8 Millennium Item - Tumblr Posts

The Millennium Fragment
I can't believe I'm actually doing it, but since I was a little girl I was a fan of YGO! and I caved finally. This is my own created Millennium Item, the Fragment, only the queen could wear it. This means Atem mother and his wife wore it. Yes in my fanfic I'm working on since years Atem was married and even had children!
I will tell you it's power. The fragment is basically a shield. It creates a barrier of light which protects it's wearer from bodily and mindly harm. For example, if someone attackes the wearer aka. the queen the shield actives automatic and protecs her. But for example Pegasus with his eye can't only not read the mind of the wearer if he activ puts the mind barrier up. This takes some pratics. Since it belongend only to the queens it second power is that it can create a chanel to the puzzel. Wearer of this two items can talk telepathy witch each other and even visit each other spirit chambers. But the chanel only forms if both parties trust each other and let the other in.
What do you mean? Do you like it?
I choose the teardrop form since we all know how the Items were created, it's actually a blooddrop. Nothing more to say.
In the next day's a will upload some characters. The FanFic itself only exist in my mind currently and I change it always. Only a few things are secure. Also I suck at Duel Monster and wouldn't even now how to write an origanel Duel.
The only things I will ever post are probaly going to be snippets. But better then nothing. Like a said since a was a little girl this story is with me and I want to share it finally.
Also I draw this myself in paint, please don't steal the idea and the design.
Have a nice day/night you all!

Sehrazat Faizan Clothes
Base: https://www.deviantart.com/rainfall-bases/art/BASE-337-shy-boobies-563214730
So here we have the first set of clothes for my OCs.
We start of course with one of the main characters Sehrazat.
Duelist Kingdom: My personal last favorite outfit for Sehrazat, but when you are on a freaking Island for who knows how long comfortable and robust is the best. It’s not a fashion show. How Mai and Anzu/Tea could walk around in heels and Mai even in a tight corsage I will never understand.
Battle City: My second favorite. It’s cool and nice and reflects how already Sehrazat and Afya have grown after the Duelist Kingdom.
Doma Arc: A little guilty pleasure of mine putting Sehrazat in a sailor-like outfit. My fav manga/anime of all time is Sailor Moon I just couldn’t resist making an outfit in homage to my OC for it.
KC Grand Prix: This outfit came to me pretty random, but I wanted at least one outfit with a cute skirt for Sehrazat.
Millennium World: My personal fav. She looks like an Egyptian princess. This outfit should represent how Sehrazat now has become the queen after all her adventure and doesn’t need Afya anymore. Afya’s soul can rest in peace, knowing Sehrazat will make now her own legacy.
Have a nice day/night!

Afya Clothes
Base: https://www.deviantart.com/rainfall-bases/art/BASE-337-shy-boobies-563214730
The second set of clothes and it’s Afya turn.
Not much to say since she wears the same outfits like Sehrazat, which is normal if you share a body, I just like how the clothes have a different effect when Afya wears them.
The only one different is of course:
Millennium World: Afya as Atem queen and wife takes of course part of the Shadow RPG. Here we have her in her queen regalia. Her crown is a bit simpler than Atem and she wears a shawl on arm bracelets as you can see. In my story, Atem and Afya were already king and queen for a few years before anything with Thief Bakura and Zorc happened.
They also had their first kids, twins, a boy, and a girl. Atem and Afya are around 22-24 when it happened and climbed the throne at 17-15 years.
If you noted Afya is actually the older one of the two, by 2 years. ;)
But Atem is taller than her. XD
Another little titbit Afya and Atem are cousins, Afya’s mother, Princess Renenet, was the favorite sister of Atem’s father and when Afya was born Aknamkanon/Akhenamkhanen fall in love with his niece like she was his own flesh and blood and promised his sister if he had a son they both would be betrothed.
Two years later Atem was born and the betrothal offical.
They both grow up knowing one day they would marry each other.
For now, let’s just say neither of the two was thrilled. ;)
More sometimes later. :D
You probably wonder what is Afya’s real name is, but I won’t tell you still. :P
You have to be patient. XD
Have nice day/night!
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
Hi and welcome to my little collection for my FanFic The Queens Gambit. Since I don’t know how to duel for my life, right now I can’t make the Fanfiction I want, so I decide to upload snippets of the story which don’t need a Duel and are in not chronological order. I will write when I have inspiration for a scene, but you don’t have to worry I will always put time and place at the start so you know when in the timeline these things happen.
With nothing more to say, enjoy the first snippet.
Also in my DeviantArt Gallery you will find the base which inspired this little snippet, go and take a look!

Snippet 1: Ancient Egypt
This takes place in Atem and my OCs Afya, his future wife and queen, childhood. Atem is 8 and the OC 10. You will now finally know her real name.
Yanara know that she had messed up.
Just…Atem made her sometimes so angry!
Younger than her, but taller and being the future pharaoh of their beloved home, made him act arrogant at times.
It was not her fault that she wasn’t that good at summoning her Ka she still was only 10, not anybody could be a genius like him!
Why does he always has the need to rub it under her nose when he was better at something then her?
She was his older cousin, she deserved some respect from him!
Being the crown prince should give him a free pass at acting like a brat!
“Ah, I had a feeling, I would find you here.”, she heard the lovely voice of her mother.
The little girl stopped leaning on the balustrade of her favorite balcony and turned to her mother.
The full moon shine down on them and the stars were twinkling. It would be a great time to stargaze, something Yanara loved, but Princess Renenet saw the sorrow and anger in the orange eyes of her beloved daughter.
Her dear nephew must have acted out really bad today with her.
“Mother, do you need me for something?”, asked Yanara.
Renenet moved so she could face her daughter and clasped her hands together.
“I heard from Mahad how you and Atem got into an argument again.”
Her daughter sighed.
“Of course.”
“He is only worried, you know?”
“Yes, for Atem.”
“For you too.”
Yanara just turned to her mother and shook her head.
“You know, my heart, I think Atem is just testing your border.”, she started to explain to her daughter her own theory. “You are his elder, yet you don’t demand from him the respect you earn. You will be queen one day. I think Atem wants to know if you can be a strong queen.”
“I still don’t won’t marry him, he is always so mean to me.”, whined her child.
As a mother, her heart bleeds, but as a princess of Egypt, Renenet knows of the role she had to fulfill.
“Princess Yanara, this is the duty that was bestowed on you. You can’t run away from it. Didn’t you tell me you wanted to help turn our home into a better place? As a queen you will have the power.”, she lectured her.
“But Atem is going to make the decisions as pharaoh, what do I have to say?”
“I will tell you a little secret.”, whisper Renenet playful and waved her daughter over to her.
Curious her child came and wanted that she kneeled before her so she could whisper in her ear.
“Your aunty actually helps your uncle a lot in his decisions. The Millennium Puzzle and Fragment are connected mentally to each other. So if your uncle needs your aunty advice he will ask her in their minds and no one is wiser. Also if he is about to mess up, she will warn him.”
Wow, Yanara didn’t know that.
That was cool!
“Really, Mama?”
“Really, my heart.”
Yanara frowned and touched her mother cheek.
“So…Atem is just being a brat to me to see if I can talk back to him?”
“Pretty much.”
Renenet smiled and kissed the still chubby cheeks of her little girl. Yanara still had a lot to learn, but she was sure her daughter would be one day a fine queen.
Yanara means Light if anyone would like to know. ;)
Hope you enjoyed this!
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
Here comes the next snippet which would be the first scene of the first chapter of the fanfic I hope I write one day. Enjoy!

Snippet 2: Before Duelist Kingdom
On the day of her 15th birthday, Sehrazat Faizan woke up like any other school day.
More asleep than awake and with a groan.
She didn’t care that today was also her birthday, it was too earlier!
Why does school start this earlier? That was inhuman!
The dark blue-haired girl put her pillow over her head.
Any minute now Kihana would storm her room and drag her out of bed. She loved her best friend, but these were times when she wished Kihana and her family would live in their own house.
…Yeah, Sehrazat didn’t think that would stop Kihana either.
She heard the familiar boom of her door open and she wanted to cry.
Today was her birthday, even a special one in her family, why couldn’t she stay at home and sleep?
Fuck, school!
“Rise and shine, your highness!”, sing-songend Kihana. She couldn’t be normal. Who was that happy, at this time?! “Today is your birthday, happy birthday my dear Sehra!”
Aww, at least this was cute.
It stopped being cute when Kihana gripped her blanket and left her in the cold morning air.
Sehrazat hissed like an angry cat and rolled herself into a ball.
Cold, way too cold!
Why were mornings so cold in Domino? How she missed the warm mornings in Lisabon!
Kihanan just tutted at her. The white-haired girl with the bluest eyes Sehrazat had ever seen was merciless. She gripped one of her arms and just let her fall to the floor!
“Hey, what was that for!”, Sehrazat shrieked offended.
The floor was even colder!
Kihana put her hands on her waist.
She was already wearing the Domino High School Uniform, her long white hair perfectly groomed into a ponytail, decent make-up which made her blue eye even more pop and her white porcelain skin glowing healthily.
“That’s the only way to wake you up, Sehrazat and you know it. We do this five times a week.”, reminds her Kihana.
Making a face Sehrazat stood up and has to control her worse not make an even worser face. She still reached only under Kihana’s breast.
Why was her best friend tall like a supermodel and she was small like a child?
They were now the same age, so unfair!
Only Sadiye, Kihana’s younger sister, was smaller than her! And that was because she really was a ten-year-old child.
Again, so unfair.
Pouting she followed Kihana to the dining room, where both their mom’s already were with little Sadiye eating breakfast.
Even if they all lived in Japan now, they still had a more wester-styled breakfast. With pancakes, cornflakes, bacon, and eggs, you name it.
That didn’t mean none of them had tasted the local cuisine.
For example, Sehrazat loved Ramen like she was Naruto from the same named Manga, but sometimes you needed a bit home.
They were all original from Egpyt, but Rahila, Kihana, and Sadiye’s mom, and her own mom Amira grow up in London, England.
Sehrazat’s Grandmother still lives there, like Kihana and Sadiye’s Grandparents.
Besides Rahila and Kihana, who were white-passing, all of them were black.
Sadiye was the first to note them.
“Happy Birthday, Sehra!”, shouted the ten-year-old, which gripped the attention of the two older women.
Her mother smiled and stand up from her sit. She opened her arms for her.
“Good morning, my little princess, and happy, happy birthday!”
Still tired Sehrazat let herself fall into her mother’s embrace. Ah, nothing to rise her spirits like her mama’s hugs! She was warm and smelled, like always after jasmine and sandalwood. Comforting and homey.
“Happy Birthday, your highness. Now you are finally 15.”, said Rahila to her and Sehrazat felt how her head was patted.
“Thanks aunty Rahila.”
They all sit down at the table and Amira signed wistfully.
“15 years already…I can’t believe time flew so fast. It was like yesterday you wear this tiny and I could pick up you whenever I wanted.”
“She still IS tiny!”, joked Sadiye and grinned at her.
Sehrazat looked at her angrily and bit into her pancake.
Kihana tutted her little sister, who shrugged her shoulder.
Sadly it was true.
Didn’t mean like Sehrazat liked to hear that.
“And you can still pick her up Amira.”, reminded Rahila.
Thanks, aunty!
Sehrazat bit harder into her pancake.
“You know what I mean.”, said Amira and then turned to her daughter. “Don’t forget, today IS a special birthday. Now you will be the Keeper.”
It took Sehrazat any amount of strength to not roll her eyes.
Ah, yes, she became now the Keeper of the mysterious Millennium Fragment which was in possession of her family since the times of the great pharaohs.
She never even saw that thing, because her mother keep it in a golden little box with Hieroglyphs written on it.
But nearly anyone treated it like it was something sacred.
The dark blue-haired girl thought personally that it was too much. It was just some jewelry.
Yes, really older jewelry, but jewelry.
There was nothing special about it.
Or let’s say better she didn’t want to believe the stories her mother and grandmother told her.
They were just too crazy!
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet I dedicated this to my friend on Quotev Light guardian35.
Talking with you gave me back my motivation and I hope you enjoy the little snippet!
A little warning Kihana and Sehrazat Decks could change with time because I suck at Duel Monsters and don’t know anything about it so the nicknames they have in the Dueling World could also change. You will see what I mean when you read the snippet.
I made a base art for this chapter so go to my DevianArt or Tumblr to see it.
If you can see it this is the original link to the base: https://www.deviantart.com/yummehcrayons/art/FPD-Bags-n-babes-base-259082967
And to be sure here is what I made out of it: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Off-to-Duelist-Kingdom-932075230

Snippet 3: Duelist Kingdom
Pegasus really had a lot of money to spend if he could book a luxury cruiser to bring all these duelists to the Duelist Kingdom. Or it was his.
Sehrazat admitted she was a bit overwhelmed.
All this because he wanted her Millenium Fragment? And nobody had a clue.
“I’m sorry.”, she heard the voice of her dear Partner.
Afya, the spirit of the Millenium Fragment, materialized at her side.
The once queen of all Egypt looked sorrowful with the same orange eyes as Sehrazat and…her mother at her.
Sehrazat was still surprised how both could be twins, only Afya was taller, had longer hair and her face looked more mature and beautiful.
“If only I had beaten Pegasus in his twisted game, then you didn’t need to make this journey to save Amira’s soul.”, said the spirit sadly and ashamed of herself.
“Afya, I don’t give you the fault her.”, Sehrazat reminded her darker half. “Only Pegasus and his freaky eye! We will get mama back! If we have to beat Pegasus at a children’s card game, then so be it. He won’t use the same trick on us again twice!”
Afya nodded determinedly at her partner and descendant.
“True words you speak child of mine. And if this didn’t work we can always beat Pegasus up. I would prefer this more.”
Now Sehrazat had to laugh, which earned her strange looks from the other duelists in the line for the boarding and a raised eyebrow from Kihana beside her.
She pointed at the air beside her mouthing the name she had given her ancestor. Kihana understood and let them be.
“I love how you are always ready to beat people up, Gran-Gran.”, she told full of affection Afya.
Her “Gran-Gran” puffed her cheeks up.
“I’m a warrior, no damsel in distress. I may not remember my life as queen, but I know I was born to fight not to play children’s card games!”
“And yet you are so good at it Gran-Gran!”
Sehrazat didn’t get a response, because it was now her turn to show Pegasus lackey her dueling clove to prove she could board the ship. Afya took this chance and retired back into the Millenium Item.
Probably to go into her soul room and train with her outstanding collection of swords. Yes, Sehrazat know that it was all mental, but still, holy Ra Afya had a lot of weapons in her soul room and can use anyone masterly.
It does make her feel humble.
After Kihana got the okay to board, the two best friends gripped each other hands and decide to look around the ship.
One of the lackeys told them as former Europa Champion and Number two in the classific they would have a Doppel bedroom for themselves, so they left their luggage there, so they could move freely around.
They wanted to check on their competitors. They needed to.
Knowing whom they were going against would help them greatly to win the tournament and get Amira’s soul back from Pegasus.
That’s how the stubble upon an interesting scene.
There was Mai Kujaku, an old acquaintance of the girls, in a conversation with two unknown boys.
One was a tall blond with a green jacket and the other was a short boy with the wildest hair they ever had seen. Tri-colored and starfish-shaped.
Suddenly Sehrazat heard Afya hiss.
“What’s wrong, Gran-Gran?!”, she asked worried her Yami.
“Look at what the little one is wearing!”
Sehrazat did it and had to control the gasp that left her mouth. She nudge Kihana so she could see it too.
The taller girl let out a silent curse: “What in the name of freaking Isis?!”
Right in front of them was another Millenium Item.
And not any ordinary, not that any of them was ordinary, it was the Millenium Puzzle!
The one who belonged once to the Nameless Pharaoh and Afya’s husband, as Sehrazat’s grandmother, told them in her stories.
No wonder, Afya was freacking out.
Both best friends had turned into statues.
What should they do now?
Afya was no help since she had to calm herself down. Kihana and Sehrazat looked at each other.
“We need to talk to the boy.”, suggests Kihana. “We need to know if the pharaoh is with him.”
“How are we going to do that?! Just straight up walking over to him and asking him if he has a spirit in his puzzle who possesses him sometimes? We would sound crazy, Hana!”, arguerd Sehrazat back.
“Do you have a better idea, Sehra?”
“…Not really.”
However, they didn’t need to walk up to the boys, since Mai turned around to walk away from them and saw the two girls.
The older girl blinked for a second, not believing whom she saw before she smirked.
“Well, well, if this isn’t a surprise.”, she said so loud that everybody, including Yuugi and Jounouchi, looked in her direction. “If this is not Sehrazat, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, and Kihana, the Lady of the Dragons. What are you girls doing here? I thought you had to take a break from tournaments?”
Under all the looks of the people, Sehrazat got shy and hide a bit behind Kihana, gripping her hand tight, while her best friend deadpanned at Mai.
“Hello to you too Mai, Mistress of the Harpies. Long time no see. How are you?”
Mai couldn’t answer since abruptly a lot of Duelists talked out loud.
“Oh my god, that’s really Sehrazat Faizan, the Amazon Princess of the Nile!”
“The Europa Champion?”
“The one whom anybody bet that at the world championships would bet Seto Kaiba?”
“Her or Kihana Schariq, the Lady of the Dragons. These girls are already legends!”
“Are they that good at Duel Monsters?”
“They are both incredible! You should have seen their Duel at the Europa championships! It was brutal!”
Sehrazat got even shyer and looked at the ground, while Kihana rubbed with her free hand her neck.
Of course, after Jounouchi stared at the two pretty girls to see if he was familiar with them, if they were such big names in the Dueling world, he turned to his best pal.
“Are these pretty girls, really such huge numbers, Yug?”, he asked.
Yuugi nodded.
“Yes, Sehrazat Faizan and Kihana Schariq were increbibal at the europa championchip. Their duel against each other was even transmitted in Japan. Sehrazat with her all-female monster-themed deck and her amazons only won by a hair against Kihana’s dragons. It was from start to finish nervewracking.”
Jounouchi let out a whistle, damn that sounded badass, while Yuugi looked at the girls.
He remember how he had watched their duel. As he had first seen Sehrazat on the TV something deep in him had reacted to her.
The boy still couldn’t figure out what.
She was a beautiful girl, no question, and even a bit shorter then him, but something in him had felt like he had know her, which was impossible of course.
Yet, seeing her in blood and flesh now, made the feeling tenfold.
It was then that Sehrazat looked up from the ground and their eyes meet.
Violette met orange.
And both felt like lightning struck them.
Unknown to them even their Yami’s felt it.
Yuugi felt a blush forming on his cheeks.
Sehrazat was so beautiful.
And these eyes of hers…so brilliant and unique…he had never seen orange eyes…nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times…like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had the same thoughts crossing her mind.
Yuugi was a short guy, but taller than her, and his eyes remind her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she know, even if it was impossible, it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Mai’s voice broke the two out of their staring contest.
“What’s up with you Sehrazat, you aren’t normally this shy?”, said the older girl to her and raised an elegant eyebrow. “Not even a hello to an old opponent?”
She could practically feel how Kihana gave her a look too. Damn it was embarrassing!
She liked her lips and smiled a bit wobbly at Mai.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mai. So you are in this tournament too, heh?”
Yuugi felt a shiver down his back as he heard her voice in person. She had a pretty melodious voice.
It was like he know that she would have such a voice.
But how?
He didn’t know that his darker half was freacking out at seeing the young girl too. It was so weird, the spirit know he didn’t remember things, but he had a feeling he know this girl and he could sense a familiar presence of off her.
How could be this possible?
“You both may have defeated me the last time we saw each other.”, told Mai Kihana and Sehrazat. “But this time I will be victory. See you at the island, ladies.”
With that Mai left and left behind a Kihana who shook her head at her and a Sehrazat who mumbled: “Can’t we be just friends?”
Now, a lot of people didn’t think that Jounouchi was an observant person and it was mostly true, but he had seen how his best pal Yugi stared at this Sehrazat girl like she was some kind of goddess, not that he could fault him. The tiny girl was pretty, he just found her white-haired and taller friend hotter.
Else like a good best friend, he needed to help Yuugi. His pal would never talk to that girl alone, never mind ask her out or something, so he would play wingman for him.
With a grin, he gripped Yuugi by his shoulder and nearly pushed him to the girls. Yugi looked wide-eyed at him and mouthed what-are-you-doing to him.
Jounouchi ignored him.
It was for Yuugi one sake…and also he really wanted to speak with the white-haired girl.
She was a bomb!
Kihana raised an eyebrow at them and Sehrazat hide behind her again. She caressed the hand of her best friend to calm her down. Whatever happened, her Sehra seemed already crushing on the tri-colored-haired teen, if she acted this way.
Was this some kind of love at first sight?
That was adorable!
“Hey, ladies.”, greeted them Jounouchi. “I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, you can call me Joey and that’s my pal Yuugi Muto. I heard from him you both are number one and two in dueling from Europa! That’s really cool.”
Not only Kihana and Sehrazat were shocked, even Afya looked at this tiny boy and couldn’t believe it.
“You are the one who bet Seto Kaiba, wow, it’s an honor!”, said Kihana to them.
Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
Afya facepalmed at her descendant.
“O-Oh, thank you.”, mumbled Yuugi shyly.
The blue-haired girl took all her courage and stopped hiding behind Kihana. She wanted and needed to talk to Yuugi. Afya even gave her an encouraging nod.
“You were incredible.”, complimented Sehrazat Yugi, who blushed more at her words. “You were the first one even to summon Exodia! It was a spectacular duel. I don’t think I could have handled Kaiba as you did.”
“I reset that.”, hissed Afya in their minds. “The boy with the blue eyes white dragon fetish would have gone down hard and rough if we duel him!”
Sehrazat ignored her Yami/Ancestor.
“N-No, I saw how you duel at the Europan championship. You truely earned your first place. I bet you can defeat Kaiba too, Faizan-San.”, complimented Yuugi back to her.
He was burning like a house on fire, but he needed to say this.
Shy Sehrazat batted her long eyelashes and Yuugi thought he would die. If he did it would be a great death, with one last look at the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Please you can call me Sehrazat or Sehra.”
“Then please call me Y-Yuugi!”
“Yeah, and Jounouchi or Joey to me.”, said Joey with a huge grin.
Damn this two were adorable.
Kihana seemed to agree with him since she grinned at him and pointed her head at the two smaller teens.
“And I’m Kihana or just Hana. So Yuugi, you are wearing interesting jewelry. It looks like the one Sehrazat is wearing.”, directed Kihana their conversation to the question they needed the answers to.
However cute Sehrazat and Yuugi were with each other, needed to wait for this.
That’s when both Joey and Yuugi noticed the teardrop-formed golden amulet with an eye that hung from Sehrazat’s neck.
“It looks really like yours, Yug!”, said Joey.
“Another Millennium Item!”, gasped Yugi suprised.
“What you sure, men?”
It was Sehrazat who answered him: “Yes, my amulet is a Millennium Item. The legends say there are eight of them.”
“Is your one too, Yuugi?”, asked Kihana.
He nodded, still floored. Never would he have thought to meet after Pegasus eye another Millenium Item.
“Yeah, it’s the Millenium Puzzle.”
Of that answer, Afya had the strongest reaction. Sehrazat had to keep her face under control, which was hard since her Yami literally screamed in their shared mind.
“I can’t believe it! It is the puzzle! Is there my supposed husband’s soul bond, like your grandmother told us, Sehrazat? I mean I kinda feel something of another presence with little Yuugi, but whatever that is doesn’t want to talk and show themselves. How rude!”
Thankful the ship horn sounded, which meant that it was time to retire to their cabin. Sehrazat was thankful. One part of her didn’t want to leave Yuugi, no it wanted to talk more to him, but she, Kihana, and Afya needed to talk.
Thank the gods, that Kihana was with her.
She gripped her hand and gave the two boys her best brilliant smile. Joey and Yuugi turnend both red under Kihana’s beauty.
“Look at the time. We need to go, but we should totally meet up later guys.”
With a wave, she dragged Sehrazat in the direction of their shared cabin.
I could write the whole episode since there are no duels, but that’s for when I write one day the real story fully. I will write part two of it maybe in the next few days. But no promises, I could write something totally different.
If you didn’t know English isn’t my first langue and it is really stressful to write a whole chapter in it.
Making this snippet, writing only parts of the chapter of this fanfic I have planned is really more simple.
At last, I want to recommend three awesome YGO! Fanfic to you.
First: https://www.quotev.com/story/12353010/Yu-Gi-Oh-book1-Lost-PurposeKaiba-X-OC/1
Second: https://www.quotev.com/story/14369524/Rising-SunYami-Atem/1
Give them a chance and give the authors a review, they are really worth a read.
Have a nice day/night!
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet came pretty randomly to me, but I needed to write it. Hope you enjoy it! :D

Snippet 4: Ancient Egypt
She know her time on this earth was ending.
Yanara felt it in her old and fragile bones.
She should be thankful, that she lived through so much and reached this age.
70 years was not something that anybody reached in their land.
Yet, she wasn’t ready to go.
Why should she go?
In the world of the living, she was closer to her beloved death Atem, than she would be in the afterlife.
Even if it was a strange notion, it was true.
His soul was in the Millennium Puzzle for all eternity banded, he wouldn’t be there in the afterlife with all her other beloved people, her parents, her uncle, her Kisara, Isis, Mahad, and Mana.
Waiting for her.
Welcoming her.
It was the worst feeling.
Tired she rubbed her eyes.
Her second husband and cousin Seto and little, even if she wasn’t this anymore, Samira were the only one left of her family beside her children, grandchildren, and grand-grandchildren.
Yanara was so proud of her family, how she wished Atem had seen them!
But he never would.
It was so unfair.
“Yanara.”, she heard the whisper of her Ka.
Frowning she moved her eyes to the wall where she heard the voice coming from.
The winged Sphinx of Isis, her Ka, was only a shadow silhouette, but she would recognize her in any form.
Beside her…no this couldn’t be true…?
“Oh great Isis, my dearest goddess.”, she whispers roughly.
Indeed beside her Ka was the goddess she had always loved and prayed the most to. The goddess her Ka was bonded to. Making her one of Isis’s children here on earth.
“Are you here to take me to the death tribunal, my goddess?”, she asked sadly. “Has mine time come? I don’t want to leave this world knowing, HIS soul will stay here.”
Isis looked at her with the eyes of a mother who saw their child suffering.
“My dear Yanara, my dearest mortal child, I gave you part of me in form of your Ka, because I knew you would be something special. And indeed you were. You helped to make our beloved Egypt into a greater home for it’s people. You were a good queen and a good mother.”, Isis told her.
Yanara felt how a tear fall down her cheek.
“So you are here for me. It is time for me.”
The goddess came closer to her, the Winged Sphinx of Isis following her.
“Yanara, my child, do you so wish to be with HIM again?”
“More than anything in this world. I never loved someone, as I loved HIM.”, she answered desperately.
She felt how Isis wiped her tears away.
“Then listen to me my dearest mortal child. The evil HE defeated will be back one day. HE will need to face it again. If you really want to, then I will put your soul into your Millennium Item, as the price you will forget anything about yourself till HE will remember too. Do you understand me?”
The old queen nodded rabidly.
Yes, she would do it.
Anything for a second chance.
Anything to see him again.
In whatever form.
“Call for one of your daughters, give her your Millennium Item and make them swerve that they would protect it with their last breath and give this burden then to their daughter, and their daughter, till it is time for you to be again with your Pharaoh!”, demanded Isis from her.
It was not a difficult choice to decide which of her daughters would become the Keeper of her Millennium Fragment.
She called for her little Omorose-Hathor.
The last gift her beloved had giving her.
Who had never known her biological father.
Who was now a grown woman herself, awaiting the birth of her first grandchild.
Omorose-Hathor was like the mirror image of her father, the same beautiful violet eyes stared at her in shock, as she told her daughter what now would be the long-lasting duty of her side of the family.
Yanara knew her daughter would accept it.
That night one of the greatest queens of Egypt died.
She would be remembered as the wife of the Nameless Pharaoh and his successor Pharaoh Seto. The queen with the heart of a warrior and a soul of a goddess, who helped Egypt reach a new height of glory and prosperity.
And for Yanara self?
As she felt how her soul was banned into her Millennium Fragment, losing bits and bits of herself, she only had one last thought.
That she couldn’t wait to see her beloved again.
It was only a matter of time.
Can you tell I love Hamilton? If you don’t know what that is go and hear the songs! This musical is epic!
As you also read I decide to give Yanara/Afya an invented Ka which will be also a Duel Monsters card the Winged Sphinx of Isis. I didn’t find any card that was connected to Isis, or I’m just too stupid, so I made my own.
So do not steal, are we clear?
Also if you want to know the officially shipping name of Yanara/Afya and Atem/Yami it’s Infinityshipping, I just hope nobody else claimed it already. :D

Here we have it the first pic of the Infinityshipping aka Yami/Atem and my OC Afya/Yanara.
I love the whole partner look they have going on :D
I hope that Infinityshipping no one already took it.
Hope you like the pic?
Have a nice day/night! ^^
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
After the little heartbreak I gave you with the last snippet I thought it would be nice to write out the scene when Atem/Yami and Yanara/Afya meet again in modern times as spirits of their respective Millenium Items. ^^
Enjoy this snippet for the Infinityship :D
Here is the base I used: https://www.deviantart.com/akatsukimaychan/art/Yami-Yugi-x-OC-Base-Request-for-iba2001-527054166
And here is what I made of it: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Infinityshipping-932421020

Snippet 5: Duelist Kingdom
Afya had a small smile as she looked around the cabin.
Sehrazat, Kihana, and Sadiye were sleeping peacefully in one bed, while Maja and this new girl Anzu shared the other. Jounouchi and Honda had each taken one of the couches for themselves and were having a snoring contest it seems and little Yuugi was curled up in the armchair.
It looked like “her kids” and the new ones felt comfortable with each other. She was happy that they made friends fast.
Softly humming she stroked Sehrazat’s blue locks.
Maybe with their new allies, they would have even more of a chance not only to get Amira’s soul back, also little Yuugi’s grandfather’s soul and the price money Jounouchi needed for his little sister’s operation.
That’s when she felt how the air was humming with energy. With old ancient magic. The kind she used herself.
She closed her eyes, yet didn’t stop her humming.
The once queen of all Egypt had wondered when the spirit of the Millenium Puzzle would talk to her.
They both had sensed each other when Yuugi and Sehrazat first met.
“So you decide finally to show yourself?”, she couldn’t help but use a huffy tone. She had tried early to talk to him, but he had refused to answer her. How rude! “I wonder for a second if you would stay in the puzzle for all the journey.”
The spirit of the Millenium Puzzle or as he called himself Yami admitted he did feel a bit bad that he hadn’t talked to his follow spirit early. He was just so surprised to encounter another soul like him, that he needed to think for a while. It didn’t help that the presence of the spirit of the Millenium Fragment was so…so familiar to him, even if it didn’t make any sense!
He had needed time for himself.
Yami had his hands in his pant pockets and looked at how the female spirit seemed to check on the new friends of Yuugi and also Yuugi and his friends too.
She seemed like a mother, looking after her flesh and blood to make sure they were all right.
Something deep in him twisted painfully, and a feeling of bittersweetness washed over him.
He wonders why?
That’s when his fellow spirit turned to him, fixing him with a regal expression, fitting for a great queen and orange eyes so sharp, that he had a feeling she could look right through him.
She was really beautiful.
Her long dark blue hair reminds him of the night sky and her unique orange eyes were not from this world. She had more womanly curves than her young partner, yet he could make out the muscles she had.
This was someone who could fight physically with any man and he had a feeling she would end up victorious.
Meanwhile, Afya had similar thoughts running through her head.
Little Yuugi’s darker half, was taller than him, his hair a bit wilder, and his eyes the color of the most beautiful amethyst. His face was serious, sharper, but oh so handsome.
Like the gods had sculpted it.
If she were a young girl she would have probably swooned, but she was an ancient spirit, a queen nonetheless, she swooned because of no one!
Even if such a fine specimen was before her.
“I apologize.”, he addressed her with a sinful-sounding voice, which made her shiver lightly. Since Sehrazat awoke her soul from her deep slumber, no one had gotten such a reaction out of her. What was happening? “I should have talked to you before, but I admit. I was quite in shock meeting someone in the same situation I’m in.”
Afya put a hand on her hip, fully aware of how the other spirit seemed to check her shapely body up thanks to her movement as she had intended.
Was she flirting?
She couldn’t resist.
“You mean trapped in a Millenium Item, bonded to a young teenager and with no memory?”, she nearly purred.
Yami balled the hands in his pockets into fists. Her honeyed voice got to him and was it his imagination or was the room filled with energy?
Sinful, erotic, energy.
Well, he wouldn’t complain.
You didn’t meet such a beautiful woman any day.
“So you are just like me, what is your name?”, he asked her, making his voice drop more, delightful in seeing her shiver a bit and batting her long eyelashes at him.
“Afya was the name my descendant gave me. You may call me so…?”
“Yami.”, she repeated purring like a cat and now he had to control his shivers.
By Afya triumphed glint in her outwordly eyes, he failed miserably. Well, two could play this game.
He gave her a smirk, which clearly affected Afya, and asked: “Descendant? Do you mean the young girl who wears the Millenium Fragment? I thought you don’t remember anything.”
“Apparently I was once a powerful queen of Egpyt.”, she started to explain, playing with a lock of her hair. Yami got the desire to run his finger into these dark blue locks. “Before I died, my soul was put into my Millenium Item and one of my daughters became its keeper. For thousands of years, her bloodline kept it safe, till it was Sehrazat’s turn. When she put it on, my soul awoke and here I am now.”
“I slept for such as long too.”, Yami’s eyes wander over the sleeping Yugi, and a little smile forms. “When Yugi solved the puzzle, it was like a was reborn into this world. I know my roots lay in Egypt too. Probably all Millenium Items are from there.”
He heard how Afya hummed, then the other spirit walked closer to him. Now they stood before each other.
She cocked her head in a flirty fashion, showing him her long elegant throat, and reached with one hand out to him.
Afya rubbed his shoulder and then slide with her hand his arm up and down.
If he was a weaker man, he would have gulped and turned red, but he wasn’t so he raised an eyebrow at her and wrapped one lock of her hair around his finger.
It was really soft and smooth.
“I have a feeling you want to make a point, beautiful Afya.”, know he was the one purring and Afya felt her knees going weak.
She licked her lips and had to keep a winning smile from her face as she saw how Yami followed hungrily this motion with his eyes.
“Mmh, we both are from Egypt, I was a queen once and we both feel the connection that the Puzzle and Fragment have with each other.”
“If you are pointing out the obvious that I was the pharaoh to your queen, my dear, then you don’t need to waste your breath. I already suspected it, when you told me your story.”
Afya narrow her eyes at him and stopped rubbing his arm. She came really close to his face, their nose barely touching.
“Then why didn’t you say so before and play dumb?”, she hissed offended. Was he only playing with her? “We may have been married once, but I am no one’s plaything.”
“I didn’t think that and for making you feel this way I am sorry.”, he apologized sincerely and put a bit of hair behind her ear. “I admit, this is new and exciting. I thought we would keep on flirting. I greatly enjoyed our banter.”
Yami had to fight the smirk at her bashful expression.
His queen was tough, he felt it in his bones, yet she was with him like a freshly fallen-in-love girl.
Mmh, his queen…
He indeed liked the sound of it.
Before she could answer him, they both heard a sleepy voice calling for her. It was her young host and descendant…which meant she was also his? Did he and Afya have kids? He needed to ask her the next time they were alone.
“Gran-Gran? What are you doing?”
Seems like Sehrazat, that was her name if Yami remembered right, couldn’t see him.
Afya gave him such a hot look, that he felt his knees go weak. That look promised more than delightful banter…he couldn’t wait.
“Nothing, child of mine. Do you want me to sing you a lullaby to fall back asleep?”, Afya asked her.
Something like a yes came from Sehrazat. Afya squeeze his hand, till she walked and sat then down beside her hikari, to sing her to sleep.
Yami decides to go back into his puzzle.
He wouldn’t disturb the two ladies with his presence.
Also, he had a lot to think about.
Other than when they were alive and know they had to marry, Yami and Afya seem to like each other already really much. XD
I want to point out that this two have a lot of sexual tension right now.
They aren’t in love with each other yet, they lust for each other.
Love needs time to grow and we already have love at first sight with the Dandelionshipping, Yuugi, and Sehrazat, so I decide the second time they fall in love would be a bit more…erotic. ;)
I hope you enjoyed this snippet!
Also to remind you:
Infinityshipping: Yami/Atem and Afya/Yanara
Dandelionshipping: Yuugi Muto and Sehrazat Faizan.
I just hope nobody else has claimed these names :D
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
I want to inform you that Atem is 18 and my OC Yanara is 20 in this snippet, you will know why ;)

Snippet 6: Ancient Egypt
The queen of all Egypt had to suppress her giggles, as her beloved husband lead her by her hand through the palace. Atem turned to her sushing her playfully.
Gods, she felt like a young girl again. When she would sneak into the grand kitchen of the palace, to get some sweet treats from the cooks there, before the meals.
“Where are we going, Atem?”, she whispered amused.
Her husband squeezed her hand and gave her one of his devilish smirks, which always made her weak in the knees.
“You will see, my beloved.”, he answered. “I have a little idea.”
“Oh, sounds interesting.”
“It will be interesting, love.”
The tone of his voice was something Yanara know too well. A shiver racked her body and she started to get hot. When Atem used that kind of voice on her, that meant, she would find herself in a few minutes naked and screaming his name to the heavens.
She couldn’t wait, what idea he had!
They both stopped at the entrance to the war room.
Yanara blinked surprised as Atem opened the door and lead her inside.
“What are we doing here, my dear?”, she asked him wondering.
Meanwhile, Atem hugged her from behind and gave her temple a soft kiss. Oh, she could feel how eager he was. She bit her lip and snuggled more up to him.
“Do you know how incredibly beautiful you are when you are commanding our army?”, he whispered hotly in her ear. His breath made her shiver in delight. “So powerful, strong, and assertive. I have to control myself not taking you right there!”
The blue-haired woman gulped, oh she had an idea of what he wanted to do.
“Here?”, she asked out of breath.
“Here!”, Atem growled back and attacked her throat with biting kisses.
She let out a moan and forgot anything around them.
Priest Seto walked briskly to the war room. How could he forget the important papyrus rolls they needed?
He was normally not forgetful, he didn’t like that.
Kisara would probably say that it’s even for him normal to be a bit forgetful. It was just in human nature.
He didn’t like to argue with his love, yet he just couldn’t accept this aspect of him.
Seto had worked hard to be there where he was now, mistakes were unacceptable. However little they were.
The young man was so concentrated on barenting himself, that he didn’t hear the muffled sounds coming from the war room. If he had, he would have turned around and walked away fast. Not running, he would never run! He didn’t need to get traumatized like Mahad last week in the gardens.
Else, he didn’t and opened the door without a thought, only the next moment to let out something similar to a shriek and close the door hard and fast.
Oh by the gods it burned!
He clasped his hands on his face and wished this accursed image away from his mind.
Sadly it was literally now imprinted.
He didn’t needed to see THAT!
The pharaoh mounting the queen, both of them stark naked!
This would haunt him for the rest of his life!
He needed to find alcohol and fast. A good hungover would liberty him surely.
High Priestess Kisara was wandering the palace halls in search of her betrothed Priest Seto.
He had wanted to come to her room, to enjoy some time alone together, but he didn’t come.
That wasn’t like Seto.
Frowning she crossed her arms and asked herself where her fiance could be.
It was then that she saw her little sister, Priestes Samira, coming her way. The younger woman seemed amused about something if the huge grin on her was any indication.
“Samira, sweetie.”, she called for her sister’s attention.
Instantly the younger one run up to her and hugged her sister tight. Kisara was happy that even if she was 20 and Samira 15 her sister still was her little one and wanted her hugs and kisses.
“Hello big sister, how are you?”, asked the younger priestess.
“I’m fine, just looking for Seto. You don’t happen to see him?”
It was now that her sister let go of her and laughed really loud. Kisara raised an eyebrow at her.
“Why are you laughing Sami? I don’t get the joke.”
“Oh you will.”, giggled Samira. “I indeed know where Seto is. He is in the garden and drinking himself silly.”
That was odd. Her fiance wasn’t one to drink himself into a hungover.
“And I don’t suppose you know why?”
“Two words: Atem and Yanara.”
Kisara repeated the names of their pharaoh and beloved queen wondering, till it was like lightning struck her.
She facepalmed and Samira just laughed harder.
Okay, Seto admitted drinking this much wasn’t going to solve his problem, but well he was already deep into it, so why not continue?
If he wasn’t so hungover, he would see the flaw in the logic, but his logic said already bye-bye.
“Oh Seto, what are you doing?”, he heard the lovely voice of his Kisara.
He looked up from the ground he was sitting on and saw his beloved in front of him. She had her hands on her hips and was shaking her head. The full moon made her shine like a diamond and the stars reflected into her beautiful blue eyes.
“You are so pretty.”, he whined, which made Kisara blink surprised. She had never heard Seto whine before. “Pretty like the moon, no wait, prettier. I wish I could look at you all the time.”
Kisara crossed her arms and counted fast the bottles around him.
Just like Mahad last week.
She only hoped Mana wouldn’t know about that little incident for a while. The magician would never let Seto live it down.
“Love, don’t you think that’s enough for today?”, she tried to reason with him.
Seto looked just with wide eyes at her and took a big gulp out of his bottle.
“It will never be enough.”, he said with a grim voice.
The white-haired woman let out a sign.
How was she going to fix that?
She loved the queen like a sister, but she really wished these two weren’t so… adventurous in their love life.
They already traumatized Mahad and Seto, who would be next?
In the end, Kisara managed to stop Seto from drinking himself to death and put him into bed like a toddler.
Then after she was sure no one was in the queen’s chamber, she walked up to her best friend, who was making herself bed-ready and blinking at her wondering, and said: “My queen, I love you and I respect the pharaoh, but if you both don’t stop having intercourse in any possible room or outside I will send at both of you my dragon.”
Yanara just made a face at her.
I hope you enjoyed this little silliness XD
Poor, poor Priest Seto and Mahad, both could use therapy XD
And I know in one picture I made with Kihana and Sadiye I said that Kisara and Priest Seto were never together but I changed my mind.
This two danced around each other for years, because Kisara thought she had to dedicate her whole life to Yanara, till Yanara told her she should follow her heart finally! She could be a good Priestess even with a romantic life!
So when they were both 19 they came together and fast the betrothal was official. They married at 20-21.
I’m still I bit unsure if Kisara and Priest Seto should have at least one child before things with Zorc and Thief King Bakura happen.
What do you mean?
Hope you enjoyed this snippet, until the next :D
The Queens Gambit: Prequel
The Prequel to the Queens Gambit. Who was the legendary Queen Yanara really? The heart of a warrior, the soul of a goddess, married once to the Nameless Pharaoh and then his successor Pharaoh Seto she contributed to making Egypt a better country for the people. Yet, what was she like? What did she experience? This is her story. Part of the Checkmate-Saga.

Prolog: Welcome to the world little one
Princess Renenet, the favorite sister of Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, was in the worst pain of her life.
She swore by her beloved goddess Isis that nothing could hurt like bringing a child into this world!
“AAAHHH!”, she screamed in pain and gripped the sheets of the bed she was laying.
If she survived this she would never let her husband Teremun touch her again she vowed!
The midwives tried to calm her down, yet she had only bitter words for them.
Teremun, who was outside the chamber and heard how his beloved screamed and shouted and cursed his name, could only wince.
He agreed with her, he deserved whatever godly punishment was reserved for him.
His brother-in-law the great Pharoah of their land patted his shoulder, while his wife the queen had an emphatic look on her face. Even if she sometimes looked worried at the door.
Maybe she was thinking over again if she really should get pregnant too if her sister-in-law was in so much pain.
Then the three of them heard the loudest scream Renenet had ever made and then….the soft cries of a babe.
The blue-haired man let out a gasp and tears formed in his eyes.
Their child was there!
And it sounded like anything was okay.
The door opened and a midwife walked out.
She bowed down low before them.
“Mother and daughter are in perfect condition.”, she informed them.
“A daughter!”, whispered Teremun happy.
A pretty little daughter, who would come after his beloved wife, he was sure.
The pharaoh and queen also seemed happy to have now a niece. A little girl they could spoil and one day would be a great older cousin for their future child.
“Lord Teremun, if you want to see them?”, asked the midwife.
“Of course, of course!”, he shouted exited.
Akhenamkhanen clapped him friendly on the shoulder again and Queen Amunet squeezed his hand.
He gave them a happy look and then was off into the room to greet his daughter.
A while later it was time for Akhenamkhanen to meet his niece. He had wished to meet with her and his sister alone.
Already his brother-in-law and his own wife seemed amoured with the little one.
Well, if she was anything like her mother no wonder.
Akhenamkhanen had a lot of sisters, thanks to his father having beside his wife a grand harem, but Renenet had always been his favorite.
Since he had seen her as a baby as he was a young boy, she had something on her that made people just love her. As she could older it got more potent.
He wonder if his niece would be like that?
He enter the chamber and nodded to the midwives and servants to leave them be.
This was family time now.
His sister was sitting up in the bed, looking full of love into the eyes of the little bundle in her arms. All the pain, screams, and curses seemed to be forgotten.
“Reni.”, he called her by her childhood nickname.
“Big Brother.”, she responded and gave him a small smile.
He smiled at her too and sat down beside her bed.
“How are you, my dearest sister?”
“A lot better now.”
“I assume you don’t want to castrate poor Teremun anymore?”
She laughed out loud and then shushed her little one who had woken up because of her laughter.
Akhenamkhanen looked at the scene before him, and a small smile formed.
“So that’s the little one who kicked you so much the last month.”
“Indeed she is.”, she answered and turned her daughter carefully around so he could look at her little face. “Meet your uncle, my heart.”
A little gasp left the pharaoh.
The little girl was beautiful. She had midnight blue hair baby hair, like her father and her eyes were orange, like her mother. She had chubby cheeks, a cute little nose, and full lips.
She would be one day a great beauty! He could already see it.
“Reni, she is absolute perfect. What’s her name?”
“The light? A fitting name for her.”
“Do you want to hold her big brother?”
That wasn’t even a question.
Careful his sister placed her babe in his arms and he cooed at the infant.
She was just so precious.
Yanara seemed to look him in the eyes and even gave him a gumless smile.
“You are going to be something special, aren’t you, little one?”, he cooed at her.
Renenet smiled at seeing her beloved brother bonding with her child. She wonder if her other older brother would come too. Akhenaden was acting weird for a few months now, but he wouldn’t miss the birth of his first niece, or?
“Yes, brother?”
“What would you say about if I have a son, he and your Yanara shall marry?”
That was a surprising declaration.
Renenet blinked at her brother.
“You don’t have even a son right now and yet you want to already betroth him?”
“You know how important the bloodline is.”, he reminded her, gently rocking the babe in his arms. “I couldn’t imagine anyone better than your Yanara as a bride for my future son. I just have a feeling she will be something special.”
“She is already special, not because she is a princess or you have a feeling she will be, she is special because she was born into this world. It simple as that.”, told Renenet.
“Wise words you say, my sister.”
“I actually read them somewhere, only I don’t remember where.”
The siblings laughed together and little Yanara let out a little babble.
As a baby, she didn’t understand what was going on.
She just felt happy, safe, and loved.

Exactly two years later, Yanara, now a curious little toddler, meets her cousin and future husband the crown prince Atem.
In the arms of her mother, she adorable scrunches up her little nose and looks at the crying bundle in her aunt’s arms.
Her aunty Amunet looks at her eager, wondering what her niece will think of her son.
Yanara says just two words.
“Weird hair.”
Everyone present in the room sweatdrops.
Hi and welcome to the Prequel to my story The Queens Gambit, there is already a snippet collection for it, but I thought since I only suck at writing duels, I can totally write the backstory of my OC Yanara Atem’s wife and cousin.
Also, I love ancient Egypt and the memory world arc so there you have it.
My story how it goes down in history.
So to clear a few things up, I took of course some liberties, so I hope you are okay with them.
Later you will find some of the snippets here as part of the chapters. I will keep the snippet collection but the Ancient Egyptian ones go now here as full chapters :D
The last thing, I couldn’t find the name of Atem’s mother so I named her Amunet.
And the already special speech of Renenet is an hommage of the one Carla Jaeger from Attack on Titan did.
I like to put some references to other media in my stories.
Again, hope you enjoyed the prolog and we will see us next chapter, whenever that is .3.
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.

8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara

Author Note: Hey and welcome to now the final and real Queens Gambit Story! :D The snippet collection is over and we dive right in into the Plot of YGO! I have to thank my dear friend Light guardine35 from Qoutev and AO3 for it. She offered to help me with the duels and now, the fanfic who is with me since I was a little girl and changed and transformed over the years can go online! I hope you follow along this ride and don’t forget about The Queen’s Gambit: Prequel, I will still write for it too since it’s Afya’s/Yanara’s backstory, but this FanFic takes priority. Again a huge thanks to Light guardine35 for your help and go and check out her own works! I think I can talk for both of us to say, to enjoy this story! And now on to it!
Chapter 1: Happy 15th Birthday!
On the day of her 15th birthday, Sehrazat Faizan woke up like any other school day.
More asleep than awake and with a groan.
She didn’t care that today was also her birthday, it was too earlier!
Why does school start this earlier? That was inhuman!
The dark blue-haired girl put her pillow over her head.
Any minute now Kihana would storm her room and drag her out of bed. She loved her best friend, but these were times when she wished Kihana and her family would live in their own house.
…Yeah, Sehrazat didn’t think that would stop Kihana either.
She heard the familiar boom of her door opening and wanted to cry.
Today was her birthday, even a special one in her family, so why couldn’t she stay at home and sleep?
Fuck, school!
“Rise and shine, your highness!”, sing-songend Kihana. She couldn’t be normal. Who was that happy, at this time?! “Today is your birthday, happy birthday my dear Sehra!”
Aww, at least this was cute.
It stopped being cute when Kihana gripped her blanket and left her in the cold morning air.
Sehrazat hissed like an angry cat and rolled herself into a ball.
Cold, way too cold!
Why were mornings so cold in Domino? How she missed the warm mornings in Lisabon!
Kihanan just tutted at her. The white-haired girl with the bluest eyes Sehrazat had ever seen was merciless. She gripped one of her arms and just let her fall to the floor!
“Hey, what was that for!”, Sehrazat shrieked offended.
The floor was even colder!
Kihana put her hands on her waist.
She was already wearing the Domino High School Uniform, her long white hair perfectly groomed into a ponytail, decent make-up which made her blue eye even more pop and her white porcelain skin glowing healthily.
“That’s the only way to wake you up, Sehrazat and you know it. We do this five times a week.”, reminds her Kihana.
Making a face Sehrazat stood up and has to control herself to make a worse face. She still reached only under Kihana’s breast.
Why was her best friend tall like a supermodel and she was small like a child?
They were now the same age, so unfair!
Only Sadiye, Kihana’s younger sister, was smaller than her! And that was because she really was a ten-year-old child.
Again, so unfair.
Pouting she followed Kihana to the dining room, where both their mom’s already were with little Sadiye eating breakfast.
Even if they all lived in Japan now, they still had a more wester-styled breakfast. With pancakes, cornflakes, bacon, and eggs, you name it.
That didn’t mean none of them had tasted the local cuisine.
For example, Sehrazat loved Ramen like she was Naruto from the same named Manga, but sometimes you needed a bit home.
They were all original from Egpyt, but Rahila, Kihana, and Sadiye’s mom, and her own mother Amira grow up in London, England.
Sehrazat’s Grandmother still lives there, like Kihana and Sadiye’s Grandparents.
Besides Rahila and Kihana, who were white-passing, all of them were black.
Sadiye was the first to note them.
“Happy Birthday, Sehra!”, shouted the ten-year-old, which gripped the attention of the two older women.
Her mother smiled and stood up from her sit. She opened her arms for her.
“Good morning, my little princess, and happy, happy birthday!”
Still tired Sehrazat let herself fall into her mother’s embrace. Ah, nothing to rise her spirits like her mama’s hugs! She was warm and smelled, like always after jasmine and sandalwood. Comforting and homey.
“Happy Birthday, your highness. Now you are finally 15.”, said Rahila to her and Sehrazat felt how her head was patted.
“Thanks aunty Rahila.”
They all sit down at the table and Amira signs wistfully.
“15 years already…I can’t believe time flew so fast. It was like yesterday you wear this tiny and I could pick up you whenever I wanted.”
“She still IS tiny!”, joked Sadiye and grinned at her.
Sehrazat looked at her angrily and bit into her pancake.
Kihana tutted her little sister, who shrugged her shoulders.
Sadly it was true.
Didn’t mean like Sehrazat liked to hear that.
“And you can still pick her up Amira.”, reminded Rahila.
Thanks, aunty!
Sehrazat bit harder into her pancake.
“You know what I mean.”, said Amira and then turned to her daughter. “Don’t forget, today IS a special birthday. Now you will be the Keeper.”
It took Sehrazat any amount of strength to not roll her eyes.
Ah, yes, she became now the Keeper of the mysterious Millennium Fragment which was in possession of her family since the times of the great pharaohs.
She never even saw that thing, because her mother keep it in a little golden box with Hieroglyphs written on it.
But nearly anyone treated it like it was something sacred.
The dark blue-haired girl thought personally that it was too much. It was just some jewelry.
Yes, really old jewelry, but jewelry.
There was nothing special about it.
Or let’s say better she didn’t want to believe the stories her mother and grandmother told her.
They were just too crazy!
Sehrazat and Kihana flinched at the loud shout and the birthday girl couldn’t even look as fast, as Maja, the third in their friend group, launched herself at her and hugged her tight.
The blue-haired girl couldn’t even respond, since Maja’s hug was so strong that it squeezed the air out of her lungs.
“Maja-Chan, let Sehra breath, she is turning blue!”, came Kihana to her rescue.
The brown-haired girl let her go with an ups, but Sehrazat would have nearly fallen on the ground if Kihana and Maja didn’t catch her.
“I’m so sorry, Sehra-Chan!”, whined Maja, while Kihana checked on her.
Sehrazat just made a thumbs-up.
She could feel how nearly everyone in the schoolyard was looking at them.
Like always.
Maja was consistently over the top with her affection, but that’s why she and Kihana loved the other black girl.
The three were a bit infamous in Domino High, the only black girls, even if Kihana was white-passing and Maja half-Japanese, and their morning routine got them even more attention.
After Sehrazat could breathe again, Maja handed her a little gift box.
“Here is your birthday present, my dear Sehra-Chan. I hope you like it!”
“Thanks, Maja, that’s so nice of you.”, told her Sehrazat smiling.
Maja grinnend and rubbed her nose.
Kihana looked at her as she unwrapped her gift. A small gasp left her lips.
“Dark Magician Girl and Magical Hats! I searched for them everywhere, where did you find them?!”, shouted the birthday girl happily.
How long she had wanted these two cards for her deck of Duel Monster? She couldn’t remember and Maja found them and gifted them to her.
“Aww, makes me happy you are so happy! I found them in a cute little card shop named Kame Shop. The old grandpa who owns it was nice and he has a lot of good cards.”, explained Maja, rocking back and forth with her hands behind her back.
“We need to totally visit it!”, decides Sehrazat.
Maja raised a fist in the air and shouted a loud yeah!
“But not today.”, came Kihana, the voice of reason in their group. “You know how important your 15th birthday is Sehra. Our moms expect us back after school, no improvised trips.”
Both Sehrazat and Maja let out a gloomy sound and slouched over. Sadly Kihana was right.
The brunette was the first to gather herself.
“Is this again some of your guys’ weird family tradition? Reminds me of my Obaa-Chan and her demand that we always have Mochi after dinner.”, said Maja.
“Eh, you could say.”, answered Sehrazat.
It was forbidden to tell outsiders about their family affairs, even if Sehrazat didn’t believe one bit and would like to tell Maja, she respected this rule. Also, Kihana was there and would give her a headbutt if she told a thing.
Other than her Kihana believes this shit.
Sehrazat wonders sometimes if she was the weird one in her family or if the others were all the weird ones.
Stupid ancient jewelry and its stupid ancient legend around it.
It was then that the school clock sounded, meaning it was time to get to their classroom.
The three girl pals hocked their arms with each other and followed the long line of their school- and classmates into the building.
The school day was too fast over in Sehrazat eyes. Normally she would be happy, but she threaded what would her await home.
She so doesn’t want to participate in that superstition of her family, yet she didn’t have a choice.
So she had to say goodbye to Maja and follow Kihana home.
Arrived there her mother reminded her that they would go out for dinner today and then the ceremony would take place.
So she had to dress nicely.
Her mother had bought her extra a pretty white dress, with it she should wear her best golden jewelry.
After a shower and dressing up Sehrazat had to let out a sign.
She looked like a modern version of an ancient Egyptian princess…she really hoped no one she knew saw her like this.
Well, at least she wasn’t the only one. Her mother looked like a modern Egyptian queen, while aunty Rahila, Kihana, and Sadiye looked like priestesses.
Besides her little Sadiye whined to her mother that she wanted to wear her favorite red dress, she know the stories too, but she seemed only to half believe them.
Yet Rahila didn’t give her a choice and so not only Sadiye pouted, Sehrazat did it too.
Her mother tutted her and so she tried to smile.
At least they would eat well before the whole weird shit happened.
Since Sehrazat’s favorite food was Pasta, they would eat out in the best Italian restaurant in Domino.
The food, of course, was delicious and as her birthday cake came out, made out of chocolate and vanilla and everyone in the restaurant sang happy birthday to her, the birthday girl forgot for a second what would await her home.
Then it was time for her presents.
From Rahila she got the new CD from her favorite J-Pop Idol Mimi Kawaii! It was even a special edition, with an autograph and an exclusive poster.
From Sadiye she got a self-drawn book, with drawings of her and Sadiye having adventures together. Also, she gifted her a Kuriboh card, which was adorable since Sadiye used her own money to buy it. Everyone cooed at her.
From Kihana, who had a passion for sewing, she got a self-made bag with a large D and M on it for Duel Monster and a new card holder.
From her mama, she got a new dress in her favorite color gold which sparkled like the sun, with fitting shoes and new earrings, and a necklace.
Her granny had sent her money, which her mother gave her.
Sehrazat already know she would buy some new Duel Monsters cards from it.
All in all an awesome birthday.
If it wasn’t for one thing remaining.
“Long ago when the pyramids were still young, the great pharaoh played a game filled with obscure magic. These were the shadow games. But these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world. Until a brave and powerful pharaoh locked the magic away, imprisoning it within the mystical Millennium Items. His name we don’t know, he is only now as the Nameless Pharaoh.”, told Amira the story Sehrazat had heard 100 times or so.
She had to keep herself from yawing.
This was important.
Oh well, for her mama.
She just wanted to get over it.
They were back home. Currently in their dining room where now the table and chairs were missing and a little altar was placed. On it was a statue of the goddess Isis, lotus blossoms and the famous golden box of her mother.
Rahila with her daughter stood at the side, and beside Sadiye who seemed to wish to be somewhere else, listen to attentive Amira's words.
Amira stood beside the altar and Sehrazat was standing before her.
God, it sounds like they had a cult meeting or something similar. People would call them crazy if they saw them. Thankful the curtains on the window were closed and the room was illuminated by a lot of candles.
“The Nameless Pharaoh had a wife. This wife born our ancestor, the founder of the Faizan family.”, continue Amira. “The great queen gave her daughter a duty that till this day we handle. She gave us the 8th Millenium Item, the Fragment, which belonged only to the queens of Egypt. Sehrazat.”
Oh, dear.
She looked at her mother, who had raised her hands like a prayer, which made this even more sound like a cult meeting, and tried to stay impassive.
Even if she just wanted to go to bed.
“Sehrazat, my dear daughter. For thousands of years, we protect the Millenium Fragment from outer forces who want to use its power for evil. From mother to daughter, when reached the age of 15 the keepsake gets passed down. Now it’s your turn.”
Amira took the golden box in her hands and Sehrazat nearly forgot to hold her hands open, so her mother could place the box in them.
“You will keep it safe till it’s your turn to pass it down to your daughter or when the time will come that its power it’s needed again, then the great queen, our ancestor, told us one day the world would need it again the power of the Millenium Fragment. Fulfill your duty to our family, our bloodline, as all the other daughters before you.”
“I will, mother.”, she responded and stared at the box which was now hers.
So that was it?
Yeah, of course, nothing strange happened.
It was just a box with jewelry.
Nothing more.
At least this ceremony was over now.
Sehrazat was freshly showered and wearing her PJs as she retired to her room for the night. Yawning she closed the door after her.
Well, this birthday was over, she got cool gifts, had an awesome time with her family, eat well and now was the Keeper of a shiny little box.
The Box with the Millenium Item was sitting on her Vanity Mirror where she had it placed before taking her shower.
She frowned at the thing.
Till she had a daughter and she was 15, she had to keep an eye on it. Yeah, she could imagine more fun activities.
Stupid family tradition.
The blue-haired girl bet some of her ancestors got conned with this thing and the story and made anybody believe it to this day.
Well, she surely wouldn’t.
Mumbling to herself about stupid shiny boxes, she sat down on her bed and reached for her deck. She wanted to put the new cards in it and then in the cardholder, Kihana had made for her.
Just…something was bugging her.
She couldn’t explain it. It was something in the deeps of her mind. Something like a whisper.
Something said deep in herself to look at what was in the box.
Frowning she placed her deck on her bedside table and took the shiny box from the Vanity Mirror to her bed. She crossed her arms and sat before it.
“So, now what? Stupid shiny old box, what is so special about you?”, she said to herself.
Meanwhile, a storm was forming with lightning and thunder, and howling wind.
The blue-haired girl took the box in her hand and opened it. There laid this Millennium Fragment.
It was golden, tear-dropped formed with a big eye of Horus staring right into her soul.
She admitted it looked really…ancient.
And the eye was creeping her out.
“So you are the Millenium Fragment, heh?”, was she really talking to jewelry? What had gotten into her? “What is so special about you?”
To demonstrate, herself and anybody else Sehrazat decide to break the rule about not wearing the jewelry.
It was just a story.
She took it out of the box.
It was just a story.
The box was placed on her bed.
It was just a story.
Lighting illuminated its surface and reflected on it ominously.
It was just a story!
Sehrazat took all her courage and put it on.
Her heart beat so fast, that she could feel and hear it. Sweat has broken out on her body, but it was done.
The Millenium Fragment hung now from her throat.
The storm outside got more intensive.
“Heh, that’s it?”, she said with a wobbly voice. “It’s really just-“
The teenager couldn’t even end her sentence as some kind of energy flowed through her being. A golden eye appeared on her forehead and she throws her head back in a silent scream.
If someone saw this he wouldn’t believe his eyes, but the girl seemed to grow taller, her body taking more womanly curves, her hair reaching her bottom and her eyes becoming shaper.
Her mouth closed and she slowly put her head again forward.
She blinked her eyes a few times and raised an elegant eyebrow as she looked around the room.
“Well, this…this is surprising.”, Sehrazat or not said in a melodious sinful voice who belonged to a woman and not a young girl.
She raised her hand to look at it, studying it.
“Really surprising.”
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

Here we have the second chapter, I want to thank my friend Light guardine35 from Quotev and AO3 for their help when I got stuck on a scene. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. :D

Chapter 2: The Spirit of the Millenium Fragment
Redone: 29/08/24
When Sehrazat “woke up” again she had to look twice and pinch herself that she wasn’t dreaming.
No, she wasn’t.
How could this be possible?
She wasn’t anymore in her bedroom but in a room filled with toys from her childhood, a comfy-looking couch, a filled bookshelf and painted in soft golden colours.
What the heck was going on?
Was she kidnapped?
She felt how she started to sweat and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. Sehrazat was more than afraid, she was terrified.
How could this happen?
The last she remembered was putting on the Millennium Fragment and then…nothing for a while.
“Wait a minute.”, she mumbled to herself. “Has this something to do with the Fragment?”
Oh, dear Isis, she hoped not, that would mean all the crazy stories they told in her family were true, yet it would be better than being really kidnapped.
“I need to get out of her.”, she told herself and looked for a way out.
Luck was on her side, there was a door which opened!
If she really was kidnapped then her Kidnappers weren’t that good.
Careful she looked around.
She was now in a corridor and before her was…a really, really creepy door.
There was again an eye of Horus who seemed to look into her soul.
Where by Osiris did she end up?
Suddenly the door before her opened slowly and Sehrazat wished she could run away.
Yet something kept her there.
Maybe it was a morbid curiosity then it was not normal not to react to a creepy door slowly opening alone.
“So you have awakened?”, said a melodious woman’s voice from the room behind the creepy door.
Okay, now would be good to run away, but Sehrazat seemed to have turned into ice.
The woman, the voice belonged to, stepped out of her room and…no that couldn’t be possible!
It was like Sehrazat looked into a mirror.
A mirror that made her look, older, taller, and hotter, with longer hair and sharper eyes even in her cutesy Dark Magician Girl PJs!
That was one sexy as-hell woman, Sehrazat bet any man or woman would get a heart attack at this beauty, it was just so weird and impossible that they both could be twins.
She didn’t have a twin sister!
And why would a twin sister kidnap her to this creepy place?
What was going on?
Her look-a-like frowned at her and then gave her a small smile. She holds her hands up in a non-treating way.
“You must be really confused, aren’t you? I understand this is new for me too.”, said the woman to her.
The blue-haired girl nodded slowly. She didn’t trust her voice.
“Why don’t we go back to your room? I will explain anything as well as I can.”
Did Sehrazat even have a choice? The corridor looked like was endless and she wouldn’t risk running away now. She had noted even how womanly her doppelganger was, she possessed some muscles too.
That was not a fragile flower.
This was someone who could fight.
She was reminded of her favourite card the Amazoness Paladin. Her doppelganger was just as beautiful, but you clearly saw that she was a fighter!
So she nodded.
The Doppelganger gave her a reassuring smile and stepped as the first one in the toy-filled room.
How considerate of her actually. Sehrazat wouldn’t have liked to have this woman behind her, so the woman turned her back to her.
She was showing Sehrazat some trust.
Well, she could at least hear out what she had to say. She couldn’t be that bad if she was attentive to her feelings.
….That was not Stockholm-Syndrom talking out of her she hoped.
So Sehrazat got back into the room she woke up and gave the woman a hesitated and mistrusting look.
The other one was sitting on the couch, still trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.
Yeah, she wouldn’t sit down beside her and stand where she was. The door she let open too, just in case she had to run away.
“Also.”, began the woman. “Please don’t freak out, but I’m a spirit. I have inhabited the Millennium Fragment for a good 3000 years. You put it on awoke me from my slumber. So you can see, I’m just as surprised as you are.”
Sehrazat blinked at the doppelganger.
And three times.
“I can’t believe Granny’s crazy story is true!”, she shrieked displeased.
Now the spirit was blinking at her, while Sehrazat remembered what her grandmother told her when she was a little girl.
Sehrazat loved to visit her Granny after pre-school.
Granny always made her, her favourite food, made cookies, and told her amazing stories!
Her Granny was a tall woman, with long dreadlocks and a beautifully aged face. She may not look like a typical grandmother, but she was just as sweet.
The little four-year-old girl snuggled more up to her Granny, who held her in her lap and listened to her newest story.
“The Millenium Fragment is special not only because of its power, but the spirit of the great queen sleeps in it.”, her Granny told her.
Sehrazat looked with sparkling eyes at Granny.
“Like Sleeping Beauty?”
Granny laughed heartily and gave her forehead a kiss which made her in turn giggle.
“You can say it, but she is not waiting for Prince Charming to wake her up with a kiss. One day, the power of the great queen will be needed again. She waits in the Millenium Fragment for the right soul who will wake her up from her slumber.”
“How Granny?”
“When the time is right the chosen soul will wear the Millenium Fragment and awake so the queen’s soul again.”
“Unbelievable, you are the queen?! My ancestor?! All these freaky stories are true?”, continue Sehrazat shocked.
How could she not if her whole world was flipped over in one instant?
The spirit frowned and tilted her head confused.
“I’m a queen?”, she asked surprised. “I’m your ancestor? I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. The only thing I remember is that I know my roots lay in ancient Egypt what you tell me is new information. Though it makes no sense why my soul room looks like a palace.”
You know there could be a lot of things Sehrazat could ask the spirit, but she decided to concentrate on one thing.
“Your room looks like a palace?”
Her doppelganger just nodded.
A while later we find Sehrazat sitting beside the spirit finishing to tell her what she knows of her family stories about the Millenium Fragment.
“So to recapitulate, I once was a great queen married to two pharaohs, one who is only known as the Nameless Pharaoh, who saved the world from the destructive Shadow Games. Then before I died my soul ended up in my Millenium Fragment and one of my daughters carried the duty to protect it and guard it against evil forces. She was the founder of your family, the Faizans. For 3000 years your family fulfilled this duty, now it’s your turn and you didn’t believe one bit of the stories and put the amulet on to prove a point. But so you awakened me, which I prophesized to my daughter, that I would be back when the right soul wore my Millenium Fragment and the world needed my power again. So that means the evil forces are back and I must be reunited with my first husband, whose spirit lives in the Millenium Puzzle.”
Sehrazat just nodded, while the queen shook her head.
“I can understand you thought this was all a made-up story, I’m here and I can’t quite believe it. I’m only a shadow of the person I once was, I can’t be sure what your family told for 3000 years is the truth.”, admitted the spirit.
“You really remember nothing?”, asked Sehrazat to be sure.
“No, not one bit.”
After that Sehrazat let out a loud sign. That wasn’t good that the queen had amnesia, not when it seemed the world was in danger again.
“You know what.”, started Sehrazat. “Till proven otherwise I think we can believe the stories my family told. We are clearly here together and you at least know you are a spirit bond to the Millenium Fragment. Better we can’t do.”
The queen agreed with a nod.
“Seems like you will be stuck with me for a while, Sehrazat.”, the queen said.
“You will need a name, I don’t want to call you Spirit or the likes.”, told her Sehrazat.
The queen was her ancestor, her 3000 times great-grandmother or so, and she was family. It wouldn’t feel right to not call her by a name. She was a human being.
“Do you have something in mind, Sehrazat?”, asked the queen curiously.
The blue-haired girl mummed thoughtfully and gripped her chin.
What would be a fitting name for a once queen of Egypt?
One of the names of other famous queens?
Should she go with something modern?
Then it hit her.
The queen had said she was only a shadow of the person she once was…
“How about Afya?”
Her ancestor put her pointer finger thoughtfully against her lips and looked up to the ceiling.
“Afya…Shadow…mmh, not bad. I like it. It fits me.”
“Then it’s settled.”, cheered Sehrazat and held her hand out to Afya. “It’s nice to meet you official Afya, I’m Sehrazat.”
With a laugh, Afya took her hand and shook it.
“The pleasure is all mine, Sehrazat.”
Like any morning Kihana was on her way to wake up Sehrazat. She mumbled happily a little song.
The weather was nice out there. So today they could eat in the schoolyard under the pretty cherry blossom trees.
Kihana loved this about Japan, the cherry blossom trees were so wonderful.
She opened the door to her best friend’s bedroom and started her greeting: “Good morning your highness, it’s time to wake-“
The words got stuck in her throat as she saw Sehrazat sleeping peacefully, a golden amulet with an eye of Horus around her neck.
She never had seen it, but her mother had told her what all Millenium Items had in common, so she would recognize them.
The white-haired girl couldn’t believe it!
“Sehrazat!”, she shouted so loud, that her best friend woke up from her slumber and looked confused around.
“Wha, Wha, What?”, comes still sleepy from her.
Kihana closed the door behind her and pointed an accusing finger at Sehrazat.
“Sehrazat Nefertiti Faizan, are you wearing the sacred Millennium Fragment?! You know it’s not allowed!”, reminds her Kihana waving her finger around.
Sehrazat sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes. The girl didn’t quite catch what was going on, half asleep as she was.
“What Hana?”
Her best friend let out a loud sign. Of course, Sehrazat wasn’t “online” so to speak. She still had to power up her system.
The blue-haired girl never was a morning person.
Well, Kihana knows what to do.
She started to tickle Sehrazat.
“Wa, wa, wa?! Hahahahaha! Stop it, stop it, Hana!”, plead Sehrazat trying to get away from her best friend’s fingers.
But Kihana was merciless.
“You are wearing the Millenium Fragment!”, she repeated. “What are you thinking Sehrazat?!”
“Currently how to, hahaha, getaway, hahaha, from you!”
“Don’t sass me, young miss!”
“Please have mercy, hahaha!”
“Explain yourself then!”
With that Kihana stopped and Sehrazat took a big gulp of air.
“Maybe it’s better we go to the dining room, so I can explain to Mama and the others this too.”, said the blue-haired girl.
Her white-haired friend let out a sign but nodded. It would be better if anybody knew what was going on. Amira needed to know this. Sehrazat had broken a rule of their families and only her mother could punish her.
So the two girls made their way to the dining room, where the rest of their family already enjoyed their breakfast.
“You guys are weird today.”, said Maja to her two best friends and gave them a look.
It was lunch break at Domino High and thanks to the good weather they could eat at the schoolyard under their favorite cherry blossom tree.
Just Sehra and Hana wear so weirdly the whole day.
And the weird new amulet Sehra wore was giving Maja some strange vibes.
“A lot happened.”, answered Kihana shortly, picking her Bento apart.
Maja raised an eyebrow.
“We saw each other just yesterday, what the frick, could happen that you guys are weird?”
“The world turns upside down.”, sang Sehrazat a verse from Hamilton’s Yorktown.
“I believe it my whole life.”, said Kihana more to herself, yet Maja heard her. “But it’s still so unbelievable. How can it be?”
The brunette just blinked even more confused at her friends. Normally she was the one who said cryptic nonsense to make them laugh, that was so not Sehra and Hana style.
“Okay, I’m going to guess you are acting weird because of Sehra's new shiny amulet.”, guessed Maja.
Kihana's left eye twitched and Sehrazat nodded biting into her ramen noodles.
“Sehra!”, hissed Kihana. “Do you think this is a good idea? I love Maja, but we can’t drag her into this mess!”
It got weirder by the minute. In what kind of freaky situation did end up her friends and why can’t she participate?
Maja pouted.
“I thought we three were best friends forever? I told and show you how I can do magic, why won’t you trust me?”
Here Kihana whined and looked apologetic at her.
“It isn’t like that Maja-Chan-“
“It’s just Hana is still so fixed in our old family traditions that she doesn’t know how to handle this now.”, explained Sehrazat calmly.
“And you do Sehra-Chan?”
Sehrazat looked at Kihana. Oh, there they go having a silent conversation with their eyes. Maja wonders how the two do that. After a few seconds, Kihana let out a breath and nodded.
“As Aunt Amira said you can now decide who knows and who will not.”
“Oh, goody, so I get an explanation now?”, wanted Maja a confirmation.
“Maja-Chan, have you ever heard of the Nameless Pharaoh and the Shadow Games?”, asked her Sehrazat in turn.
She admitted she didn’t expect that.
“Yeah, my grandfather told me that there was once a mighty pharaoh who saved our land and the world from something evil called Shadow Games.”, said Maja. What was Sehrazat getting at? “Apparently you used real Monsters to battle each other in this game. It got out of control and somehow the Nameless Pharaoh put an end to this.”
“You know a lot.”, said Kihana surprised.
Maja shrugged her shoulder.
“In the village, where my grandparents from Egypt live it’s a folktale.”
“Cool to know. So Maja-Chan what would you say when I tell you that the Nameless Pharaoh banned the power of the Shadow Games into eight mystical Items called Millenium Items?”, wondered Sehrazat.
“Is this where now your amulet comes in?”, pointed the brunette at it.
“She is a smart girl, Sehrazat.”
Suddenly Maja heard this melodious woman’s voice and not a second later a spirit-like being who looked like Sehrazat, just older and hotter, materialized beside her friend.
Maja gasped for air and pointed at the spirit woman.
“You….You have a spirit with you?! Since when?!”
“You can see Afya?!”, shouted Sehrazat and Kihana shocked.
This “Afya” blinked rapidly at her, she seemed just as shocked.
The brunette got then a feeling in her belly that they would face many crazy adventures in the near future.
Really, really, crazy adventures.
Should she maybe get some alcohol?
She had a feeling these adventures would give them a lot of frustration.
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

Here we are now people, in chapter 3 with the first duel :D I admitI took Yami and Pegasus duel as a base and my dear friend Light guardine35 helped me to write it. So if you haven’t read any of her stuff do it now what are you waiting for?! Enjoy the chapter and tell me if the duel was okay if you could follow along, all right?

Chapter 3: Card Games through a TV
Redone: 29/08/24
I mixed a bit of Japanese dub with English dub, I hope it's okay ^^
The next few weeks in Sehrazat's life were… interesting to say at least.
She and her whole family and friends got Afya, the spirit of the Millennium Fragment and her supposed ancestor, to know.
Afya was 100% a queen, no doubt. Her presence, how she moved, how she talked, the way she could command a whole room…it screamed it.
And her soul room was a giant ass ancient Egyptian palace.
Sehrazat had now for a few times visit it and the place seemed to have no ends. What really surprised her, were the Duel Monsters carved on a few doors that wouldn’t open. Not even Afya knew how to open them or what was behind them.
Anyhow, the most important place was the little arena the palace had. There were a lot of weapons, mostly swords, and shields and Afya made it her quest to teach Sehrazat to wield a sword.
No kidding!
So Sehrazat got her ass mentally kicked once per day and her respect for Afya grow.
The woman was a merciless teacher, but how she kicked butt was art!
So elegant and deadly!
It doesn’t mean that the blue-haired girl didn’t want to make her ancestor a bit suffer. She could literally feel all the wounds Afya had inflicted on her, even if they didn’t show on her body.
So she did what she could do best.
Challenging Afya to a children’s card game.
Also known as Duel Monster.
Before her father died he had taught her anything about the game. She didn’t want to praise herself, but she was a damn good duellist. She had won the last Europa Championships and if she hadn’t moved to Japan she could have participated in the World Cup.
Sadly you had to still live in Europa to be the champion, so her title had gone to the creepy Paulo Ramirez, the third place in the classify since Kihana played Duel Monster too and was second place.
Anger couldn’t even describe how Sehrazat felt about that.
Stupid technicality.
To get back where we started, Sehrazat was a damn good duellist and would beat Afya’s ass in Duel Monster.
That evaporated in a few minutes in their game since Afya picked it up fast and completely destroyed her.
Afya was even better than her in Duel Monsters!
How the heck the ancient queen managed this was beyond Sehrazat.
After that brutal loss, she had gone to her Mama to get comfort. It was so unfair!
It didn’t end there, Afya wiped the floor with Kihana too and Maja gave up after a few turns.
Afya was not only a formidable swordswoman but also an incredible duellist. Even if she repeated she preferred her sword over cards.
All in all, it was an experience that was not forgotten and Sehrazat asked herself if she and Afya teamed up if they could have beaten Seto Kaiba, the former World Champion.
Yes, the former.
A boy named Yugi Muto kicked the rich kid and three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons behind with Exodia.
If Sehrazat ever met this Yugi he would get a big Kudos from her.
That was impressive.
Today in the Faizan and Schariq household Maja was to guest since they all wanted to watch together how the Japanse Championship ended.
After a nice supper, all were in the living room together.
Sehrazat was snuggled up against her Mama, with Maja leaning on her. Sadiye was sitting on Aunty Rahila’s lap and Kihana had taken one of the armchairs for herself. Afya, as spirit, was also out of her Millennium Item and sat down on the other armchair.
Various snacks and beverages were laid out on the couch table and everyone, besides Afya of course, took some snacks and drinks.
Then it was time for the final duel.
The Announcer was full of energy as he said: ”To the millions of Duel Monsters fans, it's time for the tournament finals! Among the 200 duelists who won their regionals, who will stand at the top? Here come the competitors! Representing East Japan, 14-year-old Insector Haga! Representing West Japan, 15-year-old Dinosaur Ryuzaki! ”
“Are these the guys’ real names?”, asked Maja and bit into her chocolate bar.
Kihana finished drinking her coke answering her: “No, I’m pretty sure that’s are invented names. Who would name his kid Insector or Dinosaur?”
“Someone with bad taste.”, said Amira, which made everyone laugh.
The all-female group watched how Insector Haga destroyed Dinosaur Ryuzaki with his tiny insects.
Sadiye pouted like no tomorrow as she had to give Maja her Yens since she bet that the Dinosaur Dude would win. Her mother and sister hugged and kissed her, so she felt a bit better.
But she wouldn’t bet again against Maja.
“Presenting the award is Industrial Illusions CEO and the genius creator of Duel Monsters...”, told the announcer. “Mr. Pegasus J. Crawford!”
Pegasus, holding a trophy, was raised by a platform into the middle of the duelling arena.
“The creator personally, what an honour for the young boy.”, said Rahila, stroking Sadiye’s black hair.
“That guy has some serious fabulous hair. What shampoo does he use?”, wonders Maja.
Sehrazat wants to answer her, yet she feels something in her mind. Or more she feels the connection she shares with Afya. Her Yami stares at Pegasus with a frown.
“What’s wrong, Afya?”
“I don’t like this man…something is strange about him. How he gives himself, his posture…it rubs me the wrong way.”
Meanwhile, Pegasus walks over to Insector Haga and kneels down. He gives him the trophy and congratulations, Haga is of course really happy.
That’s when Pegasus says something which turns all attention back to him: “You are granted entry into an upcoming event sponsored by my company.”
“That’s a first.”, says Amira. “Pegasus never hold an event or sponders something.”
“Oh that reminds me!”, shouts Rahila.
She puts Sadiye down from her lap and runs out of the living room.
The rest of the women and girls look all at each other confused.
A few seconds later she returns with two boxes in her hands.
“These packages were delivered today to us. One is for Sehrazat and one for you Kihana, my child.”
Still confused both take their package. Sehrazat shakes it.
“I wonder what’s in there.”
“It’s from Industrial Illusions!”, gasp Kihana surprised.
Amira crosses her arms and Afya’s frown deepens.
“Pegasus announces an event sponsored by him and you get the same-day packages from Industrial Illusions. I don’t like to say it girls, but something about this is fishy.”, says, Amira.
“You think so, Mama?”
“I agree, it is a bit of an obvious coincidence.”, admits Rahila. “But, Mira, both our daughters are top duellists, it’s not strange if Pegasus wants them in his event .”
“Can we not just open the boxes and see what’s inside them?”, whines Sadiye, who is sitting now on Maja’s lap.
“I’m curious too.”, agrees Maja with her.
Well, what else should they do? So together Sehrazat and Kihana open the boxes under the eyes of their family and friends. Both find a glove, two golden stars, and some cards.
Only Sehrazat’s one has a VHS in it. She picks it up with a frown.
“Why do I get a VHS?”
“Don’t make us watch it Sehra!”, shrieks Sadiye and hugs Maja tight. “That thing could be cursed!”
“Did you watch again bad movies, even if I didn’t permit them, Sadiye? You are still too young.”, scolds Rahila.
“Sorry, mommy!”
“We will talk about this later, young miss.”
Sehrazat looks to Afya, who has crossed her arms fixing this strange device with an uncertain look.
“Well, let’s just watch it.”, she decides for anyone. “We will know then what’s it about.”
So Sehrazat puts the VHS in the VCR.
The woman and girls huddle all close together till the static shows Pegasus on the TV screen.
“Greetings, my dear Sehrazat girl. I am Pegasus J. Crawford.”
“Hello?”, greets Sehrazat and waves awkwardly.
“Did you really say hello to a pre-recorded video?”, whispers-shouts Kihana in disbelief.
The blue-haired girl just shrugs her shoulders.
“It’s quite a shame that just because you moved to Japan you aren’t the Europa Champion anymore. You and Miss Schariq are formidable duellists, but you Sehrazat are even more a special case.”, tells her Pegasus. Afya stands now beside her with crossed arms, fixing the screen with a sharp look. “In fact, I've decided to investigate your amazing duelling skills personally. Right here, right now, we shall hold a special duel. We will play with a strict time limit of fifteen minutes and when time's up, the player with the highest life-points will be the winner. Are you ready?”
“This guy nuts, he is on a videotape.”, points Maja out.
“How is this going to work?”, wonders Sadiye.
Suddenly Pegasus laughs really evil. Something behind his hair glows in gold.
“With magic!”
The woman and girls let out a shocked sound. Her mother, Aunty Rahila, Kihana, Sadiye and Maja turn black and fade into the background.
Only she and Afya are still standing.
“Gran-Gran are you feeling this?”, she asks her Yami. “Everything's growing dark and cold and the others aren't moving.”
“Yes, I do. This is some kind of magic I bet with you!”
“Pegasus what have you done to my family!”, Sehrazat demands to know.
“Don’t worry, they are fine, you should worry more where we are now, little Sehrazat!”, tells her Pegasus.
“He is right. This place…this isn’t our normal world.”, informs her Afya.
“Do you want to take over, Gran-Gran?”
Afya just nods.
The symbol of the Millennium Items appears on Sehrazat’s forehead and her Millennium Fragments start to glow. With closed eyes the switch takes place and where once Sehrazat was in control of the body it is now Afya.
The spirit opens her eyes and smirks at Pegasus.
“All right, let’s duel and then you unfreeze my family and friends!”, declared Afya in her more mature and womanly voice.
Pegasus nods.
“Certainly. Let's begin. But you should know one thing, someone like me you never faced in a duel.”
The VCR timer is set to 0: 15.00 and both duellists get their cards ready.
“You will pay for what you did to my family!”, growls Afya and draws the Alexandrite Dragon.
Again something behind Pegasus’s hair glows
“You won't save anyone with that dragon card.”, he tells her nonchalantly.
“How did you?!”
“I told you, you've never faced anyone like me before.”, he reminds her. ”I know every move you'll make. Before you can even make it.”
Afya just growls angrily at him.
“Knowing every move you'll make gives me a distinct advantage, wouldn't you say? For example, I can anticipate your next play and counter it with this Dragon Capture Jar.”
“It will draw the Alexandrite Dragon from your card and imprison the beast. Trapped. Never to be played against me.”
How can he see my cards and make my monsters real?!, thinks Afya desperate. There is only one explanation!
“You have a Millennium Item too, don't you?!”, shouts Afya accusing.
“Right you are Sehrazat girl or should I call you queen?”, he smirks at her gasp. “Since you inhabited the body of your descendant.”
“How do you know this?”, wants Afya to know.
“My Item showed me a lot of things, including the little secret of the Faizan family. Now back to our game, my Dragon Piper has his flute of resurrection frees your Alexandrite Dragon, but puts him under my control.”
I have to defeat myself!
“I play Amazon of the Seas!”
The mermaid-like monster appears before her and the Alexandrite Dragon.
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF2100
Amazon of the Seas: ATK1300/DEF1400
The Alexandrite Dragon attacks the Amazon of the Sea.
I can feel the heat of the attack!
Afya’s life points are reduced from 2000 to 1300.
“A bit too hot for you my dear queen?”, asked Pegasus amused. ”I imagine it must be a long time since you played a Shadow Game, you seem a bit rusty.”
“Don't be so sure Pegasus, I will beat you!”, promises Afya and draws a new card.
Pegasus lifts his hair aside to show his Millennium Eye which glints with the image of a woman in a golden dress with six white angel wings. Afya’s eye also glints with the same image.
I have to turn this duel around, maybe with my Wingweaver?
Suddenly Pegasus laughs out loud and the once queen of all of Egypt gets insecure.
Wait a minute, he definitely knows what I'm about to do. I bet it's his Millennium Item that gives him this power. He must see the cards I draw with it, but what if I don't know what I play?
“Hurry up now, Queenie. Time is running out for you and your family. I already know what you will play and have a surprise for your little fairy type.”
Afya looks at him with cold orange eyes and takes blindly a card from her deck.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, Pegasus! I figured out how your power works. You may be able to see the cards in my hand, but you can't see the cards I pull from the deck.”
Pegasus narrows his eyes at her.
“My next card is... the Dark Magician Girl!”
The Dark Magician Girl appears with a twirl and a cute smile. She hovers protectively before Afya.
“Your little cute Magician and Alexandrite Dragon how the same attack points.”, points Pegasus smirking out.
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2000/DEF1700
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF100
“What do you plan on doing my dear queen?”
“I will use this handy spell card.”, now Afya is smirking and shows him the card. “I play the magic card, Magic Formula which will give my Dark Magician Girl 700 more Attack Points!”
“Well, if you think this will help you. Then go on.”, say’s Pegasus nonchalant.
“It will do more than that!”
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2700/DEF1700
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF100
“And now my Dark Magician Girl destroy the Alexandrite Dragon!”, shouts Afya, as her monster twirls her staff and sends the dragon to the Graveyard.
Pegasus Life Points drop from 2000 to 1300, yet he seems very calm. Afya narrows her eyes at him.
“I have taken a good chunk of your Life Points how can you be so calm?”, she questions him.
The man just draws his next card.
“Oh my dear queenie, you are so old, yet so naive. But by using your Dark Magician Girl, you've let me manipulate you once again.”
“You are lying!”, accuses Afya, while Dark Magician Girl hovers closer to her with a worried look on her face.
“By playing that one card, you have ensured my victory.”
“You are out of your mind!”
“We shall see, Queenie. Oh, a very rare card. This is the fearsome Faceless Mage.”
“I've never seen that card before.”, admits Afya. “But my Dark Magician Girl never let me down.”
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2700/DEF1700
Faceless Mage: ATK1200/DEF2200
“But how will she fare once I combine my Faceless Mage with the, equally rare, Eye of Illusion?”, wonders sarcastically Pegasus.
“Dark Magician Girl get ready, use your powers to defeat it! Dark Burning Attack!”, commands Afya.
Dark Magician Girl attacks, Faceless Mage holds up the Eye of Illusion and her attack has no effect.
Both the duellist and Duel Monster are shocked.
“How can this be?!”, shouts Afya.
Pegasus does not give an answer, just laughs at her desperation.
It didn’t make any sense. Pegasus Monster should be toast! The ancient queen looked worried at the timer. 0: 05.00. She didn’t have much time left! She needed to end this Duel.
“I attack your combo with my Amazoness Paladin!”
The female warrior appears on the playing field swinging her sword.
Amazoness Paladin: ATK1700/DEF300
Faceless Mage: ATK1200/DEF2200
“My fearsome Amazon will cut your Faceless Mage down!”, promises Afya.
“True, your Amazon is fearsome. But you have once again underestimated the incredible power of my Eye of Illusion! Hah hah!”, laughs Pegasus in her face. “Dark Burning Attack!”
Amazoness Paladin shatters, and Afya's life points are reduced from 1300 to 300.
“How can this be?! The Faceless Mage doesn't have a Dark Burning Attack?”
It’s like lighting struck her as the once queen of Egypt realized what this meant.
It was my own Dark Magician Girl that attacked me. Pegasus is controlling her with the Eye of Illusion.
“Well, queenie, our time together is nearly up, and as I have more life points than you, it appears I am the victor.”, informs her Pegasus giddy.
Fractionally Afya looks for a way out and draws a card, but before she can summon it, the timer hits zero!
“No, please no!”, she screams. “I was this close to ending it!”
“It seems luck was not on your side queenie, but you were a formidable opponent.”, mocks her Pegasus.
“What do you want? Why are you doing all of this?!”, demands Afya too.
“It’s quite simple. As you already guessed right I possess one Millennium Item, the Millennium Eye. My goal is to have all eight, then who shall have all eight of them shall have a power beyond imagination!”, tells her Pegasus passionately. “But I have to win it from you, or his power will not be mine.”
Shocked the blue-haired woman grips her amulet.
“I will never hand you over my Millennium Fragment! I’m done playing games with you!”
“Oh, you will. You see, I have found that given the proper incentive, anyone can be made to play my game.”
The Millennium Eye glows and pulls Sehrazat’s mother’s soul into the television screen.
“Amira?!”, shouts Afya in disbelief.
Amira appears on the TV screen, crying for help: “Sehrazat!”
Afya gets formally kicked out of the body and Sehrazat is again in control. Crying she puts her hands on the TV.
“Mama, MAMA!”
“Yes, we will duel again, Sehrazat. How else will you reclaim your mother’s soul?”, asks Pegasus a rhetorical question, till the TV turns into static.
The world returns to color and Sehrazat’s Family and friends are now able to move. Amira's eyes are blank and she falls over.
Her screams of pain and anguish can be heard even outside of their home.
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

I’m on a roll these days! Here I give you the first part of the two parts of Episode 3 Journey to the Duelist Kingdom. I made I cover for it.
Here is the base I used: https://www.deviantart.com/yummehcrayons/art/FPD-Bags-n-babes-base-259082967
And here is my finished piece: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Off-to-Duelist-Kingdom-932075230
You can go to my Tumblr or DeviantArt Account to see them if you can’t. :D
Now happy reading and if I get a lot of comments, I will get the second part out as fast as possible. Comments fill me with the energy to write for this dear story of my so, so the more you comment, the more motivated I become and the faster I produce a new chapter.
So don’t be shy, even just a thumbs-up emoji will fill me with joy.

Chapter 4: Off to Duelist Kingdom! Part I
Redone 29/08/24
Heartbroken Sehrazat looked at her sleeping mother on the hospital bed, holding with both hands one of hers tight.
It was three days after Pegasus had taken the soul of her mama and been out of options, they brought the soulless body to the hospital, where it was treated like she was in a coma.
Only, she, Kihana's family, and Maja know that Amira wouldn’t and couldn’t wake up without her soul.
“I will go to Pegasus Island and get you back, Mama.”, Sehrazat promised, kissing her cheek. “Please just hold on.”
With one last squeeze, Sehrazat leaves the hospital room.
Outside Aunty Rahila with Kihana, Sadiye and Maja are waiting for her. Kihana has their luggage for their trip beside her.
Aunty Rahila opens her arms and Sehrazat lets herself be hugged.
“I wish there was another way to save your mother, but this is a journey you and Kihana, have to make alone, I’m afraid.”, says Rahila, stroking her blue hair.
Sadiye, who stands beside Maja, puts her hands on her little waist and huffs: “Why can’t we all go, mommy?! That’s so unfair. Anybody of us is a good duellist; we would have a higher chance at getting Aunty Amira back!”
“Sadie.”, responds her sister, petting her head. “Without an invitation, it is pointless. Me, Sehrazat, and Afya will manage, believe in us.”
It is clear that the youngest wants to say more, but Maja puts a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head.
“No, Sadie-Chan, Hana-Chan is right. We can’t do anything.”
The little black-haired girl wants to protest when she sees how secretly Maja winks at her. She blinks, till she gets what the older meant.
It’s then that Sehrazat lets go of Rahila and takes her luggage from Kihana.
“Let’s go. We are wasting time.”
“Are you really all right with bringing Sadiye home and waiting for my return from driving Kihana and Sehrazat to the port, Maja?”, asks Rahila.
Besides Sadiye, no one seems to see the mischief glint in Maja’s eyes. She has to control herself not to laugh.
“Don’t worry Schariq-San, Sadie-Chan is in good hands with me.”, promises Maja.
“All right.”
“I don’t wish you good luck, Sehra-Chan and Hana-Chan, just kick Pegasus butt!”
“Big time!”, adds Sadiye.
Kihana and Sehrazat give them a big thumbs-up.
With that, the three, who are going to the port, leave.
Maja and Sadiye wait for a few seconds.
“Are we now going to run to the bus station before boarding the ship illegally, Maja-Nee?”
“Let us wait for a few seconds more, then we run like the wind.”
Pegasus really had a lot of money to spend if he could book an entire luxury cruiser to bring all these duellists to the Duelist Kingdom. Or it was his.
Sehrazat admitted she was a bit overwhelmed.
All this because he wanted her Millennium Fragment? And nobody had a clue.
“I’m sorry.”, she heard the voice of her dear partner.
Afya, the spirit of the Millennium Fragment, materialized by her side.
The once queen of all Egypt looked sorrowful with the same orange eyes as Sehrazat and…her mother at her.
Sehrazat was still surprised how both could be twins, only Afya was taller, had longer hair and her face looked more mature and beautiful.
“If only I had beaten Pegasus in his twisted game, then you didn’t need to make this journey to save Amira’s soul.”, said the spirit sadly and ashamed of herself.
“Afya, I don’t give you the fault her.”, Sehrazat reminded her darker half. “Only Pegasus and his freaky eye! We will get Mama back! If we have to beat Pegasus at a children’s card game, then so be it. He won’t use the same trick on us again twice!”
Afya nodded determinedly at her partner and descendant.
“True words you speak child of mine. And if this didn’t work we can always beat Pegasus up. I would prefer this more.”
Now Sehrazat had to laugh, which earned her strange looks from the other duellists in the line for the boarding and a raised eyebrow from Kihana beside her.
She pointed at the air beside her mouthing the name she had given her ancestor. Kihana understood and let them be.
“I love how you are always ready to beat people up, Gran-Gran.”, she told full of affection Afya.
Her “Gran-Gran” puffed her cheeks up.
“I’m a warrior, no damsel in distress. I may not remember my life as queen, but I know I was born to fight not to play children’s card games!”
“And yet you are so good at it Gran-Gran!”
Sehrazat didn’t get a response, because it was now her turn to show Pegasus Lackey her dueling clove to prove she could board the ship.
Afya took this chance retiring back into the Millenium Item.
Probably to go into her soul room and train with her outstanding collection of swords. Yes, Sehrazat knew that it was all mental, but still, holy Ra Afya had a lot of weapons in her soul room and could use anyone masterly.
It does make her feel humble.
After Kihana got the okay to board, the two best friends gripped each other hands and decide to look around the ship.
One of the attendants informed them that as former Europa Champion and second in the rankings, they would have a double bedroom to themselves.
They left their luggage there so that they could move around freely.
They wanted to check on their competitors.
They needed to.
Knowing whom they were going against would help them greatly to win the tournament and get Amira’s soul back from Pegasus.
That’s how the stubble upon an interesting scene.
There was Mai Kujaku, an old acquaintance of the girls, in a conversation with two unknown boys.
One was a tall blond with a green jacket and the other was a short boy with the wildest hair they ever had seen. Tri-coloured and starfish-shaped.
Suddenly Sehrazat heard Afya hiss.
“What’s wrong, Gran-Gran?!”, she asked worried her Yami.
“Look at what the little one is wearing!”
Sehrazat did it and had to control the gasp that left her mouth.
She nudged Kihana to get her attention.
The taller girl let out a silent curse: “What in the name of freaking Isis?!”
Right in front of them was another Millennium Item.
And not any ordinary, not that any of them were ordinary, it was the Millenium Puzzle!
The one who belonged once to the Nameless Pharaoh and Afya’s husband, as Sehrazat’s grandmother, told them in her stories.
No wonder, Afya was freacking out.
Both best friends had turned into statues.
What should they do now?
Afya was no help since she had to calm herself down.
Kihana and Sehrazat looked at each other.
“We need to talk to the boy.”, suggests Kihana. “We need to know if the pharaoh is with him.”
“How are we going to do that?! Just straight up walking over to him and asking him if he has a spirit in his puzzle who possesses him sometimes? We would sound crazy, Hana!”, argued Sehrazat back.
“Do you have a better idea, Sehra?”
“…Not really.”
However, they didn’t need to walk up to the boys, since Mai turned around to walk away from them and saw them.
The older girl blinked for a second, not believing whom she saw before she smirked.
“Well, well, if this isn’t a surprise.”, she said so loud that everybody, including Yugi and Jounouchi, looked in her direction. “If this is not Sehrazat, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, and Kihana, the Lady of the Dragons. What are you girls doing here? I thought your titles as number one and number two in Europa were made invalid since you live now in Japan.”
Under all the looks of the people, Sehrazat got shy and hid a bit behind Kihana, gripping her hand tight, while her best friend deadpanned at Mai.
“Hello to you too Mai, Mistress of the Harpies. Long time no see. How are you?”
Mai couldn’t answer since abruptly a lot of Duelists talked out loud.
“Oh my god, that’s really Sehrazat Faizan, the Amazon Princess of the Nile!”
“The Ex-Europa Champion?”
“The one whom anybody bet that at the world championships would beat Seto Kaiba?”
“Her or Kihana Schariq, the Lady of the Dragons. These girls are already legends!”
“Are they that good at Duel Monsters?”
“They are both incredible! You should have seen their Duel at the Europa Championships! It was brutal!”
Sehrazat got even shyer and looked at the ground, while Kihana rubbed bashful with her free hand her neck.
Of course, after Jounouchi stared at the two pretty girls to see if he was familiar with them, if they were such big names in the Dueling world, he turned to his best pal.
“Are these pretty girls, really such huge numbers, Yug?”, he asked.
Yugi nodded.
“Yes, Sehrazat Faizan and Kihana Schariq were incredible at the Europa Championship. Their duel against each other was even transmitted in Japan. Sehrazat with her all-female monster-themed deck and her amazons only won by a hair against Kihana’s dragons. It was from start to finish nervewracking.”
Jounouchi let out a whistle, damn that sounded badass, while Yuugi looked at the girls.
He remembered how he had watched their duel.
As he had first seen Sehrazat on the TV something deep in him had reacted to her.
The boy still couldn’t figure out what.
She was a beautiful girl, no question, and even a bit shorter than him, but something in him felt like he had known her, which was impossible of course.
Yet, seeing her in blood and flesh now, made the feeling tenfold.
It was then that Sehrazat looked up from the ground and their eyes met.
Violette met Orange.
And both felt like lightning struck them.
Unknown to them even their Yami’s felt it.
Yugi felt a blush forming on his cheeks.
Sehrazat was so beautiful.
And these eyes of hers…so brilliant and unique…he had never seen orange eyes…like topas...nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times…like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had similar thoughts crossing her mind.
Yugi was a short guy, but taller than her…and his eyes reminded her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she knew…even if it was impossible…it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Mai’s voice broke the two out of their staring contest.
“What’s up with you Sehrazat, you aren’t normally this shy?”, said the older girl to her and raised an elegant eyebrow. “Not even a hello to an old opponent?”
She could practically feel how Kihana gave her a look too.
Damn it, this was embarrassing!
She licked her lips and smiled a bit wobbly at Mai.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mai. So you are in this tournament too, heh?”
Yugi felt a shiver down his back as he heard her voice in person. She had a pretty melodious voice.
It was like he knew that she would have such a voice.
But how?
He didn’t know that his darker half was freacking out at seeing the young girl too. It was so weird, the spirit knew he didn’t remember things, but he had a feeling he knew this girl and he could sense a familiar presence off her.
How could be this possible?
“You both may have defeated me the last time we saw each other.”, told Mai Kihana and Sehrazat. “But this time I will be victorious. See you at the island, ladies.”
With that Mai walked away and left behind a Kihana, who shook her head at her, and a Sehrazat, who mumbled: “Can’t we be just friends?”
Now, a lot of people didn’t think that Jounouchi was an observant person and it was mostly true, however, he had seen how his best pal Yuugi stared at this Sehrazat girl like she was some kind of goddess, not that he could fault him.
The tiny girl was pretty, he just found her white-haired and taller friend hotter.
Anyway like a good best friend, he needed to help Yuugi.
His pal would never talk to that girl alone, never mind asking her out or something, so he would play wingman for him.
With a grin, he gripped Yugi by his shoulder and nearly pushed him to the girls. Yugi looked wide-eyed at him and mouthed what-are-you-doing.
Jounouchi ignored him.
It was for Yugi’s own sake…and also he really wanted to speak with the white-haired girl.
She was a bomb!
Kihana raised an eyebrow at them and Sehrazat hid behind her again.
She caressed the hand of her best friend to calm her down.
Whatever happened, her Sehra seemed already crushing on the tri-coloured-haired teen, if she acted this way.
Was this some kind of love at first sight?
How adorable!
“Hey, ladies.”, greeted them Jounouchi. “I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, you can call me Joey and that’s my pal Yugi Muto. I heard from him you both are number one and two in duelling from Europe! That’s really cool.”
Not only Kihana and Sehrazat were shocked, even Afya looked at this tiny boy and couldn’t believe it.
“You are the one who bet Seto Kaiba, wow, it’s an honour!”, said Kihana to them.
Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
Afya facepalmed at her descendant.
“O-Oh, thank you.”, mumbled Yugi shyly.
The blue-haired girl took all her courage and stopped hiding behind Kihana.
She wanted and needed to talk to Yugi.
Afya even gave her an encouraging nod.
“You were incredible.”, complimented Sehrazat Yugi, who blushed more at her words. “You were the first one even to summon Exodia! It was a spectacular duel. I don’t think I could have handled Kaiba as you did.”
“I reset that.”, hissed Afya in their minds. “The boy with the Blue Eyes White Dragon fetish would have gone down hard and fast if we duel him!”
Sehrazat ignored her Yami/Ancestor.
“N-No, I saw how you duel at the European Championship. You truly earned your first place. I bet you can defeat Kaiba too, Faizan-San.”, complimented Yugi back to her.
He was burning like a house on fire, yet he needed to say this.
Shy Sehrazat batted her long eyelashes and Yuugi thought he would die. If he did it would be a great death, with one last look at the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Please you can call me Sehrazat or Sehra.”
“Then please call me Y-Yugi!”
“Yeah, and Jounouchi or Joey to me.”, said Joey with a huge grin.
Damn, these two were adorable.
Kihana seemed to agree with him since she grinned at him and pointed her head at the two smaller teens.
“And I’m Kihana or just Hana. So Yuugi, you are wearing interesting jewellery. It looks like the one Sehrazat is wearing.”, directed Kihana their conversation to the question they needed the answers to.
However cute Sehrazat and Yugi were with each other, needed to wait for this.
That’s when both Joey and Yugi noticed the teardrop-formed golden amulet with an eye that hung from Sehrazat’s neck.
“It looks really like yours, Yug!”, shouted Joey.
“Another Millennium Item!”, gasped Yugi surprised.
“What? You sure, men?”
It was Sehrazat who answered him: “Yes, my amulet is a Millennium Item. The legends say there are eight of them.”
“Is yours one too, Yuugi?”, asked Kihana.
He nodded, still floored. Never would he have thought to meet after Pegasus eye another Millenium Item.
“Yeah, it’s the Millennium Puzzle.”
Of that answer, Afya had the strongest reaction.
Sehrazat had to keep her face under control, which was hard since her Yami literally screamed in their shared mind.
“I can’t believe it! It is the puzzle! Is there my supposed husband’s soul bond, as your grandmother told us, Sehrazat? I mean I kinda feel something of another presence with little Yugi, but whatever that is doesn’t want to talk and show themselves. How rude!”
Thankful the ship horn sounded, which meant that it was time to retire to their cabin. Sehrazat was thankful. One part of her didn’t want to leave Yugi, no it wanted to talk more to him, but she, Kihana, and Afya needed to talk.
Thank the gods, that Kihana was with her.
She gripped her hand and gave the two boys her best brilliant smile. Joey and Yuugi turned both red under Kihana’s beauty.
“Look at the time. We need to go, but we should totally meet up later guys.”
With a wave, she dragged Sehrazat in the direction of their shared cabin.
Meanwhile, in a super hidey spot at the ship, three teenagers and one child were discussing with each other what they had seen.
“What's up with that? We're here because we were worried but they were both flirting!”, said Anzu with her nose turned up.
“Shhhh! You're too loud!”, reminded her Honda.
“This is why men suck.”
"Preach it!", agreed their new friends.
Honda sweatdropped at Maja and Sadiye.
Better change the subject before the three girls start to rumble on why men suck.
“Are Sehrazat and Kihana really number 1 and 2 in Dueling from Europa?”, mumbled Honda and sweatdropped under Anzu's fiery look.
Little Sadiye nodded rapidly.
“Sehrazat and my Nee-San are the best. Yugi and Joey should be careful around them.”, she told them proudly.
“Sehrazat is merciless and Kihana is cunning. Dueling against them is quite the challenge.”, added Maja.
Honda nodded and Anzu crossed her arms.
“Well, you haven’t seen Yuugi duel, he beat Kaiba and he was the World Champion.”, she huffed.
The brunette boy gave her a look.
“You seem angry.”
“I bet because she is jealous of Sehrazat.”, answered Maja with a cheeky grin. “Yugi and her seem to like-like each other already!”
At Anzu’s outraged gasp, Honda had to stifle a laugh. Anyone besides Yugi and Anzu themselves knew that both had a crush on each other, yet it seemed Yuugi had totally forgotten it after meeting the Egyptian beauty.
Not that Honda could blame him, Sehrazat was short, but hot and had a really big breast size for someone so small.
And also Kihana was beautiful like an ancient goddess.
He wouldn’t mind getting to know the white-haired beauty.
“I’m not jealous, why should I?!”, hissed Anzu angrily.
“Well you should.”, came it deadpanned from Sadiye. “Sehra is way prettier than you and has bigger breasts, also she is an A-Rank Duelist. What have you to offer?”
Okay, Honda was officially dead!
He and Maja tried really hard to stifle their laughs at Anzu’s flabbergasted face and Sadiye’s winning smirk with twinkling red eyes.
The little ten-year-old was a firecracker, all right!
The boy admitted that when Maja and Sadiye dragged themselves with them into the container to get board on the ship he didn’t know what to think of them.
A teenager with a child trying to get to the Duelist Kingdom illegally?
It seemed fishy, but after knowing why they did this, to help Sehrazat and Kihana, like Anzu and him, Joey and Yugi, and hearing this sick burn, he liked them all right.
He should be on Anzu’s side since they were friends, but if neither of her and Yugi made soon a move on each other no one should wonder when someone else would do it.
It was good that Sehrazat and Kihana had a double bedroom for themselves, so they could discuss in peace what they should do next, what was even better they had also Room Service!
So they didn’t need to leave the room to find something to eat and interrupt their discussion.
Since both were petty on behalf of Amira and Pegasus would come up for all the food and drink expenses they would have they just order the whole card.
It was the most magnified and delicious sight the girls had ever seen. Also, it tasted even better knowing that Pegasus would pay for all this.
“This carbonara is heavenly!”, mumbled Sehrazat, while eating the pasta dish.
“Try this steak, Sehra!”, said Kihana and put some of it on her plate. “It’s so juicy!”
Afya, who was out of her Millenium Item, just stared at two of her “kids” in disbelief. How they managed to eat nearly all food dishes and still could go on was beyond her.
“Do you have perhaps, black holes as stomaches?”, she wonders.
That would explain a lot.
Sehrazat gulped down the piece of Steak and turned to Afya, while Kihana attacked next a fish dish. Was it lobster?
“Don’t be like that Gran-Gran. The food is gratis and will make a huge hole in Pegasus expanses. You should try some of it too.”
Not even a second later Sehrazat switched with Afya places and the once queen of all Egypt stared confused down at the food dishes around her.
“Your Majesty?”, called Kihana, now eating some Sushi. “Is there something or why did you and Sehra switch places?”
“My Descendants think I should try some of this food.”, she explained to her.
“Oh, all right. You should really try then this Sushi it’s so good.”, informed her Kihana, eating the next roll.
“Isn’t it just uncooked fish?”, asked Afya, frowning a bit.
Uncooked fish didn’t sound tasty to her.
“Yes it is, but trust me, Your Majesty, this is some first-class Sushi!”
Oh well, what did she have to lose?
So Afya used the chopsticks to put a Sushi Roll in her mouth.
Let’s just say Sehrazat had to formally beg her Gran-Gran to give her control again over her body.
She still wanted to eat too!
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

Author Note: Big thank you to my friend Light guardine35 from Quotev and AO3 who helped me when I got stuck. You rock my world, cupcake. :D Do me a favor and read her stories, all right? Now, I know people are reading this story, but I don’t get enough reviews for it as it should be, so please, please, please give me a review. I’m open to criticism I’m not afraid, I just want some feedback. T^T Okay, I’m done whining. Enjoythe chapter!

Chapter 5: Off to Duelist Kingdom! Part II
Redone 29/08/24
All right, maybe staying hiding outside on the cruise ship wasn't the best idea.
Anzu had a problem now.
A really urgent now!
"I'm at my breaking point!", she whined and stood up.
"If we don't hide, we'll get in trouble!". reminded Honda.
"But I can't hold it. Where's the bathroom."
Honda seriously stood up and pointed proudly over the railing.
"Relive yourself over there!"
"You fool! I'm not a noy!", shouted Anzy angrily.
"Hey, guys keep it down!", hissed Maja, who had a sleeping Sadiye in her arms. "Some of us try to sleep over her and you don't want to wake up this little dragon, trust me!"
Before anyone could say something more a door opened.
They saw Ryou Bakura walk out of it and lean on the railing.
“Bakura-Kun? Is that Bakura?”, Anzu whisper-shouted to Honda.
Maja also looked curious over.
“I'm not Ba-sure-a.”, joked Honda.
Maja and Anzu sweatdropped in disbelief.
"What a lame joke.", grumbled Anzu.
"Totally.", agreed Maja, before she asked: “Is this Bakura a friend of yours?”,
“A school friend, yes.”, answerd Anzu.
Maja eyed him up and down and then grinned.
“He reminds me of a fluffy kitty…adorable!”
Now Anzu and Honda sweatdropped.
“I’m sooooo full.”, whined Sehrazat holding her belly.
It had been a stupid idea to eat all this food!
Kihana had to fight a burp. She was a bit green in the face.
“That’s the first and last time we do this.”, proclaimed Kihana. “My stomach hurts so much.”
Sehrazat could only agree.
The two best friends were out of their room in search of Yugi and Jonouchi. They together with Afya agreed that they needed to win the boy’s trust first before they could tell them all about Afya and Yugi’s lodger in the Millennium Puzzle.
If he didn’t know about the pharaoh already.
They would wing it as they go, was decided.
Kihana opened a door that would lead them to the exterior of the ship since they hadn’t found them inside.
Luck was on their side it seemed.
They did find the boys.
Yugi was sitting at one of the tables, while Joey was standing beside him.
“Hello again, Yugi and Joey.”, greeted Kihana for them as they walked up to the boys.
“Oh, hey, girls, how’s going?”, greeted Joey smiling back.
Yuugi and Sehrazat looked shyly at each other, he turned red, while she was bashful.
“Aren’t you two just adorable?”, cooed Afya in their minds.
“Shut up, Gran-Gran!”
The ancient queen laughed just.
“All good, with you guys?”, asked Kihana. Joey said the same, so she asked another thing: “So what were you up to?”
“Nothing much, just enjoying the cruise, and you ladies?”
“We were actually looking for you guys. Sehra wants to know all about your Duel against Kaiba, Yugi.”, told them Kihana.
Not only the boys blinked, also Sehrazat. That wasn’t really the reason, they searched for them, not that Sehrazat would mind hearing about it.
Sehrazat gave Kihana a look, but her best friend gripped just her shoulder and Yugi ones and pushed them nearly to the rail.
“Why don’t you two talk there and I will tell Joey about our adventure in the Europe Championship.”
“You really will?”
“Of course, Joey!”
The blond boy blushed and couldn’t help to celebrate internally. A pretty girl who was also a duelist wanted to talk with him and share her experience with him.
It was awesome!
Meanwhile, our two short duelists were clearly shy with each other. Sehrazat played with her fingers and Yugi rubbed his neck nervously.
“For the love of Hathor, child, Kihana gave you a chance to talk to your crush.”, explained Afya in their minds. “Take it! Ask the boy about his duel and form a connection.”
The blue-haired girl didn’t know what to say and gulped nervously. After what happened with…HIM…she was insecure about boys. Yet, she didn’t think Yuugi was like that…and if even Kihana played wingman for her…maybe she should give it a try.
So she took a big gulp of air and smiled at Yugi. The boy blushed seeing her pretty smile, wondering how a girl like her could have any interest in him. He may be taller than her, but he was short for a male and his baby face didn’t make girls swoon over him.
“Would you like to tell me about your duel with Kaiba, Yugi-Kun? I would like to hear it from you.”, she said, batting her long eyelashes at him.
Yugi just turned redder, nonetheless nodded rabidly. His heart was nearly leaping out from his chest.
He would do anything she asked if she kept looking at him like he was someone special to her.
Kihana and Joey grinned seeing how Yugi started to tell Sehrazat in all the details about this duel with Kaiba and how she seemed to swoon harder after every sentence. Sehrazat asked him then to elaborate something more and Yuugi felt in heaven.
No girl he knew was that interested and knows so much about Duel Monsters, that he could talk so freely with her like that.
After a few minutes the two of them stood really close to each other, looking unafraid into the eyes of each other, laughing and talking about Duel Monsters’ strategies and cards.
Both felt a connection forming, an understanding, that they had always longed for.
“Nice going, Hana-Chan.”, complimented Joey. “These two would have never talked with each other if not for you.”
“Why thank you Jonouchi-Kun.”, grinned Kihana.
Already the designer in her image what Sehrazat’s wedding dress should look like and what colors for his tuxedo would fit Yuugi best.
“Hi Yugi.”, said suddenly, someone.
They turned and saw-
“Haga-Kun.”, said Yugi.
Kihana and Afya both felt annoyed that the boy showed up.
It was going so well with Yugi and Sehrazat!
Sehrazat herself was a bit sad that her conversation with Yugi stopped, hopeful they could talk more after Haga left.
“I see you found some new friends. Even famous ones.”, continues the Insect-Duelist. “A shame you couldn’t participate at the world championships because of a technicality Faizan-San.”
Sehrazat waved her hand.
“Well, at least Kihana and I could join the Duelist Kingdom. This is more important than the world championship.”
Haga nodded.
“The night breeze feels nice. Did you trade for any good cards?”, he turned to the tri-colored-haired boy.
“No. I'll duel using the cards that I brought.”, answered Yugi.
“I figured as much. Your deck contains the Exodia cards that you used to defeat Kaiba, right?”
“You know about that?”
“Can you let me see those legendary cards?”
“If the secret is out, I don't need to hide them. I'm in trouble since you know my strategy.”
Yugi moved back to the table to get his cards, Haga following. Sehrazat crossed her arms and joined them.
She mouths a thank you to Kihana for giving her a chance to talk with Yugi and her best friend winks at her.
Yugi rummages through the golden box which holds once upon a time the pieces of the Millenium Puzzle.
With a smile, he hands Haga his five Exodia cards.
That’s the moment Sehrazat feels a tingle in her connection with Afya.
“What’s up, Gran-Gran?”
“The Insect-Boy gives me some weird, as you call, vibes! Be careful!”
And Afya should have the right feeling.
After admiring the Exodia cards and admitting that he couldn’t find a strategy till now to defeat them, Haga throws the card overboard.
“I fucking knew it!”
Yuugi, Joey, Kihana and Sehrazat look shocked at how the cards fall into the ocean below.
“No!”, screams Yuugi, trying desperately to reach them.
Haga just laughs and walks away with the words: “Now there's no one who can challenge me.”
“You Punk!”, shouts Joey.
“What a cockroach!”, hisses Kihana.
“My cards!”, cries Yuugi. “Grandpa gave me those precious cards!”
“Damn it!”
With this Joey jumps over the railing and into the ocean.
The three others are shocked.
“Joey! It's no use!”, calls Yugi.
“Are you nuts?!”, adds Kihana.
“Yeah, you can’t do it alone!”, say’s Sehrazat.
Before Yuugi can ask what she means and Kihana can grip her, already Sehrazat jumps overboard to help Joey with the cards.
“That was heroic and dumb at the same time.”, lectures her Afya, as Sehrazat shivers because of the cold ocean water.
“I know, but these cards are important to Yugi! What else could I have done?”
“You here to help Sehra?”, asks Joey and swims over to her.
She nods determinedly.
“I promise you, We'll get them, Yuugi!”, shouts Joey up to the ship.
“Joey, Sehrazat, they're not worth drowning over!”, cries Yuugi shocked.
He can’t believe that his best friend and his new friend have really done this.
But why? He doesn’t understand.
Kihana seems ready to jump herself down, as she screams at them: “Sehrazat Nefertiti Faizan and Katsuya Jonouchi, you both came this instant back onboard or so help you Ra, I will get you myself and it won’t be pretty!”
“Not till we have all of Exodia!”, contradicts Sehrazat and plucks a card from the ocean’s surface. “I got one, Joey!”
“Me too!”
“Joey, Sehrazat swim back to the ship!”, pleads Yugi.
The two ignore him and pluck each other another one. Joey thinks about how he can help finally someone he cares about and Sehrazat how she is glad that she can give Yugi back Exodia.
“That’s the last one.”, she yells cheerily.
She has three and Joey has two. Those are all pieces of Exodia!
“Now come back up, before I kick your ass!”, growls Kihana angrily.
Sehrazat and Joey would like to do that, but that’s when a strong current drags them both underwater
Yuugi and Kihana yell the name of their respective best friend and jump now into the ocean too. They each grab them.
“You are both crazy, you know that?!”, yells Kihana.
Suddenly they hear voices calling out for them.
“Big sister, Sehrazat!”
“Yugi, Jounouchi!”
Kihana thinks she is dreaming. On the ship is her little sister with Maja and an unknown boy and girl.
“Anzu!”, calls Yuugi to the girl.
The unknown boy unrolls a ladder down to the water.
“Are you okay?”
“Grab ahold!”, tells them this Anzu.
“Anzu, Honda.”, says Yuugi in disbelief.
After they swim back up to the ship and climb the ladder our four who took a dive have to catch their breath. Anzu, Honda, Maja, and Sadiye stand worried around them.
“You saved us.”, shudders Yuugi. “But why did you sneak on board?”
“We were worried.”, adminds Anzu.
“Because you'd be alone”, adds Honda.
“Thanks, everyone.”
“Sadiye Kisara Schariq and Maja Sayuri Maamoun, what in the name of Isis and Osiris are you doing here?!”, questions Kihana, and seems ready to explode.
“The same as our new friends, Anzu and Honda.”, answers her sister Nochchanlety. “We were worried and want to support you.”
“You will get so grounded when we get back home, Sadiye and I will not be sorry for you!”
“Big sister!”
“Why did you take the swan dive anyway, we just saw how one after the other jumped into the water.”, ask Maja wondering.
Sehrazat holds her three cards up and Joey follows her example with his two.
“Because of the Exodia-Cards!”, she says.
“We got them all, Yugi!”, tells Joey happy.
“You guys are crazy. Totally crazy. But thank you so much.”
Yugi takes the cards back from them. It is then that Joey turns sad and shakes his head.
“You should thank Sehra more, she found most of the cards. Alone I wouldn’t have found them all.”, gritted Joey his teeth in frustration.
“That’s not true, Joey!”, argues Sehrazat back.
The blond boy just shakes his head.
“It's always this way with me. I'm never able to help anybody. Not even my own sister, Shizuka.”
This shocks Honda, Anzu, and Yuugi, while our four girls just look confused.
“Shizuka?”, repeats Yuugi.
“Really? You have a sister, Joey?”, ask Anzu to be sure she heard right.
“You guys didn’t know?”, wonders Maja.
They shake their heads.
“That sounds straight out of a drama series.”, mumbles Sehrazat and wrings her hair out.
“Our parents divorced years ago when we were kids.”, explains Joey. “She lives far away with my mother. My sister's had really bad eyes since she was born. Eventually, she'll go blind.”
Yuugi gives him an empathic look.
“I'm sorry.”
“Thanks, Yug'. She sent me a message. The doctors told her that the time had come. Soon her eyes will be impossible to repair, even with surgery. But there are specialists in Germany who could perform an operation now before it's too late. They could save her eyesight. But... there's no way I can pay for the operation. I have to win. For her! Winning in the Duelist Kingdom, and getting the prize money, is the only way I can help Shizuka!”
“We'll both do our best, Joey!”, promises Yuugi. “You, for your sister. And me, for my grandpa.”
“It seems we all here are fighting for someone precious.”, musses Sehrazat with a sad look and grips her Millenium Item.
“Did Pegasus take someone from you too, Sehrazat?”, asks Yuugi carefully.
He knows this look. It’s the same when he thinks about how his grandfather lost his soul to Pegasus.
It’s Kihana who answers him.
“Pegasus wants all the Millenium Items it seems. With his, he took Sehrazat's mother’s soul and we both are here to get it back. That’s why we searched for you two in the first place. We had a feeling you would be in the same situation and become our allies. All because of your Millenium Puzzle.”
The Puzzle and the Fragment seem to glint at the same moment.
“Allies, I think we should be friends.”, says Anzu passionately. “We all are here to fight against Pegasus. With friends on our sides, it will be better.”
“Nice said, Anzu.”, praises Honda.
The four girls look at each other and then nod.
“Then how about we go to my and Kihana’s cabin? We need to dry and you guys need a place to sleep.”
Jonouchi's You Have Your Own Cabin could be heard from kilometres.
Afya had a small smile as she looked around the cabin.
Sehrazat, Kihana, and Sadiye were sleeping peacefully in one bed, while Maja and this new girl Anzu shared the other. Jounouchi and Honda had each taken one of the couches for themselves and were having a snoring contest it seems and little Yugi was curled up in the armchair.
It looked like “her kids” and the new ones felt comfortable with each other. She was happy that they made friends fast.
Softly humming she stroked Sehrazat’s blue locks.
Maybe with their new friends, they would have even more of a chance not only to get Amira’s soul back but also little Yuugi’s grandfather’s soul and the price money Jounouchi needed for his little sister’s operation.
That’s when she felt how the air was humming with energy.
With old ancient magic.
The kind she used herself.
She closed her eyes, yet didn’t stop her humming.
The once queen of all Egypt had wondered when the spirit of the Millenium Puzzle would talk to her.
They both had sensed each other when Yugi and Sehrazat first met.
“So you decide finally to show yourself?”, she couldn’t help but use a huffy tone. She had tried early to talk to him, but he had refused to answer her. How rude! “I wondered for a second if you would stay in the puzzle for all the journey.”
The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle or as he called himself Yami admitted he did feel a bit bad that he hadn’t talked to his follow spirit earlier. He was just so surprised to encounter another soul like him, that he needed to think for a while. It didn’t help that the presence of the spirit of the Millenium Fragment was so…so familiar to him, even if it didn’t make any sense!
He had needed time for himself.
Yami had his hands in his pant pockets and looked at how the female spirit seemed to check on the new friends of Yugi and Yugi and his friends too.
She seemed like a mother, looking after her flesh and blood to make sure they were all right.
Something deep in him twisted painfully, and a feeling of bittersweetness washed over him.
He wonders why?
That’s when his fellow spirit turned to him, fixing him with a regal expression, fitting for a great queen and orange eyes so sharp, that he had a feeling she could look right through him.
She was really beautiful.
Her long dark blue hair reminds him of the night sky and her unique orange eyes were not from this world. She had more womanly curves than her young partner, yet he could make out the muscles she had.
This was someone who could fight physically with any man and he had a feeling she would end up victorious.
Meanwhile, Afya had similar thoughts running through her head.
Little Yuugi’s darker half, was taller than him, his hair a bit wilder, and his eyes the colour of the most beautiful amethyst. His face was serious, sharper, but oh so handsome.
Like the gods had sculpted it.
If she were a young girl she would have probably swooned, but she was an ancient spirit, a queen nonetheless, she swooned because of no one!
Even if such a fine specimen was before her.
“I apologize.”, he addressed her with a sinful-sounding voice, which made her shiver lightly. Since Sehrazat awoke her soul from her deep slumber, no one had gotten such a reaction out of her. What was happening? “I should have talked to you before, but I admit. I was quite in shock meeting someone in the same situation I’m in.”
Afya put a hand on her hip, fully aware of how the other spirit seemed to check her shapely body up thanks to her movement as she had intended.
Was she flirting?
She couldn’t resist.
“You mean trapped in a Millenium Item, bonded to a young teenager and with no memory?”, she nearly purred.
Yami balled the hands in his pockets into fists. Her honeyed voice got to him and was it his imagination or was the room filled with energy?
Sinful, erotic, energy.
Well, he wouldn’t complain.
You didn’t meet such a beautiful woman any day.
“So you are just like me, what is your name?”, he asked her, making his voice drop more, delightful in seeing her shiver a bit and batting her long eyelashes at him.
“Afya was the name my descendant gave me. You may call me so…?”
“Yami.”, she repeated purring like a cat and now he had to control his shivers.
By Afya triumphed glint in her topaz eyes, he failed miserably.
Well, two could play this game.
He gave her a smirk, which clearly affected Afya, and asked: “Descendant? Do you mean the young girl who wears the Millennium Fragment? I thought you don’t remember anything.”
“Apparently I was once a powerful queen of Egpyt.”, she started to explain, playing with a lock of her hair. Yami got the desire to run his finger into these dark blue locks. “Before I died, my soul was put into my Millenium Item and one of my daughters became its keeper. For thousands of years, her bloodline kept it safe, till it was Sehrazat’s turn. When she put it on, my soul awoke and here I am now.”
“I slept for such as long too.”, Yami’s eyes wander over the sleeping Yugi, and a little smile forms. “When Yugi solved the puzzle, it was like a was reborn into this world. I know my roots lay in Egypt too. Probably all Millenium Items are from there.”
He heard how Afya hummed, and then the other spirit walked closer to him.
Now they stood before each other.
She cocked her head in a flirty fashion, showing him her long elegant neck, and reached with one hand out to him.
Afya rubbed his shoulder and then slid with her hand his arm up and down.
If he was a weaker man, he would have gulped and turned red, but he wasn’t so he raised an eyebrow at her and wrapped one lock of her hair around his finger.
It was really soft and smooth.
“I have a feeling you want to make a point, beautiful Afya.”, know he was the one purring and Afya felt her knees going weak.
She licked her lips and had to keep a winning smile from her face as she saw how Yami followed hungrily this motion with his eyes.
“Mmh, we both are from Egypt, I was a queen once and we both feel the connection that the Puzzle and Fragment have with each other.”
“If you are pointing out the obvious that I was the pharaoh to your queen, my dear, then you don’t need to waste your breath. I already suspected it, when you told me your story.”
Afya narrowed her eyes at him and stopped rubbing his arm. She came really close to his face, their nose barely touching.
“Then why didn’t you say so before and play dumb?”, she hissed offended. Was he only playing with her? “We may have been married once, but I am no one’s plaything.”
“I didn’t think that and for making you feel this way I am sorry.”, he apologized sincerely and put a bit of hair behind her ear. “I admit, this is new and exciting. I thought we would keep on flirting. I greatly enjoyed our banter.”
Yami had to fight the smirk at her bashful expression.
His queen was tough, he felt it in his bones, yet she was with him like a freshly fallen-in-love girl.
Mmh, his queen…
He indeed liked the sound of it.
Before she could answer him, they both heard a sleepy voice calling for her.
It was her young host and descendant…which meant she was also his? Did he and Afya have children? He needed to ask her the next time they were alone.
“Gran-Gran? What are you doing?”
Seems like Sehrazat, that was her name if Yami remembered right, couldn’t see him.
Afya gave him such a hot look, that he felt his knees go weak. That look promised more than delightful banter…he couldn’t wait.
“Nothing, child of mine. Do you want me to sing you a lullaby to fall back asleep?”, Afya asked her.
Something like a yes came from Sehrazat.
Afya squeezed his hand, till she walked and sat then down beside her Hikari, to sing her to sleep.
Yami decides to go back into his puzzle.
He wouldn’t disturb the two ladies with his presence.
Also, he had a lot to think about.
The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana

Shout out to my dear friend Light guardian35 once again for helping me tackle the writers block I had. Please read her stuff, you find her on Quotev and AO3. Also, I want to recommend you fanfic that I finished reading. It’s just part one of six stories but I rather enjoyed it, so give it a go. It’s The Coming of Shadows from DemonSessama.
Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41161380/chapters/103182777
Now I wish you all a good read with chapter 6! :D

Chapter 6: Welcome to Duelist Kingdom!
I used again a mix of the Japanese and English dub hope it's okay ^^
Redone: 30/08/24
The next morning we find Yuugi and his friends and Sehrazat and her friends all together sitting at the grand dining table Sehrazat and Kihana have in their doppel bedroom cabin.
After a good night’s sleep, our heroes are ready to tackle whatever Pegasus would throw at them in the Duelist Kingdom.
But first, breakfast!
Like yesterday evening, the girls just ordered the whole card again, only this time with breakfast food.
The clattering of tableware and laughter is heard.
Jounouchi and Honda had the fullest plates. It seemed they had a contest about who could eat the most and the fastest.
Anzu could only shake her head at them and turned back to Maja. The two girls had discovered that both of them liked to dance. Maja even took a course on belly dancing! Even if Anzu wanted to make a career out of that, it was nice to talk about it with someone who understood the subject.
Little Sadiye enjoyed her tower of chocolate chip pancakes and would encourage Jounouchi and Honda to eat more since she found it funny how the boys ate like pigs.
Sehrazat and Kihana were still full from the amount of food they ate yesterday evening, so they ate just a bowl of cornflakes each.
Yugi was the only one who apparently had finished eating.
He had taken out his five Exodia cards and was frowning at them.
On his left side sat Sehrazat, who saw this. She finished drinking her glass of orange juice.
“Something wrong, Yugi-Kun?”, she asked him worried.
“Even if you and Joey saved my Exodia cards, the ocean’s salty water seems to have damaged them pretty well.”, he told her with a sign and put the cards away. “I don’t know if the card reader will even register them.”
“So you mean, you can’t probably play them?”
“Seems like it. And trying them out during a duel is way too risky.”
Sad for him Sehrazat put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Yugi-Kun.”
“No need to be Sehrazat-Chan. It’s not your fault or Joey’s. Only Haga’s.”
He turned to face her to give her a reassuring smile. Both got lost in the beautiful eyes of the other and anything else seemed to vanish.
Kihana, who was drinking coffee, hid her smile in her cup. Damn, if these two weren’t adorable. They could give someone diabetes.
The two short duellists looked away from each other, with a bashful expression, but with a little smile on their lips. This connection they felt with each other… seemed to get stronger each time they interacted.
Not that one of them is complaining.
This feeling…they didn’t want it to stop.
It was new and exciting, yet so familiar and comforting.
“You will have to battle then without Exodia for your grandpa’s soul.”, said Sehrazat. “But I know you will manage Yugi-Kun, you are an extraordinary Duelist.”
Yugi felt his heart beat faster than it ever did. She had complimented him before on his duelling skills, yet it still made him want to sign dreamily that such a beautiful and sweet girl, who was such a brilliant duellist, thought this of him.
He never had experienced that.
She was Europe Champion which put her in a different league altogether.
And still, she made him sound like he was equal to her.
He wanted to tell her, how incredible she was, but his shyness prevented him from forming the necessary words.
It was then that he felt this strong voice in his head, the voice that normally comes out to help him in duels, encouraging him to take the leap.
His hand trembled so badly, yet he managed to reach out and put a bit of Sehrazat’s pretty and smooth blue hair behind her ear. Surprised she turned to him with wide sparkling orange eyes.
“You are the one who is extraordinary.”, he told her softly.
Yugi self did not know for sure if he was only referring to her duelling skills or if there was more…it just felt right to say it.
He felt it deep in his heart.
Sehrazat eyes seemed to fill with tears and got a soft edge around them.
Our two lovebirds didn’t note how currently anyone else was looking at them, stopping what they were doing.
Kihana and Sadiye seemed to have a quiet fangirl moment, Joey and Honda were nodding in approval, and Maja was softly cooing at them.
And Anzu?
Well, she was surprised for one. She had never seen Yugi interact with a girl like this. The second was that jealousy was raising its ugly head.
It… wasn’t fair…she liked Yugi too, but he had never looked at her like he looked at Sehrazat right now.
Like she was a goddess and he was her devoted follower.
Strangely, Sehrazat looked at him the same way.
It just…no it wasn’t supposed to be like this…!
The brunette opened her mouth. She needed to say something, anything, stopping this whatever that was!
There she felt how a warm hand touched her cheek and turned her head back to Maja.
The other brunette had a raised eyebrow and formally purred: “Now, now, Anzu-Chan, we were talking so nicely together. Let them be and concentrate on me, my beautiful ballerina.”
Anzu formally felt how the red rose in her cheeks and how she quite burned.
“Is Maja flirting with Anzu?”, said Joey to Honda loud enough so she could hear it too.
She had a similar thought running through her head.
“Seems like it, bro.”, answered Honda fascinated like an explorer who had found a lost civilization.
“That’s because she did.”, answered Sadiye in her deadpan tone. “She is pan.”
“Pancake?”, wonders Joey.
“Pansexual, you ignorant slu-“
“Sadiye Kisara Schariq, don’t you dare to end this sentence!”
“But he is being one, big sister!”
“I don’t care!”
This started a discussion between the sisters about when someone should curse like that, and at what age it was okay, while Joey and Honda watched on like they saw an interesting Ping-Pong match.
Maja took the chance to roll a lock of Anzu’s hair around her finger and wink at her, which made Anzu only blush worse.
The loud discussion brought Yuugi and Sehrazat out of their own zone. Both were more than confused seeing how the Schariq sisters nearly screamed at each other, Maja clearly making a move on a blushing Anzu, and Joey and Honda seemed like to enjoy a good TV show.
They looked at each other and laughed a bit embarrassed for their friends.
After they finished their breakfast and refreshed themselves our group of friends decided to get out of the cabin and wait on the main deck for their arrival at Duelist Kingdom.
It was a warm and sunny day, which was nice.
They enjoyed the fresh sea salt air and the warm rays of the sun on their skin.
Then after a while, it became visible.
The island is known as Duelist Kingdom.
Our group of eight all looked at it.
“Man, this Duelist Kingdom looks like a pretty big place, Yugi and Sehra.”, said Joey to them. “Finding your grandpa's and ma’s soul is not going to be easy.”
“Well, we gotta start somewhere.”, answered Yuugi simply.
“If I have to turn every rock around, I will do it. I’m not going without my mama.”, added Sehrazat.
“That’s the spirit, child of mine.”, told her Afya proudly.
While she was following the others to go to the gangplank which would make them step on the soil of the Duelist Kingdom, she talked with her Yami.
“Morning, Gran-Gran. Finally woke up?”
“Mmh, I see you all full of energy.”, noted Afya. “We will need all our powers to defeat Pegasus.”
“How hard do you think this is going to be?”
“I bet all my swords that Pegasus will do anything in his power to make this trip for us a living hell.”
“Even if he wants my and Yugi’s Millennium Items?”
“Men like Pegasus like to play with their prey before they kill it.”
Sehrazat made a face at the words of her ancestor.
Meanwhile, she followed Kihana down the gangplank.
Oh finally back on land! It was awesome.
Our group of eight huddled together and Sehrazat noted that Honda seemed out of breath. What did she miss while she talked with Afya?
“My heart almost stopped.”, panted the brunette boy.
“Way to play it cool, Honda.”, complimented Anzu sarcastically. “That wasn't suspicious at all.”
“Yeah, we totally didn’t look like we were trespassing.”, agreed Sadiye in her deadpan tone.
Ah, so the non-duellists had been worried they would be found out!
“All right! We all made it ashore- Ah-choo!”, sneezed Joey in their direction.
All shouted eww and Anzu and Maja could barely dodge the sneeze attack.
“Someone should give the boy a tissue.”, advised Afya.
It’s like Kihana heard her and calmly gave Joey one, which he took with a thank you.
“You would never have caught that cold if it wasn't for Haga.”, said Yuugi to his best friend.
“Speaking of our wormy friend, looks like he just slithered his way off the boat and is already looking to start some trouble.”, noted Joey. Our friend group turned in Haga’s direction. He was standing there, just grinning creepily. “That slimeball. I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face.”
“If you need help.”, volunteered Sehrazat encouraged by Afya.
“Attention all duelists, let's gather at the castle gate!”, called one of Pegasus’s lackeys with really pointy hair.
Yuugi rightfully said that the castle had to belong to Pegasus, while Jounouchi motivated anyone to climb them up.
“This are a lot of stairs.”, heard Sehrazat Kihana mumble as they made their way up.
“Elevators are much sexier.”, found Maja.
This made anyone who heard it giggle lightly.
Suddenly Anzu stopped and said that she saw again someone named Bakura. Her friends and Sehrazat group looked all into the forest but there was nothing. Anzu admitted that maybe it was all in her head.
“Can we just climb up these stupid stairs.”, whined Sadiye.
As the youngest and shorted she was already tired of the stairs. Kihana decided to give her little sister a piggyback ride and our heroes made their way up again.
Unknown to them a certain white-haired boy watched them do that from the security of the woods.
“So my Millennium Ring was right.”, he thought nearly amused. “The damned queen followed her pharaoh into the next life. Well, better for me to get my hands on the Fragment too.”
An evil chuckle left his mouth.
Finally, our group of eight reached with the other duellists the castle.
“Whoa! Look who's here! The Japan champion Insector Haga and the runner-up Dinosaur Ryuzaki”, they heard one of the duellists talk.
Another responded to him: ”And that's Ryota Kajiki. He took third place.”,
“Since Kaiba isn't here one of those three is likely to win.”
“But I heard that Yugi, the guy who beat Kaiba, is here too.”
“Are you serious? I thought Kaiba was the best.”
“He was, but not anymore. Do you see the boy who stands beside the Europa Champion, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, Sehrazat Faizan? That’s Yugi Muto he is to be the kid to beat now.”
“Oh wow, even the Amazon Princess of the Nile and the Lady of the Dragons Kihana Schariq are here. This is going to be the most exciting duellist tournament ever.”
Yugi and Sehrazat got all shy, while Joey nudged Yugi and Kihana patted her head proudly.
The lackey of Pegasus with the pointy hair called out to them all from a balcony to gather around. It was time for Pegasus to explain the rules of the tournament.
“Boy, would I like to get just five minutes alone with that guy.”, grumbled Joey.
“Make it ten, so I can get a piece of him too.”, growled Sehrazat with Afya in her ear.
Pegasus finally arrived on the balcony and looked down at them as if he was some kind of king and they were his humble servants.
Both Yuugi and Sehrazat gave him looks that would have killed him in one instant if this was possible, but it seemed that Pegasus was just laughing at them.
“Welcome to Duelist Kingdom. I will now explain the rules. Duel Monsters cards must be used in all duels. You begin with 2000 life points, and direct attacks are forbidden. Battle using your strongest card decks. Everyone should have received a Dueling Glove and two Star Chips."
“So seeing all the security guards make it out to window just storming this castle and get mama back from Pegasus.”, told Sehrazat her Yami.
Afya was still for a second.
“Well, if we found a secret entrance, we totally could. But I don’t think we have this much time and a chance to do this with all these guards around us. And I’m not risking your life just for a hunch.”
Sehrazat put her duelling clove on, like Yuugi and Kihana at the moment.
Pegasus continued: "The wristband has ten holes where you can insert Star Chips. Insert your Star Chips into them. These Star Chips are proof that you are a true duelist. You will wager these Chips in your duels. The entire island is your duelling battleground. In this battle royal, only duelists who have ten Star Chips will be allowed to enter this gate. The duels will begin in just one hour. There is a 48-hour time limit. At that time, all duelists with less than ten Star Chips will lose and be forced off this island. Duelists, good luck!"
"So ten starchips it is, Gran-Gran.”
“So it seems like it, child of mine. How frustrating, I rather fight someone physically than with fucking children’s card games.”
Under the cheers of the other duellist, Pegasus turned back into his castle.
“The duellists have arrived. Yugi and Sehrazat have taken the bait, and the games are about to begin! Everything goes according to plan.”, he thinks gleefully to himself.
Our group of eight waited for the beginning of the tournament in a nice meadow.
They split up for a second into their original groups since they had to discuss a few things with their original friend group.
Not that they had any secrets from the other, just they needed to decide a few things.
Mainly Sehrazat group.
So while Yugi assured Jounouchi that he could keep his one-star chip, Sehrazat frowned at what Kihana said.
“I don’t like it but you are right.”, she said to her.
Kihana nodded and Sadiye and Maja agreed with a sign too.
Sadiye found the guys funny and was sad.
Maja really liked to flirt with Anzu and was disappointed that she couldn’t do it anymore.
The girls walked back up to their new friends.
“Hey guys, we think it’s the best that we split up for now for the start of the tournament.”, told Kihana, what they had decided.
Yugi and his friends were shocked to hear that.
“But why? Aren’t we a team?”, asked Anzu sad.
“Think about it, guys.”, said Sehrazat equally sad and looking longing at Yugi. “We would like to stay but we are four duellists. You know how long these duels can take, if we wait for everyone to have a turn we never will get all 10 starchips in time to participate in the final. And we four all in will give us a higher chance at getting the souls of my mama and Yugi grandpa back and the price money Jounouchi-Kun needs for his sister.”
Yugi looked longing back at her, but he got her point. He wanted to spend more time getting to know Sehrazat, yet he had to think first and foremost of his grandpa.
“I hate to say this, but they are right.”
His friends gasped, besides Jounouchi.
“No, Yug, is right if we are a smaller group we will get faster starchips.”, he agreed.
“Don’t worry you guys we will find each other again.”, promised Maja. She took from her backpack two Walkie-Talkies out. “I brought them with me so I and Sadiye could stay in contact with Kihana and Sehrazat, but this is perfect so we can meet up again with each other and check on each other.”
She handed one to Anzu.
“That’s smart Maja-Chan, so we really will be finding each other again!”, praised Anzu.
Maja winked and purred: “And whenever you just wanna talk Anzu-Chan, give me a call. It must be hard being the only girl in a boy group.”
The short-haired brunette blushes red at Maja’s flirty behaviour. Her friends tried their best not to laugh, but it was just too cute.
Anzu was spared to give an answer to that as the fireworks lit up the sky.
“This is it guys.”, says Sehrazat to them all. “No turning back.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”, tells her Kihana.
“Let’s get this show on a roll!”, yells Maja and raises her fist.
The others follow suit with a loud yeah.
“Good luck girls!”, wishes them Joey, while Yuugi nods.
Sehrazat smiles at them and Kihana gives them a thumbs-up.
“Good luck to you too, boys!”
“We will see you later!”, yells Sadiye already running in a random direction to find someone Sehra or her sister can duel.
“Sadiye! Wait!”, screams Kihana and runs after her.
Maja just laughs and follows them.
Sehrazat gives one last smile at the group.
Her eyes find Yugi ones and again it’s like it’s only them.
“I will see you on the other side, Yugi-Kun.”, she says softly.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way, Sehrazat-Chan.”, he answered her just as softly.
The blue-haired girl nods and with one last soft look, she chases after her friends.
It was time to get these starchips!
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection Index
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Snippet 4
Snippet 5
Snippet 6
The Queens Gambit: Prequel Index

The Prequel to the Queens Gambit. Who was the legendary Queen Yanara really? The heart of a warrior, the soul of a goddess, married once to the Nameless Pharaoh and then his successor Pharaoh Seto she contributed to making Egypt a better country for the people. Yet, what was she like? What did she experience? This is her story. Part of the Checkmate-Saga.
The Queens Gambit: The Story Index

The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Own Cards
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17