twin sister!

And why would a twin sister kidnap her to this creepy place?

What was going on?

Her look-a-like frowned at her and then gave her a small smile. She holds her hands up in a non-treating way.

“You must be really confused, aren’t you? I understand this is new for me too.”, said the woman to her.

The blue-haired girl nodded slowly. She didn’t trust her voice.

“Why don’t we go back to your room? I will explain anything as well as I can.”

Did Sehrazat even have a choice? The corridor looked like was endless and she wouldn’t risk running away now. She had noted even how womanly her doppelganger was, she possessed some muscles too.

That was not a fragile flower.

This was someone who could fight.

She was reminded of her favourite card the Amazoness Paladin. Her doppelganger was just as beautiful, but you clearly saw that she was a fighter!

So she nodded.

The Doppelganger gave her a reassuring smile and stepped as the first one in the toy-filled room.

How considerate of her actually. Sehrazat wouldn’t have liked to have this woman behind her, so the woman turned her back to her.

She was showing Sehrazat some trust.

Well, she could at least hear out what she had to say. She couldn’t be that bad if she was attentive to her feelings.

….That was not Stockholm-Syndrom talking out of her she hoped.

So Sehrazat got back into the room she woke up and gave the woman a hesitated and mistrusting look.

The other one was sitting on the couch, still trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.

Yeah, she wouldn’t sit down beside her and stand where she was. The door she let open too, just in case she had to run away.

“Also.”, began the woman. “Please don’t freak out, but I’m a spirit. I have inhabited the Millennium Fragment for a good 3000 years. You put it on awoke me from my slumber. So you can see, I’m just as surprised as you are.”

Sehrazat blinked at the doppelganger.



And three times.

“I can’t believe Granny’s crazy story is true!”, she shrieked displeased.

Now the spirit was blinking at her, while Sehrazat remembered what her grandmother told her when she was a little girl.


Sehrazat loved to visit her Granny after pre-school.

Granny always made her, her favourite food, made cookies, and told her amazing stories!

Her Granny was a tall woman, with long dreadlocks and a beautifully aged face. She may not look like a typical grandmother, but she was just as sweet.

The little four-year-old girl snuggled more up to her Granny, who held her in her lap and listened to her newest story.

“The Millenium Fragment is special not only because of its power, but the spirit of the great queen sleeps in it.”, her Granny told her.

Sehrazat looked with sparkling eyes at Granny.

“Like Sleeping Beauty?”

Granny laughed heartily and gave her forehead a kiss which made her in turn giggle.

“You can say it, but she is not waiting for Prince Charming to wake her up with a kiss. One day, the power of the great queen will be needed again. She waits in the Millenium Fragment for the right soul who will wake her up from her slumber.”

“How Granny?”

“When the time is right the chosen soul will wear the Millenium Fragment and awake so the queen’s soul again.”


“Unbelievable, you are the queen?! My ancestor?! All these freaky stories are true?”, continue Sehrazat shocked.

How could she not if her whole world was flipped over in one instant?

The spirit frowned and tilted her head confused.

“I’m a queen?”, she asked surprised. “I’m your ancestor? I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. The only thing I remember is that I know my roots lay in ancient Egypt what you tell me is new information. Though it makes no sense why my soul room looks like a palace.”

You know there could be a lot of things Sehrazat could ask the spirit, but she decided to concentrate on one thing.

“Your room looks like a palace?”

Her doppelganger just nodded.



A while later we find Sehrazat sitting beside the spirit finishing to tell her what she knows of her family stories about the Millenium Fragment.

“So to recapitulate, I once was a great queen married to two pharaohs, one who is only known as the Nameless Pharaoh, who saved the world from the destructive Shadow Games. Then before I died my soul ended up in my Millenium Fragment and one of my daughters carried the duty to protect it and guard it against evil forces. She was the founder of your family, the Faizans. For 3000 years your family fulfilled this duty, now it’s your turn and you didn’t believe one bit of the stories and put the amulet on to prove a point. But so you awakened me, which I prophesized to my daughter, that I would be back when the right soul wore my Millenium Fragment and the world needed my power again. So that means the evil forces are back and I must be reunited with my first husband, whose spirit lives in the Millenium Puzzle.”

Sehrazat just nodded, while the queen shook her head.

“I can understand you thought this was all a made-up story, I’m here and I can’t quite believe it. I’m only a shadow of the person I once was, I can’t be sure what your family told for 3000 years is the truth.”, admitted the spirit.

“You really remember nothing?”, asked Sehrazat to be sure.

“No, not one bit.”

After that Sehrazat let out a loud sign. That wasn’t good that the queen had amnesia, not when it seemed the world was in danger again.

“You know what.”, started Sehrazat. “Till proven otherwise I think we can believe the stories my family told. We are clearly here together and you at least know you are a spirit bond to the Millenium Fragment. Better we can’t do.”

The queen agreed with a nod.

“Seems like you will be stuck with me for a while, Sehrazat.”, the queen said.

“You will need a name, I don’t want to call you Spirit or the likes.”, told her Sehrazat.

The queen was her ancestor, her 3000 times great-grandmother or so, and she was family. It wouldn’t feel right to not call her by a name. She was a human being.

“Do you have something in mind, Sehrazat?”, asked the queen curiously.

The blue-haired girl mummed thoughtfully and gripped her chin.

What would be a fitting name for a once queen of Egypt?

One of the names of other famous queens?

Should she go with something modern?

Then it hit her.

The queen had said she was only a shadow of the person she once was…

“How about Afya?”

Her ancestor put her pointer finger thoughtfully against her lips and looked up to the ceiling.

“Afya…Shadow…mmh, not bad. I like it. It fits me.”

“Then it’s settled.”, cheered Sehrazat and held her hand out to Afya. “It’s nice to meet you official Afya, I’m Sehrazat.”

With a laugh, Afya took her hand and shook it.

“The pleasure is all mine, Sehrazat.”


Like any morning Kihana was on her way to wake up Sehrazat. She mumbled happily a little song.

The weather was nice out there. So today they could eat in the schoolyard under the pretty cherry blossom trees.

Kihana loved this about Japan, the cherry blossom trees were so wonderful.

She opened the door to her best friend’s bedroom and started her greeting: “Good morning your highness, it’s time to wake-“

The words got stuck in her throat as she saw Sehrazat sleeping peacefully, a golden amulet with an eye of Horus around her neck.

She never had seen it, but her mother had told her what all Millenium Items had in common, so she would recognize them.

The white-haired girl couldn’t believe it!

“Sehrazat!”, she shouted so loud, that her best friend woke up from her slumber and looked confused around.

“Wha, Wha, What?”, comes still sleepy from her.

Kihana closed the door behind her and pointed an accusing finger at Sehrazat.

“Sehrazat Nefertiti Faizan, are you wearing the sacred Millennium Fragment?! You know it’s not allowed!”, reminds her Kihana waving her finger around.

Sehrazat sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes. The girl didn’t quite catch what was going on, half asleep as she was.

“What Hana?”

Her best friend let out a loud sign. Of course, Sehrazat wasn’t “online” so to speak. She still had to power up her system.

The blue-haired girl never was a morning person.

Well, Kihana knows what to do.

She started to tickle Sehrazat.

“Wa, wa, wa?! Hahahahaha! Stop it, stop it, Hana!”, plead Sehrazat trying to get away from her best friend’s fingers.

But Kihana was merciless.

“You are wearing the Millenium Fragment!”, she repeated. “What are you thinking Sehrazat?!”

“Currently how to, hahaha, getaway, hahaha, from you!”

“Don’t sass me, young miss!”

“Please have mercy, hahaha!”

“Explain yourself then!”

With that Kihana stopped and Sehrazat took a big gulp of air.

“Maybe it’s better we go to the dining room, so I can explain to Mama and the others this too.”, said the blue-haired girl.

Her white-haired friend let out a sign but nodded. It would be better if anybody knew what was going on. Amira needed to know this. Sehrazat had broken a rule of their families and only her mother could punish her.

So the two girls made their way to the dining room, where the rest of their family already enjoyed their breakfast.


“You guys are weird today.”, said Maja to her two best friends and gave them a look.

It was lunch break at Domino High and thanks to the good weather they could eat at the schoolyard under their favorite cherry blossom tree.

Just Sehra and Hana wear so weirdly the whole day.

And the weird new amulet Sehra wore was giving Maja some strange vibes.

“A lot happened.”, answered Kihana shortly, picking her Bento apart.

Maja raised an eyebrow.

“We saw each other just yesterday, what the frick, could happen that you guys are weird?”

“The world turns upside down.”, sang Sehrazat a verse from Hamilton’s Yorktown.

“I believe it my whole life.”, said Kihana more to herself, yet Maja heard her. “But it’s still so unbelievable. How can it be?”

The brunette just blinked even more confused at her friends. Normally she was the one who said cryptic nonsense to make them laugh, that was so not Sehra and Hana style.

“Okay, I’m going to guess you are acting weird because of Sehra's new shiny amulet.”, guessed Maja.

Kihana's left eye twitched and Sehrazat nodded biting into her ramen noodles.

“Sehra!”, hissed Kihana. “Do you think this is a good idea? I love Maja, but we can’t drag her into this mess!”

It got weirder by the minute. In what kind of freaky situation did end up her friends and why can’t she participate?

Maja pouted.

“I thought we three were best friends forever? I told and show you how I can do magic, why won’t you trust me?”

Here Kihana whined and looked apologetic at her.

“It isn’t like that Maja-Chan-“

“It’s just Hana is still so fixed in our old family traditions that she doesn’t know how to handle this now.”, explained Sehrazat calmly.

“And you do Sehra-Chan?”

Sehrazat looked at Kihana. Oh, there they go having a silent conversation with their eyes. Maja wonders how the two do that. After a few seconds, Kihana let out a breath and nodded.

“As Aunt Amira said you can now decide who knows and who will not.”

“Oh, goody, so I get an explanation now?”, wanted Maja a confirmation.

“Maja-Chan, have you ever heard of the Nameless Pharaoh and the Shadow Games?”, asked her Sehrazat in turn.

She admitted she didn’t expect that.

“Yeah, my grandfather told me that there was once a mighty pharaoh who saved our land and the world from something evil called Shadow Games.”, said Maja. What was Sehrazat getting at? “Apparently you used real Monsters to battle each other in this game. It got out of control and somehow the Nameless Pharaoh put an end to this.”

“You know a lot.”, said Kihana surprised.

Maja shrugged her shoulder.

“In the village, where my grandparents from Egypt live it’s a folktale.”

“Cool to know. So Maja-Chan what would you say when I tell you that the Nameless Pharaoh banned the power of the Shadow Games into eight mystical Items called Millenium Items?”, wondered Sehrazat.

“Is this where now your amulet comes in?”, pointed the brunette at it.

“She is a smart girl, Sehrazat.”

Suddenly Maja heard this melodious woman’s voice and not a second later a spirit-like being who looked like Sehrazat, just older and hotter, materialized beside her friend.

Maja gasped for air and pointed at the spirit woman.

“You….You have a spirit with you?! Since when?!”

“You can see Afya?!”, shouted Sehrazat and Kihana shocked.

This “Afya” blinked rapidly at her, she seemed just as shocked.

The brunette got then a feeling in her belly that they would face many crazy adventures in the near future.

Really, really, crazy adventures.

Should she maybe get some alcohol?

She had a feeling these adventures would give them a lot of frustration.


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2 years ago

Obito's Hinata

Obito's Hinata

Obito's Hinata

She was one of many girls in Kakashi, Rin, and Obito's class.

She was nothing special.

Wasn't that pretty.

Wasn't that smart.

Wasn't that good in the ninja arts.

She only liked Obito, a boy, who was shunned from his prestige clan but never gave up his dreams. She started to admire him for this.

He was so unlike her.

He didn't take notice of her.

Why should he?

He already loved a girl and she was too shy to talk to him.

Nobody, but a few civilian children like her saw her at all.

Again she wasn't something special.

She wasn't part of his Team, but kind Rin who sometimes talked to her.

Rin was the only one from Team Minato who knew her or at least remember her.

Kakashi didn't hurt.

Obito broke her.


But she only seemed to love him harder.

But she never got the courage to tell him.

Even when Rin wanted to help her, she run away.

How could she not?

She was not stupid.

Even if Obito didn't love Rin, he would never like her.

He didn't even know she existed.

Like the people in her family.

She was nothing more than a shadow.

She had so many chances to talk to him, like to congratulate him on becoming Chuunin, to at least become a friend, but she never grow a backbone.

Then he died, saving his teammates.

And her world was destroyed.

Only Rin knew what was wrong with her, she was a smart girl and knew the shy girl was in love with her dead friend.

But then Rin died also...

And nothing was alright anymore.

It took her many, many years to get back together.

In the time Kyuubi attacked the village and Lord Fourth sacrificed his life to save everybody. Itachi Uchiha killed his clan leaving only his younger brother alive.

She saw how a blond-haired kid got ignored for being the jailer of something he wasn't responsible for.

She saw how a black-haired boy with the last Uchiwa Fan on his back darker and darker grow.

She was a coward again and ignored them like most people.

She hated herself.

Then one day she saw how a little Hyuuga Girl watched the blond boy with love in her eyes and was reminded of her and Obito.

Well only her.

She hoped the little Hyuuga Girl wouldn't have to bury her beloved before she could at least speak to him.

More years passed and the three kids became genin but weren't put on the same team.

Maybe the shy ones never get a chance with their love she mussed.

But something also changed.

After Kyuubi she a retired as Ninja and started working at her family business, something she never had wanted, but she was done after that with the ninja life.

He was goofy and silly and liked to be served by her.

He always wore a smile for her.

He was someone who saw her finally.

They had an easy friendship and she started to feel better.

Then a asked her on a date.

And she could only think about Obito.

Obito, she still only wanted Obito, but he was death, death, death and never know her, never would have loved her!

What else should she say then yes?

At least one of them would be happy.

At least one of them should get what they want.

He was a good boyfriend.

He was a good fiance.

He was a good husband.

But she never stopped comparing him to Obito.

Of what could have been with the Uchiha.

Would their first kiss be chaste on her front door? Or would have Obito been overexcited and kissed her passionately before the night even ended?

Would their first time be awkward and end in pre-ejaculation leaving her unsatisfied? Or would Obito have been eager to please, to think about her pleasure before his own, or at least finish her off with his mouth?

Would he cry silent tears on their wedding day? Or would Obito cry hard and loud like when he was a young boy?

But they had a nice life together, so she moved forward.

After the 4 Ninja War...she couldn't for a long time think.

Obito being alive the whole time and nearly letting the world end because he wanted to live in a fake dream world with Rin?

And now he was dead, Kakashi Hatake Hokage and the blond shunned boy Naruto Uzumaki a hero of the world.

It was the first time her husband suspected that her heart belonged to another.

Or had belonged?

It was so confusing.

She still remembered her Eternal  Tsukuyomi Dream with clarity.

It hurt and was so good to think about it.

Her family loved her.

She was an awesome kunoichi.

Rin was alive and her best friend.

And Obito...Obito was her husband and Hokage.

And...and their children...dear sage their children.

A boy and a girl, twins and a baby girl.

She understood why he wanted this dream world, it was better than reality.

And that was the point in her life where she realized that it had to end.

Nothing is better than reality, it was her fault for not doing more to get it or at least to get a new dream.

So finally after nearly 30 years she said fuck-you to her family and explained to her husband everything.

He was sad, of course, he was, but he was okay with the divorce.

She decided to leave Kohanagakure, her hometown, forever and start somewhere anew.

For years she traveled the world, doing odd jobs and meeting new people till she meet someone again.

A beautiful woman with an even bigger heart.

This... was the love she always wanted, always craved.

They both settled down in Takigakure and adopted children.

Orphans from the war Obito had caused.

Seeing her children made her realize she would always love the innocent and good boy Obito was but the corrupted and broken men she hated.

And yet she was thankful for him.

She had found her way in life because of him.

When their oldest son got nominated to take part with his team at the Chuunin Exams in Kohana, she and her wife decided to watch the finals since their son made it up to them.

So they took their other kids and showed them their other mama's old birth town.

She was surprised and happy to see Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage, something he had yelled aloud since he was a little boy.

But what shocked her was the blue-haired Hyuuga Beauty at his side.

It was the little girl who had always watched him.

And they're married.

She couldn't help it to shed a few tears.

So...the shy girl could get her boy if she was courageous enough, heh?

For a moment she saw in their places herself and Obito.

Maybe in another world, maybe in another reality...

Maybe if she could have been his Hinata to his Naruto...

Her wife grips her hand and looks at her.

She knows the whole story.

But she shakes her head and kisses her wife's cheek.

This life...this life is the life that she wanted and choose.

So she finally let go and accepted anything that happened.

Your own created dream is always better than a dreamed-up one.

She was now sure of it.

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