SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!
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Maiden Of The Moon
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

Chapter 8: The Butterfly Mansion
The young woman didn’t know how long she slept.
She just knew it was still not enough as she woke up.
With a loud yawn, Yua stretched herself and blinked into the sunlight that streamed into the Butterfly Mansion Patient Room.
She knows the room well.
Wasn’t the first time that she was here for cures after a heavy battle with a demon.
You never quite forget the smell of the flowers and antiseptic in the air.
“Uurgh, what time and day is it?”, she asked into the room.
She hoped that Aoi-San was in the room or the least one of the little girls.
Luck was not on her side since a well-known and shrill voice shouted: “Yua-Senpai, you are awake!”
“Agatsuma...”, she growled, turning to him, a vein popping up on her forehead. “I just woke up, I’m cranky and ready to commit murder, I don’t need your shrill voice! Keep it down.”
A little shriek escaped Zenitsu, till he noted what he did and clapped his tiny arms over his mouth.
“What the heck happened to you?”, she asked astonished. “What’s up with your arms?”
The blond-haired boy started to cry softly.
And with a lot of snoot.
“It was terrible Yua-Senpai. I followed your guys up the mountain to protect Nezuko-Chan and one of these Spider Creeps injected me with venom! I nearly turned into a spider myself! That’s why my arms and legs are shrunk! With my breathing style, I could stop the transforming process long enough till Shinobu-Sama could give me an antidote. But I need to drink disgusting medicine till I’m back to my old self again.”, he told her all teary and winy his woe.
Yua just deadpanned.
“Woman-up, Agatsuma! Be glad you are still alive.”
He didn’t woman-up and whined into his pillow.
That’s when Yua saw Inosuke in the bed next to Zenitsu. The wild boy Aura was all gloomy.
Okay, now that was terrifying.
“Do I wanna know what happened to Hashibira?”
“I heard he lost his voice or something.”, answered Zenitsu anyway. “I don’t have all the details, but I heard he, like, got hit in the neck, and when he yelled at the top of his lungs at the end, that finished it off, and that did a number on his throat. He’s depressed now, so it’s made him gentle, and it really cracks me up! Hehehehe… Hehehehe!”
“Stop it with the creepy laugh or I will suffocate you.”, promised the midnight blue-haired girl.
Immediately the blond stopped to laugh.
He could smell how murders Yua was feeling. Better not to go on her nerves.
“Where are Kamado and Nezuko?”, she asked.
“I don’t know. They wouldn’t tell me. I’m worried.”, admitted Zenitsu.
With a sign, Yua got again comfortable in her bed.
“Then we can only wait and pray.”
Somehow Yua managed to fall asleep again.
The Spider Demon did really a number of her if she still was so sleepy and feeling weak.
When she woke up again, Yua felt a bit better.
She sat up and looked around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings.
It was quiet except for the sound of Zenitsu's soft snores. She glanced over at him and saw that he was asleep, his arms and legs still shrunk from the venom.
Inosuke was laying in his bed still as a statue, his Aura gloomy.
That didn’t fit him at all, but Yua didn’t know how to raise his spirits.
She wasn’t good at this kind of thing.
Yua sighed and leaned back against her pillows, wondering how long they would have to stay here before they were fully healed.
She missed being out in the field, fighting demons, rising in Ranks and finally becoming a Hashira. However, she knew that she needed time to recover after her latest battle.
It was just awesome.
After six weeks spent in the Wisteria Mansion, now she was in the Butterfly Mansion and who knew how long this time it would take to heal?
Her grandfather would give it to her, if she returned home and wasn’t at least a Kinoe, for all this wasted time in his eyes.
She flexed her arms, saying the secret password and watched the Kanji appear on her skin.
She raised two Ranks.
Normally she would be proud, however, she could only think that if she raised one more Rank she would have been a Kinoe.
So close and yet so far.
How long would it take before she became one?
How long till they would offer her the position of a Hashira?
The midnight blue-haired beauty missed her family, besides her grandfather, and she didn’t want to stay away longer from home.
Yet it seemed she had to.
She would not face her grandfather like that.
As she lay there, she directed her thoughts away from this and to Nezuko and Tanjiro.
She hoped they were safe wherever they were, and that they would be able to join them soon.
Yua closed her eyes and said a silent prayer for their well-being to Tsukuyomi.
After a few minutes of restful silence, Yua heard a knock on the door.
She opened her eyes and called out, "Who is it?"
"It's me, Aoi." came the reply.
A little smile formed on the midnight blue-haired young woman.
“Long time not seen, Aoi-San," she greeted her.
Aoi entered the room with a tray of food.
"Indeed, Yua-San. Good morning," she replied with a smile. "How are you feeling?"
"A little better," Yua admitted as she set down the tray on her lap. “So tell me, how bad of shape I am?”
“You have significant muscle strains all over your body, your cousin Sayako said you used the forbidden technique of the Moon-Breathing?”
She just nodded.
“It did a number one you, but Sayako-San said you could have broken bones too. Anyway, you need to rest, we bandaged both your arms and one leg, there were the strains the heaviest. The compression should help the swelling. Also, you need to put ice on the muscle strains. It should take more than a few weeks till you are good again. We will see.”, explained Aoi her.
Yua didn’t realize that Aoi had the ice packs in her hands.
“Eat and then put this on your arms and leg.”
“I will, thank you, Aoi-San.”
The girl with the pigtails nodded before turning to leave the room. "If you need anything else, just let me know."
Yua thanked her before digging into her breakfast.
After finishing her meal she put the ice packs where Aoi had said she should.
She noted how the area started to feel better.
Yua sat back against her pillows. It was somehow good to have some normalcy in her life again, even if it was just breakfast in bed.
She wondered what the rest of the day would bring.
A yawn left her mouth.
Well, she still was tired.
No problem to take a nap again.
And she did so.
Zenitsu's creepy laughter awoke Yua suddenly from her nice dream of her beloved late mother.
Angry she gripped her pillow and threw it in his face!
That shut him up!
“Yua-Senpai!”, called her Tanjiro voice.
Surprised Yua rubbed her eyes to fully wake up.
There really was Tanjiro, kneeling beside Zenitsu's bed, a Kakushi was also there, but that wasn’t important.
“Kamado-San!”, called Yua back a bit too happily even for her taste.
She long ago decided that it would be bad to fall in love with Tanjiro, so why did she feel and sound so happy seeing him?
This feeling needed to die.
So she cleared her throat.
“I mean, Kamado, good to see. I assume Nezuko is alright too?”
Pointedly she ignored the looks of the two boys and no she didn’t think that a confused Tanjiro was cute!
Perish that thought!
Thankful Inosuke directed the attention to himself as he said in his crooked voice that they should forgive him for being weak.
“Hang in there, Inosuke!”, encourages Tanjiro. “It’s not like you to get depressed!”
“Come on, you did good! You’re awesome!”, added Zenitsu.
“Your Aura is creeping me out, that’s not like you Hashibira.”, tried Yua her luck to cheer him up.
It showed how bad she was at this since Tanjiro and Zenitsu (Even the Kakushi!) gave her WTF-Looks. The young woman may shrunk a bit into her bed.
“What?”, she crooked out. “It’s the truth...”
“Anyway...”, said Tanjiro into the awkward silence and turned back to Inosuke. “I’m just so happy that you’re alive!”
All of a sudden Zenitsu screamed about whether he took his medicine, if someone had seen him taking it.
A vein popped up on Yua's forehead.
“You took it before I fell asleep the first time. Can I have my pillow back, please?”
Tanjiro was so nice to throw it back to her and the girl didn’t waste time to put it over her head to block out the noises.
Could she get a single room?
She had fallen asleep again because the next thing she knew was that she needed to breathe. Slowly she put the pillow away and looked around the room.
It was sunset, and beautiful red and orange light falling into the patient's room.
Zenitsu was snoring away and even Inosuke seemed to sleep.
Only Tanjiro was missing.
Like her thought made him appear, the red-haired boy entered the room.
“Ah Yua-Senpai, you are awake.”, he greeted her as he made his way over to his bed.
“Kamado, from where you you coming from?”, she asked a bit curious.
“They were so nice to give Nezuko her own room. All dark so we don’t have to worry sunlight will hurt her.”, he explained, crawling into his bed.
Yua nodded.
It was probably for the best that the Demon Girl had her own room.
Yua closed her eyes and settled back into her pillows.
She felt a sense of relief knowing that Nezuko was safe and being taken care of.
It was good to see Tanjiro again too, even though she tried to hide her happiness at his presence.
She couldn't let herself get too attached or distracted from her goal of becoming a Kinoe and then a Hashira.
As she lay there, Yua couldn't help but think about the future and what it held for her.
She knew that there would be more battles and challenges ahead, but she was ready for them. She had worked hard to get where she was, and she wasn't going to give up now.
With a deep breath, Yua opened her eyes and looked around the room once more.
She saw Zenitsu snoring away, Inosuke still as a statue, and Tanjiro settling in for the night.
It was strange...even if she didn’t want to get too attached to people, these three and Nezuko had somehow wormed their way into her heart.
Sure most of the time she wanted to hit them for their stupidity, but...it was nice being with familiar people in the patient room.
This happens if you spend six weeks with the same people, she supposed.
Yua knew that it would take time for her body to fully recover from the Spider Demon's attack, yet she was determined to come out stronger on the other side.
And when that day came, she would continue on her path towards becoming a Hashira.
“Yua-Senpai.”, called then Tanjiro out for her. “You have fallen asleep before I could ask, but how are you feeling? How did the fight with the Spider Demon go?”
She turned to face Tanjiro.
"It was tough, but I managed to defeat the Spider Demon with the help of my strongest Moon-Breathing technique. However, it did a number on me." The young woman gestured towards her bandaged arms and leg. "But I'll recover soon enough."
Tanjiro nodded in understanding before settling back into his bed.
“I’m glad, me and Inosuke were worried when we left you alone to face her.”
“All is good Kamado, don’t worry so much. You will get grey hairs this way.”
This made Tanjiro laugh, till he held his ribs with a pained expression.
“I have a feeling your fight was a whole other number.”, guessed Yua.
And it was.
The red-haired boy told her, how he managed to kill the Spider Mother, but had to leave Inosuke behind in the arms of the Spider Father. Then it turned out that the Spider boy they had seen, was one of the Demon King Lower Moons.
Only with Nezuko's help and a new Breathing Style Tanjiro managed to keep fighting till the Water Hashira Tomioka Giyuu took care of the Lower Moon.
With only one technique.
That was impressive.
However, Yua was more fixed on the new Breathing Style that Tanjiro had suddenly used.
“The Hinokami Kagura Dance?”, she repeated surprised. “And it’s dedicated to the fire god? Huh...”
Cutely Tanjiro titled his head and now Yua didn’t want to pet his hair.
Forget it!
He was not cute at all!
“Do you have heard of this Yua-Senpai?”, asked Tanjiro curious.
The young woman got comfortable in her bed, crossing her arms. It hurt a bit, but she could manage.
“My family has something familiar. It’s a dance called Jihibukai Tsukigami No Mai (Dance of the benevolent moon god). All children have to learn it.”, she starts to explain. “It mimics Moon Breathing. If you learn the dance without problems it means you are fit enough to learn Moon-Breathing.”
“Huh, what a coincidence.”, mubled Tanjiro.
“Kamado, I don’t think that it’s a coincidence.”
“What you mean Yua-Senpai?”
“A dance that turns into a powerful Breathing Style? And you are really sure your family was only coal makers? This sounds more like an ancestor of yours wanted to hide his Breathing Style in the dance.”
Tanjiro frowned and scratched his head.
“No, I’m pretty sure we were only coal makers, but I agree it’s strange at that Dance turned into a Breathing Style and then your family has something familiar for their breathing style...”
“Hey, don’t try to crack it now.”, advises Yua. “It mimics Flame-Breathing from what you told me, if I’m not mistaken one of the Hashira uses it. You should talk with Shinobu-Sama about it. Maybe she knows more about this.”
Now Tanjiro was smiling brightly, which did not make Yua blush. However cute and handsome Tanjiro looked.
She probably had a little fever not more!
“When we are better, we can visit my home.”, offered Yua, stroking her hair to distract herself from Tanjiro's damn handsome face. “The Mochizuki Mansion isn’t far away from the Butterfly Mansion, but it will take us at least half a day. We need to get better first. Maybe we have something in our archive about the Hinokami Kagura Dance.”
“Really Yua-Senpai you want to help me?”
Oh no, was he going to start to cry from thankfulness?
Yua’s heart wouldn’t take this!
“Now, no tears, even thankful one!”, she admonished. “I’m not doing this out of the good of my heart or some sappy shit, I’m curious myself what’s up with this dance.”
This made Tanjiro only laugh quietly and send her a soft smile.
Okay, maybe she did blush now and felt shy.
Why did Tanjiro need to be so handsome and have a beautiful soul and heart?!
“You act all tough and rough, but I can smell how kindhearted you really are Yua-Senpai.”, told Tanjiro, pointing at his nose. “Don’t hide behind your anger, we are friends you can be yourself around me.”
“Be me?”, she repeated confused.
The midnight blue-haired beauty had to admit she didn’t know who she really was.
She was what people wanted her to be.
And when she didn’t get what they wanted, she reacted with anger, sarcasm and homicidal tendencies.
Probably not sane, if one thinks about it.
Eager Tanjiro nodded.
“I can see and smell that you are confused but...we are friends. I will help you to find out who Mochizuki Yua really is like you will help me with the Hinokami Kagura Dance.”
This made her snort.
“Seems like you got the worst deal. I’m a handful.”
“Not for me...not when it’s you.”
Did...did she hear right?!
Shocked she looked up his face.
Was she imagining things or was Tanjiro blushing?
He was playing shyly with his blanket at least.
In turn, this made her feel all mushy and clammy inside. Yua had never felt like this.
So she fell into her default behaviour.
Avoid, ignore and get pissed.
“Enough with the mushy stuff, Kamado.”, she hissed and let herself fall on her bed. She closed her eyes, so she couldn’t see him and his Aura. “Let’s just sleep. I’m tired.”
It was still for a few seconds till Tanjiro quietly agreed and she heard how he lay himself on his bed.
The older girl let out a breath and ignored the burning in her eyes.
Becoming a Hashira, and bringing her family honour was all that mattered, she repeated to herself.
Then why did feel these words like bitter medicine in her body?
More Posts from Empressofthesunwriter
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

I’m in search for a Beta-Reader!
Any volunteers?
Message me!
Chapter 10: Total Concentration Training
With gusto Yua bit into the Onigiri Ema and her little friends had brought her and Tanjiro.
They all sat on the veranda of the Butterfly Mansion, taking a break from the Total Concentration Breathing training for Tanjiro.
Yua was listing how Kiyo was explaining the gourds training Shinobu had Kanao go through to strengthen her lungs.
You could see in Tanjiro's face that he was disbelieving that someone petite like Kanao could make them explode and he nearly fell from the veranda seeing which big gourd Kanao could now make explode.
The midnight blue-haired beauty gulped down her last bit of Onigiri with the Green Tea the girls had made for them.
“You want to have a demonstration?”, asked Yua. “My family uses the same method I can make it explode too.”
“Really Yua-Senpai?!”
“You don’t have to shout in disbelief Kamado.”, deadpanned Yua.
What? Was he more shocked or didn’t he think she could do it?
But what she knew of Tanjiro he was probably only in shock.
“Girls, is it okay, if I take on the big gourd?”, she asked for permission.
All four cute girls nodded with a smile.
So Yua stood up, holding the big gourd and blowing into it.
After a few seconds, it explodes!
Everybody was in awe and Tanjiro, this time, tumbled from the veranda.
“Lady Yua is amazing!”, shouted the girls.
The older girl winked at them, which made them giggle.
Tanjiro sat back at the veranda.
“That was amazing, Yua-Senpai!”, he yelled “I’ll give it my all!”
“You do that, so back to training!”
“Yes, Yua-Senpai!”
“You can do it Master Tanjiro!”, cheered the four little girls him on.
The two Demon Slayers made their way back into the courtyard, while the four girls cleaned up.
“Alright Kamado, we already established that you can’t do Total Concentration for long.”, began Yua.
He nodded disappointed at himself.
“So I will show you some breathing exercises and a little trick to expand the volume of your lungs.”
“Yes, Yua-Senpai!”, he raised his arm into the air like he was in school. “Can I ask what this trick is?”
Now Yua smiled cheekily.
She was curious how he would take it.
“Do you ever wonder why I sing so much?”
“Because you like it and are amazing at it!”
“Charmer, but...singing expands your lunge volume.”
The red-haired boy blinked at her with his pretty (no, not pretty they are normal red eyes!) red eyes, till he made a shocked face.
“Indeed.”, she walked over to him and threw a playful arm around his shoulders. Tanjiro blushed being so close to his crush, not that Yua took note. “Now my little songbird let me hear your voice!”
For 15 days not only participated Tanjiro and Yua in the rehabilitation training, but they also trained together to expand Tanjiro's lunge volume and keep his Total Concentration Breathing going.
At first, Tanjiro was a bit shy learning to sing from Yua, but his Senpai made clear that shyness would only obstacle him in becoming better.
So he woman up, like Yua-Senpai liked to say, and sang with her together.
She taught him songs he never heard of, however, she didn’t tell him who taught her them. The smell of hurt and longing always came from her when he asked.
So he stopped.
He never wanted to make her feel bad.
After singing, they parkour all around the Mansion and garden, playing catch with each other.
Yua-Senpai was as fast as Kanao, he could barely catch her.
And she got only faster with each passing day they trained.
The training not only helped him to get stronger but her also.
“Bust your borders and go beyond them!”, told him Yua-Senpai any day.
It was the motto of her family.
A Mochizuki had to be the best of the best to not raise any suspicions in the hearts of their Demon Slayer comrades.
She told him this ten days after they had started to train together.
They were sitting on the veranda, again eating and drinking Onigiri and Green Tea, the little girls had prepared for them and had talked about nothing and all.
As he had told her how amazing he thought she was, because she only seemed to get stronger with each day, that he barely could catch up, this sentence had fallen.
It had been still for a few seconds between them.
Tanjiro smelled how Yua-Senpai felt unsure, battling with herself before she said quietly: “Even after 500 years of loyalty to the corps...anybody expects us to change sides and become swordsmen under the Demon King. And all this is why we still practice Moon-Breathing learned from the traitor Tsugikuni Michikatsu. It’s a pain.”
Tired she bit into her Onigiri.
Now Tanjiro was battling with himself. He wanted to ask her this the whole time, however, he was scared it was not his place to ask.
Yua-Senpai decided for him.
“I can see how chaotic and worried your Aura is, just spit it out, Kamado.”
“Why does your family still practice this breathing style if it only brings you pain?”
Thoughtful Yua-Senpai looked at the setting sun, making her look breathtaking. She was so beautiful. Tanjiro's heart could nearly not take it.
“The founder of our family, Mochizuki Meiyo was a prideful man they said. After his master deserted the corps he wanted to show that he could still be trusted...But I think my ancestor didn’t want to give up the power Moon-Breathing gives you. It IS the most powerful one in the whole corps. My family has the highest kill count of Lower Moons and we even killed three Upper Moons, the last 113 years ago.”
“And yet there had been no Moon Hashira, right?”, he whispered.
“Not after Tsugikuni Michikatsu.”, signed Yua-Senpai, crossing her arms. “My father told me the day I started to learn Moon-Breathing, that we are practically the attack dogs of the Corps. We are good enough to kill the demons, but we can’t be trusted with a position of power. No one cares how many of my family have fallen in battle against the Demon Lords 12 Moons or how they got so wounded they could never take a sword into their hands again. Being a Mochizuki is a hard destiny....”
In silence, they watched how the moon was rising in the sky.
“I care.”, said Tanjiro quietly to his Senpai.
She turned with a raised eyebrow to him.
Before he could chicken out he took one of her hands in his and squeezed it.
“Your family has been wronged for a long time, but Yua-Senpai, people who know you and your family truly know that you are all great people. I know you will become a Hashira and show anyone that the Mochizuki are an honourable and loyal family!”
Yua-Senpai hand in his felt clammy and he smelled how she was going through a lot of different emotions in seconds.
It was hard to keep track, however, he smelled thankfulness and bashfulness.
More softly than he had thought Yua-Senpai took her hand back and stood up.
“Enough with the mushy stuff, Kama...Tanjiro-San. We still can train more before dinner.”
Did...did he hear right?!
Did Yua-Senpai call him by his first name?!
Tanjiro felt how hot his cheeks got and that his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.
His crush didn’t seem to take note and if she did, she didn’t show it.
“Come on, catch me!”
With that, she ran away.
He ran after her a second later.
If...if it had to be like this...If he had to chase her forever, he would do it.
Now he was the moon chasing constantly after his sun...Yua.
Only the moon saw the sweet little smile on Yua's lips as she let Tanjiro chase after her.
After this heart-to-heart, they both opened up a bit more to each other.
When they were all alone Yua started to call him Tanjiro and he also dropped then the Senpai.
It was nice.
More than nice.
An amazing friendship was forming between them.
And maybe....someday more?
More days passed.
Yua and Tanjiro got stronger, the boy could now nearly catch Kanao and Yua.
He managed to destroy the first gourd level without problems, making the little four girls cheer and Yua give him a thumbs up.
Unknown to them Zenitsu and Inosuke had all seen this and it seemed like they understood that they were in the wrong with their slacking off.
In disbelief, Yua looked at how the two talked with Shinobu about what she and Tanjiro were doing.
The Insect Hashira explains to them the Total Concentration Perpetum and then the two try it out, failing miserably.
The Kinoto felt a bit sorry for Inosuke, but seeing Zenitsu on the ground brought her glee. Finally, some payback for all the whining she had to endure!
After they were okay again, they sat down with her and Tanjiro and asked them for help.
"I still can’t sustain Total Concentration Breathing all day unless I throw myself into it, but I bet you two can do it!", encouraged Tanjiro. He made some funny movements with his arms, which earned him a raised eyebrow from Yua. "You just go like this to make your lungs expand! When that rattles your blood, your bones and muscles will go “Boom, boom”, and you gotta stop it!"
Inosuke and Zenitsu looked at him depressed.
"All that’s left to do is train like crazy!"
More depression and vigorous headshakes.
Yua deadpanned at them.
"If you act like this I won't tell you my family exercises for the lungs and our secret trick to extend the lunge volume."
They had the gall to groan at her.
An angry mark formed on the midnight blue-haired girl head and she was ready to hit them both when she felt Tanjior taking one of her hands and Shinobu laying one of her hands on her shoulder and Tanjiro's.
Blushing she looked up at the Insect Hashira. She saw from the side that Tanjiro was blushing also.
In Yua's case, she was blushing because a handsome boy (okay, she admitted it finally) and a beautiful woman were touching her.
She never preferred one sex over another, so she felt all warm and tingly.
"Now, now.", tutted Shinobu. " We’re talking about a basic skill, or should I say a beginner skill, so why wouldn’t you be able to do it? But it’s also true that one must put great effort into mastering it, right?"
Shinobu then let go of Yua and Tanjiro to sit before Inosuke petting his shoulder.
"Well, why wouldn’t you be able to do it, though? I was sure it would be child’s play for you, Inosuke. Are you sure you can’t do it? Even though there’s no reason you can’t do it? It can’t be helped, then, if you can’t do it. Can’t be helped, can’t be helped."
That pissed Inosuke so off that he treated to rip off her breasts!
Yua made a face and thought to herself: not such an awesome pair! What a waste, that would be.
The Hashira then walked to Zenisto taking his hand. Already the blond started to turn an alarming shade of red and rattling like a teakettle.
"Please give it your all, Zenitsu! I’m your biggest cheerleader!"
He was now full teakettle mode and shouted a yes ma'am, while Yua deadpanned at him and Tanjiro was in disbelief.
Well, at least they joined the training.
As Yua did with Tanjiro she showed them her family breathing exercises and then it was time to sing.
Inosuke was hollering more than singing, but Zenitsu...Zenistsu!
For a second as Yua heard how lovely Zenitsu could sing, hitting all the notes right, after one-time listing, she could image some girl falling in love with him, if he sang to her.
Then she realized what she had thought and wanted to take a bath.
The rest of the day following the four Demon Slayers trained together, they all got stronger and better.
One day came to the two swordsmiths who had forged for Tanjiro and Inosuke Katanas and at dinner, Zenitsu and Yua listened to how they were nearly killed by the smiths because Tanjiro dared to destroy his blade and Inosuke changed his with a stone.
Finally, the day arrived when Tanjiro beat Kanao at training.
He celebrates his win with the four little girls, Yua claps for him, while Inosuke and Zenitsu decide to train even more.
Yua, herself noted, how strong she had become. For her, it was no problem anymore to beat Kanao.
The others couldn't catch her even if they tried.
She felt it in her gut.
She was at Hashira-Level.
It was... alright.
Strange...now that her goal of becoming a Hashira was closer than ever, Yua didn't feel as excited as she imagined when she started to train to become a Demon Slayer.
Maybe she was bitter from all the years she had to endure her grandfather's disappointment and the lack of recognition from the Corps.
Would they even let her rise to Hashira?
Uncle Noritaka had nearly become one, but it didn't mean it they would let her.
Somehow she had a feeling that her Uncle with his refusal to take the position destroyed any chance for his other family members to become one.
Or she was paranoid.
It was then that Kaguya flowed into the Butterfly Mansion with a letter from home for her.
Oh, that was fast and good.
After Tanjiro had talked with Shinobu and didn't get any new information on the Hinokami Kagura Dance, she wrote home to ask if someone could look it up in their archives.
Kaguya nuzzled her, while she read the letter.
Her father had answered her.
When she finished it, she signed.
She should have imagined it!
So she made her way out to the courtyard where the boys were still training.
"Hey guys!", she called and they turned to her. "Tanjiro remember how we talked about if there is something about the Hinokami Kagura Dance in my family archives? My father found something, but my grandfather didn't allow him to let the information out. So....wanna join me to go to my home?"
Next chapter we will get an original “Arc” so to say, we will get to know Yua family more and maybe some old fart will get a headbutt from our favourite red-haired Demon Slayer. :D
Until next time!
Nothing is True

… Everything is permitted.
What is real?
What is not?
Is she just turning crazy or are other powers at work?
One thing is clear Kohana will get to the bottom of this and maybe change the whole Ninja-World at the same time.
S.I. Third Shinobi World War

I thought long and heard what should be the next chapter.
I was unsure if I could write more original chapters since the secrets I wanted to reveal like where Carina/Sakuya Piece of Eden is come after Kannabi Bridge.
I thought of making a chapter about how Kohana gets her summons, but that would be a big revelation of a few things and it needs to happen after Kanabi Bridge.
So I thought let's just tackle that mission!
So enjoy Kannabi Bridge :D
Chapter 11: The Kannabi Bridge
Four years later...on the border to Kusagakura
"See Rin how simple it is?", said Kohana to her best friend, while the twirling orb of chakra rested on her right hand. "You completed already the three steps for the Rasegan, now it's just a matter of combining them."
The Medical-Nin locked frustrated at her own hand.
"I try Kohana-Chan, really do. Maybe Rasegan is not for me.", she signed.
"Now Rin.", joined Minato-Sensei the two girls. "Anyone gets Rasegan down at their own time, I needed four years to perfect it and Kohana bet me in completing it in two weeks."
This made Kohana blush and rub her neck.
"Only because I had Eagle-Vision to help me and I had you Minato-Sensei to tell me when I did something wrong."
Minato-Sensei tutted at her and gently patted her head.
"You have great talent Kohana, you didn't become Jonin for nothing."
"Thanks, Sensei."
She still felt it was too much praise since she didn't only have Eagle Vision and Minato-Sensei's help but also the visions of how his future son, Naruto would learn Rasegan.
It did feel a bit like cheating.
Even if she was now 13 years old, like her friends and team members, Kohana still had some Vision from the future. It wasn't as often as it was in the beginning, but they were still here.
And now the day she had feared the most had come.
The Kanabi Bridge Mission where Obito would sacrifice himself for their team and Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu would get him in their grappy hands, which would start a reaction that would leave all her team besides Kakashi and Obito dead and Minato and Kushina's unborn son Naruto on orphan and jailer of the Kyuubi.
Not gonna lie, Kohana was nearly pissing her pants.
Today would show if she could change the future.
Or was doomed to see this all unfold as her ancestor Haruno Sakuya did with the betrayal of her lover Uchiha Madara.
How she had trained for this day, become even a Jonin with Kakashi at the least Jonin-Exams in Konoha.
She hoped with all her heart that all the training and the new techniques she had learned would be enough.
That's when all heard someone fall on the ground hard.
They turned and saw Obito on the ground with Kakashi over him.
"Did I make it?!", asked the Uchiha breathless.
"No Obito you are late.", told him Kakashi with crossed arms. "Where did you think we would meet? As a true Ninja, you must follow the rules."
"Ah, whatever. I was on my way when an old lady asked me for directions. And I have something in my eye."
"Right, that's a lie!"
Rin and Kohana looked at each other and rolled their eyes. There they go again.
Thankful Minato-Sensei intervene.
"That's enough Kakashi. Obito just showed the old lady the way, right?"
"I also carried her bags!", added Obito and put his eye drobs in.
"You are too lenient, Sensei.", deadpanned the Hatake. "Besides it's impossible that Obito always meets people in need of help. Who doesn't follow the rules isn't worth being seen as Ninja. Isn't it so?"
This made Minato-Sensei laugh nervously, while Kohana handed Rin 5000 Ryo.
They both had a bet if Kakashi would today say his standard spiel of ruling obedient ninja. He had gotten into this habit after he and Kohana became Chuunin.
Next time Kohana would bet on it!
"Don't you have an ounce of goodness in your heart?", asked Obito, while he rubbed his eyes, at Kakashi. "You talk always about the rules. The main thing is your own self-control."
Before an argument broke out Rin pipped in: "Now stop it, both of you. We're all on the same team, right Kohana-Chan?"
The Haruno crossed her arms and kicked a hip out, which showed her black shorts from under her long split on both sides pink skirt.
"For me, you are both idiots right now. We have this discussion like any time we meet, it's getting old!"
"Kohana-Chan how could you betray me like that!", whined Obito.
"You're too easy on Obito, Rin-Chan.", said Kakashi to her, before he turned to Kohana. "We wouldn't have this discussion every time if Obito was punctually Kohana-San."
"What I'm saying, Rin-Chan!", waved Kohana at the two boys. "Idiots."
This made both idiots sweatdrop.
"Must this "Idiot" remind you that today is an important day for us, Kohana-San?"
Kakashi and Kohana stared at each other. In the end, the girl signed.
Well, it was true.
A while later they walked through the grasslands of Kusagakure.
Minato-Sensei told them full of pride: "As of today, Kakashi and Kohana are Jonin like me. And in order to increase our efficiency, we'll be splitting into two teams. After all, presently the Leaf Village is at an unprecedented low on military strength."
"Splitting up?", repeats Obito. "Then..."
"Yes, that's right. Kakashi will be captain of the four-man squad with Kohana, Obito and Rin. I will be working alone."
"Remember, we talked about this the other day, Obito...", reminded Rin. "About getting Kakashi-Kun and Kohana-Chan a gift."
Obito made a face but sent a smile to Kohana as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I remember doing something for Kohana-Chan, the other part I must have missed..."
"Sure, Obito-Kun.", chorused Kohana and Rin not believing it one bit.
Now it was time for the gifts, both new Jonin got from Minato-Sensei one of his Flying Thunder God Kunai.
They thanked him and Rin handed Kakashi a personalized special medkit, the boy gave his thanks.
The brunette handed Kohana a beautiful necklace with a mental red rose pendant.
Both missed the look of panic in Obito's face as Kohana gushed over her gift.
"My favourite flower, thank you Rin-Chan it's beautiful, I love you!"
"I love you more and you are welcome."
The best friends hugged each other tight and Rin gave her a kiss on the cheek, which made Kohana giggle and blush.
The cute moment was ruined as Kakashi held out his hand to Obito demanding his gift.
"W-What's with this hand?! I don't have anything to give you!"
"Whatever, but what a good friend are you not having one for your best friend."
Ashamed Obito looked at the sad-looking Kohana (and a murders-looking Rin, oh god he is going to get it, won't he?!) and felt the gift he had for her formally burning in his pocket.
But...after Rin's pretty gift...his seemed so blank.
The Uchiha bowed to Kohana.
"I'm so sorry, Kohana-Chan. I forgot your gift at home. When we will return to Konoha, I will give it to you.", he lied swiftly.
He so would buy her something new and trash his stupid little gift!
"It's okay Obito-Kun, you don't have to bow before me."
"It's probably for the best that we don't get anything from you.", mussed Kakashi. "It would be useless and would only get in the way."
Of course, this made Obito angry.
"I get why Kohana-Chan is a Jonin but how you became one I still can't figure out."
"You should talk."
"I'm Uchiha Obito of the Uchiha Clan! I'll surpass you someday! The minute my Sharingan awakens!"
"Everyone in the Uchiha Can be elite, right? So you shouldn't have to rely on something like that."
"Kohana-San beat me at the Jonin-Exams without her Kekkai Genkai after I blinded her temporarily. Only with her Fuin Jutsus and the Rasegan. You should take an example from her."
Having enough both girls stepped between the boys. Rin held Kakashi on the shoulders, while Kohana did the same with Obito.
"Stop it, you two!", begged Rin.
"Guys we have since a good four years being a team!", reminded Kohana. "Isn't it already time to let go of these stupid childish arguments?! We aren't only teammates but friends!"
Finally, Minato-Sensei intervened and led them to a flat boulder where he could explain their mission with the help of a map.
Talking and discussing it it seemed simple, yet no one knew that it wasn't the case. Mostly Kohana who was starting to get a bit of anxiety.
This was it.
Team Kakashi, must travel through Kusagakure in the midst of a conflict between Iwagakure and Konohagakure to destroy the Kannabi Bridge so as to stop Iwagakure from receiving their supplies, while Minato-Sensei would join the battlefront and kill as many ninjas he can. He would create a diversion for them.
With all discussed, they made their way to the border, before they would split up for their missions.
They walked through a forest with big-ass mushrooms, till Kakashi made them stop. Kohana wasn't far behind and activated her Eagle-Vision.
An Iwa-Nin hid in a tree, she could see the red of the enemy colour clearly.
Kohana made hidden hand-sings to tell her team where the ninja was hiding.
Minato-Sensei signed a good job to her and gave his team instructions on how to proceed.
Everyone nodded and got ready, the Iwa-Nin not the wiser.
After years of using and training them with Kushina-Nee, Kohana made a Shadow Clone in her place and replaced herself at the exact moment with a log.
The Iwa-Nin was so concreted at Kakashi and his new technique, that he didn't realize that Kohana knew where his true self was hiding before he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck and how a body landed on him.
Over him was kneeling a green-haired girl with swirling golden eyes behind a pair of glasses.
He coughed up blood as Kohana Hidden Blade sunk deeper into his throat.
With a last pathetic groan, he dies.
Kohana flicked her Hidden Blade back into the arm guard and got into a prayer position.
"Requiescat in Pace.", she mumbled to the corpse and joined up with her team.
No one seemed hurt.
From her visions, Kohana knows that Kakashi should have been wounded on the shoulder.
So she already changed the course of destiny.
"Good work Kohana-Chan.", praised her Minato-Sensei and gave her a head pat. "You killed the Iwa-Nin before he could do significant damage. Kakashi be thankful for Kohana, your Chidori you shouldn't use that jutsu anymore. From what I could see, your focal point concentrated attack undoubtedly has power and speed, but it makes you move too fast to ascertain the opponent's counterattack. It's still on imperfect jutsu. Before we split, I'll tell you one more thing. For a ninja, the most important thing is teamwork."
It was now night and Team Minato made camp under a big tree.
Rin and Kohana slept facing each other, Kakashi with his back to Rin, while Obito talked with Minato-Sensei about Kakashi and his stubbornness with the rules.
No one saw how Kohana was frowning in her sleep.
Where was she?
Kohana looked confused around in the darkness she was in.
What was going on?
A bit unsure she started to walk, standing around wouldn't solve this problem.
Then slowly she saw a little light before her.
She walked up to it, till she saw something really strange.
It was a DNA-Helix.
But not only one, there were three Helixes.
How could this be possible?
"What kind of fucked up dream is this?", mumbled Kohana to herself.
This only could be a dream, so why didn't she wake up?
"The calculation showed this to be one of the many times we would meet.", said an unknown female voice. "I'm glad it's this version. It shows that you changed a signification amount."
Scarred Kohana turned around and her mouth fell to the floor.
Before her was a young woman.
Probably in her late twenties.
She had long green hair.
Blue Eyes.
And was clothed in Miko robes.
What Kohana shocked the most, it was like she looked into a mirror that made her look older!
"The fuck?!", she cursed.
What was going on?
The older doppelganger smiled.
"Are you surprised? Can't you guess who I am?"
Frowning Kohana looked from the three DNA-Helixes to the Miko.
Could it be...?
"You are...Sakuya."
"Here in the Shinobi Nations I was.", told her Sakuya, before she twitched and looked different. Now a woman with short brunette hair and brown eyes was before her. She wore glasses, a simple white hoodie with red accents, some plain dark blue pants and brown boots. On both her arms were Hidden Blades! What was freacking she also looked like an older version of Kohana, if she had brown hair and eyes."But in my birthplace, I was Carina Auditore. Anyway, I'm your ancestor and so much more."
"What do you mean by that, Sakuya eh Carina-San?", asked Kohana totally confused.
Carina stepped towards her and pointed at the DNA-Helix.
"Do you know why we possess a third Helix? It's because long ago the Isu, the true enemy, mated with us humans and we hybrids came to be. That's why you can use Eagle-Vision. The blood of people who consider themselves gods ran in our veins."
"That doesn't really answer my question."
Carina laughed.
"No, it doesn't. Sadly we don't have much time, my Piece of Eden, Hermes Cross, can only do as much. I hope this meeting will help you to find out the truth. I can give you a clue. It's not a coincidence that we look the same. Good luck on your way little me, may you have more success in our mission than I did as Sakuya and oh, if you get together with Obito give him a good kiss for me."
With a laugh, Carina pushed her.
The ground under Kohana broke in and she descended into darkness...
"Kohana-Chan are you okay?", asked her the next morning Rin worried.
They had split up from Minato-Sensei and were following Kakashi to their mission destination.
Currently, they took a lunch break.
"It's okay.", grumbled Kohana, rubbing an eye. "I just had...a nightmare."
"What did you dream?", wanted Obito to know.
Well, she couldn't tell them the truth, now, could she?
What should she say?
Her mouth was faster than her brain.
"Food eat people!"
This earned her WTF-Looks from Obito and Rin and even a raised eyebrow from Kakashi.
Yeah, she had no idea how she came to say this, but something in her told her that it was a reference from Carina's world.
"Damn, that's terrific.", agreed Obito shuddering, staring at his Bento-Box like it was gonna eat him alive.
"It was just a dream, let's finish eating and then go on with the mission.", told Kakashi.
They all agreed with a Yes captain.
After lunch, Kohana knew they were now in the Bamboo Forest where Rin would get kidnapped.
Golden swirled her Eagle Vision in her eyes, looking out for the Iwa-Nins when they would attack.
Their stupid Camouflage Jutsu wouldn't work on her Kekkei Genkai.
She saw them before Kakashi gave them the signal to stop since he smelled them.
Kohana already made two Shadow Clones. One stayed with Rin, while she made a Rasegan and her second Clone added Wind Chakra to it.
"Wind Release: Rasenshuriken!", she shouted and trowed the Jutsu at the incoming Bamboos.
The Rasenshuriken shredder them and flow into the direction of one of the Iwa-Nin turning him into bloody shredds.
The Haruno send a silent thanks to the beborn Naruto. Thanks to the vision of him creating Rasenshuriken she got it down. When he was finally born into this world she would give the cute baby a lot of kisses.
"Rasegan!", she heard her other clone shout.
She saw how it attacked the Iwa-Nin who would have grasped Rin, that Iwa-Nin was no more too.
A loud sign left Kohana.
She had done it.
She had done it!
She had changed the future!
Rin was safe!
"Good reflexes, Kohana-San.", praised her Kakashi.
Obito and Rin agreed loudly with him.
"That new Rasegan was awesome! You need me to teach that!", begged Obito.
Feeling light and free since she hadn't in years the Haruno laughed goodhearted. "But first you have to learn normal Rasegan and Kagebushin before I can teach you it."
However, they celebrated too fast.
It was Rin who pointed out screaming: "I don't see the body of the big one!"
That's when Kohana felt how something hit her hard on her head.
As she fainted, the last she saw was Obito running up to her screaming her name.
Her head felt like it was split open like a coconut. Kohana groaned from the pain.
This headache was killing her.
"Ah our guest has woken up.", greeted her in the voice of the big Iwa-Nin.
The one she thought her clone had taken care of.
Damn it!
She was so fixed on saving Rin that she didn't think that someone else could become a prisoner!
And it had been her.
Under pain, she activates her Eagle Vision.
Okay besides the big guy, there was only another Iwa-Nin. If she was smart she could handle them.
"Now look at this, Aoki, the bitch who killed Kakko, has a Kekkei Genkai.", growled the big Iwa-Nin, gripping her by the ponytail, making her bite her lips.
She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of screaming.
This Aoki joined him. "I think I heard of it, Taiseki. It's from a new Clan Eagle Vision or something like that. Genjutsu is useless against her."
"So how should we get the information from her?"
"A good old torture session loses any tongue.", reminded Aoki with an evil grin.
Not gonna lie, Kohana was pissing herself, but she wouldn't give up.
She still had one trump card.
Slowly she started to rotate the chakra in her palms to destroy the robes that bonded her.
That's when they heard the sound of a clap.
The girl's heart beat faster. This was surely Obito and she bet Rin was with him.
This also meant Kakashi was turning up soon too.
She could turn this around for good!
"I'll take care of it.", said Taiseki. "In the meantime, lose the tongue of the bitch to get the information from her. But don't destroy her too much Tsuchikage-Sama would surely like having a new Kekkai Genkai for our village."
Aoki laughed and promised he would try.
The moment Taiseki left Aoki received a surprise, sadly not an enjoyable one.
"Rasegan!", shouted Kohana and thrilled her chakra sphere through his whole head.
It was disgusting.
Brain matter landed on her and she was bloody everywhere.
At least this time the enemy ninja was dead.
Slowly Kohana stood up and gripped her head.
All was spinning.
Not a second later she puked.
Did she have a concussion? It felt like it.
And using her chakra to free herself and then making a Rasegan didn't help at all.
"I-I have to move.", she mumbled, carefully walking towards the exit. "I-I need to get out of this Death Trap."
"Kohana-Chan!", shouted Rin's voice.
Blinking Kohana looked up and saw her three teammates.
Her best friend ran up to her and started to heal her right away.
"It's okay Kohana-Chan you are safe now!", cooed the brunette.
Obito and Kakashi joined them.
The Uchiha had his Sharingan Eyes and was crying.
"I'm so glad you are okay!", he told her, gripping her shoulder.
"Did you kill the other Iwa-Nin?", asked Kakashi wearing a bandage over his left eye. "You did good Kohana-Chan."
"Guys...", Kohana tried again.
Why didn't her mouth work with her right now!?
"Just a little more Kohana-Chan.", reassured Rin. "You have a heavy concussion."
"We need to get out NOW!", finally Kohana shouted.
With her Eagle Vision, she had seen the Fuin Jutsu marking on the cave. It was probably a failsafe if the Iwa-Nin lost to an enemy in their hide-out.
No one would leave this place alive.
The Fuin Jutsu marking became visible and the whole cave started to shake!
"Dammit! Everybody, let's get out of here!", commanded Kakashi.
The green-haired girl couldn't even look that fast as Obito picked her bridal style and ran after Kakashi and Rin towards the exit.
Oh Kami would they make it?
Would destiny change its course?

Aren't I evil?
This is probably the worst cliffhanger I ever made! :D
I am so proud of myself XD
I can't wait for you to throw tomatoes at me and hear your thoughts!
Until next time ;D

I'm not okay.
I think my worst nightmare, that Isekai'd as Chloe would be my Sherlock Holmes, is coming true.
No one cares for my other stories.
No comments, no votes, no reblogs, nothing of anything.
I had three nice people who commented on Nothing is True and suddenly only one remained.
Did the story take a bad turn? Did I made Kohana to OP? Will I ever get an answer for it?
Maiden of the Moon gets votes from a nice person on Wattpad and I have a Guest on Fanfiction.net. I hope he will still comment.
Did I make Yua too strong? Why won't tell me anybody what's wrong?
In Times like this, I just want to DELETE anything.
Mostly Isekai'd as Chloe.
This is the bane of my existence!
I wish I never published it.
So I would never know how it feels to have a successful story that gets comments, likes, votes, reblogs and so on.
You can't miss what you never experienced.
I'm really thinking about just leaving fandom behind and not writing anymore.
No one seems to care for the stories I'm telling.
I'm not okay.
I don't know if I will recover from this.
You may think I'm a whiny bitch, but I don't care.
My feelings are valid.
Any author has to right to get feedback.
But maybe I was just a one-hit wonder with Isekai'd as Chloe.
This is the worst feeling.
I wish I never wrote this story!
I'm done.
Until next time, maybe.
Don't wonder if I really delete anything.
Then this is a Goodbye.
Back again (A late Update)

Hi, my loves!
I'm really, really late with my announcement that I'm back from my summer break, I mean it's already November XD
I just started writing new stories again and forgot to make it XD
I have to take better care of this blog too.
So if you follow my main blog, you have seen that I started 3 Naruto FFs, 2 Final Fantasy 7, updated my Demon Slayer FF and finished To Belong and Cancelled Together, We Map the World and My War.
Yeah, I was productive.
Sadly not all my FFs have the success I wish.
For example, I really worked hard on my Final Fantasy 7 one, Anomaly, but the comments are not what I wish. -_-
To this day my most favourited, loved and commented FF is freacking Isekai'd as Chloe!
I ask how, how, this one and my others not?!
Writing is really a pain in the butt. :/
You plan other FFs out, try to be creative and new and some stupid idea you had at 3 a.m. is the boom.
I think I know how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle felt now.
Did you know he hated writing for Sherlock Holmes? After the success, he had with the first books he knew he never again would be successful with another book than with Holmes and that pissed him off.
That's why he killed him.
And then on demand of his fans made him alive again.
Isekai'd as Chloe is my Sherlock Holmes.
I can't say how much I hate this FF! I want to delete it and set fire to it because I have a feeling none of my other FFs will ever be as loved like Isekai'd as Chloe.
This makes me so angry.
Will I go down in fandom history with this Reader-Insert and my other fanworks will be just footnotes?
This makes me really sad.
And angry.
Stupid Isekai'd as Chloe!
Okay, enough with the whining I said my bit, I will just hope for the best.
So you probably wonder what the schedule will be.
Right now I want to concentrate on Nothing is True, since I have a nice person on Ao3 who always comments and makes me happy to write.
And on Maiden of the Moon, since I'm rewatching the anime Demon Slayer ^^
I got a nice new comment for it on fanfiction.net ^^
I can't repeat myself enough times COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT, if you want that story to get updated!
This was all for today, I think.
Until next time, my loves!
I may have found a Beta-Reader! We will see how it goes ^^
Beta-Reader Wanted!
Hi, my loves!
You probably read my Self-Doubt entrance.
A nice person comforted me and gave me a tip, which may help to make my writing better.
Since I have no friends and my real-life friends aren't in fandoms, I'm announcing here the search for a Beta-Reader!
If you are interested, send me a message!
If you can't please reblog this entrance till I find one!
Have a nice day/night!
I want to add that I need a Beta-Reader who is only often so we can talk and it would be great if you have Discord.
That's all my loves!