SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!
266 posts
The Queens Gambit: Prequel
The Queens Gambit: Prequel
The Prequel to the Queens Gambit. Who was the legendary Queen Yanara really? The heart of a warrior, the soul of a goddess, married once to the Nameless Pharaoh and then his successor Pharaoh Seto she contributed to making Egypt a better country for the people. Yet, what was she like? What did she experience? This is her story. Part of the Checkmate-Saga.

Prolog: Welcome to the world little one
Princess Renenet, the favorite sister of Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, was in the worst pain of her life.
She swore by her beloved goddess Isis that nothing could hurt like bringing a child into this world!
“AAAHHH!”, she screamed in pain and gripped the sheets of the bed she was laying.
If she survived this she would never let her husband Teremun touch her again she vowed!
The midwives tried to calm her down, yet she had only bitter words for them.
Teremun, who was outside the chamber and heard how his beloved screamed and shouted and cursed his name, could only wince.
He agreed with her, he deserved whatever godly punishment was reserved for him.
His brother-in-law the great Pharoah of their land patted his shoulder, while his wife the queen had an emphatic look on her face. Even if she sometimes looked worried at the door.
Maybe she was thinking over again if she really should get pregnant too if her sister-in-law was in so much pain.
Then the three of them heard the loudest scream Renenet had ever made and then….the soft cries of a babe.
The blue-haired man let out a gasp and tears formed in his eyes.
Their child was there!
And it sounded like anything was okay.
The door opened and a midwife walked out.
She bowed down low before them.
“Mother and daughter are in perfect condition.”, she informed them.
“A daughter!”, whispered Teremun happy.
A pretty little daughter, who would come after his beloved wife, he was sure.
The pharaoh and queen also seemed happy to have now a niece. A little girl they could spoil and one day would be a great older cousin for their future child.
“Lord Teremun, if you want to see them?”, asked the midwife.
“Of course, of course!”, he shouted exited.
Akhenamkhanen clapped him friendly on the shoulder again and Queen Amunet squeezed his hand.
He gave them a happy look and then was off into the room to greet his daughter.
A while later it was time for Akhenamkhanen to meet his niece. He had wished to meet with her and his sister alone.
Already his brother-in-law and his own wife seemed amoured with the little one.
Well, if she was anything like her mother no wonder.
Akhenamkhanen had a lot of sisters, thanks to his father having beside his wife a grand harem, but Renenet had always been his favorite.
Since he had seen her as a baby as he was a young boy, she had something on her that made people just love her. As she could older it got more potent.
He wonder if his niece would be like that?
He enter the chamber and nodded to the midwives and servants to leave them be.
This was family time now.
His sister was sitting up in the bed, looking full of love into the eyes of the little bundle in her arms. All the pain, screams, and curses seemed to be forgotten.
“Reni.”, he called her by her childhood nickname.
“Big Brother.”, she responded and gave him a small smile.
He smiled at her too and sat down beside her bed.
“How are you, my dearest sister?”
“A lot better now.”
“I assume you don’t want to castrate poor Teremun anymore?”
She laughed out loud and then shushed her little one who had woken up because of her laughter.
Akhenamkhanen looked at the scene before him, and a small smile formed.
“So that’s the little one who kicked you so much the last month.”
“Indeed she is.”, she answered and turned her daughter carefully around so he could look at her little face. “Meet your uncle, my heart.”
A little gasp left the pharaoh.
The little girl was beautiful. She had midnight blue hair baby hair, like her father and her eyes were orange, like her mother. She had chubby cheeks, a cute little nose, and full lips.
She would be one day a great beauty! He could already see it.
“Reni, she is absolute perfect. What’s her name?”
“The light? A fitting name for her.”
“Do you want to hold her big brother?”
That wasn’t even a question.
Careful his sister placed her babe in his arms and he cooed at the infant.
She was just so precious.
Yanara seemed to look him in the eyes and even gave him a gumless smile.
“You are going to be something special, aren’t you, little one?”, he cooed at her.
Renenet smiled at seeing her beloved brother bonding with her child. She wonder if her other older brother would come too. Akhenaden was acting weird for a few months now, but he wouldn’t miss the birth of his first niece, or?
“Yes, brother?”
“What would you say about if I have a son, he and your Yanara shall marry?”
That was a surprising declaration.
Renenet blinked at her brother.
“You don’t have even a son right now and yet you want to already betroth him?”
“You know how important the bloodline is.”, he reminded her, gently rocking the babe in his arms. “I couldn’t imagine anyone better than your Yanara as a bride for my future son. I just have a feeling she will be something special.”
“She is already special, not because she is a princess or you have a feeling she will be, she is special because she was born into this world. It simple as that.”, told Renenet.
“Wise words you say, my sister.”
“I actually read them somewhere, only I don’t remember where.”
The siblings laughed together and little Yanara let out a little babble.
As a baby, she didn’t understand what was going on.
She just felt happy, safe, and loved.

Exactly two years later, Yanara, now a curious little toddler, meets her cousin and future husband the crown prince Atem.
In the arms of her mother, she adorable scrunches up her little nose and looks at the crying bundle in her aunt’s arms.
Her aunty Amunet looks at her eager, wondering what her niece will think of her son.
Yanara says just two words.
“Weird hair.”
Everyone present in the room sweatdrops.
Hi and welcome to the Prequel to my story The Queens Gambit, there is already a snippet collection for it, but I thought since I only suck at writing duels, I can totally write the backstory of my OC Yanara Atem’s wife and cousin.
Also, I love ancient Egypt and the memory world arc so there you have it.
My story how it goes down in history.
So to clear a few things up, I took of course some liberties, so I hope you are okay with them.
Later you will find some of the snippets here as part of the chapters. I will keep the snippet collection but the Ancient Egyptian ones go now here as full chapters :D
The last thing, I couldn’t find the name of Atem’s mother so I named her Amunet.
And the already special speech of Renenet is an hommage of the one Carla Jaeger from Attack on Titan did.
I like to put some references to other media in my stories.
Again, hope you enjoyed the prolog and we will see us next chapter, whenever that is .3.
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The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet came pretty randomly to me, but I needed to write it. Hope you enjoy it! :D

Snippet 4: Ancient Egypt
She know her time on this earth was ending.
Yanara felt it in her old and fragile bones.
She should be thankful, that she lived through so much and reached this age.
70 years was not something that anybody reached in their land.
Yet, she wasn’t ready to go.
Why should she go?
In the world of the living, she was closer to her beloved death Atem, than she would be in the afterlife.
Even if it was a strange notion, it was true.
His soul was in the Millennium Puzzle for all eternity banded, he wouldn’t be there in the afterlife with all her other beloved people, her parents, her uncle, her Kisara, Isis, Mahad, and Mana.
Waiting for her.
Welcoming her.
It was the worst feeling.
Tired she rubbed her eyes.
Her second husband and cousin Seto and little, even if she wasn’t this anymore, Samira were the only one left of her family beside her children, grandchildren, and grand-grandchildren.
Yanara was so proud of her family, how she wished Atem had seen them!
But he never would.
It was so unfair.
“Yanara.”, she heard the whisper of her Ka.
Frowning she moved her eyes to the wall where she heard the voice coming from.
The winged Sphinx of Isis, her Ka, was only a shadow silhouette, but she would recognize her in any form.
Beside her…no this couldn’t be true…?
“Oh great Isis, my dearest goddess.”, she whispers roughly.
Indeed beside her Ka was the goddess she had always loved and prayed the most to. The goddess her Ka was bonded to. Making her one of Isis’s children here on earth.
“Are you here to take me to the death tribunal, my goddess?”, she asked sadly. “Has mine time come? I don’t want to leave this world knowing, HIS soul will stay here.”
Isis looked at her with the eyes of a mother who saw their child suffering.
“My dear Yanara, my dearest mortal child, I gave you part of me in form of your Ka, because I knew you would be something special. And indeed you were. You helped to make our beloved Egypt into a greater home for it’s people. You were a good queen and a good mother.”, Isis told her.
Yanara felt how a tear fall down her cheek.
“So you are here for me. It is time for me.”
The goddess came closer to her, the Winged Sphinx of Isis following her.
“Yanara, my child, do you so wish to be with HIM again?”
“More than anything in this world. I never loved someone, as I loved HIM.”, she answered desperately.
She felt how Isis wiped her tears away.
“Then listen to me my dearest mortal child. The evil HE defeated will be back one day. HE will need to face it again. If you really want to, then I will put your soul into your Millennium Item, as the price you will forget anything about yourself till HE will remember too. Do you understand me?”
The old queen nodded rabidly.
Yes, she would do it.
Anything for a second chance.
Anything to see him again.
In whatever form.
“Call for one of your daughters, give her your Millennium Item and make them swerve that they would protect it with their last breath and give this burden then to their daughter, and their daughter, till it is time for you to be again with your Pharaoh!”, demanded Isis from her.
It was not a difficult choice to decide which of her daughters would become the Keeper of her Millennium Fragment.
She called for her little Omorose-Hathor.
The last gift her beloved had giving her.
Who had never known her biological father.
Who was now a grown woman herself, awaiting the birth of her first grandchild.
Omorose-Hathor was like the mirror image of her father, the same beautiful violet eyes stared at her in shock, as she told her daughter what now would be the long-lasting duty of her side of the family.
Yanara knew her daughter would accept it.
That night one of the greatest queens of Egypt died.
She would be remembered as the wife of the Nameless Pharaoh and his successor Pharaoh Seto. The queen with the heart of a warrior and a soul of a goddess, who helped Egypt reach a new height of glory and prosperity.
And for Yanara self?
As she felt how her soul was banned into her Millennium Fragment, losing bits and bits of herself, she only had one last thought.
That she couldn’t wait to see her beloved again.
It was only a matter of time.
Can you tell I love Hamilton? If you don’t know what that is go and hear the songs! This musical is epic!
As you also read I decide to give Yanara/Afya an invented Ka which will be also a Duel Monsters card the Winged Sphinx of Isis. I didn’t find any card that was connected to Isis, or I’m just too stupid, so I made my own.
So do not steal, are we clear?
Also if you want to know the officially shipping name of Yanara/Afya and Atem/Yami it’s Infinityshipping, I just hope nobody else claimed it already. :D
The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet I dedicated this to my friend on Quotev Light guardian35.
Talking with you gave me back my motivation and I hope you enjoy the little snippet!
A little warning Kihana and Sehrazat Decks could change with time because I suck at Duel Monsters and don’t know anything about it so the nicknames they have in the Dueling World could also change. You will see what I mean when you read the snippet.
I made a base art for this chapter so go to my DevianArt or Tumblr to see it.
If you can see it this is the original link to the base: https://www.deviantart.com/yummehcrayons/art/FPD-Bags-n-babes-base-259082967
And to be sure here is what I made out of it: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Off-to-Duelist-Kingdom-932075230

Snippet 3: Duelist Kingdom
Pegasus really had a lot of money to spend if he could book a luxury cruiser to bring all these duelists to the Duelist Kingdom. Or it was his.
Sehrazat admitted she was a bit overwhelmed.
All this because he wanted her Millenium Fragment? And nobody had a clue.
“I’m sorry.”, she heard the voice of her dear Partner.
Afya, the spirit of the Millenium Fragment, materialized at her side.
The once queen of all Egypt looked sorrowful with the same orange eyes as Sehrazat and…her mother at her.
Sehrazat was still surprised how both could be twins, only Afya was taller, had longer hair and her face looked more mature and beautiful.
“If only I had beaten Pegasus in his twisted game, then you didn’t need to make this journey to save Amira’s soul.”, said the spirit sadly and ashamed of herself.
“Afya, I don’t give you the fault her.”, Sehrazat reminded her darker half. “Only Pegasus and his freaky eye! We will get mama back! If we have to beat Pegasus at a children’s card game, then so be it. He won’t use the same trick on us again twice!”
Afya nodded determinedly at her partner and descendant.
“True words you speak child of mine. And if this didn’t work we can always beat Pegasus up. I would prefer this more.”
Now Sehrazat had to laugh, which earned her strange looks from the other duelists in the line for the boarding and a raised eyebrow from Kihana beside her.
She pointed at the air beside her mouthing the name she had given her ancestor. Kihana understood and let them be.
“I love how you are always ready to beat people up, Gran-Gran.”, she told full of affection Afya.
Her “Gran-Gran” puffed her cheeks up.
“I’m a warrior, no damsel in distress. I may not remember my life as queen, but I know I was born to fight not to play children’s card games!”
“And yet you are so good at it Gran-Gran!”
Sehrazat didn’t get a response, because it was now her turn to show Pegasus lackey her dueling clove to prove she could board the ship. Afya took this chance and retired back into the Millenium Item.
Probably to go into her soul room and train with her outstanding collection of swords. Yes, Sehrazat know that it was all mental, but still, holy Ra Afya had a lot of weapons in her soul room and can use anyone masterly.
It does make her feel humble.
After Kihana got the okay to board, the two best friends gripped each other hands and decide to look around the ship.
One of the lackeys told them as former Europa Champion and Number two in the classific they would have a Doppel bedroom for themselves, so they left their luggage there, so they could move freely around.
They wanted to check on their competitors. They needed to.
Knowing whom they were going against would help them greatly to win the tournament and get Amira’s soul back from Pegasus.
That’s how the stubble upon an interesting scene.
There was Mai Kujaku, an old acquaintance of the girls, in a conversation with two unknown boys.
One was a tall blond with a green jacket and the other was a short boy with the wildest hair they ever had seen. Tri-colored and starfish-shaped.
Suddenly Sehrazat heard Afya hiss.
“What’s wrong, Gran-Gran?!”, she asked worried her Yami.
“Look at what the little one is wearing!”
Sehrazat did it and had to control the gasp that left her mouth. She nudge Kihana so she could see it too.
The taller girl let out a silent curse: “What in the name of freaking Isis?!”
Right in front of them was another Millenium Item.
And not any ordinary, not that any of them was ordinary, it was the Millenium Puzzle!
The one who belonged once to the Nameless Pharaoh and Afya’s husband, as Sehrazat’s grandmother, told them in her stories.
No wonder, Afya was freacking out.
Both best friends had turned into statues.
What should they do now?
Afya was no help since she had to calm herself down. Kihana and Sehrazat looked at each other.
“We need to talk to the boy.”, suggests Kihana. “We need to know if the pharaoh is with him.”
“How are we going to do that?! Just straight up walking over to him and asking him if he has a spirit in his puzzle who possesses him sometimes? We would sound crazy, Hana!”, arguerd Sehrazat back.
“Do you have a better idea, Sehra?”
“…Not really.”
However, they didn’t need to walk up to the boys, since Mai turned around to walk away from them and saw the two girls.
The older girl blinked for a second, not believing whom she saw before she smirked.
“Well, well, if this isn’t a surprise.”, she said so loud that everybody, including Yuugi and Jounouchi, looked in her direction. “If this is not Sehrazat, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, and Kihana, the Lady of the Dragons. What are you girls doing here? I thought you had to take a break from tournaments?”
Under all the looks of the people, Sehrazat got shy and hide a bit behind Kihana, gripping her hand tight, while her best friend deadpanned at Mai.
“Hello to you too Mai, Mistress of the Harpies. Long time no see. How are you?”
Mai couldn’t answer since abruptly a lot of Duelists talked out loud.
“Oh my god, that’s really Sehrazat Faizan, the Amazon Princess of the Nile!”
“The Europa Champion?”
“The one whom anybody bet that at the world championships would bet Seto Kaiba?”
“Her or Kihana Schariq, the Lady of the Dragons. These girls are already legends!”
“Are they that good at Duel Monsters?”
“They are both incredible! You should have seen their Duel at the Europa championships! It was brutal!”
Sehrazat got even shyer and looked at the ground, while Kihana rubbed with her free hand her neck.
Of course, after Jounouchi stared at the two pretty girls to see if he was familiar with them, if they were such big names in the Dueling world, he turned to his best pal.
“Are these pretty girls, really such huge numbers, Yug?”, he asked.
Yuugi nodded.
“Yes, Sehrazat Faizan and Kihana Schariq were increbibal at the europa championchip. Their duel against each other was even transmitted in Japan. Sehrazat with her all-female monster-themed deck and her amazons only won by a hair against Kihana’s dragons. It was from start to finish nervewracking.”
Jounouchi let out a whistle, damn that sounded badass, while Yuugi looked at the girls.
He remember how he had watched their duel. As he had first seen Sehrazat on the TV something deep in him had reacted to her.
The boy still couldn’t figure out what.
She was a beautiful girl, no question, and even a bit shorter then him, but something in him had felt like he had know her, which was impossible of course.
Yet, seeing her in blood and flesh now, made the feeling tenfold.
It was then that Sehrazat looked up from the ground and their eyes meet.
Violette met orange.
And both felt like lightning struck them.
Unknown to them even their Yami’s felt it.
Yuugi felt a blush forming on his cheeks.
Sehrazat was so beautiful.
And these eyes of hers…so brilliant and unique…he had never seen orange eyes…nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times…like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had the same thoughts crossing her mind.
Yuugi was a short guy, but taller than her, and his eyes remind her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she know, even if it was impossible, it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Mai’s voice broke the two out of their staring contest.
“What’s up with you Sehrazat, you aren’t normally this shy?”, said the older girl to her and raised an elegant eyebrow. “Not even a hello to an old opponent?”
She could practically feel how Kihana gave her a look too. Damn it was embarrassing!
She liked her lips and smiled a bit wobbly at Mai.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mai. So you are in this tournament too, heh?”
Yuugi felt a shiver down his back as he heard her voice in person. She had a pretty melodious voice.
It was like he know that she would have such a voice.
But how?
He didn’t know that his darker half was freacking out at seeing the young girl too. It was so weird, the spirit know he didn’t remember things, but he had a feeling he know this girl and he could sense a familiar presence of off her.
How could be this possible?
“You both may have defeated me the last time we saw each other.”, told Mai Kihana and Sehrazat. “But this time I will be victory. See you at the island, ladies.”
With that Mai left and left behind a Kihana who shook her head at her and a Sehrazat who mumbled: “Can’t we be just friends?”
Now, a lot of people didn’t think that Jounouchi was an observant person and it was mostly true, but he had seen how his best pal Yugi stared at this Sehrazat girl like she was some kind of goddess, not that he could fault him. The tiny girl was pretty, he just found her white-haired and taller friend hotter.
Else like a good best friend, he needed to help Yuugi. His pal would never talk to that girl alone, never mind ask her out or something, so he would play wingman for him.
With a grin, he gripped Yuugi by his shoulder and nearly pushed him to the girls. Yugi looked wide-eyed at him and mouthed what-are-you-doing to him.
Jounouchi ignored him.
It was for Yuugi one sake…and also he really wanted to speak with the white-haired girl.
She was a bomb!
Kihana raised an eyebrow at them and Sehrazat hide behind her again. She caressed the hand of her best friend to calm her down. Whatever happened, her Sehra seemed already crushing on the tri-colored-haired teen, if she acted this way.
Was this some kind of love at first sight?
That was adorable!
“Hey, ladies.”, greeted them Jounouchi. “I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, you can call me Joey and that’s my pal Yuugi Muto. I heard from him you both are number one and two in dueling from Europa! That’s really cool.”
Not only Kihana and Sehrazat were shocked, even Afya looked at this tiny boy and couldn’t believe it.
“You are the one who bet Seto Kaiba, wow, it’s an honor!”, said Kihana to them.
Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
Afya facepalmed at her descendant.
“O-Oh, thank you.”, mumbled Yuugi shyly.
The blue-haired girl took all her courage and stopped hiding behind Kihana. She wanted and needed to talk to Yuugi. Afya even gave her an encouraging nod.
“You were incredible.”, complimented Sehrazat Yugi, who blushed more at her words. “You were the first one even to summon Exodia! It was a spectacular duel. I don’t think I could have handled Kaiba as you did.”
“I reset that.”, hissed Afya in their minds. “The boy with the blue eyes white dragon fetish would have gone down hard and rough if we duel him!”
Sehrazat ignored her Yami/Ancestor.
“N-No, I saw how you duel at the Europan championship. You truely earned your first place. I bet you can defeat Kaiba too, Faizan-San.”, complimented Yuugi back to her.
He was burning like a house on fire, but he needed to say this.
Shy Sehrazat batted her long eyelashes and Yuugi thought he would die. If he did it would be a great death, with one last look at the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Please you can call me Sehrazat or Sehra.”
“Then please call me Y-Yuugi!”
“Yeah, and Jounouchi or Joey to me.”, said Joey with a huge grin.
Damn this two were adorable.
Kihana seemed to agree with him since she grinned at him and pointed her head at the two smaller teens.
“And I’m Kihana or just Hana. So Yuugi, you are wearing interesting jewelry. It looks like the one Sehrazat is wearing.”, directed Kihana their conversation to the question they needed the answers to.
However cute Sehrazat and Yuugi were with each other, needed to wait for this.
That’s when both Joey and Yuugi noticed the teardrop-formed golden amulet with an eye that hung from Sehrazat’s neck.
“It looks really like yours, Yug!”, said Joey.
“Another Millennium Item!”, gasped Yugi suprised.
“What you sure, men?”
It was Sehrazat who answered him: “Yes, my amulet is a Millennium Item. The legends say there are eight of them.”
“Is your one too, Yuugi?”, asked Kihana.
He nodded, still floored. Never would he have thought to meet after Pegasus eye another Millenium Item.
“Yeah, it’s the Millenium Puzzle.”
Of that answer, Afya had the strongest reaction. Sehrazat had to keep her face under control, which was hard since her Yami literally screamed in their shared mind.
“I can’t believe it! It is the puzzle! Is there my supposed husband’s soul bond, like your grandmother told us, Sehrazat? I mean I kinda feel something of another presence with little Yuugi, but whatever that is doesn’t want to talk and show themselves. How rude!”
Thankful the ship horn sounded, which meant that it was time to retire to their cabin. Sehrazat was thankful. One part of her didn’t want to leave Yuugi, no it wanted to talk more to him, but she, Kihana, and Afya needed to talk.
Thank the gods, that Kihana was with her.
She gripped her hand and gave the two boys her best brilliant smile. Joey and Yuugi turnend both red under Kihana’s beauty.
“Look at the time. We need to go, but we should totally meet up later guys.”
With a wave, she dragged Sehrazat in the direction of their shared cabin.
I could write the whole episode since there are no duels, but that’s for when I write one day the real story fully. I will write part two of it maybe in the next few days. But no promises, I could write something totally different.
If you didn’t know English isn’t my first langue and it is really stressful to write a whole chapter in it.
Making this snippet, writing only parts of the chapter of this fanfic I have planned is really more simple.
At last, I want to recommend three awesome YGO! Fanfic to you.
First: https://www.quotev.com/story/12353010/Yu-Gi-Oh-book1-Lost-PurposeKaiba-X-OC/1
Second: https://www.quotev.com/story/14369524/Rising-SunYami-Atem/1
Give them a chance and give the authors a review, they are really worth a read.
Have a nice day/night!

Afya Clothes
Base: https://www.deviantart.com/rainfall-bases/art/BASE-337-shy-boobies-563214730
The second set of clothes and it’s Afya turn.
Not much to say since she wears the same outfits like Sehrazat, which is normal if you share a body, I just like how the clothes have a different effect when Afya wears them.
The only one different is of course:
Millennium World: Afya as Atem queen and wife takes of course part of the Shadow RPG. Here we have her in her queen regalia. Her crown is a bit simpler than Atem and she wears a shawl on arm bracelets as you can see. In my story, Atem and Afya were already king and queen for a few years before anything with Thief Bakura and Zorc happened.
They also had their first kids, twins, a boy, and a girl. Atem and Afya are around 22-24 when it happened and climbed the throne at 17-15 years.
If you noted Afya is actually the older one of the two, by 2 years. ;)
But Atem is taller than her. XD
Another little titbit Afya and Atem are cousins, Afya’s mother, Princess Renenet, was the favorite sister of Atem’s father and when Afya was born Aknamkanon/Akhenamkhanen fall in love with his niece like she was his own flesh and blood and promised his sister if he had a son they both would be betrothed.
Two years later Atem was born and the betrothal offical.
They both grow up knowing one day they would marry each other.
For now, let’s just say neither of the two was thrilled. ;)
More sometimes later. :D
You probably wonder what is Afya’s real name is, but I won’t tell you still. :P
You have to be patient. XD
Have nice day/night!
My Beloved: Nezuko KamadoXReader

You couldn’t say for sure when it started, but you know one thing: you were deeply in love with a demon and not any kind of demon.
It was Nezuko Kamado, the little sister of your fellow demon slayer Tanjiro Kamado.
You meet them both while you were dealing with a nasty demon who had eaten severely freshly married couples.
At first, you were wary of them.
You have been for two years now a demon slayer and Tanjiro was only a few months on the job. Then of course that he had a demon with him, even if he assured you that Nezuko was harmless and wouldn’t eat any human.
You didn’t think you needed their help.
Oh boy, were you wrong!
The married couple eating demon turned out to be tougher than both you and Tanjiro thought. It had been a hard fight and if hadn’t been for Nezuko you would surely be dead right now.
Without hesitation, she had thrown herself before you and got the full force of the demon attack. That she could stand after this was a miracle in itself, she was bloody and shredder nearly to pieces. In fact, she had lost an arm clean off from the attack.
You had stared at her back in shock. You just couldn’t believe it. She had protected you, a demon had protected you! She hadn’t cared for her own life, but more to save you who had been wary of her.
In your shocked state, you didn’t register how Tanjiro finished off the demon, but you felt a soft hand caressing your hair.
You looked down at Nezuko, still only with one arm left and bloody, and how she looked at you with kind soft eyes.
These big pretty pink eyes….
She made cute noises, thanks to her bamboo muzzle, but you had the feeling she wanted to ensure you that anything was okay.
Tanjiro then came over asking if you guys were okay and hugged his sister relieved. Nezuko let him hug her and kept caressing your hair.
After that, you became friends with the Kamado siblings. You started to journey with them and meet their other friends the frightened and flirty Zenitsu Agatsuma and the boar-headed, literally and figurately, Inosuke Hashibira.
You were all an odd bunch, but you guy’s made it work. It was like a little family. Since you were a girl you naturally stayed closer to Nezuko and even without a word a deep friendship formed. Nezuko never stopped to play with your hair any chance she got and making these cute noises for you.
You loved just to sit with her under a tree when it was night and watch her under the starlights. She wasn’t a demon, she surely was an angel from the heavens.
She was adorable.
Too cute for this world.
To pretty.
Too kind and good.
You didn’t care anymore that she was a demon, she was Nezuko, your friend.
Then one day as Nezuko was playing again with your hair you could feel yourself blushing and just looking at her in trance. Why would someone so precious give you this much attention?
You were rough on the edges knew only how to wield a katana, and didn’t care much for other people besides Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke.
It was like this since your parents throw you out for the crime of loving a girl. Not that she stayed with you after you were on the streets. She married a boy from your village and forgot about you.
You who would have done anything for her, even faced your parents to be with her. But for her, you were just a plaything.
From that day on, you cared only for yourself and no one. You became a demon slayer cause there weren’t a lot of good-paying jobs for young girls and you didn’t care if you died or not.
Then Tanjiro and Nezuko came into your life and changed you.
They all changed you.
But mostly Nezuko.
You felt how your heart beat faster and oh, you knew this feeling.
You have fallen in love with Nezuko.
What should you do now?
Well for the first few weeks you did nothing, you acted as if nothing had changed, but now you literally burned when Nezuko touched you.
If she gripped your hand, hugged you, and caressed your hair.
It was too much.
You were going to explode one day for sure.
Your little group was now currently back at the butterfly mansion after an epic battle against a horde of demons for cures and you couldn’t take it anymore.
You had to say something to Nezuko.
Even if she didn’t accept your feelings you needed to get them out.
So when you both sat down under a cheery blossom tree at night and Nezuko started to play with your hair, you decide that now was the time.
“Nezuko?”, you started and she gave you a little hum. “Nezuko, I have to tell you something.”
Nezuko braided a part of your hair but looked with her pretty pink eyes into yours. She was giving you her full attention.
“Nezuko, you know how important you are to me, right?”, you asked.
She made again her cute noises and nodded her head. Then she patted your head. You know she meant that you were important to her too.
“Right, but there is more…”
You stopped and Nezuko stopped also braiding. She inclined her hair cutely. This meant she wanted to know what you meant.
With a deep breath, you took one of her hands in yours and faced her bravely.
“Nezuko…I’m in love with you.”
There you said it! You were sweating like a pig and felt like fainting on the spot, but you did it!
Nezuko only stared at you with her big pink eyes.
You gulped.
Oh no, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
Before you could have a panic attack and maybe cry like a baby, you felt how Nezuko smashed her bamboo muzzle against your lips.
You looked shocked at how she nuzzled her bamboo muzzle against your lips and made frustrating noises.
What was she doing?
Wait…was that…
You gripped her shoulder and softly shoved her from you. She blinked and made a whining noise.
“Nezuko.”, you said amused, and felt the butterflies in your belly flying like crazy. “Was that a kiss?”
She turned red like a tomato but nodded her head rapidly.
You laughed happily and hugged her tightly to yourself. She snuggled up to you and made her cute noises.
You know what she meant.
“I love you to my beloved Nezuko.”

Later when you both came back into the mansion holding hands, you saw a happy crying Tanjiro who hugged you both tight and said to you sister-in-law, Zenitsu who was a shadow figure in a corner, mumbling about how neither Nezuko nor you would be his wife and Inosuke who was pocking him with one of his Katana’s.
Yep, this was your family, with your beloved demon girlfriend, her kind older brother, and Zenitsu and Inosuke who were like your brothers too.
But this doesn’t mean you let anyone spy on you and Nezuko!
Shinobu, Aoi, the little girls, Kanao and Nezuko watched amused and laughing at how you were hunting down with your Katana the three boys all around the mansion.
Life was good.
Obito's Hinata

She was one of many girls in Kakashi, Rin, and Obito's class.
She was nothing special.
Wasn't that pretty.
Wasn't that smart.
Wasn't that good in the ninja arts.
She only liked Obito, a boy, who was shunned from his prestige clan but never gave up his dreams. She started to admire him for this.
He was so unlike her.
He didn't take notice of her.
Why should he?
He already loved a girl and she was too shy to talk to him.
Nobody, but a few civilian children like her saw her at all.
Again she wasn't something special.
She wasn't part of his Team, but kind Rin who sometimes talked to her.
Rin was the only one from Team Minato who knew her or at least remember her.
Kakashi didn't hurt.
Obito broke her.
But she only seemed to love him harder.
But she never got the courage to tell him.
Even when Rin wanted to help her, she run away.
How could she not?
She was not stupid.
Even if Obito didn't love Rin, he would never like her.
He didn't even know she existed.
Like the people in her family.
She was nothing more than a shadow.
She had so many chances to talk to him, like to congratulate him on becoming Chuunin, to at least become a friend, but she never grow a backbone.
Then he died, saving his teammates.
And her world was destroyed.
Only Rin knew what was wrong with her, she was a smart girl and knew the shy girl was in love with her dead friend.
But then Rin died also...
And nothing was alright anymore.
It took her many, many years to get back together.
In the time Kyuubi attacked the village and Lord Fourth sacrificed his life to save everybody. Itachi Uchiha killed his clan leaving only his younger brother alive.
She saw how a blond-haired kid got ignored for being the jailer of something he wasn't responsible for.
She saw how a black-haired boy with the last Uchiwa Fan on his back darker and darker grow.
She was a coward again and ignored them like most people.
She hated herself.
Then one day she saw how a little Hyuuga Girl watched the blond boy with love in her eyes and was reminded of her and Obito.
Well only her.
She hoped the little Hyuuga Girl wouldn't have to bury her beloved before she could at least speak to him.
More years passed and the three kids became genin but weren't put on the same team.
Maybe the shy ones never get a chance with their love she mussed.
But something also changed.
After Kyuubi she a retired as Ninja and started working at her family business, something she never had wanted, but she was done after that with the ninja life.
He was goofy and silly and liked to be served by her.
He always wore a smile for her.
He was someone who saw her finally.
They had an easy friendship and she started to feel better.
Then a asked her on a date.
And she could only think about Obito.
Obito, she still only wanted Obito, but he was death, death, death and never know her, never would have loved her!
What else should she say then yes?
At least one of them would be happy.
At least one of them should get what they want.
He was a good boyfriend.
He was a good fiance.
He was a good husband.
But she never stopped comparing him to Obito.
Of what could have been with the Uchiha.
Would their first kiss be chaste on her front door? Or would have Obito been overexcited and kissed her passionately before the night even ended?
Would their first time be awkward and end in pre-ejaculation leaving her unsatisfied? Or would Obito have been eager to please, to think about her pleasure before his own, or at least finish her off with his mouth?
Would he cry silent tears on their wedding day? Or would Obito cry hard and loud like when he was a young boy?
But they had a nice life together, so she moved forward.
After the 4 Ninja War...she couldn't for a long time think.
Obito being alive the whole time and nearly letting the world end because he wanted to live in a fake dream world with Rin?
And now he was dead, Kakashi Hatake Hokage and the blond shunned boy Naruto Uzumaki a hero of the world.
It was the first time her husband suspected that her heart belonged to another.
Or had belonged?
It was so confusing.
She still remembered her Eternal Tsukuyomi Dream with clarity.
It hurt and was so good to think about it.
Her family loved her.
She was an awesome kunoichi.
Rin was alive and her best friend.
And Obito...Obito was her husband and Hokage.
And...and their children...dear sage their children.
A boy and a girl, twins and a baby girl.
She understood why he wanted this dream world, it was better than reality.
And that was the point in her life where she realized that it had to end.
Nothing is better than reality, it was her fault for not doing more to get it or at least to get a new dream.
So finally after nearly 30 years she said fuck-you to her family and explained to her husband everything.
He was sad, of course, he was, but he was okay with the divorce.
She decided to leave Kohanagakure, her hometown, forever and start somewhere anew.
For years she traveled the world, doing odd jobs and meeting new people till she meet someone again.
A beautiful woman with an even bigger heart.
This... was the love she always wanted, always craved.
They both settled down in Takigakure and adopted children.
Orphans from the war Obito had caused.
Seeing her children made her realize she would always love the innocent and good boy Obito was but the corrupted and broken men she hated.
And yet she was thankful for him.
She had found her way in life because of him.
When their oldest son got nominated to take part with his team at the Chuunin Exams in Kohana, she and her wife decided to watch the finals since their son made it up to them.
So they took their other kids and showed them their other mama's old birth town.
She was surprised and happy to see Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage, something he had yelled aloud since he was a little boy.
But what shocked her was the blue-haired Hyuuga Beauty at his side.
It was the little girl who had always watched him.
And they're married.
She couldn't help it to shed a few tears.
So...the shy girl could get her boy if she was courageous enough, heh?
For a moment she saw in their places herself and Obito.
Maybe in another world, maybe in another reality...
Maybe if she could have been his Hinata to his Naruto...
Her wife grips her hand and looks at her.
She knows the whole story.
But she shakes her head and kisses her wife's cheek.
This life...this life is the life that she wanted and choose.
So she finally let go and accepted anything that happened.
Your own created dream is always better than a dreamed-up one.
She was now sure of it.