erehsnumber1 - ”is beauty all that matters to you?”
”is beauty all that matters to you?”


70 posts

Thats So Hot

that’s so hot…

heyy idk if you do requests but if you do, can you PLEASE do plug!eren or plug!connie actually using or aiming his glock at someone 😩 n y/n gets so turned on

hello bb the answer to both your questions is yes!!! requests are always open but i might take a while to get to them <\3 btw idk why i make jean the villain in almost every eren fic i write i literally love him sm

this is 18+///cw include: black coded reader, drug usage, slight possessiveness, MAJOR GUN KINK, kinda cervix fucking, more bad writing

it was very rare for eren to use his glock ever. yes he was a dealer but he tried to keep the violence of that lifestyle out of his and your lives. your safety was his top priority and he’d be damned if you got hurt because of something that had to do with him, but of course the one time he had to use it you were with him witnessing everything.

everything was going perfect. the two of you were walking back from the park blazed and full from the sandwiches and other snacks you packed for your picnic. eren had his arm wrapped around your shoulders while yours was wrapped around his waist, your other hand swinging the small wicker basket you used to carry the food back and forth.

“aye eren!” you heard someone yell instantly feeling eren tense up. you looked to the side but eren kept you straight picking up his walking pace, “just keep walking” he spoke in a hushed tone pulling your body incredibly close to his. “what you ignoring me now jaeger? what’s the rush to get home?” you heard the person yell once again and now you were beginning to worry.

you’d never seen eren be so skittish before and it made the uneasy feeling in your stomach grow bigger by the second, increasing tenfold when you realized these people had no intentions of leaving you alone. “what do you want jean?” eren spoke in a monotone voice never once looking over or stopping his fast face. you nearly tripped over you feet when you heard eren say the persons name. eren was a very unproblematic man never being the one to entertain pointless arguments, but there was something about jean that made eren want to pop a cap in his every time he heard his voice.

“heard you were talking a lot a shit, there something you need to say to my face playboy?” eren could’ve easily handled this by pulling him out the car and beat his ass but he held himself back, fearing that this side you’ve never seen of him would be too much to handle. eren made a vow to himself one night after the two of you smoked —still friends and still getting acquainted— that he would never involve you in this life. the thought of any of the sketchy weirdos he’s met making you uncomfortable makes him homicidal to say the least.

“nothing that i already haven’t said to your face playboy now if you don’t mind i’m busy,” your heart was now beating incredibly fast and your mind was racing a mile a minute you hadn’t even noticed the bruising grip eren now had on your arm. jean kissed his teeth looking you up and down, “oh i see…this your bitch here? why don’t you send her my way when you’re done i like em’ thick too.” eren stopped dead in this tracks whipping your body behind him as he turned toward jeans car and that’s when you felt it. the glock 43 you thought he usually kept in his glove box or safe tucked behind his back.

“fuck did you say?” eren asked his voice dropping two octaves. at this point all he could see was red. it was one thing to roll up on a man and his woman but it was a whole other thing to lust after her and call her a bitch right in front of his face.

“i said send your bitch my way when you’re done.”

it all happened so fast. one minute to you holding onto eren for dear life, the next you were pushed away eren now holding the glock right in jeans face. it was a clean shot right between the eyes. now of course eren knew better knowing jean wasn’t even worth the murder charge, but jean didn’t know that. “woah woah- hey i was just playin’ eren!” the smirk jean was once sporting now gone and replaced with a look of pure fear. “i tried giving you a chance to leave but you never know when to quit to do you?” eren chuckled dryly his index finger resting lightly on the trigger.

jean didn’t even get a chance to respond before eren told him to get the fuck on leaving an obnoxious tire screech behind him. the ringing in his ears had stopped his attention now solely focused on making sure you were okay. eren tucked the glock away once more turning to you, “i’m sorry i did that he just gets on my nerves so fucking bad and then him calling you a bitch just-“ he was cut off by you bringing him in for a soul searing kiss. “it’s okay eren really, thank you for sticking up for me” you gave him another kiss lightly sucking on his bottom lip.

eren chuckled grabbing you lightly by your jaw, “don’t tell me that shit got you in the mood” he asked in a teasing tone running his thumb over your lips. “maybe just a little” you giggled pressing a small kiss to his thumb before taking it into your mouth lightly sucking. “oh really? let’s get you home then i’ll take care of you ma.”

not even 20 minutes later eren had you bent over on the couch in his apartment moaning and whining like a bitch in heat. “erennn” you whimpered bringing a hand back to push against his pelvis but eren just smacked your hand away with his free hand while the other held blunt. after the jean situation eren needed to regroup and what better way to do that than pussy and a blunt???

he glanced at the glock that sat on the coffee table a sadistic smirk gracing his kiss swollen lips. eren grabbed you by your throat pushing your body flush against his chest, “hold this for me will you?” he asked setting the blunt between your lips. suddenly you felt something hard and cold press against the side of your head and you immediately knew what it was. “oh shit you like that huh? felt you get real tight around me,” he grunted snatching the blunt from your trembling lips. “y-yes i love it” you sighed dreamily moving your hips to meet his shallow thrusts.

eren set the blunt in a nearby ashtray before wrapping his hand around your throat while the hand holding the glock pressed it harder against your head. “god what do you think people would say if they found out you get turned on watching me threaten people with this? or how you’re on the verge of cumming just from me holding it to your fucking head huh?” you didn’t even have an answer to his question not because you were too embarrassed to answer, but because the combination of his tip brushing against your cervix, the glock against your head, and his rough grip on your neck left you a brainless drooling mess.

you were slightly brought back into reality when you felt the cool metal of the glock press against your lips, immediately opening your mouth to let him slide it in. “i know how much you like when i do this so go ‘head baby suck it like it’s my dick,” eren chuckled darkly nibbling on the lobe of your ear. your knees were becoming terribly weak and if it wasn’t for eren holding you up by your neck you would’ve fallen fast first into the couch cushions.

four orgasms later eren had finally let up giving you a break before he started the next round. he was now on his back while you sat on his dick, a blunt being passed between the two of you. “suck it one more time f’me wanna get this shit on camera,” he giggled taking a hit of the blunt while his other hand held his phone. “okay okay since you asked so nicely,” you happily grabbed the glock once more licking it from the bottom of the barrel to the top suckling on the tip of it like you would his cock.

eren zoomed in on the way your plush lips sucked on the glock, swirling your tongue around it extra slowly making his dick twitch. you let go of the barrel with a lewd pop noise before setting it aside once more a bashful smile making its way onto your face.

“man i fucking love you y/n.”

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More Posts from Erehsnumber1

1 year ago

in my joe era😋😫!!

"You Like That One Huh?" // Joe Burrow x Reader

"You Like That One Huh?" // Joe Burrow X Reader

18+ Minors DNI

Summary: While watching one of Joe’s post-game interviews you can’t help but get excited, he knows when he gets home and treats you.

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: NFL Joe, dom Joe, horny joe, horny you, cunnilingus, unedited work


You sat patiently waiting for Joe to return home, the post-game interview was playing loudly through your shared house. You listened as you chopped various mixed vegetables to grill for his dinner. You couldn’t tell anyone's voice apart but Joe’s, his voice making you miss him even more. You loved the game day when you could attend, but were saddened when you couldn’t. You couldn’t wait until joe returned, you’d eat dinner, watch interviews and such about the game while he rubbed your feet. He was the most generous partner ever.

“You like that one?” you heard Joe’s voice from the TV, snapping you out of your thoughts, but quickly you were put back in. Joe always said things like that when he would eat you out, in between heavy breaths. The images running through your head made your stomach light and your legs weak. You tried to stop them, Joe would be too tired for sex tonight. 

To no avail, you ended up in your bedroom, on top of the sheets, touching yourself, replaying images and his voice in your head. 

You were reaching your climax, so close to tipping over the edge, eyes squeezed shut in euphoria just when the door unlocked. You shot out of bed, pulling your pants up, you hurried out into the kitchen, busying yourself with the vegetables. 

“Hi baby,” Joe turned the corner, dropping his duffle. His face lit up, shining his pearly whites at you. 

“Hi,” You smiled back, walking over to plant a kiss on your cheek, “go shower, and dinner will be ready,” you ran your hand down his arm. He sent you a puzzled look as he left the room.

You set the table waiting, he walked out his casual clothes in their usual mismatched but somehow stylish order. 

“Are you okay today?” were his first words as he sat at the table.

“Yeah, why do you ask?” “You didn’t do your usual greeting,” He frowned as he took a bite. Your usual greeting, running to him at the front door, jumping into his arms, and giving him the sloppiest kiss on the cheek. You’d done this every single game, whether you went or not. 

“Oh, I was just busy with dinner I guess,” You lied, not convincingly, it was a pathetic excuse and even you knew it.

“No, what's really wrong?” he raised one eyebrow at you. How could you possibly tell him that just his voice turned you on? Such weakness would be used against you lovingly in the future. 

“No really, just dinner,” you couldn’t meet his eyes. He stared you down from across the table. His gaze makes your cheeks feel hot, “okay fine I was in the bedroom doing something, and I lost track of time.”

“The bedroom?” his eyes turned intense as he took a sip of water. You simply hummed in response, “what could you have been doing in the bedroom?” He knew, but wanted to make you squirm, “No were you?” His eyes widened for show, teasing you. 

“Joe,” one simple word and he was out of his seat walking towards you. 

“What was it?” he was asking what made you so horny, you didn’t want to wait anymore. After one ruined orgasm you couldn’t wait one more second.

“Your post-game interview,” you looked down submissively. He tilted your head up by your chin.

“Mhm what part?” he ran his hand down your cheek.

“The part when you said you like that one?” you looked into his eyes. He smirked before crouching down to meet your face. He got close, brushing his lips past yours. He motioned for you to stand and you did so. 

He lifted you, wrapping your legs around his torso, you leaned in for a kiss but he simply tsked. He knew what he was doing now, and he knew exactly why that phrase turned you on so much. He set you so you were sitting on the table, pushing your plate off to the side, it clattered on the ground, food spilling onto the floor. His eyes didn’t leave you. 

“Let's find out which one you like?’ he lets his finger trace your thigh through your pants.  He reached the waist and pulled them down, your panties were soaked, slowly slipping them off then twirling them on his finger and flinging them. You watched intently as he kneeled, his face inching closer to your heat. 

His nose connected with your inner thigh, your breath hitching. His arms wrapped around your legs pushing them apart. You pushed your body forward, his mouth finally making contact. You let out a whimper as he placed a kiss on your clit, and then another. Then he was sucking, the suction making you feel ecstatic. His finger came up, playing with your slit, never entering. 

“Do you like this?” his breath made your hips buck. You moaned in response.

He pushed his tongue inside you, twirling it around, letting it drive you crazy. Your hands grabbed onto his hair, holding for support. 

“Mhm, you like this one better?” The vibrations of his voice were thrilling, it felt like electricity shot through your body. He pushed a finger inside, his mouth working on your clit. He pumped his fingers in and out, making a wave motion hitting your g-spot repeatedly. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, he began to flick his tongue over your clit. You moaned, pulling his blonde hair hard. You squeezed your eyes shut, the euphoric feeling from earlier returning.

“Joe!” you yelled out.

“Oh, you like that one huh?” You felt yourself release the second his mouth met your clit again. His arms held your legs open, not a fair fight in the slightest. You felt your body tense and relax and tense and relax. 

“Yes!” you answered his question, your voice shaking, “oh my god, yes” he removed his finger slowly, your walls tensing around them. He backed away, his body forcing itself against you, your legs staying open. Your cunt so sensitive even the cool air made you jump. He placed a long sweet kiss on your lips, pulling you into a hug, and rubbing your bad.

“I like that one too,” he said softly into your ear, you knew he was smiling.


I really really like this one...lmk what you guys think <333

Check out my other works HERE

7 months ago
Some Recent Works
Some Recent Works

some recent works

1 year ago

i have no words 😶…

Can’t stop thinkin bout how big your stepbrother eren’s dick is.

You didn’t mean to see it, it just happened. You had just come home from work and his door was cracked, you peaked your head in, expecting to see him scrolling on his phone or playing video games…

Instead eren laid shirtless on his bed, you watch with wide eyes as he moves his hand up and down, softly stroking his massive length.

His muscles flex, dick twitching in his hand as he inches closer and closer to his release.

A quiet gasp leaves your lips when eren moans out your name, “fuck y/n… just like that” he groans out as he picks up his pace. He cums all over his chest soon after with a final call of your name.

You quickly run towards your room, cheeks on fire and an uncomfortable stickiness coats your thighs.

Your quick to stuff your fingers in your cunt, biting down on your fist to stop yourself from moaning out eren’s name.

It’s been two days since what happened and you’ve been discreetly avoiding him, you think you’re doing a good job, claiming to be hanging out with friends or off studying somewhere.

But eren noticed, how could he not when the two of you went from hanging out together all the time to barely being in the same room for more than an hour.

He’s decided he had enough of your avoiding him.

So when both of your parents are at work the next day he pushes the door to your bedroom open, not bothering to knock.

“Eren?! You can’t just come in here without knocking!” You scold him.

“Why have you been avoiding me?” He asks, arms crossed over his chest.

Your mouth opens, then closes again “what?” You ask 

“You heard me, you’ve been avoiding me for days now and I want to know why”

“It’s nothing, now leave… please” you say, standing from your bed and pushing eren in the direction of the door.

Eren takes your wrist in his hands, holding them between the two of you, staring into your eyes.

You’re not even aware that you’re leaning in until your lips meet eren’s, you quickly pull away, eyes wide, apologizes quickly falling from your lips.

Eren takes your face in your hand, your mouth snap’s shut. He brings his lips down to yours, kissing you with everything he has to offer.

“Fuck, I’ve wanted to do that for so long” eren breathes out as the two of you part for air, before he’s going back in for another one.

You whimper against his lips, squeezing your thighs tightly together, feeling that familiar ache in your core. “Wan’ you ren” 

“Yeah? Want your big brother to make you feel good?” 

“Mmm” you whine out, “yeah, wanna sit on your dick”

Eren pushes you down to sit on the bed, pulling your shirt over your head and letting it fall to the floor. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before he sucks it into his mouth.

He kisses his way down your chest, as his fingers tug at the waistband of your shorts, pushing them down your thighs and letting them pool at your feet. You quickly kick them off, letting them fall to the ground.

“Turn around, on your hands and knees, now” Eren watches as you change your position, ass facing him and his mouth waters as he takes in the sight of your slick puffy folds. He runs fingers through your folds, collecting your slick on his long digits before he brings them up to your mouth.

You part your lips, letting his fingers slip into your mouth as you suck your arousal off of them, moaning when the sweet slick coats your tongue.

“How’s it taste?” He asks, but instead of waiting for an answer he decides to go in for his own taste. He’s a goner from the very first swipe of his tongue through your folds.

Your hands reach behind you, instantly find his long hair, tugging at the roots as eren takes your sensitive clit into his mouth and sucks harshly, his nose poking at your entrance. 

“Eren!” You cry out when he pushes two of his fingers through your slick walls, quickly fucking then in and out of you as your clench around them.

Eren pulls away just as your about to cum, whining loudly as your orgasm is ripped away from you.

Your head turns to eren, ready to yell at him for not letting you cum but then you see him pushing his pants down his legs, thick cock slapping against his stomach.

He swipes his dick through your folds, letting your slick coat his length before he’s pushing the tip past your entrance and through your velvety walls.

“Fuck baby, you’re so tight” he grunts out when he finally pushes the last few inches through your walls, he’s so deep you see a bulge forming in your belly.

Eren presses down softly on the bulge, cooing softly as whines fall from your lips. “Take it like a good girl” he tells you when tears start to fall down your face, the pleasure getting to be too much.

“too much ‘ren” you cry out as he brings his around and rubs your clit. Your orgasm hits you like a truck, forcing your forward, arms no longer able to hold you up.

He continues to fuck deeply into you, tip brushing against that spot that has you moaning loudly, walls clenching around him as you cum, hard.

Eren didn’t think it was possible for you to get wetter than you already were, but soon your gushing around him, a white ring coats his dick as he fucks it back into you.

Eren’s coming moments later, cum painting your walls as you groan from the overstimulation.

“Oh and y/n” he waits until your attention is on him when he finally gets up and heads to his own room, your parents will be back soon and the last thing either of you want is for them to walk in on the two of you naked. “Next time you catch me jerking off, all you gotta do is come in” 

ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ

comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!

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1 year ago

ouuuu yesss!!

backshots with eren are absolutely lethal. like, just imagine.

your head is completely buried into the pillow. eren has your back arched real good for him, one hand on your back to keep it that way. you huff out a moan which each of his thrusts, your slick painting his cock and slowly dripping down your thighs as he’s working your third orgasm. you lean yourself forward in an attempt to give yourself mercy, only for him pull you back all the way on his dick. any time you raise a hand to push him back or brace yourself, he slams it back down and tightens his grip on you. it’s all so dirty.

“fuck ren- i can’t- fuckkk…”

“uh uh, stop running. take this dick.”

he takes a hand and slaps your ass, adding to his collection of red/dark purple marks he’s created. you can barely hold yourself up and as bad as you wanna tap out, he just feels so good.

“s-so good…’s too much.”

and he wouldn’t stop anyway, the lewd sounds of your cunt squelching with every thrust and the view of your ass moving back against him is sending him to heaven. not only that, he knows you love this almost as much as he does.

“throw that ass back. yeah, just like that. my good little girl.”

no matter how rough he was you did what you were told and you took him so well, you really are such a good girl for him. your ass was slamming against him as you took every inch of him, you slurring your words and moaning out for him like a prayer.

“s-so wet..y’ make me so wet..”

and oh, he knows. no matter how much you joke around or are too embarrassed to admit it, eren goes to sleep at night knowing no one could ever have you screaming like this, only he knows how to have you soaked in a matter of seconds.

© rumisgf

9 months ago


No Lube, No Protection, All Night, All Day, From The Kitchen Floor, To The Toilet Seat, From The Dining

no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor, to the toilet seat, from the dining room table, to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink, to the shower, from the front porch, to the balcony, vertically horizontally, quadratic, exponent, algorithmetic, while I gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, forward, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in a car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back aching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw-dropping, hair pulling teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, over stimulating, vile, sloppy, moan-inducing, heart-wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, blackhole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark-worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcanic erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, hip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail snatching, spectacular, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, malforming, heavenly, devil's tango. please.