509 posts
Epictamis - Hyunckel's Glass Of Evil Juice - Tumblr Blog
for a hypothetical alternative apollo justice sequel taking place after aa4. are there any individual elements from dd and soj that you would pick and choose to keep?
phoenix helping edgeworth with cases overseas during the 7yg is something that comes up in dual destinies and i think that's really the only scrap i'd want to take from dd.
from soj... hmm. i have no idea if this is a controversial opinion or not but i actually really liked the divination seance as a gameplay mechanic. i would preserve that. i think it'd be fun to have it be something pearl or maya could do in court for you now that they're more experienced mediums.
that's really about it.
RIP Quentin Sun you would have loved dragonball
did you guys know we weren’t supposed to just be taking shit from the heavenly peach garden
New Epithet Erased short - Sell it To Me!
Featuring art from MasuPasu and audio from Game Changer S2E4
Okay so I'm an idiot. I thought sign of the 4 was the one where a guy gets saved by a bunch of Mormons and then sneaks out of Utah
I have not yet listened to today's episode of Sherlock and Co yet. If they portray Mormons inaccurately (I did not say in a bad light I did inaccurately), I will be on the news!
did you guys know we weren’t supposed to just be taking shit from the heavenly peach garden

i hate internet pop psychology


Part: ????
there are certain ways youtubers interact with their editors and it interests me so i, a sane person, made a list:
1. hey god can you do this please you have all the power here
2. do this and i might let you out of my basement
3. 'hey editor can you' its me im the editor ( said wearily in the same voice)
4. im sure you can do this. please. ill give you a piece of chocolate. friend.
5. the editor comments on the original video with a lil drawing of themselves and text
Relatable, a bop, and instructive of how to pronounce "boatswain"
Watch the full episode on Dropout

lesbian experience

this house makes me insane. before you meet lusamine, before you find out about the aether family, before you realize the themes of abuse present in the game, you come across a house. an abusive father and a runaway child. you continue across the game and probably don't give it a second thought. but should you remember this house and return to it after beating the game, you discover that the runaway boy is actually guzma, and suddenly everything about him gets recontextualized. guzma is the first victim of abuse we see in this game. he built up his "never been afraid of nothing or no one" persona as a defense mechanism. he beats other people down because it offers him the power he never had as a child. he hates himself because he always internalized he wasn't good enough. he gets suckered into following another abusive parent because, in his eyes, she's the first person to actually respect him as an equal. god it's so good.
Some guy in an avengers Tshirt I just met at a coffee shop: so who's your favorite superhero?
Me too exhausted to explain there's more than one Robin: Batman
Guy: oh! Did you watch the Joker movie? It was surprisingly good for a DC film haha
Me: yeah it was something
Guy: you know they really fucked up on Justice League, but I've got to say Wonder Woman was better than Captain Marvel. Like, we get it, "yay girl power." That's great but it was so over the top. It totally ostracized half of it's audience.
Me: wow really
Guy: yeah. You know, you seem pretty chill. Maybe we could hang out sometime and watch some decent superhero movies? You know, Marvel movies haha
Me: i never asked, who's your favorite hero?
Guy: Iron Man. Like Batman but richer and cooler haha
Me: you know, Batman's rule? No killing?
Guy: yeah?
Me: i have no such rule. Lindsey, I found another one. My usual, please
Lindsey, the barista: *hands me my sword*
Guy: wow that's a poor replica of the God Killer blade, it should have more- *beheaded*
Me: thank god that's over
Lindsey: yeah. Hey want to watch Birds of Prey with me sometime?
Me: oh? You mean like as... a date?
Her: well yeah... is that okay?
Me: of course it's okay! all this time, all these years, i never knew you felt that way
Her: i don't keep a replica of Wonder Woman's sword under the counter for just anyone
Me: i never thought about it that way
Her: *writes her number on the forehead of dead guy* text me ;)

this is the single saddest thing I’ve ever seen on cutthroat kitchen
After seeing the passion with which people defended the Jessie x Delia aka hanamusa ship, I am genuinely curious as to why people like it. I had my problem with it because I thought Jessie was underage, but I was vehemently corrected (thanks for the citations!). My second problem was the bad guy with a good guy dynamic. That one's a bit harder of a nut to crack. But people really, really seem to love this ship. It sparks my curiosity. It compels me.
So let's make it a fun challenge. This is not sarcasm or teasing. This is science.
Why do you like Jessie x Delia or Hanamusa? Why do you love it? Why does it work for you? Tell me! I want to know! In the name of science, I wish to know the secret behind the Jessie x Delia or Hanamusa ship!
@yamujiburo thoughts?
Reach me! Make me your brother!

Tim: Ugh I have to ice my stupid wrist, I sprained it the other day
Kon, tenderly taking Tim's hand in his own and blowing a gentle stream of his cold breath over the swollen joint: Better?
Tim, fighting back the intensely gay thoughts: Mhm!


I want to make caveman parodies a regular thing
Hamlet adaptation where Hamlet is a vlogger and all his soliloquies are breakdowns he uploads to YouTube
nice argument... unfortunately

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